4 Medford Mail Tribune Forty-First Year. Dally Sixth Year. MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1911. No. 33 WEEK'S HAPPENINGS IN MEDFORD SOCIAL CIRCLES THIRD I SECTION 1 IsOCIETY u A delightful entertainment anil soclul was Riven by the men unil boys of the First Methodist Sunday school at the church on the corner of Tenth and Bart lett streets. Friday evening. The event was In honor of the ladles and girls of the Sunday school who were success ful In securing the largest number of new members during the last three months, In the red and blue contest. The contest, which wus introduced by Superintendent C. A. Meeker, closed on Easter Sunday with an attendance of 342. Mrs. Chldester wus the lender of tho girls' side, und Mr. Cannily of tho boys. Great interest has been shown members by both sides. The Sunday school bus a record of being one of the largest und most enthusiastic In south ern Oregon. Tho primary departments were entertained In the basement from C to S o'clock. The children enjoyed various games, and refreshments of Ice creum and cake were served, At 8 o'clock a program was given In the church to the Junior and senior mem bers. Following Is the program Orchestra Selected Address Sunt. C. A. Meeker Quartet Messrs. Canady, Shnnnon, Meeker, , Chldester. "Women and Girls of the S. S." Mrs. McKiuleysltes. Orchestra Selected "Men of tho Sunday School" Mr. Uennett. "Iloys of the' Sunday School" Mr. Cunady. Orchestra. At the close of the program n social was held in the basement. A class of boys attired In waiters' caps ami aprons served refreshments. The evening was one of the most enjoyable ever given by nny department of the chruch. ' Tho regular monthly meeting of tho Greater Medford Club wus held last Monday In the club rooms. Reports were made concerning the work In tho park, which has been done under tho su pervision of Mrs. M. I.,. Alford, chairman of the park committee. Almost $200 has been spent In getting the gravel tllsti Hi nted and putting the walks In order. Committees were appointed to see about putting sanitary drinking fountains (which are to bo given by the Medford Concrete company) In the porks and other necessary places. A committee was appointed to, see If It would be pos A very pretty reception was held at the-residence of Mrs. E. N. Warner Tues day afternoon, to complement the re tiring officers and the newly elected officers of the Ladles Aid of the Pres byterian church. The receiving rooms wero beautifully decorated with wliito slblo to have the present cluster llKhts and Lavender lilacs. Mrs. York was us- Tho opera put on under the auspices, or tho Ureater Medroru ciuu, .Mommy and Tuesday evening of last week, was a very good production. The principals all did well. Mrs. Ed Andrews as "Scr polotto," the village ne'er do well, mis talncd the part well, both In singing nnd acting. Mrs. Bell as "Germalne," was very good. Mr. Ed Andrews as the miser was particularly good, and Mr, Whctsel as "Jean Grumbenux" sang well and was as much at homo as a profes sional. Mr. Frank Burgess as the "Marquis" sustained tho reputation he made for himself In "Fra Dlavola." Mr Art Burgess ns "Balllle" brought down the house with his humor. The chorus wus very well trained and did good work. The costuming was very effective. Un fortunately there were not good houses either night. Tho club has not asked for assistance from tho public before, this year, and It is rather a pity that evcryono could not have been Interested enough In the work the women are do ing to help them financially. As It Is they made Just about enough to pay expenses. The eleventh anniversary of tho Enst cm Star fell on their regular meeting night Tuesday of last week und a gala affair was, mode of It. Tho Alpha chap ter. No, 1, of Ashland, the Adrlel chap ter. No, 3, of Jacksonville, and the Ne vlta chapter. No. U3, of Central Point, were the guests of tile locul chapter. The honored guests of tho evening were Mrs. Bay L. Sherwin of Ashland, past worthy grand matron, and Mrs. Nellie McGowan, grand treasurer. The regu lar business meeting wus held In the chapter rooms, after which tho party adjourned to St. Marks