7 At f MEDFORD M&U. TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON THURSDAY, MA.Y II; 1911. PABSTVI, k LOCAL AND Miss Cordelia Goff of Central Point has shopping In Medford Wednesday. Mrs. E. O. Brown and Miss Eva Hum plircy left Wednesday for a month's stay at Wagner Springs, Charles Parker has returned from a trip to Southern California where ho pur chased property! Mr. Geaee of Central Point was a Med ford visitor Wednesday. V. 8. .Duller of Ashland was In Med- ford Wednesday. C. Cook of Applofinte-wns In Med ford Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. 11. V. Brown of Eagle Point transacted buslncs in Mcdford Wednesday. 13. F. Raymond returned Wednesday from Monumontal where ho has property interests. Charles Mcscrvc returned Wednesday from a five day trip to urants Pass Woodvlllc and Savage creek. p. W. Palm has roturned from a busi ness trip to Portland, E. J. Wllbcrt and E. W. Clcmo of Ashland motpred from Ashland Wednes day. Two and one-half acres In alfalfa, one mile south of Washington school; easy terms. A. W. II. Everhard, 213 Fruit growers Bank bldg. 13. G. Miller of Central Point trans acted business In Medford Thursday. Mrs. W. It. Norcross of Central Point was a Thursday shopper In Medford. Art Boggls of Gold Hill transacted business In this city Wednesday. Is your house. wlredT One clgmr less a day would pay for a hundred per cent Increase In comfort. Start living the electric life. Mrs. F. 13. Watson nnd daughter Win nlfrcd. of Ashland, spent Thursday In this city. Mr. rnd Mrs. Stccnstrup roturned Thursday from a short visit to north ern Oregon points. B. M. Bnrtlelt of Spokane Is spend ing a few days with trlends here. Medford local socialist party meets - every Sunday night at 7:30 at Smith's hall on North Grape street. Everybody invited. J. C. Dlmm of Eugcno was a visitor In Medford Wednesday. Attorney George W. Treffrcn of Ash land was it business visitor In this city Thursday. William Ocrlg returned from a busi ness visit In Portland Thursday. See R. A, Holmes, The Insurance Man, over Jackson County bank. Mrs. Ous lledburg of Ashland was in Ashland Thursday. James L. Houston of Columbus, O., was a Wednesday arrival In Medford. Read display advertisement on an other page of this Issue. Butto Falls Lumber company. C. W. Gray of Grants Pass was a Medford visitor Wednesday. Carkln & Taylor (John H. Carkln, Glenn X Taylor), atornoys-at-law, over Jackson County Bank Bldg., Medford. Fred II. McClurc of Eaglo Point was a Medford visitor Wednesday. Printing of all kind at Portland prices. Mall Tribune office. Waller Dee of Suthcrlln', Or.i Is look ing after business interests In the val ley. 'Mrs. F. B. Holmes of Eaglo Point spent Thursday shopping In Medford Crlnvclt's Quality Shop has located In room i, St. Mark's building. 219 1-2 West Main street, where they will make reg ular $35 suits for $25 this week only. f Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Robinson nnd daughter of Jacksonville wero In Med ford Wednesday. The returned from Philadelphia early In tho week, wliero Miss Robinson was being Instructed In music. Do yoU want 5 acres In alfalfa, one mile south of Main street, cheap? C. W. If. Everhard, 212 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg. - John I Short anil I. N. Dnllnrt of Httrmoslllo, Sonora, Mexico, aro stop ping in Medford for a few days. Gregory's panoramas and views noli real estate J. M. Rice of Portland transacted bus iness In Medford Wednesday. Ashland Steam Laundry. Medford of fice, phone No. 1201. C. Canon of Tecuinseh. Neb., was -' among the eastern arrivals In Medford : Wednesday. ' Do you want 14 lots 50x145 each for . 12500 on easy terms? C. W, H. Ever hard. 212 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg. Mr. and Mrs. H. 13. Travlllo of Spring Valley, III., arrived In Medford Wed nesday and will probably locate hero. Large, delightful sleeping room for rent at 203 Olcson street. FT H. Riddle of LaGrando Is In Med ford looking over the valley. Dr. J E. Shourcr haB moved his of fices to Garnctt-Coroy building.. 45 Mrs. W. E, Thompson of Gold Hill was shopping In Medford Wednesday. Leave your orders for strawberries with Tatsuma, at tho R. R. Valley de pot fruit stand, e docs a wholesale and retull buslni'ss and his berries uro the best and cheapest In town. 65 Mrs. M. A. Pryce of Gold Hill was a Wednesday shopper In Medford, Como to the Fish Market; fresh crabs this week, two for 25c. Salmon eggs for fishermen; fresh ranch butter and creamery butter; all kinds of lunch goods; halibut 12 1-2 cents u pound Fri day and Saturday. Free delivery four times a day. Messier & Ken worthy. 