' University News WW Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER Showers. Bar., 39.71; Max., 77.6; Mln 4B; Mean clearings BANK CXCABIKOS 340,493.71. MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1911. No. 44. Forty-First 1'ear. Dally Sixth Year. TYPUS HIT JUAREZ; PANIC FOLLOWS IN EL PASO ALL CLOTHING IS SEED AT LINE BT AUTHORITIES Hundreds of Americans Have Carried Articles of Clothing as Souvenirs Into the United States This May Spread Disease. GRAVE DANGER AS DISEASE IS OF MOST EPIDEMIC TYPE Already One is Dead and Five Others Are Suffering Steps Taken for Safety. ' KL PASO. Tux., Mny 12. Typhus In ItB iiiont virulent' form broke out today In tho .Mexican furfural hospital at Juarez anil already ono Ih dead and five othoi Diaz soldiers 11 ro suffering from the dlHea.sc. As tho form of typhus discovered Ir of tho mOHt epldomlo type, tho discov ery hns created a panic here, hundreds of Americans having carried away in ti des of 'clothing worn liy tho federals, us souvenirs of the Juarez attack. The Kl Paso hoard of health and the United Stales authoiltles nro seizing all clothing worn by tho fcdernls at tho Intcrnnilonal brldgo nml aro burning It as fast as seized. The typhus cases have been Isolated anil every posslblo means Is being taken 'to provent the spreail of tho disease. Therp Is admit ted to bo Bravo danger through tho crowds which still stream across the river Into Juaiez, braving thu disease In their curiosity to visit the sceno of the battle. Alarm Is rolt. Much alarm was felt In Juarez last night that the federal command of Col onel lluhugo had anlved and woro open lnit!io Attack. UHWlH found. However. that tho iflrlng was only n discharge of ilfles by some of tho rebels, who got hilarious In ono of tho saloons. Itubogo was today reported at Tarta zas. near Chihuahua. Ho Is without ar tillery and Is awaiting oideis from Mex ico City. Ho probably will return to Chihuahua and fottlfy thut city against tho ejipeetod rebijl at nek. Daniel Orozco,, cousin of Clonpml Pas oual Orozco. wns killed here last night by tho accidental discharge of a 10 volver. It Is reported that Orozco and Colonel Oarlzaldl are disputing over their re spective authority In the city and that durlbuhU has threatened to ciult the nibul army, Will at Arms. WASHINGTON, I). C liny 12. Tho cabinet today discussed the customs sit uation nt Juaroz. Mexico, whero tho reb els tinder Mudero aro In control of all traftlc Into and out of Mexico. While no definite statement was obtainable. It Is believed tho decision will bo that tho government Is no empowered to prevent tho bona fide shipments of nrms and supplies across the Hlo Grande. M. J3. Church, Talent, siindnv school 10 u. m.: preaohlng at 11 , m,; Kpworth leaguo 7 p. in; leader, Mrs. Jeffries. Preaching 8 p. in. Hev. Hazeltlno of Central Point will preach both morning and evening. You aro In vited. "BIGliK" IS BETTING BUSY Such is Charge Brought By Labor Leaders Say Association is Car rying on Active Campaign Against McNamanas. LOS ANOP.LKS. May 12. Despite de nials by tho National Manufacturers' os soclutlon and Its subsidiary branches that "big business" Is behind vlio pros ecution of the MeNamuru brothers, charged with having dynamited tho Loi Angeles Times, letters tending to show that It Is U In possession of the lubor loadors. These letters, which have been en trusted to the keeping of Andrew J. Gul lather, secretary of the San Franc seo Labor Countl. who represents organized labor hero- In the defense of John J. Mc Nanmra. go to show that "letter writ Ins campaign" has boon Inaugurated by Hie Manurueturers' association. Their plan Is to havo every business man affli cted with an organization which Is un friendly to organised labor either write or telegraph the state officials who are connected with the prosecution of the alleged dynamiters. urging them to ..... . in... fin.l nnlr" und to per- form their duty In bringing the guilt) men to Justice' Uri, Cudhy Wants Xlddlei. LOH ANQKLHH. Cl , May J! Mr. Kdwln Cowan Cudahy. who has been In