MEDFGRD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OWMO, FRIDAY, APRIL ,21, J9JLlt PAGE SIX , . l r; ' .: i! H? V ; ' f :! i 4 ?$ IVj i Si i EUGENE ELV IS TO FLY Bantam Weights are Soon to Fight HER World Famed Aviator Will Appear in Exhibition Flight in His Curtiss Bl-Planc Has Made Blfj Record Since Former Attempt. ArnuiKeniPMtH, have been complctcil by tlio CominrrcliU club for an aviation ex hibition to ln given ut the Medford bus bull tmrlc Juno 1. Kutreno Kly, world fumed nvlntor, will bIvo tho exhibition, In .tho U'urtlsH hl-jilnno with which ho liiih mntlo phcnotneniil flluliln. On Jummry he Met inllltnry clrclcn ukor with hla feat of landing on tho, deck of tho cruiser PcnnHylvunla In tho Hnn Kranclfico harbor and qui to recently niado u record for altitude, climbing to (i hnlKht of 1300 feet abovo Hea level, nt Halt Lake city. B, a. nay), repreHontlnB Mr. Kly, loft Thursday evening, after completing his urrniiKi'iiirntc, for Portland. Mr. Kly utteniptcd to fly hero last year but fulled, but 'now with an additional ex perience Mcdford Is assured of witness ing, pna of his very best flights. AdmInltrntlon Win. OAKLAND, Cnl., Apprll Si. Official returns from tho munlclpnl election yes terday aliow that tho administration forces won out In almost every cano, A remarkable showing was mude by tho socialists, whoso catidldute, Thomas llooth, qualified to compete with Frank K. Mott, Incumbent at tho regular elec tion, May 0. CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. P. J. Moore, J. I'. Hale. a. W. Hago wero Mcdford visitant Thursday morn ing. Q. Ilurton, Mr. Albert Br, wura lu Avh land Thursday. Tho Odd Follows Imvo purelmsod of John J. IJrown tho lot on southeast cor ner of Fourth and 1'luo street anil will Immediately , orcot a modern business building which will bo a great Im provement to that part of tho city, Hnowy Hutto Orchard roeelved a ear of Cnulu oil Thursday morning to din trlbuto among tlm various orchnrd men of this vicinity. This oil Just arrived In tlmo tui this neighborhood was en tirely out of crude oil, Hcglstcrod ut Hotel Ouulap up to Thursday noon were: (.!. Clint), Harry Htarr, Qeorgo flnnlnn, AVIIllam Ivl, J. O. Hums, Cliff Donovan, O. Wyss, II. F. Johns, W. 13. Judson, T, H. ltdwell, all of lortland; N. A. Jones, It. C. llul Kcr, 10. It. llowlaud, all of Tacoma; It. . Flnlayson, Han Francisco; C Wynerks, Hulem; C J. I.emon, Medford. Mrs. Itaudall og this elty entertained Medford friends Wednesday. Mrs. Kiln Itnpnr of Grunts Pass visit ed relatives huru the past week. CROUP CONQUERED Every Motur Should Band and Xa member This If any liomu where it child has a ten dency to croup, a bottle of HYOMIS1 (pronounce H Hlgh-o-mo) should 1h kept constantly on hand. A sudden attack of croup with diffi cult breathing and extreme distress Is apt to como on nt any time. Tho cuurso to bo pursued Is plain. Mend for your doctor at oneo, and In tho meantime drop HO drops of IIVO.MKI Into a howl of balling water, and hold the child's head over It, cover with a towel or cloth, so that only thu air filled with Hyomul vapor Is breathed. This method of treatment has suved many u child's life, and mothers of vruupy children should see to It that 1IVOMKI Is always nn hand. Full In structions for prompt relief of croup Is lu each package. A COc bottle of IIYOMKI Is nil you need lu treating croup. This Is known In all drug store as Kxtru Ilottlo llyo mot lnhalcnt. Chas. Htraug and drug gists every whoro sell It- llreatho 111,0 MK1. It Is guaranteed lo