; ?.. 4 PAGE TWO I LOCAL AND PERSONAL I -r.v nn.l trn T.. 13. Hoover unil W K. Wlilpcnnnt motored to Sums volley Thursday. O. N. Nelson of Jackksonvlllo was a Thursday vlnltor In Medford. C. 12.' Lystlg of Trail wns a business visitor In Medford Thursday. Henry Lewis of Ashland waa a busi ness visitor hero Thursday. '. "Wagner of Grunts Puss wub in Med ford Thursday. George Laws of Wooilvlllo was a Med ford visitor Thursday. William Whltmiiri, u rancher from near airle Point, w'as In the city TlnirNdny Sheriff Wllllnin II. Hnrnes of Klom tilh county wns a business visitor in Medford Thursday. ' O. If. Penrue.fms departed for th np plegatu wlicr! ho, will spend tlio summer. 1M Infer of Ktigln I'olnt wns u bust miss Visitor In Medford Thursday. Rend display advertisement on an other POKU Of tllis iBHUO. Butto Kails Lumber company. n. 1). Ttill 'dopnrted for Hull Knits Thursdny wicro ho lias secured employ ment. MrH. AV. C. Green and son, Karl, of Grants Push wero called to Medford Thursday on account of tlio surloun ill ness Of Mrs. IJert Anderson. Attorney A. 13. Hennm urn turned Thursday from a business visit ut Hutte Kails. Miss Itoso Johnson of North Dakota in visiting Willi her aunt, Mis. Perry "Wynkoop of this city. Cnrkln ft Taylor (John II. Carkln, Glenn O. Taylor), atornoys-nt-law, over Jackson County Bank Hldg., Medford. C. II. IJunfeo of Oakland was In Med ford on business Prldity. GeorKe II. OrenvcB of Salem spent Friday In Medford. Do you. want 6 acres In alfalfa, ono mile south of Main streot, chcapT C. W. H. TSvorhdrd, 212 'rniltgroworo Bank bldg. D. Wlhn of Oregon City is looking after property Interests in Medford. h. Allolioff of Portland transacted bus iness in MedTord Friday. Saturday, 13. In tlio day for tlio open ing of. Kdniendos Bros shoo store taken over by Kargo Bale Co., wiio is bonded to dispose of tho storu In 20 Muys. Tlio grenost saving livent witnessed. Tho walls must be stripped down. 1C. Barron of Nowcnstlo on mo Tyne, Knglund, was a Thursday nrrlvul In Meilford. Gregory's panoramas and views soli real estate. C. 10. Reynolds of Salnm spent Thurs dny evening In Medford. Ashland Steam Laundry. Medford of flee, phone No. 1201. Mr. and Mrs. T. 11. Thlan of Mlnnnnp oils arrived Thursdny nnd expect to Htop somo tlmo horo. Io you want 14 lots r.nxHfi 6nch for 12500 on ensy terms? C. W. II. I3ver Imrtl, 212 Fruitgrowers Hnnk bldg. , E, AV. Clemo or Ashland was a busi ness visitor In Meilford Friday. I.nrge. delightful sleeping room for ri-sit'iit i03 Oleson 'street .Tiimes T. Chlinnck of Snlom transacted I'lslnoss in this city rriuay. . ... . Dr. .1 13. Shearer Iuih mov eu ni flees to Ournett-Corey htilldl ", -.'.- i It. R VolBt of Los AnjarKft spent Vr dnv Willi rrlends Iiv'.Wh city. f.onv your Trders ror Mtrnwberrles wIM 'J'l'JJSJLliltfr'ftt the U. H. Valley de- i'"i -fJKlt stand, o docs n wholesale and JTelairbuHlnesM and his borrles are tho j best and choauest In town. CG ." P.. T Van Do Car left Thursday Tor MiKchurK and will attend tho iitraw- l.orrv carnival. Wo often wonder why you do not buy more fish. Wo all know what lots of fish imenns. It makes- bright busi ness men, helps tho ladles to look after the latest styles, so buy lots of f IhIi. Wp also hnvo good chickens any olil time. Come In nnd see us ror our lunch Roods. I-'rosli ranch eggs anil butter, and a thousand things wo cannot men tion that nro fresh and now. Wo wnnt your trade. Wo have a genuriil dollvory. 4 times n day. Tolephotuj your orders for Sunday dinner. Como In personally and seo ns. Messier & Kenworthy. 41 Frank Kerr or Alturns, Oil., was In Mod ford Friday. A white riowor for mothor's memory. A bright flower for mothorB living. 