Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 21, 1911, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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' . . . ' . . , " ' ' . ' ' " H I '" I . II " ' III I I !
An ordinance providing for the con
structlon of 6-Inch lateral sower alone
Nfnntlc street from AUco street to Man
znh'lta street, and for the assessment
of tho cost thereof on the property fll
reiitly benefited ttiereby and adjacent
thereto, and prdvidlng a tneetlntf bt tho
council to consider protests against said
construction and nsBessmont anu mo
v,lt.."nrtlcc tVref. ra -
Tim city of Medford Mbth ordain ps
--.... L nat .. n9 nimti tirftnArt t I
foHews: ,. .,
(.'..ntinn i. Tt In the Intention of tho'
-U" . ,,. - n in lorn I inmr to h
""""r":. . V" .vri.7 ,l..v V-I
Alice street to Munzanlta street, and to
assess the cost thereor upon tlm prop
erty directly benefited thereby and au
Jacrnt thereto.
Section 2. Tho council will hear and
consider anv protests acnlmst sitlit co
.. L". r"."U". ."'"iV ST .,l-B.rr 'nY, In
structlon and" the assessing of MM"
property for the cost thereor ut u mem-l
m&pzsssss1? h'K ?ff Usui
....... v...- J-. . , ... ..." -..
COHl thereof SO BSHeS8ei.
Section 3. Tho city rccoruer is ncre-
by , directed o servo notice thereof upon
the property pVKlrp uforeHald, by caus
ing three copies of this ordinance to bn
tinatf.l1 In tlirpi mlblld nlficen In said'
cly, at leait Iff dayrf before thb date
ui,huiu iMctjwiiK. itt
Tin. forpirdlntr ordlnanco was Dassed1
by the city council or the, city of Med J
ford, OreKQii. pn the 18th day of ApHJ.l
on, pn no imii aay oi Apni.i
the followInK vote: McrrjQk
xh n,y.e .Wo.r,ma,1? ay,eS,mmu
," Klfert "aye," und Millar
mil, uy ii
"aye." Watt
erlpk "aye
Approved April 19, 1911,
, ' "W. H. CANON.
Attest: Mayor.
nouT. w. Ti:LrER.
" City Recorder.
QDI3TAmCB 0. 49S.
An ordlnanoo provldlnB for the con
structlon of 6-Inch lateral sewer alone
South Peach street from Elucnth stretC
to'Dakota avenue, und for the assess
mnit of tho cost thereof on tie prop
er'ti- directly bpneflted thereby nml ad
jacent thereto, and provldlnB a meeting
ocahe council to consider protesta
uuulnst said contriictlon anil assessment
an,f me seryinK or mo owners oi sucfi
property With notice thereof.
,The cfty of' Mgdfori dpth ordain as
Section , It In the Intention of the
council to cause n lateral tewer to bo
constructed nionu poutu l'eacn atreot
from Uloventh stceot to Dakota avenue
and to assess t),d cos,t th'ercof Upb) the
property directly benefited thereby and
adjacent thereto.
Hcctlon 'i, The council will hear and
.consider any protests iiRUlnst said con
structlon and t)ie asses.lnti of said pro))
erty for the cost thereof nt a meeting
of the council to be held May 2, 1911
ntV:30 o'clook p m.i n the. council chain
bur In salit city, and all property owners
of property adjacent to said sewer and
bopeflted thereby uro horeby culled upon
to, appear before said council at
said tlmo and place, and show cause"
If any they have, why said construction
should not bo made und the cost thereof
HO flftHPSHOtl
Section 3.' The city recprdcr is horeby
directed to sere nptico thereof upon the
property ownerrf aforesaid, by causing
three copies of thlH ordlnanco to bo post
ci In three public places, in said oUy
and said ordlnanco to be publlshe'd oice
in a daily newspaper published und of
Keneral circulation in the city, nt least
lO.dujs before the date of said mfceHPB,
.The foregoing ordlnanco was passed
by, the city council of the city of Med
ford, Oregon, on tho 18th day of April
mi, by the following -vete: Merrick
"4ye." Watt "aye," Wortman "ayo" Rm
erlck "aye," Klfert "aye," and Millar
proved APr. 19,1911. cAQNi .
Attest: Mayor.
,' nonr, w. TKt-Fcn,
" ' City Recorder.
OBSIWANOi: 0. 490.
An ordlnanco providing for tho con
struction of C-lifch lateral sewer along
Sherman1' street from Geneva avenue to
Stark street, nnd for tho asbessment of
the cost thereof on the property dl
reotly benefited thereby urid adjacent
thereto, and providing a meeting of the
council to consider protests against said
construction und assessment and the
serving of the owners of auqh property
wjth notlco theredf. ,
Tho cltv of Medford doth ordain as
vSection 1. It is the intention Of the
council to cause a lateral sewer to bo
cqpstructed along Sherman street from
Geneva aVenuo to Stark street, and to
assess the cos.t thereof upon tho prop
erty directly beneflted'thqreby uid adja
cent thereto.
Section 2. The council will hear and
consider any protests against snia con1
structlon and thonsaesslng of said nron
erty for the cost thereof nt a meeting
or tho council to ho hoiu May .', iyii, at
7:o o'clock p. m , In the council cham
lntr In said cltv. nnd all nronertv owners
or property und adjacent to said sower
and benerited thereby are nerony caueu
unon to nunear before said council at
said time and place, and show cause, If
uiiy they nave, why saiu construction
shpuld not be made und tho cost theri
of bo assessed
Section 3. The city recorder Is hereby
directed to serve notlco thereof unon tho
property owners aforesaid, by causing
thro copies or tnis ordinunce to no post
ed In three public pluces In said city, and
saiu ordinance to be puuilMicti once in a
dally newspaper published und of gen
eral clrculatlon'ln tho city, at least 10
days before the date of said meeting.
JTlie foregoing ordinance wos passed
by, the city council of the city of Med
ford. Oreuon. oil the 18th day of AnrR
1911, bv the following vo" Merrick
"uye." watt "ave." Wortmai rle." Em
erlck "aye," Klfert "aye. and Millar
Approved April 19, 1911
Attest: Mayor.
' City Recorder. .
