MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, aCEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1911. PAGE THREE i b' U FOLLETTE IS GIVEN BOOST ; -. r Bristow Says He Considers the Little Giant as Most Suitable Man for Position on Interstate Commerce Commission. WASHINGTON, D. C, April 29. Dec lniatlon that United States Senator Rob ert M. LaFolIctte of Wisconsin Is the ono man who above all others Is com petent to tackle the regulation of the trusts, wan motle today to the United Press by Senator Joseph L. Bristow of Kansas, ns an explanation of the hard light niado by the progressives In the Hunato to land the Wisconsin statesman on the Interstate) commerce committee. (BY U. S. SENATOR J. Ii. BRISTOW OF KANSAS.) I regard IiOFollotte as one of tho best equipped men In tho senate for tho po sition on tho Interstate commerco com mittee. All legislation relating to the regulation of public service corporations, fixing rates, correcting discrimination and preventing over-capitallzntlon comes boforo this committee. LrfJFollette has given more attention to these, questions than any other man In congress. It has been tho principal work of his llfo for tho last 1G years. Examination of tho Wisconsin state laws shows that their working has been most effective. There Is no doubt that Wisconsin has the best laws governing corporations of any state In the Union. TRIED TO FORCE STRIKE IH SOUTH So Say Union Leaders in Los Angeles Strike Now is Desired by Manu facturers' Association for Its In fluence on Public. MOORS ROUT FRENCH MY Leader of Relief Expedition Has Half His Command Killed or Wounded Foreigners Believed to be Safe. TANGIER. AJrll 29. Fighting against odds so great that more than half of his command were killed or wounded, Colonel Brcmond's French expedition for tho relief of Fez Is reported today to have reached that city on Wednesday. Rremond's command Is said to have re lieved the defenders of tho French con sulate. In which Sultan Mulal Halfld and a small party of Europeans wore putting up a heroic resistance against tho fan atical Moors under Ismail Ilalfad, the rebel brother of tho sultan. It Is believed the foreigners In Fez nre now safe and that tho other French troops on tho way to the city will soon arrive and scatter tho rebels. While thero Is no official confirmation of the report of Brcmond's fighting his way through tho rebel ranks, It Is gen erally believed hero that tho Information Is correct. Hasklns for Health. LOS ANGELES, April 29. That the Merchants' and Manufactuieis associa tion has for the past two months been trying to force a strike among the v ir lous union organizations here to create antl-unlim sentiment was the statement today of Secretary U W. Butler of the Los Angeles labor council. "The employers have been approached by agents of the M. & M, and told thai the unions were preparing to strike for higher wages," said Butler. "These agents then urged the employers to IK chnrgo every union man in their employ. When tho employers went to the men they found these statements were un founded. "The report was circulated thnt tho building trades were preparing to strike This was not so, as there had never been any talk of such a strike This man named May 1 as the date for tho big walkout, know this to be so, not only among the building trades and other unions but among my own men, the teamsters. The Idea was to have l.os Angeles In a furore of strikes and thus create sympathy for the plans of "Big Business" interests for an open shop town." giM4 mm "v SEND MARSHALL AN APPRECIATION President of Manufacturer's Associa tion Sends Governor of Indiana Message Thanking Him for Action in McNamara Case. DAYTON, O.. April 29. Telegrami of commendation for their action In con nection with the arrest and extradition of John J. McNamara were sent today to Governor Thomas R. Marshall, Prosecu tor Frank Baker and Chief of Police Hyland of Indianapolis by President Klr by of the Manufacturers' association. Ho said: '"On behalf of the National Assocla- 3331, YOUK HOME COMFORTS. Wo can wire your house, or do re pair work o-. tho service you now hnvo, and will savo you money on the work. Promptness and satisfac tion are two other essentials that you'll always get here. MOTOR IMPAIRING FLAT IRONS FANS. FIXTURKS. CraterLake Wiring Co. NO. 27 NORTH RARTLETT ST. Take Care of Your CHICKENS and Reap a Big REWARD We recommend the follow ing brands because they have proven highly satis factory increasing the Qgg smpply in every in stance : Chick Food, Ground Bone, 0 y s t e r Shell, poultry Food Tonic, Cracked Wheat and Corn. TRY International Stock Food Should be fed at this sea son of the year. Olmstead & Hibbard WEST SIDE GROCERS tlon of Manufacturers, 1 heartily com mend your action In regard to tho re cent dynnmlto an ests. Ho assured that It will bo approed by every true cltl eon nnd condemned only by thoMo who aro dynamiters nt liehrt. who are Just now clamoring loudly to distract public attention nnd to compel a pre-judgment of the case. The pctpetulty of our In stitutions and