Los Angeles for the last six wks. will leuvo tomorrow for Kaunas City to con sult her attorneys us to tb bett way of securing control of her four chil dren now In possession of her mother-in-law. Mis. Michael Cudahj f Pa ih no. ' WHIIE SLAVER READY TO ISSI5U05TICE Cora Farmer, Out From Under Influ ence of John De Soto, Tells Com plete Story to District Attorney Will Testify Against "Master" FEDERAL AUTHORITIES ALSO WANT THE MAN Young Woman Tells Pitiful Tale of Slavery Extending Over Past Two Years. Completely out from under tho subtle Influence of John Do Soto, alleged white slaver, Cora Furmer, liln victim, has made a comploto statement to District Attorney Mulkoy and It Is believed that a conviction will follow his trial on a charge of unlawful solicitation which Is called for next Monday In tho circuit court. Tho talo told by tho young wo man Is pitiful In tho pxtri'ino and Is complete, tracing her relations with her "master" who, according to the officeis, held her In as abject slavery as any that existed In the early days of the republic when blacks yero bought and sold us cuttle. She states thut she Is reudy, yes, eager, to go on tho stund u nil tell the story of her life since she met De Soto some two years ago. In her story told District Attorney Mulkey the girl status thut on differ ent occasions Do Soto took her to uud from tho stato Into Washington. This pluces the cuso lii tho Jurisdiction of the federal court. A complulnt has been filed In this court and a preliminary hearing will be held May 20 boforo Com missioner Canon, who, If tho complaint Is sustained, will bind tin) man over to tho federal court for hearing. How ever tho circuit court will first try him on a charge of soliciting for the woman. Do Soto, who Is u CI reek. Is charged with having taken the woman to Fugle Point and held her Micro for somo weeks while he solicited for her among the Greeks who were at that time working on the extension of the Pacific & Hast orn to Butte Falls. Ho learned that tilt officers wero on his trail so he and the woman fled to Grants Pass. Arrested there on a charge of unlawful cohubltu lion they exhibited a murrlugo license of tho woman to a man nanied Kurmer and declared Do Soto's name wns Far mer. The case being dismissed there the case was brought to Medforil whero tho ohurge of solicitation was lodged against the Ureok. An indictment wus loturued against Do Soto, or Farmer, as he claimed to be by, tho tho grand Jury on March 25. Tho woman who was veiy 111, however, went north und entered a hos pttul so that thetrlal of Do Soto hu gone over until now tho witnesses are on bund uird tho w"bnian able to testify so the case will be called on Mommy boforo Judge Calkins. Now that the woman has been away from De Soto for somo time and has been treated considerably by thcuuthor- Miles she has deolded to testify against the man who held her for two years In sluvery. Her story Is complete. In every detull and Is heartrending In the ex treme. "INTERESTS" TO GREET WILSON Howls, Long and Loud, Rise From Throats of Democrats in San Fran cisco Following Discovery of Com mittee's Personnel., SAN FKANCISCO. May 12. Howls long and loud, from thu throats of San Francisco's radical democrats today fol lowed the discovery that, unless the plan can bo spoiled, the city next week will witness the remarkable sccptuclo of Woodrow Wilson, progressive governor of Now Jersey, und democratic posslhll Ity. dragged through tho streets, a prac tical captlvo of thu henchmen of thu Southern Pacific, of Patrick Calhoun und (if "the interests." NoWce that Wilson had been captured by ' the Interests" for his stay hero was coneyed to tho 'democrats when those who hud accented Invitations to u istn quel In his honor received their tickets In the official envelopes of Calhoun's L titled Railways company. The "Charles S. Hiuik mentioned an cliAlnnun of the reception committee, proved then to be Charles N. Hlack. man ager of Calhoun's street railway lines. Practically not a man who ever raised cheer for Hryun will be prominent