Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 02, 1911, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    in3DE6RD'3lAIL.TRIBU5i MEDFORD, OT&GdN; TOTSElAy, MAY. 2, loii.
Monger Information concerning Jolin
Cottlnghnm, tho man killed by a falling
trco at Prospect Friday afternoon, 1ms
been received In a letter from stucada,
Or. Tliu letter was written by n frlonil
In that place In response to a telegram
anil states that Cottlngham has relatives
In Bruqo. Out., and owns property In that
place. Ho In a veteran of liio Spanish
war, anil If no Instructions aro received
regarding tho disposition of tho body,
tho Spanish War Veterans will take
charge of thq burial. John Perl Is In
chargo of tho remains at the present
Retail Price.
Potatoes $2 02.25 per cwt.
Cabbago 3 c.
Parsnips 2c.
California lettuce 10c head.
Carrots 2c
Beets 2c.
Onions Bermuda, 10c.
Cejcry 75c and jfl doz.
Caullflowor l615c head.
Turnips 2c.
Bndlshcs 5c bunch,
Onions Green, 'Co bunch.
Asparagus J,Qcr lb.
nh'ubarb 8c lb. .
Cocoanuts 10c, each.
Tangerines 16c doz.
Prunes Dried, 6c lb.
Lemons 30c doz.
Oranges 25035c doz.
Ornpo fruit 75c$l doz.
Bananas 20H.3Qa doz.
Batter Egg and Poultry.
Butter Fresh ranch, roll, 65c; cream
ery, 65c.
Eggs Fresh ranch, 25c doz.
Poultry-Miens, dressed, 25c; llvo 15c;
springs, dressed, 30c, live, 20c.
Turkeys 2830c, dressed.
Hay and Teed.
Hay Timothy, $16; alfalfa $1-1 ; grass,
$14; grain hay, $16.
Grain Wheat, $1.20 bushol; oats, $35
ton; barley, $31 ton.
Beef Cows, 10020c; steers, 12U025C.
Pork 20022c
Veal Pressed. 15025c
Mutton 12420e: lambs, 15025c
"Looking for a Bargain?
$450 will buy lot on pavement; sewer
and water In. Best buy In Medford. Ad
dress .Box 27. caro of this of flco. 37
City Property
4 room plastered house, near Jackson
Boulevard, soil $500 equity fpr $125,
balanco in easy monthly paymonts.
7 flno view lotspn. east, side, cjoso In;
cut price for quick sale.
A number of flno business chances.
5 acres, all platted, woll Insldo limits,
$6,500, good terms.
$2000 equity In 10-room-house, complete
ly furnished, 1 1-3 acres land, trado for
10-room furnished house, 1 1-3 acres fine
soil; trado equity $2500 for chicken
10 ncrcs flnoly situated, 8 acres In pears,
flno garden, chicken homes, good
house, trado for bungalow.
, 80 acres flno hog nnd alfalfa ranch, all
cultivated, good buildings, three horses
threo cows, all tools, trado for acre
age or city property.
Income property up to $175,000, for good
body of tlmbor.
Now modern bungalow; take acreage or
vacant lots up to $1000.
A flno rental property, all clear; pays
10 per cent on $80,000; trndo for un
improved tract.
Now bungalow for chicken and truck
ranch, not over two miles from Med
40 acres, 7 In orchard, 20 In cultivation;
flno soil; $6500; good terms.
6 acres, 5 In poaches and apricots; deoy
clay soil; 2-room house; fine chicken
ranch; $1600,
14acrcs, 1 1-4 miles out; 10 acres In
pears; In alfalfa; $275 acre; trade
for larger tract.
320 acres hog and wheat ranch, 75 acres
In cultivation, 6 miles to It. It. Station,
$2000, snap.
20 ncros orchard, Newtowns and Uart
lotts, rich black soil; finely situated;
$250 por aero, terms.
20 acres, new bungnalow, oloso to town,
flno pear and applo orchard, cut price
for quick sale, vory good terms.
Fine homestead, 6 miles from Medford,
30 acres, 2-3 young pears, nil cultivated,
good Improvements, pumping plant;
closo to town; easy terms; prlco low,
28 acres. 7 acres orchard, balanco in al
falfa; price and terms right.
40 acres, part In orchard, good build
ings, 6 miles from Medford, $125 per
25 acroH, good house, barn, 8 acres or
chard, grapos, lwirrles. rich soli, close
to Medford; $2500 will handle this.
Girls for general housework.
City and ranch proporty to list.
Woman cook.
