. a-- MT3DF0KD StAIL TRIBTOTE, MEDFORD, OR13CION, MONDAY, MAY 1, 1911. PAGEiTHREE H .1 y s't t ni LOCAL AND PERSONAL Promising Eastern Welterweight Tlio Guriu'tt-Corey llnrilwnro com pany Ih nttrsictlnR consldoruhlo attention by a. window display of lints mndo of viirlous urtlck-H of hardware. Sovcral men uro Bald to bo planning to buy tlieso Indestructible bcadRcara for their WlVt't. Mr. and Mm, It. It. Ebel and Mr. and Mrs. Henry ltosuerqns uscunded Tabic JUxik Sunday malUnj; tliu cllnil In ono hour and flftocn mlnuti-H. Sam Herring of tlio rofrlRcrator cal ling Is upending a day or two In tltc valley. W. V. Uowen or Ashland, spont Sat urday and Sunday In MedTord. J. O. Talent of l'hoonlx wui) u InislncFt vNlnr in Medford Saturday. Mr. mid Mrs. GeirK" ;.:unson who havo been visiting with friends nout Mudford, left Saturday for their home in Dothuny, Mo. Two and one-half nrrcs In alfalfa, ono mllo south of Washington school; cas terms. A. W. H. Uverhard, 212 Fruit growers Dank bldg. I. J. Mast of Phoenix was In Medford Saturday, V. Ititner of Ashland was a Medford visitor Saturday. Is your houso wired? Ono cigar less n day would pay for a hundred por cent lncrcnso In comfort. Start living the olectrlc life. Waller McCalluin, C. O. Dickey and C. A. Dickey left Saturday evening for a business visit In Portland. Medford local socialist party meats every Sunday night at 7:30 at Smith's hall on North Grapo street. Kverybodj tnvltod. J. K. Mals'iiugh of Hermaston, Or., is spending a fow days with Mcdfoid friends. Sco It. A. Holmes, Tlio Insurance Man. over Jackson County bank. P. AV. Gray of Sallda, Col., arrived Sunday for a short Htny with friends. C. I Morgan of Pendleton, Or., Is vis iting with friends In this city. J. II. Mule-hay of Portland district freight agent of tlio Southern Paglflc transacted business in Medford Friday O. C. Lloyd, employed in the Ttardon grocory, foil from a ladder Saturday eve ning and sprained" nu anklu and Is un able to attend his duties. Oscar Bailey who has been confined to tlio Southern Oregon hospital foi the past wcok was ablo to return to his home, 625 South Contral avenuo Friday. . Read display advertisement on an other pago of this issue. Bulto Falls LumUor company. Mr. nnd Mrs. S. I Leonard eolobrated the 22d nnnlvorsary of their wedding Monday, making a trp to Ashland, wlmio they spent the day with rela tives. Why not the best. It costs no mote. Summcrvillo Barber Shop, opposllo post office. C. A. Pennlnger of Stockton, Cal., was a business visitor In Medford Monday. Mrs, Mnriou Lnuco and Mrs. C. Duf flcld attended tlio organization of the Oldor of IJebckahs nt Woodvllle Satur day ovening. Carkln fir Taylor (John H. Carlcln, Glenn O, Taylor), atornoys-at-lawr over Jackson County Bank Bldg., Medford. Mr. Salary Man build your homo and pay for It In monthly payments C per cent. Get details from the J. W. Dres sier ngoncy, Mail Tribune building 33 Printing of all kinds at Portland prices. Mall Tribune office. C. F. Kills and wife, who havo boon In Mod ford for a Bliort time, have leasod the Burgess ranch near Jncksonvillo and will take possession nt once. Fresh, llmo In any quantity, In bar rels or bulk ut tlio Big Pines Lumber company. 3 i Miss Mabel Jones, who has boon clerking ut Ilussoy's, lias accepted a po sition nt Kontnor's. Fresh llmo In any quantity, In bar rels or bulk at the Big Pines Lumber company.' 3 1 II. J. Flold visited In Contral Point Sunday. Fresh llmo in any quantity, in bar rels or bulk at tlio Big Plne3 Lumber company. 34 The W. C. T. U. will hold their food salu May 2 nt Warrior, Woi tnian & Gore's grocery storo. D. M, Stovers of Snlom was In Medford Monday. Crlnveit'H Quality Shop has located in room i. St. Mark's building, 21!) 