fl 6ttl University Hew c Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER Talr. Max., eat Mln., 39.5; Mean, S3. Free, .06. Forty-First Year. Dally Sixth Year. SIXTEEN PAGES. MEDtfORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1911. TWO SECTIONS. 20. 45. FIRST I SECTION ,55 ir REBEL CHIEFS . QUARREL OVER GEN. NAVARRO Open Rebellion Imminent at Juarez Among Insurrcctos Madero Con ducts General to Place of Safety Across the Rio Grande. ENTIRE CABINET QUITS; MADERO PAYS SOLDIERS Declares That Rebels 'Must Shoot Him Before Taking Life of His Captive. EL PASO, Texas, Muy 13.-r-Hended by General Fascuul Orozco, wljiiso solillcrs demanded money from Provisional Presi dent Francisco Madero for the Immed iate purclmse of supplies, rebellion broke out In Juarez toduy In the rebel forces nnd within n short time, Mmlcro liiul been mndo a prisoner, but was later released. Coupled with the demand for Madero's cash was u dlHpute as to the fate of General Navarro, who, Orozco and Villa said, nlinuld bo shot for Inhuman treat ment of rebel prisoners beforo Juarez fell. Looked like riffht. For a tlmo after tho dlsputo broke out there was grave probability that the lnsurrectos would engage In a desperate battle among themselves, but Madero finally agreed to do everything In his power ror Orozco h troops and was set free. Fearing that General Orozco's troops would cary out their threats to shoot General Navaro. P'rovlslonul President Madero persanolly conducted Navarro to theltlo Grande, whero ho forded the stream, escaping Into Kl Paso. Cablnot Inactive. Great dtstsutisfactlon was expressed by tho rebel chiefs at tho lack of nctjon by Mudcros new cabinet, and their r slgnatlon wus demanded und given. To night the whole councils of thu rebol army wero still In turmoil nnd It was Impossible to say what tho outcome of tho factlonlsm would bo. . , During tho urgiiment with Madero, the provisional presidents authority was openly defied and Orozco Is reported to have drawn a revolver on Madero and threatened to kill him. right May Come. Despite tho temporary patching up of the trouble, tho Americans with tho In surgents threaten an outbreak and a bloody encounter may como at niiy mo ment. It was only prevented this nfter noon when Mndero promised to pay the soldiers enough money from his own funds to provldo tliem with tho Immed iate necessaries of life. Generals Orozco and Villa, It Is said, want to shoot Navarro for Inhuman treatment of wounded prisoners. Madero says thnt must shoot him bo fore ho will allow Navarro to bo ex ecuted. . iUDR HAPPY WITH HER COUNT Love in a Cottage Proves a Great Success Likes it Far Better Than the Castle--"We are Very Happy" She Writes Friends. NBWPOHT. R. I, May 13. That Countess Hechenyl, who was Glayds Vniidorhllt, Is ono of thu few American heiresses who have found happiness with foreign mutes Is confidentially asserted her.o today by frlonds who have receiv ed letters telling of the countess' love In u cottage experience on the Hzechonyl estate. Tho formor Miss Vanderbllt tells of living with tho count and their daugh ter, Cornelia, lit an eight room woodon cottage. "I lovo tho cottage life far better than that In the castle," says ono of tho countess' letters, "and so do the count und Cornelia. Wo uro vory hap py." S2.000.000 IN COIN IS LOST When Mcrida Sank Friday She Had Much Specie on Board Being Ship ped From Mexico to United States for Safety. NRW VOIIK. May 13. With her Imiwh badly stovo In, Un steamer Admiral Farragut arrlvol ttilH afternoon at the Ilrooklyn drydook .for repairs. The officers of thu MsrliU, whoch Uw Farragut run down, dtailarod today that the Merlda had aboard when she sank J2.000.000 In cash, which wail bwlng tak en to New York from Mexican imnK.