Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 23, 1911, FIRST SECTION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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TO .
Ninety Second Anniversary of Odd
Fellows of Oregon Will Be Ob
served Next Wednesday Wl Par
ade Through City.
English Polo Players Have Arrived
Every Session of Society's Conven
tion is Largely Attended hy Local
Church Goers Programs Have
Been Most Interesting!
Much Interest Manifest in Game To
day Between Grants Pass and Med-
ford Hall Says Good Game Will
Be Played.
Court Hall Buys Half Interest in
Shaw Business Hazclrlgg Will
Book and Court Will Watch Fin
ances. Proceeds Will Go Toward Building a
Grand Stand, in the City Park
Band Reaches a Membership of i
J------KlE-it-- J-K-----S-iElii l
'- -
Tim convention of t1ir Southern Ore
Kon Clirl.stlun Endeavor Union Ifns pmv
un n prciit nttrnctlon to churcliKoerH In
general and every hcs.sltm. has witnessed
The Musicians' Mimical tiKHoclnllon of
Jleilford v 1 1 1 Klve n. dance next WedneH
iluy i'culnK. April 26tli, lit the rCntu-
a Kieat milnlser of Interested listeners lorlun lar" n,,n- Tll(l Proceeds are to
ar the proRrams, which have' been pre-1 towards liullditiK " music stand In the
pared with Krcat care. Delegates from!0"' ,urlc- AU l"treHt.ed In park con-
Josephine, Lake nnd Klamath counties cortb tov tnc summer will patronise
aro Inattendanco us well as those from! t,lel1' lml1- Tll Bedford Concert Hajul
Jnck&on county, nnd are contrlbuHnB "".H reuoiu'u iii inemuersiup 01 .1.1 aim
IntercstlnR readings and lectures atlaro r?'N'"-',l"K twlcq week on loti
, -J-7T-k.Xr HE:3i33E:j5T WILSON" Jr. fit
NIiV YOHK, April 22. Captain llnrdross, of the Tw.-aty-rtrst Ilussnri,
captnln o Ctlje KmkIIrIi polo team which will endeavor to win hack the In
turnntlortal I'olo Cup, nnd his team mate, Captnln Herbert WIIkoii, of the You
manry, arrived on board the Lii-ltunlu. of the Cunahl line. They went at once
to Lakewood, N. J., to begin training.
every session.
Since tlie opening of the convontlon
last Krlduy aftarnbon great interest has
been manifested by members of all de
nominations and Saturday evening a
classic and .popular programs for tho
park concerts which they hope to start
about May 19th.
The band also expects to give con-
corts at the Nntntorlum every Sunday
The dunce given nt Trail last Friday
night was Ulte a success.
The roads between 1'rot.pect, To)o nnd
Medfurd aro constantly traveled hy
frpliyht tpnrilM fnr the il!lYfrinf 1lm1u if
i..u .i-. ..u Buuiue.n imri ui work ,., )ctwcon Trall nml iros.
T .', .. .' I'ecl. All kinds of work for all kinds
air. Jean zoning, me now director, i , ......
and nil tho members nro working hard I -..,. iiIir,n
special social was given In order that I afternoon on tjto Inrgo verandah us tho
thoso who had been uriablo to nttqnd he- ",USIC lrom ulcro cnn " I'euni in ai
foro could bo assured of n tileasant ' of ,1,L eastern and southern part of
evening. Light refreshments were
served after thq program. Sunday after
noon tho nrlncitrie talks will bn trlven
by Jllss Christina McLean of .Grants to mnkp tlle '""l' n Kreater success than . M()nIa. wUll Homu lm, to ,,,.7, work
l'ass and the Itcvs. Holmes nnd Mot-"V'Z b,'f')r,; . tho pew steel bridge to be erected at
lock. ' Tho band has been promised I tlu 1I)0Utll- of utlo Creck abov ,ll0
A union nice
evening In the
A. It. Mtirniiv nf lin,l ninf rMifn-nif. I ltoseburg, abpitt May 11th, for tho
passed through Trail
month on account of so much snow lay
, Ing on the ground vet
I Mr. John llunr. Geo. Daniels nnd
I Luther Hunt spent tho night In Trail
' on their -way to the vnlley.