44 For snlo Two hundred tiers dry fir nnd lnurol wood, 10 Inches long, on ground. Address "Fnlrvlew," Jackson ville. , O. Kersten of Tliowbrlduo wiih a 111 day -visitor In .Medford. . Medford now has a rental agency and lioiiMu hunters are pouring Into the of- floe or 10. H. Tumy at sol uiirnuu-i-oroy liulldliiK. U you wnnt to rent your liouso notify him at once. &( Jack U Lowney of Tampa, was n Thursday arrival In Medfoid. W. II. Barber and wlfo or Seattle ar rived Thursday ror a short stop over In this oily. GeorKe L. Parley, representative for Cnroy not land, wishes to state that It will bo necessary for him to make n trip to 'IdiPlnu. Oregon, before returnliiK ta Moilford. If unioiio wIhIiob to com- imliilmte with him. please address eare of 10 Henry liulldliiK. Portland, t)r. Frank Ohettn of Charles City, In., Is in MUirncl lnolilncr for a location, Ctino to the Fish Market; Iresh crabs this, week, two for 25o. Salmon i-rbh for fishermen; flesh ranch butter and creamery butter: nil kinds or lunch Koods; halibut 1 1-J cents u pound Fri day and Saturday. Vw delivery rour times n day. Messier & Kenworthy, 44 Miss Carmen Ilitson, who had one of lidr limbs broken some time nR is able to move about on orlltehes. J. J. Moon or PnsuiloiiH Is spendluB n few dnyM with ft lends In Medroid. Oneu more day TIM the doors will swlim open nt Kdmeades Bros' bin store This Will be the Krentest sm rlflee of profits over witnessed. A complete elwinnp In 20 dis. The walls must bo stripped down. lon't wait, don't litfHltate Time Is lieie Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDKUTAKKKS Ihi)' Phono liU71 N'lKht Plumes V. W. Weeks 2071. A. K. Orr, IIOIIU. LAI1V AHSIHTANT. .y i i i i JOHN A. PCRL liiKlerltiher nnd Kiiilmlmer i uiiitertnlUiiK ilc- ' Succetaur to tin i pnrtniont of Mmlfunt Kurnllure C' jfirflto "Jill Medforil Piniiltiiie Co 'i 'i 'i i i i i 'i . ,, TouihuilOB Pu. Bell .Hil; John A. rrl, residitiii'i lien 111! iliamo. 179U. i;i q, W, ConkHu 30l J II Hut 1 'la- r.7i- ....... . ..k....... Cllftrles F. llebefistri'et of Seattle Is In Medford oh business, Mr. Leldler of Snn I'Vanclseo wdM transacting huslncMS In this city Thurs day. L. A. Gray of Council Bluffs, la., Is In .Medford looking for alociitlon, Franklo JMwnnK the Medford pukII 1st, left for IloseburK Frldiy morning luiil will box Tominlu Gnffney of that city this evening. Tho affair is sched uled to bo 10 rounds nnd KdWarda Is confident of outpointing his opponent. In a bout at IloseburK several weeks uk", Kdwards not tho decision on points and thinks lie can do oven bettor In this IBM. GtiM Nlcliolft of Kniflo I'olnt wns in Medford Tliursday on lila way to Port land and other northern points, Where lie o.VpectB to purchase somo blooded catllo. Twd and ono-hair acres In alfalfa, ono mllo south of WashlnBton school; easy torms. A. W, II. liverliard, 212 Fruit growrrs Bank bids. J. II. UnlnherH of CottiiB" Orovo wns In Medfdrd Thursday and Friday. J. II. Spencer was In from AMelojio Friday inornluB. Charles Houston of Los AnKelert vis ited Tliursday with friends In .Medford. JtidKo Wlthliittton was a business vls Itilr Ih GOld Hill Friday. W. S. HlMlfleld went to Phoenix Fri day morning f6r n few days visit with Ills parents. Mnster Paul Iloddy left Friday morn- Iiik for SftcrAtneuto. Mh llanston of Talent wns a business vlstoi Id Modfprd Frldny. Miss Fish of Phoenix was n Medford shoppof In Medford Friday. 