1-2 Wont Main street, win-re they will make reg ular $35 suits for $25 this week only. Miss Maud Ling returned Sunday from n visit In Ashland nnd has accepted n position with Mr. Watssol In tljo Sheiman Clay piano stoio, Do you want C acres in nlfalfn, ono mllo soutli of Mnln street, chcap7 C. W. II. Kvcrhard, 212 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg. J. A. Perl wns ovor In tlio Applognto on business Monday. W. T. York & Co linvo reinovud ip first door north of Mail Tribune of fice. Harvey Ling has acceptod a poiiltlpn with the Modol Clothing company. H. L. Ilerzlnger of Grants Pobb spont Monday In Medford. Frosli llmo In any quantity. In bnr rels or bulk at tlio Big Pines Lumber company. 3 1 J. Lawrence Drnke, bookkeeper for the Big Pines Lumber rompany, will leave for Pittsburg, Pa., Wednesday and will Visit with relatives for several months. W. A. IJolin and wife I?. S. Bohn ami G. W. Bohn of Fort Wayie, n., wen among tlio ni rivals In Medford Suuda Urnest Wick of Ashland spont Sunday In Medford. Aslilund Stcnni Laundry. Medford of fice, phone No. 1201. William Uoslo of Grand Island, Noli., and F. A. Bosto or Trumbull, Nob., au la Atedfotd looking .ocr the vqllej It. F. Sayle of Ashland was In Mod foid Sunday. pa you wnnt 14 lots 50x145 each tjor J2S0O on easy termsT C. W. II. Kvcr hard, 212 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg. W. W- W'ley of Ncwberg was an over Sunday visitor in Medrord. .1. It. Harney of Grunts Pass was In Mcdfoid Sunday. " Fresh Hmo In nny quantity, fn bar rels or' bulk at tlio Big Pines Lumber company. 3( E. A Waterman of St. Lou It transact ed business li Medford Monday. W- 1 1. Ward of Los Angeles spent Sun day in this city. ft Competent stenographer wanted by Big Pines Lumber Co. Miss Ed,nn nifort. chlpf opeiator of tlio Pacific Telephone & Telegraph compan.i. leaves Tuesday evening with her sister Mi (i. Bodge, for a week's visit at Part land. "- -- v- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY h-f l-r f-f f LOST Uuiioli of k,ovs In Gainott-Coroy building. Botuin to cluvalor man and recelvo reward. 37 WANTED Married man to work on ranch, four miles from Medford. E. F. Guthrie, 53 North Orango st. 3S mm tons of Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS Day Phono 2271 Night Phones P. Weeks 2071. A. K. Orr, 3002. LADY ASSISTANT. MILS ORDERED Chief Engineer pittman Has Re ceived Orders to Pusli Work of Completing Road Out of Spokana as Rapidly as Possible. SPOKANE, Wash., May . Ordois for approximately $1,000,000 worth or steel und othor track needed to complClo the suction or tlio North Coast, now part or tlio O. W. II. & N. between Spoknno and Ayer Junction, havo been liluccd, It was learned today. Tlio total weight of tho steel will bu ab about 20,000 tons. Chief Engineer Pittman said lli.it ho has received orders from Piusldont Str.i horn to push the work to completion r.s rapidly as possiblu. Stole Jewels a,1"" f"'"'"iif..-.i-.itr. .... i, ... ...as uuu&i il ' i ' ' iJc 'Sh "" rsi . J&fi tTiyj-tirrrnnwiwwiiMiniwuiiwinwuMii wiin' I in iimMinill inrwi'.T i" 1 I Tlt 'J ft? iwiiMiwiiiii iniiiir inrrnrmrriirii 1 - t--- T jn.'&innuivitMinnvKM'f mmmrmmmnmmmmni mTrt ncMiUiWWrJ 'JAtK.' UJiHHIMCJ. """' "" nss- "Jack" Denning- Is a promising eastern welterweight who has Veen going along in splendid shape, winning most of his matches with knockouts. Ono of the How York clubo may put him on with "Sailor" Unrlco or "Willie" Lewis. POST OFFICE I WES GAIN n ( Receipts Last Month Were 14 Por Cent Greater Than During April One Year Ago Year Shows Gain Over Last. t- fi PlIILAOKLPiHA, P.i, May 1 Piu-sui-d by a voung widow wiios Jiwilr valued at $.1500, ho Is alligi-d to li in stolen when she n fused to man j him. Hubert J. Davidson, a luemhor of the New Yoik Hookey club, wu nrroHti'd on a bunch wurrunt In this olty antl held b. mngliitrutti Ileatuu to await extradition U Now Ypik. Duvldson wu trailed from Now Yoik to Atlantic City and thenon to Phlladol phla. Ilu was arrested Jtmt us ho was about to gu to bad In an upartiuuiit housa near Ilro.id and Walnut st loots aflor a wild rldu In an automobile In un effort to tluow his pursuer) off ills track. Refuse Cox' Resignation. POllTLANI). Or., May I. Takljjg the Utpml that Chief of Police Cox, uudei Indictment for malfenHanen of office, is not guilty until convicted, tlio police commissioners today decllnud to accept Ills ioMgnation when toudured it. Cox was indicted