guild hall were an entertainment followed by a banquet was given. Those on' the program were Miss Agnes Isaacs, piano solo; Mrs. Eustmou and Mrs. Van Scoyac, duet, Mrs. Coffey, accompanying; Miss Watt, recitation; Miss lay Boon, piano solo, and Mrs. Eastman, vocal solo. A most delicious banquet was served to over 200 people. TJie auxiliary committee wus In charge of tho evening. , Future Rulers of the Continent- Caught By Kodak Mr. and .Mrs. Ous Nowbury entertained Tho Ninety-second anniversary of tho lit cards Friday night. The house was I. O. O. F of America and tho dcdlca- ut-iiuuiuiiy ureuraiHi wun jnacs. Airs, tlon of tho tcmplo of Medford lodge. freaky ffiM jftytiLjLvJw a &!$.$ $&OKj4 HUffi yiyiLvt UyNl&iiirji' H -A. HAPPV" QLTItrr&TTE OF TiOYAL. CH1LDRBNT The charmingly Informal group shows little princen and prlnceiies of three of Europe' royal houeei. rrom left to right are neon the Taarevltcb, Princeis Margarita of dreece, Prince Imdwis- of Hesie, Prlncees Theodora of Qreecc and the Herodltary Prince George of Bone. on the Main street side of tho purk moved to the Sixth street side and have the city put In cluster lights correspond ing lo those which are to be instituted nlong Main street. The electrlo light company have offered to furnish lights for "the' clusters'" which" will be put around thu west end of the park. The expectoration plucords have been put around tho streets uiul the ordinance will be strictly enforced. A committee was appointed to give a Muy entertainment. Another wns appointed to see If it would lie posslblo to have a general "cleaning- up' day throughout the city. One was appointed to select a baml-stnnd site In the park and to assist the bond In mak ing pious to build the same. Tho "F. F." club was delightfully en tertained by Mrs. J. D, Heard Tuesday with a bridge luncheon. The color Hchcmu wus yellow, daffodils und tulips being used to curry out the Idea. Place cords of yellow were also used. Mrs. Mahlon Purdln was mode a member of the club, and will entertain thu club this week. a Mr. .and Mrs. George Munsoii of Beth any, Mo., are visiting friends In the city. Mrs. Homer Rqthcrmal ontortalned the Thursday nfternoon Brldgo club last w eelc. slsted In receiving by Mrs Stevenson, Mrs. Will Goro and Mrs. Shields. In the dining room which wus prettily dec orated with pink carnations and ferns. Mrs. Alford' and Mrs. English served, as sisted by Mrs. Ganuwuy, Mrs. Wort- man and Mrs. Ray". During Tbf"'hnPr- nnon some Very interesting muslc.il numbers wero given by Miss Ionne Flynn, Miss Phoobe Hauce, nnd Flora Gray, und Miss Welch guvo a reading About 70 ladles wero present, Robert A. Duncan and Miss Mlna May Kirk were married at the residence of tho bride's parents, Wednesday even ing. Rev. J. P. Hlpps officiated. Only thelminedlate relatives, witnessed tho ceremony. Colonel Frank Hay gave a farewell "stag" dinner at Oold Bay Friday even ing. IJIs guests were A. E. Bennies, Col onel Ton Velle, Dr. Bay, George Putnam, and Mr. Saunders of Grants Puss. X ... The senior class of tho Medford high school will give their play May 6. The play, "His Excellency, the Governor," Is very good and the parts have been well assigned. Tho seniors of tho Ashland high school, entet tallied tho seniors of the Medford high Friday evening at Ashland. The ladies of First M. K. church met In regular session Wednesday after noon. The Interest seems unabated, ul though this Is the busy souson of the year for housekeepers, and there was u good attendance and plenty of work. On next Wednesday it Is especially de sired that all members be present as there Is Important business to be brought before tho society. All uro looking forward to the evangelistic services to begin in the church May 7, and It Is hoped that great and lasting good may result from these services. Let all who can avail themselves of the opportunity of attending these meetlng.s. The first annual ball given by tho Musician's Mutual association of Med ford was given Wednesday evening Jn, tho largo hnll of the Nutatorium und wns u grout success, both fliianclnlly and socially. An orchestra of 20 pieces un der the direction of Mr. Hnzelrlgg fur