In the Wilson entertainment here. ' SAN FHANCISCO, May 12. Investi gation of the so-sailed San Joaquin val ley freight rates continued today be fore the slate railway commission Wil liam It. Wheeler of the Merchants Kx chanee truffle bureau, continued his tes timony regarding the rates as they af fect Sun Urunelscu and tho bay cities. He slated thut. the present rates were manifesto unalfr to San Francisco shippers. Crowds Watching the Insurrectos -'C3WD6 ok AMEEiCAisr nsri cjt 32io 3xaAMgg wrroiiTiNaTjreKaoos trttSTgiSP vas. wtAZit.. v iV-iiiBKPx OIETZ IECLABES ACCIDENT CAUSE OF HftRP'B DEftTH Denounces Lumhcr Trust and His Other Enemies in His Closing Ad dress to Jury Says State Intro duced Blackmail Evidence HAYWAUD, Wis.. May 12. Declara tion that ho honestly believed Oscar Harp, tho deputy sheriff for whose mur der he, his wife und his son Leslie, nre on trlul here, wus killed accidentally, was made today by John F. Diet, "de fender of Cameron dam," In an address to the Jury after District Attorney Wil liams had closed for tho prosecution. Wi. Hams' speech was a careful re view of tho cuso for the state. Diets followed, denouncing the lumber trust und his other enemies, und declaring It was his duty to defend his futility ugalnst all attacks. "I honestly believe," said IDotz, "that flarp was nccldantiilly killed. No depu ty among those present at 'the battle admitted the killing, but not one de clared that they had not fired In tho di rection where Harp was concealed." DleU charges that most of tho wit nesses for the state wero perjurers. He then suddonly veered to his request for a change of venue. Dletz charged that everyone connected with the state's case had lied to him. ltulslng his voice, he sheuted: "Wo had no opportunity to resist the officers of tho law. Tho stato bus In troduced a lot of blackmail evidence but you have seen thut I havo not been per mitted to refuto It." During Dletz' address Judgn Hold wus frequently compulled to wurn him to conflno himself to tho evidence. "There has never been any reuson for anyone to como to our home," said Diets to the Jurymen, "and crnwl In like u snake during the six and n half years' wurfuro with tho lumber company The state has not produced a single curt ridge which wus round In the libit, guns after wo surrendered. Why? lleoause there wus not u single curtrldge corresponding to tho bullet which killed Harp. "In our case the law never made known Its wants except by the bullet routo. Tho officials never tried to serve warrants. They served bullets Instead. Do you know why? It wus because Saw yer county, Wisconsin, Is body und soul in tho grip of the fiendish lumber trust. Another cause of tho trouble has been the putrid press. "If there Is any evhlenco to connect m e wtlh the murder of Harp I want to pay tin1 penalty. I ask no favors from the Jury and I don't want any I want only Justice "If I had klled Ilurp, I would have como beforothe court like a man and admitted 'It I would have claimed thu: I had a light to kill him In defending my fumlly and my home against Invas ion. It Is the God's tlllth thut we 1m Ileved that futal buttle was simply an other Invuslon In the lumber company's guerrilla wur" GREAT AERIAL DISPLAY MADE Fourteen Aeroplanes, Wheel, Dip and Soar Like Great Birds Over Offi cials of the House of Commons and Premier Asquith. LONDON. May 1 i Wheeling, dipping and soaring like giant birds while from their bodies machine guns spat spurts of flame. 