. .1 PAGE SIX MEDFORD 'MAIL' TRTBtTNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1911. ml I i V. ? 'fej ! yA2 i . j , Our Correspondents TALENT ITEMS. BUTTE FALLS ITEMS P. n. Carpenter, contractor, member of the rirm of HcdKcpntli & Urtice, won In Tnlent Wednesday looking after 'the contract for build nt? tlie I. O. O. F. temple. On Tuesday J. J. Lnuc was dolnB business In Aelitnnil. J. B. Carlllo, chief of pollro of Asli lahcl, on Wcdncsdny waH In Talent visit Inif with his dnUBhtor, Mrs. James Gar vin. Louis KiiRcr from Aslilnnd on Wed nesday was looking after his flno or chard west of Talent. C. A. McArthur of Medford on Wed nesday was In the vicinity of Talent attending to business connected with real estate. Fulton Smith will lcavo Talent for the Nell Creek sawmill on Thursday. A sister of J. 1 Norman. Mrs. John Hart, formerly of Oklahomu, Is visit ing relatives In Talent. Charles II. Iuirge, architect rrotn Al bany, has been employed by tho school district at Talent. Ho wbh lit Talent Wednesday. V. A. Duulap inndo n business trip to Medford on Wednesday. J. N. Manning left on Wednesday for a visit with relatives nt Kugene. Mrs. 8. U. Storey of Hams Valloy on Wednesday was In Talent attending to matters of business. ,Tho present principal of tho Talent school, O W. Ager, has been employed by tho directors of tho school dlstilet nt Woodvlllo to teacli for tho coining school year. J. II. Fuller Is building a flno now barn on his farm onci mllo west of Tal ent. Hurry drlggs has churgo of tho work. Since tho weather has cleared off farmers nro busy spraying thnlr oichards for tho cod II n moth. Dy tho first of next week William Quuckenuusli, formerly of Talent orchard company, will put a gang of men to work thinning apples. The follqwing Is ft list of parsons from outsldo places registering at tho Hell house. Talent: V. M. Morse, Ashland: Don Fisher, Brownsville! J. I Lore, Cor vnllls; A. 8. Ilrown, Ashland; Qoorge M. McNahb, Ashland; K. It. Out mini, Medford; It. C. Stead, Medford; It. C. Mnyne. Itahay; J. C. Curry, Portland; J. M. IIughoM. Ashland; II. C. Tabcr, Ashland; C. H. iJurge, Albany. CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. Mrs. Jacob Slonu returned from Sac ramento Monday evening after being ab sent several .months. MrH. T. J. O'Hara. A. W. Moon, C). K. Fox and A. Vj. IaPoiiIu were OruntH Pass visitors Tuesday. Hr. IX K. Hincrson returned from his homestead and lluttu Falls Tuesday morning. Tho Ladles' Aid society of tho M. li ehrueli had u very enjoyablo surprise on Mrs. .Kaliler Tuesday afternoon. Rev. T. J. Hazelton was a Phoenix vis itor Tuesday itfturnoon. Tho Medford visitors from Central Point Tuesday were Mrs. Alta Ileal, Mr. Wilson, Hr., Mr. Ousloy, Mr. Hoke, Jr., Mr. Ulackburn, James Cllne, Mrs. I. li lloblnolt, Miss M. Miller, Miss Mary Olson. Jim Cllnu left for Portland Tuesday evening nil business. Francis Leonard of Portland visited relatives hero tho fore part of tho week. Tho seniors of tho Centuil Point high school aro very busy preparing for com uiencetnent, which will tnko place Friday evening. May 30. This Is tho first year that Central Point will not liuvo an eighth grade commencement. EAGLE POINT EAGLETS. (Ily A. C. Howlett ) Thursday ufternoon lust, Ira Dodge, Ills ifather mid two strangers called for Into dinner and then started with their aulo for the Dodge farm on the west bank of tho lloguo river, via Free Feiry. Mr, Dodnu seems to be wry confident that tho new bridge across Itoguo HviH near his pluco will be pui ill mu sum mer mid that wo will have dltcel com munication with Sams vulloy, by that means bringing tho people of lhat (no tion within a short distance of tho rail road. A gentleman by tho iiuiha of Meis from Montana wus hero looking over tno situation with an eyo to business. TJiiiu has been iilto a uumbui' ( traveling baleumeu hero the last fuw ilu'H and they all seem to bo doing busl uebs, In fact our little town Is beginning to cosmopolitan ulrs and one would think thul the prospect was very flat tering us it btislnes proposition. Miss Mugglu Daloy, our telephone girl, lino