nished excellent music. Tho proceeds will go towards erecting a bund stand In the city purk. The Missionary society of tho Pres byterian phurch will meet with Mrs. York, Tenth and Laurel streets, Tues day nfternoon, at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. J. A. Johnson will report on tho Woodvllle convention at thut time. Tho Guild of St. Mnrk's church litis Invited the membnrs of the guild of Grants Pass ami AbIiIiiiuI to spend the day of Muy 11, In Medfotd, uh their guestB. Mr. and Mrs. Charlos Hnzolrlgg left for San Francisco Thursday. From there they will sturt on tho Orphoum circuit and expect to bo uway several months. Mrs. Glalzo entertained nt Bridge for her sister, Mrs P Morley, Saturday af ternoon. . Tho morrlago of Mr Alfred Flynn and Miss Teresa Merrill wus solemnized by the Bev. William I.ucos, at the rectory Thursday night, Mr. Norman Merrill nnd Miss louno Flynn attending, Mr. and Mrs. Flynn left for Ashland ufter tho coremony and left Friday morning for California on their honeymoon. The vol unteer firemen of which Mr. Flynn Is a member, escorted the couple to Ash loud, making tho night hideous nil tho way. In honor of Mrs. Morley, Mrs. Fnlger entertained at brldgo Friday nfternoon. Tho guests were Mesdames English, Corey. Smith, Woodford, Holllway. Ar tor, Davis, alulae, Nye, Wukpmun. Ware and Morley. Mrs. Nye with the high est score received a book nnd Mrs, Jl.qr-, iey uoiiuy guesi ruvor. Tho house was most artistically decorated with California ponies and Madrono brunches. Bev. IS. C Sanderson of Eugene. Is the guest of Bev. nnd Mrs. Matlock. Bev. .Sanderson Is reluming to his homo from Oxford where he hus been taking a post graduate course. Mr. Ralph Canterbury, formerly of the firm of Davenport-& Canterbury of Minneapolis, who Iioh buen spending some tlmo In the valley, has decided in remain hero permanently, Mr. and Mrs. George Andrews guvo a farewell fumlly dinner at their country Iliomo on Central Point rood Jn honor of Mr. und Mrs. Hnzelrlgg, Wednesduy. Mrs. William Altken nnd children who hnvo been spending the winter not Long Beuch, Col,, are expected home this week. Th Guild of St. Marks church will, meet In -the church parlors Thursday af ternoon. Mrs Purdlu and Mrs. Daniels will serve. A delightful family reunion was held ut the home of Mr. und Mrs. W. H. Gore, on the Jacksonville rood Wednes day evening, the occasion being tho birthday of Mr. Gore. Those., present were: Mr. and Mrs. 13. n. Oore. Mr, and Mrs. Goro and family, Mr. und Mrs. W H. Gore and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Goro and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wort luan and family, Miss Margaret Jnck, Miss Flora Gray und I.. A, Bose. Tho Swastikas will give another of their popular dunces Wednesday evening, May ,3, at St. Mark'H Guild hull. Thy dance was postponed fioni April 27, on account of the many uffalrs for thut date, nnd till Invitations Issued for that date are good for Muy 3. No guild member husJieeiLwni a.' written. Invita tion, but each member Is invited td'rit tend the dance. j The F I I., will moot Tuesday oven Ing In thu parlors of tho Presbyterian church Miss Van Dyke, Miss Mickey unit .Mr. Weuvor will entertuln. Mrs. Frank Buy and tho Misses Boyd left for Portland Inst Sunday. After making a short visit nt Genrhnrt they will return to New York. Tho Pythian Sisters' will entertain next week with a social evening, Mrs. Charles Bay Is chairman of the com mltteo in chnrgi. . r Mr. Itobljison of,Aluskn Is ,a,,vlsltot In Medford and may becomo u icHldent, ( ' ' Mr. nnd Mrs. -Gabon rind" Mrs. Piatt spent Tuesduy In Ashland. The Question club wus entertained by Miss Ionne Flynn Saturday. Miss Floru Fleming of Twin Falls, Idaho, Iioh returned to Medford and x- pucts ,to remain here. Houck with tho highest score won tho indies prize, u card truy and Mr. Bos enbaum the gentlemen's prize, nn nsh tray. Dainty refreshments were servod. The guests present were: Mr, nnd Mrs. Houck, Mr. nnd Mrs. McGowan, Dr. nnd Mrs. Hurgrave, Mr. nnd Mrs. Purduo; Mr. nnd Mrs. Pottlnger. Mr. nnd Mrs. Whit ing, Mr. and Mrs. Lnwler, Mr. nnd Mrs. Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien, Mr. nnd Mrs. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Trow- brlilRe, Dr. and Mrs. Johnson of Ash- hind, Mr. and Mrs. Boseubnum, Mrs. Pe ters of Jacksonville, Mr. and Mrs. Gay, Mrs. Orr; Misses Edna McDcrmott, Weeks, Berry, Batiks and White; Messrs. Hnll, Bert, Orr and Bcddy. Tho annual meeting of the Wednesday Study club and irtso thu last meeting of the year, wuh held ut tho beautiful lionie Of Mrs. J. M. Boot, last week. The rooms wero profusely decornted with California popples and wllh hugo fires In tho great stone fire places, an nlr of cheerlncss nnd welcome wns elven. only the annual reports and tho election or orricers ror tlucomlng year was the business or the nfternoon. After which Miss Josephine Boot und Miss Caroline Andrews delighted the company with piano and vocal solos. Dainty refresh ments were served In tho attractive din ing room by Mrs. Boot nsslsted by Miss Josephine. ' The new officers for the coming year are: Mrs. PIckel. president; Mrs English, vlco president; Mrs. Tut tle, treasurer; Mrs. Alford, secretary. Miss Cordelia Goffo entertained the members of the Question club for tho week end, at her home on Ppper Jack sonville rond, Saturday week, An un usually good tlmo was enjoyed by all tho members, and Miss Goffe'H hospl tallty thoroughly appreciated. Saturday evening a. danco was given for tho club. Those present were Misses Ionno Flynn, Lorulne Bllton. Flora Welch, Fern Je rome, Bertha Brandenburg, Agnes Isaacs, Opal Duly, Cordelia Ooffe; Messis. Blchurd Wilson, llobert Wilson, Myron Boot und Herbert Bollln. No. 883. wero. observed W-dneadnv. A grand parade of Odd FellowB and Be bekolis marched from the temple to tho Nntntorlum whero tho anniversary ox erclses were held. Tho dedication cere monies wero hold nt tho now temple In tho evening and wero witnessed by tho Odd Fellows, Bobekahs and Invited guests. After tho dedication tho company jib sembled In the dining room, where a fine turkey dinner wns served, Judge W. 8. Crowell acted ns tonstmnster for tho occasion and many touBts were re. spondod to. Tho committeo In charge of tho May entertainment of tho Greater Medford club will meet In tho small parlor of St. Mark's Guild hall Wednesday afternoon, nt 2 o'clock, and all membors aro re quested to bo present. Any member who has not been notified will kindly take this us such. Those on tho committeo aro the follewing: Mrs. George Daggett, chairman; Mesdnmcs Folger, Waterman, Nye, Klrby. Miller, E. B, Davis, A. E. Beames, William Budge, Sullivan, F. W. Streets. J. M. Boot, H. D. Caroy, Ralph Woodford, R. W. Stearns; Misses Hub bard nnd Putnam. At the home or Mrs. E. L. Parsons on Summit avenue, Prof. Bobeo will deliver n leaturo Tuesday nfternoon nt 2:30 o.Vilock, on tho "School of Tomorrow." Prof. Rebeo wus formerly professor of philosophy at the University of Michi gan, and Is well known ns a contributor to mugazlnes, both literary nnd techni cal, Invltutlons have been sent to the Wednesday Study club, the Greater Med ford club officers nnd n few of Mrs. 'Parsons' friends, find It will bo a great treat to attend tho lecture. A Jolly surprise party was given Mr. Boyden Monduy night at ills homo on North Centrnl avenue, tho occasion being Ids birthday. A Dutch supper wns brought by tho guests. Among thoao presont wero Mr. and Mrs. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Davis, Dr, nnd Mrs. Har- prnl'A Mi nn.l t. Hfnn. .. m. ... . . .. .--. ..... iiuv unu fur, Miss Jeuonesn Butler returned Friday and Mrs. Boyden. iuiii i uiuuuu, wnero sue mis neen vis iting ror tho post two months. Miss Gertrudo Enkle of Portland returned wllh her und will remain for a few days. The Onkdnle Tennis club have fin ished threo or the four courts nt the olub grounds on Whitman and Jasper atreots Just west, of South Oukdule, Tin club numbern gft members and wnl'sooi orect a club house. Mrs. J. C. Lewis and her nelce, Miss I'amc, who wero guests of Mrs. Lewis' brother, Dr. C. B. Rnv. loft fnv iiw.ir homo In Illinois Inst Sunday. Dr. nnd Mrs. Boy wero their host at dinner Sun day, at the Niish Grill. Mrs. J. S. Antlo entertained nt dinner Wednesday evening, In honor or the birthday of her son, Wulter. 