Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 30, 1911, SECOND SECTION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 13

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f pi
Big Circus
HllBsrsl BWrS!ul TSMi HaHaMBsaasaiaBsl
Digger nnrt better tlmn miy show of
its kinil which has over visited Mcilfonl
the Al G. Barnes Dig Threo Ring Wild
Animal Circus will coma to this town
for for two performances oji May 2.
Heralded ns "Tho show that Is dif
ferent" It will exhibit tho greatest ag
gregation of trained wild and domestic
unliwils which have ever been foBtorvd
under one management. To say that It
takes 25 extra length cars and a force
of over 200 men to handle this attrac
tion will iRlve tho reader some Idea of
Its enormity,. 300 animals, nit of which
have some trick, to perform moklnK 30
acts of as thrilling, a jiaturo as to mako
one almost become startled at the daring
of each feature.
There Is Mllllo Barnes with her rid
ing lion "Nero," tho only lion today Who
Is performing while riding on tho back
of a .running iiorse. Mercedes Lamonto
anil her monster lions, Major Thorn
ton with his performing bears and a
special feature of tho Ilybred lioness
which rides a fast running horse. Prof.
Iloth'Wlth Jiis challenge, group of Royal
Bengal tigers and African lions. These
Bo It -Unsolved, by th,o City Council
of tho City of Medford, Oregen:
Whereas thero has been filed with the
city council of tho city of Medford, a
petition signed by moro than one-fifth
of tho qualified electors of said city
as shown by tho votes oast at tho last
municipal election held In said city,
petitioning that tho boundaries of said
city of Medford bo altered and now ter
ritory. Included therein as hereinafter
set forth, it is therefore resolved that
tho following question be submitted to
tho electors of said city and also to the
electors residing in tho territory herein
after set ferth: ..,.
Shall tho boundaries of the city of
Medford bo altered by including therein
tho following described torrltory, to
wlt Beginning at a point on the south
boundary lino of tho city of Medford,
which is 396 feet east of tho southwest
corner of donation land claim number
4. in township 37. rnngo 1 west of
tho Wilhimetto meridian: thenco east
along the center of tho county road to
tho east lino of tho county road which
is a continuance of South luversldo ave
iiuo In tho city of Medford; thenco north
westerly along tho east lino of said coun
ty road toa point which bears north
72 degrees 30 minutes cast from tho
southeast, corner of lot 7, of block 1, of
Davis First addition to the city of Med
ford; thenco north 72 degroos 30 min
utes east -to a iolnt from which the
northeast corner of donation land claim
number 44, In township 37, range 1 west,
bears north 72 degrees 30 minutes east
2649 feet and north 1G38 feet: thenco
north 26 degrees 18 minutes west 400
feet; thenco north 72 degrees 30 min
utes east to tho northerly southeast
corner of South Sea addition to the city
of Mqdford; thonco northwestorly along
tho easterly line of said South Sea ad
dition and said lino extended to the
present boundary lino of tho city or
Medferd: thenco in a genoral southwest
erly direction following tho present
boundary lino of said city to the place
of beginning, all In Jackson county, Oro-
h Resolved further, that said question
bo submitted to said doctors of the city
of'Mcdrord and to said olectors of said
nhovo described territory at a special
election to be called, for that purpose,
said election to bo held on tho 9th day
of May. 1911. , . , , ,
Resolved further, that a special elec
tion in and for tho city of Medford and
in and for the territory horelnbeforo
described by hold on tho 9th day of May.
1911. botweon tho hours of 9 u. m. and
5 p. m., Is hereby called for tho purpose
of submitting at said olectlon said ques
tion abovw set forth.
Tho following aro designated as the
places in said city at wnlch tho polls
will bo open within said city:
First wnid Over Ilasklns' drug store.
Second ward Hotel Nash sample
room. . . ..
Third ward City hall.
Tho following Is hereby designated as
the place in the territory hereinbefore
described at which tho polls will bo
Hesldenco of N. Brophy.
Tho following aro hereby appointed
nnd designated as Judges and clerkH of
said electien: . . .,.,-,
First ward In said city J. W. Ling.
Judge; L. I Damon, Judge and clerk;
u. T. Lawton. Judge nnd clerk.
Second ward In said city J. II. Bel
linger. Judge; Wm. Ulrlch, Judge and
clerk; Charles Talent, Judge and clerk.
rm.l-.l iti,l In an 1,1 fill' T? W. PhO!-
gren. Judge: J. T SumfnervJUe. Judge
and clerk; II. II. Lorlmer, judge and
In 'the torrltory horelnbeforo describ
ed S. L. Bennett, Wm. Holmes, N. Bro-
The electors of said city of Medford
and tho electors of tho territory herein
before described are hereby invited to
vote upon said proposition by placing
upon their ballots "For Annexation" or
"Against Annexation" or words equiv
alent thereto. . . .. .
Hesolved further, that notice of all
the matters herein set forth bo given
by publishing this resolution for four
weeks prior to said olectlon In tho alcd
ford Mall Trlbuno, a newspaper of gen
eral circulation In said city of Medford
and in tho territory above described,
and also by posting four copies of this
resolution In four public places Iri the
territory above described for four weeks
prior to said, olectlon.