rum catarrh, croup, sore throat, bronchitis, coukIim aipl colds, or money back. CITY" NOTICES. "jornnnr coition wvra my tm-riu trrvret , "Johnny" Coulon, the bantamweight, has boen mntcliort with "Edcllo" O'Keefe, or Philadelphia, In a tea round bout nt KanuftB City on April 93. T ORDINANCE NO. 493. An ordlnunco providing for the eon structlon of 6-Inch lateral sewer ulonu Htnrt slreet from Washington stiect lo Shermun street, ami for the axsesHinent of tho cost thereof oil thu properly di rectly benefited thereby and adjacent thereto, and providing u moot lug of the council to coiuddcr protests against said construction and usHostimcnt and the serving of the owners of such properly with notice thereof. The uliy of Medford doth ordain as follows; Heotlou I. It Is the Intention of the council to catiHo a lutein I sewer to be constructed along Murk street from Washington struet In Hhermitn street, and to assess tho cost thereof upon the property dlrvclly benefited thurttby und adjacent thereto. Kectlou 2. Tho council will hour and cosldor liny protests against std con struction and the nssovslng of said property for the cost thereof ut a moot ing of tho council to ho hold May S, lull nt 7:30 o'clock p. m., lu the council chamber lu wild city, nod nil property owners of property udjiu'rtnt to said sftwcf und benefited thoroby are hereby culled upon to iippvur lief ore Mild riuiii oil nt said time uipl place, and show cmumo. If any thoy JuA'cv wliy sulil oon structlon should not b tnudu und Ui CiNt thereof so usHt-ssed. ticctlon 3. The city rocordvr Is hereby directed to servo notice thereof upon the property owners aforesaid, by canning tljreo ('uplt'N of tills (mllnuuci to be posiea ,lli ilill'U puuiiu places n nam cjiy, mid sud onlluanco to bo publlvlmd one In u dully ;iuwsuper published und of general circulation in tho oily, at least JO days liviore. ine uuie or said nummig Tlio foregoing ordinance wus pussfil by tho city council or unj oily of Mvd ford, Oregon, oo the 18th day of April. lVlli by 'lie following vele: Mvrrlal; "aye," Wittt "ayo," Wortiuun 'wye," ICu - rlclc ''uyo,1' Klfert "ayo,M and Mlllnr "a'o." ? '. ApprovH .'April 1I. IBM. W II f'ANON. iHJJtf. . ivmi-ri. UTILE BIRL STRUCK BY HORSE; INJURED PAYS $10,000 FOR JO ACRES Seattle Man Buys Woodruff Tract in Bear Creek District Property Ad Joins the Tooy Smitli Tract Buyer is Retired Banker. K. A. Sculling, u Seattle capitalist, luo purchased the C. A. Woodruff orchard, consisting of II) uorcs. Thu consideration lsalt to liu flu, 0(H). The jirojiertyud Joins tho geuerul .Sooy Hinllli tract mid Is close to the famous lieitr Creek or churds. Mr. Keuhurg Is a retired banker and expects to move his family lo thu prop erty where hu Is preparing to build an up-lo-dnlo bungalow. Myers, Whltcsldo & Holmes, uiadn the ileal. Marie, the little daughter of O. V. My. ein, was knocked down and badly bruised abouttho body and limbs by a horse Oullty of Murder. NOOAI.IJS, ArlK., Aiiril 21. After having deliberated all night, tho Jury in tho ease of Foruimilo Inlnudas and Max imo .Salduilute, charged Jointly' with the murder of three Chinese, from whom they are alleged to have accepted money to smuggle them Into tho I'ulted States, driven by P. V.. Alexander, Thursday J "oliiriu'd a verdict of guilty lu the first evening. Sho luul Just sturlod nuross West Main slreet when sho was struck by the horse and knocked uneunsolous, Mr. Alexander at oneo took her to u physician's office where she was cared for. No serious results are