MEDFORD 'MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 1,1911. "S; i if SOME LIVE REAL ESTATE !i ii Runs Every Monday For the Benefit of the Homeseekers KGE four OFFERINGS Ml!' '4 ' i m m u 'V 5 .1 (Mi t i GLASS WORKS BURNS; $500,000 IS LOSS BAN FIIANCISCO, Mny 1. The plant of the IIIIiioIh Pacific slasn works was Mimed today, cuuHlnK n loss estimated nt 1600,000. The ilamngo Is partially covered by Insurance. The flames start ed, It Is bellovcd, from waste oil which Van Dyke Realty Co. CITY ritOPERTY FARMS, FRUIT RANCHES 123 K. MAIN STREET. had formed a pool near tlio furnaces. t least f00 men aru temporarily Idle. Barry "Wins. LONDON, Mny 1 -Before C0.000 dicer Ins ntliuslasts who lined tho Thames for the four and one-half mllo course TIasklns for Health. from I'utney to Morllakc, Hrncst Harry, tho KtiRllsh sculler, today defeated Wil liam Albany by flvo lengths. Harry's tlmo was 23 minutes and 2 seconds, Har ry was the favorite In the betting. California Irrigated Lands IN SUBDIVISIONS, 20 ACRES AND UPWARDS EASY PAYMENTS THE HOME OF ALFALFA, IDEAL CONDITIONS FOR ORANGES AND LEMONS. Writo us for Particulars. Dixon Alfalfa Land Go. DIXON, CALIFORNIA. Summit Addition THE CHOICE RESIDENCE DISTRICT. All improvements in. Street paved. Cement side walks. t Sewtfrand city water to the lot line. Building restrictions. Only four blocks to the new Jackson school. East front lots $850 West front lots '. 1 $725 Easy Terms. W. T. York & Company Selling Agents. FOR SALE BY OWNER Splendid 10-acre orchard and garden truck land, half mile of growing city. Has about 7 acres best varieties of pears, 1 to 5 years old; deep, free soil. Best bargain in' valley. Liberal terms. Pine building site. No brokers. Apply MAIL TRIBUNE. To the Public Wo wish to call tho attention of prospective buyors to tho fact that wo havo boon In tho county oror 40 years and nro proparod to show some of tho choicest tracts In tho vnlloy. Costs noth ing to look at our list 01 bargains. McDonough & Demmer REAL ESI ATE AND INSURANCE ROOM 8, STEWART RLDO. Corner Main ami Ilnrtlott Bt. Business Chances No 1. A first-class rooming and boarding house; now running smoothly, with 14 boarders and roomers; good location and very reasonable rent. Furniture, bedding, silverware and all kitchen utensils included. Price only $750, on good terms. No. 2- A first-class Cafe, on Main streetin the heart of 'thecity, that has-cleared $900 in the past sixty days. A good lease. Reasonable rent. No. 3 - Five good lots, 70x150 each, in Medford 's most popular residence district. If sold in ten days, owner will take $3000 for the bunch. Good terms. NO. 4. A special price has been given us on a 6-room furnished house, one that is furnished throughout, nothing lacking. The house is on South Laurel, only six blocks from this" office, is modern in every detail, elec tric lights, city water, sewer, etc.; lot 50x120 with a dandy little 'garden. The price is only $2500, with good terms. Cornitius-Garner Realty Comp'y 133 West Main Street Medford, Ore. Choice South Oakdale Avenue Lot East front, 100 by 175 feet; alley in rear; a num ber of large oak trees, splendidly placed in rela tion to a house; registered title; nothing better . in the city. Will sell at a bargain for cash. Also lots in Tattle's Third Addition Just opened up. Large trees on each lot. Terms. HARRY H. TDTTLE, Owner Park Avenue, Or any member of the Medford Realty Association. HOME FOR SALE IN TALENT, JACKSON CO.. ORE. A newly incorporated town a fine home of eighteen acres. Level, fertile alfalfa and fruit land, irrigat ed. One block from postoffice, on the main road and extends to Bear creek. 'Has two ayes bearing New towns, 11 years old; 12 acres Bartic'tt and D'Anjou pears; 2 acres alfalfa. All is fine garden land. Pure water from the mountains; healty; churches; schools, and literary societies. No saloons or drunk 6nness it is a dry town. It is midway between the thriving cities of Medford and Ashland. PRICE $11,000 $0500 cash, four years' time at 6 per cent on balance. Will discount $300 for cash. Team, wagon and farm implements go with the place. L. N. JUDD EXCLUSIVE AGENT . TALENT, OREGON -,,,,,,,,-,,,.,.,..., ....................r...r..rrrrrrrrrrr r We Have a Most Attractive Orchard Proposition Which We Know to be One of the Best Buys in the Valley, ag ffiSfMESfflfc 3. I V rn We do not hesitate to recommend this for a home and permanent investment, for platting, for a small syndicate, also as a speculative proposition. There are about 168 acres in the tract, located one mile from Eagle Point. There are about 40 acres in pears and the same acreage in Newtown and Spitzenberg apples, all in their fifth year, and about 60 acres, mostly in pears from one to four years old. Balance of the tract nearly all good fruit land. There is a good house and barn, bunk house, drilled well, etc., The stock and machinery, consisting of' seven horses, harness, wagons, plows, cultivators, clod crusher, all tools, cow, chickens, etc., go with the place :::;::: WE CAN MAKE ATTRACTIVE TERMS Call or Write and Let Us Tell You About This W. T. YORK 6 COMPANY 2 'f i f4l4t-'--l' i &