put tiultn u stock of stutlouaiy. ooiiibH. brushes etc., In her lltllo central phone offleo and by that means a few iM'imk'H tu hur account. A llttlu girl of Mrs. Vaughu'M. living In tho lower end of our town along uie rullroud tiack fell tho uthr day ami cut her forehead su a to bo necessary for Dr. Holt to take several sllttibes to draw tlo cut together I see that wo have u new lumber yard In our luwn, Hpiague brothers of California, liuvo auunged with the P & II It. It. company to use a part of their right of way for stacking their lumber and they have also (.reared lots tp build on and from the appearance of things they Intend to do huslneHs, as they huvo now on tho ground three car load or lumber una nro looking ror mote to come. , Last Sunday was tuto a day at tho Puclflo & Hastem depot, especially whllo the train stopped there n fvw min utes. The band rendered some fine music and the 75 or 0 paiisengiis hud nn' opjiortunlty to mm some of the Im- rirovoments that uu being made here , H Frank Liiwls hus his bulldlug, 11:1x50, fi'et, two stories high, about completed i Mr. Llddell lius ins siore. .'axav reel wellund'jr way und bj the limit this Is read by the public the shelving and obuntcm will be well under )'. M L Daloy has Ids store woll slocked und last Suturduy was iimlr opening da und you know I sent In an ad. for him on tho I. M T . und last Sunday, while I was ut Aittlooh school house, Cliuper rel school huuso and Tublo Itock sohool Jiuusn wttviidlug meeting, there were se ural persons usked uu who M I. Daley vh, naylng that tlu-j saw an ad In the Mull Tribune for his store And still some Will say that It don't pu lo advertise In the papers ' In addition lo the ulwve buildings that nro UI 'd going up. Wlllluiu Von der Helleu Is having the dlrst exeuxat ert for HI" lulldlnr. S8x&U feel, und Is planning to erect two-stors bilok building nd Iiuvp the upper loom ur- Robert Fryusar und a t'luiry have eoMia to town, bought two lots und uie r7i.inunr to build und open up u livery " . . . . J,.. 1. 1.. mi.1 lt Plnrr urn.. in und jceii !)-, " r-v -:,v I, .' n hln subscript for (he Mall Tribune Jack Doublcday has been visiting Med ford and renewing acquaintances with hln many friends. The Sunday excursion was largely pat ronised and much enjoyed, although tho weather was rather cool and somo snow fell In tho hills beyond. Tho railroad Is ooing much for tho town and It be hooves tho mill luterosts und tho people to do their part as lititto Falls cannot bo made by simply running trnlns to It nnd furnishing transportation, but Industries must be established and opportunities for employment given tho people nnd encouragement extended to the settle ment of business men. Tho Iluttc Falls Lumber company has opened n wood yurd In Medford und ap pointed a local salesmnn. It Is cool and dear nnd wo have had several ftosts heie, but as there Is not much fruit hereabouts no grout losses have been stlstnlned. Mrs. CrosH will soon open her restau rant, and Misses Carson and Stoddard will soon complete their Ktoro building, while nil over town many Improvements aro under wuy. lirlng tho men of capi tal and business capacity and families of desliablo standing and push forward the .ocal Improvements nnd liutto Falls will advance along tho right llrius, as It will not do with a class of roughs und rowdies. Itov. Mr. Jones Is engaged In tho erec tion of his new church and has hopes of soon being comfortably established. Judge H. S. PcnU is still In Mcdfon but It Is Ulto probable that ho will truvol south or also form a business re lation with a Sacramento, Cal corporn tlon to reptesent Its oxtenslvu Intel ests. Do Is now In Kugene, Or. Many huvo been tho solicitations und from tho high est sources, for him to locate In Med ford, but tho strong probabilities are that Mr, Penis will act for coroprato Interests. Ono or tno most comforable, easy road ways for a nowly built railway, Is that of tho P. A li, which reflects great credit upon the men engaged In the consttuc tlvo work, and demonstrates tho effi ciency of tho official management. Clasplll & Wheeler, as also