MEDFORD MATL TRIBOTE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1911. PAGE SIX 'W : . t j v'Y;JH r-si ilf. ,.ffil - .( ll'..M I ; i i 1 yt i m IJ -a ' -MV HEAVY FROST MIDDLE 1ST WASHINGTON, D. C, May 2. Heavy frost Is predicted tonight In tho Great Lakes region, tlio Ohio valley and tho inhUllo Atlantic and Now Unglnnd Htalcs. Tho forecast wan xont out following a cold wavo with nn nvcrngo drop of 40 degiccs In that torrltory. It Is feared tuat crops and fruit may bo heavily damaged. Chinese Currency Loan Agreement Signed Market Active. NHW YOKK, May 2. Tho stock mar ket opened today with trading active. Canadian Pacific lost n point and Itocl Inland preferred Rained 3 1-4. I,c!iIkI Vnlloy roso 1 1-2. General lClectrlc, Am erican Smelting and Missouri Pacific de clined 1 from ycBtonlay's close. Dolawnro u Hudson advanced four points. The market closed strong. Bonds wero firm. Still Electing in Tacoma. TACOMA, Wash., May 2. Cloudy, damp weather, combined with lack of Interest, In expected to result In tho polling of hut a vory small purccntaKO of tho registration at today's commis sion recall election and tho opinion Is almost universal that another election two weeks hence will bo necessary, as was tho case In the rccont mayoralty election. &' V'miS '?PMk II mam Ks.K -Vf- jpBpMppppppppu rKiiv. u vijur. S SS-" USED AUTO. Whlto Gas car, completely equipped with top, wind shield, speedometer, magneto, etc., etc. will sell for J1G00. REAR CREEK MOTOR CO. rnoT toPTUKlMT im r Miint rwivc PARIS, April 25, Following on tho heels of tho throno'H edict of approval tho currency loan ngrocment was signed by Duko Tsaltsc, president of tho board of finance, and Mossiu. Straight, Illlllcr, Cordon and Casanovo representatives, respectively, of tho American group, tho Hongkong nnd Shanghai Hanking corpo ration, tho Deutsche Aslatlscho Hank nnd tho Hntiquo do rindo-Chlnc. Tho peilod of tho loan Is 46 years nnd tho nectirlty Is n flrnt chnrgo on certain provincial revenues. In solving these difficulties the Amor- W.J CALliOUW. lean minister, Mr. Calhoun, has been a highly valuable factor. Tho prlnco re gent followed every phano of tho nego tiations with tho keenest Interest, an he regarded tho establishment of a uniform currency ns tho most Important first step toward tho regeneration of China. No Women Folic In Seattle. SHATTLH, Wash., May 2. No wom en police for Seattle Tho council vot ed down a bill by Griffiths creating tho position of pollco women, only Hoskcin supporting tho author. Members ex pressed favor for permitting tho chief of pollco to make his own selections for tho force. Oompere In Chicago. CHICAGO, May 2. Prosldont Bnmuol uompers of tho American Kedorntlon of Labor; Finnic Mulhollnnd, counsel, nnd Secrotnry-Treasuror Sponccr of tho building trades branch of tho federation, with President Jtynn of tho Internation al association of Hrldgo nnd Structural Iron Workors, arrived hero today. Thoy said they camo to Invontlgnto tho Chicago end of tho McNamnra arrests. Man Obiervea 110th Birthday. BAN FRANCISCO, May 2. Captain Gnddard Hzcklol Dodge Diamond, born threo yearn before tho death of Gcorga Washington, In today colobrntlng his 11 nth birthday at tho Crooker homo. Mitchell to lecture. NHW YOIHC, May 2. John Mitchell, formor president of tho United Mine Workers of America, who was compelled by his union to glvo up bin position with tho national civic federation, will go on tho ledum platform, Ills subject will bo "Tho Philosophy, Purposes and Ideals of tho Trndo Union Movement nnd Indus ttlal Accidents and Compensation to Working Muu for Losses Caused by Them." Think Stevens In Xios Ang-oles. LOH ANUHl.KS, Cal , May 2 Edward Ilyan Stevens, who escaped from Jnll In Denver, leaving his threo babies In tho cam of the prison matron, Ih In Los ATlgolcs, according to tho local police Their opinion Is based on a letter mulled yesterday from tho Salt Lnko railroad station