MEDFORD MAIL, TRIBUNE 1EDF0RD,, OREGON, .THURSDAY, MAY ,4, 19.11. PAGEMVE x f hC Jl MUCH ROUTINE . IS TRANSACTED Council Disposes of Many Matters at Special Meeting Held, Wednesday Afternoon Many New Water Mains Are Asked For. Tim postponed mcctlnfe of tho cliy v-uimuw TviiB ncui m a ociock Wednesday nftornoon nml tho following routine bus iness transacted. A request of Dr. Conroy for freo wn ter for the Slstcra hospital was refer red to tho water committee. mils for labor, material ahd other In- cruentals were rend and accepted. Repoits of the city engineer, city re vuruur, Hircei commissioner, mayor's communication nnd plumbing Inspector were referred, to the finance committee. An ordinance for the Issuance of $8000 worm ot city honds was passed. An ordinance for the Issuance of $5000 worth of water main bonds was nnssed , Plats of tho Woods, Howard and Oak hurst additions' to tho city of Med ford TYcrc accepted. An ordinance for n contract with tho Jncobsen-Bndo company for water mains was passed. . An ordinance for a contract with the .Tucobson-Bado company for sower maths was passed. An amendinont to section '1 of ordl pnnco 301 of tho city of Medford. allow ing for a llcenso fee of $2 from travel ing photogrnphers was made. Deed to alleyway from Messrs. Hum phrey and Leonard on Ooblc was ac pepted. Communication of It. H. Toft was re forred to tho street cOmmlH.slnncrs. , A resolution for tho laying of n 4-Inch water main in the alley between Queen Anno street and Oregon Terraco was carried. . A resolution for tho laying of a 4-Inch wntor Main on Hamilton streot front Klevorith street to Dakota avenuo was carried. . A resolution for tho laying of a,4-lnoh water main on South Newtown from Dn kota avenuo to Stownrt sereot wnu car rled. A resolution for tho laying of a (-Inch Water main on East Eleventh streot from Wlllamettto avenuo to Ashland avenuo was carried. , A resolution for tho laying of a C-Inch water mnln through alley of block CO from Sixth streot to Fifth street was carried. A resolution for tho laying of a 4-Inch water main on South King from Dakota nvenuo to Stowart strcbt was carried An ordlnnnco for tho laying of a 6-Inch lateral sower on Academy avenuo from Hfddy street to alley, etc., was passed. An ordlnanco for tho laying of n 6-Inch laternl sewer on Llndloy street from Ileddy nvenuo to East Muln street was passed. An ordlnnnco for tho laying of nn 8- Inch lateral sower on Fir streot from Sljktli street to Second streot was pass ed. An ordlnnnco for tho laying of an 8 Inch lateial sowor on South King streot from Dakota nvenuo to Stowart street was passed. An ordlnnnco for the laying of a 6 Inch lateral sewer on tho alley between Euclid and Hcddy avenues through block 2, Conioy and Clancy's addition, was passed. An ordlnnnco for tho laying of an 8 Inch lateral sewer on South Uowtown from Dnkota nvenuo to Stewart street was passed. A complaint regarding tho rcntnl In npnrtment houses was roferred to tho wntcr committee. A resolution that tho street commls sloncr be Instructed to elenn off n lot nt tho corner of Fifth street and Cen tral avenuo was cnrrled. A committee was nppolntcd to intor view tho county commissioners regard ing tho brldgo ovor Hear croek, with a view of rebuilding It. Mnyor Cnnon wns nppolntcd chnlrmnn nnd Council- men Elfort, Merrick nml Emerlck wero tho other members. TBUTK. CENTER. 132 North Ivy street, Mcdford, Or. A primary course of twelve lessons In Truth will bo g'lvon by Annlo Spraguo Smith every Thursday afternoon at 3 p. m. Teaching and divine healing by appointment. 'Metaphysical library, literature for sale. Subscriptions taken for Uenlty Power, Nautilus and other publications. Enquiries received by mall will receive prompt attontlon. All nro wolcomo. Love offerings. Hashing for Health. To the Public Wo wish to call tho attention of prospective buyers to tho fact that wo have been In tho county over 40 yoarB and aro prepared to show somo of tho choicest tracta In the valley. Costs noth ing to look at our list ot bar gains. McDonough & Demmer RKAti ESI ATE AND INSURANCE ROOM a, STEWART ilLDG. Corner Main nnd Unrtlott SU. 'I ! FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY Lots wholesale and retail MOOR-EHNLCO. 