1 1 aeroplanes today gave the most reiuarkuble display or aviation ever Ktmll In England. Itefore Premier Awiulth, a host of other offleiuls and 200 mem bers or the house or commons. The battle In air. which was held nt Hendon, Just autsltle London, was only on a of the features of the display. It noma u-imii Urn fliMit of bin tunes anil t monoplanes attacked a big army dirigi ble, and the rami spuitoring n um uh-k flfers as the airmen swept about the blg balloon threw the thousands of spcclators Into fr nxled upjduus-. UNCLE SAM WILL iHDIIOI ESSE JWfm PROBE LOOTING DF TIA JJ Scores of Looting Americans Ran sacked Stores at Tia Juana Fol lowing Occupation of Rebels In vestigation is to Follow. SAN DIKdO. Oil.. May 111. While Tin Juana, 'captured by tho rebels on Tues duy, resumed business today,' It was de clared Mint Investigation by the United StutoH authorities was certain to be nuido as u result or thelndlscrlmtnnte looting In the little' Mexico town since tho rebels occupied JJ It declared nun a large part or tho stock or several ciirln stores was taken, not by Mm hulf- starved rebels, but by the oiowds of souvenir-seeking Americans who rushed across the line almost as soon as the firing- ceased. Some or them did not stop at taking souvenirs, but took about all they could get across tho line. Looting tourists yesterday took even 'family photographs from tho homes of poor Mexleuns who had fled when the firing begun. Captain F. A. Wilcox, commanding the United Slutes troops at tho line, has done all !i his power, It Is asserted, to stop the looting, uud In so doing has Incurred tho enmity or some tourists. It Is said that a bill for tho looting damage undoubtedly will bu sent to Washington. Tho rebels nro receiving many ie crultH, UFO. MAY LOSE Petitions Are Filed Today Invoking Referendum on $500,000 Appropri ation for University of "Oregon Parkinson is Active. POllTLAND. Or. May 12. With 6000 names on tho luforendum petition against tho hair million dollur uppropil atlon for the I'lilverslly or Oregon granted by tho lust legislature, Harry J. Parkinson loft for Salem at noon m file thu potion with tho secretary of stuto. Ho stated thut a second peti tion containing 3000 mimes Mill bo riled soon. IlHroro departing. Parkinson roltorat ed the assortlon he made yesterday that Presldont Campbell or the University or Oregon, orfored him $10,000 to destroy tho petitions In his hands. This wus donled by Cumpbill at Kugono this af ternoon. Paikluson has been handling tho peti tion In behuir or poisons residing at Cottage Grove und McMlnnvlllo who were not In fuvor or grunting the uni versity the sum which wus uppropil utcd. SPIKED CLUB USED BY HIGHWAYMEN LOH ANOKLLS fal . May 12 With skulls rructured l blows rrom a splkwl club, T. L. Le- and P K Cowden, strt car men. are near ibuth today, the vic tims of two footpads who waylaid them on their way home from woik ourly to day. Cowden was found half an hour after thoussault wandering ulnilossly about the streets Lee was picked up lying In the street and taken to his home. The robbers secured about $30. Mlnars Get Charter. WASHINGTON. I. C. May 12. Tho American I'oderatlon of I.ahor today Is sum! a rhaiter to the Western Federutlnu of Mlmrs. the latter body having over whelming! jendorsed affiliation. APPROPR ATION Gathered for Attack on Juarez GIUSEPPE; C3-ARIBALDI Mother of Engineer Who Died Fol lowing Wreck on Pacific & East ern Last August Seeks $7500 Dam agesCase Will Be Hard Fought, 'J'he damage suit brought for $7500 by Mrs. Myttle aurdlner, as udmlntstia trlx of the estntu or Walter aurdlner, deceased, agulnst tho Pacific & Fastern railroad will be culled In thu circuit court next Mlmduy. The cuso will he bitterly fought and will probably occu py three or four days. The suit brought by Mrs. dunllner Is based on the death of Walter Onrdl nor, an engineer, following u collision between a work truln and passenger train on the Pacific & Hustcrn last Au gust, The two trulns met on a curve Just west or F.uglo Point. A box car. being shoved ahead of the work train, was demolished. Gardiner dilvlng tho passenger train was badly shaken up. Later he went to Portland und was op erated on, finally dying. ' The plaintiff nllegos (hut aurdlner sustained Injuries which resulted In his death In the wreck. It Is mild that the dorcuso will maintain that death was due to tho opeiutloii. A number of ptomlneiil Portlund physicians will at tend the trlul us wltnesscl. Smith and Heckwlth "upWur for the rullioud wltli A. I. Meami's for the plaintiff. CAMBEll DENIES BRIBERY STORY Parkinson says University Head Of fered Him $10,000 to Destroy