-rr imr'nnrii ir - , i i PAGE SIX MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1911. NEWS ITEMS , -r-rm.tf-rrrt t s m Some More About the T. E. Daniels' bountiful liomo mid J grpuudH nro completed. The ground nrj fronted by a rublcsloucd wull, mid what u few mouths hro was mi' m- rt IS H to ns l'! :! I lf.' ordinary hill side is now transform cd into the most beautiful homo in tho city. J. D. Heard hits undoubtedly the most beautiful grounds in the county. 4 The lawn and shrubbery nil planed last .year Iiuvo made wonderful growth, proving tho richness of the soil on the oust side. Dr. Clunoy's now home on Nob hill is being rapidly rushed to complo-tion. Mr. Edwards' two now bungalows on East Mam street nro finished. They nro tho only roal Swiss Cllaldt in tho country and will add nStioh to tho rustic beauty of tho East Side. Several hundred foot of sidewalk is being-put in Kceno Way uveiiue. Tliu new school on Qliceu Anno is about half completed and the con tractor assures its it will bo finish ed long beforo tho school term com mences. It will add much to beauty nud real estate of tho East Side. It will bo tho newest and most mod ern school building in southern Ore gon. l. 'C m Tho hospital sisters nro here with tho plans of the new St. Vincent hos pital. It is u massivo tux story structure and to be rushed to com pletion. r ' SI Tho entire order for the last iron water main to replace tho wood pipe from Hoosovolt avenue to tho citv limits has been shipped from tho fac tory mid tho firtit three carloads will bo unloaded at tho depot the com ing week. Tho ditch has been wid ened and n forco of forty men are practically through with tho eaten 0 fiion -of tho. ditch from tho end of East Main street to tho city limitb. Tho continuation and completion of the pavement on East Main street is assured immediately tho water main Una hm'$lK 4 M,' ' V :w :i ' .. .an. , u". . ".J i ' EAST SIDE Residence District CA- . ' 4kP The East Side is at last getting its share of improvements and as she gets them watch her grow. ' . ' ' ' f9 The East Side r.1 'it ., lias a new sewer fifteen feet deep capable of draining the neighboring cellars. No water in the basement over there. '4 ' - ; v .1". ! M" The East Side is also having its wooden water pipes replaced with iroii dues, so that v - .- v . . ' v.;-- I - - t : W A': The East Side ; can now get its pavements in; then watch it grow. "' ' - . The East Side has more improvements in progress than any other part. . of the city. ..-' - V; .'. Irfii The East Side has more buildings being constructed than all tho rest of Medford combined. "WHY? , . V BECAUSE of its ELEVATION, ITS HILLS, ITS PERFECT DRAINAGE, GOOD WATER, GOOD SOIL, GOOD SCHOOLS and everything that goes to make up an ideal residont district. COME and SEE OUR IMPROVEMENTS East Side Improvement Association 4y J I, . . . -J 1K T " f 1 ? Y Hr-'l -1 . .,.; V4'J, ; t i ? E"r t. i -1 lM-(,:-l: ' t"r- 1 , V ;mAi- ' ' j,V tf " .Jl;. Hf.' .,' ',; V ; v .. TKW,ii '''.. 1' '' -a " "'-M' i I if,A J. .. ' .aaiaL --U-JCafJMBMfcA-M r Mf rmvm Km 1 -jfcMMaMm