E. F. L
Every citizen, man or woman, lias a
timber and stone right of 160 acres, prlco
to the government $2.50 Pvr apre. No
cultivation, residence or Improvement re
quired. I have about twenty-five claims
to locate, .see me and have a talk. This
land is worth $20 00 per acre. Call or
A. B. BA&IHO, Room 34, Jackion Coaoty '
Bank SulMlitff. 318 J
Says Tax Is Curse
y hi ! i i
'a-., Vr jiHt SLMMn Aw
NEW YORK. May 1. Describing the
Income tax as a "curso" and nssertlpg
that hn, had "grown to bo a protection
ist," the Duko of Manchester, accompa
nied by tho Duchess, who was Miss Hel
en Zimmerman of Cincinnati, O., de
parted for London on board tho Gcrma
nla of tho Sunnrd lino. They came hqre
two months ago, and visited In Cuba
and Florida, Eugene Zlmmcrmnn, fnthor
of the Duchess, was at tho pier to sec
them off.
Ilasklns fot Health.
Real Estate
Good business opportunities nnd loca
tions, all paying.
; Isn't In It with our LANPSITE.
, For tnstnucc, p, 1000-acro tract con-v
tabling over 200 acres of tho famous
Bear Creek bottom land, In alfalfa, and
extending to tho hlglior land, which Is,
set to orchnrds In part, all the land bo-
tug good fruit land.
Rome of tho land Is now In bearing
trees and may bo purchased at reasona
ble figures, tho alfalfa land with a good
stand of alfalfa for $270 to $350 per
nero; young orchards gpod stand, $250
per ncrc, and grain land at $176 pel
This Is nn-f'Ideal" trart for a colony,
as it would cut up Into smnll or largo
places to an advantage, or may bo pur
chased In 10, 12, 20, 40, 50 and fiO-ncro
or any slzo tracts. Easy terms given
at low Interest.
Located tirco miles from Ashland nnd
one mllo from Talent, Or.
A 74-ncro tract 2 1-2 miles West Tal
ent, good 3-room house nnd largo barn;
8 acres under ditch nnd In alfalfa and
garden land; 31 ncrcs or orchard, of
Which 5 acres aro in bearing; tolophouo
and B. F. D.; half cash, balanco good
terms nndn ncasy payments.
For plenty of other bargains call or
G. A. Gardner
Adjoining tho famous Suncrcst Or
chard, 2 miles from Talent!! 4 1-2 miles
from Ashland, and which sold to Boston
parties a few days ago for $265,000. I
offer for sale 280 acres tho nam a kind
of soil of said Suncrost Orohard, fruit
and alfalfa soil, 160 acres under cultiva
tion, a dwelling nousu, barn, water tank,
etc The wholo 280 aorcs fenced. If
you purchase tho wholo 280 ucres, the
prlco will be $125 an acre. If you buy
tho 160 acres under cultivation, it will
bo $200 un acre, very cheap. Coma to
Talent and let mo show you the place.
Luman N. Judd
Also 60 acroH, 2 1-2 miles from Tal
ent, Soli vory fortllc, a healthy, loca
tion, a seven-room house and outbuild
ings, etc A woll of pure, sparkling
water, sovoral sprngs; twenty aero
cleared; a family orohard, also peaches
pears, plums, prunes, charrias and some
small fruit. A lovely view of Rogue
Rlvor Valley. Prlco $6000 or $100 an
acre. Come and let mo show you the
place Also 5, 10, 15 aero lots, covorod
with young fruit.
Hasklns for Health. '.
Large and Small Tracts ,
212 Fruitgrowers Bank Blclg
Bo It Resolved, by tho City Council
of tho City of Medford, Oregon;
Whorcns tboro has been filed with the
city council of tho city of Medford. n
petition signed by more than one-fifth
of tho qualified electors of snld city
as shown by tho votes cast at tho last
municipal, election noiu in sain . cuy,
notltlonlnc that tho boundaries of snld
city of Medford bo altered and now ter
ritory Included therein as hereinafter
sat forth. It is thcrcforo resolved thnt
the following question do suuinmcu to
the electors of snld cltv and also to the
electors residing in tho territory herein
after sot forth;
Shall the boundaries or mo city oi
Medford be altered by Including therein
tho following described torrltory, to
wlt: Beginning at a point on tho south
boundary lino of v the city of, Medford,
which Is 396 feet cast of tho southwest
corner of donation land claim number
t. In township 37. rnngo 1 west of
tho Willamette meridian; thence east
along tho ccntor of 'tlio county road to
tho cast Urn; of tho county road which
Is a continuance of South Riverside ave
nuo In tho city of Medford; thence north
westerly nlong tho east lino of said coun
ty road to a point which bears north
72 degreps 30 minutes cast from the
southeast corner of lot 7. of block 1, of
Davis' First addition to tho city of Med
ford; thenco north 72 degrees 30 min
utes cast to a point from which tho
northeast corner of donation land claim
number 44. In townshlD 37. rnnco 1 west.
bears north 72 degrocs 3d minutes east
2649 foot nnd riorth 153S feet; thence
north 26 degrees 18 minutes west 400
feet; thenco north 72 degrees 30 min
utes cast to the northerly southeast
corner of South Sea addition to the cltv
of Medford; thenco northwesterly along
tho easterly lino of said South Sea nd
dltlon and said lino 'extended to the
present boundary lino of tho city or
Medferd: .thenco in a general southwest
erly direction following tho present
boundary lino of said city to tho place
or beginning, an in jucksoi. couniy, urc
gon. Resolved further, that said question
bo submitted to said olcctors of tho city
of Medford nnd to said olcctors of Bald
abovo described territory at a special
olectlon to bo called for that purpose.
said election to do now on tlio utn aay
nf Mnv. 1011.
