3 t af I I V ' f 6IANT PAYIN6 . CITY A VISIT Man, of Gigantic Stature Pays Metl ford Brief Visit Shoes Worry Him for They Are Built Especially for His Use. 1 Six foot olKlit Inches tall, weighing 285 pounds nnd carrying no surplus weight nnil(fnhlps qr olsowhero. Clint les NoweU of Kentucky who Ih n traiiHlcnt visitor In AliMlfonl, has ncen uuniirnhly equipped hy nature, physically nt lenut, to pny the part of Uraus In Quo Vndls. lto would oon do for tho heavy villain In n presentation of Jnek tho Olant-Klllcr. From thu soles of his No. 15 shoes to tho crown or his massive curly head ho Is tho picture of nigged manly strength. i goi my groutn when I was about elRliteen," said Newell. "When I was ft ltld I used to think tha t 1 could fool myself grow. I was scarcely over well while 1 was growing used to have head aches nnd trouble with my stomacs most all tho time. I'm 31 now and haven't had a sick day In years." . Lest tho leader becomo suspicious that this story Is about to metamorphose In to a patent medicine- recointncmlntlon, tho limelight will at once be turned on Ne well's shoes, which have a general re semblance to twin whttlehack steamers. Tho greatest difficulty that their own er encounters In his wanderings crowd this world of care, nnd ho admits that ho has covered some country since ho said farewell to tho old Kentucky home, Is In providing proper equipment for his pedal extremities. Jlo states that he lias, never been ablo to buy or get n pair or snoes maoo outsKio or the largo cities, although ho Is ablo to keep tho halanca of his body reasonably well cov ored by tnktng fat men's sizes, night now ho Is worried about his shoes, and ho must soon mnko a pllgrlmngo to eith er Portland or Pan Francisco, ho doesn't iro whlqh- to get another pair. Ho must have his Gargantuan trllbys measured, after which tho shoemaker must send to the manufacturer and have, a special Inst constructed on which to shapo tho suveral yards of eowhldo that It takes to make hi in a pair of shoes. The pair that ho wcnrlng nt present, which al most convince, one that there may huvc been some truth after nil In tho nursery rhymo about tho old woman of largo family who lived In a shoot, me fnst np pioachlng the sero and yellow stage. Ho figures that It will cost him aluniUJCO to get a new pair, counting railroad fare to a place where they enn be made and boaul while tho shoemaker Is making them. "Owing to my size," said Newell, I am unable to rldu on thu railroad with out paying my fare. I nm so big that 1 show up too plnln If I ride on top, nnd I can't crawl Into tho holes thnt most ofltho boys can, so I work a week or two hi a place and then buy a ticket ns far ns I can, nnd keep repeating tho performance until I got where I want to go. I like Jlcdford, and would flg uro on stnylug hero some tlmo If I thought I could got a pair of shoes here. Hut 1 guess It's mo for Portland or Frisco mighty soon." And ho looked ruefully down at his aging shoes, which, ho says, no bootblack has uver tackled for less than two wits nplute. Which We Know to be WE Call or Us Tell i4-t.ft-rf"t,r' f A Hint From Paris ' I p . ' iwJsM? till gsflBR iwwm s msmt i A . -' fiwr ' ,m H lilH. I - rimrii loiMuuiir mi iiy hmtlimikii ttrilxnk. lorvmnur lan mw vunK iixiuinca Straw color silk evening wrap with embroldeied luce flounce. Notice to Contractors. Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will bo received by tho board of directors of school district Np. 3C, of Jackson county, state of Oregon, until Wednes day, May 17.1S11, for the election of a ono story fruuio bchool building In said district. Plans nnd specifications for tho saino may bo seen at tho offlco of tho county school superintendent in Jacksonville, or In tho case of his ab sence from the office, they mny bo seen at the offlco of tho county clerk. I2nch bid must bo accompanied by a certified check for a sum which shall equnl flvo per cent of tho amount of the hid, ns n guarantee of ggod faith, nnd the successful blddor will bo required to glvo bonds In tho sum of soventy-flvo por cent of tho amount of tho bid. Tho board of directors roservo tho right to reject nny uud nil bids. Send bids to J. II. Stovons, Ilengle, Or. D. W. STUIIGIOSS, Chairman School Hoard. Looking1 for a Bargain? J 150 will buy lot on pavement; sower nnd water In. Pest buy In Medford Ad dress Box 27. caro of till office. 