PXGE THREE" 3P F. IS Women Golfers Sail for Europe SHAPES UP WELL BACK WITH BACON NOT HOW CHEAP Plates for 150 Persons Will be Laid Big Boosters and Little Boosters Will all Boost for Harder Boosting Boosters. Local Boxer Puts it ail Over Rose " ;. burg Boy in 10 Round Bout- BUT HOW GOOD! Science Wins Against Brawn No Decision Could be Given. MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1911. SPRING UNDP OWN .H X The spring roundup of tho Medford Commercial club tot bo hold on Wednes day of this week, May 17, so far at hoard from, will bo a rouslnR success, Tho committee lias nil tho arruuKemonts perfected, nnd n. Kood time Is looked for. Plates for 160 persons will bo laid, but In case of an overflow, tho committee ).as provided to servo all who come. The iniijotlty of tho outside speakers have been heard from advising that they will bo there, as well as the speakers from tho city. Slnco tho admission will bo, by card, there will o no cntmnco feo other than a broad smile and Kood cheer. Tho commltto desires to havo each mem ber procure their lltkets for themselves and for distributing to ono or two guests Invited by them. Tho committee was careful In Insist IntrUhat everything sOrved.ou that occa sion will bo as near as posslblo prod ucts of southern OreRon. Tho motto for tho evening will do "Patronaso or home production." Members should not fall to set their tickets, which can be had at tho office of tho Commercial club. WINS 510,000 ' MUSIC PRIZE Metropolitan Opera Company Awards Bonus for New Opera to Horatio W. Parker and Bryan Hooker Opera Name . MB v K -?.!-. ;1 VBssssssKSE 4 F it iMliTrf iW Jbrt f "wVM SbbbbbbbbK v4 t Wssstjt-s-ss-. tpo-. iIHimhEjJ!m. y faltf v,i jf t jWpk "ViS-iss-st v mrsbbbbbbbbbbb-I IkLH v 'ft RfrwHLWHliiiBiiGiiEiHLHltt Ibbbbbbbbbbbb .o f t bBbbbbbbbbIbbh HPHm v A m w S Ixv ij, v9HH9BHrViVHulKjJBBBrBB' v lw jVBsbbbbbbbbbbbb! r-Li"M!rTr v 'bbbbbNbbbbbH-bbbbbbS"( M &t WV "ibbbKS v BBBa-flBsS3iBB-3j-BBBBBBW jJe n f h b Km iJ;'S ?F-'' y'-BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBBBBf!3BBiBMl if-Pi s. d9p i 'Vjs t iliK 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbkj-b- &j1Mm9BbbbbL-j-b- "" . . . .; ' - HISSES DOROTHY CArtPi,EliL frjQKEHCE HARV-Ti AtlD ErPlE C NrSHn The largest company of women golfers that has left this country nt one tlu.o to try their luck In the championship tournaments abroad Is at present heading for the other side on board tho Caledonia. In the party uro two Amer ican women, Miss Louise Klklns and Miss Mary C. Kownes, both of tho Oak mont dolf club, of Pittsburg, Pa. The others are Miss Florence Harvey, Miss Effle C. Nesblt nnd Miss Dorothy Campbell. Miss Campbell, holder of tho wo men's golf championship of the United States, Is a Hootch girl, now it Canadian by adoption, and won tho championship ot flfCut Britain, but lost It last year by default. Miss Nesblt and Miss ILirvny urn Canadians by birth. Mis HlkliiB won the championship of the south last year from Miss 1'ownes. The Grace of a Happy Death Kranklo Edwnrdds, local boxer, fought Tommy Claffney, of Itoseburg to a draw dlclslou in n ten-round fight nt Rose burg Friday night. Those who saw the fight say that Kdwards should have been nwnrded tho decision, as ho had tho lloseburg scrapper on tho run most of tho tlmo nnd In the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth rounds had tho ndvnu tngo and drovo daffney all over the ring. IMwurds finished strong and had his opponent winded towards tho last of tho fight nnd would linvo gained tho decision by tho knockout route If the fight had lasted n round or two longer. Kdwards H tho mnnnger of tho Nnta torlum Aathletto club and Is training some of tho local hoys so that they can handle themsolves In a case of neces sity as well as gutting them Into good physical condition. H. T. Van Do Car nnd James n. Kolly, both of this city, who witnessed the bout, Bay Kdwards was way to tho good. Contests Sscape. . a resident of Medford. Oro.. died ,thVf r"a vf ett ' Vftr'' ho early ago of twenty-five years,, ft1'1 f ,e Ip,-l0,T1 1""' ,'" w,l,c,,,, tho news of his death will bring! PU ",on. t,R, nlncl,, ' sraco Hint ffMP Mvrf I NEW YOniC, May 13. Professor Hor atio W. Parker, of New Haven, Conn., composer, nnd Mr. Uryan Hooker, of Farmlngton, Conn.. Ubrottlst, have won tho $10,000 prUo of fered by directors of tho Metropolitan Opera Company for tho best opera In English Written by Americans. The name of tho opera is "Mona", nnd the subject Is tho war fare of tho Druids and tho HoipiuiH ,ln Britain. Professor Parker expects to leavo In a short tlmo for an cxtenslvp tour of the Pacific Coast, .visiting Los Angeles, Sap Frdiiclsco, Portland and Scat tie. &?