sa MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKEGON, MONDAY, MAY 1,1911 PAGE FIVE A SOME LIVE REAL ESTATE OFFERINGS Runs Every Monday for the Benefit of the Homeseekers . 6S &' I t 7 REAL ESTATE: ITEMS Or XXTBSSST TO HOME FTTH- oxAssas Airs zmrssToms 70 ncrcs very best of land 1 14 miles from city limits, mostly In alfalfa. This land Is adapted for fruit and trucking of nil kinds. Water can bo had In 15 to 26 feet In abundance. Good 2 story house, barn and outbuild Inga. County road on 2 sides. Price 3G0 per acre, terms 6 per cent. 25 acres near Griffin Creek school, 3 miles from Medford. Very best of free soil, good for nil purposes, would make flno truck land. Part of the land Is In alfalfa, all level and In cultivation. Nothing better In the val ley. Price $400 per aero,' 12 cash and $1000 yearly at 6 per cent. 6 1-4 acres 1-2 mile from city limits In pears and apples 2 years old. This Is cliolco land good for gardening; water close to surface. Price $4000, 1-2 cash, easy terms. 26 acres good foothill land, 21 In cul tivation, 6 ncrcs are In bearing pears, 15 acres hay, 5 acres timber. This tract Is only 3 miles from Medford. A bargain at $8000. Terms $3000, bal ance G years, 6 per cent. 44 acres best of land In the very choic est part of the valley. Above frost line. 12 acres Newtown apples, 8 years oldj 4 ncrcs pears 15 years old; 18 ncrcs pears 2 to 3 years old. Good house, barn nnd out building? Fine water,, can Irrigate. Placo Is In fjne condltibn. Located near foothills, beautiful view. Price $20,000, easy terms. Will sell 18 acres pears. 40 n'cro tracts close to Rogue nivcr on main county road, near the Modoc Orchards; mostly In cultivation. Near ly .nil of the tracts nro the very best of grain and fruit soil; some good al falfa land. Your choloo of these tracts at $100 per acres.. Very easy terms, 12 1-2 acres flno land 2 1-2 miles from Central Point; 1-3. ready to plow, bal nnco light clearing required; close to station. You take no chances on this. A beautiful placo for a home. $175 per acre. Easy terms. 40 acres choice foothill land; deep rich soil, cast slope. A small portion In cultivation. A fine placo to live and no better fruli land In tho valley. Price $1G0 per acre, easy terms. Will Hell In 2 parts. A Bplendld bargain In a 20 acres tract ono mile from Central Point. Positi vely no better garden land anywhere. Water for Irrigating can bo had 10 City Property 4 room plastered house, near Jackson Boulevard, sell $500 euulty for $125, balance In easy monthly payments. 7 flno view lots on east side, close In; cut price for quick sale, A number of fine business chances.' G acres all platted, well inside limits, $6,500, good terms. Lot 100x100, four blocks P. O., $2650; snap. TRADES $2000 equity In 10 rooni horse, completely furnished, 1 1-3 acres land, trade for acreage. 10 room furnished house, 1 1-3 acres, flno soil, trade equity $2500 for chick en ranch. 10 ucrcs finely situated, 8 acres In pears, fno garden, chicken homes, good house, trade for bungalow. 80 acrcH fine hog and alfalfa ranch, all cultivated, good buildings, 'three horses thr'co cows, all tools, trade for acre age or city property. Income property up to $173,000, for good body of timber. 160 acres black loam soli, flno hog and hay ranch, trudc for acrcago or city property. 10 acres near San Joso , Cal., good In come; all In cultivation; tako city city property or acrcago. Residence property, Income $1800, for orchard with good Improvements. Now modern bungalow; tako acrcago or vacant lots up to $1000. A fine rontal property, all clear; pays ..0 per cent on $80,000; trado for un improved tract. Now bungalow for chicken and truck ranch, not over two miles from Med ford. RANCHES 320 ucrcH 1hk Hntl wlicut ranch, 7S acrcH In cultivation, C miles to II. It. Station, tliOOO Rnap. 8 ncrcs bluck free soil, clouo to town, $235 per acre, terms. 20 acres orchard, Nowtowns and Uar tlotts. rich black soil finely situated, $350 per acre, terms. 160 aorcs timber, cruise 6,000,000; well located. $3600. 2t0 acrcH fine Btock ranch, under Irriga tion, $0080. 30 acreB, 1-2 mile town, new buildings, 10 acres In orchard, balance fine al falfa, $500 acrcn, easy terms. 