PAGrJil SIX WORKS MAY BE MEDFGR'P MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOftD, OREGON, SUSTDAY; APlM '23 19.1 f. "'" E GETS BIS BUYS 26 ACRES York Symphony Orchestra has been cn,- framed and talentfi rntislclans of this day, the cltfzons generally Joining with tho municipal otllclals In tho worK of making this a rea "8potlestown. t "Cloan City" Cnnipalffn. I'AUUCAir, Ky., Appll 22, A "cjean Clt" cttipalgn'was Inaugurated 'here to A Hint From Paris city and Florida will tako part In the I" "0 llli TARGET OF ABUSE SEWER CONTRACT Iliisklns fdr II-nith GRACEFUL and USEFUL B 1 ' PAYINB S20 0 7 ' : t i .iy'u.m-m.i",r,n 14 m4 a t fir h k'J, B fA Old Guard Lenders in the Senate, Closely Allied With Senator Lori mcr, May Attempt to Blacken Rcpii tation of Senator Works fornla. WASHINGTON, D. C, April 22. Old Kttnnl lcadciH In tlio hoiiiuc, ho Id to Ik-I closely allied with Senator I.orlmor, ni' prvpnrlnK today to have clinrKcn pre ferred against tlio manner of the clviv tlon of Senator John 1). Vorkn, tho new Insurscnt rcpubllcim from California nnd D. V. Hhlvely, democrat, of Indiana. TrlendH of Vor)(H and Shlvely nay that nothing can roino of tho movement. Tho men holilrul tho movement con tend that Work' election wart In viola tion of tho California lasv which pro vides ,tha't porHoim carrying tho lnrK--Ht nimier of lcgnlntlvo dlHtrlotH ut tlio popular prltuary nliall no rccom- etded to tho IcglHlathura for election. It wiiH contended that A. O. SpaldliiK carried more lBlolatlVo district) at tho primary than Works. Y t BOY FALLS AND US EIS EG iA'jKhlon (Irllililf, tho J 2-y car-old Hon of Sir. Qrlhlilu, who reHldcH Just east of tlio I'ii cl lie & ICiiHtern depot, hud u Ick hrohon Krlday evening nhont nix o'clock while rldlliK a hlcyclo neur tho InterHccdon of CoIIuko and KiihI Main HtrtetH. Youiik Orlhblo was nntrldo tho handlo Imrw of u hlcyclo rhldeii by mm of his friends when tlmy ran nwalnst H pllo of dirt, thrown on tho streot hy tio Home Tulophono compi. who arp excavating for a cable at that point. lloth iioyn were (brown violently to tlio pavement and tho dribble boy was un able to arlso but could feel no pain. JIo was carried to tho homo of Mrs. M. CI Qny, 70) Hunt Main street, Whero Hi. (lonroy was called to attend him. A compound fracturn three Inches above t)in left ankle. Tlio lad was convoyed to his homo where ui wl hu coulluo(l for Home time. ,r, ' -- .B-inBkt.r- ,t'yi Mv ' :MflrlK: v'2 ' taaaaaamufMaSmmtataMatx'Jii I h'-laaaam TWM 1 -"TBMiili li K1 1M I1-M mmvuw& ; I lrff Cmtittku an, Knr la Ccrlso straw hat with black velvet. Awarded Job in Central Point Which i Seattle Man Buys Tract in Orchard. Will Cost $65,000 When Completed Little City is Progressive Much to Be Done. TO FEEO BUGS STALE BEER Neither Will Be Added a Poisonous Mixture Which is Expected to Pro tect Plants and Trees From At tack Was to Open Soon. Tho Jocobsoil liaijo company which has laid many miles of water and sewer mains In Mcilfonl durh)K the past two years havo been awarded tho contract J fmf thi' building of tho' new sewer sys- tetp at Contra! Point which Is to cost SOJ.OOO. Woik Is to start n tho lm mediate future. A modern sewer Hysteni Is only one i mo many improvements which nro planned for tho nolliiorliorliiK little city during this season. Stteots are to ho paved and tho water, system ex tended. 