IP ?: ' t"m I i a ft PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAJL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON", FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1911. SHORT CHANGE ARTIST JAILED Man Who Took $10 From Grants Pass Boys at Royal Rooming House is Caught and is Fined $25 by Justice Taylor. O. W "VIIllninn, tin- jouiik ninti who re) lo veil ,W C CurtlH and A. Qrocninnn of Grunts Pass of JO nt tho Itoynl rooming liouso a few nlttlit ni;o, wns trie! liffoni' Justlco Tnylnr 1'rliluy inoriilnK nnd received n fino of I2fi mill coit-j or 10 daiyH In tlio county Jnll. He wan un nblo to ralso tlio monoy but nus jjUon a . toy hours to do so, After nttondliiK tho clrcim Tuemln evening tho two' men, who nro from Grants Pans, went to the rooming house and Rave William, whom they fluppoaed to ho tho landlord. $10 to pay for their roomH WllllaniH went out for ehaiiKo and did not return Mrs I A Hauacoin. tho landlady, wiih notified ami returned tho money, Hinting In court IIiIh inoriilnK that Williams wa not In her t'mploy hut alio did not wIhIi tho houso to Rot a h.nl nariie. When questioned by Prosecuting At torney Mulkey Williams claimed ho was drunk and did ont know what ho was (lo ins, lie went to Central Point and con tinued his spreo and returned to Jhtl ford only to bo apprehended and brought into court Ho admitted taking the money but pleaded drunkenness nnd wnw Klvcn tho minimum fine by Justlco Tay lor. ' ' ' !j i , , Frank Chance Is Recovering miEND to Roaur. (Continued from Page 1.) him toJRO nhead nlotiK tbo linen Indicat ed. Ho will authorl70 tho ndvanccmenl of ruiulH jiecessary linmedlalelj'" ' Governor West wrlteH! "Air Olcott has caled my attention to tho matter of feeding trout to bo supplied by Super intendent Honry O'Malley of tho nov el nment bureau of fisheries, Tho hoard has taken tho mutter up with Mr Clan ton, who will neo that it la kIvcu at tention." Olanton la Buay. " Mr. Clanton writes ns follows. "Hu p'orlntcndont O'Mally states that lid Is deslr6tin of holdluk tho young fish at tho Trail hatchery untlly they becomo fngbrllugH, but being nenr tho end of his fiscal year ho did not have sufficient funds' available for tho purpose Mr Q'Mally has been Informed that ho could draw on my department for tho $B00 or $000 mcessary to tako care of tho sit uation Tho people of Koguo river val ley are lo bo congratulated on Inning another friend on tho board of fish com mlsslonerri In tho person of Mr Olcott " ' Mr O'Mnlley expects to hatch about three and a half million steel head trout eggs at tho Trail hatchery this uprlug OLD RESIDENT OF COUNTY IS DEAD Henry Peeh, nn old resident of Jaek apn county, died at Ills homo near Cen tral Point Krlday Jjo was born lu J'o Huiii (lot many, and served In tho fJormau at my three ymrs, and two years lu tho Jfronco-PriiHsInn war lie eaino to New York Htate lu 1 87 1 and there manned (Hi una Messnl. Six months later he moved to Jackson county. Ho Is -survived by tlueo sons ):inll, Hiwlulpli .and Henry md tlueo daughters Mrs, Ame lia Aiders, Mrs. Matilda MuhulU and Mis. Augusta l'nhl. Funeiul notice later. IK. CHANCE . MANAGER CHICAGO NATJONU.S Trank Clianco. manairar of tho Chloiiiro "Cuba." was seriously In lured dtir. inif a rocont ffamo in Cincinnati. Tho lateit roport lias it that Chance will be out or tuo ?amo lor sonio time. -JT-F- PICNIC SUNDAY AT BUTTE FAILS Mcdford Concert Band Has Prepared an Elaborate Program for the Oc casionPacific & Eastern to Run Special Train. A monster picnic is planned for Untie Kails next Sunday to which tho public Is cordially Invltod Tho Pacini1 & (east ern will run a special excursion trnln, tho faro being fixed at J2. The trnln leaves at 8 a. in. Tho Mcdford comet band will attend nnd will render tho following piogrum Mat cli. "Tho Greater Medfonl'V (W. A. I'-ames, dedlcilttd to Mrs. II C. Keutnei, president of Greater Medfoid club; con tort wait, "Harden of Hoses" (Hills llronk); comic opora selection, "Chimes or Normandy" (Plaiuiuottu), a tone pouni. "Apple Iliossoins," (K. A. HobertH); med ley, "(Irand American