Ref erendum Petition but Campbell Ut terly Denies the Report. RUOHNR. Or.. May 12. Flatly con tradlcting the assertion of II. J, Park inson, formerly editor of the Portland Uibor Piess, thut ho off Died Purkliisoii $10,000 to destiny me lofeiondillil peti tion against tho $&00,000 appropriation for tho University of Oiegon, Piesldent Campbell of the university Issued a stutcmont this afternoon. Ha said In parti T "1 novor offered a bilbo to Mr. Purklii soii nor suggested ono to him. 1 met him ut the Urgent ii-quost of his per sonal friend. Mr. Harris, who hns been friendly to the university and who wish ed me to discuss tho lufereiidum with Mr. Parkinson. My discussion with Mr. Parkinson was solely In legard to a plan to substitute an Initiative meusure which would provide for tho maintenance, of the stato schools on a mileage basis In place of the rofniemlwm which was be ing pushed ugalnst the university, tho ngrieiilttiial college uud the normal school," President Campbell's statomnnt wus made In reply to Parkinson's sensational stutement of yesurduy afternoon. Park Insolu said that Campbell mado him uu offer lust Satuiday uhllu the two wero ut dinner After the legislature adjourned cltl .ens of Cottage Orov and McMlnnvlllo statt-d tho rteieailum movement ugalMMt the university's appiaprlutlon and Puiklnsou wus empowered to circu late one of the petitions. The petition 'ouvltlg beell completed, U no nt Srt- loin, where, It Is reported, Purklnson Intends to rile It with the HWretnry of Istutu either toils) or tomorrow. PAIIIH, May 12 A booking office has heuii opened here for Bests Hi aeroplane Noxt door to the booking agenoy Is ail office whloh writes insurunao on the life of tho purchaser of the ticket. The rates now posted at the booking office are: For one round of th aerodrom ut Issy-Les-Moullueuux (neur tho Klffel tower). $10; rour rounds. $20; for u 10 minutes flight, $10 Insurance uu the life or tho passenger Is hud, up to $1000. at the rule or a hair to one cent on tho dollar, depending upon tho weather. AGIST ROAD mWM 1 iOIMi4HFJ sMPik 4l JBZZIV. ifWF o NS WOULD CONFESS Seek Opportunity for Immunity by Telling What They Know to Grand Jury Indictments Arc Being Rushed Through. COLUM11US, O., May 12. Many mem bers or tho stuto legislature, it was ie ported tisljiy, aro seeking an opportu nity to confess to the senate Investi gating committee boforo tho grand Jury can rutin n Indictments, expectui In this Way to gain Immunity, As a icsult It was said thut tho grand Jury wou.d piohuhly rush the .Indictments lit order to head off any Immunity seekers. Judge Carpenter Overrules Demurrer and Rules That Packers Must Stand Trial on Criminal Charge Nino Others in Shadow of Jail. CHICAGO. Mny 12. J. Ogden Armour and ulna other Chicago packers,. Indict ed for oouspliacy and violation of the Sherman anti-trust law, camo today inousuiiihly neaier prison colls when United States Judge Cat pouter here over ruled a deiniyier filed by Mm puckeis' attorney mid ruled that thuv must stand tilal on thu criminal chut go. The packers contended that the con spiracy ('Inline of tho BheriuAii luw, under whloh they were Indicted, were unconstitutional beoause It was vague and Indefinite and the defondunts wen imublo to determine what wus legal and what was Illegal. Judge) Cutpentor, In overruling the plea, said that the supieme court bad four times upheld the Sherman luw. lie said the Indictments Avere inifflolfiitly lucid, und for his imrt! he could not um bo w they could Ih made more definite After the ruling on the dvmurrer. At torney John S Miller for the packers, asked iwi mission to file a bill or purtlo uluis Th'.H motion will be argued Wednesday SPOKUE MAY LICENSE ALL IIS RESTAURANTS HPOKANI'l, May 12 A proposal to license restaurants with the view of compelling restaurant keepers to keep their places of business up to a certain sanitary standard wus made today by )r J It Anderson, ol'y health officer. Ilr Anderson bus Just completed un In spection or various lestaurnuts and buk eiiM und repelled that