The foregoing resolution was passed
on tho 4th day of April. 1911, by the
city council of the city of Medford. by
the following vete: Merrick aye, Watt
aye. '.Vortman aye, Kmerlck aye, Klfert
aye, unu aunar uyr.
Approved April 5th. 1911
w. 11
CANON, Mayor.
T II TiiinKii! hv thn CltV Council Of
tho City of Medford. Oregen:
Whereas, there has been filed with
the city council o fthe city of Medford
- .i.l. ,l.l h M.a than nnA.flftn
of the qualified electors of said city as J
HllOWn oy ino voio uuui m mo .urn hi-
nlclpal election hold in said city, peti
tioning that the boundaries of said city
of Medford be altered and new territory
included therein as hereinafter set forth,
It Is therefore resolved, that the fol
lowing question be submitted to the
electors of said city and also to the elec
tors residing In tho territory herein
after set ferth:
Shall the boundaries of the city of
Medfonl be altered by Including therein
the following described territory, td
wlf Beginning at the northeast corner of
Kenwood addition to the city of Med
ford as shown by the recorded plat
thereof, said point being on the westerly
boundary line of the city of Medford.
thence west to the northwest comer of
Here Tuesday
tigers were recently- bought from" the
Maharajah of Ceylon at the enormous
expense of $26,000 and Is the only act
of Its kind now bolng presented, to the
Dulnty Mile. Florlne and her marvel
ously trained group of Persian leopards,
Tim Buckley with his herd of Siamese
elephants, Cnptnln Stone and his cele
brated performing sea lions, Edwin Kel
ly presenting one of tho most thrllllrfg
acts of tho ontlro bill when he enters
the cngo of tho untamable lion Caesar
Wallace, bucking mules, boxing kan
garoos, goats, beautiful ponies, funny
clowns and many other features too nu
merous to mention.
Mr. Barnes prides himself on having
tho cleanest show now on tho road and
tho observer will notice tho abxoluto ab
sence, of, any rowdyism, so prevalent with I
a traveling attraction or mis Kinu. Tne
verdict of all has been tho best bhow
that has ever been seen on tho coast
with a return date ready at any time.
Look at a few of tho fumlBhcd roorm
advertised and pack your triinkl
said Kenwood addition; thenco south
along the west line of said addltton ,t0
tho southwest corner of block ,3 of said
additien: thence west to tho northwost
corner of Creston addition to tho city of
Medford, ns shown on tho recorded plat
thereof; thenco south to tho'enat atld
west quarter lino of section 26, town
ship 27 south of rnngo 2 west of the
Willamette meridian, being tho north
lino of tho county road which Is an ex
tension of West Main street In said city:
thence west to a point duo north of the
northwest comer of West Walnut Park
addition, to tho city of Medford, as shown
by tho recorded plat thereof; thence
south across tho codnty road nnd along
tho west boundary of said West Wal
nut addltton to the southwest corner Of
said addition; thence east along the
south lino' of said West Walnut addi
tion to tho city of Medford. as shown
by tho recorded plat thereof, to tho pres
ent corporato linn of said city; thence
north along tho prosent boundary lino
of said city to tho placo of beginning,
nil In Jackson county, Oregon.
Resolved further, that said question
be submitted to said electors of the city
of Medford nnd to said electors of said
above described territory at a special
elsrtlon to bo called for that purpose,
said election to bo held on the 10th day
or May, iu.
Resolved further, that a special oloc
tlon In and for tho city of Medford nnd
In and for tho territory hereinbefore
described bo hold on tho 10th day of
May, 1911, between the hours of 5 a, m.
.and G p. m... Is horeby called for the
purpose of submitting at said election
said question nbovo set forth.
Tho following aro designated as the
placos In said city at which tho polls
will bo opon within said city:
First ward Over Ilasklns' drug store.
Second ward Nash hotol sample room.
Third ward City hall. '
Tho following is hereby designated as
tho place In tho territory horolnbefore
described at which the polls will be
The following are horeby appointed
nnd designated as Judges and clerks of
said electien:
First 'ward In said city J. W. Ling.
J ml go; L. L. Damon, Judgo nnd clerk;
D. T. Lawton. Judgo and clerk.
Second ward in said city J. II. Bel
linger, Judge: Wm. Ulrlch, judge and
clerk: Clias. Talent, Judge and clerk.
Third ward In said city P. W. Chel
gren, Judgo; J. T. Summervlllo, Judgo
and clerk; 11. II. Lorlmor, Judgo and
In tho torrltory hereinbefore describ
ed T. K. Murray, II. S. Streator, E. F.I
a. uitiner.
Tho electbrs of said city of Medford
and tho olectors of tho territory horeln
beforo described aro hereby Invited to
voto upon said proposition by placing
upon tncir uauots "Kor Annexation or
"Against Annexation" or words equiva
lent thereto.
Resolved further, that notice of all
tho matters herein set forth bo given
by publishing this resolution for four
weeks prior to said olectlon In tho Med
rord Mall Trlbuno. a newspaper of .gen
eral circulation In said city of Medford
and In tho territory above described and
also by posting four copies of this reso
lution In four public places In said cty
and In four public placoi in tho terri
tory above described for four weeks
prior to said election.
