MEDITORD MAIL TRrBTOfB, JtEDFOKD, OKBCJON, SUNDAY, -APRIL- 30, 1011. paoiB.;ragCTr 4 ,"., k'l Sfc n R V " S .v -jf- ? ' y Our Correspondents EAGLE POINT.EAGLETS HI CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. ' (By A. C. Howlctt.) Mr. Guy Gans and sister, Mrs. A. F I'nlm of Grants IMss wcra bucsIs hero Tuesday nlKlit on their way up to LaUd creek to visit their motucr. airs. uai- Ida. . Smith and Wamslcy have completed the building to be known ns the town hall and lockup, and now If tho marshal does not do business arid clear the streets of something besides hay, horses and bulls he will have- to show tho reoBon why. When asked why he did not take In some of tho 16 drunks that Infested our town tho ntcht that tho council decided to grant license to have; a saloon, how he said that ho had no place to putthem but now ho has no excuso of that kind. Joseph Rlloy has taken the contract to grade a new street running from tho railroad track out to- tho main road and ho and. his son-in-law, Mr. Hays, are pushing the work right along to comple tion. Ono con now hear tho sound of the dW and hammer all around. Frank I.uwIb haB near completion a two-story building about 25x20 feet designed for a confectionary and soft drink estab lishment In tho lower story and tho up per story will bo used tor a pool nnd bllllurd room. M. U Daly has aboil) completed his new house and has moved his family into tho rear end nnd Is opening up and arranging his goods for a kind of general notion store. Mr. John I.ldilell has tho framo of his hardware store up and is pushing the work along ns fast ns possible. Ho expects to bring Ills family hero ns soon as ho opens .up business. Ono of his sons will bo asso ciated with lilm in tho business and will uttend to tho plumbing department. G. W. Owlngs of tho Eaglo Point hotel has the lumber on tho ground to rearrange tho rooms now occupied by Frank Lewis as a confectionary and billiard room, and convert them into a general dry goods nnd grocery store, and after tho first of May tho dancing portion of our community will have to go somewhere ulse to danco for Mr. and Mrs. George W. Daly, sr., are planning to open up a store In tho building now used as a dance lin'l and I urn credibly informed that somo of our local capitalists and some of tho Medford capitalists nro to open up n bank hero. I understand that tho proposition to erect a hotel so ns to have a saloon hero has about bieathed its last, and tho promoters have about given up thoidea as an unprofitable un dertaking. Mr. M. F. Steward has completed his dwelling houso but Is still beautifying his yard and surroundings. lie, or rather they, Mr. and Mrs. Steward, are dotermlncd to have as nlco a yard as can bo found in southern Oregon. Wo ha vo lmi rather unusual excite ment In our little town tho puBt week. Las Sunday' tho 23d Inst,, two women met out on thu desert about a mllo north of town and had a regular knock down and drag out tlmo of It. Whereupon Chris Wooly nppenred before his honor, Judge Watklns, and demanded a war rant for tho nrrcst of Mrs. Walter Woods on tho chargo of assault with a danger ouh weapon,- to wit, a rock, with tho In tent to bodily Injury to his wife, Mis. Margaret Wooley. Tho warrant was Is sued and placed In tho hands of our deputy .sheriff, Hoy Aslipolo and ho made, thearrest, and sho was released on her own recgnlzance. Tho examination Is to bo held on Wednesday afternoon nt 3 afternoon at 3 o'clock. Prof. P. H. Dolcy was appointed as special deputy district nttorney to attend to tho caso on be half of the state and Walter 'Woods, tho defendant's husband, acted for tho de fense There wore but threo witnesses called for tho prosecution, Dr. Holt