,Be It resolved by the city council oC
tho city of Medferd:
That It Is the Intention of tho council
to' lay n, 4-Inch water main on Shermnt
street from Geneva avenue to Stark
street, and to assess the coftt thereof
upon tho property fronting on said por.
tlon of said street In proportion to the
frontage of said property
The council will meet at the council
chamber In the city hall In said city on
thp 2nd day of May, 1911. at 730 p. m.i
till which lime uu jiruiviin ukuiiihi mo
laying of said water main on said portion
oi, saiu sireei unu mu uBnc-oniiiuni
thp cost thereof upon tho property front
lng thereon will be heard '
The foreiroinir resolution was passed
by the city council of the city of Meil
ford on tho 18th day of April, 1911. by
the following ate: Merrick "aye," Watt,
"uVe." Wortman "uye," Kmerick "ayei
Elfert "aye." Millar "aye "
Approved April 19, 1911
Attest; Mayoi
' City Recorder
liamoer in sum cuy, nnu au properly, nn-r, niacins- hvilrunts. iatu dives, tees.
filers or property., adjacent to said Sibous mitt crosses, be. und the. same Is
Wer and qeneneu iereuy ure. Jicreoy 1,.rebv a0eeutuii. and the mavor and tlui
Ued upon to appear oerpre saiu coun- ...,,,,w wT i,u;,.i;.. miihitrii in ..nir
, lit said tlnili and place, nmt ShOW tn nn.l Hlirn n rniilrnct In th.i form und
Use. If any tlipy hae, why stild con :,;- i,?i.,..-t.. ,.t ttu n.,.i uwh
on shoulu not uu made unu the
Bo It resolved by the city council of in. -. tony me w su,,. eu fd,
the city of Medford. Oregon present boundary line of the city of
That it Is the intention of the council Medford; thence In a general southwest
to1" lay a 4-Inch water main on Stark erly direction following the present
street from Washington to Sherman boundary line of said city let the plaoe
streets, und to assesp tho cost thereof of beginning, all In Jackson county, Ore
upon the property fronting on suld por- gon.
tlon of said street in proportion to tjo Realved further, that said question
fronUige of said property . be submitted to said electors of the city
J he council will meet at the council of Mitdford and to said electors of said
mber In the city hall p said city on above described territory at a special
the 2nd day of May, 1911. at 7:30 p, nt, election to be culled for that purpose,
at, which time all protests against the wild election to bo held on the 9th day
laying of said water main on said par- of May, 1911.
tlqn of said street and the assessment Resolved further, that a special elec
of the cost thereof upon the property tlon In and for the city of Medford and
fronting thereon will be heard In and for the territory hereinbefore
The foregoing resolution was passed by 'escribed by held on the 9th day of May
the city council of the city of Medford 1911, between the hours of 9 e, in. and
on the 18th day of April, 1911, by the
lollowlng ivotor Utetrick'U'dye," Watt
"aye." wortman "aye' Emerlck "aye'
Elfert "aye." Millar 'aye."
Approved. April 19, 1911.
Attest 1
IMIV ttnnnrilnri
City Itecofderi,
An ordinance providing for the oxecu-
"on of a contrnaU with the Jacobson.
nade company for excavating nnd back-
filling trcnohes, and furnishing and lay-
i.. ... .. . ...'.' . ..'
K,P'pe "mi placing iiyarnnis nnu oilier
equipment in tho construction or a water
'""I" '"" KilHl AUUlt SlrCCt 111 the City
of Medfonl, and providing the terms of
said contract.
Tho city of Mod ford doth ordain os
.Seatl6n 1. Tlmtthe proposition of the
Jacobsdp-Bado company, an Oregon cor-
& for' tho u7lni? VlPk wi'
!,, r, SnnltreSt tn the city
tfs&&t& &
ler inuin
of Med
action by MUoli mayor uhd recorder Is
pereuy uumorizeu, raiuieu ami con
This agreement made and entered into
this day bf April, 1911, by and be-
hi .win tin. Tnnntmnn.llnitii nntntMinV tin
-..i-..-. . .... ...... ,..... .- t
t)l 8cnU rvuctor uml t)ie city of .Medford,
municipal corporation, jieremaitor
.,.. ili n,..3 '
Ytnefleth. for and In consideration
0f thi ebVehants hereinafter sot forth
hf tin ebvehants hereinafter sot forth
tll0 contractor Iwreby undertakes and
covenants to furnluh all tho necessary
materials and labor and do all the work
or excaVatimr and backfilling ditches.
imullng and laying plp und placing hy
drunts, gate alvcs, crosses, teen and el
bows on Kast Main street In tho city of
Mcarorn, uregon.
Said contractor pgrees tp placo all
hydrants and gate valea, and ull
fcrossew, tees" und elbows at the points in
dicated on' the tlann and specifications
for said work on flis lit tho pffici' or the
city" recorder of the 'said clti", and, to per
form all Of said Work Ifl q flrflt-class,
substantial nnd workmanlike manner In
accordance with tljo pjans. and spcclfica
tlpus therefor, on flo in the office of
the olty recorder, Which plans and spec
ifications have been adopted by the city
council for such work, and upon the
terms ana conmtiooH in saiu pinns nnu
! (ftjeclflcatibns set' forth, which said
Pans unu specuicniions ure uerpoy ex
pressly referred to and made a part of
IIjIh agreement.
And in t!6nslderation therefor tho said
dlty ngrees to pay said contractor nt the
following rate's:
For furnishing and laying 12 Inch C
I. P. per lln. ft. aa ppr condition No. 1,
Tor furnishing und laying 12 Inch C. i.
P. per lln.-ft. ns ier' condition No. 2,
- For furnishing nnd laying 12 Inch C.
I. P. lln. ft. os per condition No. 3, G.0O.
Kor furnishing arid laying 4 Inch C. I.
P. per lln. ft, 1,B0.
For furnishing nnd lnylng 6 Inch C. I.
P. per lln. ft.. IJ.00.
Corey hydrapts, each, $75.00.
Six-Inch gate vulves, each, $20.00.
12x12x6 T'R, each. $$BO,00.
12' Inch gate valves, each. $65.00.
16x12x16 T's, each. $100.00.
16 Inch gate valves, each. $110.00.
45 degree pendq, each, $85.00.
iZV, degree bends,' each, $30.00.
4-lnch gato valves, Midi. $15. OQ.
12X13X-T T'H. each.' $45.00.
