MDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MTLDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, "APRIL 28, 1911. PAGE THREE G. K. KlilM HAD AN ACTIVE LIFE Sketch of Pioneer Who Passed Away Tuesday Was in Rogue River Val ley Before Single White Settler Had Located. Tho Valley llecord contains tliu fol lowing nccount of C. K. Khun, father or Ulttino Klum of this city, who died at Anhlund Tuesday: Mr. Klum was ono of tho earliest pio neers now living In Ori'Kon, having come ncrosa the i1uIiih from Missouri to Kodu vllle, Linn county, with Ills futher's fuinlly In tho year 1817, Upon heurliiK of tho Whitman ninxHa cre near Kort Walla Walla In 1SJ8 he walked 75 inlluH to Oregon City to Join a company of pioneer settlers wlui went to tho scene to assist In rollevlnR the disastrous situation wroiiKht by the breaking out of tho Cayuse wnr and served for a considerable, period In guarding the emigrant trains from the hostile ndlans. Ho was Joined In lite early rush con sequent upon tho discovery of gold In California and passed through llogue river valley twice beforo there was 11 single white settlement In this valley. He was n telegraph operator for tho Western Union Telegraph company In tho early part of tho line In this valley for 15 years nnd put In tho first tele phone line In Ashlnnd after thelnventlon was discovered. Ho was the first re corder of tho town at Its Incorporation and was on the school board that lo cated the old south school building. He went east In 1S81 nnd nfter a visit In Ohio returned with tho first Polled An gus calves brought to southern Oregon. Aboutthls period he moved to Talent and for nine years conducted a store at that place, after which the family moved back to Ashland. In moving from the Willamette val ley to Jackson county he sold u farm there for a few stands of bees which were the first colonies brought to this county. While engaged In mining In tho Sterling district near Jacksonville he met Miss I.uclnda Klnley and was united In marriage with her at Jackson ville, June 12, 1875. Of this union four sons and one daughter survlvo ns fol fel fol eows: Mrs. l.lyputla MoICendree of Herkeley, Cal., lllnlno Klum of Medford nnd Waldo Klum nnd Otto Klum of Ash lnnd. C. l Hlfner of Shake Is a nephuw and Mrs. Kllu Cooke of Jacksonville Ih a niece. Albert Rockefeller, aged 84, Is a cousin. He Is survived by a brother, Cleorgo Klum, two years his senior, living nt Sodavllle, where nlso resides his stepmother, and also a step brother, Henry Klum. Another Step brother, Ly man Klum, resides at Olendale. Had ho lived until September 2 he would havo been S2 years old. He was elected president of tho .Southern Ore gon IMonocr society at Its annual meeting. POULTRY ASS'N IS turn Officers Arc Elected and Splendid Start is Made Stockholders Now Range in Number About 175 Ful ly 500 Expected to Join. Tho Southern Oregon Poultry associ ation has beun launched with 175 mem bers In this county. At a recent meet ing the following persons wuro elected to their respectlvo offices In behalf of the associatien: D. M. Lowe, president; It. R Thomas, secretary; E. A. Hlldreth, treasurer; and for tho board of direc tors, l. M. Lowe, A. Holmiin, Mrs. Hen ry II. Masterly of Grunts l'ass. That the Southern Oregon Poultry as sociation Is to becomu a success Is as- Hilled by tliu way our neighboring cltlos and towns are putting their shoulders to the wheel and helping to boost the choice blrd-rulslng Industry In southern Oregon. At tho present tlmo tho enrollment of stockholders ranges around 175 and fiom tho looks of things It will reach tliu 500 mark before tho season Is closed. Somu time this fall the association will hold a poultry show where fine breeds of chickens will bo exhibited and prizes given. All who tiro Interested In this business are urged by the Southern Oregon Poultry association to bo pres ent nt tho meetings nnd by which it Is hoped they may bo benefltod. joe hammeeslt;y uesiqns rilOM GOLD HILL DANK At a meeting of the directors of tho Oolil Hill bank held at Gold Hill Thurs day ovonlng, tho resignation of Joo Ham mersley as cashier, to take effect June 1, wns accepted. Lynn W. Smith of Grants Pass was elected as his succes sor. For