4 Bryan to Speak. JACKSON, Teirn., Aprjl 22. William .1 Hryun will ntldreiiH evangelistic incut Inn for men during tho convention of tin) JtcllKloiiH Korward Movement opened today under tho auspices of tho Young Miin'8 Christian Asoclatlons of tho sfato. Sessions will continue four days,' with many prominent clergymen and educa-j tors participating. Home Tract of A. Vogel Twenty Acres Set to Trees Some in Bearing. C. C. 1'aul of Seattle has purchased JG acres In tho Orchard Home tract pf A. Vogel for n consideration of $20,000. Ulttner and Clarke made the wile. Twenty acres of tho tract Is In or chard, bearing Spitz nnd NuwtownH and a number of young Uartlett pears. Mr. l'aul will make his homo on tho tract. Merchant's Body ronna. I.OL'ISVII.LH, Ky., April -Tho HAPPY REBUTS Havo Made Many .Medford Enthuiiloitlc. Xenldontv l'UI.I.MAN. Wn.. April 22 On no count of numerous reports that cut worms lutvo begun their1 unniiat cam paign of destruction In tho orchards and gardens, l'rof. A. I,. Mulander. entom ologist, Is sending out Instructions to farmers to feed the pests poison. To attract (hem he advises Mint stale beer (io employed as halt. Cut worms have a great liking for stale beer," said 1'iof. Me)amer. "and IT given free access to It will gel stup idly drunk. The beer of courso does not ifestroy them and they will soher tip unless tho beer Is mixed with bran mash pmyjously poisoned by a mlxturo of parls green," Western lenguo to Open. DCS MOINICS, Ia April 22. All Is In readiness for tho opening tomorrow of tho 18J1 season In tho Western League, which Includes tils city, Om aha, Denver, Sioux City, Lincoln, Wichita, St. Joseph and Topeka. $2.50 In cash means $10 in Columbia records! Play them while you are paying for iheml $1.50 a week and the purchase Is complete! Wo nro today csteudjnfj tp every man who owns a Columbia Graplto phonc ("or a Victor InlkiriEr machitio) a special purchase privilege which has never before been oneii. For $2.50 body of John Nunmackcr. a wealthy we Wl1' P'aco alongside that talking It moichant who dlsapopared from his macliuio ot yours a $10.00 outfit of home hero two weeks ago, was found In Columbia Double-Disc Records of tho river this afternoon with his throat you' selef.t;0n cut. Tho police bollevo that ho was ,."," , . murdered. Antl mstenu of asking pay m ad vance wo will agree to accept the prico In five 'additidnul'aymehts of $1.50 each. This is merely a Convenient means of securing your records in series broad enough to make an interesting assortment without paying out the money before you have any enjoy-, M'.VM!' J'f "iv music. The soopor fhe bettor I Today is hero. CHICAGO April 22. Count "Jack" Alexander Von Mourlk Do Beaufort, husbund of trmn Kllgalbjn, Is "In" again. This tlmo It's for street flghtlnff. lie waH arrested with Allan McCutloch, a chauffeur, by a policeman who said he found them rolling about on tho side walk In n desepnrte struggle. Florida Music Festival. .IACKSONVILI3. Kin., April 22 Muslc-lovlpg pcoplo of tho southeast nro arriving In Jacksonvlo today for tho great Spring MukIc Ki'stlvnl hero to day and tomorrow. Dnmroech's Jow FOi TOE 0R5 ANDWINDOVS . Medford Music Shop Tewelry Distinctive and Original Gold-Smithing We take a great deal pf pride in having our stock of Jewelry represent not only ah " that is newest and best, but that which is different from the common run. Exclusive and distinctive designing f onns a large part of our business, and those de siring Jewelry that has these qualities will find wide range for satisfactory selectiqn. Special Order Work Correct Engraving B, T. VAN DE CAR PHIPPS BUILDING. . IV, J1UI defeat of I.jiiugstroin lit -As tho result No wonder scores of Medford citizens grow epthiiHlastlc. It Is enough to make anyono happy to find relief after years of suffering, l'uhllo statements nice tho following nro but truthful repre sentations of tho dally.