tho safety of llfo nnd property depends on the punishment of men guilty of such diabolical crimes. and no publlu official Is worthy of con fidence who employs tile use of techni calities to help such cilmlnalt escape their' Just deserts. I am sure you will not let any resolutions of condemnation affect your patriotism and the doing of your duty." Edward Pleads Guilty. I.OS ANQKM3S. Cal.. April 20. James Hdwatds, who was arrested last Wed nesday for an assault upon Miss Julia Kochlg In her home In the fashionable Westmoreland district, pleaded guilty nt his hearing today and will be sentenced Tuesday Judge McCormlck Intimated he would Impose n life sentence NO TIGHT SKIRTS 1 CM T Queen Mary Commands That More Cloth be Used in Creations Worn by Women in Attendance an En glish Court. LONDON, April 20. "We uro author Ued to Inform you that the lord elmm borlnln commnnds thnt no tight skirts shall ho worn nt court, by order of Her Gracious Majesty." This was tho messngo carried todny by gentlemen of tho court to nil tho smart set drcssmukers In llond streot and Hanover square. This order,, which camo direct from Queen Mary has stirred up a hornets' next among women of tho smart sot, because tho queen by this order Implies that society Is lacking In modesty nnd discretion. It "as pointed nut that It would bo Impossible for women to cur lesy If hobblo skirts were worn. Stock! Climb. NHW YOUK, April 29 Today's short sloclc market had an upward tendcy at the opening. Canadian l'aclflc establish ed a new high record when It went to 232, again of 1 .1-8 Lehigh Valley also gained 1 .1-8, Union l'aclflc 1 1-8, Head ing t and Gonctal Ktectrlc I 1-f. Ad- Landscape Contractor Wo do tho grading for lawns nnd tennis grounds, seeding nnd planting of sliriibory In fact do everything to mako your homo n beauty spot. II. M. WILSON. Phono Pnclfio 3141. Home. 5. vunccs In u long list of other stocks ran from 1 to 3 points, Tho market closed stiong Bonds were firm, Hasklns or Health. SMITH APARTMENT HOUSE 317 SOUTH RIVERSIDE AVENUE Thirty completely fnrnlshea Apartments for Families Oas Ranges and tights Tree Telephone Speaking" Tube, Call Bells Prato Baths New, Clean and Sanitary ror Apartments apply at Premises W M. Smith Prop. THERE WILL BE NO MUSICLESS HOMES Mrs. Waldroop Burled. The funernl of Mrs. Krnnccs Wal droop was hold from the Perl Undertak ing parlors at 2:30 o'clock Friday after noon, Hev. C. H. Iloxle doll vol Ing the last rites. Interment was In the I O O. K, cemetery and many floral offer ings were In evidence. The pailbeuiers were: Kdward I'ottcnggr, James Hitter, Dr. B. N. Duller. K. M. Wilson and H V. Lumsden. i Hasklns for Health. We Wire Your House or Building WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK TO PASS INSPECTION WE SHOW THE LARGEST LINE OF Electric Fixtures IN OREGON OUTSIDE OF PORTLAND ' WE ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE SATISFACTION FLYNN BROS. 132 WEST MAIN STREET in Jackson comity it this extraordinary selling record con tinues. Twenty-five Pianos sold this month. Piano pur chasers are realizing more and more every day that Eilers Music llousq is the place to buy their Pianos. High grade Pianos like these were never before sold at such low price - i -and on such easv terms. Chickering Bros., Kimball, Lester Hallet and Davis, Haddorof f Smith and Barnes Several Pianos traded in at low prices, including Chick ering Bros., Ludwig, Weber, etc. yTsv r2S2W NEXT TO MAIL TRIBUNE OFFICE LARGEST AND MOST RELIABLE DEALERS IN PIANOS ON THE PACIFIC COAST MONEY REFUNDED IF WE FAIL TO SUIT YOU WITH A PIANO. BK -tf BK walftBBM I sSS -awtf -TB iSSSHlSkS0SSSUSSSSSlB9BBtBBBilB b&lH iKIHaLBHlH IhI ' tsrf . onninii ti ii nn i ii miii niliie - ill in MiSTiniiisBf lilil ilMBilMriif sWl I SMBB ISC4k2SBBMM l ' FB111I lUBSMBHIMim Ill I II IBMMMBEMBSbMMbtIMI BBBk-TBtoBK jSBBHH M MS i BWB mmmm wm j m I"" 'll"Tm flB Ml MSBM iluilliiS jl' :IBi KlifflRHP I ' to HWiiii !W"l&BfJi9i Warranted &2mxMZfflhmm BBBBBBBBBBBf'f HSBlLA.lBt BBjflBHflCaMuBLBHK M j figp c SV fe Bfc" SfflBBP6f ? JBBBBMHuC yJBffWfySWBnKBEfllBffTBBBBltBB&W H iSHi EBbHRBHHR I Three Important Essentials vJfcTtTjtfflS lst.-Insulating Building Paper. 2nd.--Rex Flintkote Roofing Felt. 3rd.-Deadening Felt IN" ORDER to insure the warmest house in winter and the coolest in summer and the most healthful at all seasons of the year, don't fail to use building paper. If you want the best, come and examine our line. REX "FLINTKOTE" roofing felt is a positive pro tection from fire. It is the best made to withstand the elements the hottest sun or the hardest rain affect it not the least. IOvery user of this famous roofing not only uses it ever afterwards, but always recommends its use. NO ONtt will dispute the advisability of usiugDEAD ENINU" felt on walls and floors. You know how annoying the noises aro overhead or below where deadening felt is not used. Specify its use in your homo and you'll thank your stars. FOR THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF BEST BUILDING MATERIALS, CALL ON Woods Lumber Company H J U. as