10. J. Wllhur of Ashland tninsnetod bus iness In Medford "Frldny. Miss Hose Patterson of KiirIo Point Is VlsllliiB at ,tho htnno of Mrs. Kins run'ti. H. C. flhnndland of Portland trans acted business In Medford Friday. William W. McNen ly tmnsncied busi ness In llilttu Falla Friday. Colonel Itoehr wns a Butto Falls vis itor Friday. Henry LIiik left Thursdny for Port land, whero ho will attend to afralrs coiuiceted with the flro'depnrtmetit. Is your houso wired? Ono cigar less a day would tiny for n hundred por cent lucrcnso In comfort. Start living tlio olectrlc llfri. V. A. North and wlfd of Weed, Oil., nro vlsltlilg with rrlends In this city. J. C. Fox of Portland was a business visitor In this city Friday. S. II. I Hit II Unit or Utlea, N. V., arrived In Medford Frldny and Is looking for n location. George II. Ornves of Snlem wns a Frl dny visitor in Medford. Chnrles A. Hoyco of Portland trans acted business in Medford Friday. M. J. Heard of Bradford, Pa., was among tho eastern arilvals In Mtidfrird Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Madden or Central Point wore In .Med fori I Tliursday. Mrs, Paul Janey or Perrydale wns n Thursdny shopper In Medford. ' M.... n ll" i r....i.....l ....... ..i. ...... i.. i.. ...,. .., ... (...iiiiiiv. i.m niicj'jiiiiK in .a ll.,l...l M.I.I.... ! ,,11'llllfl l 1'lllill. J l .. ,, . - ... ... k "" ," luwiiseiid "I jTi'iT.nftv IS VIS iii-yiJi.?'wlttiTTef VJy.-'Mrs. Hnrry Barno- Medford local socialist pnrty meets evcry Sunday night nt 7:30 at Smith's hnll on North Grnpo street. ISvcrybody Invited. burg. Miss Ilertha Morrison was a Tliursday evening visitor In Phoenix. Miss Qunckcnbusli or Tniont is visit ing nt tliu homo or Mrs. Hurry I). Jiur- uubtirg. Charles Pennlnger or Central Point wns a Thursday visitor In this city. Fred l-eimhigor or Central Point trans acted business In Medford Thursday. C. C. Pouting ieiorts much business In the heating line In tho city of Ash laud, at which place ha transacted busi ness Thursday. J. Item: was In Central I'olnt Thurs day on business pertaining to hunting contracting. i O. P. Onnt of Sheridan was nmong the Thursday visitors In this city. lU'a It, A. Holmes, The Insurance Man, over Jncksou County bank. ' Mr. and Mrs, It. 13. Snndcrsnn or lloehester, N. V., wero Thursday arrivals In Medford, llufo Johnson of upper llnguo river boarded No. 10 Thursday evening for I'oitluud on a business trip. 1 N. Plelshucr of Portland, of Flelsh ner Pros. & Meyers, tho largest whole sale dry goods house In Ilia northwest, spent Friday In .Medford, having run down fiom Itosobtirg Mr. Plelshhcr Is a pint owner, with 13. II. Piper, und Dun Malutkey, or a young orchard west or the llurrell tract. Mr. and Mrs J. . Myers or Central Point, were In .Medford Thursday. W. C Miller or Central Point was u Thursday visitor In Medrord, Mrs, Clyde Payne or Ashland was In Medrord Tliursday. Mrs. Corree or Ashland, shopped In Medrord Thursday. Miss Mny Hoke or Centra! I'olnt was a Medford shopper Thursday. Mrs Floy, of Ashland was shopping III .Medfoid Thursday BUY YOUR Green Goods Here Saturday 31 ere is a will have fresh and list of what we for sale all fine, and sold at reasonable- prices: Fruit Strawberries Oranges bananas 1'Yesh Pineapple Vegetables A rt iehokes, Cueumbers, Urecn Peas, New Potatoes, Tomatoes, Los Angeles Head Lettuce, Spinauh, Onions, Asaparagus, Rad ishes, (ireen Heans, Kgg Plant, Cauliflower, Rhu barb and Cabbage. Olmstead & Hibbard WEST SIDE GROCERS MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON. FKTDAY, MAY 12, 1911. LETTER TO K. OF P. Every Member of the Order of Knlohts of Pythias Should Hear G. V. C, W. T. Wriyhtman on the Secret Work of the Order. Castle Hull, Talisman Lodge, No. 31, Knights of I'ythlus, Medford, Ore., May 12, 1911 Dear Brother K. P. Talisman lodge will hold a special -meeting in Castle hall on Monday evening -tho Kith, for tliii purpose of receiving Grand Vice Chancellor. W. T. Wrlghtmnn of the Grand Domain or Oregon. Several other grand lodge officers, including tho grand district deputy for southern Oregon, will bo In attendance. There will be work In the third rank nnd tho team has tuiido special prepara tion In order to put the work on In fine shnpe. There will be a