M PXGE FOUR 1MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. jIEDFORD, OftECION, TTTUKSDAY, MAY 1, 1911. f. ! i' H ,i ! i I ?! 1 v ?,' i , Medford Mail Tribune AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER, PUUMSIIED DAILY EXCEPT SATUR DAY nY THE MEDFORD I'KINTINO CO. Tlio Democratic Times, Tho Medford Stall, Tlio Meuroru Triuune, uno nouin em OrcKonlun, Tlio Ashland Tribune. Office Mali Tribune Building," 2G-27-29 North Tlr HUuof, phonu, Mnln 3021 Home 75. NEGLECTING OPPORTUNITIES. GEOHOE PUTNAM, Editor and Manager Entered as second-class matter Medford, OrcBon, under tho act March 3, 1879. Official Paimr of the City of Medford Official Paper of Jackson County """" SUBSCRIPTION KATES. One year, by mall ?5.00 One month by mall CO Per month, delivered by carrier In Medford, Jacksonville) and Cen trnl Pnlnt SO Sunday only, by mall, per year.... 2.00 Weekly. Per year 1.C0 Bwrntu crncutATiON. I Dally nvcruRe for Mix months ending December 31, lUIU, 2721. mu Xieaicd Wire Vnltod Pro Dispatcher The Mnll Trlbuno Is on snlo at tho Terry Nows Htnnd, Hun FrunnUoo. Portland 'otel Nuwh Stand, Portland. Hournan News Co., Portlnnd, Ore. W. O. Whitney, Beftttle, Wash. AMP CLARKTO" VISIT MEDFORD mm ill Will Keep His Lecture Date in This City Victor Murdock, the Fiery Insurgent from Kansas Will Ad dress Medford Folk. ' v. "i )m Chnmp Clark will keoii his ledum "-KnKcitu-nt In Meil ford. Arthur -It. Priest, tho roast .-pprr-Hontntlvp of tlio Hldputh buiuutl, hurt biouifht 1j1k cheer Inn news to the holders of tlekets for thlH year's lyce lint course. Whllo here. Mr. Priest has complet ed nrrnnirenii'iitn for a splendid eouisn for in.t yenr. Tho courso will he open- kuii i in iMi ea ny vieior nur- iloelc, the reil-lmlre.il InsurKeiit conKresH limn fium Kiiiihiih, and olosed by the i.fllurn amml Opera company. CouKrcHMiimn Mttrdwlc inudit u brilliant eiuupitlKii throiiKh tho Htulo of Wash ington hist year for il fellow Insur, Kout, CoiiKreSHiiinn Polndexter, and liolp en to land tho latter In tho sotmto. The peoplo of OieKou will bo Kind to have nil opportunity of wi'lcomlnt,' Muidoek anil will ilemouKtinle to him that OieKou Is tho bust Untn tin tho coast. Tho second mnnber Is tlio Whitney Ilrntherx filial tot. known to patrons of tho Victor and Edison records. Tho third number, tho Dudley-lluck Cnmrart company, Is wull known In tho list, but mixt yNir will be their llrst trip to the Pucirio coast. Their pro Kmm Iiiih been specially arrmiKed by Mr. Dudley lluek, Jr. Oplo Ituuil, tho fouith number, needs no Introduction to tho literary and fun IovIiik public. John Spnrifo, author of "'Tho Hitter fry of tho Children." will bo tho fifth number. Hpaiuo Ih a Uk man physical ly mill mentally, and ho nlono will bo win tli tho pileo of tho course. Minium I.oBrun nuil her company of RiTiud opera sliiKers carry special scen ery ami eoiitumoH for tho different op ems pioMiitod. Judued by their train Iiik anil their succosh elsewhere, this anmiMiny will mrve us a inro iiloslnit llliinbor to what seems ,to bo u nry stionK course. The success of the courso Is nssurod by reuHim of the fact that K. M. Au di own and Pwfesnoi V. . Collins will illumine It. Iloth of these Keutlomoil have had wide literary iiml musical ux- pi'lli'lice SUPRISE PARTY ON MuiuWiy. April 30. marked the first mliiHtnne In tho iiiarrifil life of Mr unit Mrs l.eo Youiik or this oily, and the oo cuwlou H iflebrated with a surprise jmrty of their old time frlmiils and icl utlvvs f linn their foinivr home lit I.oiik lHlund, Kim. Theio er 31 K'ueslH pies out together with the host anil bostons, iilHlflliK " even three tloat-n At abuut IX o'oluek in Mr. and Mrs. Youiik were Kreutly surprised when the crowd very unoireiiionUiuly wulkud in on (hum In (heir imy new home on Iflust Ninth street, with well filled baskets An hour or ntur was spmit in Keneral jollficatloii and then the lsdles who hud )illHI.d tlielilS4lveS III tbe UlKHlllllue. Ull IuiuiuhmI dinner and nil were UMtiurml Into the illlltlli; loom Where Wits found a ta ble bountifully Iiideii with all manner of toothsome icllniHe Aflor all hud teplelilsbed the inner niMii to thalr siifflcUHoy Uh tluii was DCOUPled III UlklliK of tllvlr old