hero In which Stevens offered to glvo himself up If his wife, Lillian Pnxton, under nrrest hero on n charge of forgery, Is released. Tho letter was addressed to C'hlof of Pollco Selmstlun Look at a fow of tho furnished rooms advertised and pack your trunk! Johmon Closes Work. SACRAMENTO, Cnl May 2. Gov ernor Johnson closed a strenuous first thieo months nt midnight when ho af fixed Ills slgnntuie to tho 753d bill to receive his nppiotal Ho left 206 bills unsigned. The Inst bill signed was spn ato bill 1150, by Hans, nn unimportant measuro relating to tho regulation of sower districts. Governor Johnson signed 27 moro bills than wero signed, after tho ex ecutive session of 1900; ho pocketed 51 more, nnd 78 moro wero sent to him. by a rclcf party after they had bewi burled eight hours under u deep blan ket of snow on tho peak, returned to tho Summit houso today, none tho worse for tho experience. It was necessary to send a snow plow up tho mountain to dig them out. When rescued they wero near death on account of the lack of fresh air within tho burled house. Have You a WATCH That is a TIMEPIECE? I have them. Get my prices on watches. Martin J. Reddy THE JEWELER riHB WATOX AKS JEWELRY KEPAXBXira. DIAMOND SETTING AND EN OBAVZNO. NEAU POSTOFPICE. SAY FOLKS Are Your Glasses Satisfactory? Do Thev Need Straightening? Do You Need Ana Repairing Done? Wo are Prepared todoThii Worh on Short Notice WORK GUARAWiLtli Room 2 Over Kantnori Medford Dr. RICRERT Eye Sight Specialist X I Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. 320 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. j PHONE 3231. .rr4 rrtt Rescue Three From Snow. COLORADO BPRINaS, Col, May 2 The three' caretakors of tho Kiimmlt house on PlkeDs peak who wero rescued LOS ANGELES, May 2. Attorney Leo Rnppaport, counsel for tho Inter national Association of Bridge nnd Structural Iron 'Workers, today, held his first conferenco with John J. McNamnra. secretary of that organization, who is accused of complicity In tho destruction of tho Los Angeles Times plant hero Oc tober 1, 1910. Hasklns for Health. . f To contomplato advertising won't bring 4 -f btiBlncBS. Start now and you will become -v f convinced that it pays to advortlso all tho 4 time. 4 4 4 4 . Medicines? Certainly. All ordinary and uncommon patent, proprietary and pharma ceutical preparations are to be had here, common and rare drugs and chemicals, in fact, anorhing and everything that's medcine. Medford Pharmacy Phone 101 Phone 101 rrrrr,r'r''rr - CAREY ACT LAND For the Benefit of Persons Seeeking Information Concerning the Lands of the Deschutes Land Company Portland, Ore Being Reclaimed Under the Carey Act, I Have Arranged the Following Questions and Answers: J. E. IWORSON, Pres- Whom nro snle? tho lands you offer for How many tniet? acres nro there In tho Q. What la tho character of tho soil? When) trnot7 do you set water for this Q. Whora Is Crescent Lnko? Q. What Is tho size of this lake? Q. Don you waturT propoKo using nil of this Then you oxpeot from stoingo? to gut our water Q. Huvo you ttnut? any railways on )our Q, Wjiat ylnflH of moduli!) Is mlxwl In thy IeH yiiutyn u1Ujvj7 Q. Does tho off these State lauds? mnko any money Q, noon this amount to t paid tho Company Includo prvtu! wWr rltrht or must a water light bo pur cliUBt'd In addition to paying tho Coinpunv'M claim? A. In the Southern Des Chutes Valley, Central Oregon. A. 28.00(1. A. "The Innds nro situated In tho Southern Des Chutes Vnlloy, are wholly sur rounded by mountains, anil nro beautifully situated ndjaeont to forest re solves. Tho surfneo of tho land Is smooth, with u goutln slope. Tho soil Is deep, fren from stone, very mellow nnd easy of cultivation." Thorn Is no underbrush nor sagebrush, but ther Is sufficient black plno for fuel ami fencing nnd puio, Mweot water for domestic put poses, nt 20 feet bo lieuth the sui face. A,. Kiom that bionch of the Des Chutes HI ver which