212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg Van Dyke Realty Co. CITY PKOPERTY FARMS, FRUIT RANCTflHfl 123 K. MAIN 8TRKKT. CLUB TO GIVE BIG SMOKER "Get Torjethcr" Meeting to Be Ar ranged Club Meets and Discusses Raising of FundsCommittee to Get Busy Today. Business pcrtnlnlng to the collection of funds Tor the Commercial club was transacted AVedncsday evening nt a meeting ot that body and plans laid for a mrlokdr to be given In tho course of two weeks. Although only a small per centage of the members wore present about $32fi was subscribed. A commit too started out Thursday to collect funds which have been subscribed by thoso In terested and also to Interest others In the wolfnre of the club. Secretary Boos stated thnt he wns In fnvor of dropping rrom membership nil members ono year In nrrears In the pny ment of dues. If they did not pay up after ho had scon them onco more. Dr. Keeno made n plen that n closer account be kept of the funds, ns they had boon Used rather freely In tho past ahd ho bolleved that bettor results could bo obtained for tho same account of ex penditures. A good otd-fashloned smoker was sug gested by M. A. Rutlor. This-suggestion was acted upon mid a committee of five appointed to mnko arrangements. Mr. Under- was nppolntcd chairman nnd Messrs Boofi, Kenne, Vnn Do Car nnd Cuthbert were tho other members. Judge Colvlg mndo a short talk on "Public Spirit," taking up n complaint mnde'by ono of tho members whim pre sented with his hill foruiuds. Consider able trtlk wns Indulged In ns; to whether the money for dues, 'and Ilia publicity fund should bo collected monthly or tunrtcrly and tho question was left to be decided latcr.f 'ti . Notice. Dr. Barber la now located In. rooms 207 nnd 208 Farmers nnd Fruitgrowers bank building and will bo pleased to moot his friends and patrons In tho nqw location. Hnsklns for Health. City Property Fine corner lot on Dakota avenuo; $576, terms. 4 room plastered house, near Jackson Boulevard, sell $500, equity for $125, balanco In easy monthly payments. 7 ffnu view lots on cast side, oloao In; cut 'prlco for quick sale. A number of rino business chances. 5 ncres, nil platted, well Inaldo limits, $6,500, good, terms, x , ,, TRADE SO acres, Beagle, 20 cultivated; nil good fruit land; freo. soil; buildings; trailo for city property, ' t 1R acres; now bungalow; C ncres In nl fnlfn nnd grapes; ono of tho finest lit tle homes in valley; tnulo for property on pnvlng. 86 ncres;. 12 In pears; trade for closo-lil lot. G-room house; good lot; trade for acro ago. $2000 equity In 10-room house, comnloto- ly furnished, 1 1-3 ncrefl land, trado for. acreage 10 acres flnoly situated, 8 acres In pears, flno garden, chicken homes, good house, trndo for bungalow. 80t acres flno hog and alfalfa ranch, nil cultivnted,. good buildings, throg horsos .thrco cows, all tools, trado for acrtf- ago or cliy property. Income property up to $17G,000, for good body of tltnlior. Now modern bungalow; take acrcago or vacant lots up to J 1000. , A flno, rontnl, property, nil clear; pays 10 pbr cent on $80,000; trade for un improved tract. RANCHES 1C0 acres, 2 1-2 miles town; 70 acres In cultivation; 20 In alfalfa: 2G In pears. - 10 In apples; fine buildings; $125 pop acre, goou terms. 40 ncres, 7 In orchard, 20 In cultivation; flno soli; $6500; good terms. HacrcK, 1 1-4 miles out; 10 acres In pears; 4 In alfalfa; $270 ucro; trado for larger tract. 320lacres hog nnd wheat ranch, 7G acres In cultivation, 6 miles to It. II. Station, $2000, snap. 20 ncreB prchard, Ncwtowns and Bart- letts, rich black soil; finely situated, $250 por acre, terms. Flno homestead, C miles from Mcdford, $1000. 30 acres, 2-3 young pears, nil cultivated, good Improvements, pumping plant; closo to town; easy terms; price low, 40 ncres, part In orchard, good build ings, C miles from Mcdford, $125 per acre. ' ' WANTED Girls for general housowork. City and ranch property to list. Woman coolc. E, F. L fllTTNE! ROOM 200 FHIPFS BUILDING 1 TAKE.lP A -CLAIM- Every citizen, man or woman, has a timber nnd stono right of 160 acfes, price to the government $2.50 por acre. No cultivation, residence or Improvement re quired. I have about twenty-flvo claims to locate Seo me and havo a talk. This land u worth $20.00 ior acre. Call) or wrlo v A, B. BALING, Boom 34, Jackion County Bunk Building. 