44 Gcorgo H. Durham and wife of Grants Pass arrived Wednesday for a short visit with frlonds here, A white flower for mother's memory. A bright flower for mothers living. 44 J. E. Kerratl of St, Paul was a Wed nesday arrival In Medford. For sale Two hundred tiers dry fir and laurel wood, 16 Inches long, on ground. Address "Falrvlow," Jackson ville. 44 I, W. Qlasswell of Glendale s spend ing a few days with friends in thin, city. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS Ifcijr Phono 2271 Night Phones F. W. Wecka 9071. A. E. On, M99. LADY ASSISTANT. JOHN A. PERL Undertaker and Embalmer Successor to the undertaking do- : 7 nnrtmnnf nt Xfnrtfnrrt Piirnltiirfl Co. . ,.-.... ....-. V. . .... Office with Medford Furniture Co. I ; ; Telephones; Day, lieu 3oi; : ; John A. Perl, residence, Bell 4111, 'llnmn 179T, '! ., -' ' !; C. W. Conklln 36Q1. j. u. uui-; !;ier 3571. !; . AMIiriiANCTK HKHVIUB . PERSONAL ' Miss Loltle Van Scoy of Eagle' Point Visaed with friends In this city Thurs day. Mrs. F. G. McWIlllams and Mrs. J. R. Ruger of Ashland Were guild visitors nero rnursilay. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Glltmore were among the Ashland visitors In Medford Thursduy. (Mrs. C. R. Watklns and Mrs. R. P. Watklns of Ashland were shopping In Medford Thursday. Mrs. J. F. Brown of Eaglo Point was a .Medford visitor Thursday. Mrs. H. Mattern nnd daughter of Ash land were in Medford Thursday. Mrs. William Holt of Eagle Point was a Thursday shopper In Medford. Mrs. George Lavener and daughters or Ashland spent Thursday In Medford. Mrs. J. J, Chambers of Ashland spent Thursday In Medford. Mrs. R. L. Burdlck of Ashlund was a guest of St Marks guild here Thursday. Rev. S. N. Domes of Ashland was among the Ashland visitors hero Thurs day. P, J. Neff returned Thursday morn ing from a business visit In 1'ortlHnd. George Tavencr of Ashland was In Medford Thursdays Mrs. William Von dor Hellcn of Eagle Point was shopping In Medford Thurs day. Mrs. V. Jleckwllh of Central Point was shopping In Medford .Wednesday. C. Cunningham, acting mayor of Ash land, and Mrs. Cunningham were Med ford visitors Thursday. Curtis Anderson arrived here from Culver, Ind., being called by the serious Illness of his mother, Mrs. Hcrt Ander son. Mayor Canon Is nble to resume his du ties after a short Illness. The Gurnett-Corey Hardware company has Installed a sanitary drinking foun tain for .the convenience of their pa trons. Miss Luclllo Rader departed for Eu gene Thursday morning where she will attend the Junior "prom" Friday even ing. W. O. AlileuliHgon of the Prospect Con struction company was a business vis itor to Tolo today. . Miss Mattle Carter of Central Point has accepted n. position as bookkeeper at the Fonts grocery store. Franklo Edwards leavcB tonight for Roseburg whefc ho will meet Tommy Gaffncy In a 10-round boxing bout, Fri day evening. Frankle sifys he will not disgrace Medford but will bring home the bacon. Chris Gottlieb of Knnsas City, ono of tho champion marksmen of tho world, who urst came here four years ago with tho A.t-Amerlcan team, fell In love with tho valley and purchased an orchard, ..as returned to make his homo horc and becomo a resident of Medford. Mr. Gottlieb Is also part owner, with Tom Marshall and Charles Thorpe, of an ex tensive young grove of fruit trees. DR. WHITE TALKS TO HIGH SCHOOL Dr. Calvin S. White addressed a large and interested audience In the auditor ium of the high school Wednesday af ternoon. Tho pupils and many outsiders listened to a splendid address on "Dan gers from the house fly." Dr. White's speech showed careful investigation of his subject, pointing out tho danger of Infection by the common housefly and giving valuable hints on health to his auuience. ST. MARK'S GUILD ENTERTAINS NEIGHBORS The ladles of St. Mark's Episcopal guild entertained the ladles of tho Ash lund. Phoenix. Talent nnd Hr-nnta )g guilds Thursday, a largo delegation be ing present rrom eacn or theso places. The visitors wore met at tho depot by a recentlon commltten with nntnmrMIu and they were given a ride about the f treets of Medford, after which they were entertained at a light luncheon in St. MarK's Hall. While primarily a ladles' organization, quite, a number of gentle men accompanied them on their visit to this city. DR. COOK'S NORTH POLE PICTURES At the ".Vat" theatre tonight Dr. Cook's motion pictures will bo shown for tho first time. Direct from the Manhattan theatre of Now York city. Tho story of a Jcnlous rival, with a complete lecture. Interesting In every feature. rrank Bntltr Bnrtttd. Tho funeral of Frank I'. Butler was eld today from his. late residence at Knight and Ivy streets. Rev. Lucas conducted the services at the housp and tho Woodmen had charge of tho serv ices nt the cemetery. Weeks & Mc Gowan had charge of tho funeral. Major Is SmI. SAN ANTONIO, Tex., May II. Kol lowlpg a recent operation for appendi citis, which brought on peritonitis. Ma jor John T. Haynos. 