flows from Crescent Lnko Descrlbo tho Hulcs nnd Regulations of tho Stnto to which you havo referred. Q. Descrlbo tho surrounding country. It Is 12 tulles west of tho land, In Township 21 South, ltnngo C ltaugo. and SflO feet higher than It, and Is situated Hast, W. M In tho honrt of tho Cascada About 1 14 m Mum long and 2 miles wldo In Its widest p-irt. and Is capable of containing ISO, (100 acie foot of stored water. Q. Havo theso black pines any vnluo? A. A. No; thero Is inueh 111010 water than wo require for this tract. Tho I-Vdernl (lovei iiiiumt contemplates using thciomnlndur l building 11 dam Jointly with us. Aro tho they difficult soll7 to rcmovo from Tho purchnscr, nfter ho has arranged with tho Company for tho purchase of land, nnd boforo ho can obtain his deod from tho State, is required by tho State, nt any time within threo years from tho date on which wator Is supplied to tho tract purchased, to put In ono crop, ono ono-olghth of tho land purchased by lilin. In addition thereto, he must reside upon tho lnnd for n period of 90 dnys. It Is not necessary that ho build a houso undor theso rules, for ho may live In a tent If ho so wish, but should tho pur chaser erect a four-room houso and crop three-fourths of his purchaso, then residence of only 30 days Is required. ii '1 '. :: :: ii A. "Tho lands nio situated In the Southern Des Chutes Valley, nro wholly sur rounded by mountains, nnd are beautifully situated adjacent to forest ro Horves. Tho forest resorvo referred to nro tho PUHMONT RRSURVH and tho "CASCADE RIJSIJRVII Thero Is no uninviting desort of sagebrush and sand, but ns far as tho eye can roach, ono sees nothing but millions of acres of firs, pines and other evergreen troes. In tho dlstnnco tho moun tains towering thousands of feet abovo tho tract aro very beautiful and fascinatingly surmounted by snowenps. Tho reader must not, however concludo that tho valley being Irrigated, Is heavily covered with firs or Pines. Reference Is made to the surrounding country only. Tho tract being' Irrigated Is covored with a growth of small black pine. On thousands of ncres this growth has been entirely destroyed by fire, nnd tho land Is al most ready for tho plow. From tho standpoint of tho purchnscr, they are very valuable for two pur poses; thoy mako first-class fuel, nnd first-class fencing. Yon wot Ktoingo Is always better, as quantities )onr to a dry one. can bo carried over from a At tho piesent time tin ro lines of railways nto building Into this tract, and st loHHt men ni w 01 king on them Hill has purchased his right of way tluough the center of our tmut. and Hnrrlmnn has it suivey through our limit iHti-Mllellng tho Hill light of way Another Hnirlmnn lino Is building fiom Nation to Klamath Kails, ami passes within a few tulles south of tin. This lino wilt bo open for traffic In less than a cnr from now. Th Head llullettn. of October P. 1("0S, huh "Wo rind onts. lmile. wheat. elo or, tltuoth. alfalfa, vetch, millet, etc . In giout nhundnuc. .Small grain avoragus CO bushels per acre, and as high as SS buHhols." Continuing, It sajs. "This Is n great alfalfa and clover ooun- tiy Potatoes, turnips, mtnlxigus, carrots, paisuips. boots, onions, lettuce, radishes, cauliflower, pons, uiibluig, ihulMib, celery, egg. plant, salsify, MiUHsh and sweet com Rout emps pioduoo a wonderful ylold hero and sugar beets havo a u high peicontnuo uf sugar." "At Mm ltudmoud Pair, besides the abovo. thero weio tomatoes, oticumbeis, bwns. watermelons, cantaloupes. John Ronohnn exhibited 16 varieties of eKtttilivfl. 