KxctiMitlng', disconnecting and relay
ing wooded main to proper grado to con
nect wjtli 12 inch C. 1. 'P. pef lln. ft.,
It In further agreed 'tfiat paymonts
provldil for on the assesments men-;
tloned In tho plans and specifications
.Eighty per cent of. njl material
nlshed nnd labOr lerformed, according
. .,... .....I ...I S JMII....1 t... !. A.-
to the estimates furnished by tho con-
tractor nnd approved by the- city, rn -
glnecr, which said 80 per cent sluUhbo-
ty of the first part, tho contractor" above
named, shall urnlsli bond .for the fa!thk
fUU performance of this, contract, to be
,LnnrVi,rill.lhi, nmvnr if ml 111 Tl. In
the sum 'of fifteen thousand (UBiOOfl).
dollars, guaranteeing tho raithrui
fnrmanco of this contract and further,
providing for tho Indemnifying of said
cuy ngainsi any cniiina or jiciih ior iu
hoi". work or1 materials on ndcount of all
hil)-contracfor. material men. laborers
aqu oi;)ers lurnisdHiH uiuur or iiiuu-rjui
dri this coritrct,
It 'Is .further ngrded that, said work
shall bo commenced and prosecuted with
till reasonable diligence und dispatch,
and that all of said wqrk shal bo cotn
pltitpd on Or before , 191).
In testimony whereof (he parties have
cauned these presents to bo executed
011 tholr behalf, respectively, on the day
und year first nbovo wrlteen. l
' '.iMilMlltll.lf'lSlillil
lS)f.,.. ..... ,..,.. ...b..
uy ... ,......,.
City Recorder
TIip fpregqlnp ordinance wus passed bv1
the city council of tho olty of Medford
nit the 18th day of April, 1911, by tlio
following vote:
Merrick "aye," Watt "aye," Wortmnrt
"aye." Emcrlpk "aye." Elfert "aye," Mil
lar "aye "
Approvod Anrli 1,9, 191 1.
Attest: Mayor.
City Recorder,
, , ,, .
Bn It Resplvnd. by the City Cduftcll
of tho City of Medford, Oregen:
Whereiis there has been filed with the
city council of tho city of Medford, a
petition signed by tnOro than one-fifth
of the qualified electors of said city
nil shown by tha votes, cast a.t the )tt0t
municipal election hold In saiu city,
petitioning that tho boundaries of said
city of Medford be altered nnd new tup
iltory Included therein us hereinafter
fioj. 'forth. It Jn therefore resolvAl that j
uio ioiiowiiik quusiion uu suuniilieu iu
tho electors of said city and also to the
electors residing In the territory herein
after set firth:
main inn iiiuuurien ui iiio tiiy ui
Medford be altered by Including therein
the following described territory, to
wlt: L Beginning at a point on tho south
boundary JJne of the cjty of Mccjford, t
which Is 396 feet of the southwest
corner of donation land claim number
4f, In township" 37, range 1 west of
thq Willamette meridian: thorice east
along the center of the taounty road' to
tne east line or mo county roau which
a continuance of South Riverside ave-1
nup In the cRy pf Mtfdford; Uierico north-1
uestorly along thl east line of said opun-i
ty road tp a point which bears north
72 degrees 30 minutes east from the
southeast corner or lot 7, or Mock l. or
Davis' First addition to the cltv of Med
ford; thenco north 72 degrees 3D mln-
utes east to a rvolnt from which the
northeast corner of donation land claim
number 44, In township 37. range 1 west,
bears, squth 72 ilcgreeH 30 minutes ea8t
2619 feet and north 1538 feet; thence
north 26 degrees 18 minutes west 400
feet; thenco south 72 degrees 30 mini
ues west to tho northerly southeast
corner of South Sea addition to tho cltv
l of Medferd: thence northwesterly alnnir
- mi? iriipnii. rnrnnnini- nnu invmir nine
shall be made by said city ut the time1 nun to. ,ino cty or Mcdrprd, (lb shown
and In thq a,ihounniUned in sAd specir-iyHho rccbrded plat thereof, to the pres
catlonsMn lawfuImoney, or Its eaulva-1 tnt,corporat3 line. .f. satdt city? (tHohce
lent.nayablft In the following manner,! north along, the present boundary line
ooitjp iiun mm puvauifr-Trom nam cii'fishS'"".1" u ''' .' . ior .li'.u purpose,
to Haiti contractor oAMhe 10th day it ftnliMectlpn,to beheld ort tho 10th day
c.ich and.ovety calendars month, balatlfce Oi.'May, 1911.. . .
to be.pald ns per speclflcatldns. ' ,. Uaqlved further, that-n srfeclal ele.c-
T. I- ... .!..... nA.1 linuli.k atll.l t.Ar- tlOn in And. for tlll CitV nf Ml.llfArd ntlil
A L in luiinvi ujbiwu iiiHti.ui. ..u. -
' 7 I
5 p. m.. 1st herby called for tho purpose
bf submlttlng-ynt nIl Mcctlon pnfd
tlon aboi ser forth.' '
'The following are designated as the
uivvn in nuiu uii i wiiiuii mu juiii
ill do open witnin Kaiuciiy:
First lanl-OVer llasktns' drugstore
ouconu wru iioiei insu sampia
toom. ' ' '
Third wanllty nll,
' Thd' following' Is" Hereby deslgn&ted as
the place In the territory hereinbefore
described at which the polls will be
, Residence of tf. Brophy,
Tho following Kts hereby nppolnted
And designated as Judges and clerks of
nld sloctten: ,, ..
' First ward Irf said city J. W. iJng.
Judge; h. U Damon, Judge and clerk:
Hv"r. Lawton judgo and cldrk.
iji Second ward In said city J. II. Bel
linger, ludge: Win. Ulrlch. Judge and
tslerk: Chnrles Talent, Judgo ilnd elerk.
Third ward In said city P. W. Choi
gron, JUdgo; J. T. Summcrvllle, Judgo
pud clerk; 11. H. Lorlmcr, Judge and
If) the territory hereinbefore dcsdrlb-d-iS.'I
Dennett, Win Holmes, N. Bro
pliy. Tho electors of said rlty of Medford
Snd the pleptors of the territory herein
efore described are hnroby Invited to
vote upon said proposition by placing
upon tholr ballots, "For Annexatlpn" pr
'Againsi Anneifuuqn" or vrps equiY"
Blent thuretot
Jtcsolved further, thnf notlco of all
the matters herein set forth be given
by publishing this resolution for four
Wqokst prior to said election In tho Mod
ford Mnl Tribune, a nowspaper of gon
Vrnl, circulation. In said Rlty of Medford
and In the territory above described,
?nd nlso Uy posting four copies of this
osolutlon in four public places In the
territory abova dcScrltiod for four weeks
prior to sale) election.