expected to result from the accident. degree today. Lcoinmcnilc,d. Husklns for Health. hlfo Imprisonment Is HiiMklns for Health. TALENT Real Estate FOR SALE lo- Good business opportunities nnd cations, all paying. TKDDY'S DAMSIT13 j Isn't In It with our UANDSITIO, For Instnnco, ft 1000-ticro trnot contulnlnR ovor '.'00 ncrOs of thu fa., inous Hoar crook hottom land, lu al falfa, mid extending to tho higher FOR $ALE BY OWNER Splendid 10-iuu'o orchard and Ktu'diMi (ruck laud, half mile ol.' rowin city. lias about 7 ncrcs host variotioR of pears, 1 to 5 years old; deep, free soil. Best bargain in valley. Liberal lenns. Fine building site. No brokers. Apply MAIL TRIBUNE. PORTLAND ROSE Soma of tho land la now lu hoar lug tret) und muy ho 4urohusod at rouBonnhlo flguruH, tho alfalfa land, with n kqoiI Htuuil of alfulfu for $270 1 to $350 por ncro; young niphnrds, I good bIuiiiIi ? a 5 6 uer ue,re, and gruln land nt $175 por aero. This U uu "Ideal" tract for a col ony, iib it would cut. tin Into small' land, which Is sot to orehaiila In part, t T f rr T "V T A T all tho laud bulng good fruit land., h H N I I V A I Td ni: HKM") IN k Portland, Oregon, June 5 to !0, 1911 WlM, UK A MOST llltlU.IAN'T ITT.hwAf. T?TF.flTA or largo pluous to uu odvautaRO, orj a-' . amk a - may bo jmrohusud In 10. IS, 20. 40, & CIVIC JUBILEE 50 nud CO-acro or any slxo trlctn. aviUW O VA-PJ.XJJUJU ... . .... I LiaBy tortus Bivon at low interest. , l'ortlnnd. "The Uoso t'lty." will bo a Located throo miles from Ashland, nud ono mile from Talent, Or. ' A 74-acro trnot 2 miles West Tnl-! ont, good 8-room hottso and largo ; baru; S acres tiudur ditch and In al-i falfa and gardon laud; 34 acres uu dor nlow, ami trees; 20 itores of or-1 chard, of which 5 acreit nro In boar-J lug; telephone and 11. V. 0.; half canli. balance good turms and easy payinontfl. i CIDvRfoordvr. m-tiu f pi'idor nnd tho center of worM-wide loteient for irnu Week. J Reduced Fares to Portland FltOM ' AX.X. rOJNTS ON THE Southern PaclllG-Lines In Oregon To heap iwrfai'ttv potel on nil Imnor- For plitnty of otuor burgaltia call , unit luatum jwUttng to this grwtt event. or address ' I ou" on l011 sweats fur laulur and f printtMi iuattr. or wrlto to G, A. Gardner j "rrav , (teifrral lansr Aent. TALKNT, UUUOON. i IHUITMMH om& Of. vr,A'&v' J t "r .'AiV-HNasraBllBBH vl EiMvipi. mt-'.i-f a' 'i.4uni!i Z&urifatu ' , m. MH'IMtM mvfwm'-- X ..- ilrB -' - , u-Mms- !;.., . .,a -lmJ mm?-;.: VskBi rwmmmv.. i,bi aiM - m-- ''.. - jjmi&sm ww: . .mxF?:;. , .'.....' rrAtm s.TfcK. jikiVir.. ' r -x . x i ,y.i-rc'wyvimm HKkLJ:flBrSv. .- " .. .Z$ifflMI msmtJk jf ' a . " ? t' : . --r tseffsnmt JBHJrafc. m.-. ' rs - v.. - . v-?B&ai $e3miW-A ? ' '"'' - ' ' - ; -.S :'f&P'MM BWSfei,;. A . m,. mz&JBm .&,.& W fHMMS ammMZwmiiWLtxm i a. , &wwmm im$i-fr& r t r- , w.. vg.iwa flUllllllllllllllHK' f&T "-3-?illlMIBlx- ' KA-K j. VV &.'. A X' X?Tm fmtmiirM!r'?:A : - wmLA i, .v.-iiii URtfPs7m,z.i.i , . fc v;r-Uiiiiii watmeMm-Kimmt&, r ; mim mmi;KXtM .m: ;:- s " C; ff-iajDiJiiii .