Kantasla" (Theo cnill); descrltitUe, "Way Down Koutli" (I, P. Lawiondeau); owirluro, Ijiistsplol" (ICola llela); gianil sacred potpmlrl, 'Joy to tho World" (C. I, H.irn- lianso), ilnnle, "Xoithwlnd" (Pails W Chambers), TOLL NOT RAISED U - BY DOLLARHIDE f t' ',' Rates for Passing Over II Miles of Road on Slskiyotis Has Not Been Raised as Stated Will Remain the Same. That tlio toll for passing over the roail owned and kept up by I,. I). Dollar hide on thu summit of the Slbkljous has not been raised and that there Is no In tontlou to lalso the toll as was an nounced a few days ago, Is tho statement of Mr. uollarhlde, who spent Friday la Medfoid on a short business trip. The toll on tho road lemalns the samu as It has been Automobiles Jl SO or $2 SO for n round tilp, $1 for teams, 2fi cents for Huddle horses, stock 1U cents a head Tho io,ul Is ll'j miles long and Is kept up entirely by Mr Dollarhlde, who states that It Is tho best plico of imiuu tain rind in uouthern Oregon. In le tuin for keeping up the road ho feels that he Is entitled to a toll for traol over It. If the county coin t has plans on foot In condemn the toad it has In no wa notified Mr Dollarhlde to that effect Killed by Train. HAN FJlANtMSCO. May 0. An uniden tified man, Oil years old, was stiuck by a backing fielght tialn and killed toiluj at the Uroadway crossing. Tho body was torilbly mangled Haaklnn for Health. Buy Your Green Goods Here Saturday 1,1 ore is a list of what wo v V ill have for salo all fresh and fine, and .sold at reasonable prices: Fruit St rjuvbei'ries Oranges Bananas Frcbh Pinuapj)lo Vegetables Artichokes, Oueiunbors, Ureen Peas, New Potatoes, Pomatoes, Los Angeles Head Lettuce, Spinach, Qnions, Asiaragus, liad- ishes, CU'eeji Jeans, I'Jgg Plant, ("aulif lower, lhu- bar)) and dibbage. .i Olmstead & Hibbard Hi:ATTi:. Wimli.. May r,. Tho big freight steamship Haxel Dollar Is toda Mill on tho sands off Whldhy Islnnds. Contiaiy to first belleftt, hei bottom Is seilously sprung and when she Is freed It will be uocoHsniy to tow hei to a di) doek Her eargo of luuibei was fin thin lightered, hut two tugs were unable dur ing throe horns' effoit to pull her off. DlHuhaiglug of all the foiwaid cargo lu III nifiiriuM ntnl II I Itittwul tlml In lllgll tide Hill) Will III! lllllll til fllKlt Ensrllsh Consider Woniou. LONDON. Ma B Sir Oeorgo Kemp. lherat, lu the house of commons, todaj inoed tho second leading of a bill to ivinfci the pnrllameutary fianchlse upon x omen The hill is similar to ono (nnotli tied lu lomiiilttte last jcar It tonfeis tie fiauehlMo upon overv woman who is n houxeholder and allows such women 1 vote, eon thougli they nio mairled, )rovlded their husbands do not vote In the same dlstllut. PLAN ERECTION OF CLUB NOOSE Pir.cctors of Country Club Vill Meet This Afternoon to Formulate Plans for Improvement of Property i i Golf Course JfJearly Ready. Tho dlretitors of the C'oilnli) (.lull will meet this ilfternoon for th'i purpose of outlining plans for the erection of a club house on theli propel ty Just east of the city Work has .been progressing for some time o"n tho golf links and It Is thought they will be nady for use within the next two weeks The club Is planning to erect a mod em jclub housu and hulld tennis courts near It In tlmu It Is planned to make tho club one of tho finest Jf not the finest club of Its kind In the northwest 1 .. So? Have Their Say. SAN KUANCIHCO, May C four hun- dritl (logs had their day today when C G. Hopton of New York began Judging classes at tho second annual bench allow of tho Golden Gate Kennel club here Bloodhounds. Great Danes, St. Bernards aand others of tho "bigger bleeds" wero token into tho ring during tho afternoon. Judging of toys, most of which have Ijccii entered by1'" women fanciers, was xuhcdulcd for tonight. Hasklns foi Health. Medicines? Certainly. All ordinary and uncommon patent, proprietary and pharma ceutical preparations are to be had here, common and rare drugs and chemicals, in fact, anything and everything that's medcine. Medford Pharmacy i Phoite 101 Phone 101 Draperies Wo carry a very