The foregoing resolution was passed
tin tho 4th day of April, ltll, by tho
Vlty dpupcll of the city of Medford. by
the following- vete: Merrick aye, Watt
ayo, Wortman ayo, Rmcrlck aye,. Elfert
ayor nnd Millar aye.
'Approved April r'th. 1911.
W. H, 'CANON, Mayor.
Attest: '
,, Bo l Resolved by the C((y CoqpclJ of
tho City of Medford. Oregen:
Whereas, there has boon filed with
th) city council o ftlio cjty of. Mcdfort)
A pctltldn signed by nioro thnnope-flfth
of the qualified electors of snld city as
shown by tho vote cast at tho last tnii-
tllclpnl election held In Bald city, peti
tioning that the boundaries of said City
m UAJfhl .' hlln.n.1 A...1 .A.. HlAH..
included therein as hereinafter set forth.
It Is therefore resolved, that the fol
lowing (nidation be submitted to the
electors of said city and also to the elec
tors residing In tho territory lioroln
lifter set forth!
Shall the boundaries of the dlty of
Medford be altered by including therein
the following described territory, to
wit: Beginning at the northwest corhor of
Kehvrood addition to tho city of Med
rord as shoun by the recorded plat
thoreof. Bald nolnt helm; on tho westerly
boundary line of (ho tlty pf Medford.
thence west to the1 northwest corner bf
hald Kenwood addition; -thpnee south
along tho west lino of snld addition to
tho southwest corner of blopk 3 of said
iidilttlon; thenco West'to tho northwest
corner or greston addition to the city or
Medford, as shown on tl)q recorded plat
thereof! therfco south to the cast And
West nudrler linn of section 2fi. tnvn-
sjilp '27 south of run go 2 west of the
Willamette meridian, being tho north
Iine'of the county road which Is tip dx-tfulslon-or
West Main streut In-Bald city!
thenco west to a point duo north of tho
northwest corner qf West Walnut Park
addition tp the City of Medford, ns shown
Uy tho recorded plat thereof! thenco
tmuth icroK tho county road and along
the west boundary of, said West Wd
nut tiddltldh toktho, s6uthwost corner of
said addition; thence Cast along tho
somn -nno or nam west walnut nuiu
the l
uf said city
Inil,,; nnAi. Ar l,..l..l
fir-,jllL M Jcksbn county. Oregon. w
J Rt-solved further, that said question
n afll.m1n.l A until ..ll..,....., nf .l Mllta
be submltM t6 walil elector qf the' cltY
0rf,t1fPrd'and to salrt- ejectors pf said
abjiyfi detfeflbcd; territory, at- ft special
'nNn.u , tnd territory hefelnbofoc
i?rcUI,J?d. b.e .ua ? 'J10 10,l dIy' of
"v. .ISW. .oetw-pon the hours of 9 a. m
Ollll llD. IH.. IS 1101 Oliy Called for till)
ontlivP in-.' ii hoioby 'called for tho
Jw.'P0'0. oft-nubijiUtlng atjsiiid election,
per-.?. '"nu". " nci uiwi.
uu n
Tho ftillriwlni? nrn ilnulimntnil nn tlin
places In said cltv nt which thri nnlln
will ho open within said olty
First ward Over Hawkins drug store.
H6conU "vrrfrd-Nash hottd samplo room.
' Third ward City Mil.
, Tho following Is'horeby designated as
tho Place In the -torrltory hereinbefore
described at whlch .tho polls - will bo
Tho following are hereby nppolntpd
nnd designated as iudces nnd olerkn nf
said electien:
i 'First ward In sad city J. W. king,
IV'J'Af ," wninon, j u ago anu pierk
p. 'T. Lawtort. Judgir ond "clork.
BQ00nd ward In wild city J. II. Bel
linger, judge: Win, Ulrlch, Judgo and
clerk: C)ms. Talent, Judgo and clerk.
Third ward In said city P. w. Chcl
gnjn, Judge: J. T, Summcrvllle, Judge
nndfclork; II, H. Lorlmer. judgo nnd
In tho territory horelnboforo descrlb-".d.-"
K Murray. 1 1. &. Streator, E. F.
A. .Blttnor
Tlio ulectors of said c(ty of Medford
and tliii olfQtopi of tho territory herein
before deneribed nro hereby invited to
vote upon sold proposition by1 placing
upon their ballots "For Annexation" or
"Against Annexation" or words equiva
lent thereto.
Rosolvod furthor. that notlco pf all
the mattors' hpnMn set forth lie given
by publishing this resolution for four
wepks prior to said election In tho Med-
Jprd Mall Tribune, a, newspaper of gen
rnl circulation' In, said city bt Medford
PR'l.'ln the territory nbova ddaorlbed and
also by posting four conies of this reso
lution In four public places In said city
and In four public places In the terri
tory nbpve. described for four .weeks
prr to sad ploctlon,
Tho foregoing resolution was passed
on the 4th day of April, 1911. by tho
Pity council qf tho city of MtHlford by
the. follow nir lnte: Merrick nvu. Wnli
ayo. -Worjmun aye, VAtyrt jtye, Uar
, , . ... ..
rtiiroveu April a, jail.
Att L W. H. CANONr Mayor.
' ' Recorder.
LOST Aberdeen Scotch terrlor; small,
with long black hair, answering name
Klrrje. Information regarding loca
tion, p)ease pjignp G, U, Carpentor,
7351 Suburban.
Xftl Sitste
FOR EXCHANOE Medford and subur
ban property, ranches, timber lands,
for other property. Address Box 199,
care Mall Tribune.
TO EXCHANGE Colorado and Nebras
ka lands. Improved and unimproved,
to exehangs for Rogue river Properties.
The Best-Fnller Realty Co., a rants
pass Or. "
FOR EXCHANGE A very fine orchard
In Rogue river valley within corporate
limits of Ashland, paid 10 per qcqt net
on $32,000 In 1909, with present pros
pects will pay rrtore this year, will
trade for Los Atlgoles property of
quhl value, I'rlco $13,500, H. T.
