4 MEDFORD MAJJJ TRIBUNE. atEDFOED, OREGON, SUNDAY, MAY 7, 1911. PXGE THREE BIG CHIEFS IN SPOKANE MEET KILLEB HUSBAND TO SAVE HIS SOUL So Says Woman Who Slew Her Hus band When Ho Told Her He Was About to Leave Her for Another Woman. IRE TROUBLE IN ALASKA OUTLOOK UNCLE JOE AS PROPHET OF EVIL ii.ml IRRIGATION 1 WATER gives VALUE to LAND WATER is a Community Builder A City Creator Yon have the LAND You NEED the WATER Rogue River Valley Canal Co- FRED N. CUMMINGS, Manager Hill, Gray, Kruttsclimitt and Eliot Meet In Spokane Hill Denies That Threats Are Openly Made That When Steamer Edith Arrives Additional Coal Will be Thrown Overboard by Mob Runs True to His Form of His Best Days Predicts Dire Happenings to Follow Passage of Farmers Free List Bill. Meeting Has Any Significance- Says He is to Meet Gray. f 1 ; . r f .4? SPOKANR. Wasli., Mny 6. with Howard Kllot, president of the Northern 1'aclflc, duo to arrlvo hero toduy from Portland; Louis Hill, president of the Great Northern, from Helen, Curl Gray, president of thu North Bank, from Port land, and Julius Kruttschnltt, vice president and director of niutntulnnnce of the Harrltnan lines, expected here Saturday night, It Is believed that nn Important conference of the railway chiefs has ecn arranged. Kruttschnltt and Eliot Just concluded a two day con ference at Tncoma. Whllo railroad officials will not talk much. It has been rumored that a com bine of the Hill and Hnrrlmnn Intcvsts In the northwest Is under consideration but this cannot bo confirmed. Another story Is that the rival com panies have a proposition to build un ion depots all over town touched by both of them. "It Is simply a coincidence, and thero will be no meeting between us," said Louis Hill, president of the Great North ern today In attempting to explode the report. Hill said ho had come to Spokane to meet Gray to confer with him regarding Gray's new duties as head of the Hill Hystem In the northwest. He said the reports that the Harrlman and Hill In tterests In the northwest might combine were without foundation. f YESTERDAY'S SCOBE3 - r Amorlcan Xieaffue. CLEVELAND, May 6. With the score a tie, 6 to B, the game botween Cleve land nnri Chicago was called by agree ment at tho end of tho seventh Inning today to permit the teams to catch a train. The score. Chicago fi 12 2 Cleveland 6 12 2 Batteries Olmsleud, Walsh and Sul livan: Hlundlng and Smith. Umpires, DIneen and O'Loughlln. i . NEW YORK, May 6. The Highland ers ran away from thu lied Sox, winning G to 3. Scere: It H E Boston 3 7 3 New York G9 3 Hatterles Cicotto and Nunamaker: Ford und Sweeney. Umpires, Evans and Egan. ' ST. LOUIS, May G. Fourteen hits, garnered off the Hrowns gave tho Tigers today's game, 8 to 4. Tho scere: R H E Detroit 8 14 2 St. Louis 4 12 4 Hatterles Muliln nnd Stnnagc; George, Gregory and nalley, Clark. WASHINGTON, May G, Jimmy Mc t Aleor's lawmakers today put another game-between themselves nnd the Cel lar when they bumped the world's cham pion Athletics 7 to G. Scere: It II E Philadelphia 6 G 2 Washington 7 12 4 Hatterles Morgan und Thomas; John- son and Ainsmith. National Xearue. CHICAGO. May 6. Threeo Cub pit chers wero'nt unough to stop Griffith's Cincinnati Reds today and thu visitors copped, S to 4. Tho scere: It II E Cincinnati C 0 2 Chicago 4 7 2 Hatterles Gasper nnd Clark; Weaver, rfclster, Brown und Archer. Umpires, Rlgler and Flimoran. At Uoston RUE New Yoik 1T 13 4 Uoston 9 13 c Batteries Crnndall, Marquanlo and Meyers; Fluherty and Grnlium. Umpires, Klein and Doyle. At Pittsburg R II E St. Louis 2 2 Pittsburg 3 f. 0 Batteries Golilon and Uresnahan; Adams and Gibson. Umpires O'Day and Brennun. At Philadelphia It H E Brooklyn 2 8 '- Philadelphia 1- H 1 Batteries Hucker, Schardl and Ber gen; Mooro and Doolu. Umpires John stonn and Eason. ut t Faclflo Coat Leagme. At San Francisco , R II E Sacramunto 4 11 0 San Francisco 3 10 2 Batteries Sacramento, Fitzgerald and Thomas; Oakland, Kllroy and Metz. At Los Angeles R II E San Francisco 3 l 2 Los Angeles 4 10 1 Batteries San Francisco, Browning and Berry; Los