Saturday for failure to close notorious rosoits. In Interviews ho has intlmatod strongly that politics uro behind the Indictment und that hp Is doing made to suffer for the notion of officials higher up In tho olty and county government. Stocks Hesitate. NUW YOUK. My 1. The slock mar ket hIiowcm! some opeuiug hesitation. Uonernl iloctric and Hunt hum Itallway preferred gained 3-1, Canadian Pacific 1 1-S, and New York Central and Louis vlllu . Xashvlllo lo I'nttwl States Hteel and Heading Hold fractionally liolow last week's clotiiiig T'i market closed fini. Honda were steady. JOHN A. PERL Undertaker and Kiiilmlincr Successor to tho undertaking do- ! partment of Medford Furnlturo 00. i ! Office wltli Medford Piinilturo Co. 2 Telephenes: Day, Ball 351; s Inhn A Porl rosldenoe. Bell 4 111. s ww. -. ! . . lllorae 179L. C. W. Co6klIn 3C01, J. H. Out lier 3571. Insurgents Warned. MEXICO dlTY, May 1. WrnliX8 to, insurgent chieftains by the voremiuent today wld that raljrond traffic Miiitli of Monterey would be resiatml after to night, according to telegrams from the American consul there. Tbe'onul de ciareN tlMt Coloiml Mpya. the trwurgent commander, had ordered ttie dlspatcberii not to Mod train soutli after tonight Look at HH of the real estate da and at much of the real estate advertlMd, b for iavwttng- Iook for the ad that gives a clue to the Itoardlng house you're lonking for' Showing a gnln of II por cent ovor Apill ono year ago, tlio receipts In tho local postofflco dining April wore $aori5. o.i. .Ono year, rigp tUoy were $2G7!M2. Tlio year ending April 30., 1011, shows an Incronso over tlio year etyUng April 30, litlO, if II por cont. .Tho inoioaso was from $23,121.19 to $31,801.73, 6v $073.S1. . 1 HAN IlUltNAHDINO, Cal.. May l. Klvo ineii confined In tho county Jail hero will wolcqmo sontonou-for any rea mumble length of time when they uro ar raigned on charges of vagrancy. Their arrest In a box car in tho Santa l-'e yards probably saved their lives. They had been locked In for two days with out food or wuter and had despaired of ovor getting out when thoy attracted the attention of a constable who chanced to pass by their prison. REBELS MURDER NOTED SAVANI -' International Complications Arc Ex pected to Follow Killing of Former Professor at University of Califor niaIs Swedish Subject. MUXICO CITY, May 1. That Inter national complications will result from the killing of Olsaon Soffor, millionaire, former professor of1, tho Unlvorslty of California, was considered almost lnov Itablo by diplomats hero today. Soffor, with his Japaneso servant, was shot Saturday by robols, who hold up tho week-end Curcnnvnca special near Cuor nnnvnen, 70 miles west of Mexico City. Details rocolved today wero that Soffo was killed In cold blood because ho pro tasted against tlio notion of tho rebels In forbidding trainmen to go back and flag n freight train which was following tlio special. Soffor wns a native of Finland, but a Swedish subject. Husslnn Minister Stul owsll lias cabled n vigorous piutost to Soffei's government. HnskliiH for Health. z K- -r" JUST OUT Medfordjpfail Tribune Official Map of Jackson Countjy, Ore. Compiled especially for tlio Mall Trlbuno by tho JnckHQii County Abstract Co. Approved and offi cially adoptod by tho county court, July, 1910. Shows ownership of each parcel of property, township and section linos, county roads, forest re serves, railroad grant, city and towu boundaries and all other necessary Information. Tho only convenient, bandy, complete map of Jackson county published In ninny years. Slzo 29 by 40 Inchos, on heavy map paper, tinned at both ends. No homo comploto without this rnnp. It soils for $2. GO, but will ho given ftwny freo to subscrib ers to tho Modfqrd Mall Trlbuno. HOW TO GET THE MAP FREE . SUnSCUIHW TO TIIK DAILY MAIL TIUBlHs'H FOR ONI-3 YEAH IN ADVANCE $8.00 Oil FOR THE WEEKLY MAIL TIUBUN.E TWO YEARS IN ADVANCE AT S;.C0 A Y13AR.9a.00 AND THE MAP IS YOUR3. Or got one now subscriber to tho Dally or two now ones to tho Woolly, roinlt und wo will send the map. Old fiubEcrlbors may sopuro tho map' by