Resolved further, that a special elec
tion In and for tho city of Medford nnd
In and for tho torrltory horolnboforo
scribed by hold on tlio 9tn day or 'May,
1011. botiVcoii tho" hours of 9 a. m. and
5 p. m., Is horoby called for tho purpoeo
of submitting at said ejection said ques
tion abovo sot forth.
Tho following aro designated as tho
pincos in sain cuy ai wnicn mo poua
will bo open within said city:
Vlrst ward Ovor Hnsklns' drug store
Second ward Hptol "Nash sample
Third ward Cltv hall.
Tho following Is horoby' doslgpntcd as
1116 place In tho torrltory horolnbofoic
described at which tho polls will bo
epen: .
Rosldcnco of N. Brophy.
Tho following aro hereby annotated
and designated as judges and dorks of
said e'cctien:
First wnrU In snld city J. W. Ling,
Judge; L. L. Damon, Judgo nnd clerk;
i. T. iawton, judgo and clone.
Second ward In said cltv J. II. Bel
linger, judgo; Wm. Ulrlch, Judgo nnd
clerk: Charles Talent. Judgo and clerk.
Third ward in Bald city P. W. Choi-'
gren, judge; J. t. Bummcrviiio. juugc
nnd clerk; II. II. Lorlmcr, Judgo and
In the territory hereinbefore describ
ed S, L. Bennett, Wm. Holmes, N. Bro
phv. Tho electors of said city of Medford
and tho electors of tho torrltory horoln
boforo described are horoby Invltod to
vote upon snld proposition by placing
upon their ballots "For Annoxntlon" or
"Against Annoxntlon" or words equiv
alent thereto.
Resolved further, that notlco of all
tho matters herein set forth bo given
by publishing this resolution for four
weeks prior to said election In tho Med
ford Mall Tribune, a newspaper of gen
oral circulation In said city of Medford
nnd In tho territory nbovo described,
and also by posting four copies of this
resolution In four public places In thq
terrltor' nbovo described for four wooks
prior to sain eiociion.
Tho forogolng resolution was passed
pn thq 4th day of April, 19J1. by the
city council of the city of Medford, by
tho following vete: Merrick aye, Watt
ayo, wortmnn ayo, umcrlcK aye, iJirort
aye, and Millar ayo.
Approved April Kth, 1911.
W. H. CANON, Mayor.
1 Recordor.
Bo It Resolved, by tho City Council of
mo city or Mcdrord, uregen:
Whereas, tbero has, boon filed with
tho city council o fthd city of Medford
n petition signed by more than ono-flfth
of tho qunllflcd olcctors of said city as
shown by tho vntp cast at the last .mu
nicipal' election hold In said city, peti
tioning thnt tho boundaries of said city
of Medford bo altered and now territory
Included therein as hereinafter set forth,
It is thoreforo resolved, that tho fol
lowing; question bo submitted to the
electors or saia city ami also to mo doc
tors residing In tho torrltory herein
after sot ferth:
Shnll tho boundaries of the city of
Medford bo altorod by Including therein
tho following described torrltory, to
wit: Beginning nt tho northeast corner of
Kenwood addition to the. city of Med
ford ns shown by tho recorded plat
thereof., said point being on tho westerly
boundary lino of tho city df Medford,
thonco west to tho northwest corner of
said Kenwood addition, thenco south
along tho west lino of said addition to
Jlio Hoiithwcst corner of block 3 of said
addition, thenco west to tho northwest
cornor of Creston addition to tho cltv of
Medford, as shown on tho rccordod plat
thereof,; thenco south to tho east and
west cjuartor lino of section 25, town
ship 27 south of range 2 wont of tho
Wlllamotto meridian, being tho north
lino of tho county road which Is an ex
tension of West Mnln street In said city;
thonco west to a point duo north of tho
northwest cornor of West Walnut Park
addition to tho city of Medford, as shown
by tho recorded plat thereof; thenco
south across tho county road and along
tho wost boundary of said West Wal
nut addition to tho southwest corner of
said addition; thenco east along the
south lino of said West Walnut addi
tion to tho elty of Medford, as shown
by tho recorded plat thoreof, to tho pres
ent corporato lino of said city; thonco
north along tho present boundary lino
or said city to tho plaro of beginning,
all in Jackson county, Oregon.
Resolved further, that said question
Ua submitted to said electors of the oity
nf Medford nnd to said electors of said
abavn described territory at a special
elootlon to bo called for that purposQ,
said election to be hold on the 10th day
of May. 1911.
