t ' PXGEETGHT TtoKmn MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1911. The Big Overstock Sal e j . t & i. .-, m ... vmL ,i i'fi Serpentine Crepe Regular 25c value at 15 Cents Still continues with unabated interest and no wonder. Go where you will, "look around" all you can, then come back to the Big Department Store and you see at once where you can save money. This is the big money-saving event. For two weeks we have given the public unprecedented bargains. The time is half gone. There are still two weeks left for you to supply your needs from our mammoth stock at prices lower than ever and may seldom ever prevail again. Look at some of our specials quoted on this page, then call and see many more, and pick from them your choice of the bargains we offer.. Ladies Shoes All Ladies' Shoes at COST BEST STANDARD CALICOES Sold regularly at 6 l-4c; browns, grays, blues, etc., in stripes and plaids, 3lc SHEETS Hemmed; no dressing; one piece; 53c size 72x90; 'regular 75c value Ladies1 Suits arc moving fast. Don't let your opportunity slip from you to get that suit you want. Got it today. Remember we made a " Reduction of One-Half on many of our suits some a bigger reduction, and a little price is tacked to all of! them. TABLE LINENS Bleaehod, all linen; regular 75 values 49c Bleached, all linen; 72 inches wide; extra QO. heavy; $1.25 values : oOL GALATEAS Big assortment in many col ors; regular 20c value; 15c Ladies'.Dresses and Party Gowns Come in for their share of popularity. These gowns sold regularly at bargain prices. Our sale price was a phenomenal cut, but tomorrow we offer them at a still greater reduction. $12.50 values $7.89 $13.50 values $8.48 $15.00 values : $9.69 $18.00 values $10.98 $20.00 values $12.29 $25.00 values : $15.98 $27.50 values $17.49 $30.00 values $18.98 $35.00 values : ,$21.98 APRON GINGHAMS Apron Ginghams; all colors; stripes and checks; regular 0 l-4c values, 3ic SHEETS Hemmed, no dressing; all one piece; size 81x90; reg- CQp ular 85c value wH HUCK TOWELS Hemmed; size 34x10; reg ular 15c value 9c PILLOW CASES 121oc values 8 l-3c 170 values He 22c values : 170 25c values 19c 30c values 26c DIMITIES AND WHITE LAWNS Roautit'ul summer fabrics in checks and stripes. 12 ija values 9c 20c values 15c 25c values 19c BLACK TAFFETA SILKS Extra good quality and guaranteed. $1.35 values, 30 inches wide .'. 98c $1.25 value, 35 inches wide , 89c FIGURED BATISTES Many beautiful designs of Batistes in many colors. Big assortment to choose from. 121oc values 9c 15c values He House Lining by the Bolt, per yard 4Jc I 32 in. Zephor Ginghams, 20c values 12c Embroideries one to four inches wide, 5c, 7 l-2c and 8 l-3c values 3J.c Children's Straw Hats 35c straws 27c 15c Mexican straws lie Sun Bonnets l')r ladies and children, 25c and 35c. Mlif Child rens D resses Children's gingham and percale Dresses in sizes to fit children up to 14 years of age; pretty plaids, checks, stripes and plain col ors; also plain white and lingerie dresses; a wonderful lot of charming: styles. Wo arc greatly overstocked and offer your choice of the whole lot at 20 Per Cent Off Silk. Stockings Extra good quality; colors light blue and champagne; $1.00 val ues 79c Cotton top, heel and toe, balanco all silk; colors black and ton; 75c values 39c Torchon Laces Edgings and in sertions 5c to 10c values 31c Bingalow Curtain Goods, 25c val. 17c Figured Sateens 18c to 25c values 121c Silks Wo'vo many patterns left from our large stock of Silks and will close them out at these amazing ly sacrifice prices: $1.25 Fancy Silks; beautiful de signs and many colors; go at , 09c 75c Mcssnlincs, 27 in. wide 49c (J5c Wash Silks, only 39c Cotton Ohallios; best ( 1-lc grade; your choice frojn a big assortment, HAIR GOODS Largest and most complete line of Hair Goods in this vi cinity. Read this list of spe cial prices on a few of our Switches: $5.00 values $3.50 f'0.00 values $4.05 $7.50 values $5.03 $10.00 values $7.50 Switches at all prices up to $20.00. Comploto lino of Janes, Puffs, Curls, etc., all at 25 PER CENT OFF HUNDREDS OF PARASOLS FOR SUMMER These are all new parasols, the latest out, and every one a beauty. $1.50 pongees; colored borders; also white linen; plain, or embroidered in white or colors .... 98c $1.25 pongees; also a fo w white linens $1.32 $2.25 black and white Silk, good quality $1.69 $2.50 pongee and plain and fancy silks $1.88 $3.00 pongee with Persian silll borders; plain and fancv taffetas , $2.25 $3.50 pongee, with Persian silk borders; also plain and fan cy taffetas $2.63 25 per cent off on all Parasols, values up to $15.00. MEN'S SUITS Suits have boon leaving our bo oths in large numbers since the opening o fthis sale. There is still an abundance of them left. THE LINES NOT YET BROK EN. If you do not delay you will have no trouble in getting a fit in the suit you like. Just a sam ple of the many specials we are making: - Extra pnnd Suits? wirln vniinw . . .-., .... . ....QU f TTm ot I a ones and colors, " SPECIAL $11.78 s J x See window. MEN'S SHIRTS Fancy Dress Shirts, plain or pleated fronts, stripes, dots and many small figured de signs; values up to $1.50; special, Cotton Towels; hemmed; regu lar 5c value. n K E N T N E R S THE BIG DEPARTMENT STORE w 32C 34c "J