318 FOR SALE ORCHARDS, FARMS FRUIT XANDS . Large a$d Small Tracts .. MOOR-EHNI- CO. 212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg FOR SALE BY OWNER Splendid 30-ncre 6rcliarcUuid garden truck land, half mile of 'growing city. Has, about 7 acres best varieties of pears, 1 to 5 3rcars old; deep, free 6oil. Best bargain in valley Liberal terms. Fine building site. Jtfo brokers. Apply MAILvTRIBUNE. TALENT Real Estate FOR SALE Good business opportunities and loca tions, all payllig. TEDDY'S DAMglTE Isn't In, It with our LANDSITE. For Instance, a'lOOO-acro tract con taining over 260 ncres of tho famous Hear Creek bottom land, In alfalfa, and extending (to tho higher land, which Is set to 'orchards" In part, all tho land bo tng good fruit land. Somo of tho land is libw in bearing trees and may bo jiurchnsotl at reasona ble flfcuresi-'tho alfalfa iand with a good stand of alfalfa for $270 to $350 por acre; young orchards good stand", $250 pbr acre, and grain lntid nt $17G por acre. Tills Is nn "Ideal" tract for ft colony, ns It would cut up Into small or largo places to an advantage, or may bo pur ehnficd In 10, 12, 20, 40, GO nnd 60-ncro or nny slzo tracts. Easy terms given at low Interest. Located three miles from Ashland and ono mile from Talent, Or. A 74-ncro tract 2 1-2 miles West Tal ent, good 3-room houso and largo barn; 8 acres undor ditch and In alfalfa and garden land; 34 acres or orchard, of which G acres are In bearing; telephone nnd It. F. IX; half, cash, balanco good terms nndn nensy paymonls. For plenty of other bargains call or addrca.3. 6. A. Gardner " "" tAiiEnt, OBEOdir. ' " CITY NOTICES. , Bo It Resolved, by tho City Council Of tho City of Mcdford, Oiogen: Whoreas thoro has been filed with tho city council of tho city of Mcdford, a petition signed by moro than ono-flftlt of tho duallflcd electors of s:tld city ns shown by tho votes enst at tho last municipal olcctlon held In said city, petitioning that tho boundaries of said city of Mcdford bo nltorcd nml now ter ritory lncludod thorcln ns hereinafter set forth, It Is therefore resolved thnt tho following question bo submitted to tho electors of said ctv and also to tho doctors loslillng m tho territory herein after sot ferth: Shall tho boundaries of tho city of Mcdford ho altered by Including therein thb following described territory, to wlt: Beginning at a point on tho south boundary lino of tho city of Medford, Which Is 306 feet cast of tho southwest corner of donation land claim number 4 1, In township 37, range 1 west of tho Wlllamotta meridian; tlionco tast along the center of tho county road to tho cas( lino of the county rqad which is n cbutlnuahco of South lilvcrslde ave nuo In tho city of Medford; thenco north westerly along tho cast lino of said coun ty road, to a point which bears north 72 degrees 3Q tnlnutes cast from the southeast corner of lot 7, of block 1. of Davis' First addition to tho city of Med ford; thenco north 72 degrees 30 min utes cast to a point from which tho northeast conior of donation land claim number 44, In township 37. nrtiKo 1 west, bears north 72 degrees 30 minutes enst 2649 feet and north 1G38 foet: thenco north 26 degrees 18 minutes west 400 feet; thenco north 72 degrees 30 min utes cast to tho northerly Koutlieast corner ot Houth Sea nddltion to tlie city of Mcdfdrdj thenco northwesterly nlohg tho easterly lino nf said Houth Hea ad dition and said Una extended to tho present boundary lino of tho city of Medford; thenco In a genoral southwest erly direction following tho proscnt boundary lino of said city to tho place of beginning, all In Jackson county, Ore gon. Hesolvnd further, that said question be submitted to said doctors of t)o city Of Medford nnd to said electors of said abeve: dcicrlhcd territory nt a spoclnl election to bo called for thnt piirposo, said election to be held on tho 9th day of Mhy. 1311. , Resolved further, that n special elec tion In and for tho city of Medford and In and for the territory, horclnbcforo scribed by hold on the 9tfi day of May, 1911, between tho hours of 9 a. in. and 5 p. in., Is hereby called for the purposo )f submitting at said election said ques tion above set fortji. ThS follotvlnCr aro designated an tho places In said clti" at wlileh tho pulls wilt bo" onen within said city: 111 firax worn uvor iiiiMKinn orug sioro. Second ward Hotel Nash samplo room. Third wnrd City hall. The following Is hereby designated as the, iflapo In the torrltpry horolnboforo (IcKcrlbod at which tho polls will bo epen: Residence of N. Bronhy. Tio following are hereby nppolntcd and designated, aa Judges .and clerks of said olcctlen: Fjrat ward In said city J. W, Ling. Judge; L. L. Damon, Judge and clork, u, ,T. Lawton. Judgo and clork. Second warjl In said city J. II. Bel linger, Judge: Win, Ulrlch, Judgo