PAGE SIX MEDFORD MAID TRIBUNE; MTliii)FORDC5R!!lG6Nv;-UNDAYrAPRII 301911." rwm -f V . -i'T ftf TC-i &Y RTt v-if, j -. s.'r- 145,000,000 FOB SMGE USED J ., GOTHAM SCHOOLS In Order to Meet the Demands of 90,- 000 School Children in New York . JPIans Are Made for Expenditure of Huge Sum of Money. FRIDAY NGH I DRESSED IN TRIBUNES PEOPLE WITH MILLION WINS EIRST PRIZE f NEW TONIC, April 29.- To nicct tlio needs of Now York's public hcIiooIb find to Rlvo a whole day of Hcboollnic to 80, OOO pupllR who nro now on Imlf time, the city pinna to upend Approximately J4S.000 000 In the next five years. The sum has been nsked for by tbo IwnrU of cducntlon and such nn ImprcmUvo nrray of rtrRumentu nro presented In sup port of the request Hint there Is little doubt that tho city will mnko the cnor mnuH npproprlntloii. Tlio tenatlvo proKram for spcndlnK the expected appropriation Involves; thirty-six school sites, thirty additions to elementnry schools, slxty-nlno now bulldlnKs for elementnry schools, a now training school for toacliors, snvoh nd dltlonn to IiIkIi schools, four now liltfh school bulldlnKs and one supply deposi tory. Theso Improvement) Will mean a net Increase of 1JC.367 slttlnss for pup ils, tho BtvlrfR of a whole school dny td 90,000 pupils' now on Imlf tlmo nnd tho abandonment of twenty-seven old and unsanitary building School officials dcclnro that this sum represents tho least amount that would rnnblo tho city to hnvo nn efficient school plant. Tlireo tlini'M this amount could bo economically and tiffcctlvgly spent, they declare, Oito reason why tho school system is nlways cramped for sites nnd buildings Is that it Im Impos sible to get funds sufficiently far abend to purchuso cites economically. Tho pibposed expenditure will rIvq relief to thrcu fourths of tlfn scliool dis tricts In tho most coiieslpr pnrts of Manhattan, tho llronx and Ilrooklyn, No provision lias been mado except for the most crowded parts of theso districts nnd no provision whatever for ono fourth of tbo districts, In Hqmo of which congested conditions nro rapidly urlH- Inc. C , 1 Vaccinating Vangru. BHATTIiK, April 29. Vaccination of pnnsenKors for nil Alaskan ports will bo donu by kovci iiiinint physicians only In cases wboro tho mark of no previous scratchlnk reinaliiH or iixposuni to small pox has bceir within tho Inst twii weeks. Cold Spell Comes and Orchardjsts Are Kept Very Busy Firing Pots No damage is Reported Through out the Valley. Orcliurdlsls were forced to smudge and fire vljjorously Friday iilKlit when n heavy frost settled In tho valley No damago Is thought to have been ilono, lion over, as the lowest temporuturo re corded In the valley was 2(1 degrees, and professor O'Gnrn'a Instruments regis tered 27V4 degrees. Tho hillside or chards hud n minimum temperature of 32 degrees. There was considerable anx iety' during the early part of the night anil ovcry available person was hurtled to tho orchards In caso tho cold spell should be unusually heavy. SWEDEN IS LAND OF CHEAP 'PHONES City Property 4 room plastered housv, near Jackson Houlovard, soil $G0Q equity for 1123, balance In easy monthly payments. 7 fine vlow lots on east side, close In, cut prlcu for lick sale, A number of fine business chances. G acres all platted, well Inside limits, $C,S00, good tonus. , Lot 100x100, four blocks 1. O., $2650; anup. TRADE 2000 equity I" 10 mom horse, completely furnished, 1 1-3 acres hind, trade for acreage. lo room furnished house, t 1-3 acres, flno soil, trade equity 26U0 for chick en ranch 10 acres finely situated, 8 acres in pears, fino garden, chicken Iiouicm, good house, trado for bungalow. 80 acres flnu hog nnd alfalfa ranch, nil cultlMited, good buildings, tlireo horses three cows, all tools, trade for ucro ugc or city propel ty. Income property up to $176,000, for good body of timber. ICO acres black loiun Moll, flue hog and Imy ranch, trado for acreage or city property. 