somotlmo Mr. Hnmmersloy's res ignation has been filed with tho direc tors who havo endeavored to Induce him to remain, but other business Interests caused him to leave tho hank. WOMEN'S TBIEND Maken Qloriou Hair That rascinntea and Attracts. Parisian Sago Is not a nostrum; It Is tho scientific preparation of ono of the world's greatest dermatologists. It will grow hulr. It will euro dan druff. It will stop fulling hair. It will muko tho scalp clean and white and free It from nny dlsense. It la tho most marvelous and offlclont hair dressing known. It will turn harsh, lustreless and uncontrollable hair Into soft, lustrous and fascinating hair In a fow days. It Is the favorite hair dress ing of thousands of Amerlcun women, who realize that no woman cun bu hand somo without beautiful hair. Largo bot tle 60 cents at Chas. Strang" on money back plan. Trlsoners Attempt Escape. CM KM ALLS, Wash., April 2S. Six prisoners mado a strlko for liberty from tho Lewis county Jail shoitly before midnight Monday. The prisoners were led by Frank Purmenter, chnrged with forgory, who with n piece of metal tnk en from the wall which held tho wator pipes In place, smashed tho Jail locks liberating five other men. Thoy then escaped through a holo which thoy had burrowed through the wull. Notice. The seed store has been moved from tho llogue Itlver Valley depot to 101 South Fir. noaun iuver vallky ni'ii- SKItY CO. TnUTII OENTEB. 132 North Ivy street, Medford, Or, A primary courso of twelve lensons In Truth will be given by Annie Sprague Smith every Thursday afternoon at 3 p. m. Teaching and divine healing by appointment. Metaphysical library, literature for sale. Subsorlptlons taken for Uenlty Power, Nautilus and other publications. Hnqulrlos received by mall will receive prompt attention. All are welcome. Love offerings. KaUin Day April 29tu, 1911. Tho above date has Uein st apart by the people of California In which nil are asked to Join by eating raUlim In the form of "Italsln Uread," or In whatever form U delrd The olJct of this special day Is to oreato a. widespread raisin sentiment that will roeult In a grater demand for that fruit and to direct the attention of all good housewives to the oxoellene of the raisin as an article or food. The good people of the northwest are Invited by their neighbors to participate In tho pUusant custom and brtuk" raisin lr id on April 59th 13 Uasklns for llealtlu STOMACH PRESCRIPTION Ask About Mi-o-na It CJlvcs Relief In Five Minutes. Chan. Strang will tell you that he guiu-antees MI-O-NA to relieve prompt ly und cure permanently all diseases of tho stomach nnd Indigestion, or money back. Havo you gas on stomach? Ono or two Ml-O-NA stomach tablets nnd tho mlsory Is ended. Are you bilious, dizzy or nervous? MI-O-NA stomach tablets will put you right In a day; give relief In 10 minutes. Now, dear reader, don't go on suffer ing with stomach trouble. He fair to youiself; throw aside prejudice and try MI-O-NA. It Is a great doctor's pre scription. No doctor ever wrote a bet ter one. And money buck from Chas. Strang If you don't say Ml-O-NA Is worth Its wvlght In gold. Sold by leading drug gists everywhere and- by Chas. Strang at 50 cents a large bov. Mrs. Mary Hutchlnglon says: "Pains and distress in my stomach and n gen oral stomach complaint was entirely cured for me by the use of two boxes of MI-O-NA stomnch tublets. 508 Pearl street, Ypsllnntl, Mich. Write Hooth's Ml-o-nn, lluffulo, N. Y., for 'freo trial samples. Mrs. John Drew Better. McLoansboro, III. "About five yenrs ago," says Mrs. John L. Prow, of this place. "I was nffllcted with pains and irregularity t'very month. I suffered continually, was woak and despondent, nnd unable to do my housowork. I took Cardul, and In ono month, I felt llko n now woman and worked hard all sum mer. I am now In perfect health, and recommend Cardul to all suffering wo men." Kvery day during tho past 50 years, Cardul has been steadily forging nhead as a result of Its proven value In .female troubles. It relieves head ache, backache, womanly misery nnd puts fresh strength into weury bodies Try It. TALENT BANK IS SOLD BY WOLTERS E. 0. Adamson, Who Came Recently From Minnesota, Buys Out Finan cial Institution in Talent and Will Conduct It in the Future. 