-i. Look for the loser of the articles you hate found for a prompt ud may iwvo him a lot of worry. ' Mrs. Carnegie 111 HBMrL. JhIbsssH iMffjPSf siTR? 53 BbssssssssssssssssssH iP-J If ';. ' -?TiBssssssssl jFgMVY ; $ BSSMWa 1 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSll WVw VV&s vsssssssssssl KKtwMr' vssssssssl ask kV&bsiIbv' "H V W Mar ,sa M3?i AKDT?r.W CAItMtGTX. Mm. Andrew Carnegie, wife of the multl-mllllonnairo, was taken suddenly 111 during a recent vlilt to Baltimore'. Although her ilness ii made light of, it Is believed her condition 1b serious. T TUFT'S SCHEME OF lEDPUnT Delegates From a Score of States Appeal Before Committee and Pro testNational Grange is Leading in Fight Against Measure. WASHINGTON. D. C, May 13. A big uprising of farmers against tho Cana dian reciprocity agreement marked to day's hearings beforo tho senate finance committee. Delegates from Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Minnesota, Michi gan. Missouri, Pennsylvania, West Vir ginia, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Connect icut, New Hampshire and Mnlna protest ed against passage of tho measurti, Tlio nallniitil grange, with former Gov ernor Hnuholder of New Hampshlro as Its principal worker Is In the forefront of ho opposition to tho president's pet scheme. ' W. S. Struabcrger of Pittsburg told the committee today that the reduction of 11 cents n. square foot In tho plate glass tariff In the reciprocity petition was n menace to tho Industry In tho view of tho manufacturers. It. T. Kingman of North Dakota, speak ing for tho farmers, said that tho price or bread today Is tho same as when wheat wns 3S cents a bushel, IIo said If tho gates wore opened to Cnnndlnn wheat thu farmers would lose 10 cents a bushel. He declared tho fear that American would soon bo unable to sup ply enough wheat for homo consumption wns groundless. IIS KILLED III JUAREZ BATTLE ! Revised Figilrcs Show That 188 Were Wounded Exact Figures Will Never Be Known 83 Federals Picked Up in Street. F.L PASO. Tex.. May 13. Whllo It probably never will bo known with ac curacy just how many polished in the three days' battle at Juarez, a count of thu burials and an Inspection of the hospitals completed today gavo a fair idea of the casualties. Tho Insurrectn loss Is placed at 15 killed and SO wound ed, while 100 federal soidlors perished and 138 wero wounded. Provisional Governor Gonzales of Chi huahua says that S3 dead federals were picked up In the streets in Juarez uftor tho last day's fight. i POLE TAX TO BE PAID THIS YEAR The unntial poll tax b-lM every spring In Medford on every man under 50 years of ngo Is no more. I'p to tho present time It has been the prevailing custom to collect S3 from every mulo resident under the ngo named, tho proceeds be ing utiod for road building purposes. Money for road building Is now being obtained by other means nnd, although 3 Is not a grout sum of money, It means a good deal to many people who express no regret ovor the ropoal of this pull tax Biff Snit Dismissed. NWW YORK. May 1J. Tho appellate division nf the supreme court today af firmed the order dismissing mo suit of Isidore l-ener. the theatrical manager. ugnlnst I.uIhu Tutmzlnnl. fur 39.000 for breach of contract. trnr etalmetl tkut ho engaged Tet rnxlnnt to sing In Hunavn In 1901 at JI60 per appearance and that tho singer refused to comply with the terms of the agreement The suit wns dlsmlssod on the ground that tho contract wus null anad void, being drawn for the benefit of turner alone. M MEXICO CITY IS IN Hasty Mounting of Cannon at all Approaches to National Palace and Manning of Fortifications Indicate Fear of Attack. NEARLY 10,000 REBELS ARE NEAR THE CITY Foreign Residents Form Guard Women and Children Arc Sent to Safety. MKX1CO CITY, May 113. Hasty mounting of cannon hero at all tho approaches to the national palace and the Uolan prison and tho manning of the city's main fortifications today Indicate that tho officials of tho Diaz govern ment expect an early attack. Thu city garrison bus been lucre-used to 1000 men and Its commanders have been ordered to fire at the slightest slgit of an out break. It Is not denied thnt tho action of tho foreign residents In organizing an arm ed guard Is causing great discontent and Mexicans of nil classes denounce tho move as provocative of reprisals. There Is gravo fear that In tho event of an uprising tho foreigners will bo tho first nttacked. Anticipating sumo such oc currence, foreign residents have sent three-fourths of their women nnd chil dren out of the city