J. P. Hughes, merchants, report their trndo as Increasing rapidly nnd nro enabled through tho cheapening of freight lates to sull at Medford prices. The band boyH practice twice n week and aro making excellent progress un der tho direction of Moses llud Illldrctn and Mrs. Curtain. Tho railroad work under tho super vision of Messrs. Stout and Holts, Is rap Idly Hearing completion nnd when done Ilutto Falls will have u flno water sys tem for tho use of tho railway and ono of tho most beautiful and convenient depots along the entile line. Mr. Geilg lias done much eommemlablo woik and his management has been of a superior type. Kdgur Hafer Is still continuing his work nenr the Falls nnd has somo 40 acres nearly cleared for tho proposed nuw town, mills and business, Ilutto Falls Is now In the throes of the uuestlon of whether It will incorpo rate. H would be best, provided tho proper official material wuh elected, us tho town will have to he bonded to meet the expenses of present and future do iiiaiiilM ami onlv the most responsible as most desirable eltlrens should have tho matter In charge. Put no undesiraDins In office and suppress all bad Influences. Kir. null of Oklahoma contemplates Mtnrtliiir business In town and will prob ably purchase business piopony. build a bank building and upon up tho F-iglo Point bank by J,uly 1. The inost of tho slook hus ulieady been subi Hcrlbed. The mall schedule for Hullo I' alls ami HiiKlo Point has been elamged so that now tho stage leaves Ilutto Fulls ut 7 o'clock u. in., and urilves hero ubout 11 a. m.: leaves here ut 1 o'uroek p. in. and arrives at Ilutto Falls at fi p, in. Notice to Ooutraotors. Notlco Is hereby given that sealed bids will bo received by tho hoard of directors of school district No. SB, of Jackson county, statu of Oregon, until Wednes day, May 17,1811, for tho erection of a ono stoty frame school building In suld district, I'lanH and specifications for tho sumo may bo scon at tho office of tho county school superintendent In Jacksonville, or In tho casu of his ut senco from tho office, they may bo seen at llio offleo of tho county clerk Kaclt bid must bo accompanied by a certified check for a sum which shall eipial flvo per cent of tho amount of the bid, us a guiirantco of good faith, and tho successful bidder will bo required lo glvo bonds In tho sum of soventy-flvo per cent of Urn iiiiiount of lint bid The board of directors rouorvo tho right to rajoat J. M. any und all bids. Send bids to Slovens, lleagle, Or. . w, sTiinonsfl, Chairman Sohool Hoard. TBUTH CENTER. 1S2 North Ivy street, Medford. Or. A primary courso of twolvo lessons n Truth will be given by Annlo Spraguo Hialtli every Thursday afternoon at 3 p. in, Teaching and divine healing by appointment. Motaphysleal library, lltoraturo for sale Subscilptloits taken for Uenlty Power, Nautilus and other publications. Kuqulrlcs recolved by malt will receive prompt attention. All are welcome. Love offerings. North Pole Picfures will be oxhibitcd at the Nal Theatre Tonight DQNT FAIL TO SKK TJI1SSK MOST WOX- DISRKlThOJALLAIO- IMON PKTUUKS I. The Next Czar of Russia- . ,. I ' T ' " - ...... - ... - , I l.fcl I'll I J l I III. -I ..1J. 'II ,'ll' BVBBVBhrCL-JMBBBEKBF.irk LVM "A-Hf-f flBBVTS 'WBBSKKaSSXfMSrrif-4 i'wmKit tT.J Trail ! ill !! I- hum .-.- -....,. J TAJRJ5VlTdta AlD Tlis sola hlr of tho. rolgnlntr house of nttonded by his Coac servant, who is attached. TO TALK OF GRIME ' PItlNnVILLi:. Or., May 11. Other than to assert that the killing was Jus tified, John Itoblnsou, who shot nnd In stantly Kilted Louis McAllister, owner of tho Oehoeo gold mine nnd other piop ertles, declined to talk today. Ho Is In tho custody of tho sheriff. Much excitement prevails hero and nt Howard, McAllister's home, as McAllis ter was a prominent matt In this district nnd well liked. Itoblnsou shot McAllister while they weie standing at tho entrance of tho initio. It Is said they became Involved In a dispute over tho mine. XTOTIGE. All real estate men aro heroby notified that my ranch Is now off the market. CO WALLACH WOODS. V REFUSES 1?V1?Q Scientifically 'Posted ft ml