Resolved further, that a special elec
tion In and for the city of Aledford and
In and; for the territory herolnbefore
described be held on tho 10th day of
Mav, 1911, between the hours of 9 a. m.
and 5 p. m., Is hereby called for tho
purpose of submitting at said election
said question above set forth.
The following aro designated as the
places Iq said elty at which tlio. polls
will bq open within said city:
First ward Over IUskins' drug store.
Second ward Nash hotol sainplo room.
Third ward City hall.
The following In hereby designated as
the placo. in the territory hereinbefore
described at which the polls will be
-The fallowing are horoby appointed
and designated as Judges and clerks of
said olectlen:
First ward In said city J. W. Ling,
ludge; L. L. Damon, Judgo and clerk;
li. 'IV iJiwton, Judge and clerk.
Second ward In said city J. H. Bel
linger. Judge. Wm. ITIrloh, Judge- and
clerk: Chas. Talent, Judge, and clerk.
Third ward In said oJty P. W. Chel
gren, Judge: J T. Hummervllle. judge
and clork, II. H. Lorlmer, Judge and
In the territory hereinbefore describ
ed T. K. Murray II, ft. Htreatoc, K, F.
A Blttnrr -"
The electors of said city of Medford
and the electors of the territory herein
before described are Jicreb Invited to
ote- upqn uld proposition by placing
upon Ihflr ballots "For Annexation" or
' Against Annexation" or words equiva
lent thereto.
Resolved further, that notice of all
tho matters herein set forth bn given
i v piilibsMiig this resolution for fnT
(d prior I a Mild (-lection III tho Med-
rord Mall Tribune, a newspaper of gon-
cral circulation in said city of MedfoiM
and In tho torrltory nbovo described nnd
niso by posting four copies of this reso
lution In four public places in said city
and In four public places In tho terri
tory nbovo described for four weeks
prior to snld olectlon.
Tho foregoing resolution was passed
on tho 4th day of April, 1911. by tho
city couneu oi mo cuy or Aieuiorn uy
tho following vete: Merrick aye. Watt
aye, Wortmnn aye, Elfert aye, Millar
.Approvcu apru , iuii.
W. II. CANON, Mayor.
LOST Bunch of koys In Gnrnott-Corey
building. Return to elevator man and
rqcoivo reward. 37
FOUND Cortltlcato for shares of min
ing stock. Owner may havo snmo by
proving proporty and paying for this
nd. 35
FOR SALE A guaranteed profit-paying
restaurant; excellent location. Coin-
potnnt Instructions free to ono un
familiar with tlio business. Price
$3300;. well worth Investigating. K.
S. Tumy, 201 Garnott-Corcy bldg. 40
ly now Studobakor hack with pole.
Will sell cheap or trado for light dou
blq or largo single buggy; must bo In
first-class condition. Cnl 1118 West
Eighth street or phono Main 6901.
scngor 4-cylndor touring automobile.
Address Box 200, caro Mall Tribune
Soal Estate
FOR EXCHANGE Medford nnd subur
ban property, ranches, timber lands,
for other property. Address Box 199,
caro Mall Tribune.
TO EXCHANGE Colorado and Nebras
ka lands. Improved and unimproved,
to exchange for Roguo rlvor properties.
Tho Best-Fuller Realty Co., Grants
Pass Or.
FOR TRADE What havo you to trado
for $2,000 equity In residence proporty.
Address J R caro Mall Tribune
FOR EXCHANGE Rooming houso, good
location, long loaso for clt property
or will sell for cash nnd payments.
Address "Exchange," caro Mall Trib
une. 37
FOR EXCHANGE Houso and lot In
Medford or Iiouso nnd lot In Portland
for row unimproved acres. G. C. Trl
buno. 35
Business Property
FOIt SALE OR RENT Good opening for
gonoral merchandise storo In now
town wth $15,opo monthly payrpll, on
railroad, 12 miles from Mod ford. Gold
Ray Realty Co., 200 W. Main.
FOR SALE OR RENT Restaurant that
Is doing a good business. Cheap, phone
Main 6282.
Hoard and Booms
FOR RENT Room with private board,
at 610 N. Riverside.
Furnished Booms
FOR RENT Furnished room with al
cove, phono Main 6652 or call 404 West
Second street. 38
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rpqpi
lady preferred. Apply 236 North Cen
tral avonuo. 35
FOR RENT At the Cottage, modorn
furnished rooms. Rooms equlppqd
with prlvato telephono sorvlec, hot and
cold running wator, sleoplng porchos,
bath, accommodations and hent If de
sired. 604 W. Tenth st. Phone call
prlvato cxcliango 141.
FOR RENT FurnlMicd sleeping room;
everything now nnd clean; reasonable
prlco; easy walk rrom Main st only
men need apply. Oleson nnd W. Hum
llton sts. Phono Main 4474.