hnmes In Kuusas and of llielr newly adopted homes In .Medford. It wns then decided tliwt a stroll should Iw Ukeii to th' top v. of Knoli hill about thru or four bloods tllstnnt. Kroni this eminence the p-irt lmd u Kruml View of Medfolil mid tha world wide oeUtiroted ItoKiie rhcr , vulliy, anil expressions of wonder wen lumrd on evi'ey hniul. On retiiiiiliiK to tbc liouiie It was found that the hour wus kiuwIiik lute sod n all nxal things in this life aie of short diimtlou It wus lutUUcU Unit the tltno for duiKirlint: hud arrived, all too soon, and lifter wIhIiIiik lb Kood host MHd hoslesH niHiiy huppy leturns of ih dy tho fftiiMitri deparled for their uuveml lloinpH. White Slnvr Caught. RAN JltANCIBCO. May 4 After w rliiiso of two, UHck In liniiiU-rutlon tn sjiooipr J. H. Jloblnson and Deputy Unit ed Hiatus Marshal Klirnun. It. H Mel L'linnluii, ulliis John M. Mill's Ut uinltr arrest linro today. charKd with hav liiK ciikiiKU'I in whll atavo truffle U twiuiit lll wtttt't. II eharnail llwt Molchoiilim brouBht wisnan iuiiiumI Edna CiiniiliiRham to this city from He attlo. Tho woiiiun Iiuh beon iletulned iih u wltnuNS. Jlawklns tor Healtli. ' i T 7I1Y should tho friutgr6wors oi' Jaokson, Josephine and Douglas counties pay transportation charges to the Southern Pacific for necessities that they can so easily grow with any reasonable business system?" asks Commissioner A. 11. Carson iii the tenth biennial report of tjlie Board of Horticulture just issued. le centinues: "There is a tendency to plant every available acre to fruit that in my opinion is wrong. After the civil war the southern states became single-crop planters. Every acre that would gi'ow cottqn was planted to the exclusion of all other crops that they needed to niake a cotton crop. Their hay, bacon, flour, nearly every necessity they required to make their cotton was bought from the north. They paid heavy transportation charges for necessities that they could easily raise on the farm. The southern planters lost money until they were worked out of their single-crop system. , "Will not the apple, pear, peach and prune growers in the end Jose money if they persist in planting every acre to fruit and neglect to grow hay and other necessities they have to have to grow, a fruit crop? Thousands of tons of hay the past year was shipped into the third dis trict, which the fruitgrowers bought at $20 to $25 per ton and hauled to their orchards to feed the stock necessary to cultivate and care for thqir orchards. "This system is wrong. Jt should be discouraged. IOspec-ially when it is possible on any fruit farm to set aside a few acres and grow alfalfa for hay that is so badly need ed for the stock that cultivates the orchards. A few years ago I. went to one feed firm in Grants Pass and got a state ment of their Imports for feed that they sold for a year to the .fawners growing fruit nj the county, and found that for the year it aggregated ,$102,000. This was onlv one feed firm out of several in that eity. This amount of im ported, feed one firm sol,l, wjion it is possible to grow all the feed' the country requires, and have a surplus for ex port." The situation is. even worse than this. There are great areas planted to young trees,, wjth adjacent acres idle, t will be several years, beljore .these young orchards are pro ducing, yet nothing is grown; on the idle land, and neces sary supplies are imported. , There are extensive young groves, whore a small army of men are kept tho year around, with not even a vegetable garden on the place, scarcely a chicken or hog raised, forc ing the purchase of these necessities, and as sufficient quantity for tlio demand is not produced in the valley, the money must be sent out of (he country. ,Tho cause for this condition is the fancy profit made from bearing orchards, a profit, so groat that many figure it cheaper to purchase supplies than to sacrifice orchard land. Yet so little space is required that it is not good bus iness to overlook it. Neither is it good business to drain the community you .reside in by sending money out of the country that can bo kept here. will extend from a point two miles south f and specifications oi iieio Point to within a ciunrtcr or a mllo of the depot. Tho present bridge on Uutto creek Is very low and In dan Bcr of buliiK washed out by floods. The new bridge will bo fully four feet high er nnd constructed similar to the Hear greek crossing,'. The survey has been completed and Only n few details re garding tho right of way remain to bo settled, and Chief Knglneer Gerig expects to begin operations very shortly. A gung of OreekH is employed rebal lnstlng tho roadbed from Mcdford to ICaglc Point and the remainder of the tracks to Uutto Kails nro also receiving a good cooling of crushed rock. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be lecolved by the county clerk of Jackson county ut his offlco In the courthouse, Jackson ville, to be opened May 20, 1911. for tho construction of an oiled macadam road from Medford to Central Point. Details i bo had at tlv office of the county clerk Dlds must bo accompanied by a certified check for 10 per cent of the bid. W. It. COLEMAN, County Clerk. I , Notice to Contratcors. Sealed propomls wilt be' received by the county clerk of Jackson county ut his office in the court house, Jackson ville, to be opened at 10 a. m., May 20, 1911, for the construction of a inn citdam road from Medford to Central Point. Details and specifications cni be had at tlio office of tho county clerk. All bids must be accompanied by if certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of bid. W. It. COM3MAN, County Clerk. Look for tho ad that calls for you among tho help wanted ads. rr4 SAY FOLKS r Are Your Glasses Satisfactory? Do They Need Straightening? Do You Need Any Repairing Done? j nm Prepared to do This WorK on Short Notice WORK GUARANTEED Room 2 Over Kentners Medford Dr. RICKERT Eye Sight Specialist THEATRE MEDEORD Monday Evening May 8th THE' GREATEST EMOTIONAL ACTRESS OLGA NETHERSOLE (Liebler & Co., Managers.) IN A DOUBLE BILL SISTER BEATRICE A Miracle Play by Maurice Moeterlinch AND THE ENIGMA A Modern Drama by Paul Hervicu Seat Sale Thursday: Prices $1.00, $1.00, $2.00 Reservations by mail accompanied by cheek given preference. i.'- Li L1. "'.... , ' 'I RANCHERS 0 SON 0 IT MN 0 Greeks Arc Employed on Derby Road Construction, ami Ranchers in That Section Complain nt Not Bo Put at Work. Muney HroH., who hnvo. contracted tor the hulhlliiK of the Dot by io.nl between Derby iiml Iokiio ilvnr, uio not having clear hiiIIIiik nueorilliiK to ioort from thnt illutrlot. 1'ioin all aouonntH Urn ranuhei'H nloni; tho road oxpicliwl to ho utnplnyetl, with their teamx, um hint mini mei, iiml are niiiuh (llHKrnntleil over their failure to Ket woik. The oontrae torx lmo imiohnHeil their own tennis anil huvo put about too dieekx to work. Iluvliw: a time eontruet they nre iim utiiK no ohnnceK mul way that the hurni'H of the imieherM nro too muitll unit that the ruuelieiH me too fouil of ullflM.. .Ill tllll lll.lll' tl.tltlttl II 11.1 Mllltltlltttl r. ..,. ... ,.. ,..... , .,. yuriiM. Slicotnl Hummer Tenu for Shorthand and Typewriting, AihlauA Cominor- otal Collujr. romplvlut; with miiueintiM ieiUeMtx fioin teuuhorx, IiIkIi huIiooI wtuitonlH and otheiH who en 1 1 attend during the vaea tlou of the public kcIiooIh, IIiIh IiihUIu tlou will hold a Hpeolal term dm Iiik Juiw. July and AukuM for the minly of Mhort lianil and Dpew rlllliK With excellent veulllHtlou the looma In the HweilenhurK block mo very com furtuhle In the summer. TIiomm wuterliiK ut oiiue nml m-curlnK n Hoholiirnlilp will be tatiKhl to .luue I, free , Nery member of the cIamh will be en titled to a ki'iikou ticket In the South ern oil mm i'iitiutiuiiiia iiHH. iubl, be KllllllllK Jill) 10. : TO EAGLE POIIII Pacific & Eastern to Eliminate Bio, Curve Where Track Leaves Butte Creek Many Improvements Are Beinn Made. r" FOR SALE -- Five acres, all platted, ij sewer and water in; all large lots; no 1 j , agents; see owner. Phone 1661 I 'i 'i WE SELL DIRECT TO CONSUMER 1 6 INCH WOOD Oak, $S.00; J?ir, $7.00; Pine, $6.00. 