iiiapy of them ure unfit for the preparation of rood. "I believe we should enforce u certain sanltury standard " said Anderson, "and the only ,wuy we can tiring dirty restau rants Into position where wo can enforce cleanliness lu to Uccinjo them." M R N PRISON PUMP PLACED IN FIS 1 ATAMENTDAM Is Ordered Out by Deputy Warden Sandry on His Return From Coast Trip Serves Notice on Company He Will Stand No More Juggling. WILL SOON INVESTIGATE DAMS ON APPLEGATE Leaves for Roscburg Where He Has Several Cases of Law. Violation. Evidently bollovlng that tho fish 'woro having too easy a time getting ovei tho new state rlshway nt the Anient dam. It being the first time In tho history of tho dam that u fish could got over, tho company last week, when thtf deputy fish warden's back wns turned, Installed a centrifugal pump and a gnsollno en gine nt the head of tho rishwny and was merrily engaged In pumping water out of tho flshway when Ham Sandry re turned and ordered It out. So onca again everything Is serene, nnd fish aro as cending tho river. Deputy Fish Warden Sundry haH Just returned from a trip on tho coast streams, whore ho found everything In good condition. On Ills return ho was notified of the pump Incident nnd that tho company repairing tho dam had turn ed tho water out of tho new flshway on several occasions during his absence Ho has served notleo upon tho company that ho will no longer brook any Intor furenco or Juggling on their part and that the fish ladder must tu no may ho again tampered with. "I am going to seu that the run of salmon which will soon bo on gets over tho Anient dam If I havo to camp thoro the rest or thu season, Is tho way Mr. Sandry sums up tho situation. Mr, Sandry lort last evening for Hoso burg. where ho wtl ltnke up somo cases of law violation. It Is reported that a number of fish huvu boon taken recent ly rrom tho rish ladders on tho South Umpiiun. Ho will go from Itoseburg to Drain, whero he has a caso ngulnnt tho Pngo Investment company for obstruct ing P.Ik river Oii Ills return homo ho will spend HftVoral days on upper Applo gute Investlgnllug tho dams In that sec tion. ii COAL PARTY1I0 NOT MATERIALIZE Steamer Edith Docks and Discharges Her Cargo Without Demonstration as Planned United States Mar- , slial Had Large Force on Hand. COIIDOVA. Ayuska, May 12. Though a large crowd or citizens wero at thu docks when the steamship F.dltlt, loaded with Canadian coal, slipped Into her berth last night, no demonstration of nny consequence was mado or any nctlonH tending to Indicate that another "coal party" hud been planned. It Is believed toduy, however, that the precautious taken by United States Marshal Sullivan, who had posted a largo numbei of deputies on the wharf, held the crpwd In check und prevented them from throwing tho coal Into tho. bay. The l'Mlth brought her coal from Nan- nlmo, 11. C. 6REAT LUMBER CONCERNS UNITE Plan Reforms and a More United Stand W, C. Miles of Globe is Manager Details Will Bo Perfect ed at Ccntralla Tomorrow. HI4ATTLIC. May 12. Planning rororms uml a more united stund, three or tho lurgest lumber ussoclutlons In tho Pa cific noi (Invest will consolidate with W. C. Miles of Globe as manager. Details wll be pei reeled at Cwtitrulla tomorrow, when the beiger will tuke. place between the Paciric Coast Lumber Manuruotur- ers' association and the Southwestern Lumber and Manufacturers' association. a lor H liecpinun, secretary of the Pa cific c.mst bus loslgued, being Buceeod td l Thorpe Ilabcock. OLDKBT CONDUCTOR OH H. V. IN OBBQON BUKIED Itosifiliuito. Or.. May 12 Itoseburg hllks huve charge of tho funeral of Con ductor T J Kearney, oldest 8. P. con ductor on tho Hues In Oregon, who died at San Frunclseo Monday evening. Tho passing of "Tom" Kearney Is ono sad dening feature of the rtoscburK berry festival, fur tho veteran trainman way extremely popular. Ho retired from service a few months ago bocuuno of bad . mil th. Ho was then conductor on tho Shasta limited. IIo wis oced almost 00 and leavoa a widow and son. ..;-. mimmwm'Mimmmm&mmmmmwF&?!:i