and clerk: Charles Talent, Judgo and clerk. Third wnrd In said city P. W. Cllel irren, Judge; J. T. Summervtlle. Judgo and. clerk; H. 11. Lorlmer, Judgo and clork. In tho torrltory hereinbefore describ ed S. L. Bennett, Wm, Holmes, N, Bro phy, Tjie electors of said, city of Medford and thS electors of the territory herein before described are hereby Invited to vote upon said proposition by placing upon their ballots "For Annexation" .or "Against Annexation" or words oqulv alent thereto. Resolved further. Mint nptlco of all tho matters lltfrSln Set forth be u I von by nublUhlng this resolution for four, weeks prior to said elnclqn In the Mcd-I ford Mall Tribune, a newspaper of gen-1 era! circulation In said cltv of Medford 1 and In tho territory above described, anq also by. posting four copies of thlb resolution. In four public places In the territory abbve descrlbeil for four wcokK prior to said eleallon. Tho fOrcguioK renolutlon was passed 011 tti" 4th da of April IK' I, by the rlty coiiikII of the city of Medfoid, liv the following ute Mtrrbk ajo, utt CITY NOTICES. nye, Wortmnn nye, Kmerlck nye, Elfcrt nyo, and Millar nye. Approveu April iitn, iii. W. II. CANON, Mnyor. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER. nocordor. llo II Resolved, by tho City Council of tho City of Mcdford, Oregen: . Whoreas. there has been filed with thn pltv council o ftho cltv of Medford a petition signed by moro than one-fifth 01 mo qutinricu electors or sain cuy na shown by tho voto cast nt ,tho last mil iininai election item in Rant city, pen Innlnir thnt tbn boundaries nf snld city of Medford bo altered and new territory Included thorein ns hereinafter set forth, it Is thorcforo resolved, that tho fol lowing question bo submitted to the doctors of said city add nlso to the elec tors residing in tho territory Herein after set ferth: Shall tho boundaries or tno city or Mcdford bo nltercd by Including thcroln tho following described territory, to wlt: Beginning nt tho northeast corner of Kenwood addition to tho city of Med ford ns shown by tho recorded plat thereof, said point being on tho westerly boundary lino of tho city of Mcdford. thenco west to tho northwest corner of snld Kenwood nddltien: thenco south along the west lino of snld nddltion to tno southwest corner or iiiock 3 or snui add lien: tlionco west to tho northwest corner of CreHton nddltion to tho city .of M(Mirord, ns shown on tho recorded pint thereof; thenco south to tho enst nnd west quarter lino of section 26, town shin 27 south of range S west of the Wlllnmctto meridian, being M16. north lino of tho county rond which is nn oXt twtslon or; West Mnln street in said city! thenco west to n point duo north of the northwest cornor of West Walnut Tark addition to tho city of Mcdford, ns shown by tho recorded plat thereof; thence south ncross thb coilnt road Aiid nloiig tho west boundary of said West Wal nut, addition to the southwost cornor of said addition; thenco cast along tho south lino of snld West Walnut addi tion to tho 'city of Mcdford, ns shown by tho recorded plat thereof, to tho pres ent corpornto lino of snld city; thenco north nlong tho present boundary lino of snld city to the placo of beginning, nil In Jnckson county. Oregon. Resolved further, that said question bo submitted to snld electors of the cUy Of Medford and to said electors of said abovo dcscrlbdd territory nt a spoclnl election to bo cnlled for thnt purpose, snld election to bo hold on tho 10th day of May, 1911. Resolved further, that n sneelnl olcc tlon In and for the city of Mcdford and In and for tho territory hcrolnbcfoie described bo bold on tho 10th, day of May, 1911, betweon the hours of 0 a. m. and G p. m Is horoby called for tho purposo of submitting nt said election said question abovo sot forth. Tho following nro deslgnntod as thp plnccs in said city nt which the polls will bo open within said city: First wnrd Over HaBkJns' drug, store. Second ward Nash hotol samplo room. Third ward City hall. . Tho following Is hereby designated as tho plnco In tho territory horolnbeforb described at which tho polls will be epen: Tho following nro hereby annolntcd and designated as Judges and clorks of snld electien: , , First ward In sad city J. W. I-ltig, iudgo; L. Li. Damon, J lid go nnd clerk; ). T. Lnwton, Judge nnd clork. Second wnrd In said city -J. II. Bol linger, Judge: Win, Ulrlch, Judge rt,nd clbrlt; Chas, Talent, Judge and clork. Third wnnf In snld city