13. O. Adamson, who came to Orogon about a mouth ago from Uelavtin, Minn., hns purchased of C. W. Wolters the con trolling Interest In the State Hank of talent. Mr. Adamson has been consid ering tho purchase for some time. From the start he was Impressed with the future of this country, but took plenty of time to confirm his first opinion, lim ing purchased the bank, he Intends to bring his family fiom Minnesota. The bank has been In existence for about two yenrs. Mr. Wolters has acted ns cashier and A. Alford as president The now officers have not yet been chosen. The Institution will soon occu py the fine, new building, which Mr Wolters started to build after the fire of, last winter. Arrangements aro being made to build an addition lit the shape of u large vault. It hnd been plnnnod to have tho vault Inside the lAilldlng as first planned, but It Is now believed that this would not give sufficient room. Tho wing of the now hank building Is to bo occupied by Heebo nnd Kinney of Ashland, who will conduct n branch store nt Talent. Army to March. SAN 1)1 KOO. Cal.. April 2S. While tho nrmy brigade nt Point Lomn Is rest ing from Its recent maneuver work nt Grossmont and vicinity, It Is momen tarily expected, a rush order to march. General Illlss steadfastly refuses to an nounce where nnd when he will order the brldnge to go. AGED PASTOR GUILTY, IS PARDONED BY HAY SKATTLW, Wash. April 28v lleforo formal sentence had been passed nnd be foro ltev. Ii H. Sutton, assistant pastor of a Presbyterian church, saw the Inside of tho penitentiary under conviction for election frauds, Governor Hay Issued a pardon. Sutton, CO yenrs old, faced a term of one to five years, lie wns pros ecuted by followers of Hlrum C. GUI, recalled as mayor, for having taken a sick woman's deposition nnd registered Tor her. Ho was technically guilty, but his record In the Union army In the civil war coupled with his church connec tions, enlisted friends In a fight to save him. Ho litis retained his pastorate, the church standing by liliu. Unsklns for Honlth. Two Days Only Special Sale of Bteeles Mastodon ramies. All in Blossom. 35 CENTS PER DOZEN TOR TWO SAYS ONLY TUESDAY AMD WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25 AND 3a J. OroadleyGCo. WOOD FOR SALE ISLOCK WOOD : IJ51 I'UR LOAD 'linno Main 2581 or lcavo orders nt MEDFORD HARDWARE COMPANY thampleve Enamel The Newest and Latest Tiling In Collar Pins, Belt Pins and Beauty Pins Martin J. Reddy THE JEWELER NEAR POST OFFICE Fine Watch and Jewelery Repairing Diamond Setting and Engraving i Size Up A Man From The Chin i Down r - 'M sP X -ii Van Dyke Realty Co. CITY PROPERTY FARMS, FRUIT RANCHES 123 E. MAIN STREET. THEY say that "the clothes do not make a man" but everybody will agree that they help a whole lot. Suppose you were mentally to cut a man off at the chin, what would the rest of him look like? What sort of a looking chap would he be? Would he look well dressed ? Would his clothes alone stand careful inspection? They would if they were "MILLER-MADE" CLOTHES. Many a man tries to make his face carry his clothes and there are mighty few clothes which can do this work. But, "Miller-Made" Clothes will do it. They'll stand up ' under the inspection we are asking you to make. RENTNERS IRRIGATION Compare the tracts that are irrigated with those that are not. Why let your land lie idle when you can get the water? Rogue River Valley Canal Co. FRED N. CUMMINGS, Manager. Offices 3d floor Medford National Bank Bldg Irrigated Orchard Tracts RAW LAND in other Proven Orchard Districts is sell ing at $400 to $600 per acre. WE deliver now a PLANTED ORCHARD for $400 per acre, and give you 5 years time to pay ROGUELANDS INC. FRED N. CUMMINGS, Manager, FOR SALE ORCHARDS, FARMS FRUIT LANDS Large and Small Tracts MOOR-EHNI CO. 212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bide FOR SALE BY OWNER Splendid 3 0-acre orchard and garden truck land, half mile of growing city. Has about 7 acres best varieties of pears, 1 to 5 years old; deep, free soil. Best bargain in valley. Liberal terms. Fine building site. No brokers. Apply MAIL TRIBUNE. FOR SALE Adjoining tho famous Suncrcst Or chard, 2 miles