20 acres, new bungalow, close to town, flno pear nnd apple orchard, cut price for quick sale, very good terms. Klne homestead, 6 mites from Medford, $1000. 16flt acres, fine alfalfa and stock ranqh. ample water. $75 per acre. 20 acres fruit and alfalfa; nice home; tfade for Medford property or acre age 30 acres, 2-3 young pears, all cultivated good Improvements, pumping plant close to town, easy terms, price Jow. 28 acres, 7 acres orchard, balance In al falfa, price and terms right. 26 acres, 16 acres pears, balance alfalfa bul'dtngs, less than $400 per a ore. 40 acres, part In orchard, good build Ing. 6 miles from Medford, $125 per acre. 25 acres, irood house, barn. 8 acres or chard, grapes, berries, rich soil close to Medford; $2500 will handle this. WANTED Olrls for general housework. City and ranch property to list. Woman cook. Porter. to 15 feet. Adjoining land $400 to $500 per acre. This can bo bought at $27G per acre cash. Its the cheapest buy In tho valley. Will sell one half of tho place. 284 acres all good land; 100 acres In cul tivation; mostly deep red soil, part of It good for alfalfa. Good buildings, 2 miles from town. Will subdivide nicely. Prlco $82 per acre. Easy terms. 15 acres fine soil one mllo from Central Point. Will grow nnythlng. Prlco $300 per acre. Investigate this at once. 3 forty aero tracts only 2 miles from Central Point; all In cultivation; good Improvements on each. Large portion of each tract in orchard; trees 3 to 7 years old. $400. $500, $650 per aero. Will sell any portion of each, prlco de pending on portion selected. Kino soil. 23 ncrcs cliolco lnnd all In cultivation; under Irrigation. This Is jUBt tho land for gardentng! will produce nnythlng In vegetables; splendid market, only 1 mile- from tho city limits. Prlco $250 per acres. Terms. Largo now 6 room modern bungalow with all conveniences; very large lot, closo In on paved stnect. Compare this with any similar house. Prlco $3200. Largo lot on Main street, South Front. 74x140, $1600. 5 room house East Front, $1200. Modern 7, room house, $25"00. Terms. Large new houso In East Medford, heat ing plant, East front, paved street, $6,600. Lot 60x206 East Front, one block from paving, water, sidewalk, $375 cash. Largo 7 room house, up to date, hard wood floors, East Front, closo In, paving puld In full, flno lawn. This Is wortfi Investigating. $5,600. J. W. DBEMXiEB, Agency, 31 Worth Plr Street. 33 Mall-Trlbuno Building. FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY Homes any part of city Lots wholesale and retail MOOR-EHNI CO. 212 Frnitorrowerfl Bank Bldg Removal Notice L. X. JUDD has removed to Main street, opposite Talent Hotel. Now Is your time to como and purchaso a good alfalfa or fruit farm or a com mercial orchard and secure a fine home. Ho haB tracts of 4, 10, 15, 20, 40, 80, 160 and 280 acres of land for sale. Improved and some unim proved, besides city residences. April 11, 1911. . X. JUDD. TAI.EHT, OKE0OX. SPECIAL SALE 4 Suburban Homes 2 1-2, 5 and 10 Acre Tracts in the Pierce Sub -Division Tuesday and Wednesday May 2nd and 3d LOW PRICES Prices from $200.00 to $360.00 per acre; oiie-quarter cash, balance in monthly or quarterly payments to suit purchaser. , BEAUTIFUL LOCATION, NEAR CITY RESERVOIR. GOOD SOIL. For particulars, call on anyone named below : Anderson-Oreen Co.. 210 Garnctt-Corey Ulldg. Orown & Wakefield. ,, I'alm Building F. O. Burgess & Co.. 303 East Main Btreet O. It. Chaffee Und Co.. Room 10 Palm Bldg. Cornltlus-Oarner Realty Co.. Boom 19. No. 133 W. Main St. Ira J. Dodge. . ... 