l V d .,4 " k l ATHLETIC CLUB IS NOW OPEN t Large Crowd Wanders Through Gym nasium Which is Fitted Up in an Elaborate Style Will Form Class es at Once. .Tho club rooms of the, Ictlc nssoclatlon wcro tj unlay evonlnp, an unual Natatorlum Ath- hrown open Sat- lally largo crowd attenilliiK tho opening. lUcdford has been In need of an InstltutioA of this sort for some timo but can nefw boast of one of tho finest equipped j Kymnasluma on tho coast. Athletic llMrector Kranklo Edwards Is an export ifymnast nnd will conduct classes In Bmiastlcfl as soon ns ho has tho club on a Reed footlnp. A complete tjyninauflum apparatus has been Installed and consists of rowing machines, punching bags, horizontal bars, medicine Ualls and everything found in the besK club rooms. The bnso. ment Is fitted with Individual shower baths nnd lOOr'prlvato lockers nro fitted into the wnlfls. Boxing nnd wrestling mats win tyfc laid on tho floor and will afford a. 'cool spot for thoso Inclined to fl6sVfenuous. . Tho club Is run on tho same principal as tho Y. M. C. A. without tho restric tions, nnd will provo an Ideal placo for recreation. A largo number of members nro already enrolled and a liberal pat ronago by tho best class of men In Mod ford Is being extended to tho new man ager. An excellent library Is also con nected with tho club and both fiction nnd classics nro found there. t ; , HI fV lxl 1 i; AW i ' ' I,t,vl I ill i l ' Dm-( Ml ' V ' - lOLl JnJDrORDirAILTRIBTIOTj,lIEDFOKDtOEGO SUNDAY. ATTOL 30, 1911. I DA3EBALI. SCORES Coait League. At San Francisco It II i: Oakland 13 20 G San Ktanclsco 2 7 0 Batteries Oakland, Kllroy nnd Pcarco; San Kranclsco, Henley and Berry. Um pire McGrcovy. At Los Angeles Tt II B Vernon 5 C 0 Los Angeles 3 7 2 r Batteries Vernon, Brackenrldgo and Broun; Los Angeles, Agncw and Smith. Umplro Kinney. S At Portland It II B Sacramento 2 9 t Tortlnnd 7 11 3 i Batteries Sncremento, Zamlock and Thomas; Portland, Steon and Munay. American Iieajrue. At New York U II B Philadelphia 10 II 3 New York G 13 S Plank and Thomas; Vaughn and Blair. Umpires, Connolly and Mullln. At Cleveland It II B Detroit 1 9 1 Cleveland 2 l 1 Lively nnd Strange: West and Land, Umpires, O'Loughlln and Dlnecn. -, At Boston U II B Washington 3 2 Boston 3 G 4 Gray and Alnsmlth; Wood and Nuna imiker. Umpires, Bvnns nnd Bgnn. At Chicago II II E St. Louis 1 2 0 Chicago 0 3 0 (Called end sixth Inning, rain) Hamilton and Stevens; White nnd Sul llun. Umpires, Perrln and Sheridan. National League At Pittsburg It II i: Plilpniro 3 11 0 Pittsburg 8 15 1 . Brown, Toney and Kllng; Lclfleld, Steele und Gibson. Umpires, Hlgler and l'Innernn. J At Philadelphia It II B Boston 9 3 Philadelphia 7 10 2 1 Curtis and Itarldan: Moore and Dooln Umpires, Klcn und Doyle. J At Brooklyn K II B Now Yotk 7 11 1 Brooklyn 3 10 2 Matthewson und Meyer, Burger and Bergon. Umpires, Bason and Johiibon. I I AT THE CHURCHES. rirt Church of Christ, Scientist. Seivlee Sunday morning ut 11 o'clock, subject of lesson-sermon "Berlastlng Punlshmont." Sunday school at 1" Wednesday evening meeting at 8. All nro welcome. A fieo reading loom Is open to tho public dally exc pi Sun day, from 2 to 5 p in. Church edifice 212 North Oakdale. Presbyterian Church. Sunday at 11 a. in a musical smlc will bo held at tho Presbyteilan church Tho commltteo to prepare tin strlc consists of W. II. Goie. V II Watt ami J 1 Hutchason. All are hulled to en Joy this feast of spiritual music At S p. in. tho servlco will bo one to Inform tho peoplo on tho cause and prevention of tuberculosis or pulmonary consump tion. Dr. It. W. Clancy will glse tho ad dress on this subject. Methodist Church, South. Corner of Main nnd Oakdale Sundn school 10 a. in. Broaching 11 a in . sub ject, "Tho Principal Thing" 7pm Bpwoi th league and blblo study. 