& ., ' !v IJbbbbB I mm SS35fSi BEFOHT MADE OK IRKICJATION WASHINGTON, May 13. A graphic statement of tho vast extent of tho gov ernment's Irrigation projects and tho suc cess that attends their operation wax made today by C J. Hlanchard, statisti cian of tho reclamation service, who has returned from a tour of inspection, "At tho present time thero aro 28 pro jects in various stages of construction," said Hlanchard. "Tho total acreago in volved In these, projects Is 3,200,000 whtch will provide homes for approxi mately 320,000 persons on farms, and an equal number In cities, towns, nnd vil lages within this area or In tho neigh borhood thereof, or a totul of 010,000 people. The total area now under water Is 1,000,000 nctes, on which havo been entubllshed approximately 14,000 fami lies and an equal number havo taken up their homes In tho cities, towns mid vil lages. "The progress of tho engineers hns been rnpld, notwithstanding Isolated lo cation of tho principal nnglneerlng works from transportation and the many diffi culties which havo been encountered In tho promotion of tho work, Up to the present time tho canal systems con structed havo a total length of G6.1 miles. Muny of these canals carry whole rivers. Plucod end to end they would reach from Now York City to San Francisco and back to New Orleans. Tunnels having u total length of 16 miles havo been excavated, mostly through mountains. Tho excavation of rock und earth amount to tho enormous total of GC.000,000 cubic yards, or more than one-third of tho yardage required for tho Panama canal. Owing to tho lo cation of somo of tho principal works In regions heretofore Inaccessible, tho reclamation servlco has been compelled to construct B75 miles of wagon roads. Somo of which aro in tho most rugged country on this continent. The service has In operation 1508 miles of telephones, 27B miles of transmission lines, and Is furnishing power and light for municipal and manufacturing uses to seven cities and towns from Its own power plants. Tho Tidings" a publication Issuod'by I the Catholic Churches of Los Angeles has tho following to say regarding tho death of Jock Loar of this city: Last Sunday morning, April 23rd, on tho feast of St. George, Martyr, at tho California Hospital In this city, Jack Loar, at tho and sorrow to tho hearts of a wldo circle of friends. In his homo city und else where, who loved him for his honesty und uprightness of character nnd the genuine beauty of his mind and soul. Dut back of the simple announcement of his death, lies the story of a mar velous manifestation of tho grace of God poured Into a precious soul at the hour of death. Up to about five months ago "Jack," as he was affectionately known to his friends, had lieen In robust health and was a slih'ntrid alle.tic type, physically, When his' health began to fall thtough some Insidious dlsensc, which seemed to Indicate tubercular trouble. He sought tho milder cllnmte at Needles, and took treatment for a few months, but not galpltig the desired results, came to Los Apgcles In February, and entered tho California Hospital, where his di sease was finally diagnosed us that peculiarly" baffling nnd futal ailment known as "Kuynnud's Disease," which was carefully studied by at least a dozen of the mos,t skillful physicians In this city. Huviiig his attention called to tho seriousness of his cusc, his mind turned towards tho Journey ho was sooq to tako and ho set about making due preparation for It. Naturally ho sought some authorized guldo for tho soul, and nsked that u priest of the Holy Catholic church be sent to him. "Jack jiover had professed any religion, but his life (uid oeen clean and upright nnd Uod guvo him tho gift of faith and tho graco of a true conversion us a lowurd of merit, although at tho tlmo of his reception Into the church he said very humbly that while ho never had done anything especially wrong, neither had ho done