-, . s.yJBiR. ,. SSSK-. ' . v, K r-vH9niiiiiiiiH If , ' a DOCKSTADER If IS WHITE HOPE" Is Leader In Burnt Cork Work Sev cral Changes Are Introduced In Old Time Minstrel Program Good Jokes' Are Pulled Off. The inlnlntru! nhow nt tho Medford lout nlKht proved that Low DockHtader In tho white mnn'n hope when It comen to the burnt cork bunlnens. Whlq It wnH tho old-time mlnlntrclR over ntialu In form nnd feature, there wore enopnh changed to kIvo It a new nnd freph nnpect. For InHtnnco, tho "clrgle" In tho first part In abandoned for a Har den scene whore kllio "'I'OHptim Hunt riub" Ih nBHcmbled, the members garb ed Inticnrlet and white rldliu: habltR, Instead of tho old-time dress coats. There wero no regular end me,n, but the funny ones wandered In nnd out and Kot off tholr Jokes. There was a little ntory to It, too, nnd,,Jt was resumed in the second part. UockHtnder's drolleries,. wero supple mented by tho efforts of a big chorus and some Reed nololsts. Tho slnRltiff of a sextet was about tho best. Dockstader Introduced a novolty when he. floated out over, tho audleneu In his aeroplane, Tho bald, head row BrnW nervous fcarhiB he would fall down, but ho didn't, neither did his comedians and songsters. City Property C room new bungalow, completely fur nished, $3600, good terms, C acres nit platted, .well Insldo limits, J6.G00, good tonns. S ncrca all platted, close to school, nbov grade, sewer nnd water, take Medford ' residence In trade, 2 lots, new C room bungalow, modern $2150, good terms. 2 flno Los Angeles lots, trade for lots ( bore. Four flno Kenwood lots, quick sale $1300; good terms. Five-room bungalow, new, all furnlslim $1100; terms. RANCHES lTInc homestead, (1 miles from Mcdford, $1000. 1G0 acres, flno alfalfa and stock ranch,' ample water. $75 per acrn. , 2,0 acres fruit nnd alfalfa; nice omf.; trado for Medford property or acre-. nge. .10 acres, 2-3 young pear?, all cultivate good Improvements, pumping plant close, to town, easy terms, prfco low. 23 acres, 7 acrps orchard, bnlnnco In at falfa, price nnd terms right. 26 acres, 16 acres pears balance alfalfa bul'dlngs, less than $100 per acre. 0 acres, part In orchard, good build ings, 6 miles from Mcdford, $125 per acre. 25 acres, good house, barn, 8 acres or chard, grape, berries, rich soil close to Mcdford; $.2500 wlll,handlc this. Bowllntr Totlrney Opens, NEW YOIIK. April 21. Metropolitan chnmplonshlps of tlio Now York Howl ing nssoclntlon commence today ' In Urooklyn, with about 250 five-men teams entered. A feature' of the tournament will bo n telegraplo competition on Sut urday night, when the cracks of tho motropolU will be pitted aKnlnst teams In Chicago, Pittsburg, .Montreal. Heat tlo and Portland, Or. Thu scores will bo exuhnnged by wlro. Tho Winner will receive the Thompson trophy, presented by tho Now Yor Athletic club. WANTED Tract of well located unimproved land; wo enn exchange for Income prop6rty' paying 10 per cent on $80,000. Alfalfa ranch for business property It Seattle. Girls for general housework. City and ranch "property to Hat. Man and wife on ranch. E. F. L H I''. Z '' ii ' I ' I - iii! !:: I, $ A Delicious Table Treat No dinner is complete without the salad and for that matter there's nothing like a salad to add deliciousness to luncheon or supper. The true salad owes much to its dressing, and the dressing depends upon the Olive Oil. We have an oil that is supreme in its flavor, unrivalled in its blending prop erties. Let us send you a sample. MEDFORD PHARMACY Near Pbsteffice: MEDFORD OREGON. Main 101, Day and Night. y !"! -:i! 'I n FOR SALE Eighty acres of tho best land north of Itogtio river; 35 acres In. pcarsj G acres In apples; 14 acres to oats; 10 acres to potatoes; 3 1-2 acres to onions, 1 1-2 acres to hects, carrots and parsulps; 2 acres to blackberries and raspberries and 9 acres to grass and rye pasture. ThiB place has no buildings, but a flno building spot, with n well of good water, the entire place fenced with woven wlro; has t deeded wa ter right which waters tlio entire place. This place Is for sale for Just ono month; purchaser will get tho crop, team, farm wagon, hack, ono and two-horso walking plow, ono 4-horso disc gang plow, ono thrcc horso" sulky plow, drags, harrows, etc. ' Terms reasonable and price ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. . . Inquire at Tribune .offlco or ddrcss V. O. BOX NO. 08 JACKSON VILLE, ORKGON. :ij i . j ...... . .,. . -.,.