Lewis, 671 Chestnut street, Ashland,
Or.' .. v - .'27
FOR TRADE 10 acres good timber
for automobile, also city lots and
acreage. Lets talk business, Cornetlus
Qarner Realty Co, 133 W. Main st.
IflQIICROFT rcstdenco stcs are den
tlned to double and,trobl( In value.
FQR SALE Plaza cafo at ft sacrifice
on account of pdor health bf proprie
tor, J2? p. Main t,
ltk;o to fNqhhpgnjgqod irjojh'jf tj. tf oom
cottago In, Los ' AiiroIus, Lath, tollot,
lawui, gaH olectrloltyi on Unci "street,
block of twd car (then; oxdhhngc' equi
ty of 1800 for small failn In rotith
em Oregon If suited. BittahoA of $G50
payable ns you. VIrH. Qruiit rofgU-'
son, 3246 Etnhlct St., Lbs Angeles,
Cal. '27
team of horded, harness ami wagon,
hbuse and lot; cash aluca considered
908 8. Newtowp. ' 29
Bengcr 1-cyllndcr touring automublla
AddieBs Box 200, care Malt Trlbuno
office. '
BailMMS rroptrty
FOR, SALE OR RENT qooa opening fT
general merchandise storo In now
town with $15,000 monthly payroll, On
railroad, 12 miles from Medford, Gold
Ray lloalty Co, 206 W. Main.
Bor a4 moMHi
FOR ItEtT Room ond board; meals
served family style. 006 E. Mufn
street 28
i i J - i - i
FOR IlENT Rootn with private board,
at B10 N. Rlvorsldc.
rmralthed Xeoms
FOIf RENT Fu,rplshed room In npv,
strictly modern bungalow oloso In;
board If desired. 617 H Holly. 29
TO HENTFurnlslied rooms, bath, elpp
trie lights. Cose In. Ladles only.
429 North Central. 28
FOR RENT Nice furnished room, $1.50
per week. 1001 S. Centra). 27
FOR RENT Sunny doublo room, largo
closet, hot and cold water and sleeping
porch. Gentlemen. Tho Cumberland,
706 H. Oakdale. 30
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front
room adjoining bath. Call In faro
noon, 521 W. 2nd Bt. 20
FOR, RENTr-At tho Cottago, modorn
furnished rponts, Rooms equipped
with private telephone service, hot and
cold running water, sleeping porglies,
bath, acdomrnoilattonn and heat (f de
sired. ' C(H W Tenth at. Ptipno call
PrlVfttQ oxdilango til,
FOR RENT Furnshed sleeping room;
overyihlng npw and clean; reasonable
price; easy walk from Main st. Only
mbn peed apply. Oleson nndAV. Ham
itton sts, Pi)onotMuin 4474.
rOHtN,T.?-JitDj;uiily furnished rooms,
sleam hoilt, fat itny.pold watoj, b'athri,
electric ilgjus, . poiyiy furnished, sin
gle 'rooips or, en stilto, by tho My,
Week or mohth. " Inquire Toom ti)S
Elpptrjp bldg. 2JSL.W. M"ftln "st.
FOll REST; irbilsMoil. rqotnii for trans
ients. Nq. 10" N. Grapo st., ajii to Far
mer's & Fruitgrowers' bank.
FQR RENT Nice, big newly furbished
bedroom. Calf for Hutch, t this of
fice ,
FOR RENT Modern" rodnU 3 blOcVs
front Main street. Call phono C891. 27
' ... i i . i
FOR RENT Two connecting furnished
fropt rooms, suitable for 2 qr 4 gentle
men, modern $0.00 per woekf 730 West
llth street, 27
Untarnished Booms,
FOR RENT Two or three pleasant un
furnished rooms, suitable for hpiUo
keoplng, wator and electric light. 211
Hfark street, East Medford, phbqe
5232. 27
Housekeeping Booms
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooniB. 45
N. Bartlett. 38
! OH RENT Rooms, housekeeping and
sleeping, bath, telephone; onp pjoqk
rropi lain street. 40& h, Oakdaio. Mrs
A. Llttlo. - 27
FOR RENT Now furnished house
Hoping rpoms; gas; bath; hot wator.
234 E. N.lnth. 30
FOR RENT Modern two rooms, sulto
of light housekeeping rooms on First
floor, gas to cook with, no small chil
dren, also one sleeping room. Apply
Mrs, Joo Thomas, 222 South Holly
FOR RENT 5-room house and barn on
N( Jlivijrsido. 1'non.q 744,
FOR RENT To 4 s(nsll family, strict
ly modern 5-room bungalow with bath,
on W. 2d st , $20 per monthr Address
R. V, M.( csro Mali Trlbtfno office1. 27
FOR RENT New modern bungalow. 0
rooms and bath, large screen porch,
aid Llborty street, . 30
FOR RENT A small house portly fur
nished; 'big purdenj corner ldtj city
water; for sinull fapitly, O, 1C, Mall
Trlbuno 20
Bn,etneis Bopms
FOR RENT Two business rooms In the
new Odd Fellows building on W. Sixth
St. Inquire Jackson Comity bank, cuuh
er. '
FOR RENT Business room on W Main
Ht. 2ixij9, stiliuWe (pr rvatuurant or
billiard room or other business, steam
heat. Gold Ray Realty Co., 216 W,
-MBln af.
Offices for Bent
FOR RENT Over the postofflce with
heat and light See A. A. Davis.
FOR RENT Offle , rooms In Hloctrtc
bldg, modern equipment, steam )ieat,
electric light, luths, tollot, hot and
cold water. Gold Ray Realty Co., 21
W. Main st.
, FOR RENT Farms from 40 acres lo
I TOO acres, alfalfa land, fruit ranches,
' garden land, general farming ranches,
aold Buy Realty Co, 218 W. Main,
FOR LKABE Fishing, boating and huht
ng resort on cay tcrpis. Box 32,
M:all Tribune.
FOR RENT anhlen land In tracts
of, from pna aero upwards, with
water for Irrigation. Owner will
1 furnish Mrn''Bndv Implements for mll
tfvatlrtgl nnd' 'seed for Jharft of crop.