10 acres near Han Jose , Cnl , good In come, all In cultivation; take city city property or acreage Itcsldoiicn property, income 11800, for orchard with good Imprevements: New modern bungalows tuko acreage or vacant lots up to 11000. A flno rontal property, nil clear; pays iO per cent on ISO, 000 J trado for un improved tract. Now bungalow for chicken and truck much, not oer two miles from Hertford lli;UUN, April 29,Hwcdeii Is, nbuvo uVorythlug, tho land of cheap telephones nnd thuro- aro more of them, In pro portion to the population, than In ahy other country of tho world. Ktockholm with 400,000 Inhabitants has no less tlinn. 7fi,000 thelephono subscribers, and the competition In the capital between the stntii telephones and thoso owned 'by a private voiripany has produced remarkab ly cherip rhtcs. Home yearn ago, tho prlvato company Introdueed an annual subscription of fU.OO Which enabled the subscriber to Indulge In CdO calls. The statu lesponded by Intioduelug un annual subset Iptloti of JS.GO and now tho private company has gouo ono better by charging a mini mum of $6.00 per annum for 600 calls. Over and above this number, 'tlio sub seilbor pays approximately one-fifth of n cent for each additional call. In most o ftho provincial towns or Sweden, the annual subset Iptlou for a telephone averages $16.00. Long dis tance telephone eon vui nations In Hwtil en urn also remarkably cheap, being nt the rate of uppio.lmntcly .1 cents for 00 miles, wlille the longer distances aro stilt cheaper at the into of 2ft cents for n distance of COO miles. All sorts of concessions nio made to Inhabitants of remote districts who desired to bo con nected with tne outside wot Id by tele phone wire and there Is" hardly u vil lage even In the more distant p.uts of Sweden, without a telephone. Notwlthstnnd tlio cheap prices, the statu telephones product an annual pi of. It of npptoxlmately $1,2150.000 which Is Cfiulvnlout to a 10 per cent, dividend on the Invested capital. Look; for tl)9 ad thai' tolls' you who wants to find the Job you burs to offer. Haskjns for Health. t RANCHES 320 acies hog ami ranch. 7fi acres In cultivation, G miles to It. It. Station. $2000 snap. 8 acres black free n6ll, close to town, $225 per ncre, tonus 20 acres orchard, NewtowiiM and llur tletts, rich black soil finely situated. $250 per acie, terms. 160 acres timber, cruise C.000,000; well located, $3600. 240 acres fine stock ranch, under Irriga tion, $0080. 30 acres, 1-2 mile town, now buildings, 10 acre In orchard, balance fine al falfa, $500 ucres, easy terms. 20 act oa, ileW bungalow, close to town, flno pear and apple orchard, cut price for quick sale, Mry good terms. rino liomrstoud, C miles from Medford, $1000. 160 acres, flno alfalfu und stock ranch, omplo water. $76 par acre, 20 acres fruit anil alfalfa; plco home; trado for Medford property or acre- 30 acres, 33 young pears, all cultivated good Improvements, pumping plant closo to town, easy terms, prlco low 28 acres, 7 acres orchurd, balunce In al falfa, prlco und terms right. 26 acres, It acies pear, balanco alfalfa bul'dlngs, less than $400 per acre. 40 acres, part In orchard, good build , lng6, C inllcH from Medford, f 135 per acre, ' 2K acres, unod house, born. 8 ncros or chard, grapes, berries, licit soil close to Mftdfordj $2500 will handle this. FOR SALE OITY PROPERTY Homes any part of city Lots wholesale and retail MOOREHNI CO. 212 "Fruitirrowevs Bank Bldg Removal i Notice L. N. JUD1) linn romovod to Main gtreot, opposite) Talunt, llotol. Now is your tlmo to conto ami purchase n good alfalfa or fruit farm or u com morclal orchard antl sccurn n flno homo. Ho lain traclH or 1, 10, 15, 30, 10, 80, 160 and 280 acroH of land for Half, Improvod nnd iiomo iinlni proved, busldoH city rosliloncva. April 11, 1911. X..' W. JUDD, TAfcEH. ORECIOM. TAKE UP A CLAIM , Every citizen, man or woman Tins a tlmbor and etono rlKht of 160 acres,! prlco to tlio government 12.50 por acre. No cultivation, rouldonco or improvomont required, 1 havo about twouty-flvo claims to locate, boo rue and liavo a talk, this laud U worth $20,00 par ncro. Call or write. , A. 11. HA LINO, ltooin lit Jackson County llnuk HulltlliiK. 