from Talent, -J 1-2 tnWeit from AHlilnml nnd which sold to Iloston parties a fow days njfo, for J2C5.000, I offer for sale. 280 acres tho narao kind of soil of snld HimcrcHt Orchard, fruit mid nlfnlfn noil, ICO ncrcs under cultiva tion, a dwcllliiK Iiouhc, barn, water tank, file Tho wholo 280 ncrcs fenced. If you puichnRO tho wholo 280 ncros, tho prlco will ho $125 nn acre. If you buy tho 1G0 noruH under cultivation It will bo 200 nu ncro, very cheap. Como to Talent nnd lot mo show you tho place. Luman N. Juddi TAI.ENT. Also CO ncrcs, 2 1-2 miles from Tal ent. Soil very fertile, n healthy loca tion, n sovon room house nnd outbuild Iiikb, otc. A well of puro, sparkling water, sovornl springs; twenty ncrcs cleared ;u family orchard nlso peachcB, penrs, plums, prunes, cherries nnd soma Hinall fruit A lovely view of Hoguo Itlver Vnlloy. Price, JC000 or $100 nn uoro. Como nnd let ma show you tho place. Also G, 10, Id ncro lots, covered with youui; fruit. Close to Talent, OreRon. Luman N. Judd TAX.ENT, ORE. TALENT Real Estate FOR SALE Good business opportunities and fa ctitious, nil paying. TEDDY'S DAMS1TE Isn't In it with our LANDSITE. For Instance, n 1000-acro tract containing over 200 acres of tho fa mous Bear creek bottom land, in al falfa, and extending to the higher land, which is set to orchards in part, nil tho land being good fruit land. Somo ot tho land is now In bear ing trees and may bo purchased at rensonnblo figures, tho alfalfa land with n good stand of alfalfa for $270 to $350 por aero; young orchards, good stand, $250 por acre, and grain land at $175 per aero. This is an "Ideal" tract for a col ony, as it would cut up into small or largo placos to an advantage, or may bo purchased In 10, 12, 20, 40, GO and GO-ncro or any slzo tricts. Ensy terms given at low Interost. Located thrco miles from Ashland and ono mllo from Talent, Or. A 74-ncro tract 2l& miles West Tal ent, good 3-room house and largo barn; 8 acros undor ditch and in al falfa and gardon land; 34 acres un dor plow, and trees; 20 acres of or chard, of which 5 ncrea are In bear ing; telephono and R. F. D.; half cash, balnnco good terms and easy pnymonts. For plenty ot othor bargain! call or addross G. A. Gardner TALENT, OREGON. HARRY LUY DENJ. M. COLLINS County Seat Real Estate Office Wo wish to nnnounco to prospective purchasers that wo still have bargains in farm nnd city propory to offor you, nlso timber and wood Innds. Last, but not least, a fow of tho DEST STOCK AND ALFALFA RANCHES In Southom Orogon at prices and torma that will plenBO you, Theso ranches havo an abundance- of water for Irrigation, good buildings and somo stock. Lot us "show you." Offlco in Hank of Jacksonville- Illdg., Jacksonville, Oregon. LUY (EL COLLINS FOR SALE Eighty acres of tho best land north of Roguo rlvor; 35 acres in pears; C acres in apples; 14 ncros to oats; 10 acres to potatoes; 3 1-2 acres to onions, l 1-2 ncros to boots, carrots and parsnips; 2 acres to blackborrles and raspberries and 9 acres to grass nnd ryo pasturo. This place has no buildings,, but a flno building spot, with a woll of good water, tho outlro plnco fonced with wovon wiro; has u deodod wa tor right which waters tho eutlro placo. This place Is for salo for just ono month; purchaser will got tho crop, team, farm wagon, hack, ono and two-horso walking plow, ono 4-horso disc gang plow, ono threo horso sulky plow, drags, hnrrows, otc. Terms rensonablo nnd prlco ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. Inuulro at Trlbuno offlco or ddross 1'. O. 1JOX NO. 08 JACKSON VILLE, OREGON. California Irrigated Lands IN SUISDIVIBIONS, 'JO ACItEH AND UPWARDS EASY PAYMENTS THE HOME OF ALFALFA, IDEAL CONDITIONS FOR ORANGES AND LEMONS. Write us for rnrllculiira, Dixon Alfalfa Land Go. DIXON, CALIFORNIA. ''rv Campbell & Baumbach :; MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranch and fruit land. PM0NE323I. 320 GARNETT-COREY BLDw. 'A ss.s $ Summit Addition THE CHOICE RESIDENCE DISTRICT. All improvements in. Street paved. Cemont side walks. Sewer and city water to tho lot lino. Building restrictions. Only four blocks to tho now Jackson school. East front lots $850 West front lots $725 Easy Terms. W. T. York & Company Selling Agents.