Imiulro faf Buffiirn, Rogue- R,IV8r Elec
IrlPCo, 816 Wj Mhlit ht. n
PQll IJAIil Bnllirldcro tracts Just
within apd adjoining, city limits, at a
bargain, on 5 annual payments. Ad
dress Candor Water & Towdr CO.
FOR HALR-r-llrauUrul 5-cr tract un
der dltph, 1J& miles out on villain road
Sen owner. No, 20 S. Peach st. 26
1 1 , ,i .... i
Business Property
FQR SALE pholce business prqperty
nt a bargitlu, on long tlinu; easy terms.
Address Condor Water & Towor Co.
FOR SALEr-Btorp IjulUUng lot and
grocery Slock Is one .of tho best sub
urban location In the olty. Best Pf
reasons, tor selling. A' simp if token
ht on'ce. 'Terms oh part. Ctlne" & Co.,
720 ."Plne Btrebt. 20
ron SALE Fine south front' lot on .
3nth street qo pavement with water
and sewer paid. See owner, at 016-W,
llth sL ' i 33
i ..i l i-i
FORI SALE Ai JP. BalInK JisslOO; gqod
lots for halo. In the east side. All
cash deal,
. r , ,,i ,1 ,..,;, ,r. ; ; ..,i,, i , . ,i
maHClOFT residence BJtps.jiaVe. .the
most superb vlow.iof tho olty, valloy
apd mountains.
I')It SALE Two latwopn Jrt on.Thlrtl
and Apple streets; past front CiE.
Kirk, Box 285. 1
FOR- SAWl-vUPOQ, Jot tp jga .for k$e9.
Call hp Main 4474, or Call at 293 Ole
son st. -
FOR HALE On or twq,qf thp XUiest
vacant lots on Ross Court, laying two
feet abovo sidewalk ; sower and water
connection inane aim exrp.qapa to in
sldo ln of nlilewilk. 'AddrPSR Ai V
Carlsdn, Roulo 1( Box ' A-72,. CitV"l
Polnti ' 60
" I I'M! ' ' ' " '
FOR SALE A four room houso; 3
blocks off East Main on a 60x285 font
lot for $1500. Just $800 cash and $10
per month. E. S. Tumy, 201 Garnott
Corey bldg. 26
FOR. SALE 2 gpod modern Iipuhob, cIobq
lp, on payed stroots. Inquire of own
er, 604 S. Holly. 26
FOR SALE Good 4-rooni house, good
shod, lot 50x112, olty water, largo gar
den, only $950.00. 737 W MM st- 7
blocks Bouth Washington sqhool, 42
ii ,i i
FQR SALE A JPYPly honje qf 4 aCrjiB,
24 n?n south of Tu'eTUi amqnjJ 'opt
hills. AU undor qnJtlYftpn superior
lilfalfft apd fruit' lnpd, haVlng np or
chard 'of pear, peach, choryy, ppplri
plum, n))flQot nnd i)ectario trees) also
strawborrles,"' logun 'nnd rnBpb6rrIe. A
f (no ore ok , runs; through tho place.
'An. Ideal-poultry ranch with flno now
nbultrv hotlflp. GoOl h6use. barn and
Pther oUtltUlldlngs. 'Flpo spring wafer
pipeu up inio Kronen, r.very inui i'i
this plnco can bfl oultlvPted Price
f 1600 cash.' Soo L. N." Judd,x Talent,
x. , .
FOR ALE At $2S0. ono of tlio llami-
iompt bunguluws on tlm east !'!
fipqO will Handle; balance llku roft;
strtiy moderp thi-oughaut. Wll fHiy
you to lnvestlgateii Address M. M
okro Mttll Tribune. $7
F()t QUICK SALE I offer ft furnished
C-ropm hoUso 4 blocks of center of
business district, at $2750. Ronts for
$?0 Wlthli a year yoii will bo oount-
cd in tho wholesaje business district.
Address C. A. M euro' Mull Tribune
office. 27
KOR SALE A Ctrqom Htrlctly tnoilern
bungalow, less than 90 days old, on n
street to bo paved this summer, about
seven blocks from the heart of the
city, This property wl pay 15 per
Pent on your Investment, and Is a
dandy placo for a homo. The price
Is $1800, and can be handled 'Oh easy
terms If doslrcd, Cpxpetlus-Garncr
Jloalty Co , 133 V,'. Main st.
FOR SALE A 3-rooni plastered house
on mi east front corner lot, close In
Tjits property can bo bought right, und
Is Just tho right slzo for a small
family. You peoplo wlm nro paving
rpnt win do well to look this up. Price
Is $1250, on very uttruotlvo terms, Cor
nntlus-Oorner Realty Co , 133 W. Mun
FpR SALE A 0-rooin houso on South
JVewiown between W. Main ond W.
10th His; lot 60(100 for $1800. Don
you beat It. Now renting for $2.
Cornntlus-Oarnpr Realty Co, 133 W
Main st.
" 'i ' ' - '. ' . i . ii I. .
FOR SALE A 2-room now houso on an
cast front lot at $675; $100 down and
$15 per month. Bs quick. Cornelius
Qarncr Realty' Co 133 W. Main st
FOR HALE WJl o'20 or 40aorcs of
Unimproved deep soil land, Just 1 3-4
miles from Central Point for $109 por
acre which fs $50 below market price.
Surrminded" by orohards. E. H. Tumy,
201 Garnott-Qoroy bldg. 27
FOR HALE SO acres, half iqlle from
Englo Point, about 40 acres under cul
tivation; sticky soil; very easy terms,
pr srv, !?.70, W. T, VorK & Co,
FOR HALE 8 acres fruit and poultry
ranch, 200 head of poultry, team and
tools go with placo If desired; wost of
H. Oakdaio nve. Svv owner on place.
Robert Duttln, '
FOR SALE Homestead relinquishment;
150 acres, 19 miles' from Central Point)
tor; a snap. Call on wrlto C, A,
Sanderson, Central Point, Or, SOO
Point. On 30
Beal JEeUte
FOR HALE Any amount from 6 to 88
acres of land now In alfalfa und young
fruit; Just 2 mllos from city limits on
gentlo slope; good, deep soil; the prlca
Is right. E. 8. Tumy, 201 Garnott
Corey bldg. 20
oa! Hetste.
fUll HALli; rJacksoii', county (anils in
RPgUn river Valley, Oregon, by the
Jackson County Realty company, II, At.