Miss Cjuru Allddlebusher made a )1eas
ant calf on her sister. Mrs. Minnie Pierce
on lillc Creek ono'day last week.
MV.. J. W. Warner'' received word
Thursday from Grants l'nss that his
father, J.0. Wnriiei, was dead and was
to be burled Friday afternoon, hut as
the distance was po far It, was' impossl-
Tho Meiirord band has beon promised I l0 inouth" oi
etlng will be held Sunday ft "ten-days1 engagement In June at Por't-j ,.:ni,mrt rancIl
e Opera House where Itev.l1"" ,llH0 threo ,lu'K' cngnBomont ut(
The band expects
will deliver tho convention address, llev. ' strawberry Festival.
Murphy Is aii excellent talke'r and ull.l K,vo a "lc"lc at Uutto Fu,,s n tl'e
should tnko tho opportunity to hear him pnolllc Eastern It. It. n week frop!
In this, tho closing oration of tho con
To Try WlreleB Official.
Ni:V VoitK, April 22. In tho United
Stntes circuit court today Col. Chrlsto
pher Colilinhus Wilson, resldent, and
other officials of' the United Wlreloss
Telegrnph Company n'ppearcd to answer
to the Indictment returned against thorn
next Sunday
' All come (o the big dnncn next
Wednesday evening, Anrll 19th, and
have u goo( time. '
' A lurgu orchestra of 20 pieces under
the direction of Cluyi. I). Hazclrlgg will
furnish tho music.
With tho ple!k
Chlrlty Itorso
NICW YOUk, April 22.
of eastern stables enteied, nnd some
tf tin. Infill litut uniliitv u'niiiiin if N7uli
for alleged misuse of tho malls In a njanj Yor,c lu.tlnK nH 1J(ll0PH a ,,,,, nttrnc.
to defraud. The charges grow out of , 0n Is offered by the society horso shojv
the sale of great quantities or stoqk In ' at piulaud's today nnd tomorrow. Tho
the company. I demand for tickets has been so great
Col. Wilson Is confident thnt ho will
bo acquitted. Shortly nfter his Indict
ment last August ho mnrrled his eight
een year old stenographer. Coy, Wilson
is sixty four. He lias been held undc
J2.r).00 ball pondlpg trial,
that many have had to bo refused and
those fortunate enough to enter will find
1. wjse to placate the fair ushers with
liberal "IIds" Ail tho proceeds, including
n-Ltlie "tips," will go to liqspttals nnd snnl
Itnrlans for tubercular patients
Mr. Shannon Oliver has returned from
1 Medford where ho has been spending
a few weeks nnd Is on his way to tho
government work above Prospect.
Mr. Samuel Hose from upper 'Trail,
spent Wednesday night In town.
Mr. Hert Penchey passed through
Trail Wednesday 'morning' on his way
to Prospect, stopping off to, great und
converse1 with n few old friends.
Mr. Chus. Hlnss made a Hying trip 16
Prospect one day this wuek.
Trail Creek school Is progressing
nicely under thu caie of Mr. C. !. John
son. Mr. Hussell Is visiting Mr. A. T. Poole
and family?
Frank Middle)iushor' Started out lly
llshlng In' Itogue river last Wednesday
and succeeded in catching twelve nice
trout, the first he has caught this sea
son. Word was,. received from tho woik
above Prospect that It would he linpossl-,
Indications are that there will bo n
reooid breaker Crowd In attendance tit
the ball game between Medford nnd
Grants Pass today. Everything Is In
l'iMUlliiesH for the game, and many peoplo
visited the ball grounds yesterday after
noon to watch the preparations for tho
contest. Now that theso two teams aro
evenly matched the Interest is Intense,
np heietoforo tie games were so one
sided that the fans were always "liol
lrlnif" for soup) team to play tho Med
ford hoys to a standstill. Now they havo
It, as Grants Pass has a team this year
that Is In every way tho equal of Med
ford's, and tomorrow's gaino will bo a
grueling contest. Manager Hall Is yet
undecided as to wlchof his four pitch
ers ho will stnrt the gamo with. But
In all probability It'wll) ho either Tinny
or Uurgess, hut Uragdchv or McQuold
may go In If tjioy wnrln up good. This
Court Hall has purchased a one-half
Interest In Chas. IX Ifagclrlgg'A show
business. Mr. Hazclrlgg will attend to
all tito bookings, and Mr. Hall will look
after the lliumclnt end. During tho
summer months they will put on high
class vaudevlllo and moving pictures.