In tho last fortnight. Rebels la Guerrero number close to 10,000 men, according to a courier who arrived today from the central encamp ment of tho revolutionary force, which Is commnnded by General Flguoroa, near lluena Vista. As soon ns organization haS been perfected tho men will begin an aggressive campaign with Mexico City ns tho ultimate goal. ' Cananea Captured. DOUGLAS. Ariz., May 13. Cananen, strategic point In northern Konorn. was captured by .the rebels without firing a shot early today. Tho rebels sneaked Into tho city, dispersed tho few federals who had been left there ns a garrison and hoisted tho rebel flag over tho pub lic buildings. Cannnea will bo used by tho rebels, It Is reported, ns a base for further opera tions In this section. PRICES OBTAINED FOR ROGUE FRUIT Rogue River Fruit & Produce As saciation Issues Statement Show ing Average Prices Obtained Dur ing Season Just Closed for Apples Koi. owing tho receipt of complete ro- turnu on tho shipments of apples and pears of thu Roguo River valley, tho Rogue River Fruit & Produco associa tion Saturday Issued tho following state ment of prices during tho season. These uro not tho highest or tho lowest, but an average for thu season. Apples. Tiers 314 1 1V4 0 Spitz, fancy 1.3t J1.I5 1.00 J0.78 do choice 1.01 1.00 .8'J .78 Hen Davis, fiinuy. .90 do fanuy ......' .70 Nowtowns, fancy . . 1.10 do choice 1.17 Jonathan, fancy.. 1.28 do choice 1.13 .81 .78 .70 1.35 1.22 1.10 .97 .70 1.53 1.30 1.34 1.12 .05 .95 .90 .77 .87 Fears. Fey. dire, Hpl. C-tler llartletts $1.51 .VZ ,1.55 $1.13 Uoso 2.-8 2.11 Hnwclls 191 Anjnus 3.37 Comlco 2 C2 Winter Nells , 1 8(5 1 SO 2.60 2.20 1.11 AMERICANS BUY MUCH COTTON IN ABYSSINIA WASHINGTON, 1). C, May 13 An .iinerlenn cotton house has concluded eontrnuts with people oi Abyssinia In volving $750,000, iieeoidlug to u report received by the state department from Guy It. l.ovo, American vice-consul (it Adls Abeda. City on Which Rebels Are Planning Attack ' jv fhj ct Vr sm tffttR Bssssssssrv svlt JL Vn Bk . , !.-.,. ! iJT - - T i ass KArWtfMussdssSnBl' , n .fljfl MMMEjyV(qf-SC?- TaJ?r3rTVTfijSBSSBBBBSSBSSBSSBBBSSBBsWTWj9Q X4JBBBSBSBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBSSlBSSSSSSMBBBB Hsl y BSSSSSSSSSSSr'BV lli'I IXsftSMBMBr r Wr-9"JsMSk"isSSSSslBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSsElBSSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSfl l'Wf BSSSsasssB L-l mKKjFt& ' S3bssW '1 1 ., JBEsV ttfVPSfliaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHI'SBBSsssssD KuHHVi3nLJfir sKT Lit 'SKY " -f 4Irf7iiHn'f7Zr-inc?2 BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV-: r sr -?nT--.i" W'l -T Tim- MJsllI IMIJ .V,j- TMsssfc THE. WILSON MEETS SNAG ON TRIP His Reception in San Francisco by Men Representing "the Interests" is Proving Embarrassing to Demo crats Who is Feeling Public Pulse. SAYS HE IS SIMPLY VICTIM OF CIRCUMSTANCES Says He is Warm Friend of Black's Whose Business Doesn't In terest Him. I.OS ANGKL1C8, May 13 If Woodrow Wilson, governor of New Jersey and prominently mentioned uu democratic candidate for presidential) 191'.', Is to be entertained by "Tho Interests" during his stay In Saw Kranctsco and his time there monopolized by the stalwarts of tho Southern Pacific and tho ITnltcd Railroads, to the oxcluslou of progressive democrats, ho Is tho Vlctjm of circum stances. This, briefly, Is his own explanation of tho peculiar predicament which It has been predicted Governor Wilson will find himself In when lie an Ives In tho nor thern metropolis. "1 linvtrhiot tho slightest Idea, except from newspaper advices," he said today, "who I nm to mcejtht luncheon and dinners arranged In jlliy honor In Han Krnncisco. In thallclty, as In every other city 1 nm t'ojylslt. the arrange ment of tho local program has been en tirely In the hands of prlncetou men That Is us far as my knowledge of the plans for my entortnlnmept goes." It's What Xell Say. "nut." WlisoiiW;contlhued," It mnkes not tho slightest oirrorencu who I urn to meet. Tho Important thing Is what I am going to sayT 'My personal views and purposes nru fuly revealed In my public, addresses." Wilson said that he was