37 We do not hesitate to recommend this for a home and permanent investment, for platting, for a small syndicate, also as a speculative proposition. There are about 168 acres in the tract, located one mile from Eagle Point. Thee are about 40 acres in pears and the same acreage in Newtown and Spitzenberg apples, all in their fifth year, and i i about 60 acres, mostly in pears from one to four years old. Balance of the tract nearly all good fruit land. There is a good house and barn, bunk house, drilled well, etc., The stock and machinery, consisting of seven horses, harness, wagons, plows, cultivators, clod crusher, all tools, cow, chickens, etc., go with the place :::;::: CAN Write and Let You About This MEDFORD 3IAIL TRTBTJNE, jj GIVEN BUI $5 In Provitllnrj for Her Children Mrs. Tongue, States That Mrs. Lom bard, Well Known Here, Has Enough of This World's Goods. Mrs. A H. Kennies of Mcdford Is nam- ,i1 nu ,in. ,if till. lii.IrM llmlnr flin will of hi r grand mother, tho Into llebecca ' Tqngne, mother of the late Itopresentn tlve Tongue, Oregon's Flist District, which was filed In probate this week, at Hlllsboro. Mrs. Tongue bequeathed tho ICO noro faun near North Plains, to C. H. Tonguo nnd T. H. Tongue. Jr.. who are nouied as executors of tho Instru ment To Mrs. Mary Ton KM o i,oinlmiil, wife of Gay Lombard who Is a condldnte for major In Portland, sister of Mrs. Hoaines, who spent the similiter visiting her In Medford she gives $'. In cash, qualifying the bequest with the state ment that she loved tho grnnddaughtci: equally with the others, but believed she had plenty of "this world's goods," with out aid from tho giandmother. Tho bal ance of the estate, after expenses are pnld, goes shnro and share alike to Mis. Hdlth Iteames, Medfoul; Miss Uortha Tongue, Hlllsboro; Mrs. Elizabeth Free man, Portland, nnd Mrs. H, M. Mungor, of Portland, The cstato Is worth perhaps $30,000 nnd the farm Is estimated to bo worth f20,006. One piovlslon of the will Is a request plncod upon tho grandsons, that they provide for tho llfo or James Som tnervllle, who has w'orked on the grnnc' mothor's estate for ninny yum 8, nnd who Is In feehlo health, and that at his death ho bo given a decent burial. THIN HAIR OX TOF If Parisian Sage, tho hair grower thnt Chas. Strang guarantees, will not causo hair to grow whero the hnlr Is thinning out, natlilng on this earth win. And we sny to everybody, man, wo man young or old, you can havef your money back If Pnilslan Sago Isn't tho best hnlr grower, hnlr savor, hair honuti- fler and dnndruff cure on tho market today. It stops Itching senlp nnd fnlllnff hnlr, and makes hnlr grow thick and abund antly, or money b.iek. Fifty cens for n largo bottle. ( "Parisian Sage nnkes the hair soft and brilliant nnd promotes growth. I gladly recommend It to oxeryono." G, M. Ihnmons, Albion- House, Potsdam, N. V., Juno 7, 1910. TRUTH. CENTEE. 132 North Ivy streot, Medford, Or. A primary course of twolvo lessons In Truth will ho given by Annlo Sprnguo Smith every Thursday nftcrnoon nt 3 1 n. in. TcnchluB nnd divine healing by I ippolntmont. aietnphyslcal library, literature Tor sale. Subscriptions taken for Uonlty Power, Nautilus and othor publications. HnquIricB received by mall will recelvo prompt attention. All nro welcome. I.pvo offerings. Hnsklns for Henltti. MS LOMBARD One of the Best Buys in the MARE - MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 3t 1911. Secretly Married CAP.TAQT AND vifes. CATJROLC . FOSTEVL, NUV YOHK, Mny 3. Miss Ola Wil son, tho pretty 1!)