--. . .. i..i.-t. ' ' - " Room 206. Phipps Buildlny Excursion Fares East. 1911 During the months of Muy, June, July, August and September, on dates shown -below, the . - SOUTHERN PACIFIC will sell round trip tickets from Mdfford via Portland as follews: IV . , ;' . ' PARES Chicago .-.j...-.....:....: $82.40 Council Bluffs ."..:.".... ' . Omuha '. ...-.::.... Kansas Oity7:...'.....:..::.".:..:.0V. : $60.90 St. Joscphr;,.:. : St. Paul ,, St. Paul, via Counoil BJuffs $73.80 Minneapolis,,. via Council Bluffs $73.80 Duluth, via Council Bluffs $77.40 St. Louis .'.:.. $79.90 . SALE DATES May 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28 and 29. June 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 28, 29 and 30. July 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 19, 20, 2,6, 27 and 28. August 3, 4,5, 14, 15. 16, 1,7, 21, 22 23, 28, 29 and 30. September 1 2, 4, 5, o und 7. Stop-overs within limits in either direction. Final re turn limit October 31st. ' For fares one way through California inquire of A, S. Rosenbaiun, agent, or write to WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon Fop Sale or Rent An 8-room strictly modern house on West Second , street that has been newly remodeled and finished in side. South front and on a good, big lot. Let us show ybii this' either for sale or rent. CORNITIUS-GARNER REALTY CO. ': 133 West Main Street. 23'' California Irrigated Lands IN SUBDIVISIONS, 20 ACRES AND UPWARDS EASY PAYMENTS THE HOME OP ALFALFA, IDEAL CONDTTIONS FOR ORANGES AND LEMONS. . ., . Wrlto lis for Particulars. Dixori Alfalfa Land Co. r DIXON, CALIFORNIA. -tOf0 Campbell .& JJaumbach MORTGAGE I.6ANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, , ,. . CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS If oney on hand at all times to loan on improved rancheu and fruit land. PH0NE323I. - 320 GARNETT-COREY BLtKi. fo.jfc. r EXCURSION Butte Fails and Return . r VIA . Pacific & Eastern R.R. Sunday,. April 23r(l Round Trip Only )2 LICAV1NG arbDFORD 8:14 A. M. R12TURN1 XG, REACUrNQ MEDFORD AT 7 P. M. J Seo the beautiful scenery en-route. The falls aud pic ; nio grounds at Butte- Palls are worth the trip. You will enjoy a delightful 'days outing. GOOD HOTEi ACCOMODATIONS ii ii1 i J :: Hi : Medford Jobbing Co. Tho only cxcluslre Jobbing company In Mcdford whero you can get nil of your little odd Jobs done nt oneo by expert workmen. Our Specialties Cleaning, KnlelnUncd or pnnercd walls and ceilings. ALL ELECTRICAL S APPLIANCES REPAIRED. Wo will take clinrgo of any Job you may have, call us up and talk It over. VE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION IN WORK AND PRICES PHONE MAIN 0501. Office: Medford Music Shop 9 m I ST. MARKS HLOCK.. rry BANK NOTICE THE JACKSON COUNTY BANK "s Medford, Oregon Capital $100,000.00. Surplus $65,000.00. Founded in 1888 and for 23 years under same man agement. ' Offeis to prospective homeseekers most thorough and. diserimina ting information as to Rokuo River valley and its resources. Call or write, ' W. I. VAWTBR, President c. w. Mcdonald, cashier (J. R. LINDLEY, Vice-President. 'r4.r''rtf.- Ul f& ,Vv