a warm friend of Charles N. Illuck. president (if tho Han Kranclsco Princeton clilh, and chairman of tho reception committee. That Rlaclc happens to bo general man ager of the United Railroads should mako no difference, Wilson believes. He said ho would not entertain the belief that anyone hud deliberately planned to capture him for thu reactionaries. ' Democrats xfeary.' KAN KRANCIHCO, May 13. Inter viewed as to reports that Governor Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey would bo largely entertained while hero by ntfn closo to "the Interests," John V. Murray, secretary of tho democratic central com mittee, refused today either to confirm or deny that he had been Invited to the W,llson baiuiuet here. He said, however, that ho would not attend. "Governor Wilson Is not coming here on a political mission," he said, "Ho Is not tho national leader of the democratic party. I luivo nothing to say as to the political affiliation of tho graduates of Princeton university who will tnko part In Ills reception. Any strictures on the matter at this tlmo would do Mr. Wilson an injustice." Wilson In Pasadena. PAHADIONA, Cnl., May 13. Governor Wilson of Now Jersey, accompanied by a delegation of 100 persons, arrived In Pasadena early today. Ho was to bo tho guest of the local bourd of trade ut n luncheon. LILLIAN DENIES SHE IS TO WED EDITOR i PITTHRURO, May 13 Despite Hlren uous denial.? by both purtles, u report persists hero today that Lillian Russell Is engaged to marry to Alexander P Moore, editor of the Pittsburg Leader. Miss Russell who Is here In vaudeville, said: "Nothing to it When I marry again I shall retiro permanently from tho stage. 1 am not ready to do so yet. No Wedding hells for me." Woman Saves Bank. JIHAVKRTON. Or.. Mny 13. Tho po lice aro searching today for two men who left IJcnvertnn In a stolen buggy when they wore frightened away from tho Rank of Rcuvortou by n woman who suspected that they Intended to rob the Institution. Shortly beforo dawn Mrs. D. C. Fisher, who lives near tho bank, heard thu men breaking Into It. Hho grabbed a revolver, rushed Into thu open and fired two shots at ono of tile men who wns acting as sentry. With Ills companion, ((e fellow dashed for the horse and rig which had been stolen at Garden Home, and drove a way, Investigation showed that tho front window linn len opened and nil attempt hail been made to break down thu rear door. CUT OF MEXICO o Burns Says They're Boodlers tidk. H'EPTCEUTA.'XIVi: WYE SjZMA.TOK- GEOTJ-On RATE CASE WILL BE DECIDED. IN NEXT TWO WEEKS I. Lang of the Medford Grocery Com pany States That Early' Decision Is Expected From Interstate Com merce Commission. That n decision by tho Interstate com mercu commission regarding lutorstutu rates to MedlWd from California points wU bo rendered within the nox t,vo weeks is yip statement of 1. Lung, ot tho Medford Grocery company, who Is visiting Medrord. Mr. Lang wns In tho .forefront of the battle for reduced rates nttd devoted his tlmo and money freely to tho movement, being ono of (ho or ganizers of tho Medford tmfTIo bureau, under whose auspices the fight for bet tor rates was conducted, The cases wero heard some tlmo ago, Hpeclal Hx nmlner Prouty' taking the evidence for tho commission in n hearing occupying two dayH In this city. Tho commission since that time tins had tho matter un der consideration. Medforil Is scoklng inoro eiiultab'o rates from Han Fran cisco. "From what I can lenrn," states Mr. Uuig, "those cases will be decided with in the next two weeks. An curlier do cImIoii wns not to ho expected, ns tho Interstnto rommoreo commission bus been very busy with cusps throughout tho United .States, and Medford, must nwnlt her turn. Whllo I am of the opinion that Medford will win tho case, It Is based only upon tho fact that I be llevo the rates to ho unjust. I have had no Inkling on the subject from the commission. In reality it Is simply a guess." GUGGENHEIM PRESS IS HHATTLH. Wash., May 13. Loral Kluskuiis are laughing nt thp report sent out yesterday thnt tho Halted Hmeltlng company Is opening offices bOlP to fight the Guggenhelms for u snaro (if Alaska development. "The