13 kinds of grain, besides grasses." "Mi Welst has demnuHti'Htrtd that strawberries, red and blaok raspberries, blncUbttrilus, logaiibeirls. currants nnd gooseborilos will grow hero, for uu Iwm grown th urn In gtHMt abundant." Hundrotls of apple, pear, peuoh, plum and choiry trees are being set nut." "A few old (irvlini-dH. IT milt wst, mvo pioduced crops for 11 yours, and Imvo iuUhm1 only one mximin In that tliuo. TliHbO orchards grow npplns, pnrH. poaclios, plniijs and choirles In nbuiidanco and tho ylold Is most pro. arte A. No Th lands nro 11 gift to tho State, and am given by tho Stato to the, hitler ft. All tho settler p)H Is the amount duo tho Company for tho water rlgbt mid fur lustHllIng tha Inlgstlug sjstom. Tho amount to b ltl the Company tnebnUs not only tho Uud, but a ptrpetual wator right, the CtMnpany ugieolng to supply each year a quantity of walvr equal to lit ft uvr tlm entire surface of land purchased. This water Is (nought to tliv lilvhatt polwt of the bind purchased. A flrst-olasa weir (or witr gat) U alito suppllod by tho Company free, for tho use of tho farmer. Are tho reserves to which wou refer open to grazing? Is thero a good climate In this district? ' f 1 ., 4" n r v Q, Is tho settler obliged to use the water from tho canals for domestic put poses? Is a man required to use his homo stood rights In taking this Und7 r If a man right, may has used his homestead ho still tako of this land! P' How soon will water for theso landsT bo available Is thero any choice In the character of this lnnd ns regards one part of the tract against another? A. No; on tho contrary. It Is very easy to remove them, because tho roots aro uu m' nuuau', uuu mu tiiuilliu la SO Very Sort that thev ran lm r..,.,,....l nt little cost. A. Yes; for a few pennies per year sheop and cows can bo fed on their luxuriant grasses, nnd for which reason feed on the fnrm is necessary for only a short season. In this way a small farm Is sufficient. I know of no other placo In nny Stato whoro farmers aro In better condition to obtain unllmltod nnd practically freo grazing than In tho Cascado Korest Reserve Kaimors uiijuci'iii iu huh reserve navo mo rirst right to grnzo tholr stock. This nerve cuniumn huuui jour million acres. ro- A. None better n tho world. Tho weather burenu reports show from 310 to 330 sunihlne days per year In tho Dei Chutes Valley. Tho air Is light and very dry. nnd withal vory bracing, and tho writer has known of mnny persons unable to obtain health even nt tho most favorable health resorts having perfect health In tho Des Chutes Vnlloy; especially ono gentleman who had gono oven to China nnd Japan nnd tl Switzerland, but found llttlo benefit. or tho past nine ears he has been a resident of tho Des Chutes Valley, and has good health. A. This Is true of 99 Irrigation districts In every 100. In nny part of tho world, but It Is not true of this tract. At n depth of about 20 feet thero Is a brick clay formation beneath which wator clear, pure, sweet and sparkling, may bo found for domestic purposes. In ono day a woll may bo sunk through this soft formation, a small board box Is then Inserted for the pur pose of keeping tho clay from falling In, and tho farmer Is thereafter supplied with hlgh-class wator for nil domestic purposes. This water and fuel from tho black pines, form vory valuable considerations to any person contemplating tho purchase of nn Irrigated farm In fact, tho beautiful urroundlng-s, the depth of soil, proximity to lartre cttlei, abundance of wtter nrt fuel inrtw thl tract very, very valuable. A. No. Yes. A. About 10.000 acres will be supplied with water In tlmo for the crop of 1 i.11 '"" ,"', "' 'arse orew or men are engaged In the work """"""j "' ni )mni, ana tne wortc is progressing rapidly. of No. thero Is no choice The land In the entire tract Is alike, deep and level and free from stone. Persons coming from the Kast to look at the land, and who bought before coming to look at It. declare that the last man buying will get as choice a piece of land as the man who bought first. Price $36 Per Acre Terms, lO Years ( f nADT 17V Only few hundred acres left, lie privilege of entry and further information from VJ, jw VJ r l I P :: 'i ' :: I I ' i! 'i 'i ' ') i ' :: I 'i ( :: p :: 'i 'i 'i p '. i :: Nash Hotel MEDFORD -r-r 4