Ily I EjO Olassos Properly lotted. " DS. EICKERT TCYltJKiailT SPECIALIST ' 30S .13. Main St., over Kcntner's. r'e'vir.srNr4vsrsrrsr, JUST OUT Medford Mail Tribune Official Map of Jackson County, Ore. Compiled especially for Jackson County Almtract Co. Annrovod and offi cially adopted hy tho county court, July, 1910, Shows ownership Of oach parcol of property, township and section lines, county roads, forest re- serves, railroad grant, city and all other necessary Tho only convonlont, hnndy, complete map j of Jackson county published In mnny yoars. Size z !IS hy 40 Inches, on heavy map papor, tinned nt Z both ends No homo comploto without this map. it soils i for T-fD. hnt will ho given nway freo to suhscrlb- ors lo tho Medford Mall HOW TO GET SUUSOimiB TO TUB DA FOB ONK YEAH IN OU FOH THK WI3HKLY YBAltS IN ADVANCE AND TUB Or got ono now subscriber to tho Dally or two :; now ones to tho Weekly, romlt and wo will send the l', map. ! ' Old subscribers tuny socuro tho map by paying ;; up arrears and subscribing In advance. :; MPf tnrd Mm ' Vihnnia 27 N. Piv Street Medford, Ore. UIS ATTH1STDAKT Knula U here seen at Bnd-Naubolra about to mount a blcyolo with carrier ' ' ARIZONA MAY VOTE AGAIN ON RECALL WASHINGTON, D. C. May 11. Tho house territories committee today voted to fnvorublv report n tesolutlou provid ing that the people of Arizona shall vote again on tho recall of Judges clause In their statu constitution and that tho people of New Mexico shall voto again on nn amendment which will make It easier to (intend their constitution. Tho house will consldor tho report on Tuesday, Estrada Flees. MANAGUA. Nncarngua, May 11. The resignation nnd flight if President Juan J. Hstindu today Is 'taken hero as the presage of unotnar revolution with n strong probability that General Menn, present inllnster of war. will bo tho next I to assume power. the Mall Trluuuo hy tho J and town boundaries X Information. Tribune, 2 THE MAP FREE ILY MAIL TlUnONB ADVANCE ,?5.00 MAIL TRIBUNE TWO AT 11.50 A YEAR. $3.00 MAP IS YOURS. GAME IN 1875: I PASSES 8EV0HD J. W. 0. Gregory Dies in Ashland, After Lonrj Residence There Farmed for Years Near Table Rock Before Moving to Ashland ASHLAND. Of., May 1. J. W. O. Gregory passed away at his home on First nvenuo TJicsday nftornoon. Mr. Gregory was stricken with paralysis three years ago nnd his health bos been poorly ever since. Another stroko Friday afternoon proved fatal, and ho never re covered consciousness. The funeral will take plaro Thursday afternoon at 2;.10 from the residence, Itov. II. J. Vnn Fosscn officiating. Tho Interment will bo In Ashland cemetery. Mr. Gregory was born In Canada, July 17, 1848. He remained In Canada until 10 years of ago or until tho commence ment of the civil war, when ho joined his fnther, Captain Thomas D. Gregory, who was then In commnnd of the Mis sissippi squadron. After tho close of the war he went to MIbsouH, where ho met nnd mnrrled Anna It, Brown, Sep tember 22, 1807. In 187.1 they enmc to Yplo county, California, whore tlioy re mained about two nnd one-half years, when they enmo to Oregon, locating at Tablo Itock, whoro ho was engaged In farming until coming to Ashland In 1881. Thrco children wore born to them J. Milton Gregory, deceased, Mrs. kG, II. Yoo and Mrs. J. A. Harvey, both residents or ASlimiui. Mr. Gregory was for many years en gaged In tho truck and .dray business In Ashland nnd mode mnny friends, who will bo grlovod. to learn of his death. Magdalena Captured. NOOAJjKS, Aria., May 11. Magdalono, In. Honora state on tho Sonora railroad 45 miles south of here, was captured by the rebels today, according to passengers arriving on a delayed west coast Mexi can train. No particulars could bo ob tained of tho occupation of tho city by tho rebels. Hasklns for Health. MMMMMMMMMaMMHMMM Eata Poison oaK NEVER DPUenV 30 YEARS tailino KlPiCUT THESTANOARD PILES, CHILBLAINS. rCLONS, OURNS, CTC. I A VALUABLE HOU3CHOLO SALVC. AIL 0AUS0ISTS HAVE IT OH WILLOBTilN ON SCCOJCSr ACCtPr NO SUBSTITUTES. rrco 25 Cents. lAtlGltViMICHAtLSCO SftN FRANCISCO. Excursion East 1911 Duilnj,' tho months of May, June. July, AiiKimt and Senteinbor, on dntes shown billow, tho Southern Pacific will fiull round trip tltkotH from Medford, via Portland iih follews: TO FAUICH. ChlcnKO $ 82.10 Council JIluffH ... Oiimlia Kansas City Ht. JoHcph St. Paul .. 