FOIl RENT Elegantly furnished rooms
steam heat, hot and cold water, baths
elcatrlo lights, newly furnished, sin
glo rooms or en suite, by the day
week or month. Inqulro room 103
Electric bldg. 218 W, Muln st
Housekeeping Booms
FOR RENT Furnished house, keeping
rooms. 113 North Grape street 36
FOIl RENT Furnlshod light housekeep
ing rooms at 23 IlooHovelt avo. Phono
3841. 38
FOR RENT A small 3-room house,
partly furnished; balanco of furniture
for salo cheap. Address I'. O. Box
66. 35
FOR RENT 3 room furnlHhcd bunga.
low, Inqulro 527 South Holly.
FOIt RENT Modorn 6 room bungalow
with buth; screen porch 616 Liberty
street; just off North Riverside. 36
FOIt RENT 5-room house nnd barn on
N. Riverside. Phono 744.
FOR RENT Five-room houso nowly pa
pored throughout, ono block from city
park. City water In yurd and tollot.
Phono Main 3101.
FQIt RENT 5-room modorn hpugo. In
quire 60 N Orango st.
FOR RENT Nowly finished 8-rooin
houve with all modern Improvements,
corner of Columbus and West Second.
Phone suburban 4681. W. J. Hartz
ell. 35
FOR BENT New 5-room house with
buth and pantry. All modern, close In
Address 21 Hamilton street West
Phono 2455
FOIt RENT Farms from 40 nores to
400 ncres, alfalfa land, fruit ranches,
garden land, general farming ranches.
Gold Ray Realty Co., !l W Main.
Builnen Rooms
FOR RENT Business building corner
Eighth .and Centrnl avenue, suitable
for garogo or other purposes. Seo B,
Klum, 216 East Main.
FOR RENT Business room on W. Mnln
st., 24x140, sultnblo, for rastaurant or
bllllnrd room or other business, steam
heat. Gold Ray Realty Co., 216 W.
Main st
Office for Rent
FOR RENT Over tho postofflco with
heat and light Seo, A. A. .Davis.
FOR RENT Offlco rooms in KIcctric
bldg., modern equipment, steam heat,
electric light, baths, toilet, hot and
cold water. Gold Ray Realty Co., 216
W. Main st
FOR LEASE Fishing, boating and hunt
ing resort on easy torins. Box 32,
Mall Tribune
FOR RENT Qardon lnnd in tracts
of f,rom ono , aero upwards, with
water for Irrigation. Ownor will
furnish team and Implements for cur-
tlvntlng and seed for sharo of crop.
Inqulro of Buffum, Roguo Rlvor Elec
tric Co., 216 W. Main st
FOR SALE 5 and 10 aero tracts just
within nnd adjolnlpg city, limits, at, a
bargain, on 5 annual payments.. Ad
dress Condor Water & Power Co.
FOR SALE Best buy in Jackson coun
ty, 2Ys nores, improved, $1650; near
Eaglo Point, Or. 66
FOR SALE Two lota, oloso In on Third
and Appla strcots; cast front C. E.-
Kirk, Box 285. 39
FOR SALE Ono or two of tho finest
vacant lots on Ross Court, laying two
foot abovo sldowalk; sower and water
connection nindo and oxtonded to in
sldo Una of sidewalk. Address A. V,
Carlson, Routo 1, Box A-73, Central
Point. 60
Business TToperty
FOR SALE Cholco business proporty
at a bargain, on long tlmo; easy term.
Address Condor Wator & Power Co.
FOR SALE Ono of tho best suburban
business propositions In Medford;
stock In rcnl cstato Included. Price
right, Wrlto Owner. Address Box
4, caro Mall Trlbuno offlco. 38
FOR SALE A 9-room houso In good lo
cution on paved street Inquire Own
er, 604 South Holly. 37
FOR SALE Just $500 gives you posses
sion of a six-room all modern homo
on Ross Court Balanco on easy pay
monts. Tumy, 201 Garnqtt-Coroy
bldg. 35
FOR SALE $1500 buyH a 4-room cot-
tugo on u lot 60x285, closo in. Terms
$800 cash nnd $10 per month. Tumy,
201 Garnott-Corey bldg. 36
FOR RENT Modorn 6 rqom bungalow
with bath. Hereon porch, 616 Liberty
street; Just'off North Riverside. 36
FOB t'ALE A bargain. 7-room houso
and 2 lots or houso and 1 lot. Address
Box 737, Medford. 43
FOR SALE Six room Iiouso nnd barn
on lot 63x124 o;i Palm streot. west, of
Olson, wntor and sower mains soon;
prlco $1600 terms; adjoining lot avail
able. E. Ii Woltor. 731 West Socond
street. 35
FOR SALIC Good 4-room houso, good
shed, lot 50x112, city wator, largo gar-
don, only $950,00. 737 W. 14th st, 7
blocks south Washington school. 42
FOIt SALE Jackson, county lunds In
Rogue rlvor vnlloy, Oregon, by the
Jackson County Realty company, H. M
Co ss, manager, Offlco In Garnott.