complole lino of draporloB. laco curtains, fixtures, etc.. nnd do all classes of upholstering. A special man to look after thin work exclusively and will glvo as good sorvlco as Is nosslblo to got in even tho largest cities. Weeks & NcGowan Co The Model Variety Store; Eagle Point, Oregon Notions of all Hindi, gpanltcwarc, glassware stationery, combs, brushes, toys, vasos, tinware, wlro goods, flnp toilet soaps. Dishes a specialty. Tost cards lc each. M . L. DALEY SMITH APARTMENT HOUSE 217 SOUTH RIVERSIDE AVENUE Thirty completely furnished Apartments for Tamiliea Qai Banffe and I.ight Freo Tolophones Speaking Tubo Call Bella Private Bath New, Clean and Sanitary For Apartinonti apply nt Fronilso W M. Smith Prop. IRRIGATION i Why Depend Upon Rain? t IRRIGATION IS CERTAIN and you can't afford to take a chance. Rogue River Valley Canal Co. FRED N. CUMMINGS, Manager Office 3d Floor Medford National Bank Building Irrigated Orchard Tracts You can clear at least $200 per acre per annum on mter tillage crops. Some have netted much more. See us and let us show you how to do it. ROGUELANDS Inc. FRED N. CUMMINGS, Manager TOMATO PLANTS I The best ever seen in Med ford, all in 4-inch pots. You ' will gain 4 to 0 weeks by nlaniinjr these instead of planting th,e pjti way. J. T. BROADLEY -f To contomplnto tulv mtlrltitf won't bring btiHlnoHH. Start now and you will bocomo 4 -f convinced Unit It pnyH to ndvortluo nil tbu - f tl mo. 4 r nHfH 4 H -4l 4-4-ff- , jpi J5he $h Choke 1 ir T77J Medford Concrete Construction Co. , , Manuf act urers of ' GLAZED CEMENT SEWER PIPE CRUSHED RO.CK IvarSra SCREENED GRAVEL Xnem! Delivered to any part of city. C. J. SEMON, Mgr. Office: nrAGTTTJ'Tl I for Concrcto I'VultKrowers' Hank nidR. W Abilfjp fW urjcjc Work Phono M. 052. SAND I for Plastering BUILDING SPECIALTIES COMPANY 0AUMA Mj 1 1 l 1 KBP rr mm US XOIMII IJAItTIildTT ST. A full lino of Mixed Paints, Leads, Oils and Varnishes. Comnleto stock of Cabots' Creosoto Shlnglo Stains, Wood Tints, Dry Paints and Kalso mines. Call nt tho Sign of tho Sun nnd get our prices. Xi NORTH IIAIITIjUTT ST. H i , ywz mj$ aRooERS CpTjk S Oy rt ia . i vrc tvst( CONSIDER well before you but vegetables, Think for a moment of how they are bought and kept. Vegetables should be fresh and moist with the appearand of having just come from whore nature grew them. Thai is, .when they are well kept tile a we keep them. This is tho reason why all our vegetables look as if Uiey had just arrived witth all that delicious, frosh, natural flavor you like so well. And wo tako good caro that not a moment is lost in thoir dolivory to you. Send a trial order. Our rent is low, our run ning expense is low; our cost of deliwn is low in priee, but as good as,iho best. Doesn't it stand to reajn that we can sell goods for less? Allen Grocery Co. 32 AND 34 SOUTH CENTRAL AVENUE REMEMBER Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Bojlors and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE Is GO. SATISFACTORY FOOTWEAR Means that you should specify a line that stands be fore the world with a record second to none as to points of style, leathers and durability. Such a line is the famous WALK-OVER brand. Advertised the world over every pajr guar anteedevery pair UNION MADE 0 unwade4 Stfod, Medford Natatorium Hall WEDNESDAY lyf,T 1A evening May 1U Russian Symphony Orchestra MODEST' ALTSCHULER, Conductor I $ 9 Great Operatic and Symphony Concert of SOLOISTS Lealia Joel Hulse, Contralto Bertram Schwann, Baritone Nina Dimitrieff, Soprano Frank Ormsby, Tenor CO World's Greatest Musicians, Guaranteed $25,000 for Pacific Coast Tour. They come through. efforts of tho Commercial Club and leave by special train, as Medford is their only stop between Sacramento and Portland. Prices $2.50, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00. General Admission $1,00 SKATSALISOPKNSATXATATOIUOIBOXOFICK FRIDAY, MAY o. SPECIAL ATTKKTrON (HVKN TO OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS. ADDRESS NATATORIUM BOX OFFICE, MEDFORD, AND MJill's AM, Clll'irivis AM) lUM'.l UUDKKS PAyAULE 10 RALPH JJ VCOX. J. it