The foregoing resolution was passed
on tho 4th day of April. 1911. by the
city council of tho city of Medford by
tho following vete: Merrick nva. 'Writ I
ayo, Wortmnn aye, Effort aye, Millar
Approved April r,, isii.
W. H. CANON. Mayor.
FOUN13 Certificate "for shares of min
ing stock. Owner may have name by
proving property and paying for this
ad. , . ,35
LOST Elk pin with three small dia
monds, with ruby oyes. Finder please
return to this oflce. leeward. 38
FOR RENT Outside, rooms, 11.60 and
up per week. 44 S. Grape. 34
LOST On April 19th.' 1911. between
Medford, am. Crystal Springs Orchard,
a light groen overcoat, half ulster,
finder kindly leave nt Tribune office
and receive reward i 33
l .' I'lJ I- ll' JJ u.tcn.
FOR SALE OR TRADE Homestead re
llnqulshment, good location. Address
P. Q box 732. 28
!y njw Studebakcr iiack with pole
Will sell cheap or trade for light dou
ble or large single buggy, must be In
first-class condltlpn- Call 118 West
Eighth street or phone Main (901.
senger 4-cy)tndor touring automobile.
Address.. Box 200, care ,Wal Tribune
office. 4 ,
liulck. has been used very little and
Is In fine running order, will sell
cheap for part cash and part trade
Addrebs Box C1C. Medford. 33
( J 4 I
HIGHdROFT residence sites aro den
tincd to doUble and treble ,ln value.
FOR BALE! Plum cafe at a sacrifice
on account bf poor health of proprie
tor. 128 B. Main at. .
FOR SALE A .guaranteed profit-paying
restaurant; excellent location, worn
petant instructions' fretitdo one un
familiar wlih the uualv44. Price1
43300; - well worth Investigating. K.
S. Tumy, 201 Oarnett-Corcy,,bld. 40
r- i .t i"r.f-1'r
Seal M4ii,U
KOH EXCHANGE Wilt" trade 6 room
modern Jjungalow,vweit located, with
or without (,$35.90 monthly tenant.
Rndy for qcoupancy, Address 1, O.
Box G24, Medford, pregon. 3
FOB. EXCHANQfi-i-Modfofa and subur
ban property,, ranches, timber lands,
far other property. Address, Box 199,
care Mall Tribune, '
TO EXCHANGE Colorado and Nebras
ka lands,' Improved and unimproved,
to exchange for Rogue river proportlos.
Tho Bes-Fullcr Koalty Co., Grants
Pass Qr., ' c
FOR TRADE What nave you to trado
for $2,000 equity In residence properly.
Address J R caro Mall Tribune.
FOR EXCHANGE Rooming house, good
locution, Jong lease for oft property
or will soil , for cash mid payments.
.Address "Exchange," care Mall Trib
une. 37
FOR EXCHANGE Houso und lot In
Medford or house and lot in Portland
for few unimproved acres. G, Cv Trl-
FOR EXCHANGE Lot In Medford to
exchange for good work team. W. G.
Gordan, Ashland. , 33
TO TRADE For Medfonl property. 100
acres In San Louis Valley, Colorado.
32C E. Jackson. 33
SaalntM 3PropHjr
FOR SALE OR RENT GgOfl oponlng.for
general rnorchandlso si Ore In new
town with 1G,000 monthly payroll, on
railroad, 12 miles from, Medford. Gold
Ray Realty .Co., 20l6,,W.lMnln. , . 1
FOR SALE 'OR RENT ReitAurant that
Is doing a good business. Cheap, phone
Main 6282. .
HIGHCROFT residence sites have de-
, lighted everyone' who tarns soen the
Board and Booms
FOR RENT Room with private board,
at 510 N. Riverside:
Ifir&lshea Booms
FOR RENT -Furnished room with al
cove, phono Main 6CS2 or call 404 West
Socbnd street.
r "
FOR RENL-Ono furnished room with
hath "SO N. Ivv. . 1
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room,
lady preferred. Apply 230 North Cen
trul avenue. 35
FOR RENT Pleasant attractive rooms
by the day or week at 128 S. Holly,
near city park. 33
FOR RENT At the Cottage, modok-n
furnished rooms. Rooms equipped
with private telephone servlco, hot and
cold running water, sleeping porches,
bath, accommodations and heat If de
sired. 604 W. Tenth st Phone call
private oxenapgo 141.
FOR RENT Furnished eleoplng roem:
everything new nnd cloan; reasonable
price; easy walk from Main st Only
men need apply, Olcsoa and W. Ham
ilton Bts. Phone Main 4474.
FOR RENT Elogantly furnished roorna.
steam heat, hot and cold water, bathe,
electric lights, nowly furnished, sin
glo rooms or en suite, by tho day
week or month. .Inquire room 103
Electrjo bldg, 218 W. Main at
FOR RENT Furnished rooms for trans
lonts. No. 10 N, Grapo st, next to Far
mer's & Fruitgrowers bank. ,,
Housekeeping Booais
FOR RENT Furnished house keeping
rooms, 143 Nprth Grape street. 35
FOR RENT Furnished light "hdusekeep
Ing rooms at 23 Roosevelt avo. Phone
3841. 38
FOR RENT Two furnished housekeep
ing rooms, $16.00, modern. 730 West
Jlth. , ,33
FOR RENT A small 3-room house,
irnrtly furnished; balnpcu of furnUuro
for, salt .cheap, ' Address P. O, Box.