Corey building, room 217. Farm lands,
garden lands, fruit lands, stock
ranches, large and smnll tracts of Im
provod and unimproved lands. Oflco
phono 6691; rcsldenco 14 L
Beat Estate.
FOIt HALE 40 acrcH of free soil, raw
land Just 194 miles from Central Point
on main county road for $100 por aero
on terms of Just ono-thlrd cash, The
best buy on tho market today, E, S,
Tumy, 201 Garnott-Corey bldg. 36
laud freo; Curoy Act Irrigation; on
the two now rail roads; land absolutely
lovol; very mollow; free from stono;
surrounded by government forest re
serves, stato co-operative water right
developed, $36.00 per acre; tonus tun
years. Investigate fully and secure
privilege of entry from O. Loudon Bar
ley, Nnsh hotol, Medford. 36
FOIt HALE 80 acres, hair mllo from
Eaglo Point, about 40 acres under cul
tivation; sticky soli; vory rnsy terms;
por aero. $63.75. W, T, York & Co.
FOR HALE 8 acres fruit and poultry
ranch, 200 head of poultry, team and
tools go wth plnco If desired; west of
S, Oakdale uve. See owner on placo,
Robert Duttln.
FOR HALE For $5,000, half, cash, fin
oHt 15 aaro Improved home In north
west, In tho beautiful city af Ashland,
No trades, no agents. Address Box 91,
Ashland, Oregon. 37
FOB HALE 11 ao'M rrnimorolul oi
chard, bearing tiots Id years oirf '.'
ucres just planted, 2 miles from Tul
out, Or Samo soil as tho famous Hun
crest orchard. Prlco $10,000; half
cash. Lumun N. Judd, Talent, Or.
FOR HALE 10 acres uncleared fruit
lurid; good location; deep soil; $60 un
aoro. Address C, L. Dusenbery, Gold
Hill, Oiogon. 40
FOIl HALE Bay maro and snddlo out
fit; weight ubout 1050 pounds; flue
for riding or driving. Inquire 603 Ho.
Oakdute or phono M. 6021. 37
FOB HAL1 $r0 new nlngln top car
riage at big sacrifice llumplirt-y fcl'i
E Main. Phono 3991 37'
FOB HALE Fine plants, eurly cubbage.
tomatoes, peppeYs, transplanted ('
Cun-y Talent, Ore, phonn 7167
FOR SALE Remington typewriter,
houschbUl furniture. Inqulro ,at 625
West Tenth street 38
FOR SALE Riding cultivator cheap.
Enquire 1021 W. 10th. 3$
FOIl SALE Small team of horses,
double set of harness and new do
livery wagon. Prlco $280. Inqulro Oak
dalo Cash Grocery, Oakdale and 11th
street. 35
FOR SALE Young cow, kind nnd gen
tle, giving mltk; price, $50. For fur
ther particulars address C. It Pldgeon,
Jacksonville, Or. 39
FOIl SALK Good heavy team of .horses
eight years old at a bargain, inqulro
of W. T. York & Co.
FOR SALE Hay. Ihavo grain and al
falfa baled. Seo A. A. Davis.
FOR SAL-: Corn. Inqulro Dr. Clancy's
office, Phlpps bldg., or phono Main
FOR KALE Smith and Barnes piano
cheaPi ouil' op terms. A. E. Strong,
. Central Point, Or. 36
FOR SALE Our pullets from trap
nested stock lay nt flvo months ojd.
How much aro they worth more than
common stock thnt commence lqylng
nt ten months? Whlto Loghorn baby
chicks $2.00 per dozen. Whlto Orp
ington baby chlaks $11.00 per dozon.
Also Cycio hatcher fpr sale. MrB. E.
E. Oman, Jacksonville, Or. 38
FOR SALE Tho Star mlpes nnd mill,
completely equipped for wntor power;
also ono Scotch inarlnq botlor, nonrly
new,; nvajlabla water right and mill
slto are to bo sqld. Prefer selling all
together. Call on or address E. B,
Hawkins, Applegate, Or. 43
FOB S.ALE1 Iiouho tent, 12 by" 16,
nearly now, also 1 cook stovo slightly
used. Call 1215 North Central 'Htreot.
FOR SALE Collection of flno oil paint
lugs; lessons if desired. Havo exhib
ited In Young nnd O'Brhm'H galleries
In Chicago. Mrs.'W. B. McAllister, 22
Cottage street.
FOIt SALE Furniture, and houso for
rent; closo In. 127 S. Grupo st.
FOR SALE Dry ash wood; will deliver
for low prlco. Phono Pnclfla 331 1 40
WANTED To purchase lntorcst In pay
ing business with good future. About
a thousand cash down. Experienced
office and out door man. Address A.
