MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREOON, THURSDAY, MAY -J, 1911. PAGE srx X .1 n k-'-'t i LAIHAM quits FLYING GAMESISTERS Says He Will Never Again Fly In an Aeroplane Until the Game is Safer Quits on Account of His Moth er's Wishes. 90 BEDS IN NEW HOSPTAL Btiildinii Will Be Handsome in Archi tecture and Will Be Credit in Every Way to City Conroy Addresses City Dads. PAULS,, Mny 4. "If I am alive today It Ih bceiiUHO I luivti Imd Reed luck. I never will rldn nn nornplmiL iiKnln fit ti'ii Kt not until tliry tiro vnHlly moro HtronKly coimtruet- cd tliun they nro now" Hubert L.ntlimn, return oil from Amrrlni nnd n trip around tlio world, flying In Clilnn, tlio PlilllpptnoH nnd plnnvlirr in n il o thin ntntpincnt licro today to tlio United 1'rrHR, Tlin retiBon for lila iIpcIhIoii ooiiiph from tlio fact Hint It Ih his inotlirr'n wlnli. Pprnonnlly lio' fears nolliInK Irnnt of nil, ibwitli. "Without brnBRliiB." Lntluim mild, "t liollnvo can fly nn noroplnno ns well us any of tliPtn, hut I hnd mnny ncel don In on my trip. I completely tie fdroyed mnny nernplnneH. I mado llfiii, 000 'nnd hnd It not been for my nccldcnlH It would hnvo been n hlKKcr Hum than thnt. Your Amorlcnn flylncr men nro the lont In tho world. Within two or threo yeni-H America will lenvo Kurope nwny hohlnd In neroplnnlnp. Tho next CJorilmi Hcnnett oup mny he Interentlnpt unci iiORHlhly tho ono after thnt. Hut from then on I don't expect nnyonc on thin nldo of tho water to fjot a loolt In on hn rnce The cup will ko to Amerlen nnd f there. Amerlcnn avi ators train six montliM heforo koIiik Into tlio nlr. A niiin In Riven llcenno to fly hero In threo wppIch. Amerlcnn nvl ntors are dnredevlls In tho nlr, hut thoy hnow their mnchlnetf," riLES CURED IW 0 TO 14 SAYS. I'AZO OINTMBNT Is Kiinranteed to euro any onno of Itching, hllnil, hleedltifr or protruding piled In C loll days or monuy refunded. nOe. CARD Or THAHKS, Wo dPHlro to expreHH our nlncorn unit lludo for tho klniliipsn or our friends lurlni; the lllueitH nnd denth of our Iiuh hand nnd fnlher nnd cnunln. MltH. MAItV OAOH AND FAMIUV AND IJIlin .IOMNHTON. I The SlMteiB' honpltal, which Is to lo built In Medford, will he one of tho fin est outside of Portland, according to Or. Conroy, In an nili!ren n the city coun cil Wednesday nftornoon. Tho ntruo Hire will cost between 190,000 nnd M, 000 to erect and eiilp nnd will contain nbotlt 90 beds. A number of beds will bo Installed for tho use of thoso un able to pay full rates nnd while- not en tirely charitable, tho cost will bo very little. MAN'S UNCERTAIN HEART JO BLAME So Claims Beautiful Parisian Student Arrested for Obtaining Secret Mob ilization Plans From an Officer "To Test His Honor." BEAGLE TO HAVE NW HOS E Directors Issue Call for Bids One Story Frame Building of Handsome Design to Supplant Present School Structure. A iiiiw HclifwllllnllHi In In Ih lillllt fit llleaule, district No. 3C of Jackson roun- ty, nnd tho directors linve Issued n cnll for sunlHil bldH, the same to bo handed In on or lioToro May 17. Tho building Is to be one story frame building, tho plans of which nro now at tin? office of tho superintendent of schools at Jackson ville. It will bo a substantial bulhllim' wllh mime ornamentation and will prove a Brent convenience to the residents of ino district who are at present ohllKcu to Head their children somo distance to school. COI.OC5NH, Germany, April 4. Ar rested as it spy and charged with ob taining the Hccret mobilization plans of tho Oermnn tinny from nn officer, Mine. Thlrlon, a henutlful Parisian Htu dent, today offered the unusual and ro mantic defense that sho asked for the plans to test tho honor of tho officer who was suliiR for her hand. It Is not belloved that such a defense will hold. Much sympathy, however, has been cre ated for her duo to her declaration; Sinn's uncertain heart Is responsible for the khivo predicament In which she has found herself. I.oolc nt n fow of tho furnished rooms advertised nnd puclc your trunk! Look for a tonnnt throiiRh wnnt ad vortlslnn as most tennnt-flndors do. Bpeclal Car for Frenbytorlan General Aiiemhljr. A special car for the accommodation of deletes nnd their families who de sire to attend tho Keneral assembly of tho Presbyterian church to be held at Atlantic City, N. J., will be attachod to train 18 of tho O. W. 11. & N. C, leavlnr; Portland nt 10 a. m May 12, 1911. Del eRiites to the convention should call on our local tiKents for reservations. Hnnklns for Health. Draperies Wo carry n very complcto lino of draperies, faco curtains, fixtures, etc.. and do all olnssos of upholstorliiK. A special man to look after this work exclusively and will kIvo an Reed service ns Is possible to get In even the InrRost cities. Weeks & McGowan Co TOMATO PLANTS The best ever seen in Mert ford, nil in 4-inch pots. You will gain 4 to 6 weeks by planting these instead of planting the old way. J. T. BROADLEY C. F. STONE WILL BE