CO. 35
FOR RENT 3 room furnished buriga.
low,, Imiulro 527 outh Holy. , , ,
FOR RENT Modem 6 room bungalow
with (bath; screen, porch. 510 Liberty
street; just.ojf N,ort)JviflverIde, 3C
FOR RENT 5-room house and bam on
N, Riverside. Phon.e 74.
FOR TlENT Five-room houso nowly pa-
pered throughout, ono block from city
park. City water in yard and toilet
i'tione Main 3t0J.
FOR RENT Newly finished 8-room
house., with all-modern Improvements,
corner of Columbus and West Second.
Phone suburban 4681, W. J, Hartz
II. . , j36
Bastaess Booms
FOR RENT Business building corner
Eighth and Central avenue, suitable
for garaga or other purposes. See U
Klum, 210 East Main.
FOR RENT Twp business rooms In the
new Odd Fellows building pa W. Sixth
st,. Inquire Jackson County bank, cash
kl M'
FOR RENT Business room on W. Main
st, 24x140, suitable for restaurant or
Millard room or other buulneas, steam
heat Oold Ray Realty Co., 216 W.
Main st j
OftleM for t
FOrt RENT OVeb the postofflco with'
heat and light See A, A Davis.
FOR RENT Office rooms In Electric
bldg-, modern equipment, ateam.iheatt
eleotrlo light, .baths, toilet, hot. and
cold water. Oold Ray Roalty Co.,216
W. Main t. , ,
FOR RET Fal-ma from" 40 acre to
400 acres, alfalfa, land, fruit ,xanohes,
garden land, general farming ranches.
Qold ay Itoatty Co., iq W. 10ln, t
FOK" RENT Cheap, ten ncfres Hinch
fqur hundred .yards' city limits' good
house-and. barn; gasoline engine, pump
ing plant and good woll for Irriga
tion; forty peach trees in bearing and
Bovqral kind of, berries. S29 West 11th
street, 33
FOR LEASE--PiBhlhg, boating nnd hunt-
,. Jng resort on. eajsy terms. Box 3
Mali" Tribune,
FOR llENT Garden land In tracts
of from one aero upwards, with
water for Irrigation. Owner will
furnish team and Implements for cul
tivating and seed for shnro of crop,
Inquire of Duffum, Roguo River Elec
tric Co., 210 W. Malnt.
FOR SALE S and i0 aero tracts just
within and adjoining city limits, at a
bargain, on 6 annual payments. Ad
dress Condor Water & Power Co.
FOR SALE Best buy In Jackson coun
v,ty. 24 acres, Improved, fl50; near
Eaglo Point, Or. GC
HiailCROFT residence sites havo the
mostfluporb view of tho city, valley
and mountains.
FOR SALE Two Idts, close in on Third
nnd Apple streets; cast front C. E.
Klrlc, Box 28S. 39
FOR SALE One or two of tho finest
vacant lots on Ross Court, laying two
feet above sidewalk; sewer and wntei
connectldn made and extended to In
sldo lino of sidewalk. Address A. V.
Carlson, Route 1, Box A-72, Central
rolnt 50
Baslnesa Property
FOR SALE Choice business property
at a bargain, on long tlrno; easy terms.
Address Cop dor Water 4 Power Co,
FOR BALE Fine south front lot on W
Tenth street, on pavement, with water
and sewer paid. See ownor at 616, W,
11th st. 33
FOR SALE Ono of tho best suburban
business propositions In Medford;
stock lneal estato Included. Price
right. Wrlto Owner, Address Box
4, care Malt Tribune' office. 38
FOR HALE A 9-room houso In good lo
cation on paved street. Inquire. Own
er, 504 South. Holly f
.. 3T
FO't SALE A brand iiow Woom bun
galow, dloso In on N. Holly, Flrc
placo paneled walls, etc. Prico 13600
on easy terms. Tumy, 201 Garnett
Corey bldg.- 33"
FOR SALE Just 1500 gives you posses
sion of a six-room all modern homo
on Ross Court. Balance on easy pay
ments. Tumy, 201 GarnuttTCorcy
bdg. 15
FOR SALE $1600 buys a 4-rootn cot
tage onva lot,0x28fi, close Jn. Terms
IS0O cash nnd $.10 permonth. Tumy,
201 Gannett-COrey bldg. 36
FOR RENT Modern 6 room bungalow
with bath, screen porch. 616 Liberty
street; Just off North Riverside. 30
FOR I'ALE A bargain. T-room houso
and 2 lots or house and 1 lot. Address
Box 737, Medford. 43
FOR HALE Six room houBO and bam
on lot 53x124 on Palm street, west of
Olson, water and sower mains soon;
prico SlfiOO tern'Hi adjoining lot avail
able. ' Ji E. Wolter, 731 West Second
stfeett ! 36
FOR SALE Good 4-room houso, good
Shed, lot 60x112, city water, largo gar
den, only $950.00. 737 W. l,Uh st, 7
blocks south Washington acljool. 42
FOR SALE Jackson county lands In
Rogue riyer valley, Oregon, by the
Jackson County Realty company, II. M.