318 To the Public T WANTED dlrU for general housework. City and ranch property to lltt. Veman cook, I'erUr. Wo wIbIi to call tho attention of proBpocttvo buyers to tho fact i that wo hnvu boon In tho county ovor 40 years and aro pruparod I to ohow somo of tho choicest tract In tho valley, Costa noth ing to look at our list oi bargains, Li L nl Ti BITTNER - fhlPDs lulldlmi McDonough, l& Demmer lUMIi KS1ATK ANI INHVHANCK HOOM II, BTKWAUT IILDO. Comer Main and llmtlett Sts, , Miss Daniels won the prlro for the most original ladles' costumo nnd Wil liam Hasklns tliat for tlio gentlemen In tlio masked skating carnival held Friday ovenlng at tlio Nntatnrluin. Sllss Dan lefs dressed In a gown made 6f ".Mall Tribunes" wns easily the greatest nov elty on the floor nnd Mr Hasklns made n hit in his sailor costumo with un alarm clock hung about his neck. I'Vankle Edwards acted as Judge. A number of fine costumes were exhib ited, some showing great care In their preparation. Tho seats surrounding the ring wero nil taken and many were forced to stand The management has decided to keop tho rink going for n few weeks ns the recent cold weather prohibits, the use of the swimming pool for osmo time to coine. SLOW TO PAY DEBTS N13W YOItK, April 29. Just because a man Is wortli a million dollars Is no sign that he Is prompt 'to pay his debts. For proof of tills, ask Mlsd nieanor'I. Kellor, who had to petition In bankrupt cy tlio other day becausn her millionaire patrons wouldn't meet .their obligations on time. Miss Keller conducted u pri vate school at 37 Kast Sixty-second street, tight in tlio center of tho ultra fashionable set. Her pupils were the children bf thoso who count their monfcy in seven figures, n. great big houseful of prospective helps and heiresses. Of course, such a scliool had to bo conducted on a lavish scale and Miss Keller spent money right and left and up and down. Then After sho had spent a fortune and taitatht the millionaire kills n term, she sent out perfutned duns for the money duo her. Some of tho brokers and bankers nnd manufacturers nnd other doting fathers replied satis factorily, but moro kept "putting It off" until Miss Keller had to go the bank ruptcy route, with liabilities of $27, 892 and assets of $333,367, the latter In cluding tho school property, which Is mortgaged for $21C,000. "If I eVer run a school ngain, It will be on thb Iiast Side," declared Miss Keller ruefully. k Baltln Bay April 29th, 1911. The 'abovo date has beerr' set apart by tho pcoplo of California In Which all aro asked to Join by eating rnlslns in tbo form of "Italsln Bread," or In whatever form Is desired. Tho object of this special day Is to create a Widespread raisin sentiment that will result In a greater demand for that fruit, and to direct the 'attcn,tI6n of all good housewives to tho excollcnc of the raisin as an article of food. The good people of tho northwest aro Invited by their neighbors to participate In tho pleasant custom and "break raisin bread on April 29th. " 33 Van Dyke Realty Co, OITIT PROPERTY FARMS, FRUIT RANCHES 123 E. MAIN STREET, Removal Notice 'Sr& W.T.YORK&CO. Real FOB SALE ORCHARDS, FARMS FRUIT LAM)S Large and Small Tracts MOOR-EHNI CO. 212 Fruitgrowers Bank BlfJg FOR SALE BY OWNER Splendid 30-acre orchard and garden truck land, half mile of growing city. Has about 7 acres best varieties ot pears, 1 to 5 years old; deep, free soil. Best bargain in valley. Liberal terms. Fine building site. No brokers. Apply MAIL. TRIBUNE. a FOR SALE Estate Havfe rerrioved to tBe Mail Tribune Block, ground floor, first door north