09.90 St. I'ftul, via Council Uluffs .. MlniH'upoIlM, direct .' MlnncapollH, via Council llluffn. IJPMtOII, lllltH't 73.S0 69.U0 7II.S0 119.90 Now Vork 118.10 St IiOiils 79.90 WnsliliiKton, 1). 0 117.10 Atlantic City, X. J. ...1 112.30 SALE SATES May 1..'17, 18. 19, 22. 23, 21. 25, 27, 28 nnd 29. Juno 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, IC, 17, 21, 22, 2S, 29 nnd 30. July 1, 8, 3, I, r, fi. 10, 20. 2fi, 27 nnd 28. AllKllnt 3. I. r. II, 15, IC, 17, 21, 22, 23, 2h, 29 and 30. Bi'ptembor 1, 2, A, 5, fi nnd 7. Stop-oveiH wlthlh lliultH In eltlior di rection. Final i etui n limit October 3 Int. For faros ona way through Callfonila Inquire of miy Sontliern Pacific n?out, or write to WM. MCMUSKAY Oenernl Fnsienffcr Agent Portland, Oreg-on. PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL to m: hi:ld in. Portland, Oregon. June 5 to 10, 1911 will nn a, most nmryUANT I FLORAL FIESTA &CIVIC JUBILEE Portland. "The Rose City." will bo n .. , , , . .,." . . i world-wldo Interest (or, one week. One and One-Third Fare to Portland PROM ALL rOXNTS OK THE Southern Pacific-Lines in Oregon To keep perfectly posted on all Impor tant matters relating to this great event, call on local agents for circulars and printed matter, or write to WM. McUtr&XAY General l'anier Agent, rOUTUAND, onu , Medford Horse Shoeing Shop- 128 South Uarctlctt Street. Pacific Phono 18.11 Home 210-11. C. L Allen, Prop. GIVE US A TItlAIi ii, ,.. n iv. oii . 4va it -Up YOUR HOME COMFORTS. "Wo can wlri your houso, or do re pair work o.j tho servlco you now have, and will savo you money on tho work. Pro'mntncss and satisfac tion aro two other essentials that you'll. always get hero. MOTOR REPAIRING PIAT IRONS PANS, FIXTURES. Crater Lake Wiring Co. NO. 27 NORTH DARTI.ETT ST. ?n rOiriIriLll ix m-I VJ-r Uf ijBBrBir ijlMHl Excursion Fares East 1911 During the months of May, June, Jul)', August and September, on dates shown below, the .SOUTHERN PACIFIC , .wijl.scjl round trip tickets from Medford via Portland " as follews: TO " FAEES Chicago $82.40 Council Blurls Omaha Kansas City.l-.l St. Joseph St. Paul St. Paul, via Council Bluffs $73.80 Minneapolis, via Council Bluiis :. $73.80 Duluth, via Council Bluffs $77.40 St. Louis $79.90 1 ' ' SALE DATES May 16, 17,' 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28 and 29. June 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 28, 29 and 30. July 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 19, 20, 26, 27 and 28. August 3, 4, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29 and 30. f September 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Stop-overs within limits in either direction. Final re turn limit October 31st. ... For fares one way through California inquire of A. S. Rosenbaum, agent, or write to WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon Low Round Trip Fares to tho Strawberry Festival and Rose Carnival to be held at Roseburg, Ore. May II, 12, 13. for this occasion the Southern Pacific Company will sell round trip tickets at ONE and ONE-THIRD FARE from all stations, Eugene to Ashland inclusive, May 11, 12 and 13, with final return limit May 15. Au elaborate program has been propared by the Carnival Committee and will consist of Strawberry aud Kose exhibits, Parades of the Elks and other Fraternal Lodges, Strawberry eating contest, Aero plane, Automobilo and Motorcycle race, Tug of War athletic sports, Grand Carnival Ball, Mardi Gran Carnival, etc., etc. For further particulars, qall on any Southern Pa cific Agent, or write to WM. McMURRAY Gonoral Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. WOOD FOR SALE I- BLOCK WOOD $4 FSB LOAD Phono Main 2S01 or lev or4er, at Medford Hardware Company Second hand Remington Typewriter For Sale. Little Used. Wide Carriage Medford Book Store ., $69.90 tw-r i thin inomln Ti urim!W4i.'Jil In ulr-dy mado tot is , -