3 Tier to Cord. Will Dcgin to Ship May 15. , Phone us at Buttq Palls. BUTTE FALLS LUMBER CO. The dlHlaneo to &ikU Point by tin Pucirlc lOtiHteru inlltoml will he .nliort oned one-half mllo when the ohmiKe In the llis'lit of vu pliiumd K"' Into if fuel Tho Iiiiku curve In the truukH thlx wide of KoKle I'olnt will be abandoned and a new track laid which will reduce the illMtuuce mid also cut down the run nlnjf time The in w plcie of roailbed WHAT CURES ECZEMA? Wo huvo bud no many luqulrlea lately rt'gurdliiK lcicmn and other Hklu UUuaswi, that wo ure clad to multo our answer public. Attar ear ful Inventlgutlon yo liuve fouud that a ilmplo wash at Oil of Wlnterereen, as compounded lu I) D, D., can bo ro lled upon We would not tnuko this atutemont to our patrons, frlonda and neighbor utilodi wo were sura of It nnd ullhoURh titers ro many Bo-callrd Ecxetna remedies .old, wo ourMolvea unhrattatlnKlr rucomtnund D, D. V. Preecrlptlou. Decauae We kuow that It given tn tant relief to tbut torturliiK itch. llecause- 1). 1). I). aUttta the cure at the foundation of tho trouble. l!ecatne--lt cleanuw, eoothea and heula tha uklu Oecause It onablfa Nature to repair the ravage of the dlneane. UvcatiBo Tho records o( ten yeani of complete curbs of thousand o( the most aerlous casea vhow that D. D. D, Is today recognUed as the absolutely reliable rccxoma euro. Drop Into our storo today, Just to talk over your case with us. MKIIFOKI) rilAKM.U'V SMITH APARTMENT HOUSE 017 SOUTH IlIVEKBIDE AVKNCE Thirty completely furalshod Apartmonts for rauilllas On Kauffeg and LlffUti Tttt Toltphoaea Bpaaklnir Tubes, Call HolU Private Hatha New, Clean auil Snattary l'or Apartmeati apply at Jromliea W M. Smith Prop. Choice South Oakdale Avenue Lot East front, 100 by 175 feet; allcr in rear; a num ber ol' large oak trees, splendidly jlaccd in rela tion to a bouse; registered title; nothing better in tbe city. Will sell at a bargain for cash. Also lois in Turtle's Third Addition , iTust opened up. Large trees on eachMot. Terms. HARRY H. TUTTLE, Owner Park Avenue, Or any member of the Medford Realty Assoeiation. Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 320 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. Make a Selection of our small cakes and specialties and you'll have a collection of ns tempting and toothsome dainties its woro over set before a lung. Don't bo too lato coming for yours, how over. Wo can never seem to bako enough no Ktattor how many extra we bako fresh daily. Medford BaKery (L Delicatessen TODD Ai CO. SOUTH CENTRAL AVENUE HOME-MADE PIES AND PASTRY LADY COOK IN CHARUE. MICHELIN "Seraello" Anti-Skids frJiaiSfcJai! IPLUMBING J STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING J All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable COFFEEN & PRICE I!.-! HOWARD ItLOCK, ENTRANCE ON (1th STREET. PHONE 303 look for rrY on hading tffidipi K M. 1 31 BTvI g axaetn hardened Steel -JS- Leather tread Antl-Sldd J --z-r3 I " toul, flexiMoi J Stud do prevent JWJfii Bn no,, j I V l"ddinff jajglNpuncturing J Gk & JIIi!iMBr -v , IN STOCK BY VALLEY AUTO CO. NORTH llOMiV, XKA18 .MAIN STRKliT. ' NV C -J-Oi yr y x W- J HmMuL. 'ji k 11 Jm vi, YOl R HOME COMKORTS. Wo can lr your house, or do re pair work Ow tho sorvlco you now huvo, nnd will buyo you mono? on tlio work. Proinptnosa and satisfac tion nro two othor ossontlula that you'll always got horo. MOTOR HCIWIIUNO ruvr IRONS FANS, ri.Vlt'RES. CraterLaRe Wiring Co. Excursion! Butte Falls and Return Via Pacific ft Eastern. R. R. Sunday, May 7th Round Trip $2.00 MEDFORD BAND 35 Pieces Will Play at the Falls and enroute See the beautiful scenery. Enjoy a day in tho open. TICKETS ON SALE SATURDAY. I:MH m wim 1 si 1 k? K Original and Standard Whatever roofing you are using on any building, you are paying the price of Ruberoid. ' There are 300 imitations of Ruberoid, and all of them cost more in the end than the genuine. These imitations in some cases even have names that sound like Ruberoid. Frequently they are sold as Ruberoid. Before they are laid and exposed to the weather diey look like Ruberoid. Twenty Years of Service Ruberoid was the first ready roofing and is the only one that has made good. It has made good because it is made of the best wool felt, impregnated with materials manufactured exclu sively by the makers of Ruberoid and which cannot be found in any other roofing. ' Trail Lumber Co. V f h Medford Oregon IT. i" Nt-av 1'oj.t Offlw. NO. U7 NORTH IIARTLKIT ST. i 'f Lft' pjf