- uoik )uno hi MiMtronl iiy Doan's Kldimy lyils. A '.. Hear, 231 Klfth Hlreol, Medford, Ore, says: "Hlnco publicly recoinmond liip Doan's Kfjlney l'ijls In 1007, I have used tlieiu ocqa(iiially jiuid thvy have always brought good lesults. T was af flicted with severe pijItiH In ny baelt and I of I en found It almost mpnMlb)n to sloop. Tho khlnoy secrcllnns passed too fri'iiioiity and this weakness was a Hourco or much unnoyance. JJeurlng Doan's Kidney lIls highly reennunend ul, I procured iv box at llaskln's Drug Htoro and by tho tlmo I had finished the contents, I could sen that they were the right leiuedy for my double. Orail unlly tho pains and other difficulties dlMuppeared and my hoalth Impioved. I rheerftilly reoonimend Doan's Khlnej IMIls to everyone nffllqtud with kldnoy complaint." Tor sale by all dqajors. 1'rlro 80 cents Kostor-MIIburn Co, Ilnffalo, New York, solo agents for tho United Htntes. Henieniber tho name Doan's and tuko no other. ni:w YOUIC, of Holmor'H I? miles here, n match race between Hill Qlleal nnd Ilium Holmer Is looked upon today as n poslhlllty of tho near future. At tho finish of his race with I.Jiingstroin, Holmer wuh leading by 20 yards. Look for tho ad that gives n ollio to tho boaidlng house you'ro looUIng fori Look for tho ad that offiirn It to you, second-hand, ut- a leu) bargain! HjyiP Where to Go Tonight i . - i ..... .... i fmmwiM v'-&'r-i -s S&'iid023$l? -sa &- kr i i-i . u i ttrywwzv.-srm"!?.. 'mvmvmvi c; -i :l.u qtwhi stZi' must, li hM Jl 'mmmz) srto ustu ,:.:... ,TfRT.mfe.s. tfohr?30tr J?O0?fl7&P THE ISIS THEATRE I; ; Entlro blmnge of Viutovlo X TONIGHT I 1 ANLBllSON AND ANDERSON i l Muilcal Slng'tuir I Jinc nit or tin- hi iiNiiii soini NOTICE. Tho night trnln' going sopUi wll m held until ll'Sfi Tuesday night to nc eoinmoilato those from Ashland, Talent, IMioenlx, who attend "Tho Chimes of Normandy." Hunt salo opens Kilday morning tit llasklus Drug Ktoio. j new In the iiiuhIi.iI lliu a ran j for all Iiimih of good iniisie HTIM. ANOT1IICU thing i in at i nANniHfl TtAirTH America's Champion Duck Dancer J he gieatest dancer on tho Auierl- i uin Mtag lar none, challaiigo open to jill. holds the gold medal present- J ed to him bv the I'antages Circuit i I i IMtlCICUS I'lCTt'IlKS-H J s l'OUTI.AND, Ore.. April 22 Take anything you want In the house- but don't harm my baby." screamed Mis. Archie Hmlth when two robbers entered her house Inst night while- sho wns alone In It According to Mrs Hmlth's story at the police headquarteis, the Intrud ers with many oaths told her thoy wero looking for "someUiliig altiablo." They hicured J 10 In money ADVERTISE XP YOU Want a Cook Want a Clerk Want a Partner Want a Situation Want a Servant Girl Want to Sell a Piano Want to Sell a Carriage Want to Sell Town Property Want to Sell Your Orocerlea Want to Soil Your Hardware Want Cutomcr for Auythipir Advertliw Sally In Thin Paper. AdvertUlnir X the Way to Succeiw AdvertUlnff Brlujfe Cuttomera Advertising- Xeepi Cmtomera Adverttilng- Xnaiiree Suecesi Advertlilng Shows Energy Advertising Shows Pluck Advertising Is 'Bis" Advertise or Bust Advertise Advertle WeU ASVBKTXSB At Ones US JlOVIXtl A (looil Spur by HAltltV IliaXCIIAltD Doom DiioM ut 7;ao p, in, 2 Matinees Vednesdu, Haturday mid J Hilliduy. 2 30 I iVAUDHVlMili MOVINf lMCTUUKS;; Now CliaiiK" In Vaudeville MISS (JliADYS .MII))Mri() In Cluiruvlor SIiikIiik'. TIJUItSJlAY ritlDAV SATUHHAV ill 1 7fcn Jil I FilrA i ml V ONmWN- iySA 1 I ' &e eaVvu evekidlUfi'a mil, need bpr Su-iMfa'S-3 faahdwah, Komjhe mhe beheen on tfie -lont Uo to the ou4-6-ide knoS on the kitchen dooh. , tfocA houe o CmCdinfo Uhboh elfy Piahdw-ahedJ3 m4 Se muefa iuoe fcand'yome than 4 uoa alLe no eahe to the hind ok PilnwitinGb1'3 ' c4e. vtfaen lt antfthmf mhcfidwahe we have it. no a r L;r,m,,iv,"",j i . mKkjr T MEM lOU U Your KfllsKJ'w I ' PretettJoa SEVSf " AW ftjsOssVsrTt I t KAIA .SSSSSSSSSB ssssssssssssssa m I N't'W I'irturi'N Admlssloii l()r SSHSPvvVv aIsBM -- S HBSBKirVV SjsfflsssHEr M MM f y U off CsbsssssssssssssssHbssssbV asBBWrfilrsff 1 IIJsbssssssssHPsbssssPsbI7 mwwsywiitr aa an- a w us- mtaaaaaaaaaaaamaaaammaaaaaaaaamk ' frMJyyK.ea va As.s jj