Coss, manager. Office In Garnett-
Corey building, room 217. Farm lands,
garden . lands, fruit lands, stock
ranches, largo and small .tracts of.lm
proved and unimproved lands. Oflce
phone 6691; residence 141.
Seal Batata.
FOR SALE 10 acreH of froo soil, raw
land Just lf miles from Central Point
pn rna.ln county road fpr 4100 per, ucre
on terms of Just one-third cash. Tho
best buy on thu market today. E. S.
Tumy, 201 Garnett-Corey bldg. SfO
land free; Carey Act Irrigation; on
the two now railroads; land absolutely
level; very, mellow fr$e front atone;
surrounded by government forest re
serves, stnto co-operative water right
developed, $36,00 per acre; terms ten
yearn. Investigate fully and occuro
privilege of entry from a. Loudon Par
ley, Nash hotel, Medford. 36
FOR 8 ALT' 80 acres, Hair, mllo from
Eagle; Point, about 40 acres under cul
tivation; sticky boll, very easy terms;
per acre, $3.76. W. T. York A Co.
FOR SALE 8 ',-4 acres fruit and poultry
ranch, 200 head of poultry, team and
tqols go with place If desired; west of
H. Oakdaje ave, See owner on place.
FOR SALE For $16,000, half cash, fin
est 16 acre Improved homo lit nortji
west, In the beautiful city of Ashland,
No trades, no agents, Address Box 91,
Ashland, Orogon. 37
HIGHCROFT residence sites are offered
at' present prec for a short, , time
FOR SALE A burguln In u bearing or-
, chard on Aahlund road, only two miles
from Medford; best of soil; 3000 boxes
of apples and pears last year. Address
Owner, Box 616, Medford. 33
Mai Sitats
70 acres vgrjr best.,of land, llji miles
from cty limits, mostly In elfnfa.
TIiIh and Is adapted for fruit nnd
trucking of nit kinds. Wutor, can ,be
had In 15 to 25 feet In abundance.
Good 2 story house, barn and outbuild
lngs. County road on 2 sides. Price
$360 per acre, terms. 0 perccnt.
25 acres near Griffin Creek school, 3
miles fwm Medford. Very best of
freo soil, good for all purposes, would
mako fine truck land. JEart of the
land Is In alfalfa, all level nnd In
cultivation. Nothing hotter In thn val
ley Price $400 per acre; 1-2 cash nnd
$1000 yearly nt 6 per cent
6 1H acres 1-2 mile from city limits In
par nnd apples 2 years old. This Is
cjiolco lnnd good for gardening; water
close to surface. Prlco $4000. 1-2 cash,
easy terms.
26 acres good foothill land, 21 In cul
tivation, 6 acres are In bearing pears,
lji acres hay, 6 acres timber. This tract
is only 3 miles from Medford. A
bargain ut $8000. Ternnt $3000, bal
ance 6 years, 6 per cent.
44 ncreB best of land In tho very choic
est part of thn valley. Above frost
line. 12 actvs Newtown apples, 8 years
old; 4 dorcH (tears 16 years old; 18
acres pears 2 to 3 years old. Good
house, burn and out buildings. Fine
wuter, can Irrigate, riaco In In fine
condition. Located near foothills,
beautiful view. Prlco $20,000, easy
terms.- "Will sell 18 acres penrs.
40 acr tracts close to Rogue River on
mntn county road, near tho Motion
Orchard; mostly In cultivation. Near
ly all of tho tracts nro tho vt'ry best
of grain and fruit soil; soma good al
falfa land. Ypur chotco of theso tracts
,atilQQ pervaqres, Very eany. terms. J
12 1-2 acres fine land 2 1-2 miles rrom
Centrnl Point; 1-3 ready to plow, bal
ance light clearing required: close to
station. You take no chances on this.
A. beautiful placo for ti home. $176
per acre. Easy terms.
40 'acres choice foothill landl'decp rich
soil, east slope. A small portion In
cultivation. A fine plnco to live and
no better fruit land In tho valley.
Price $150 per acre, easy terms. Will
sell In 2 parts.
A splendid bargain In n 20 acres tract
one mllo from Central Point Positi
vely no better garden land nnywhon.
Water for Irrigating can bn had 10
to 15 feet. Adjoining land $400 to $500
per ncre. This can bo bought at $275
per acre cash. ItB tho cheapest buy
In the valley. Will sell one hnlf of
the place.
284 acres all good land; 100 acres In cul
tivation; mostly deep red soil, part
of It good for alfalfa. Good buildings,
2 miles from town. Will subdivide
nicely. Prlco $82 per acre. Easy
16 acres fine soli ono mile from Central
Point Will grow anything, Prlco
$300 per acre. Investigate this at
3 forty aero tracts only 2 miles from
Central Point; all In cultivation; good
Improvements on each. '-Largo portion
of each tract In orchard; trees 3 to 7
years old. $400, $500, $650 per acre.