be ing the most important as ho was called to dress tho wounds. There were three witnesses called for the defense hut two of them, the Castor boys, knew nothing about tho affair. After hearing tho &v1 denco his honor bound tho defendant over to tho grand jury In the sum of $300 and her husband and his mother, Mts. John Hurt, went on her bonds. There wns iiilto a largo crowd assem bled, to hear tho caso tried and tlio gen crul opinion seemed to bo that It was a put up Job to assault thu old wo man, for sho In about GO years of agv, while tho assailant Is about '.'5. One embarrassing feature of the affair was that the defendant Is u sister of tho Justice. M0R0VILLE ITEMS. i Ham Matthows Is building a lumber shed across tho track and will put lit a lumber yard as sootf as the shod is completed. F. Hammersly of Gold Hill Is get ting settled and will be ready to issue his paper noxt week. Tho name of tho paper will bo tho "Woodvillo Argus." Miss Margaret Holmes and Miss May Hash, teachers In our BChool, spent the week end at 'their homes in Central Point und Auhland. Mr. W Gorhain wns u Medford visitor the last of the week . ' Mts. John Hlllls und children spent thy week end ut their ranch on Hvuns creek. Mrs. James Herr nnd Mrs. Sam San dry wore visiting in Grants Pass on 84t urday. ',!' Itev. M. H. Coon was a Medford visitor on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Wruf will take chargo of thu Home Telephone com pany's office hore after May 1. Mr. and Mrs II N Cumpboll. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Cumpboll, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Nye and Dr. und Mrs. Do Vino .of Medford, uutoed to Woodvillo on Sunday, and spent tho day with friends. Mrs. Sidney Potter and Mrs. Scott of Uvans crook were shopping in Woodvillo on Thurnday. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. n Taylor have returned from their winter's sojourn In California and their many friends here aro glad to welcome them home again. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor are Indeed pioneers having lived In this section of the coun try for over 35 yours. The Improvement olub will open th Ice cream parlor for business on Sat urday. April 29. A committee of seen ladles will have charge for one month Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Lindsay, daugh ters df Mrs. Nancy Chenchaln, camo hero to attend tho burial of their sister, Mrs. William Pankey. They will - re turn to their homes In Klamath Falls, soon. T. M. Jones rolurncd Thursday morn ing from a buMucss trip to Portland, Charles Pcnlngci, who has been vis iting relatives and friends here,' left for his home In Stockton, Cal., Thursday morning. Dorn to Mrs. H. n. Muny Thursday, April 27, 0:30 a. m.( n 11 pound boy. Silas nnd Mel Obenehnln returned to their homo In Klamath 'Falls Thursday. 'Mrs. C. II. Moore of Lake creek Is vis iting relatives here. Oscar Blackford spent Thursday in Grants Pass. 'C. C. Halt, Mrs. J. W. Myers, Mrs. El mer Chlldcrs and Mrs. Geno Chllders, A, W. Moon, Mrs Gludysa Deebo, C. U Smith, EJl Jones, nnd Mr. Hoke, Jr., were Mcdfordvlsitors Thursday. 'The "Billlkens," a ned dancing club organized by somo'of tho young people, will give their first dance this evening (Friday) nt tho Central Point opera house. Ward Whltcsldo of Medford was transacting business hero Friday. F. J. Moore and family departed Fri day' morning for Slsson, Cal., whero they will1 make 'their homo this summer. Miss Mildred Elliott of Hock Point Is visiting relatives nnd friends here. W. J. Freeman, W. W. Scott and wife, Mrs-. Wt J. Gregory, Miss McNussar, Thomas Belcher and wife. Miss Huilla and Mr. Burgess spent Friday in Med ford. City Engineer