Angeles, Tosor and Smith. Umpire, McGreevy. At Portland R H E Vernon 3 4 1 Portland s 3 Batteries Vernon, Ralelgli and Brown Portland, Steen and Murray TROUBLE BREWS IN PHILIPPINES Japan Said to be Encouraging Out break Which is Planned Should United States be Forced to Take Hand in Mexico. MANILA. May G. ExpoctlnB that the United Stattm will eventually occupy Mexico as a result of the nntl-DIa? revo lution and that suoh a move will serious. ly strain Amerlean-Japanuse relations, the P.llplno revolutionary JJunta with hjwdQUarters at Hongkong today Is plan ning to take advantage of any such de velopment to renew Its activities in the Philippines. It Ih reported here that Japan Is encouraging the Junta. n.n.mil nt warlike attitude among the Moras or the Lake Lanao district j has bn taken as Indicating the Jun ta's actUltles. Orders were given to day that the Moros must be disarmed and serious trouble Is expected In the luino dimrht when the attempt Is made to carry out tm pun Hatklna for Health. NEW YORK, Mny C. "I klllod him to save his soul." This Is tho explanation of her crime given today by Mrs. George O'Shuugh ncssy, who Is confined In tho Tombs on tho charge of having murdered her hus band last night. Mrs. O'Shnughnessy declared thnt the luincdlnto cause of her act was that her lulsband had told her ho wns going to leave her for another woman. "I killed him to savo his soul," she said, "and I am ready to take whatovor punishment Is meted out to me. I know God does not blame me. I don't say I am sorry I killed George. For the last three weeks I have known he was going to desert me for another woman. I had to consider the dlsgrnco ho would put on our child, yet unborn. "I thought first I would kill myself. Then I thought If I did God would damn his soul, and I did not want that. So when ho told me ho loved mo no moro, I was Just forced to kill him. "As he lay on the floor after I shot him, I fell upon his body und kissed his lips. Then I gave myself up. I want them to punish mu before my child Is born." Medicines? to be had here, common and rare drugs and chemicals, in fact, anything and everything that's medcine. Medford Pharmacy Phone 101 Bolton Orchard Heaters (Known also as the "Fresno" or "California" pot.) WITHOUT A PKEIl 99 per cent of the orchard heaters in use in the Rogue River Valley are Bolton Heaters and the bloom was carried safely through a temperature as low as 20 degrees. Can You Beat It Standard size One-gallon capacity Burns 8 hours Costs 20 cents. Galvaniazed 22i cents Now is the time to give orchard heating the atten- tion it deserves and merits Don't wait until next Spring to order full equipment. Do it NOW - j? j& The Frost Prevention Co. BANK OF ITALY BUILDING SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Geo. H. Parker, 403 West D St., Grants Pass, Oregon. Il CORDOVA, Alaska. Mny G. Threats aro openly made hero today that when tho steamship Kdlth arrives with 3fi00 tons of Canadian coal for tho Alaska Steamship company, another "coal party" will bo formed nnd tho discharge of her cargo prohibited. Mayor Lathrop has telegraphed Act ing "Governor Dlstln, the situation, fol lowing tho dumping of 300 tons of coal from the wharves Into tho bay tho sit uation Is now under control, hut that an effort Ih likely to bo made to destroy tho cargo of the Edith when sho docks. Tho government must bo ready to pro tect tho property, says Dlstln, acting upon thu demands of tho steamship com pany. Dlstln has called for a report on tho work of tho mob nnd has Instructed United States Marshal Sullivan at Vnl ilcst to proceed at onco to Cordova to prevent further disorders and protect foreign coal which Is under tho shield of tho United States customs authorities until It Is landed und duty paid. All dock employes have been sworn In ns deputy marshals and trouble Is not Improbahlo If an attack on tho Edith Is made. WE PAY THE PPvEIOIIT LTBERAL DISCOUNT ON QUANTITY ORDERS WASHINGTON, May G.Runntng truo to tho form of his best days, as a prophet of evil If anything Is done to tho tariff, "Uncle Joe" Canon In tho house today roasted tho farmers freu list bill to a turn. "I felt humiliated," ho snld, "when this bill was proposed as a remedy for an unjust reciprocity measure. Evidently tho majority lias awakoucd to tho fact that reciprocity will hurl the farmer. " I notice that the democrutls ways and means committee has succeeded In keeping rice, live cattle nnd other southern products off the freu list. If tho sheep raisers of Montana and Wy oming want to savo themselves from disaster they had better enlist the aid of tho TexaH democrats to prevent tho free-listing of wool. 