of Mail Tribune office. Adjoining tho famous Suncrcst Or chard, 2 miles from Talent, 4 1-2 miles from Ashland and which sold to Bostpn pnrtles a few days ago, for $205,000, I offer for sale 280 acres the sanio kind of soil of said Suncrcst Orchard, fruit and alfalfa soil, 1C0 acres under cultiva tion, a dwelling house, barn, water tank, etc. Tho whole 280 acres fenced. If you purchaso tho wholo 280 acres, tho prlco will bo $125 an acre. It you buy the 1G0 acrcB under cultivation It will bo $200 an aero, very cheap. Co mo to Talent and let mo show you tho place. Luman N. Judd, TAX.XXT. Also 60 acres, 2 1-2 tulles from Tal ent, ffoll vory fertile, a healthy loca tion, a soven room houso nnd outbuild ings, eta A well of pure, sparkling water, several springs; twenty acres cleared ;.a family orchard also peaches, pears, plumo, prunes, cherrlos and somo small fruit A lovely vlow of Rogue River Valloy. Prlco $8000 or $100 an aero. Come and let mo show you the place. Also 6, 10, 1G acre lots, covered with young fruit. Closo to Talent, Oregon. f vt , , M - Lumari N. v TAI.ENT, OKS. " I TALENT Real Estate FOR SALE Good buslnesa opportunities and lo cations, all paying, TEDDY'S DAMSITE Isn't In It with our LANDSITE. Por Instanco, a 1000-acre tract containing ovor 200 acrca of tho fa mous Bear crcok bottom land, In al falfa, and oxtonding to the higher land, which Is set to orchards In partj all the ldnd boing good fruit land: Somo of the land Is now In bear ing trees and may be purchased at reasonable figures, the alfalfa land with a good stand of alfalfa for $270 to $350 per aero; young orchardB, good stand, $250 per acre, and grain land at $175 per acre. This Is an "Ideal" tract for a col ony, as It would cut up Into small .or largo placos to an advantage, or may bo purchased In 10 12, 20, 40, 50 and 60-acro or any slzo trlcto. Easy terms given at low lnterost. Located thrco miles from Ashland and ono mile from Talent, Or. ' A 74-acro tract 2 miles West Tal ont, good 8-room houso and largo barn; 8 acres under ditch and In al falfa and garden land; 34 acres un der plow, and trees; 20 acres of or chard, of which 5 acres aro In bear ing; tolephono and R. F. D.; half cash, balanco good terms and easy payments. For plenty of other bargain! call or address G. A. Gardner TALENT, OREGON. IRRIGATION Why Depend Upon the Rain? IRRIGATION IS CERTAIN and you can't afford to take a chance. Rogue River Valley Canal Co. FEED N. CUMMINQS, Manager. -Offices 3d floor Medford National Bank Bldg Irrigated Orchard Tracts You can clear at least $200 per acre per annum oh inter tillage crops. Some have netted much more. See lis and let us show you how to do it. ROGUELANDS INC. FRED N. GUMMINGS, Manager. Choice South Oakdale Avenue Lot Bast front,' 100 by 175 feet; alley in rear; a num ber of largo oak trees, splendidly placed in rela tion to a house; registered title; nothing better in tho city. Will sell at a bargain for cash. Also lots in . Turtle's Thif d Addition Just opened up. Large trees on each lot. Terms. HARRY H. TUTTLE, Owner Park Avenue, Or any member of the Medford Kcalty Association. California Irrigated Lands IN SUBDIVISIONS, 20 ACRES AND UPWA11DS EASY PAYMENTS THE HOME OF ALFALFA, IDEAL CONDITIONS FOR ORANGES AND LEMONS. Write ns for Particulars. Dixon Alfalfa Land Co. DIXON, 0ALD70RNIA. Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS : Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches i al,l m;t l.J V Miu iiiu iauu. PH0NE323I. .......-. . . ...... rrrrtrrrrrtrtttrttitrtrsss . ' i 1 1 320 GARNETT-COREY BLBt. i: I Summit Addition THE CHOICE RESIDENCE DISTRICT. All improvements in. Street paved. Conicnt side walks. Sewer and city water to the lot Hue. Building restrictions. Only four blocks- to the now Jackson school. ' I' East front lots $850 West front lots ;. $725 Easy Terms. .x -tdjMadK W. T. York & Cbiiipany Selling Agents. F Y 1 is