Will sell any portion of each, prlco de
pending on portion selected, Flno soil.
23 aorM choice land all In cultl.vatlQn;
' under Irrigation. ThlslH-Juttho land
for gardening; will produco nnythlng
in vegetables; splendid market, only
1 mile from tho city limits. Price $260
per acres. Terms.
Large new 6 room modern bungalow
with all conveniences; vory largo lot,
close In on paved street. Compare this
with any similar houso. Prlco $3200.
Largo lot on Main street, South Front.
74x140, $1600.
6 room houoo East Front, $1200.
Modern 7, room 1ioum $2500, Terms.
Lnfgo new house In East Medford, heat
ing Plant, Eust front, paved .street,
$5,600. ,
Lot 60x206 East Front, one block from
paving, water, sldewa'k, $376 cash,
Largo 7 room house, up to dute, hard
wood floors, East Front, close In,
paving ,pald In fuil, fine lawn. This
In' worth Investigating. $5,300,
3. W. SBSS8&SB, Agency,
31 Korth Xlr Street.
33 Mall-Trlbuno Building.
FO"l t HA LE Remington typowrltor,
household furniture. Inqulro ut 625
West To ith street. 38
FOR SALE Flno plants, early cabbage,
totnutocs, poppers, transplanted. C,
Carey, Talent, Oro phone 7107.
FOR SALI Riding cultivator oheap.
Enquire 1021 W. 10th. 38
FOR SALE Smull team or horses,
doubly set of hariu-SH nnd now de
livery wagon. Price $280. Inquire Oak
dule Cash Grocery, Oukdalo and 11th
strcot 36
FOR SALE CHEAP Gentle driving
horso, good to work on ranch; slnglo
buggy and harness. 829 West 11th. 33
FOR BALI One runabout automobile;
new tires, engine Just overhauled;
everything In first class condition.
Can be bought almost for prlco of
tires. Inqulro pf Powel Auto Co.
FOR SALE Corn for salt, at Vilas
ranch. 33
FOR BALI! Young cow, kind and gen
tlo, giving milk; 'price, $50. For fur
ther particulars address C, It Pldgeon,
Jacksonville, Qr, J9
FOR SALi: Sldu board, china cablnot,
book case and hall tree, all In good
sliapo. 617 North Realty street. 34
FOR HALE Oood heavy team of horses
eight years old, at a bargain. Inquire
pf W. T, York Co.
HIGHCROFT residence sites aro des
tined to double and trcblo in value, '
FOR HALE Furniture for five room
house. Parties leaving town. Call 631
West Hamilton. Phono 261. 33'
FOR SALE Hay. Ihavo grain and al
falfa baled. Seo A. A. Davlsr
FOR HALE Corn. Inquire Dr. Clancy's
office, Phlpps bldg., or phone Main
FOR SALI Fine plants, curly cabbage,
tomatoes, peppers transplanted, C
Carey, Phoenix. Phono Fanners 7 ICl.
FOR SALE Steel and wood oil barrels,
Valley Auto Co.
FOR KALE Smith and
cheap ssh or terms.
Central J'olnt, Or,
Barnes piano
A, E. Strong,
FOB SALE Our piillots from trap
nested stock lay at five months old.
How rmtch are they worth moro than
common, stock that commence laying
at tph rnonthsT, Whlto Leghorn baby'
chicks $2.00 per White Orp
ington baby chicks $11,00 per dozen.
Also Cycle hatcher for sale. Mrs. E.
R Oman, Jacksonville. Or. 38'
FOR SALE The Star mines and mill,
completely equipped for water power;
n)so ono Scotch marine boiler, nearly
new; avallabto wntor right nnd mill
site aro to ba sold. Prefer soiling all
together. Call on or address K. B.
Hawkins, Applegnte, Or. 42
FOR SALE 1 houso tent, 12 by 16,
nearly now, also 1 cook stove slightly
used. Call 1216 North Central street
i ii i i i i i iii - i - -
FOR SALE Ideal gnsollno engine, S
hprsepowcr; ndw last fall., Also a
3000. gallon galvaplccd Iron water
tank.- Box 616 Medford. 33
FOR SALE Collection of flno oil paint
ings; lessons If desired. Huvo exhib
ited In Young and O'Brien's galleries
in Chicago. Mrs. W. B. McAllister, 22
Cottage street
WANTED To' purohaso Interest In pay
ing business with good future, About
a thousand cash down, Experienced
office and out door man. Address A.