'If this congress sits until the snow files disaster will follow disaster. Al ready thu cost of living has begun to decline. Just ns It declines the em ployers will demand an equal reduction In wages, thu purchasing power of mon ey will lie decreased and tho farmers' market will bo curtailed." Hasklns foi Health. Certainly. All ordinary and uncommon patent, proprietary and pharma ceutical preparations are Phone 101 Large size rp Two-gallon capacity Burns 12 hours Costs 2(5 cents Galvanized 30 cents Office 3d Floor Irrigated Orchard A 10-ACRE TRACT 1 ACRE FOR YOUR HOUSE AND BUILDINGS 1 ACRE IN. ALFALFA FOR YOUR STOCK 1 ACRE IN STRAWBERRIES 1 ACRE IN BERRIES AND GARDEN TRUCK 6 ACRES IN ORCHARD AND YOU ARE INDEPENDENT R0GUELANDS Inc. FRED N. CUMMINGS, Manager viAJ&TDTnmwamiwii ' m x Eliminate the time Table and Its Annoying Restrictions Get Over Being "A Watch in Hand Commuter" It's an easy thing to rid yourself of allthis if yotf will only buy a Paige-Detroit. Y6u may think it is an investment you can't afford but if you "" will stop anil figure it out, you will find it is an economy. Guaranteed Touring Car. with rr. TJiw flBMk iu? in. and ovUo rear teati, $900 VSjfiSBiL Ster 90 in. , The business you did not get last month because you did not have a car might pay for a Paige-Detroit. Just a few months' doctor bills of 6ome families would pay for it. Suppose you charge off 20 per year for depreciation it's still a good investment. You can come and go as you please the Paige-Detroit is equal to any emergency. It's simple easy to drive will handle well in crowded traffic is an ideal car to get about with takes up little room in a garage rides very comfortably does not tilt side ways has more H. P. per pound of weight than even the most expensive cars it hardly ever gets out of order tire expense is very littlc-ycar will run 250 miles on one tank of gasoline. It's a high grade light car, which is in a class by itself. We had no competition at the New York and Chicago shows. The fact that we have twice increased our making orders and have shipped cars to practically every State in the Union, as well as large orders abroad, furnishes some indi cation of the popularity and success of Paige-Detroit cars. There is no other car which has the amount of reserve strencth simphcty efficiency wuiiuciiui um cimiuiiu? amncv Paige-Detroit Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich MG TAKTITQ Local Agent, Medford, Or v. Jr.LV JLv7 Phone Main 1861 for Demonstration Medford National gHHmMMMMm0HKS''i7X3:-n'i'MmrA 1-) Tfc&USKBfaiS tK for One Year Repair 4-Cylinder, 4-Cycle, 25 - Uase louring mw ivemnr . n... "T kKfrTV" Bank Building Tracts Parts at Cost H. P. the beautiful design of bodies, which selja for such a low price Just compare these specifications with those of other cars selling for $800.00: Motor 4-cylindcr, 4-cjjclc, full 25 H. P. Borc-33- in. Stroke 4 in. Ignition Bosch magneto. Tire equipment 32 in. x 3 1-2 in. all around on Touring Car, 32 in. x 3 in. on Roadster. Transmission three speed selective sliding gear transmission on Touring Car. Wheel Car KoacJ - Touring Car, with rear scat rtmtotd) carrying capacity 31x36 inches BE A JKBfo. yllPRBBManfvirBEM ttMYj0 jpr Even if you don't expect to buy a car today, drop in at our local- dealer's and have .him give you a demonstration. It will incur no obligation on your part and it will give you an opportunity to see what wonderful work the cars will do. ton.. ... . .. . . 'h $