They expect to begin about May tho 18th
and can stngo all the best acts In the
vaudeville line. Something now will bo
given to show patrons, Mr. and Mrs.
Hazclrlgg will leave this week on a few
months' trip where they both have en
gagements to (111. Court will leave'
Wcdncsdny for l'ortland and Seattln to
look nfter their Interest In tho vaude
ville line, nnd says he Is going to glvo
thu public tho best he can get.
Die for any of the family attend the) will bo tho llrst appearance of Tinny on
iimerni oniy ereii uarner, who was, the local diamond but thoso who havo
si'en him work say that hu has tho goods
present at his death
SAN FllANCISCO, April 22. William
Colnar, u patrolman recently in rested
on the ohjirgo j)f Inking a bribe to over
look automobile scotching, wns exoner
ated today by Pjjlce J.udgc Dousy on tho
ground of Insufficient evhlunoe.
Colnar was trapped by detectives who
saw 'him accept an envelopo which held
and can make good If ho gets the chance.
McQuold pitched the opening gamo of
J the Crater Lakes and HrngdaW worked
In laBt Sitnda'y's contest, against Grants
Pass. With this quartette of huinmers
I Court Hall will surely pull a victory
out of the scramble. The rest of the
line-up will probably bo Wilson, C;, WU
klnson, lb; Horton. 2b; Miles, 3b;ireWH.
ss; Hopkins or lloeder, rfj Isaacs, of;
and Aptcl, lb.
Grants Pass will probably pitch Wil
cox, who Is rounding Into good form nnd
thu rest of their lli)o-up will probably be
the same ns last Sunday. Ownoy Pntton
wll hold tho Indicator and tho fans may
rust assured Uiat they will sco a fast
and fair ball game. Tho gaino will bo
called at 2.30 o'clock.
a marked K bill. The patrolman ilenlOd ,
that ho know what the envelopo con- Ohio State Iiongue.
tallied. Ci-lnur Is the officer whoso ar-1 COLUMHUS, O., April 22. The Ohio
rests of Jack Johnson for speeding ( State League, a class C organization,
caused n watch to be kept on the pugll-1 begins the pennant season today, which
1st and which ffiially landed him in Jail., will continue to Sept B. The circuit In-
t- - I eludes Clillllcothe. Hamilton. Lancas-
Look among (ki classified ads for the tor. Llniii, Marlon, Newark, Portsmouth
bio to begin work until the llrst of the adiess of vpur, next boarding place! , , nnd Sprlnglleld
BIicuib Trait laws.
NL'W YOHK. April 22. Acommltteo
of twenty-six representing a dor.en states
will meet hero tomorrow to consider
a measure for uniform legislation 'tis to
combinations and trusts. Proposed
amendments or substitutes 'to tho Sher
man anti-trust law will probnhly bo
The National Clvlo Federation nlso
has under consideration a workmen's
compensation bill which has all tho hest
features of the Walqwrlght compulsory
compensation act, recently declared" un
constitutional by the Now York; court of
lippeals. This bill has already been In
troduced In the legislatures of soVeral
slates by (ho sjnto councils of tho federation.
Southern Printer Meat.
ATLANTA, Qn., April 22. Fmpoyng
printers of southern states convened In
Atlanta today for a session of three
days. Publishers und printers nro la
iittendnnco from AJnbama, eOorgla, Flor
ida, Virginia, Louisiana. Tennessee nnd
other states. Prominent members of the
United Typotlietao of America WH de
liver addresses and read papers. Me
thod" of establishing tho cost of all
varieties of printing will ho tho princi
pal topic of discussion.