Coss, manager. 'Office In Garnott
Corey building; room 217. Farm lands,
garden lands, fruit lands, stock
randies, largo and small traats of Im
proved 'and unimproved lands. Oflce
phono 66dl Tcsldendo 14L
IHGHCROFf residency sites are offered
Jat presoht prjco for a, short time
FOR S.ALE A block of 15 adrps' of 20
yl(ir old Rplteonbcrgr, Nowtowns am)
Bartlctts. with a modorn four room
bungalow JUsf 34 of a tnliq from city
limits for $16,000 on terms. E. S.
Tuihy, 201 'GarnottiCotoy. 27
FOR SALE FlnP dining tablq nn(l
chairs, (hrcn beUiQiu sets, davenport,
parlor furniture, sectional book case,
rilgd, lied springs, mattresses, several
flnei roPkrrs pntt other rurnlture. All
at gooil prlbcs, as am leaving Intro
Two miles Milith.wcHt from Medforil p
Orchard Horn Tnlot. Phehe: l'ar
tnurs 7070". A. Vogol. 28
IliailCUOlT rosldoncq sites ,aro des
tined to double and troblo In Yulue-i
IfQft , 8 ALE One runabout automobllo;
ntfw tlrM ppgtue Just .overhauled;
everything In first class condition.
Can' "lie botfght almost for1 price of
lll'ds. Inquire of Powel Auto Co.
FOH BALE Alflnenlnglo coinb.Whltp
Orplpstpn from ono of tho best strains.
Can (III u fpw-moro orders for day old
'btilokft'fronVinV trupttested Orplpgtpns
UPil'Leghoms for MPy flpltVery. Mrs.
K.T3. Opmn,' JncksohVllto, Or, '9
FOR SALE Com for Jialo at Vlas
rani. i ' i 38
iFOR HALE-r-lteql nqd wooaoll bsrrcls.
.Vallny Au(o Co.
FOH ,SALE"-Opw, 130 North Central
avenue. 2$
iFOR HALE Hv. Iliavp gmln andal
dlfa. baled, Keo A. A, Davis.
1-TQR HAUfi RhPile IsmpdJJod Eggs, $t
ppr seltlng of, 15eggs.r C N. Lamar,
21Q Court st, 30
Mil.., ii.'.
. 1.1.I.U,
1--9R SALE Qprq.. JaUIre Pf, Clancy's
office, .Phlpps bldg., or phono Main
FQR SALE-rHfiea cprn, ppppor Jn
Od,i Lower Tnbjo Roojc.
FOR SALE T,wo pqol fables qml one
bllard ipbjo, Luy U Keegan, Jack
sonville, Ort 29
FOR SALE Our pullets front trap
nested stock lay at flvo months old.
How much nro thoy worth morO than
common stock" that commence laying
at ton -montUh? Wliltn Loshorn Imhy
fchlcks $2.00 per down. Whlto Orp
ington blvby chicks $11.00 per dozon,
Alsd Cycle "hatcher for sale. Mrs. E.
E. Oman, Jacksonville, or. 38
FOp SALE Pile span l)laok homes, 0
nnd 7 years, old, )400 lbs, each, W 1.
Dodge, CIO B. Oakdale. 30
FOR SALE Oood sUrroy. floe L. II,
Wnrnor at Warner, Wortman & Goro's.
0 r 84
FOR BALIS YQurig cow. Wild and gen
tle, gjvlng pillk; price, $60 For fur'
tHor pat,tjculw,f address C. R. PldgoOn,
Jnck80iivllli. Or, , 39
FOR , SALE Jersey cow.
7JG, j'mttofflt"v
Address Box
FOR. SALE TTurnlthto of six rooms,
vmy oloso 111; 'two rooms rented, which
pay expenses; n snap If taken soon.
205 South Central. 27
FOR HALE .IJorso ui)tl fittddlo. Inquire
61 C Palm st. 26
H1GHCHOFT residence sites havo tie
lighted qvoryono "Vlltf; has soon the
WANTED Laco curtains to launder
216 W. Jackson st. 30
WANTED Orders taken at Wilson's
second hand store for hauling sand and
gruvol. Phono Bell T, 3101; Home
205 L. 43
WANTED One,, hundred turkey pggs.
Robert Duttln, Medford, Or 27
WANTED Work by day or contraot for
brick, stone and tlio work; satisfac
tion guaranteed; worked on Duel, A
riero, Dr. Fitch, Wuro and Gluzo
hldgv. AddresH Charles Kazloyj Med
ford, Or., Gen. Del. 26
WANTEDt-I do housukeqplng py tho dav
or uqur or yccg, rpono M 3301. 237 H.
Ivy st. Japuneso M. Harry. 42
Xelp Wanted Male
WANTED Hajesmun In uyery locality of
thp northwest; money advanced week
ly; many mako over $1000 month;
oholco of torrltory, Yakima Valley
Nursery Co, Topanlsh, Wash.
Xelp Wanted Pemals
vTaNTEP .Young
lady for geperal
housgvorlC Best WogflSt IilQUlro Bif
fum, Rogue River Electrlo Co, 216 W
Main st, '
WANTED ,Olr,l or general hopsa work.
Apply at 018 West Main stroet
sites will bo
known as the real "Nob Ill" of Med
FREE DIRT-rRist rich sql, lopso. 815
East Main st, Humphrey 27
D. R. WOOD General accountant Your
books audited and kept for a reasonable
figure, your business solicited. Office
Phlpps bldg, rpom 209, Phone 3132.
JOHNS Sb TURNER. Architects and
Builders Offlco 7-8, 326 Main: phone
Main 3471 Residence phono 744.
A. P. GODWIN. Architect, office X4C,
corner Front und Third.
Atsayer ssei Asslyst.
EARL V 1NGELS, B. S.BeSt equipped
aisoy oflco In Oregonf food products,
soils, fertlllzors.'spray'prbduots, water
etc., analyzed. Grants Pass.
COLVIG & REAMEB W. M. Colvig, a
L. Reames. Lawyers. Office Medford
nauonai uanK uuuaing, second floor.
Attorneys-ftt-law, Nos. 1 nnd 2 Post
office building.
A. E REAMES Lawyer. aarnott-Corey
Pulm building.
B. F. MULKEY Lawyer. Room 30 Jack
son Co. Bank bldg.
Billiard Fnrlore.