P. W. Chcl gren, Judge: J. T. Summorvlllo, Judgo nnd clerk; IT. II. Lorlmor, judgo nnd olork. In tho territory horolnboforo describ ed T. K. Murray, IT. &. Strcator, H. F. A. Blttner. Tho electors of said city of Medford and tho electors of tho territory horoln boforo described nro horoby Invited to iTnln imm. onlil tirnnntiltlnti litf vilnnlnlT hpon their ballots "For. Annexation" or I ',',Agaln8t Annexation" or words cqulva- J leni uicroiu. , . Hpfiolved further, that notion of all tho matters herein sot forth ho given by publishing this resolution for four weeks .prior to snld election In tho Mcd ford Mrtll Tribune, ft heAvspnpcr Of gen eral clrculntlon In twilil city of Medfoid and In tho torrltory nbovo described nnd nlso by posting four copies of this reso lution in four public places In snld city nfld In four public places In tho terri tory ntovo described for four weeks prior to said oloctlon. Tho foregoing resolution wns passod on tho 4th day of April, 1011, by tho city council of tho city of Medford by tho following vote: Morrlck ayo, Watt nyo, Wortmnn nyo, Klfort aye, Millar Approved April B, W. II. Attest: ROBT. 1911. CANON, Mayor. W. TELFER, Rorordnr. LOST. LOST Bunch nf koyH In Onniott-Coroy building. Return to olovator man and recolvo reward. 37 LOST Between Ashlnnd and Talent, n lndlos' large straw hat, trimmed with roses. Return to this officii for re ward, ' I 38 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALI7 A guaranteed profit-paying rcfttnurnnt; excellent location. Com potnnt instructions freo to ono tin familiar with tho hiiHlneHS. Price $33J)0; well worth InvoHtlgatlng. E. S. Tumy. 201 Gnrnolt-Cdroy bldg. 40 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR HALE O REXCHANOE Practical ly new HttKlnbnkor haelc with pole Will sell cheap or trado for light dou ble or largo slnglo buggy; miiHt bo In first-class condition. Call 1118 West Eighth street or phono Main 0901. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGJ2 Flvo pas senger 4-cyllnder touring automobile. Address Box 200, euro Mall Tribune office. ' r FOR EXCHANGE. Seal Estate rOR EXCHANGE Colorado nnd N biaska lands, Improved and unim proved, to exchange for Rnguu Rivor proportlr-n, Tho IK'st-Fullur Realty Co, Grants Pass, Or. 30' FOR EXCHANGE Medford and subur ban property, ranches, timber lands, for other property. Address Box 199, caru Stall Trlbuilo. ' TO EXCHANai-Colorado and Nobrna ka lands, Improved .and unimproved, to fxchnngo for Roguo river properties. Tho Bent-Fuller Realty Co., Granto Pass Or. FOR TRADE What havo you to trade for $2,000 equity In residence property. Address J It care Mnll Tribune. . .1 FOR EXCHANGE Rooming house, good location, long lcaso for ot property ur will bell for cash und payments. Address "Exohango," oaro Mall Trib une. 37 FOR SALE OR RENT Builne Property FOR BALE OR RENT Good opening for general merchandise sloro In now town with $15,000 monthly payroll, on railroad, 12 miles from Medford. Gold Ray Realty Co, 206 W. Main FOR RENT rnrulsueu Hooma. 1'Olt ULNT Hftutlfuf loom, second block south of park, refined Homan roouur Ut-sind ::; H. Oakdaly io FOR RENT rurnlflhcd Boom FOR RENT Roonts w"lth or without board; family Btylc. 317 E. Jock son. ' 49 FOR RENT A six room nil modern bungalow On 11 til street, Just Off Oak dale. Rent $35 per month. Phone 6041 or E. S. tyiiny, 201 aamett Corey bldg. 38 FOR RENT Large, delightful front sleeping roem: buth nnd hot nnd cotd water; reasonable. CAM rtt 203 Ola son street, or phono Mnln 414. FOR RENT At tho Cottago, modorn furnished rooms. Rooms equipped with private tclcphono service, hot and cold running water, sleeping porches, bath, accommodations and heat If de sired. 604 W. Tenth St. Phono call prlvato cxcnang6 141. FOR REN1 Furnished sleeping room everything now nnd clean; reasonable price; easy walk from Mnln Bt. Only men need apply. Olesou nnd W. Ham llton sts. Phono Main 4474. FOR RENT Elegantly furnished rooms steam heat, hot nnd cold water, bath.i electric lights, nowly furnished, slu glo rooms or on suite, by tho day weok or mouth. Inqulro room 103 Electric bldg. 218 W. tyaln st. rurnlihad koomi. FOR RENT Furnished room with al cove, phone Main 60G2 or call 404 West Second streot. , XouMkfeeplnf BOdtal FOR RENT Furnished light housekeep ing rooms at 23 Roosovolt avo. Phono 3S41. 38 FOR RENT Idght housekeeping roonlri, closo In. Apply 322 S. Central. 