paying 'up arroars and subscribing In ndvanco, Medford Mail Tribune 27 N. Fir Street Medford, Ore. ' WANT ALL UNION MEN TO STRIKE Industrial Workers of tUa World Send Ouo Circulars Proposing, That Every Union Man Strike Wliw McNamara is Placed on Tr,ial. ST I.OU1S, May 1. Circulars lssueu" by tlio lntlustrlal Woikers of tho World from tlio Chicago offices of that organ ization woro received bore today pro poslni; il strlUo of every laboring man In tho United Slates on tlio day John J McNanmrn kocs to trial in Los An Kolca. Tho proposal wns voiced hero by 'Wil liam V. Haywood, who was admitted of plotting tlio death of former Gpv crnor Stonnonberi; of Idaho. Ileywood, speaking to 1000 socialists, urged them to work among union men to curry out tho plan. Hnsktns for Health. Where to Go Tonight SSNN. srJ THE ISIS THEATRE SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT rOUB BAYS ONLY . MANDIE STII.I. Tlio Aviator Oirl Prcsontlng for the first time In Med ford tlio most startling sensational feat ovor accomplished by any liv ing woman. Charming her nudlonco with her beautiful volco In song, while llko somo strango bird she soars nbovo tho heads of her audi ence, holding thorn spellbound, while her mnclilno, llko somo strnngo mon ster, answering with lightning rap idity tho slightest touch of her doll cnto hand. No ono should miss Boo ing this truly wonderful sight. J 3 REELS MOVING PICTURES 3 J WEIJ. SAT. SUNIJAY MATINEE 2 A Good Spng by i IIAIIHY JJLANCIIAHD J s CLEVER COMEDY TENSE DRAMA ' ; THRILLING PHOTOPLAYS EXCELLENT MUSIC I . s Kutlrc ehnngo of progrnm tinnorrow. ? ONE DIME OITE DIME srrsrs,N's' NATATORIDM Don't overlook thej . Big Dance Circus Night !; ., NO DISPUTE tiy aboit paymeiits is possibly ife you have the i eancelledj checks to show. There is' no denial possible. Open an ac count at the FARMERS & FRUIT GROWERS BANK and pay all bills by chqckj You will avoid lots ,pf trpH ble, save lots of worry and time and put ypur qff airs on a fay more dignified basis than they are now. Farmers 6c Fruit Growers Bmk ifc.MfcM,Mm....... h m . J. E. ENYART, President J. A. PERRY, Yico-Predeat ' a-, a. Aiuuutuu., vjco-i'rcoiaaut juhn b. outh, Cashier W. B. JACKSON, Asa't CftBhlor. rTtt ma 14 IT. 4 . I hA Allss1-f-i nftxn'nl LTrkMlv I lire xucuiuiu ltauuiiai umus. j ' . I Capital, flOOtOOO.OO Surplus, S20.000.00 SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING f z iimrvirqn TitANBArrrinn. w criT.rr'iT vrkirn inrrnnvinv T - z 4444f4444&444H Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumpi, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for. FAIRBANKS, MORSE CO. Medford Concrete Construction Co. Manufacturers of GLAZED CEMENT SEWU5 PIPU CRUSHED ROCK ! wmii?SKLu SCREENED GRAVEL Phone mSI Delivered to any part of city. 0. J. SEMON, Mgr. Offlce: nricxirT I for Concrete FmltKrowcrB Bnnk Bldg. WA0JIJI1U J' for Brick Work Phono M. 05a. SAND I for Platcriag BUILDING SPECIALTIES COMPANY ,-AvUUii. ''wmw ail NORTH BARTLETT ST, A full lino of Mlxod Paints, Lcada, Oils and Vnrnlshcs. Comploto stock of Cabots' Crcosoto Shlnglo Stains, Wood Tints, Dry Paints nud KaUo inliics. Call at tho Sign of tho Sun and got our prices. 'Ml NORTH BARTfiTCTT ST. ,srsr4vs4srj Kodaks From $1 to $65.00 A Thoroughly Good One For $4.00. Medford Book Store Pure Clear Sparkling You can't afford to do without this splendid, refreshing drink. Gall up and order a case sent to tho houso. The purest, most healthful drink known is SLSIUYOU MINERAL WATER P. C. BIQHAM, Agent. WE SELL DIRECT TO CONSUMER 16 INCH WOOD Oak, $8.00; Fir, $7.00; Pine, $0.00. 3 Tier to Cord. Will Begin to Ship May 15. Phone us at Butte Palls. BUTTE FALLS LUMBER CO. lMfrMs..N I PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable Z COFFEEN & PRICE 5 25 HOWARD IU,OOIC, HNTHANOIS ON Oth STRENT. PHONE 303 $ errrwr'''rF'wrwwiFr'y Gireus Day We will be in position to care for your t;eam plenty of corrall rooTm and stalls, feed, etc. Come and see us Monday & Tuesday UNION STABLES Best of Care Given, i TEAMS and RIGS . ' -t i GIVE US A TRIAL JAY C A CJNYAW, Proprietor. Ukll). ful Jl-ulllu