P. Mall Trlbuno. 36
WANTED Lace curtains to laundor.
215 W. Jackson st. 36
WANTED Orders taken at Wilson's
nocond hand storo for hauling sand and
gravel. Phono Bell T. 3101; noma
265 I 43
WANTED Second hand plpo, 1 1-2,
and 2 1-2 Inch, Address 2 P euro Mall
Trlbuno office. 35
WANTED Clean-up rags at Mall Trlb
uno Job department.
WANTED Qood pasturo for horses and
cattle, 3 1-2 miles south Ashland. W
Q. Gordon, phono 6011, 41
WANTED Clean young man wants
room and board with prlvato family.
Address Box 7, caro Mall Trlbuno of.
CIiRIS MOORI2 Landscnpo gardnor,
lawns and grounds taken caro of. Ad
dress 1160 Went Eighth streot. 56
WANTED I do housekeeping by tho day
or hour or week. Phono M 3361. 227 H.
Ivy st. Japancso M. Harry. 42
Help Wanted Mais
WANTED First-class gentleman press
or at Pnntorliim. 37
WANTED Married man tq work on
ranch, four miles from Medford. E. F,
Guthrie, 53 Norh Orango st 38
WANTED Bookkeeper and stenograph,
or. Apply Pacific Motor Supply Com
pany, St. Mark's block. 37
WANTED Salesmen to sel our lino of
superior nursery stock. Qnn give you
choice of torrltory. Cash paid weekly
and outfit furnished. Pacific Nursory
Company, 308 Corbett building, Port
land, Ore. 58
WANTED Salesmen In every locality of
tho northwest; monoy advanced wook
ly; many muko over $1000 month;
cholco of torrltory, Ynjuma Valloy
Nursery Co,, TodoiiIsIi, Wash.
Help Wanted Female
WANTEI) Competent Housekeeper for
family of throe. P. o. box 257.
WANTED A cpmpotcnt stenographer.
Apply at offlco of Big Pines Lumber
WANTED Woman for gonoral house
work, ono who can cook. Wages $30
per mon,th. Apply Buffum, Roguo
Blypr Electric Co., 2J0 W. Main.
WANTED An experienced girl or wo-
mup for gonoral housework. No. 8
Luurel street, phono 1971. 35
APPRENTICE lady wanted at Orogory's
WANXEIK-Ynunj: lady bookkeeper, ono
that has' experience and Is rapid, must
furnish references. Answer In own
hand writing, given time and places
of previous employment. Address IC
T earn Mall Tribune, office.
WANTED Young Jady for general
housework, Best wages. Inquire Buf
fum, Rogue River FJcctrla Co., 216 W,
Main st
WANTED Girl for general house work.
Apply at 618 West Main stroet
TITLE CO, INC, Jacksonville. Phones
Pacific, Main 11. Home 2006.
JOHNS & TUHNElt Archlteotn and
Builders. Offlo 7-H. 325. Mnln' phone
Muln 3(71. Residence phone 1U,
D. R. WOOD General accountant. Your
booksliudltedand kept for a reasonable
figure; your business sdllcttod. Offlco
Phlpps bldg.. .room 209. Phone 3122.
Assayer ana Analyst.
EARL V. INGELS. B. S. Best equipped
assay oflco In Oregon; food products,
flolls, fertilizers, spray products, water
etc., analyzed. Grants Pass.
COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Colvlg, C.
L. Reamen. Lawyers. Offlco Medford
National Bank building, second flbor.
Attomeys-at-law. Nos. 1 nnd 2 Post
offlco building.
A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Garnott-Corey
Palm building.
B, F. MULKEY Lawyer. Room 30 Jack
son Co.. Bank bldg.
Billiard Parlors.
S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards. Cigars
and Soft Drinks. Up stairs. Young St
Hall building. A nice, cool plnco to
spend the hot afternoons.
BUI Fosters.
VERNE T. CANON BUI poster and Dis
tributor. All orders promptly filled.
Room 29. Jackson County Bank build
ing, Medford, Oregon.
Cigars and Tobacco,
IRELAND & ANTLE, Smokehouse
Dealers in tobacco, cigars, and- smok
ers' supplies. Excluslvo ngent of Lewis
Slnglo Blhdor, El Mcrlto and El Pulon
cla. 212 West Main streot
Civil Engineers.
B,ur.v,.yors- Specialty; Platting, sub
dividing and municipal engineering.
Phono 4081. Ro6m'408 Garnott-Corey
bldg.. Medford. Orogon.
airs. DiiiLLA BAIN Dressmaking nnd
plain sowing; will go by day or sow
at homo. 104 South Nowtown st
II. F. WILSON & CO.. dealers In now
and second-hand furniture nnd hard
ware, Agents for, Household stoves
and ranges. 16 South Fir streot Phone
Malli3i6l. Home 265-L. ""
nor 8th and, Holly strcots, Medford.