11th United Htatus cavalry, died today In the hospital at Fort Bam Houston. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Twenty acros, all In timber, at Peyton, for tale for 1800 cash, If sold at once. See or address A. M. Peyton, Peyton, Or. 44 FOR RENT !-room furnished house. 135 North Holly sL 45 FOR SALE Cheap, one i:00-lb. horse, new wagon and harness. 123 Tripp street. 45 FOR RENT I have several bungalows for rent In different parts of the city, Tumy, 201 Garnett-Corey bldg. 45 FOR HALE Cheap, one air motor gaso line engine and 1500. gallon tank. In quire at Fisher k Whltmlre real estate office, F. & F. Bank bldg. 49 FOR RENT SU-room house, Reatty street. $10. V. T. York & Co. FOR RENT rw-sk room, ground floor. W. T- York & Co. REBEL CAUSE RAPIDLYSPREADS Insurrectos Are Advancing on Salina Cruz, Important Harbor on West- . ern Coast Have Surrounded Ensenada. SAN DIEGO. Cat., May 11. Further proof that the rebel cause Is spreading like wtldflro over Mexico vas furnished today by Captain Knight 6t tho steamer Ncbraskan, which urrlvcd hero from Sa lina Cruz. When tho Nobrnskan left Salina Cruz flvo days ago, a rebel party had sur rounded Rlncon, n small port close to Salina Cruz, and tho federal authorities had small hope of having the town. They wero bending all their efforts toward fortifying Salina Cruz, expecting a des perate battle there at any time. Salina Cruz is ono of tdc Important ports on tho x-aclflc, being tho western terminal of tho Tchantcpec railway, where many linen of steamers call. The rebels are already nround Enson ada, capita of Lower California, accord ing to advices recolvcd hero today by ...o lobster steamer Yankee Boy and by Captain Jensen of the fishing steamer Vivian. Tho Enscnadans, In view of the Accent loss of TIa Juana, arc now almost crazed with fear and excitement, and many of them are making every effort to get transportation to tho united States. FLY SEASON ONCE IAGAIN IS AT HAND Tho fly season Is now at hand nnd screen doors and windows are making their appearance in all parts of tho city. Last season tho merchants wore n trlflo late in putting up the fly protectors and as a consequence, tho stores were full of illcs all summer that found lodgment In sldo early In tho season. Tho bluo bot tlcfly and Its relation, the Jersey mos quito, are no friends of the people, and a little work now will save ono many nn Unpleasant hour later on. Medford Is not bothered to any great extent, but n littlo precaution will not como amiss at (his time. AUTHORITY ON FRUIT IS VISITING VALLEY Tom Brown, editor of tho Packer, one hf tho leading frit it Journals In the country, is in Medford gathering Infor mation regarding tho crop conditions In Ihe valley. Mr. Brown represents all of tho leading fruit papers and is an author ity op anything connected with tho fruit industry. Ho will remain in tlio valley for several days. BACKWARD SEASON SALE EXTRA SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY Silk Dresses $11.95 Your choice of about 25 Silk Dresses, in cluding foulards, mcssalines, taffetas and rajah ; some have kimona sleeve, others have set-in sleeve; colors are Helen pink, green, blue changeable, old rose, Copenhagen and champagne; regular values are $17.50 to $22.50; Friday and Saturdav, (Mf (ir special .,. $ll.tJ Shirt .Waists $1.89 About ten dozen of beautiful tailored and lingerie Shirt Waists, mostly the Koyal Brand, in mulls, lawns, checked dimities, etc.; regular values $2.50, $2.95 and $3.50, Friday and Saturday Spcl$1.89 Millinery Department is offering some very attractive new styles in Trimmed llats, Spc 1 values $5, $6.50, $7.50, $10 Many of these are priced one-fourth less than regular. Tailored Suits are Underpriced 14, 1-3 and 1-2 Long Coats are Underpriced "Yankee Girl" til? wMi-w fearalK BX.A.HCHE RXNQ. Ono of the! coming events of tho sea son should bo the visit of Blanche Ring, In "Tho Yunkeo Girl" us it has overy whero been heralded as one of tho moHt praiseworthy attractions en tour, and the well known