P. Mall Tribune., 36
WANTED Lao, curtains to launtlen
, ait W. Jackson at 88
WANTED Orders takon at Wilson's
second hand storo for hauling sand and,
gravel. Phono Bell T. 3161; Home
65 I. 43
W'ANTKD Mandolin, violin and guitar
lessons glveh nt tho house. Graduate
tjf lending European conservatory. For
terms, apply, to a. C. Beach, The
Palms, Medfonl, Orogon. Phpno Main
WANTED To buy a largo trunk In good
Condition. AddroBH Dux X2, care Mall
Trlbuno otflco. 33
WANTED Second hand pipe, 1 1-2, 2
and 2 12 Inch. Address 2 P care Mnll
yrlbune office. 36
WANTED Clean-up rags nt Mall Trlh
iihn job department
WANTED Oood pasture for horses nnd
battle, 3 1-2 miles south Ashland. W.
a Gordon, phono 5014. 44
WANTED A medicine that can cum ft
lame arm and sjiotllder by Ed Dltodt
CHRIS1, MOORE Landscape gardner,
lawns and grounds taken caro of., Ad
drcBH li56 West Elg')th strcot 66
WANTED I do housekeeping by tho day
or hour or woek. Phono M 3361. 227 E
Jvy sf, Japnnose M, Harry. 42
Help-' Wanted Male
t WANTED Salesmen to soil our lino of
superior nursery stock. Can glvo you
choice of territory. Cash paid weekly
and outfit furnished, Pnolflo Nursery
Company, 308 Corbett building, Port
land, On. 68
SALESMEN WANTED Successful book
men with good records and refuronces
to handlu tho most oxtenslvo lltw of
publications that Is sold. High-class
men of good personal appearance and
address will find It to their advantage
to Investigate pur proposition. Wcjte
Immediately and wo will arrange for
a pursonal Interview with onu of our
representatives who will bo In your
city In tho near future. American
Trustop & Receiving, Co., 209 8t6to
strcot, Chicago. 33
WANTED Young man for salesman,
with largo corporation; experience un
necessary; must be acquainted In city
or country; small Investment required,
good future for worker. Call for J
ft Thompson, Hotol Moore, Saturday
und Sunday. . 33
WANTED Salesmen In every locality of
tie northwest; money ndvancod wook
ly; many makp over $1000 month;
choice of torrtqry. Yakima Valley
Nursery Co., Toponlsh, Wnnh.
Xelp Wanted female
WANTED Competent housekeeper for
family of three. P. O. box 257.
WANTED A competent stenographer
Apply u office pf Big Pines Lumber
Co. , ,
WANTED Woman for general house
work, ono who can cook. Wages $30
per month. Apply Duffum, Roguo
RIVer Electric Co.. 210 W. Main.
W A NTED An experienced girl or wo
man for genernl housework. No, 8
Lnu,ro) street, phono 1071.' 35
APPRENTICE lady wanted at Gregory's.
WANTED Young lady bookkeeper, one
that has experience and Is rapid, must
furnish, references, Answer in pwn
hand writing, given tlmo and placos
of previous I'mploymont Address K.
T. caro Mall Trlbuno offlco.
WANTED Young lady for general
housework. Best wages. Inquire Duf
fum,, Rogue River Elootrlo Co., 216 W.
Main st
WANTED Girl for gcnornl houso work.
Apply ut 618 West Main stroet
WANTD Lady to tlo pressing and re
infrlnit, must havo some experience.
Iau'.oilimi Pyo Works, 33
HIGHCROFT rcsldenc' sites will be
known as tho real "Nob Hill" of Med
TITLE CO., INC , Jacksonville Phones
Pacific, Main 11. Home 2006.
D R. WOOD Genoral uocountant Your
booka audited and kept for a reasonable
figure; your business sollolted. Office
Phlpps bldg., room 209. Phone 3132.
JOHNS & TURNER, Architects and
Builders. Office, 7-8, 825 .Main: phons
Main 3471. 'Residence phonev744.
Assaycr aq Aaalyst.
EARL V. INGHSLS, B, a Beit equipped
assay oflce in Oregon; food products,
soils, fertilizers, spray products, water
ejo., analyzed. Grants Pass.
L. Reamfcs. Lawyers. Office Medford
National Bank building, second floor.
Attorneys-at-law, Nos. 1 nnd 2 Post
ofrico building.
A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Gnrnett-Corey
. unit LSUIIUlIIKa
B. F. MULKEY Lawyer. Room 30 Jack-
pwn .v., iimm pi ii k.
Billiard Parlors.
a T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Cigars
tun Soft Brinks. Up stairs. Young &
Hall building. A nice, cool placo to
spend the hot afternoons
BUI Posters.
VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and DIs
Uibu,or:. A.n orders promptly filled.
Room 29, Jackson County Bank build
ing, Medford, Oregon.
Cigars aad Tobacco.
IRELAND & ANTLE. Smokehouse
Dealers In tobacco, cigars, and smok-
II2?u,Pillc,B- E5?lu."lv. aBnt ' Lewis
Single Binder, El Merlto and El Palon
cla, 218 West Main Street.
Civil Bnglaeers.
SiV.TiV,',,yor"- Pce'my: Platting, subi
dividing and municipal engineering.
Phone 4081 Room 408 Garnott-Coroy
bldg., Medford, Oregon.
Contractors aad Baildsrs.
SPBAOUE BROa Contractors and
bu ldprs; lot us holp to finance the
building of your home. 214 Fruitgrow
ers Bank bldg.
IL F. WILSON & CO., dealers in new
and second-hand furnltura and hard
Ware. Agents for Household Btoves
Mn'Wj,1-;8- A8 8oui'!. I'l'r'Btreet Phone
Main 3161. Home 266-L.
lJf I,,OrnitureVo1iks-co?'-
xf'il.? " HMy streets. Medford.