Mission furnlturo mndo to ordor. Cab
inet work of all kinds, A trial order
MORDOFF A: WOLFF Cookstovcs and
fnt1l-f.fl. NrktV fkllll an,.,..l, .... l
turc Ends' old stand, 18. Fir street.
South. Phono 91. Home 2J3-K. Mod
ford. Qranlte Works.
Main street, manufacturers and deal
ers lii monumental and building gran
lto, crushed granite, eommort brick and
pressed brck, coarso and flno washed
rvur Hiinu.
MFDFOUD umuiC CO. Geo. V. Prlddy.
O. D. Naglo. Goo. T. O'Brien Contract
tors and manufacturers of brick; deal
ers In presfced brick and llmo. Ortlca
In Garnott-Corey block, room 209. 2d
floor. Phono No. 3181.
Xianascapo Gardener.
JOHN F. BELTZ. Landscapo Gardoner.
Botwoen Rlvnrsido avenue and Beatty
streot Medford,- Or. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Call Main 3812.
NOT,vRY PUBLIC R'oom 257 Phlpps
HELEN N. YOCKEY, Notary public
Bring your work to mo nt tho sign of
Tho Mnll Tribune.
Tents and Awniujrs.
makem of now, repairers of old. Both
Phones 40 8. Onkdulc.
iT, puiieu p iiwus. snruuuery bulbs. 923
E. Main. Phono 3741.
ill a r t.i i .t1 itiuiiiii'iiili """
vuwuvr.n. Huuawiuisa uur trees nro
budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not
Irrigated. Wo guarantee ovorything put
out We nro not In tho trust H, B.
Patterson, offlco romoved to 116 E.
Mnln st.
CO., Inc. Growers of high grndo nur
sery stock. Offlco 25 W. Main. Tolo
phono 1201.
Fhyilclans and Sargcona.
DBS. CONBOY & CLANCY Piiyslclnna
and surgeons, Taylor and Phlpps bldg..
rooms 210-211-212. Office phono 601.
residence phono 612. Offlco hours a a.
m. to 8 p. rn.
D5,'.1vS;,.CAlajOW nn- KVA MAINS
CARLOW Osteopathia physicians.
Moved to rooms 116 and 417 Garnott-
Corey bldg. Phone Main 6351
OH. E. II. PORTER Diseases of wo-
mon a specialty. Rooms 5, 6, 7, 8, St.
Mark's bid, Medford, Orogon; phones,
Offlco 4J61, rcsldenco49Cl.
Offlco In Rlalto bldg., 123 E. Muln.
Gas udmlnlstered for oxtraotlon of
tooth . Tolophouo Main 681. Night
Phono 4432.
Dlt. KTEABNH Physician and surgeon.
9,f,S? (5ttrnett-Coroy bldg, rooms
211-212, phono 6601. Residence 113
Luuroj jjt, phono 2092.
LOOKWOOD Piaclloe limited to dlH
euses of women. Office over Ilas
klns drug Htore. Phones: Pacific 1001,
Home 28.
Dr. W. M. Van Scoyoc.
Dr. C. C. Vnn Scoyoo.
aarnott-Coroy bldg., sulto 318. Medford,
Orogon. uoth Phones.
DR. J. J. EM MENS Practice limited to
dlsnaso of tho oye. car, noso and throat,
Offlco 216 E. Mnln street.
tice limited to oye, ear. nosu nnd
throat. Offlco; Sulto 318 aarnott
Coroy building. Both phonos.
Chinese Medicines.
CIIOTw YOUNO'SnChlFoiTennedlolnTrwlh
cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, gutt
ers, throat and lung trouble, deafness,
paralysis, private diseases and nil
kinds of chronic nnd nervous ullmouts.
Htomuch trouble, constipation, indiges
tion, womb and bladder troubles. Seo
mo at 241 8 Front St.. Medford. Ore.
Printers and FabUehers.
MEDFORD PRINTINO CO.. has the best
equipped Job offlco in Southorn Oro
gon; book binding; loose loaf syiitoms;
cut papor, eta, etc., Portland prices.
27 North Fir street
ELLA Si; OTTANTaW PhIiii Block'.
Htenographlo work dono quickly anl
rapher Huntley - Kramer's office.
Phono Man 3491. 15 N. Central avq
nue. Medford. Or, 36
SIGNS will help build up your busi
ness. Phono 803. IS. Utversldo avenue.
Steam Keating'.
PONTINO & RENSC Steam and hot ws
tor heating, dry kiln and power wotK,
Satisfaction guaranteed. Estimate
given, phenes: IMclflo 4601. Ham
124-L. residence Pacific 4463. ttox 414,
37 South Central avenue, Mwdfard,
Sewing Maehlnes.
local representative, for "Hlnger" and
"Wluwler & Wilson" sowing machlnei.
Nhoii 6043. Machine for j(mU or '.
Repairing. -i