nnd popular stnr, from all accounts, lias been well rewarded, for leaving the great metropolis of the cast, whero from nil accounts, sho can always find n warm welcome, and a dis position on the part of tho thentre go ing public, to retain her deslrublo per 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 9000000; J. B. BNYART, Presldont ) F. B. MERRICK, Vlco-Prosldit II i! W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. The Medford Capital, $100,000.00 i Surplus, $20,000.00 j! SAFE DETOSIT ROXES FOR RENT, A GENERAL nAKKING ! BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Wo SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. W44f4Hf4f44&44f4&4&4f4f&44f4h44f444f4t44f 222 WEST MAIN STREET Here May 19th sonality, tho year round. Tho Yankco Girl Is good old musical ipmedy, with u lot of geuulno fun, wholcsomo and clenn, and unsuggestlvo, written for our sweethearts and our wives, and not to punder to a lot of de praved tastes, who aro constantly look ing for new sensations, yet for all that It Is up to (Into In Its smartness, and In Its music, nnd proves n delightful ve hicle to exploit the star's extruordlnnr. ability, and after all, thats tho answ J. A. PERRY, Vice-President JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier National Bank syy6 f4 n.'L. i- vKo31 i few mMmJf Medford Theatre, BE JOYOUS LEW FIELDS PRESENTS "The Yankee Girl" Book by Geo. V. Hobart Music by 'Silrio Hein Harry Gilfoil and 50 others A SONG A GIRL TIIEN A MERRY QUIP THEY ALL GO TO SEE HER AND SO WILL YOU 40 WINSOME WINNERS IN THE GETAWAY HEAR MISS RING SING THE NEW S0NG& And maybe if you're good a few of the ojd, PRICES $1.50, $2.00. Scat sale Tuesday, May 16, at Ilnskins'. MILLINERY Mlsn l'ayntor nnnounccn that sho lina moved her millinery parlor' to tho ground floor of tho Medford National Bunk building. Kvory lady Is Invited to call, Innpcct tho new styles and learn' tho low prices. Cbmploto lino of summer goods will bo Introduced In duo seaaon. Wear a Flower for Mother's Sake To honor tho best Mother who over lived your own. That Is tho pur poso of Mother's Day. SUNDAY, MAY 14 X whlto flower for Mother's memory. A brllit flower for Mother's living. Wo shall bo prepared Saturday1, May 13, nnd Sunday, May 14, with n Inrgo assortment of fine, fresh flowers, appropriate for Mothers' Day, offerod nt our usual moderato prices. All customors served promptly. Special rates to Sunduy Schools, Lodges, etc. Medford Green House, 933 East Main St. Send Mother n nouquet on Motharn' Day. "Wo hava correspondents to do liver flowerB fresh nnywhero In tho United States. Do Your Cooking in the Cool A hot kitchen is little better than a prison in lummer. But the range is there, so all the cooking and the washing must be done there, too. What a relief it would be to move the range where you pleased. You can do this with a New Perfection Oil Cook stove cook your dinner out on the porch, if you like. It is the only range that is really portable that works eaually well in any place. There are no connections to be made, as in a gat range ; no wiring, as with an electric stove ; no sooty flues and ash-filled grates, as with coal or wood. The long, enameled chimneys carry the heat directly up to saucepans, oven or boiler; you get full value from your fuel, without waste, f IlCwK:Str Don t Judge a Roofing By Its Looks On the surface most ready roofings look the same, but the weather finds the hidden weakness. You can't tell by looks which roofing' will last twenty years and which will e to pieces in a single summer. RUBEROID TRADE MAHK RCQ, U, . PAT. OfT. Has stood for nearly twenty years as the standard of ail ready roofings. The first buildings ever roofed with Ruberoid nearly twenty years aeo are still water-proof and weather-tight. These buildings are the oldest roofed with any rca.dy roofing. Get This Free Book It tells the advantages and disadvantages of tin, tar, shingle, iron and ready roofings fairly, frankly, impartially. Learn about all roofs before deciding on any. Trail Lumber Co. 8SES- Friday May 19th Blanche Ring -in- q YOU LAUGH q SENSATIONS q YOU SIGH qmsw q THEN TO q HAVE GOT q.YOUR q YOU IN q FINGER TIP q THEIR GRIP II M4 wiih 1 , 2 d 3 buretn. with bus, turqvou blue fttnwWd chimMf. Hud. omely taiihcd ihiouihoul. Th 2- txl 3 burftef Itovca ran be had with er wilh tUnt in be hd with or vniheirt a ubuiH top, which u Stud with dfep hth'. towtlucki, tie. DttUtf twywhtr I et wriu (or iWria Int cucuUr la lh Bcttnt d ol llw Standard Oil Company (iBcerporalotl) (. &M h v I" (" ;WWTv,-i'"" Y,