anything very good, but that If ho only could bring others Into the true fold ho should feel that ho had not lived In vuln.t Under tho ministrations of ltev. I' H. McDonnell. C M., of St. Vincent's, he lecelved the Sacrament of lluptlsm about two weeks befoio his death, and during tho last day of his suffering ho found a consolation nnd a comfort beyond all expression In the faith that hud como to lighten the gloom of deuth. Tho sweetness of his diameter shono forth most beautifully , In tho slmplo sincerity with which ho accepted tho teachings of our holy religion, nnd tho Cheerfulness with which ho bore his cross of suffering. "Oh, that I might bo nailed to tho cross with Christ," he frequently exclaimed, and his resigna tion to tho will of God was an Insplru-; tlon to his loved xmes wutchlug beside' Ills death bed Fortified with tho last Sacraments, ho was given tho graco of a Jiappy death, und his fumral was held from St Vincent's church last Tuesday morning, with High Ilequlem Loses Weight Alass, ut which Father McDonald, C. M was tlio celobrunt. The floral offerings from friends were profuse and beauti ful, tho casket being completely hidden by them. Boforo giving tho lost absolu tion. Father McDonald spoko a few words of consolation to tho bereavod wife and to tho sorrowing mother nnd RKATTLK, May 13. Claiming to have a will Rlgucd by his wife threo days before her death, leuvlng all her property- to him, Iteglnald C. Boss, Is con testing u provlous will leaving an es tate of over $1CO,000 to his four year old daughter. Boss was divorced by his wlfo last July, but ho won her back within six weeks und they wero remurrled. In tlje meantime Mrs. Boss will had been drawn cutting her husband off. Bepro sentuttves of tho daughter will claim that the will held by Boss was signed by Mrs. Boss when sho was unconscious. had como to this beloved soul to strengthen him In tho hour of his great est trlul and agony, and to prepaio him for that life eternal beyond tho grave. Interment was In Calvary Cemetery. May his soul rest In eternal peace nnd may tho perpetual light of God's love shtuo upon him. MIKE LTBOn REINSTATED FENDING TXNA ACTION TACOMA, -Wash.,' May 13. Suspended for tho halunce of tho- season for strik ing Umpire Jnok Ward during n gumo at Vancouver recently, Mlko Lynch, munager of tho Tncoma club of the Northwestern league has been reinstat ed by Prosldunt Lindsay pending final action by tho lenguo directors who will meet nt Seattle Monday to consider tho case. As It Is hardly probablo that the dlrectois will vote to rtgaln suspend Lynch after his temporary reinstate ment It ytho prwsldorit, It is believed that his restoration to tho game Is virtually permanent. Following tho assult by Lynch, Um pire Wnrd sent his resignation to Presi dent Lindsay and was succeeded by Amos Busle, tho old tlmo National lea guo pitcher. Hasklns fot Health. Prisoners Nearly Escape. SEATTLE, May 13. With only ono bar remaining to bo sawed before 12C prisoners might bo liberated, four des perate prisoners In tho county Jail wero foiled in their ntteinpt through u tip re ceived by Shorlff Hodgo. In n shake down, four slender saws, spirit lump, brass blow pipe und hulf a pint of al cohol, wero discovered, and It Is said other Instruments uro yet to bo found. Four men hud worked six nights and tho delivery was to havo been effected last night when friends wero to pass revol vers In and two Jailers wero to bo overpowered.' BErORM LAWS IN EFFECT IN STATE OF CALIFORNIA SACBAMKNTO. Cal., May 13. A bill providing for tho- Initiative, referendum nnd recall for ull Cnllfornia municipal ities, which was passed; 'by tho stato leg islature nnd approved w Governor John son, becomes cffeqtlvo.todny. Tho measures provldo for recall oloc tlon for ele-otlvo mtiulclpnl officers nftor they have hold offlerfjifour months or more, on petition or 1$ per cent of tlia voters of tho city. Tho officer against whom tho recall Is dhected Is mado n candidate for ro-olccllou. Municipal legislation may bo Initiated on petition of 25 per cont of tho voters. Unless tho city council passes tho pro posed legislation it shall be submitted at a special election within 30 days. I tho petition carries, signatures of only 10 per cent of tho voters on tho pro posed law shall bo submitted at tho next