-M bkUWV w '" wn"i'" ' ' ' w '"'" " --''"'" L"' PAGE SEC TODFOTtt) MATT. TRTBOTE, MTCDrOKP, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1911. . w , a,; V s if it Scene From "The Girl From Rectors" issssviv m mi.f'Mnirti"rfrf?ziwrr"7r"-rft' f- veki ;&f"p ' 'Mr$ IsiBiBiBiBiBB II VHKUiiiluflMfaUMlU'M'n fl" ( 4r JV -fcVstf. ?V ibt -, .s - Bf - " webpw awviawt' ?: .1. ; . . ,iS7ai v it.i d st.,.... &. i'SA.v-s'v ". .r " a r.., ''y-ifJ-greaf'St....7...i: ',.srrKi iSSnu j35Kt&OT3 ?raijiss Our Correspondents CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. that ho will bo able to rewtime her school diltlf'H soon. JIIhb Voahe, w)io, has bfcen teaching on Griffin Creek Is vlsltlnir her friend Mra. Wpolerton. She will leave noon for her liomjj In the eaat. Italnh Deal and wife of Portland are vtaltlnK relf.tlvf"? here, T M. Jonea.ls on a bunlnes trip to Portland. MImb Caley of Goncatla In vlaltlnjf her sinter Mr. Kd March of this city. Attorney F. J, Newnun a Mijilforrt vvaa trnnwictliin buMlncMH horn Weilnenlay mornlru,'. 4, P. Hale. left WedncPduy mornlntr for Heattle and Taeoma on a busliienn trip. T J. Neff hat) returned trom a vlalt to ItosrburK and Kiddle. Mm. I O. Ualmey Mrs. !'. J. Moore. Mr. J. W. .Myers, Mr. and MIhh Miller, 11. Haste), Dr. I IClrcliKotHnor spent Wednesday In Medford, Olen Owens left Wednesday for Uutte "alls where ho will work In a barber shop this summer. Quite a number of our local rtebokah's ind Odd Follows attended tlm Odd Fel lows celebration at Medford WedmjBlay. Virion; who weio Mrs. J2. .. Fana, Mrs. V. 11 I'rlce, Mrs. J. F. Hay, Mrs. Will Scott, Mrs. II M Kinerson, II U Foira, J. F. Hay, non Sweeney, II II and Will Scott, Frank and 8. M. Caldwell U. Williams. Mrs. Hello Pleasants nnd Undo lien Vnrkcry (her step-father) left Wgd'ies lay evening for their now home at Voi th dam Hill. , , i EDEN PRECINCT ITEMS. Mr. and Mrs. Mardort spent Sunday as guest of George Hlglnbotham and wife Last Sunday, April, the 23 being the 75 birthday ot Mr. Noe of Gold Hill he celebrated tho day In a o.ulot way by Inviting a few relatives and friends those present were. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Darling and daughters Mr. and Mrs. Cox and Anna Hlglnbothntn and chlldlren, a must delightful time was had; all wished him many happy returns. Air. MeOeo nnd family who 'liavo been residents of thin place for some time In tend to leavo soon for Southern Cali fornia. Mr. Taylor, who has boon on the sick list for the jiast week lsj sorno better Mr. Stevens of tho Oxloy Mlno near Gold Hill vval over this way ono i recently on business. WOOD FOR SALE HLOCl: WOOD : $4 VF.ll LOAD : hone Main 2581 or Icuvo orders at MEDFORD HARDWARE COMPANY Two Days Only ; Special Sole of Steele Mastodon FAnstes. All In Blossom. 35 CENTS MS DOZEN TO TTO DAV3 OUST TOTJSDAT AHX WEDHESDAT, AFIUI. 25 AKS 20. J. Oroadley&Co. CATARKH DOCTOR Cnroi Catarrh Acuta or Money Sack. , Chronic, or EAGLE POINT EAGLETS. (Hy A. C( Ilowlott.) The ngent for the Grand Tea oompan of Moilfonl was out to look nfter the firm', custiuuers In these partH last Sat urday. W. T. York uiul family accompanied by C. T. Koisley of .Medford were out and spent, tl(o day with us lust Sunday Mlsseii Hazel and I.eona Dean of .Med ford went KiiestH at tho HunnyHlil" Sun day. Mr. and Mrs F M. Clow and chil dren ulso spent tho day with us. Samuel, Orayham and family were with us last Sunday. Mr arayhani canto out to do Home repairing on mto of tho locomotives for tho Paolflu & Hasten) and Mrs. Clrayliant ami tho chil dren took advantage, of the occasion to spend thu day atit tho Hunnystdo. Mr. llovvu