0 Miss Geneva Wilcox who hns been vis Itlng at the homo of Mrs, Emorlck re turned Friday to Portland. Tho Juvonllo Dancing club will hold Its last danco Monday ovenlng In tho smull hull of the "Nat." Rov. Doranco was tho guest or Mr. ami Mrs. II. C. Kontner last week, Colonel Bay loft for thu oust, via Port land Saturday evening. Father Van Clarenbenk Is visiting in Portlund. Howard Dudley returned to Medford from Klamath Fulls lust week. Chrysanthemum circle, No. 84, hold! a social evening Tuesduy.. There wero three Initiations, urtor which a social ovenlng was spent. Those present wero Mrs. A. S. Dillon, -Mrs. Johnson nndiliss Vogell. Tho commUteo In charge of tho entertulnment were: Mesdames Mar tin, Mender, Parker, Payne and Piatt. Mrs. Trunk Bellinger and Mrs. .O. N. Frlske mid daughter returned Wodncs Uuy from a visit In Grunts Pass, Mr. and Mrs. George Curperiter nro moving Into their now homo on their orchard In the BurrlU tract. Mr. and Mrs. Olwell wero tho week end gueHts of tho Lanes, nt tho homo neur Central Point. Tho Wednesday Afternoon Brldgo club will meet with Mrs. C. M. Kldd tills week. Mr, J. Stllwell Vllus returned last week from a rip to Portland. Dr. nnd Mrs. Goble aro ontortalnlng Mr, C. Redmond or Portland. Miss Jessie Muthes or Ashlund Is the guest or Mrs. Hurgrave. Tho Lend-a-handH will meot with Miss .Mildred Antlo this week. Dr. and Mrs, W. W. Wick leavo Sun day ror a threo months' visit In Portland. Who's What in the House of Representatives 391 Distinct Types of the Genus Home Who's what In tho house or represen tatives, Tho baldest man: Nicholas Longworth of Ohio. Tho man with tho most hair: Edmund T. Stuck of Illinois. Tho biggest inun: "Ollle" James, of Kentcky. Tho smallost man: S. W, Smith, of Michigan. Man with the biggest veice: Richmond P. Hobson, or Alabamn. Man with tho whispering voice; Gen oral Isnnc Sherwood, Ohio. Tho house Benu Brummel: "Jimmy" Burke, or Pennsylvania. The house satirist; Claudo Kltchln, or North Carolina. The veternn member; "Father" Henry II. Bingham, or Ponna. Tho youngest ,member: Wllllom F. Mm ray, or Mus.idchusottH. Tiio busiest jft'embcr: James R. Mann, or Illinois, iimorlty leudar. The man 'without a party: Theron F. Akin, of'S'ew York. The richest man: William B. MoKln ley, t,t Illinois. , WASHINGTON April 29. Thoro are "SSI entirely separate und distinct types or the genus homo In the house or rep resentatives. Leaving out the uncomplimentary classifications, tho above table Is a fair ly accurate guide to the national legis lature. But an appendix Is necosbary. Heft) It is: viok" Longworth Is not only- the ;ldtt momber In the housn. but lie 1m41 the mnit charming blush, bt&ck Ha (Stacks. Repr6iiit.t Stack, of Chicago, who boos" down on thw list as the man with the most hair, looki like a poet. His favorite poke Is In u la Elbert Hob bard. "Ollle" James drees Ut part of the biggest member. Ho alwK ,irs In the house garbed In a coat. ui'i vuiMh of flowing tails that flutter aUm M stalwart nether txtroinllU-tf. 'ui. -' comes dangerously near bolng first ns the baldest man. Ho Is a close second to Richmond Pearson Hobson as the man with tho biggest voice. When ho whispers tho floor vibrates. BmaUeit Man. As against this aggregation of nltl tudinous ponderosity. Is the Llllputlun dlmlnntlveness of "Sammy" Smith, of Mlehlgnn. Smith hides a lot' of actlvo gray matter under his lint, nnd tho wny ho handled the District or Columbia committee In the old days of tho "re publican occupation" guvo Indication that the quantity or lack of It, wns more than mode up In the quality If It were not for the fact tlmt lie Is rather chunky John L. Burnett, of Alabama, would have been tied with Smith for tho feather weight class. Buiuett delights In smoking big black cigars. Whlspors. ff "Ollle" Jamis whispers make the rioor vibrate, tin mere throaty, under- the-breath syllables uttered by Repre sentative llohson shatter (ho skyjighls. When the hero or the Merrlmuo' "gets to golpg good", they, say that somo or tho nervous senators over In the other end or the cupltol Jump at the cannonade, und Inquire about the carthquuke There