8pm. preaching, subject, "A Secret RiMal Od " Special muslo at oath sen Ice The publlo cordially invited. J. I'. Hipp pastor. PAGEIWE fr AiAimmmtikAmmm A Great Trade Building Sale AT THE GOLDEN RULE MAY 1 st to MAY 6th Just six months ago we opened our doors to the trading public of Medford and surrounding country. We have en joyed a most prosperous first six months, but want our second six months to be a better one. Now for just one week we are going to give what we are pleased to term a trade building sale. We do not want to be misunderstood The prices for next week will be cut prices and will not be continued or duplicated after this sale. Wo have reasons for putting on this sale. First, we want to celebrate our first six months of one price cash business in Medford Second, we want to bring people to our store that never have been customers of ours. Third, we want to show our appreciation to those that have patronized us during our first six months of successful merchandising in Medford REMEMBER, THIS SALE COMMENCES MONDAY, MAY 1ST, AND ENDS SATURDAY MAY 6TH KaOC ARE N LD G0I)S HERE T BE SLATJ(HTERED, BUT ALL GOODS ARE & Ladies' Suit Sale Ladies' Suits at Cut Price Sale. Just 9 suits lot one suits that sold for $20,00, $25,00, ,$30.00. and. $35,00, alljgo at Cut Sale, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 and $17.50 Half Price, $12.50 Suits now $ 9.38 $15.00 Suits now $11.25 $18.00 Suits now $13.50 $20.00 Suits now $15.00 Lot 2 All our Spring Suits in regular sizes at 25 Per Cent Discount. Our entire line of Ladies' Silk Dresses; also a few choice Evening Gowns at a bjg cut pride; $20.00 Dresses now ....$15.00 $30.00 rcsscs now ....$21.50 $40.00 Dresses now ....$29.85 $15.00 Dresses now ....$11.25 I v Popular Corsets We arc showing all the new styles oil Corsets this season. Every Corset this spring's, .goods and priced at J 5 iV $1.00 to $5.00 Boys' Clothing Slashed Deep JUST RECEIVED A Big Shipment of Ladies White Wash Waists, all g in Our Trade Winning Sale at a Great Sacrisice 29 boys' and youths' long pants Suits; worth up to $8: all go at $3.95 ilens Suits, extra special; every one new and perfect; in cloth and make; at $8.00 $9.50 $10.00 $11.50 All men's suits altered free. jjy rTTnTiriSiJTBe umtaimFk The Famous PEERLESS Muslin Under wear is Now on Display. For Women and Children at a Big Discount Have this Season's Best Muslin and Save MONEY too Our Prices are Always Right. These Cut Prices are more than RIGHT St. Mry' to Entertain. I'rlilay ovenlng, Stay 5th, thf Junior pupils of St. Mary's aCiukftn will en tertain tliolr parontii und friends t tli production of a very InterestinK proRiini of lltorary and muBlcal numi)rrH Ti h. who hao assisted nt any of ti r1" KnmiH previously Hindered at St M.ir rumombor how enjoyable hae l ' hours tlniH pas&od, and tho atudems v. asHuranuo that noxt Frldaj s ptrfonn anue will form no excuption. USED AUTO. Whlto Qas p.r. coinplPtl i'1umI' ' with top, wind Hlil. Id, mi..i i i nmgnoto, etc, otc will sell tt V Glanfce ThrbuK tkti Lisft wren's 30c new .stock Suspenders 29c wren's Miniiiier Underwear at, per gannent 35c Glen's 23c 13ow Tics, two for v. 25c Men's 25c Shield Teck Ties; all silk, at two pair for. 25c Aran's pui-o silk, new.shapes, 'J-in-hniid Ties : 23o Glen's $1.00 Auto JJatst , .; y,....v....rr 05c 20 dozen men's 25c Rubber Collars ,.g 18c 10 dozen 72x92 Blenched biieeia 15 dozen :iGx 12 pleached. QisesK. ir, fln-Mi children 'si C5c, Iiompera 10 dozen, bovh' l !lp"seWais,v - , Home Comfort 'I'oilet Paper, 1000 gin Menen's Tab-inn Powder UU- Sli.iunK s.up. 1 l'r. t wvnv lie 50c 50c 25c iVJvlIlS Benton & Co There will be BIG BARGAINS Fbr Every Man, Woman and Child who visits this store THIS WEEK JUiJUMiiUni1lwlt f I