The 92nd nnnjvorsnry of tho Odd Fel
lows of Oregon will bo held In Mcdfdrd
Wednesday, April 26, at which tlmp tho
dedication ceremonies of tho nbw 'I. "O.
O. J, building on Holly st., near Olh
St., will bo held
A grand street jwirado -xy 1 1 1 be held nt
2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. ' Tho
Medford Contort Dnnd will lead tho pro
cession nnd the Second' Unttnllon of the
Second Iteglmont Pntrlnrch Militant will
act as escort. Isaac Wools Will act U
marshal! of the day.
In tho evening the Odd Fo)hjva and
their sister order, tho Rebeccas, will
meet at the hall where tho dedication
ceremonies will be held after which a
banquet will ho held. Win. S. Crowpll
will act as toastmastcr nnd many prom
Inept speakers will ake part. A cdrdfal
Invitation Is extended to the public.
Prominent men from all points of Ore
gon will be present nnd n good prdgrnm
has been arranged.
' t ' i
POUTfANn, OOrt'.. April 22. I'ubjlc
drinking cups will bo banished from tho
stnto September I. The state boitri?. of
health has Issued this order" 'and It' ap
plies to public schools, trains, railroad
stations nnd all pilbllo phi'ces. Tho pil
ing of the board lrt now In the fiaipls of
tho state printer and will be promulgat
ed within a few datf. ' l
Dr. Calvin K. White, state hcaitji offi
cer, has proof thnt tho public drinking
cup vies with .the (ly as a spreader of
diseases. Pneumonia, tuberculosis,
mensjes, scarlet fevir and ttypl)od nro
transmitted In this way and Infection
and disease com'o as a natural consp
quence. Dr. White believes tho uso of
cups In the city schools Is particularly
dangerous 'jind gives the !caltlt author
ities too much to do to check epidemics
that get started In thnt way.
Look for tho "help wanted" ad that
scejns llo a "prospect" and ansypr It
Eilers Music House
w t
sh Southern Headquarters at Medford
We Will Do More to Advertise Medford Than Any Other Pacific Coast Business House, I
In Return We Expect Part of Your Patronage.
Especially if We Mak'e Good on What We Advertise-We Do! and We Will
4h 111 I f V'Tflj la
To Those Holding Manufacturers Cash Award Checks. Owing to Our First Big Shipment All Being Sold Out in a Few Days,
and Other Cars, ordered Being Delayed Wo Have Arranged to Extend These Cash Award Check3 10 Days From Date. One Hun
dred Dollars In Gold Payable to Jackson County Charity, if these checks are Not Worth Their Face Value on Any New Piano We
Represent, or if Our Regular Printed Prices Are Raised One Penny. In Fact at this Sale .We Lower Our Prices. Rail Road
Records Show We Sell' Over 72 Per Cent of all the Pianos Sold on the Pacific Coast, Why? Because We Sell The Same Grade
of Pianos Offered Elsewhere at About Half the Prices Asked. Just Look at the High Grade Makes You Can Select From.
Chickering and Sons, Kimball, Lester, Hallet and Davis, Smith and Barnos, Sohmer, Wo Have All Player Piano Makes, Includ
ing the famous Auto Piano, best in the world, music library of 35,000 rolls to select from.
This Warren 30 Will Be All Lettered Up. Eilers Music House, Medford, Oregon. It Will Bo Used From Eugene, Oregon Into
California, East to Klamath Falls, Vest to tho Coast.
It will save
the expense.
of th
. Mi jF s J
m v nV VI Tv tak W .nfNl1 i- - -- - , uum I ft I mu m aa.t v p 4pM w i7 f 'I r L& I I WlWk. fe i&
ff A3M V f jBHr-l-i i 1 IBTJ iT a',"MWl-1- - ! 1 w 71 mild &Bk. V- t w x V ,. 1
Three teams of
horses and six
men, which
means we can
sell our Pianos
for less money
We are boosters for Medford
Help us &loti!
r &
yMMMMIvvyvvYyvvvTrYY'fT,T"r''r'',''y,'," vmv