of Talent and u friend of hln canio up to visit his sister who has churgu of tho Intermediate depnrtimml of our school, last Sunday Tho Central Point ball team camo over lu&t Sunday to play hall With tho Huglo Point team. They had illlto an exciting guinu and tho riKiilt waa that tho score stood 7 to It) In favor of Hagle Point, Sunday afternoon Mrs. Hd Hanlcy and her two chlldieu camo out to visit with Mih Ilowlett, In her blgr auto, return lug Iioiiiu after supper. Hon Theodoie Cameron of Jackson villi' wan In oilr town last Monday morn lug shaking hands with his o'dtiinu friends. J. yfy Urover hail np miction salo last S.itimlay and sold off about all of their personal propel ty. Tho most of the things Were sold for n good pi leu. Theie was UlU a number of jierHous 'present and among tluim County Commissioner OwetiK, I'erry l-'ostor of Upper Sams valley, Mr. Scott Davis of Medfoid and iiultu a number that I was unacquainted with. Joseph Parker, tho genial ngent for the Pacific Ac HiiHlern Hallway company of Medford was a caller at tho Sunny shin Tuesday Mr Clovo VM wards, tho engineer on tho depot locomotive, and family took a trip to Uutto Fulls last Sunday. Mr. Hd wards has been In tlut employ of tho Pa cific ltallwav company for tho last IS olflo & Hasteiii Hallway company for tho P) months and last Sunday Is the flint day he has hi en Idle during that time, woikiiuf every Sunday up to lio lani, Apt II L S. II, JIuiwNIi ,hiid a cold cut on thu bulbed wire fence last Satunlay Mib. WUllrtm Panltoy of Klamath county, (lied at tho Grants Pass hospi tal Monday nt 11 a. m. Her body was In ought here Monday night and taken to the homo of her mother Mis. Nancy Ohenchnlu. Tho Interment took place today, (Wednesdny) lit JacksonnvUlo. In addition to Mis. Pankey's husband WIN Hum Pan hey, from n distance were Mol Ohunnchnln, San Francisco and Silas Ohenchalu, Klamath Fulls, I.arence Caldwell visited relatives and f i lends heiu Tuesday. A. W, Mooia Fred .Fund, and Georico Fox, spoilt Tuesday In OrantH Pass. .1. W Menltt and A. J. llanhy, wore passongeis on tho curly morning train Tuesilny for Oold Hill. Wilder Freol, has returned from a trli to .Mexico nnd other southern points. James and S. M. Caldwell returned from their northern trip Monday night. George Jeffers, Wilder Frenl, J. 8. Murphy weio In Medford Tuesday. City council meet In special session Monday evening and decided to lino con crete pipe for tho sewer system. The Miss Nick lliophy of Medford nnd lit tle daughter woie visiting Mis. Hollo Ple.isuut Wednesday. Miss Win II Brophy, of Ashland spent Wednesday with her mother Mis. Hollo Pleasant. The tunny friends of Miss Grn Nar orpss, will ho p leaned to hear that her health Ih Improving, aud It Is hoped Mr and Mrs. Joe. Hader were Med ford business visitors Monday. J. S. Spltr.er of Talent was In Medford ifter merchandise Monday. M Glbbs spent Sunday with old friends In North Talent. Mis. Hubert Orr nnd Mrs. Allen Hoh- erts of Phoenix weto visiting at the home of Mrs. John Hoberts Saturday, .Mr and Mrs. William If. Gore of .Medford were business callers at C. Car et's In North Talent Tuesday. Mrs. A. H. Phlpps visited relatives In Talent Tuesday. Mrs. J. Price wiib n guest at Mrs. C. Carey's last Monday. Mrs. 1,10yd Colvor of Phoenix traded In Mevlford Monday. Mrs. i: Glbbs and Miss Herger of Ashland were guests at tho homo of Misses ClorOi Allen Sunday. Tho now bungalow being put up for Mlln Furry In Phoenix Is progressing rapidly and will bo very heat. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jones of Jackson ville spent Saturday night at Mr. and Mrs., Joe Hader's homo south of Phoe nix. l Would you pay opejlollar to rid jotlr self of disgusting catarrh? Then go to Chat. Strang today and ask him for a llyomel outfit and you will own outrlrght a little catarrh doc tor that ias cured tnonj easel of cn-f tarrh than all the catarrh specialists on earth. In thei f 1 00 lio( which contains the llyomel outfit, you will find n little hard) runner vest pocket, inhaler Into this Inhaler yotl pour n few dropt of Hyomel. Then nil you have to do Is breahi through tho little Inhaler, i either through the nose or mouth, ac-J cording to where the catarrh Is located. When you breathe HVOMBI you breathe a powerful yot soothing, antisep tic air, which as It purses uVef the In flamed and germ ridden inembraiui pen erates every fold and crevice, and de stroys germs completely. Stomach posing never cured catarrh, sprays nnd, douches always fall; and why? Hecause they don't get whore tho germs arc, and as catarrh Is a germ dis ease you must kill the germs before you can cure catarrh, HYOMKI is guaran teed by Chas, Strang and by druggists everywhere to euro catarrh, coughs, polds, croup and sorcthroot. - - nt rr for tl,e oye9' b(,',t for l,lu lnon,'v' ttni1 JD Ji l3J X best In workmanship; this I con earnest s' tay" of my "maflo to fit' glasses. Iot me porsonally tell you more about It. DR. RICKERT OVER KEITTNER'S SiPILGI AIvI JT KANES CREEK ITEMS. Will Cox la engaged hauling lima from this place to Medford. Ulck Hesso of Tola, was over this way last Sunday, ,t Mr. and Mis. Slaty of Central Tolnt wujo giiciU of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis one day recently. I LIQUID CURES ECZEMA ,k WHERE SALVE FAILS In regard to skin diseases medlcaC Authorities aro now agreed on this: Don't Imprison the dlnease gorma Is your Bkln by the use ot greasy salves, and tlius encourago thorn to multiply. A true euro of all oczematous dlsoases can be brought about only by using the healing agents In the form of a liquid. WASH THE GERMS OUT A simple wash: A compound ot Oil ot Wlntergrecn, Thymol, and other Ingre dients as combined in the D. D. D. Prescription, penetrates to the disease terras and destroys it, then soothes and heals tho skin as nothing else has ever done. A 2C-cent trial battle will start the cure, and glvo ycu instant relleL MKDFOHH PHAItMACY Near Tost Office. IlnsU'ns for Health. MICHELIN Jnrier Tubes IbrMichelin and all other Envelopes The majority of motor' ists throughout the world are satisfied users of Michelin Inner Tubes. They are the best judges. Ask them. " Look for NT o teadSni l thu iig "VL ""' IN STOCK BY Valley Auto Co. XOUTH llOliLY, SEMI MAIN STIIKKT -rxr rr rrt-r4j.rrrr--et r f srrr nrrf-nn "t; i I I i Which We mow Attractive Orchard Proposition to be One of the Best Buys in the Valley, 8BS KMS 3LS& ? ) (V i i i We do not hesitate to recommend k this for a home and permanent -i i ' investment, for platting1, for a small syndicate, also as a speculative proposition. There are about 168 acres in the tract, located one mile i i from Eagle Point. There are about 40 acres in pears and the same acreage in Newtown and Spitzenberg apples, all in their fifth year, and about 60 acres, mostly in pears from one to four years old. Balance , i . , of the tract nearly all good fruit land. There is a good house and barn, bunk house, drilled well, etc., The stock and machinery, consisting of seven horses, harness, wagons, plows, cultivators, clod crusher, all tools, cow, chickens, etc.. 4 V I go plad r. WE CA N MARE ATTRACTIVE TERMS Call or Write and Let Us Tell You About This i : i W. I. YORK COMPANY 44.-.-t4 tym . r 1 T I