! J AtLu Ml, rW - i . JxMkNl 1 I 1 I J ' ! !: Ml ;) ' i n i .'j ! i vl h i r I 1 X ; '. ft ' i !' ' i 1 i'i I i!.i - , it M!i i ; U 1 ! ! i! ! I n'ni i i i ' ' 1 r ' i i 1 ' . ' i ' 'I KHJESIX n "fTTT KBDieiJlOaETRIBlOT.HEDFORD, DRECTON, SUOTSY, MAY 7, I91T. News of East Side At last thn wise ones have dis covered that there is nh impoifnnt part of the East Side lying beyond Genessce avenue. It took some hard ois to nwnken thera to t lie fact. , Improvements began a year or or more ago and have been neglected either through gross rarelessneas, in differeneo or incompetency. Our city dads on their tour floutb, ,in their endeavor to find more ropes and attain more rapid and purer means of touching the people's pock ets and incidentally giving the city treasury a jolt (soft pedal on ,the joy pnrt of (he trip) found (hero were many inquiries about (ho hills on thq East Side. Great vintl their surprise to find there was something besides ,1 Itoxy Ann, Immediately on their re- ' . him they.planned and carried out an exploring expedition to tho eastern hills. 2'H'W'V Boforo getting far they discovered i two mnrvolous things, in that they m closely resemble nature, but nro ollll artificial. Firt, n beauliful snipo pond just beyond Roosevelt on Main filreot, a soil nlrendy very fertile, flonked in water from our leaky wood en pipes. But most marvelous of all, Ju cobuon & Bade's wonderful artificial canyon, rivaling the Grand Canyon of the Colorado. - r ;.. m" M Aiid talk about a hair-raising ex ploit you have to drive over it to experience it. Occasionally guides can ho .secured to pilot yon through. ,. "Vft t ifyj, f But it will-bo soon1 a thins oft the paut and instead, of the wild and, huz unions drive wo will soon bo driving ualmly and peaceably over the Al grade of Clark & Ilenery's (Mivrment. J. A. Wchlerlund its preparing to build a fine $8000 residence just op posite Mndloy'u lino residence on the hill. i " i .. ;, r. M'.r Arrangements have already beeu completed for newer uud water ys tew extended 1--2 mile further east. 4HH ,4. Gigantic Civic Improvement The East Side ., The East Side Excels In functional matters, as to disposal af sewage. The best sewer in the city; overflows impossible; your, basements can be properly drained. Go and see the depth and fall of the sewer. ft a.' , Water System Go see the new pipes ready to be laid, that gives you first dash at the purest of waters. See East Side Breathing spots always a breeze on the most sultry day. Residents have united for a common end the gen eral improvement of the East Side and what results? The East Side i ny '.V . . '' ' Jffi " . ,.iv 1. A new concrete bridge is being strongly agitated. We f will get it. 2. See the old fences being removed; on the Ea$t Side. They will go. ,, , ,$. j&j gfe .21 3. See the miles of new sidewalks. ';Vj , v..--. 4. See the beautiful parking. " ' ' " 5. See the beautiful newlawns on MAIN STREET east. 't'"- HaniB G. See the beautiful trees, both grown and being planted ON THE EAST SIDE. 7. The iron pipe is at last to replace the wooden' one, making possible 8. The laying of the pavement to the top of the hill. ' 9. The new school, the most modern in Southern Oregon. 10. The new hospital, tho most modern outside of the ;large cities. .11. The beautiful new homes built, being built and plan- i i If You Want ,. . ; . ncd. r 1 "" l" I" the best view of the Rogue River Valley, a ten minutes ' walk to the hills on tho EAST SIDE gives it to you. u I East Side Improvement Association 1 " i ' ' HWWWWWWW' S c V f .. ' :; ii 'i i :: ' i :: ' i :: 1 ii ? I i ,vri .' t , t i f44f -94