217 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg. J. W. Dressier Agenoy. Mall-Tribune Building Geo. F. Dyer. noim 5. No. 125 E. Main Ht. R. H. Hanauer. Room 16. P. O. Building Thos. H. K. Hathaway, 131 West Main Street FOR SALE Adjoining tho famous Suncrcst Or chard, 2 miles from Talent, 4 1-2 miles from Ashland and which sold to Boston parties a fow days ago, for $265,000, I offer for salo 280 acres the samo kind of soli of said Suncrcst Orchard, fruit and alfalfa soil, 160 acres under cultiva tion, a dwelling house, barn, water tank, etc. The wholo 280 acres fenced. If you purchase tho wholo 280 acres, tho prlco will be $125 an aero. If you buy tho 160 acres under cultivation It will be $200 an aero, very cheap. Como to Talent and lot me show you the place. Luman N. Judd, TAX.BWT. Also 60 acres, 2 1-2 miles from Tal ent. Soil very fertile, a healthy loca tion, a seven room houso and outbuild ings, etc A well of pure, sparkling water, soveral springs; twenty acres cleared ;a family orchard also peaches, pears, plums, prunes, cherries and somo small fruit A lovely view of Rogue Blvor Valley. Prlco $6000 or $100 an acre. Como and let mo show you tho place. Also C, 10, 15 aero lots, covered with young fruit. Closo to Talent, Oregon. Luman N. Judd TAfcSNT, OBB. FOR SALE ORCHARDS, FARMS FRUIT LANDS Large and Small Tracts MOOR-EHNI CO. 212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg FOR SALE-Five acres, all platted; sewer and water in; all large lots; no agents; see owner. Phone 1661 BY THE MEMBERS OF TILE Medford Realty Association W. H. Humphrey. , H. K. Cor. Main and Central Iluntluy-Krcmer Co., ,,.. 15 Central Avenue North D. II. Jackson Co., 1184 West Main Btreet Jackson Co. Realty Co.. 217 Oarnott-Corey Bldg. I.lncoln-Barneburg-IIoko Co., 401 Garnett-Corey Bldg. C. A. McArthur, .... Room 3, P. O. Building Mlksche Hchmltt Realty Co.. 217 West Main Btreet Claud Miles. 215 Oarnett-Corey Bldg. Moor-Khnl Co.. 212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg. TALENT Real Estate FOR SALE Qood business opportunities and lo cations, all paying. TEDDY'S DAMSITE Isn't In It with our LANDSITE. For Instance, a 1000-acre tract containing over 200 acres of tho fa moiiB Dear creok bottom land, In al falfa, and extending to tho hlghoi land, which Is set to orchards In part all tho land being good fruit land Somo of the land is now In bear Ing trees and may bo purchased ai reasonable figures, the alfalfa lane with a 'good stand of alfalfa for 27( to $350 per acre; young orchards good stand, $250 per acre, and grali land at $175 per acre. This Is nn "Ideal" tract for a col ony, aB It would cut up Into smal or largo places to an advantage, oi may bo purchased In 10, 12, 20, 40 50 and 60-acre or any bIzo trlcts Easy termB given at low Interest. Located three miles from Ashland and one mile from Talent, Or. A. 74-acro tract 2 mllos West Tal ent, good 3-room house and largt barn; 8 acres undor ditch and In a falfa and garden land; 34 acres nn dor plow, and trees; 20 acres of or chard, of which 5 acres are In bear ing; tolophone and R. F. D.; halt cash, bnlanco good torms and easj paymonts. For plenty of other bargain! cal or address G. A. Gardnelr TALENT, OREGON. EASY TERMS Myers, Whltesldo A Holmes, H. E. Cor. Main and Central J, F, Roddy Co.. Walter I McCallum Mgr., ... Nash Hotel Lobby Roguelands Incorporated. Medford National Bank Bldg. Rogue River Iand Co., 11 Central Avenue, North Earl B. Tumy. kt 201 Garnett-Corey Bldg. Harry II. Tuttle, Park Avenue, near Dakota , Van Dyke Realty Co, Room S, No. 125 East Main Bt. Western Oregon Orchard Co.. Medford National Bank Bldg. W. T. York & Co., Mali-Trlbune Bldg. TAKE UP A CLAIM Every citizen, man or woman has a timber and stono right of 160 acres, price to tho govornmont $2.50 por acre. No cultivation, resluonco or Improvement required. I have about twenty-flvo claims to locate, boo me tnd have a talk, this land Is worth 20.00 por acre. Call or write. V II. BALING, Room 84 Jackson County Rank Building. 318 Why Depend Upon the Rain? IRRIGATION IS CERTAIN and you can't afferd: to take, a chance. T Rogue River Valley Canal Co. FRED N. CUMMINGS, Manager. Offices 3d floor Medford National Bank Bldg Irrigated Orchard Tracts You can clear at least $200 per acre per annum on inter tillage crops. Some have netted much more. See us and let us show you how to do it. ROGUELANDS INC. 4 FRED N. CUMMINGS, Manager. Removal Notice W.T.YORK&CO. Real Estate Have removed to the Mail Tribune Block, ground floor, first door north of Mail Tribune office. Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BOND1 Honey on hand at all times to loan on improved ranch and fruit land. PH0NE323I. 320 GARNETT-COREY ILtt. I IRRIGATION - ro0 - If ,', E. F. I. BITTNER Phlpps luilMnf HWbi Uv