38 fiouaea FOR RENT Now 7-i'oom bungalow, medern: no small children. Phono 2302. Call at 228 N. Central live. 42 FOR RENT 3 room furnished bunga low, inqulro G27 South' Holly. FOR RENT Fivo-robm houso nowly pa pered throughout, ono block from city park. City water In yard and toilet. Phono Main 3401. FOR RENT 5-room modorn house, qulro 6'0 N. Ornngo st. In- FOR RENT Snial! 1ioUb6, Closo 111. qulrb 227 E 0th st. In. FOR RENT Now 6-room bungalow, Just completed, modern, Call Home Phono 196-X. ' 40 FOR JtENT Npw furooiu. houso wilh bath and pantry. All nlodorn, olosa In. Address 521 Hamilton street West. Phono 2455. rarma FOR RENT Fnrms from 40 ncres io 400 acres, nlfnlfa land, fruit ranches, garden land, general farming ranches. Gold Ray Realty Co,? 210 W. Main. Butineti Booms FOR RENT Business building cornor Eighth and Central avenue, suitable for gnrngo or other purposos. Sec II Klum, 216 East Main. FOR RENT Business room on W. Mnln St., 24x140, suitable for restaurant or billiard room or other bu&luess, steam hoar. Gold Rny Realty Co., 210 W. Mnln Bt Offices for Bent FOR RENT Ovor tho postofflco with heat and light. Seo A. A. DaVIs.'- FOR RENT Offlco rooms In Electric bldg., modern equipment, stonm heat, elcctrlo light, bntliH, toilet, hot und cold water. Gold Rny Roalty Co., 216 W. Mnln st. Miscellaneous. FOR LEASE Fishing, boating nnd hunt lug resort on easy tonus. Box 33, Mnll Trlbuno. FOR RENT Garden land In tracts of from ono ncro upwards, with wntor for Irrigation. Owner will furnish team und Implements for oul tlvntlng nnd seed for shnro of crop. Inqulro of Buffum, Roguo Rivor Elec trio Co., 210 W. Mnln st. FOR SALE. Acreage FOR HALE C nnd 10 ncro tracts Just within and adjoining city limits, at a bargain, on B nnuuiil payments. Ad dress Condor Water & Power Co. FOR HALE Best buy in Jackson coun ty, -Vj acres, improved, iiodo; near Eagle Point, Or. 66 Ltoi. FOR HALE Two lots, oloso In on Third and Apple streets; east front. O. E, Kirk, Bdx 285. 39 FOR SALE Ono or two of the finest vacant lots on Ross Court, laying two feet nbovo sidewalk; snwer and water connection mndo nnd extended to In side lino of nlduwulk. Address A, V Curlson, Route 1, Box A-73, Central Point. " 00 Business Property FOR HALE Choice bUHlnesa proporty at a bargain, on long time; easy terms. Address. Condor Vuter & Power Co. FOR HALE Oiio of tho boHt suburban business proportions in Medford; stock In real cstnto inoliided. Prlco right. Wrlto Owner .Address Box 4, care Mull Tribune office. 38 Jlouaes. FOR HALE A 9-room houso In good lo cation on paved street, Inqulro Own er, S01 Houth Holly. 37 VOn 1I.K A bargain. 7-room houso und 2 lots or house and 1 lot. Address Box 737, Medford. 43 FOR HALE Good 4-rooin houso, good shed, lot 50x112, city water, large gar den, only $950 00. 737 W. 14th st., 7 blocks south Washington school. 42 FOR HALE Jackson county landa In Rogue river valloy,- Oregon, by tho Jackson County Roalty company, H. M. Coas, manager- Office In Ourdett Corey building, room 317. I'urm lands, garden IoihIh, fruit lands, stock ranches, large and small tracts of lin prowd und unimproved lauds, Oflce phono C C V 1 , reaKU'iico m FOR SALE. Real sttaio. FOR SALE 80 acres, lmlf mtlft from Eaglo Point, about 40 acres under cul tivation; sticky soil; very easy terms; per acre, $63.75 W. T. York & X3o. FOR s"AL.E" d4 acres ffull and poultry ranch, 200 head of poultry, team and tools go with placo if desired; west of S, Oakdnlo avo. Sco owner on place. Robert Duttln. FOR SALE For $1G,000, half cash, fin est 1G. ncro 'Improved homo In north west, lb tno bcntlllfttl city bf Ashland. No trades, no agonts. Address Box 01, Ashland. Oregon. 37 FOR SALE 14 acvi-j rommerclal o chard, bearing trois 15 years olo !' ncres Just planted, 2 tulles from Tal ent, Or, Samo soil ns the famous Sun crest orchard. Prlco $10,000; half crtsh. Lulnan N. Judd, Talentt Or. FOR SALE 10 acres unolenrcd fruit land; good location; deep soil; $60 nil acre. Address C. L. Dusenboryi Gold Hill, Oregon. 40 FOR HALE Two excellent homestead relinquishments. Write W. S. Hen derson, Eagle Point, Ore. 38 Mlicollancons ' ' FOH SALE Bay maro and saddle out fit; weight about 1050 pounds; flno for riding or driving. Inqulro G03 So. oKkdnlo br phono M. G02L ' 37 FOR SALE $150, now slnglo top -car riage at biff sacrifice. Humphrey. 81S E. Main. Phono 3991 37' FOR SALE Flpo plnnts, enrly cnbbage, tomatoes, peppers, transplanted. C. Cnroy, Tnlont, Ore, phono 7167. FOR SALE Wheat, oitt or alfalfa hay, baled. Inqulrd T. .1, Pflrter, Old Tade) ranch nenr Eaglo Point, 38 FOR SALE Remington typewriter, household furnlturo. Inqulro at 525 WcBt Tenth street. 