TrTTmoxvJi & co. lililiaTdB. cigars
will Soft Urlnlts Up stairs. Young &
Hall building. A nice, cool placo lo
spend the hot afternoons
Bill Posters.
VERNE T, CANON Bill poster and Uls
trlbutor. All ordors promptly filled.
Room 29. Jackson County Bank build
ing, Medford, Oregon.
Cigars and Tobacco.
IRELAND, & ANTLE, Smokehouse
Dealers in tobacco, cigars, and smok
ers supplies. Exclusive agent of Lowls
Single Binder, El Morlto and El Palon
ola. 312 West Main street.
Civil Engineers.
surveyors. Specialty; Platting, sub
dividing and munlolpal engineering.
Phono 4081. Room 408 Garnott-Corey
bldg. Medford, Oregon.
Contractors and Braiders.
SPRAOUE BROS. Contrnctois uTTd
builders; lot us help to finance tho
building of your home. 2U Frultgrow
ers' Bnnlt bldg.
1 rurnltnrs. ""
H. F. WILSON & CO.. dealers In riew
and second-hand furniture and hard
ware. Agents for Household stoves
and ranges. 10 South Fir Btrect, Phono
Main 3161, Home 265-L.
nor 8th and Holly streets. Medford.
Mission furnlturo mado to order. Cab
inet work of ul kinds. A trial order
sol cited. t
MORDOKF & WOLFF Cookstovesmml
ranges. New nnd second hand furnl-
Sodtll. Pione 91. Ho(nu 283-K. Mcdi
Granite Works.
Main street, manufacturers and dial
ers In monumental and building gran
ite, crushed granite, common brick nnd
pressed bilok, qoarse and flno washed
river Hand.
MEDFORD ulllCIC CO. Geo. W. Priddy,
O. D. Nnglo. aoo. T. O'Brienlontrac
tors and mnnufaoturers of brick; deal
ers In pressed brick nnd lime. Office
In Oarnett-Corey bloqk, room 209. 2d
floor. Phono No. 3181.
landscape QarAener.
JOHN F. BELTZ. Landscupo Oardonor.
Between Rlvnrslda avenue and Beatty
stroot, Moiirord, Or. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Call Main 3812.
Kotary Public.
NOTARY PUBLIC Room 257 Phlpps
Tents and Awnings.
makers of now, repairers of old. Both
Phones 405 S. Oakdaio.
ors, potted plants, shrubbery bulbs. 92S
-. ..,,,. . Ill, III, U,A
qUAKKR NURHURIES Our tioes uro
buddod, not grafted. Qur stock Is not
Irrlguted. Wo guarontco everything put
?.Hi'. Wo ftr o' lit tho trust. H. B.
Patterson, offjeo Removed to 110 E.
until! ni
CO., Inc. -Growers of high grnilo nur
sery Btock. Office 25 W. Alain. Tele
phone 1201.
Physicians nnd Surgeons.
6R. H. A. LOCKWOOb' '
. Jt'liyslcluii nnd Surgeon.
Offlcp arc J2. Main St., over Has
kins' drug store.
Phone Mliln 1001.
DRS. CONROY ft CLANCY Physicians
and mirgiions. Taylor nnd Phlpps bldg.
Iooiob 210-211-212. Office phono 601.
residence phone 012, Office hours 9 iu
m. to 8 p. m.
CARLOW Osteopathic physicians.
Movod to rooms 410 uml 417 Garnott
Coreybldg. J'hoho Main 0351
D"r7"E. IirpORTEItDlsTTuses "of "wb"
men a sncclalty Ilooms 0. 6. 7. 8, St.
Mark's bldg., Medford, Oregon; phones,
Officii 4901. jCSltlenco 49C1. '
Offlco In Rlnlto bldg, 123 E. Main.
Ous administered for oxtraotlon of
teeth . Tolophono Main 081, Night
inimin vm.
DR. w, W WICK Homeopathic physi
cian; residence 203 Olson st., phone
Main 4474; prflce, rooms 3 and 4, St.
Mark's block, phone Muln 1871
B;,i?TISAi,,NH-:I,''lw nnd auigeon.
.f'? Onrnott-Corey bldg.. rooms
211-212. phono 6601. Residence 113
Laurel st phono 2092.
limited t weill seu ses of women -Office
Hasklns bldg Phono Main 1001
fiKW M. Van Hcoyoc. '
Dr. C. C Van Scoyoo.
n .. Dentists.
aornott-Coroy bldg., BUlto 318. Medford,
Or'0"- Both Phones.
DR. ,LElt6Y M aORDONChlropractTo
nnlnnlntrlaf ivnt "rttiw. lr....i..
Co. 216 IS. Main St.. Medford. Oregon.
DR. J J. KMMENS Pructlco limited lo
dlseaso of the eye. ear. nose and throat.
Offlco 216 E. Main street.
llco limited to eye, ear, nose and
throat. Office- Sulto 318 aarnott
Coruy building Both phones.
Chinese Medicines.
CHOW YOUNO'S ChlhTsTmedlciiTcs-will
euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, goit
ers, throat nnd lung trouble, deafness,
paralysis, private diseases und nil
kinds of chronlo and nervous aliments.
Stomach trouble, constipation. Indiges
tion, womb and bladder troubles. See
me nt 241 8 Front St.. Medford. Ore.
Printers and Pnbllshors.
equipped Job offlco tu Southern Oro
gun; book'blndlng; looso leaf systems;
ctrt paper, etc., eta, Portland pi Ices.
27 North Fir street.
- i' v - .
DLHa M. GUANYAW Palm iiioci?.
Stenographic work done quickly and.
Corey bldg. Medford, Ore. Miss L. J.
Hlngston, Telephone Home 95. .
rnpher Huntley - Kramer's office.
Phone Main 3491. 15 N. Central uvu
nuo. Medford. Or. . 38
SIGNS will help build up your busi
ness. Phono 802, 18 Rlvorstda avenue.
team Keating.
PONTINO & RENZ Steam nnd hot wn
ter heating, dry kiln and power woik.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Esttmutea
glvon. Phones; Pacific 4601, Home
124-L. resldonco Pnclfq -1462 Pox 131,
37 South Central uvdnue, .Medford,
Sewing Mttohlnei.
local represoutntlvo for "Singer" and
"Wheeler & WIlBon" sowing machtnes.
Phono 6043. Machines for salo or rent.