-yenr-old iluughter of John P. Wilson, a wealthy produce mer chant of No. 11(5 Dock street, Philadel phia, and Captain Ciyroll Baldwin Fos ter, a Virginia pilot, who lives In Nor folk, Va., departed together from At lantic City on Tuesday cumo to this city, were- married and ihe passing tho first few days of their honeymoon at the Prlnco George hotel. Mrs. Foster confessed that there was no real reas.011 for a clandestine mar riage, but tlint the romance had appealed to her. and sio and Captain Foster lind decided to do away with tho vexatious delay which the members of the family would pi nimbly Insist an If they know she wanted to bo mart led ALL "WRONG. The MIstako is Maab by Many Medford CltlxanB. Don't mlstnko tho cause of backache. To bo em oil you must know tho cause. It Is wrong to Imnglno relief Is cure. liackache Is kidney nehe. You must euro thu kidneys. A resident of this vicinity shows you how. Mrs. William Charley, Grape streot, Medfoid, Oregon, says: "The public statement I gave -in praise of Doan's Kid-, ney Pills In 1007 still holds good. I occasionally tnko this leipedy nnd find that It keeps my kldnoys In piopor work ing older. A fall woh the cause of kid ney complaint In my case. Tho kidnoy secretions wero unnntuiul and sometimes I had such acute pains in my back that I could hardly bend over. I did not sleep well and despite tho use of plnsters. liniments and remedies of nrIous kinds, I continued to suffer. While In thnt condition, Doan's Kidney Pills were brought to. my attention nnd r rfr-4 4 w ffTPWBW ATTRACTIVE TERMS W. T. YORK 6 i procuring a box nt Hnskllis' Drug Store, I commenced taking them, In about twp weeks I felt better and the contents of, four boves mndo mo well: 1 liavo recom mended Donn's Kidney Pills to innny other people." For sale by all denlors. Pipo (i0 cents. Foster-Mllhurn Co., IJuffalo. New York, sole ngents for the United Stntcs. Roinenibcr tho nnme Donn's nnd tnko no other. WASHINGTON, Pay 3. Pilsk rivalry has mlscn between, Prlnevlllc, Mndrns, Ileiul nnd other places for tho proposed now land offlco for central Oregon. Members of tho Oregon dolegntlon In congress desire further Information of ns to where tho offlco should bo located nnd whnt pnrt of the state should bo Included In thu now district If It Is ere- nted. Have You a Watch that is a time piece HEfZcSSnJ I linvo them. Get my pi Ires on watches. Martin J. Reddy Tun jijwi;li:ji , , ,, rXKE -WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING. DIAMOND SETTING AND ORATING. NRAR PQSTOFFICE. EM- Hi cj& Medicines? to be- had here, common and rare drugs and chemicals in, fact, anything and everything that's medcine. Medford Phone 101 Valley, SS - USED AUTO. Whlto Gns car, cpmplotely equipped with t6p, wind shield, specdomoter, magneto, etc., etc. will sell for $1C00. HHAIt CRKDK MOTOft CO. FOR SAIiE BYOWNBR Splendid 10-acre orobard and gai'don truck laud, half mile of growing city. lias about 7 acres best varieties of pears, 1 to 5 years eld: deop, free 80ll. JiCSt bargain 111 Valley, ,:Knvnl fnVirici Wnn luiilrlfntr LjlDQiai IGllIlS. XUllO UUliaiUg site. No brokers. Apply MAIL TRIBUNE. Van Dyke Realty Co. err pitorravnr FARMS, FRUIT RANCHES 123 R. WAIN STREET. t-rer4fAfi SAY FOLKS ' Are Your Glasses Satisfactory? I In I hfT rirl Do Ypu Need Any Repairing We are Prepared to do This Work n Sharl If ! ! WORK GUARANTEED Room 2 " Over Kentners Medford !vsVVjVi'l 1 Pharmacy roposflion ISSUERS SJEi COMPANY "MTTfffi ' At bargain, accpunt illneM,,i;lx jmm of Olcn Iloguo Orchuhl company. ".Writ 40 fiannivtif, Jfrv -SEiW To the Public j,, t , Wo wish to cal) the attesttea of prospective- buyers to the tti that wo have been !a the county ovor 40 years aad are prepared to enow some of the cheleeet tracts In the valley. Ceats Both? lng to look at our list 01 HT galnn. McDonoiigtf & Demmer REAL ESI ATE AND INBUMAXOB ROOM a, BTEWART B9GL , Corner Mala ajid Bartlett Ma. m PP Vf-rnirfhf,ri'nrfr, Dr. RICKEIT Eye Sight SpeoialUt x f . Rojie? Certainly. All ordinary and uncm ron mtcp prQpnetary and pharma ceutical .Preparations are Phone 101 P !' i i, -. t -.j ...i .) . 'ivS4 HX. .