delegation of knights rroin Granite lodge, No. 23, of Ashland, Including Grand DlsUlet Deputy Patter son. Brother AVhlghtmnn will give an ex emplirlcutlim or tho secret work or the lodge In the most correct form and every luemller of the local lodge us Well ns nil visiting knights are urged to be In at tendance and get the benefit of his kknowledge. Conn' and bring a. brother with you. The feed committee promises to give us coffee und sandwiches, etc., nnd everyone who attends wll vote thut ills tlmo was well spent. Wo are not allowed to mention the funny things that nro hilled to ire pulled orr you irillst come. unci seo ror your self. Cornel Cornel Come! Comet BY OUD&tt OF COMMITTI0I3. Monday, May IS at 8 o'clock. Is tho time New by-laws como up for final sage. pas- E IS WASHINGTON, May IS. Congress will bo asked for an additional appropri ation of piolmbly $200,000 with which to complete tho reclamation work in Im perial valley, according to a plan upon which President Tuft, Secretary Fisher and Hrlgudler General Marshall, consult ing engineer of tho Interior department, have ilgrced.. Work on tho Colorado rlvur has by on suspended until after the spring Jtobdfl, but Will be resumed when the 'water subsldeH. Kstlmates show that tho appropriation ror tho wdrk will rail short or tho amount necessary. Special Car for Preibyterian Anaiubly. Oenarnl A special car for the accommodation of delegates and their fumllles who de slro to attend tlio general assembly or tho Presbyterian church to bo held at Atlantic City, N. J., will bo attached to train 18 or the O. W It & N C. leaving Portlund.ut 10 n. in., Mny 11', 19 1 1 Del egntos to tho convoiitlon should cnll on our local agents for reservations. 200 Mann's Great Cut Wonderful New Bargains SUIT CASES Regular. $.1.25 values 99c Regular $1.50 values $1.24 Regular $2.25 values $1.98 Regular $2.50 values $2.23 Regular .$1.9S values $4.48 .Regular $(5.50 values $5.98 (See window display) WASH SKIRTS 100 women's linen fii ish i unen m isn asu $1.19 Skirts in all colors and black checks; all sizs, cut price The Best Selection of Women's and CORSETS AVomen's fine Coutil Corsets; 50c grade; cut sale OQ ni'ifo tltJv Dr. AVarner's Rust Proof consols a pair An odd lot of Redfern's up to $5.00; cut sale price, a pair MANN'S Notic to Tamter. There will be a big meeting Saturday night at 8 o'clock of the teamstera un ion, local No. 178; of Medford, nt Smith's hall, 128 North Grnpo strefct. District Orgnnler C. V. Young, or the Pacific coast, will address tho meeting. Tho Union will glvo d little smoker nfter the meeting. All the teamsters or Medford and vicinity are Invited to attend nnd have a good tllne. CHAltLKV HI3LM, 44 Secretary nnd 'Treasurer. Ilnsklna for Health. " TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOll SALi: Lot fiSx'lOd. .tncsoCi street, $100.00. Apply C. W Hellbroiner, cnie of Hutchison & Liinisden. WANTKDUse or horse nnd buggy next week to use in the country; will feed und Inke good care of and pay rea sonable price. Tel. M 1S72 4r. WANTKD Position, by stenographer. Hell 1972. experienced 674. II me 4C LOST Illuek cokrel spaniel dog, Tiles day. Hettirn to Italph Woodford -ubd receive reward. 40 FOH HKNT- Housekeeping looms, close In. Inquire at 23 V Main st. Phone 1201, FOll HUNT Furnished rooms, Gentlemen only, lmitllre 2T, st. Phono 1201. EXCURSION BUTTE FALLS Via Pacific Eastern R. The finest trip in all Southern Oregon. You cim't ride, the -fine scenery the falls, etc., etc. EMBROIDERY 500 yards wide Corset Cover I'hn broiderv; regular price JA. 3uc; cut ' I JfC price ,500 yards wide Embroidery Flouncing; regular pniefA rfOcseuf JJC price 27-inch Swiss patterns; regular $1.00; cut price All Spring Suits and Coats at Less Than WASH Wash Women's Wash fine linen finish suit ings; all sizes and colors; cut price., . 