Osgood and tho street commissioner tire running the lines to sfrnlghten Wt widen East Pine street near the corporation line. Mrs. Bello Plifnsants nnd Grandpu Norbery returned from a short visit to Ashland Friday morning. C. W. Jeffers tins bought a brand new auto buggy from tho Freeman and Wi ley 'company, upd will use tho same to go to his mountain homesteud nnd later to California. Tho Central Point, Jr club connected with the Y. M, C. A., elected officers last week. Jim IlOss, president; Frank Boss, vice president: Clifford Hatfield, secre tary; Le'onard Freeman, treasurer. Dennis Green, secretary of tho V. M. C. A., will preach Sunday evening nt the Methodist Episcopal church. Mrs. E. E. Emerson was a business visitor to Gold Hilt Srfturdai Tho Lndles Civic Improvement club of this city will glvo a dinner Decora tion day. Vero last November. diary Is Frank Elsther nnd in one place it' states that in case anything happens to him to notify John Elsther, Westfs sln, Norway. The only eyo wltneses to tho tragedy, It is now learned, two two Indian women, nnd they claim tho man hung onto the boat for a time after tho waves had cnpslrod It and then tot go nnd went down. He was porno distance from shore nlul, as no other boat was In reach, thoy were powerless to aid him. Tho rumor circulated the evening following drowning that poslbly foul play The namo in this DliOKEU BIT OF PISTOL HANDLE PROVES CLUE LOS ANGELES, April 29. A broken bit of a pistol handle supplied tho cluo that resulted In tho confession of John Edwards, sailor assailant of Miss Julia Koeblg In her homo last Monday, Tho chunk of bono broken out when Edwards struck Miss Koeblg was picked, up on the floor of the oKoblg bedroom It fitted exactly into tho butt of Ed wards' revolver following tils arrest ns a tho suspect. Ills confession followed. In had dlgnatton against Edwards was wide been used has proved to huvo been unfounded. sprond odny but no attempt at a uotn onstrntlon was made Medford Ircm Works E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All lands of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon fori FAIRBANKS, MORSE Jc CO. MHh0& i! !i 1 J! ; i i i J. B. ENYAIIT, President J. A. PERRY, Vice-President P. E. MERRICK, Vlco-Presldwt JOHN S. 0RTII, Cashlor W. B. JACKSON, Asa't Cashlor. The Medford National Bank Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 SAFE IlEl'OSIT BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL HANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. AVo SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. 'Wrf' Medford Concrete Construction Co. Manuf act urers of GLAZED CEMENT SEWER PIPE Plant North Riverside Phone M. 6091 0. J. SEMON, Mgr. ... .'nrrnn fr CoilClCtO Fruitgrowers' Bank Illdg. W JQIXSJ or jlrick work Phono M. 053. SAND for Plastering" CRUSHED ROOK SCREENED GRAVEL Delivered to any part of city. Office: , WE SELL DIRECT TO CONSUMER 16 INCH WOOD Oak, $8.00; Fir, .$7.00; Pine, $6.00. 3 Tier to Cord. Will Begin to Ship May 15. Phone us at Butte Falls. BUTTE FALLS LUMBER CO. Tell of Drowning1 KLAMATH PALLS, Or., April 29. Although the body of tho man drowned Tuesday In tho Upper Klamath lako has not been recovorcd his namo woh lenrned by tho offlccm who searched his offect and found a diary In which ho had mndo a number of entries coVerlnfr trips nil the way from North Dakota to Arizona, Los AnKoles nnd hor, llnally arriving MMIfMIlMI(l'MMM01)V PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING 5 All Work Guaranteed Trices Reasonable 2 COFFEEN (a PRICE 25 nOWARI) BLOCK, ENTRANCE ON Oth STREET. PHONE 308 rftt&4:ci ;''. AM m Jg Jr m'hntJTUmthismmwSmMm.LwmMKi Tun M'M-MM B I I jt r-CJIf ill Hi! i1' n'lV BUILDING