aaaaaaaaaaaaatammmmamtHmm Should Buy The Best Paint 2Phf Pet of the Family The Paige-Ietrpit-$800 Entire Change of Program Clever Comedy Tease Drama Educational Travelogue Kzcolleut Miulo Messes Crawford & ONE DIME Orowell -NO MOKE NATATORIUM Slcnllnj,', Bowlint,', IlilliunliJ, Peel, Hox Hull, SliootiiiK- Mctlfonl's Amusemrnt Halncc. iiion. When you Mmc to paint your house jvjh iiiuaiiiguit uu investing: a certain amount sav $25 to $50. two-thirds of which is for lahor. If you spend $2 or $3 more than a cheap so-called paint wouiu cost and get the best paint you will save more than tho few dollars extra outlay because you will be assured of utmost service. Lowe Brothers , . No matter how many cars a man may own, (here is always one that is his favorite the one that is easily handled, easy to get about yith the one he uses for emergencies. The Paige-Detroit is such a car. ' Guaranteed for ) One Year 4 Cylinder-4 Cycle-25 H. K) 1 rlJ ry rAmforuMy Tli Piiit tyttrm ol Spring Su-pcnwon Act Cut permit thf machine to till liJcwi V 4, do many othtr crt ol ihit tiM. t h plrniy ol retcic povtr, more, cvtn, trao an wllint (gr (our of jfevythouunddolbrt. w '-r . It is the "Pet of the Family." , t (s a light, speedy car will turn around in the average street easy to drive In con gested traffic reliable at all times a car that will run 250 miles on a tanlr of gasoline. Repair Parts at Cost Hiull Standard Liquid l'nint is not only the best paint hut the most economi cal. It rivcs you most for your money most in wear, in looks and in hiding power. It may cost more per gallon hut hu for the job and you can Jtptmi on it. Lorfrptliers Ik ffiffiiint Wc sell all of Lowe brothers "High Stand ard ' products and the Little llluc Flag on the can is your protection. Let us talk ovcryour paint needs and show you in plain figures where you can save money. New color cards and combinations ready. Nicholson Hardware to. QrVaAiJjAAryAAAtVJBKA L -'TlwPtiKr-Dwoit Rcudtttrtu JTjg.. I Om Hnrar Porr'lor ncry )6 Ift ll dl W.Sf "Sf!!inJ!!!.I"S IP Ml If V pal un iiw i wmi (ui jti r J L VHBiP Compare these 'specifications wirn tnose oi otner touring cars sell- ing forsame price.' yWe wish tto" call your 1 attention:1 particularly, to the size pf the motorj to the wheel - base, the tire f sizesl ignition system and transmission" 4-cylinder,-.4-cyclej3-inch, xT4-incfi Motonf 104-inch Wheel Base on Touring" Car; 90-inch on Runabout 32x3i-inch Tire Equipment all arouffdr Bosch Maneto; 3-speed Selective, Sliding GearlTrans- mission pp I ounng Cars. Touxlnj Cr wllh nr eaCi cJT, MtHj In. csrrjr iat capacity when rear 4I n ramoTtit . PAICE-DETROITPRICES Roadalar lncfArd MiulDmntl . with full sulpmtnt I T Taurine Car wllhrtmartbl raar Mat, (tUnditd (f J H-..1J4U Car,)'' , .4 f 4- oo.oo '7S.0O 900.00 f aca-Dr, Torpwia Tjrpa, Taurine Car (standard 1 tqulpmtnt) . . . . .f i Caup. 1. 17J.00 full alactrlc llht aqulpmanli-' IJS0.00 -V j ' i tin'MAw akins mil jflrr mite. tr h'JIt and roujli roadt at a fronttit Vprrd. )-ou itin't hje li IntUi hJUil a tnuV.o tpctd. to ktkc tqra. . m Vou HV hn a frtlipc cJ con&djenrv and ulrty thrn driving !'" " ' " "w car hith ra the M'i ForU 1 crad nimhln. itit 6ne It ml ion and fir. tumor )ttirot. the special wnieru1,tbt amount ol ficcr,tht amount rrrre urtnith. the -oncr(ul hulUuibin( abmiy. the .JowltiTVt. and, the beautilul iV icrtui hill-cUuibin abiKty. the tLrht. and. the beautilul iV iIinolLodokb kIU (or such alow price, f Vv Weaaalt Ce fUJ f raroa call at cur local baletrooma. inrprct iknt car, -and. enjgy wtw-onMfatioa.- ' TV, ( ta,t Hi, at (Myeot)' . TaV - I V? ' nKi I mmtaaaaamaaagaw jm -f Certrboor TocpeJa Tourist Cf , ttW ' r T :: 'i :: i ll 4. 1 A' X Paige-Detroit Motor Car Co., Detroit, Michic an M. S. JANES &-JK- In This Paper Tuli llnllc fr r.mliiw nnd (1ont!. r'tt ,