auggenhulms themselves are re sponsible for u lot nf those reports," said one man today, who lias been elOso to Alaska conditions. "They havo but one object to uiousii sympathy for tho Gug genhelms and show them up iih perse cuted nnd In difficulty. Their press agent bureau Is working overtime. thiitH all." aUBXlRHATORIAX. CAHDXDATB ADMITTED TO PRACTICE HL'ATTLK. Wash., May 13 Ilimll C Todd, avowed candidate for the demo cratic nomination for governor, was ud- inlUcd to practice law yesteuiay lie will hang out Ills shingle In Heat tin. Todd was a lepresentallve from Whit man county, wns one of the youngest members of tho last two sessions of the levlslatiiru. nnd was one ot the keenest debaters and most able sil)is there. He Is a progiesslve. sssssssssssssssssV bsPbsssssssssssssssssssssH SXLKATOR ISAAC E, 41 REPRESENTED IN A LOCAL CLUB From all Over the World Men Have Come to Take up Their Life in the Rogue River Valley as Shown by Roster of University Club. The orchnrdlst nnd luminous man of thu Rnguu Rlvor vnlley Is n eosnioonoll- tun sort nf 11 fellow. And he's well edu cated, judging from a list of ti.o members of the newly organised Rpgun River VnK ley university oiuo, wnien snows siu (louts from 41 lending universities, not only of the United .States, hut of the world. Hinnll wonder Is It that fruit cul ture In the Itoune Rlvor vallev Is on a scientific basis, which, led P. J. O'Gara, pathologist, United States department or agriculture, to remurk on his first visits In thu vnlley, thnt "tho orchnrdlst In the Rogue River vnlley not only fol lows u scientific lecture closely, but Ih leiuly to pick up a scientist on his first i.cvlntlon from the formulas ho Is ex pounding." Tlio nininbersliln roll n ftho University club shows that 11 universities through out tho world nro represented, Twenty eight states are on tlio roll, whllo 17 Uisimciiy siaie insiiiuiions aro repre sented, Foreign universities ulxo havo furnished oreliardlsts and business men. Stockholm, Ratlin, Vienna, Corby, Ox ford, Montreal nnd tho French ncadomy aro all on thu list. Only one prominent university In tlio United States Is miss lug fro mthe roll Princeton, and club members are now scouting around for a 1'rlncoton man. It being known Unit Minrit urn Hovcrul of them III the cltV. Vale nnd Harvard seem to be popular and a Harvard club us n .snit of u side show has been tentatively organized to ru along with the Nnlverslty club, Here Is a list of tho piilverslltles represented- Knnsas, Columbia, Illinois, Montreal, Indiana. Hoburt, Nehiaska, Washington and Lee. Chicago, Purdue. Ohio, West Point, Northwestern, Iiulo, moiklinlin, IJurlln. llowdoln, Michigan Agricultural, Oxford, Massachusetts, Polytochnlo University of Southorn Cnl ifornln. Washington. Michigan, Corby, tfnln, Williams, Oregon Agricultural, Wos.oyan, Virginia, Hwarthmoro, Har vard, West Virginia. California, Penn Kylvanhi. Minnesota, Oregon, Missouri, Cornell, Vienna, Standford and the French neadeiny. TAFT ATTEMPTS Move in Appointinn Stimson of New York Secretary of War Done Sol ely to Brinn Warrlnji Factions In New York Into Harmony. o-auiii WM'rriM Til iiv 13. Iii the sel ection of Henry L. Stimson of Now York to he secretary or war, viou jhoou . Itlnbinu,.,! K.ulL'lllul. H HCUIt llCl C IO(l.lV u niovn by President Tuft til altemjd Uu- .. it.. i.... ..r II... Il,,,,ai.u.,l I mill filit guard fuolions In Now Yoik state It Is belluvud Tuft consuttud both Room velt and Root beforo tho selection of Htltimoil wus miide. Rsports burn that Heorolury Dickinson reslgmd bsoauso of friction with Sec retary Knox over the Mwxlonn wur sit uation an- illsurudltt'd. NAHHVlLLHrTenii.. "May 13. Close . l..lii.,.u ,,l .Inn, ill l I llnUlllKOII. tPMllT- ped st notary of wur, hr today ilnalaru no friction wus responsible fur his quit- ting tin cahlnot. They say Dickinson's i rctirtnu-nt came us thu result or n 'promise to unit public lliti after his I nr, ui ill lilrlluluv. That uainit lust Juil- ,.,. ... ... - . - .