38 FOR SALE Rilling cultivator choap Enquire 1021 W. 10th. 38 FOR SALE Young cow, kind nnd gen tle, giving milk; prlco, $50. For fur1 ther particulars address C. It. Pldgcon, Jacksonville, Or. 39 11 , , , 1 r 1 FOR SALE Good heavy team of hrirses olght years old nt n bargain, Inqulro of W. T. YorM & Co. FOR SALE Hay. Ihavo grain nnd al falfa baled. Seo A. A. Davlfl. FOR SALE Corn. Inqulro Dr. Clahcy's offlco, Phlpps bldg., or phono Main G01. FOR SALE Tho Star mines and mill, completely equipped for water power; nlso ono Scotch marine, boiler, .nearly now; available witter right nrid mill site nro to bo sold, Profor soiling nil togother. Call on or address E. B. Hawkins; Applegate. Or. 42 FOR -HALE Furnlturot and houso for rent; 'oldso 111, 127 8. Grapo St. FOR HALE Dry ash wood; will deliver for Ibw prloo. Phono Pacific 3311 40 wanted: HSlioollanoou WNl'ED Orders tnken nt Wilson's Bccorid hand ntoro f6r hauling sand lind gravel. Phono Bell T. 3161; Home 26G L. 43 WANTED Clonn-up rags at Mall Trib une job department. WANTED Good pasture for horses and cattle, 3 1-2 miles south Ashlnnd. W. G. Gordon, phono 6qil. 44 SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED Washing or house cleaning by tho day, Mrs. Jordnp, 838 N. 'Fir Hti'eot. 37 WANTED Work on ranch, man, wlfo and boy 17. Address J. G., Trlb uno.' 37 CHRIS MOOHE Laudscapo gardnor, lawns nnd grounds tnken caro of. Ad dress ll6d West Eighth streoti G8 WANTED I do housekeeping by tho day or hour or week. Phono M 3361, 227 B. Ivy st. Japanese! M. Harry. 43 HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Male WANTED Young I111111 h Hnlesnmn for ..large corporation; small Investment required. Call Friday, Hotel Mixue Ask for Mr. Walln. 37 WANTED FlrHt-olasH gentleman press er ut Pnntoilum. 37 WANTED Married man to work on iiinch, four miles from Medford. E. F Guthrie, 53 North Oranga st. 38 - i : ' WANTED Bookkeeper nnd stenograph on Apply Puqlflo Motor Supply Com pany, St. MarlH block. 37 WANTED Salesmen to sell our lino of superior nursery stock. Can glvo you choice of territory. Cash pntd weekly und outfit furnished. Pacific Nursery Company, 308 Cdibett building, Port- Kind; Oro. 58 WANTED Hnlesmon In ovory locality of tho northwest; money advanced week ly; many mnko over $1000 month; choice of territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Topenlsh, Wash. Kelp Wanted Female WANTED A young hldj . good fcawh po sition. Call at Dr. Hhparer's officn In fppmoon ?0 to 11; afternoon from ' 3, to 4. 43 WANTED Competent housekeeper for family of three, P. O. box 257, WANTED Woman for gonoral housi work, ono who can cook. Wages $30 per mouth. Apply Buffum, Rogue Rivor Electric Co., 216 W. Main. APjyiENTICB lady wanted at Gregory's Studio". WANTEDYoung lady for generul housework. Best wages. Inqulro Buf fum, Roguo River Electrlo Co., 218 W Main st. WANTED Girl for general houso work. Apply .sat 618 West aialn" stroot BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 11 I' ' ' ' ! Abstracts. ROGI'E HINER VALLEY AU8TRACT TITLE CO INC . Jacksonville Phones Pacific, Main 11, Home i!QQ0. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Architect. JOHNg & TURNER. Architects nnd Builders. Office 7-S. 3.2G Main; phono Main 3471. Residence phonn 74 4, , Accountants. V. n. WOOD -General ncepuntnnU Your hook nudltbtl arid kept for n reasonablo figure; your business solicited. Offlco Phlpps bids,, room 209. Phono 3122. As 1 ayo r ana Analyst. EAItL V. INQELS. II. S. Best equipped nesay oflco In Oregon; food products, soils, fertilizers, spr.iy products, water etc., analyzed. Grants Pass. Attornoya. COLVIO & REAMES W. M. Colvlg. C. L. IJcamcs. Lawyers. Offlco Medford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P., MEALEV Attomeys-nt-litw. Nos. 1 and 2 Post otflcQ building. A E:. BEAMES Lawyer. Garnott-Coroy building. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers. Palm building. B. F, MULKEY Lawyer. Room 30 Jack son Co.. Bank bldg. Billiard Parlpr. a T', "AYN, CO. Billiards. Cigars and Soft prink. Up stairs. Young & Hall building. A nice, cool placo to apend the hot afternoons Sill rostrtrfl. VERNE T. CANON BUI postor and Dis tributor. All orders- promptly rnicM. Room 1 2 IT. Jackson County Bank build ing, Medfdrd, Oregon. Ohjar and Totaoco. IRELAND & ANTLE. Smokehouse Dealers In tobneco, cigars, and smok ore supplies. Exclusive agent of Lewis Single Binder, El Morlto arid El Palen ola. 212 West Idaln street. Civil amrlnooni. ASTBTJRY & TEE. CIVIL ENGINEERS, surveyors. Specialty; Platting, sub dividing and municipal cnginoorlnB. Sffii10 4581 J.l0?ff aarnott-CoATy -....,., ....jmmu, munm. Droaamnkiusf. MRS. DKLLA BAIN Drohsmnklng nnd plain sowing; will go by day or sow at holne. 