1 GLOVES i ...., iiiiwin, ni'iiu i'., sale i)rice $1.00 Corsets $1.98 Women's long lisle fl loves; all Kayser's long fl loves; tucked; all Corsets colors; cuf sale price DON'T FORGET CENTRAL AVE. Farmers 6c Fruit MMH HMBiWBIimiMIIIIlM"" MH M -RENTAL AGENCY -- Bungalows for Rent or Sale "'"'ANTEJ) Properly owners to inake money by renting their Houses. Constant calls for furnished and unfurnished houses. EARL S. TUMY, 201 Garnett-Corey Bldg. close in . n p zzzzn . " i & R. $2.00 Train leaves Medford at 8:14 Returning, reaches Medford at ( Nrsr Flouncing; new price 48c SUITS Suits; made ol Price for S $4.48 ers; good quality; cut sale price Children's Parasols at Low Prices i iii, ll ,. trimmed with good lace; regu lar 25c values; cut sale price, ea $1.98 THE PLACE NEAR P. O. CARRYING CASH in your snfo or desk Is a risky proceed ing. It la a standing Invitation to thieves. Far better deposit It In the FARMERS & FRUIT GROWERS .BANK whore it will bu beyond the reach of thieves or the dnn gcr of fire. Bring your cash here and open an account. Li' you have but little, all the inore reason for taking prop er eare.of it. Growers Bank AND RETURN for the Round Trip a. m. 7 p. m. help enjoying the G5-inile aturday H DOMESTICS Pest 7c Prints now 4c flood (Jc flinghams now 4c flood 18c Towels now 10c flood 75c Sheets now 59c flood 10c Cases now 120 flood 25c Oil Cloth now 19c Good 7c lUuslin now 5c Cost- LINEN DUSTERS Women's full length Linen Dust Jl.t0 NECKWEAR 100 dozen new Dutch Collars and fancy Jabots; I5c MANN'S HAVE VOU HEAD IT? The Atller-l-ka liook tolling Jiow you cnn ijASHA' Kunnl iipnlnst niipenillcl Ub, and ot Inntnnt rolli-f from stomach nnd bowol trouble, la IioIijb roifd with iniifli InlorcHl y Mcdfonl pi'iiiilf. It In kIvpii away froi by I.oon H. HaHkhis, tho dniKKlst. Excursion Fares East 1911 During tlio montlid of Slay, Juno, Julyf) AugUHt and Huiitoinbar, on dates shown below, tho Southern Pacific will soil round trip tickets from Medford, via Portland as follews: , TO I-'AIIKS. 'Veajfo $ 82.40 "oi licit Bluffs ... ( llll.i ll.T. Kansas City St. Joseph . 8t. Paul ... C9.90 73.S0 Bt. Palil. via Council niuffs Minneapolis, direct Gfl.'JO Mlnninpollfl,vla Council" Bluffs. . 7:t.80 Uoston, direct 11!.U0 Now York 1 IS. 10 St. Louis 79.90 Washington, 1). C 117.40 Atlantic City, N. J. ...1 ll'J.30 SALE SATES Mny 1C, 17, 18, 19. 1!2. 23, 24, 25, 27, 28 nnd 29. i ' ' t Juno n, 7, 9, 10, 12, 1C, 17, 21; 22, 28, 29 and .10. July 1, 2. 3, 4, C, 0, 19, 20, 2(1, 27 and 28. August 3, 4, B, II, IE, 10. 1721, 22, 23, 28, 29 und 30. September 1, 2, 4, fi, 6 and 7. Stop-ovors within limits In either di rection. Pinal rejjirn limit October 31st. For fares ouo way through California inquire of any Southoni Pacific affont, or write to vra. mcmubhay Qcuoral Pacsenfror Affout Fortlanu, Oregon. PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL TO BE HELD IN Portland, Oregon, June 5 to !0, 1911 Wlbh BE A MOST BRILLIANT FLORAL FIESTA &CIVIC JUBILEE Portland, "Tho Itoso City," will be a scene of splendor and the center of world-wldo Interest for ono week. One and One-Third Fare to Portland FP.OM AM POINTS ON THE Southern PaGiflc-Lines in Oregon To keep perfectly posted on all Impor tant matters relating to this great ovont, call on local agents for circulars and printed matter, or wrlto to WM. 'McMWRIIAY General Passengor Agent, PORTLAND. ORE Second hand Remington Typewriter For Sale. Little Used. Wide Carriage Medford Book Store WOOD FOR SALE I BLOCK WOOD 84 PUB LOAD Phone Mala 3581 or leave orders at Medford Hardware Company Medford Horse Shoeing Shop- I'M South Ilnrctlvtt Street. Pacific Phone J831 Home 210-U. C. L. Allen, Prop. GIVK US A TUIAIi MlIJJlAAlS NKIIVIUK v&-2 Wf t4t-41-4 . f nr'TTTK-