Is n more Inspiring sight In congress than SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Some or the greatest compositions or tho grentost Russian orchestral com posers will bo heurd In tills city on Wednesday evening, May 10, nt the Nat utorlum hall when the Russian Sym phony orohestra or New York Is hoard In this city at the single concert whloh It will present during the coming sea ton. The uppearnnco here or so cele brated a symphony orohestra us this one which Is looked upon by eminent Judges us one or the rirst few in the country moans a treat for lovers of good music. Not only will the flno Russian works be heard but a comprehensive arruy or the best standard orchestral music among whloh will be excerpts rrom Wagner's ruinous opera "Parsirul " The progrum which Conductor Alt sohuler hus arranged for the second transcontinental tour range from the oIqbsIoh to the moderns. There will be compositions by Tsohalkowsky, Includ ing his famous Pathetlque Symphony and portions of the opera "Eugene One gin." not to mention many orcheetrul writings by the grout Russian orchestral composers who have never been hard In this country Mr. Altsohuler is widely known as u program maker of exceptional ektll. He knows how to soleot tho numbers whloh huve the elements of populur appeal and at the game time make ry good music ' knows also how to mi arrange and MAN. DEMENTED, CLAIMS' RANGERS MRS. BELMONT AS WIFE HORSES ARE NEW YORK, April 29. Claiming that ho was tho husbund of Mrs. O. H. P Belmont, a Hhubby dieenod man, who gave the name or Juntos Burke, today fought at tho Belmont hotel In a futile effort to guln ontrunee to Mrs Belmont's room Burke Is believed to bo Insane. He wus arrested, fined 1100 and lacking the money went to Jail Want 9500,000 Sefenie rund. WASHINGTON, D. C. April 29 Tile American Fedeiutlaii of Labor today Is prepailng a geneml appeal for a fund to defend the McNamaras. It expects to rulxu JtOO.UdO. Financial aid will bo givon Immodlafely If the Structural Iron Worker' auMoclatlon holp In the prelim inaries of the fight to free their Inter national secretary and his associates, Quake Recorded. CLEVELAND. O, April 3 The sets mogruph nt St Ignitus college at 4:07 tills morning recorded an p.rt)tqunko In thelminedlate vicinity or America. If not uetually in America. The dis turbance wus Jerky In character und lasted for fully u minute. gronup his numbers In a manner permit ting them to appear to the bent poselblo advantace An Altschulur nroirrnm y certain always to be virtually a perfect program. Rangers J. G Slmervllle and Horace a. Whitney have returned from Pelican Buy, where the Winter feeding stutlon Is located, bringing with them all the ranger's Huddle and pock horses Every summer the forest service puts up ubout 100 tons of huy fiom the mui-shes In tho vicinity or Pelican Bay ror winter use or tho forest officers. The rangers club together to pay a man to on re for und feed the horses during the winter. Tho horses oume through tho winter, a very severe one this year. In satisfactory condition. Hungers Whitney upd Slmervllle crossed the mountains vlu Aspuu Lake, K14110 and Shake to Axlilund. They re port very little snow along the road over this route. a glimpse of Hobson th his right nrm mujestlcully upral-ed. his tlo Joyously curling oout fiou. u jt.r j,ls vest, and tho leonine avn'une.10 of tone Issuing rrom between hi Up. Hobson Is nn other neur.w nn. r tit tho buld man's clans. General 1 ir Sli-wood or Ohio earned CENSUS OE GERMAN STATES IS COMPLETED WANTED IN HARLEM; Jap rile. SEATTLE. Wash., April 23. 