Mission furniture mndo to order. Cnb-
Ln.?it...wo,rk ot aU klnds- A trial order
MTSITOOVf & WOLFF Cookstoves nnd
iS2cr, .,N.0W,nnd second hand furnl
ture. Eads old stand, 18 Fir street.
ford. ' Home 283"K. Mol-
rantts Works.
Main strcot, manufacturers and deal
ers In monumental and building gran
ite, crushed granite, common brick and
pressed brick, coarso and fine washed
rivor sand.
MEDFORD URlCK CO. Geo. W. Prldd,
O. D. Nagle. Geo. T. O'Brien Contract
tors and mnnufaoturors of brick; deal-
era In pressed briok and llmo. Office
in uarneti-uorey block, room 209. 2d
floor. Phona No. 3181.
Xisndicape (gardener.
J4IE.,li'' BI3LTZ, Landscape Gardener.
Betwepn Riverside nvenuo and Roatty
street; Medford, Or. Satisfaction
, guaranteed. Call Main 3812
SrttiFv n 1 1 m
bulfdlng punf:ic--00'n 2" PhlpTa
HELEN N. YOCKEY, Notary public.
Bring your work to mo nt tho sign of
Tho Mall Tribune.
Tents and Awnings.
makorH of now, repairers of old. Both
Phones 405 S. Oakdale.
Knrserlesl u
i,r6'!d Plants, shrubbory bulbs. 923
II. Main. Phono 3741.
budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not
irrigated. Wo guarantee everything put
?,-'.'. Wo nr,i.not ln 'rust H. B.
PAttorson, offlco removed to 116 E.
"Vt-A0-1.1 -"Y,15" Valley nUrsery
CO., Inc. arowors of high grado nur
V&mvtot ff,C 2S W' Ma,n- TeIfl'
Physicians and Burgeons
Phvitlnlnn n.1 C3 !.....
Offlco 216 E. Main at, over Has-
kins' drug storo,
Phone Main 1001.
and surgeons, TAylor and Phlpps bldg..
rooniH 210-211-212. Offlco phono 601
rosldenco phono 012. Office houra 9 a.
. hi. to 8 p. m,
ka!,U'i.'V" 0"oP'lilo physlclana.
Moved to rooms 416 und 417 Gurnott
Curey bldg. Phono Mnln 6361.
DR. E. II. I'ORTEItDlseases of ' wo"
Kon. ? "Poo'ilty Booms. 6, 6, 7. 8. St
ofSE? ?M?' 4,B!,.,0". Oegon; phones,
Offlco 49bl, residence 4951;
tfef fAlfTiIB4Ii? . .W 1?KANE Dentist
Offlco in Blalto bldg., 133 E. Main.
Has udmlnlstered for extraction of
nhn-J1. iiT,elu"llono Ma" 081. Night
D1A,ilKAl,lNM'U,''8l0,a ana surgeoTT.
?,f,flS? anrnott-Coroy bldg., roon s
211-212, phono 6601 Residence 113
Laurel st., phono 2092.
DIiVmV,Y!,TIB..a OCKWOOD-Ipra'cllce
limited to diseases of women. Offloe
Ilasklns bldg. I'hono Mnln 1001.
D,r' VC M Van Scoyoo; '
Dr. C. C Van Scoyoo,
.. Dentists.
Gnrnett-Corey bldg., suite 318, Medford.
. Oregon. Both Phones!
Ul.-Jn J KMMBrtsl-ruoUCB llmltodlo
ntrtf? ?,Vnet?yti'.e?r' loao nna throat
Office 216 E. Main street
tice limited to eye, ear, nose and
throat Office: Sulto 318 aarnett
Coroy building. Both phones.
Chinese Medicines.
CHOW YOUNO'S ChlnTso medicines will
cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, goit
ers, throat and lung trouble, deafiwss,
Paralysis, prlvato diseases nnd all
kinds of chronlo nnd nervous ailments.
Stomach trouble, constipation, indiges
tion, womb and-bladder troubles. Sea
mu nt 241 B. Front St., Medford. Ore.
Printers and Xubllshers.
MEDFORD PRINTINO CO.. has tho boat
equipped Job offlco In Southern Oro.
gon; book binding; loose leaf systems:
Sl,,t,pai,pu.etof 0,c 1'ortland prices.
27 North Fir street
M. nllANVA w i.riTT, i,ii.
Stenographic work done quickly and
rapher Huntley. Kramer's office,
Phone Main 3491. 15 N. Central ave
nuo. Medford, Or. . 38
SIGNS will help build up your buil
ness. Phono 802. 18 Riverside avonue.
Steam Keating.
PONTINO& RENZ Steam and hot wa
ter heating, dry kiln and power work.
SntUfuollon guaranteed, Estlhiates
given. Phones; I'aoiflo 4601. Home
124-L. residence Puolflc 4462. Box 431,
37 South Cwitrul 'avenue, Medford.
Sawing Machines.
Iqeal representative for "Singer" and
"Wheeler & Wilson" sewing niachlnua.
Phone 6043, Machines for sale or reat