- - , , . , miry and tnu sooreiury ru"igiiu m placi they assert, as soon uftur Hint tlmo us President Tuft would allow him to do so. Look for "worth-unswerlne" and answer them ullJ want ads T RECON HON OIETZF ND GUILTY; SENT UP FOR LIFE "Defender of Cameron Dam" Declares He is Victim of Lumber Trust Wife and Son aro Acquitted by Jury. RECEIVES VERDICT WITH . NO SHOW OF EMOTION Denies Motion for New Trial and; Al lows Ten Days in Which to File an Appeal. IIAYWARD, Wis., i-ny 13. Tho ver dict or tho Jury In tha'enso of John F. DleU, charged with riving murdered Deputy Shorlff Oscar Harp, returned a verdict or guilty today. Dlctz' wITo and son Leslie wero ucipiltted. Judgo Reld, after denying DIotr.' ap peal for n new trial, sentenced him to llfo Imprisonment. Ono da yof ench year, October 8, the annlversnry of the bat tle of Cameron dam, tlio court ordered, shall bo spent In solitary confinement. No roar Shown. Diet, received tho verdict of llfo Im pi Imminent without u tremor. Ills wife wept bitterly, tint Leslie, hCsison, smiled. Referring to DleU' motion for a now trial, Judgo Reld sal.i: "1 really do not know what to do with you. THhluk tho supremo court should pass flrsCon tlio uvldence. There fore, I nhnll denj-'ur motion and allow you ten days to prcparo your papers." Asked If ho had anything to say why the sentence nf tho court should not bo panned upon llm, Diet, sheuted: la State's ranlt. "I was not allowed to show anything of tho conspiracy ngalnst mo. Tho stato blackened our chnracterH nnd wo woro not a'lowcd n chiuico to dofend ourselves. It has been the policy of tho lumbar trust to rulo or ruin. If It needs a vic tim, no ono Ih nblo to stand It hotter than 1 nm, I wns absolutely right when I defended my homo ngnlnst Invasion. Ah tho scrlptuies say. 'tho first Hiall bo last nnd tho. lnsUslmll bo. first.' If.tm court had permitted mo to rcclto tho n tlro history of my troublu 1 Would not Imvo been convicted." Orders Investigation. Dicta then charged that tho lumber trust had asked his dttughtor Myni to perjuro herself by giving testimony ngitlust him. Judge Reld asked Dlctz to fllo Information to thnt effect, nnd then pronounced sentence, whllo Dletr.' wife threw her arms around hor hus band's neck nnd sobbed. As ho wns led nwny, Dlotr. grinned do flnntly nnd sheuted: "If tho lumber trust needs n victim, I can stand It." Sspected Verdict. After his removal from tho courtroom Diet, said ho had expected to ho con victed. Ho was taken to Waupun peni tentiary this afternoon. MrM. Diet)!, her sons, Clarence and Leslie, nnd her daughter, Mym, will bo tried soon for assault nnd on other ehnrges growing out of tho troublu at Cameron Dam. SEWER CAVE-IN CATCHES THREE Laborers Injured While at Work in Trench on East Side One Suffer Severe Injuries to Shoulder Others Arc Bruised. A caveln oil the sower trench being dug In the Queen Anne addition result id In the burial and Injury or three men working In It. about D30 o'clock Satur day uftertiooii. Tony Plcilly, J. T, CiiHoy ami W. K. Yllllug were the men caught In th slide, Ylllug suffering a badly Injured shoulder, und other two getting severe bruises, which whllo not consider ed dangerous will cause thu Injured par ties considerable Inconvenience. The trunc.li at thu point of tho acci dent uus being dug through a shifty, sandy null and for some reason, probably a sudden Jar, thu whole sldo of tho bank eiivuil In on the men who wero working at tin- hotloiu of the ill toll. A physician and uu aiiibulanco wero hurried to the cciic of the accident and luhoreis near by worked fruntlculy to xtract the three men from their pre dicament. No serious results nru expect ed to occur from tho accident. SHIPS FROM MEXICO SAN D1KGO, Cnl.. May 13. Tlw steamer Rerimrd Reyes arrhed hero to day with 17 i fugues from fcliiHonailn all that could bu Crowded on tho llttlu bout. tfhu reported Unit tho steamer Kan IJIegn would leave Knttonudu With 3UU re f u gees today. VAN COUVHR lURRACk'H, Wash., May 13. Undergoing annual pi (pectlon, tioops or this post wuro reviewed today by General F. G. Matildln. Inspector gen eral uf thu department of tho Colorado. A largo number of visitors from Portland and Vancouver woro Interested tipeotn tors of tho review, which wait a draw affair, REFUGES t'1 ': i pi - .&JI1 h iw ywimm&w,i?,&-'