'ii n bi plane or his own make, G T TmKimov, u Japanese, inude eucuoHHful ; ,.il fllult nt Thomas, near till city, it- lifted ICO feet and landed wlthoMl mishap, bit something was wrong tv'in the englio and notion wus mai-d. TakuHowtinpoi le.1 oriental material for lit maohlrn- The frame Is of bum boo, muoh Jicl.'vi limn Wright metals und lis conl tins only $1800. The Japa nese cliiin. he never has seen un uerc plam oil" r thuii tin- one ho has con structed, BERLIN, April 29. Tho comuloM re suBs or the lecent Get man coin-u" which huve Just been published, so. p to recall the existence of severul suiuii states au constituent membeiH of ui" federal em pire. Tho siuullust of -u G11 man slutes Is the prlnulpullty or K'huuinburg-Llppe, with u total Jopn. illon of 4C650. The cupltal lluekebui, hus a population of G73G. This .iili'iiiture country hus Itx own Inilep. nil- ,t reigning sovereign. Its own priii-'- 11 liilster and cabinet und Its own ue illustration for all matters ox ceptln those Imperial affairs controlled by I'- Reichstag. j'l.o principality or Wuldeok with 61, 'J.! Inhabitants, tin prlnolpullty or Reims 'hlerllue) with 72,010 Inhabitants und the pilulcpallty or Schwarzburg-Sonder-bauson with 89,081 Inhabitants, uro ut most equally Inslgniriount In else. There are five German stutu with popu lations ranging from 100,000 to 200,000: The prlnolpullty of Sohwarzburg-ltu-dolsturt with 100,7 12. the grand duchy or Meoklenhiirg-Hlrelitss wllh 106.317 In- huhltunts. the republic or Lubeck with I1CS33, the prlnolpullty or Llppe-Det-mold with 150,749 und tho principality or Roush (younger lino) with 153,765 In hubltuntri. There ore eight other small Gorman statue wllh populations of lea than half a million Altogether there aro 20 states Includ- GIVES HIMSELE UP SAN FRANCISCO, April 29 Handing his lust nickel to pay care faro to the county Jail, Horatio Bertham Moses, who says he Is u sou or 11 wealthy New York urt dealer, gavo himself up to tho police hero todoy, alleging thut ho Is wunted for 11 lobbery In Hurlem Moses says thut with a cousin, he slugged 11 strunger In New Ymk nn March 10 and robbed him of $50. Ho told the police his conscience liouhled him und ho thought every man ho met wns an officer. Tho New York iiuthorltluK huvo beon asked to send for Moses, CHAMBERLAIN IS OIVEH NUTS COMMITTEE PLACES WASHINGTON. D. C. April 29 Chumberlaln'H committeo nselgnments aro agriculture, military affairs, terri tories, nubile lauds, expenditures, in In terior department. Puclflo riillwnys, Phil. Ipplnos, Indian affairs and Irrigation. lug tho crown lands of Alsace and Lor rulue and the three republics or Hum burg. Bremen and Lubeck. Primula heads tho list with u population or 4U.tSti.70t, and thethree iimaller kingdoms or Bu vurlu, B.ixony and Wurrtemburg huvo up pruxlmutoly seven million, five million and two and a hulf million Inhabitants reupuctlvoly. his title by achievements In the civil wnr, und Is the real, original, Orund Army inun In tho. house. Ho hus done more ror the veterans than nearly any other, congressman. But when ho talks, he merely articulates, "Jimmy" Burke of Pennsylvania Is un upprouchnblo as the best dressed man In congress, Bepresentattvo Uorlund of Missouri comes ubout second, Burke or dinarily wears what is known to tho sar torial urtlsts us "an English walking coat," und his ties nro dreums, Ho nl wuyi wears a cnrnutlon in his button hole. Carnation. Speaking of curnutlons, It might Inci dentally he remarked that nbout 30 mem bers ure uddloted to the habit of never nppenrlng without this flower. Captain Cook, who has run tho prlvato eelva tor for congressmen for u score or moro of years, furnishes the posies. Ho raises them himself nnd hands them out every morning, nlw.uys remomberlng tho "IHtes" of each of the 30 Unolo Joe Cun lion, for Instance, prefers red flewers: Sereno Puyno of New York likes tho pink. Burka always wears white. Kltchln of North Carolina has earned his reputation ns the foremoet satirist In tho house by u few rare, but vividly remombered speeches. He talks with a Binlle, but he oun flay with thut snnio grlu. II. II Bingham of Pennsylvania la culled the futher of tho house, n ad dition to being 0110 of tho qldest mem bers lie bus served 17 continuous term us representative from tho First district. i ins beuts every other member for length of continuous service. Kx Speukor Cannon hue served 19 terms. bu they weren't consecutive. William F. Murray of Massachusetts Is populurly said to be Stt yearn Qf age. Ho modestly Won't tol his aire. Itenre. sontatlvo A. W. Lafforty of Oregon la a close contender for tho "kid" olass. Theron F. Akin Is un Independent. Ha Is a republican elected on thu demo crutlo ticket. Neither party recognizes hluu W it