regular election unless passed by the council In tho meantime. Telephone Poles PILING POLES, and Tolephono Polos furnished at very reasonable prices. Ad dress C.W. Bigham TALENT, OR. bbbebbbbPMIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI ISassssf Vassssfl BSBBBBBBBBBBBBBsi V- HH SSBBBBBBBBBBBBBsV ft SM KE.atSSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBsLSsBBBBBkiH tl i m . . an m r rriw Ant! fat producers hae been trlng for yeara to reach Clyde Kngle, but tho handy man of the Bed Sox haa a treat ment or his own. Ills eurly season apcod is a testimonial Hasklns for Health. i Second hand Remington Typewriter For Sale. Little Used. Wide Carriage Medford Book Store A Hotel That Is Different ASHLAND, OREGON offers more attractions for the tourist than any city in Southern Oregon. The New Coluinhia Hotel at Ashland is unexeeled for excellence of furnishings. Compares favorably with the'best hotels of Portland oi' Sun Francisco for modern convenience and com fort. Steam heat and hot and eold water in every room. TCooms with private bath. Single or en suite. Hotel auto meets trains. European plan. For res ervations address or apply to The Columbia Hotel Mrs. E. G-. Hadley, Prop. Enders Block, Ashland, Or If You Think You're Down - And out, it will not be long before you will be thinking about right. THE ONLY DIFFERENCE between prosperity and panic is in the think for there is just as much money one time as another. All that is necessary to build up the busi ness of. this city, to a record-breaking mark is to think that we (tan do it and THEN ALL BOOST. Hang Out an Electric Sign and start business by not sending it out of town to places where it can see to count its change. ELECTRIC ADVERTISING t BUILDS BUSINESS Rogue River Electric t Company i i,lft Iran The better 3rour clothes, the long er they'll wear, tho better they'll look, and the better you'll feel in them and about your appear ance. You can buy cheap clothes most any time, most any place at any old price. But good clothes ab solutely safe in stylo and tailor ing are found only in a few places. This store is one of those few. You can get a cheap suit if you want to but not here. We've cut out the trash and sell only re liable well-made clothes. Just s.top in some day and ask to sec the SOCIETY BRAND and Washington Clothes' It pays us to show this kind of clothes. We get more money for better clothes. Our customers 1 come back to us. You can't buy bettor clothes anywhere. You can't get a better fit anywhere. So you better come in soon. Prices $10 along to $40 Sol(l exclusively by ' The Toggery IMtsll llTL. V Cf7rU19I0AlfrtJDnWr6CoK& (OF COURSE) l -1-4 '. i! Any Old Time Will Do Well, maybe it will if you are referring to your finish, but if you apply this maxim to getting business, you're wrong iy boy, you're wrong. Hang Out an Electric Sign There is no time like the present. Tho past is gone and is valuable only for what you can learn from it. But today is yours; make it count for something. ELECTRIC ADVERTISING IS GOOD ADVERTISING Rogue River Electric Company Cornitius - Garner Realty Co. 133 Wait Main St. (jrjCv rinod lot, Bo by 128, south P0J' front, Reed rcsldenco dis trict. Your cholco of thrco lots, torras. tfjJy ( Now 2-room houso on lot CO J0 O by 120. ISast front. 10Q cash, balnnco $15 per month. $1300 l-room modern houso on West 9th st. ono-thlrd canli, balunco 1 nnd 2 yeurs, 8 per cont. A Kod buy. 1 O Rl"l" 7-room modern house, iliJJJ furnished, flno location, Kood ffarden, north front. Tor in a. Good roaidtnee and vacant DroDsrty In all ports of the city. Frlcts right and terms easy. Trult farms, largo and small. Wild land, tfraln, dairy nnd stock farms. Tlm bor aud homestead locations, Cornitius-Garner Realty Co. 133 West Main St, Look for the ad that Riven n cluo to tho boardlnB house you'ro looking fori Look for tho ad that tells you wlio wants to find tho Job yo hav to offer. On These Lines We Have Succeeded CAPITAL $100,000 d.6 Soundness of Principle The Jackson County Bank' Safety of Investment Fouudod 1888 Oregon. Medford, tfS5 ,W e: Surplus $65,000 . o. w. Mcdonald. iY DneliiAi .v- - Vi. M W T VAW'PUVR. Pi'oa a 1? T,TmT,WV V5r.nPi.oa. 1 I . .. I 1 I .J-JiVj -.- V. --V. . 1 l,M- Ull ) VI - -. vV a&to.. i ,. vv ,?',. y Ut'rS VAwW-WnWtfm.-r ft I M fi ! I