SPECIALTIES COMPANY rwUIMyv, '"rriniw1- Oil NORTH 11ARTLETT ST. A full lino of Mixed Paints, Lends, Oils nnd Varnishes. Complete stock of Cabots' Croosoto Shlnglo Stains, Wood Tints, Dry Paints and Kalso mlnes. Call at, tho Sign of tho Sun and get qur prices. H3 NORTH RARTLETT ST. ""V" I II!" J1 IMPLEMENTS that are satisfactory Hardy Power and Myer's Hand-Sprayers. Gas Engines, Farm Pumps. Mitchell and Studebaker Wagons and Buggies. All kinds Farm Machinery and Planet, Jr. Garden Tools Just BLeceived a New Line of LAWN MOWERS, GARDEN and SPRAY HOSE. Come and See Our Line Before You Buy MEDFORD IMPLEMENT CO. 28-36 N.Bartlett St. Lawton Bldg. JT. - Medford Horse Shoeing Shop 128 South Barotlctt Street, Pacific Phono 18S1 Home 210'R. C. L Allen,, Prdp. GIVE US A TRIAL acs Kodaks From $1 to $ A Thoroughly Good One For $4.00. Medford Book j Pure Clear Sparkling Yon can't afford to io vitkont this splendid, refreshing drink. Call up and order a ease sent to tho house. The purest, most healthful drink known is SISIilYOt MINERAL WATER P. C. BIGHAM, AmL "When I Was a Young Man" there were no such comforts as the General Elec tric Luminous Radiator to warm an old man's blood on a chilly morning. Wood fires and the sooty, smelly oil stoye still used by many people, were a poor substitute for the genial glow of electric lamps. Electric Light is a Boon which every household can afford to enjoy and which every thoughtful housewife will insist upon having in her home. It is not merely a question of convenience. Health and eyesight a,re involved. Electric light does not consume oxygen in your rooms. Consider what that means in the way of pure air indoors. Let us tell you how you can enjoy these advantages. Rogue River Electric Co. Corn Cultivators A fine line including the latest, improved styles in riding, walk ing and tonguclcss cultivators, every one built along stronger lines; wheels much stronger than other makes. The Illustration shows the latest im proved' horsclil't cul tivator. Our prices and values arc right. Call and inspect our line. "tifet C t t 9 ' fl HUBBARD BROS. Main and Riverside ve. MEDFORD, OREGON DO YOl KNOW? -r i That NOW is tho timo to roplano your old fonco with n now one. That it will improvo tho appear nnco of your proporly fully FIFTY Vlill CKNT if tho fenco ia riuht and proporly constructed. That The Page Wire Fence is boHt suited for tho purpose, as it ih mndo up of tho befit Hu;h Gmhoit Stool Wiro that is foundin fencing; ifi addition to Una, it is thu only feuco wliluh has the PAGE KNOT, nnd continuous oroua wiro to weavo it toother, hence it Is The Best Fence thnt money can buy or modorn scionco produce Owinj; to each lino wiro jjciiifj coiled boforo tjo fenoo is wovon, Pao Fenco is easily erected over hills nnd through dales, without tho necessity of cutting ami splicing. It is MADE at Adrian, Mich., and shipped by us in curload lots, direct from tho FACTORY TO THE CON SUMKR, thus insuring tho greatest valuo at tho lowest possible price. i Lot us bIiow you why you bhould ubo Page Feuco in proforenco to any othor. Wo furnish, without chnrgo, ostimates on coHt of fencing tracts, and contract to build fencos complete Wo will figuro with you on any amount of fencing, from ono rod to n carload. If yon ar,e wanting Fonco, Gtos, or either yew or cedar posts, Jolt us figuro with you. Wo furnish man and tools and assist in tho erection of Page Fenco without oxtra cost, ',.a!AL-ajaU..fl, GADDIS & DIXON p p p i i p i i p ' p "THE PAGE FENCE MEN" PHONE 2081. Distributors for Southern Oregon nnd Northern California. MAIN OFFICE, 134 NORTH RIVERSIDE AVENUE, MEDFORD, ORE. oi mm 1 1 ' - :; i ; i i p i i i i ; 1 p p '! p 1 p i :: : nankins for Health. vr