104 South Nowtown st. Furniture. "J'i VILH,,N & CO.. dealers in now ana second-hand furnlturo and hard ware. Agents for HotlsohoM stoves and ranges. 10 South Fir streot. PJiono MalnJHlHoino 26C-L. "rtu," iilono mSJ i'ni?"jyun WORKS-Cor-I'fLf"1 nnd Holly streets. Mcdford. Mission furniture mndo to order, Cnb- sXrtod". a" 1"nda' A tr,al ?dcr ilVi0-K1,,i wo,',I,,l Cookstovcs uiul trSe" Now nnd second liand furnl HniPi. Ka!? -1,' 1S Mr Htreot, ford mo 283-IC- Mcd- Oranlta Worka. QOLt It AY GRANITE CO,. 21C West Main streot, manufacturers nnd deal ers In inbnumental and building grnn !Jc1"tS,.,crt Pran,t0 common brick and Jiressid brick, conrso und flno washed rivor Bfiiul, MKDFORD BltlCK CO. ileo. W. Prld.fv. O. D. Nasle, Geo. T, O'Brien Contrtb tors nnd mnnufncttircrs of brick; ilenl ors In Pressed brick nnd limn. Offlco floor. Phono No. dl81. fcandacapo Gardener. J0,i.IJ, "nLTic:,Lluulscapo Gnrdencr. t .?"" Ulvf,rBl"l nvenuo nnd Bcntty street, Medford, Or. Satisfaction . guaranteed. Call Mnln 3812 . Wotary Pnbllo. ' HELEN N. YOCKEY, Notary public. Bring your work to mo nt tho sign of Tho .Mall Trlbuno. Tenta and Awnlugsr MEDFORD TENT AND AWNING CO.. mailers of new, repairers of old. Both Phones 40GS Oakdule. t k NuraerTba. MEDFORD GREEN HOUSECuTfTow- ?,r'.)0.l'c'' I'lnnts. shrubbery bulbs. 923 E. Mnln. Phonn 3711 gUAKBll NUJtSEitlE8-6iir trJeTu7o budded, not grafted. Our stock In not Irrigated. Wo gtiarnnteo everything put iV'.M Wo "'" "ot ' tho trust. If. n. Patterson, offlco rgmovod to 110 E. Alain st. IIUUU13 uiVEIt VALhEV NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of high grade nur- SS; Ofnco SG w- Mtt1"' ToI- I'hyalclnnB and Buryoons. DRH. CONROY & CLANCY Pnyslclana and surgeons, Taylor and Phlpps bldg.. rooms 310-211-212. Offlco phono 601 resldenco phono 612. Offlco hours 9 iu m. to 8 p. m. D iVnr owCAIALPW "TeVA .AIAINS ,Jh)V" Osteopathic physlclana, AloVed to rooms 410 and 117 Garnott Croyl)ldgiM,ono .Main 6351. DR. E, II. PORTER DlSe"ir8s ot wo" men 11 sneclulty Rooms 5, 6, 7, , HI nW" '1JV'-. ftl'-jlforil. Oregon; phones, Offlco 4901, residence 4951. OCfJco in Itlnllo bldg, J23 E. Muln tins iidnilnlstered for extraction of Phono 4432' ,,h0"U Mnln 81, N,Bht uu;,iJ'i,l!"AllNH PlivBlclan and surgeon. ififlSVo OnnioH-Coruy bldg., rooms J11-.M2, phono 6501. Ilesldence 113 Luurd Bt., phono 2092 DR. S. A. LOCICWOOD. physk-laTT and surgeon, DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, piaitleo limited to dlsortseH of v men. or flees over HiiMklUH drug store Phonos Pacific loot; Hiiiiiu 28. Dr. W. MT VuiT Seoyoa Dr. C. V. Vim Scoyoo. .. . Dentists. Gurnott-Coroy bldg., sulto 318, Medford, OfKon. Both Phonos DR. J. J. EMMENH Pructlco limited to dlseasu of tho oyo. eur, iiobo and throat. Offlco 216 E. Main streot. DRH. SAUNDERS AND GREEN Pruc J co limited td oye, pur. poso and throat. Offlce: Sulto 318 Gurnott Corey bulld)ng. Both phones. Chinese Medicines. CH6VY6UNa'S"ClitnesF7riedlclnorwll euro rheumatism, catnrrh. colds, goit ers, throat aud lung troublo. doafness. pnrulysls, jirlvnte diseases und ull kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Htomuch trouble, constlpafloii. Indiges tion, womb and bladder troubles. Sou , me at 241 B, Front st., Medford, Ore. Prluters and Publishers. ilEDFORD PRINTING CO., has tho best equipped Job office lit Southern Ore gon, book binding, looso leaf systems; out paper, oto, eta, Portland prices. 27 North Fir s l reoj Stenographer. i fciLLA M. GUANYAW Puiin Biock". Htenographlo work dono quickly and well. Blgna. VALLEY SIGN AUVERTLSING COAS SIGNS will help build up your busi ness. Phono 802, 18 Riverside avenuo. 111 1 ' 111 Steam Keating, PONTING & RENZ Steam and hot iva ter heating, dry kiln und powir work. HatUfacttou guuianteed. lOstlmatoa given. Phenes: Pacific 4601. Home 124,-L, resldenco Pacific 4.463. Box 131, 37 South Puntro.1 uvo.iuo, Medford, Oregon. Sewlnjf Machines, HEWING MACHINES CAVE nUNCAS. locul representatlvo for "Hlnger" and "Wheeler & lson" sowing tnaehlnoH. Phone 0043 Machines for sale ur rent, lleiwlrliitf. 1 1.