HEREJONIGHT New Member of Fish and Game Com mission Will Arrive on Train 15 for Purpose of Going Over Needs of This Section. . C. T. Htone of Klamath Kails, the southern Oregon member of tho fish nnd Rnme commission, which meets for the first time In Halem, Hnturday, will arrive In Meilford tonight nnd spend a day here getting In touch with the local situation In order to determine the needs of this section. Mr Stone, will be met by members of the lloRUe Itlver Klsh Protective ns- PAYMENT MADE BY DEALERS NO BARRIER WAHHINQTON, May 4. Despite tho fact that tho government has accepted $1,180,000 from Duvccn Bros,, nrt deal ers who compromised tho criminal suits brought against them by tho govern ment for evidence In n criminal action. It was not stated when tho proceed ings would ucslrv- HOULDI3U, Col., May 4. With one lock of their scalp missing after their clash hero with the University of Col orado team, Wascda college, of Japan's baseball club continued on their eastern trip today. Failure to hit at the right time encompassed Waseda's defeat. Tho scere: Waseda 3 7 C Colorado ..1 8 6 Butteries Yuma, Omuru und Kukuna ga; Oartland and Bonner. soclatlon und will bo taken to the river und acquainted with local conditions nnd needs, MAZ ARAN REPORTED IN BANDS OF REBELS TUCSON, Ariz., May 4. That Mnzat Inn has been captured by tho rebels is tho report received ut Guaymiis, Mexico, last hight, according to a Moxlcan pas senger arriving on tho west coast of Mexico train today. Ho says tho tele graph lino between Guaymamns anil Mniatlun Is working Intermittently and during the time tho wlro was In work ing order an ounofflclal messago was flashed frpm Mazatlan to Guayamas an nouncing tho capture of the city. Mrs. Harberger Buried. Tho funeral of Mrs. Belle Harberger was held Wednesday morning at 9:30 o'clock from tho Catholic church In Med ford Father Van Clarenbeck having chargo of tho ceremonies. Tho Interment was In tho Jacksonville ccmetry. The romalns were brought hero from Salem, where sho resided. She was an old and well known resident of Jacksonville. EIRE BOYS ENJOY EIGHT COURSE DINNER In accordance with Instructions loft by A. A. Flynn, tho members of tho flro hrlgado were treated to an elegant clght courso dinner nt the Louvre cafe Wed nesday evening. Tho boys certainly ap preciated tho banquet and will give Mr. Flynn n reception royal when he nnd his charming brldo return presumably this evening. Those present were H. T. Hnswcll, 13. Knds, F. K. Itedden, A. I-. Wright. W. I. Frcddenburg, V. D. Danlelson, C. S. Roberts, G. F. I,lndlcy, B. T. Van Do Car, II. I.i. Wilson, J. J. Oselibrugge, T. K. Flynn, Claudo Met. J. li Dent, P. C. Blglmm, H. V. Ling. 13. Amann. NOTICE. All real estate men uro hereby notified that my ranch Is now off the market. CO WALLACE WOODS. tlnsklns for Health. 9&JJMf i Medf ord Natatorium Hall WEDNESDAY EVENING May 10 Great Operatic and Symphony Concert of Ru ssian Symphony Orchestra MODEST ALTSCHULER, Conductor Nina Dimitrieff, Soprano cra nTCTC Lealia Joel Hulse, Contralto Frank Ormsby, Tenor Bertram Schwann, Baritone 60 World's Greatest Musicians, Guaranteed $25,000 for Pacific Coast Tour. They come through efforts of the Commercial Club and leave by special train, as Medford is their only stop between Sacramento and Portland. Prices $2.50, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00. General Admission $1.00 SEAT SALE OPENS AT NATATORIUM BOX OFFICE FRIDAY, MAY 5. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS. ADDRESS NATATORIUM BOX OFFICE. MEDFORD. AND MAKE ALL CHECKS AND MONEY ORDERS PAYABLE TO RALPH BACON. &4f4f4f4f-&4HHK4f pm 20th Friday and Saturday Surprise Sale May 5th and 6th This Is Not an Overstock Sale, Nor a Cold Weather Sale We never overload our stock, our management Knows how to supply the people's wants and keep new goods coming at the right times. Neither are we afraid that Medford and the Rogue River Valley won't get its share of summer weather and summer business. We quote below for our 20th Friday and Saturday Surprise tSale some sure winners: j 25 ladies' Silk Petticoats, black and colors very special - $2.43 1200 yards real Linen Torchon Lace, 1 in. to 4 inches wide, at the low price of, per yard 5c 5 doz. ladies long Aprons, with two deep pockets, just the GQ thing for warm and cool weather, a big treat at each . . Ow 8 doz ladies' House Dresses, new designs, in QQ values to $1.50, each for this sale only . . OC 5 doz. ladies' Near Silk Petticoats, $1.50 val- (kQp ues at, each . . OL 3 dozen of Middy Blouses $1.50 grade, at flj-f OQ ' ea ch 25 Per Ct. Discount a Ladies Waists Sizes 32 to 46. White Lawns, long and short sleeves 50 dozen Men's Work Shirts, 50c grade, while they 0 Zp last, each 0 Jt 1 piece 36 inch black Taffeta Silk, guaran teed. Our big seller at yd. $1.50. For Q j Q this sale only, yd. vAlv GROCERIES 20 pounds Red Mexican Beans while they last $1.00 HUTCHISON & LUMSDEN ta 'A M