ACEDFORP MAIL TRIBUNE. 3MEDFORD, ORKtlON. IHNDAY, APRIL 21, 1911. PAGE OTVE ''-- - , 7 I, ( ... , .. fl V r LOCAL AND PERSONAL WILKINSON IS Officers Watching Target Fractce tnitlBIU'ttMl W. a. Joncx of Tiieonin business In Metlfortl Thuntduv. n. K. Ooriiictt, of Mctlforil, wni In I:urfik Vrliirsilny. Sec Gnspnul. tho mlit-r. next Monthly or Tuostliiy nlRht. 26 T. S. Ilutt-hlns. f Hilt, Ctillfornln. returnetl to that place Thurstlny nfter nn extensive visit with his family which resides here. Two nntl one-hnlf ncres In nlfnlfti, one mllo south of Washlnston school; ensy torms. A. W. II. Kvcrhnril, 212 Fruit grower Hnnk hltlK, vwim hi Cunt ml l'olnt O C Trmj Thuisdnv. M Onice of Central l'olnt, vvns In Metlfoitl Thuisdnv. Mm. H. i:. liovtlen, returnetl Thurs- iln to her home In Metlfortl after n foui month Mslt in Oakland, Califor nia Jink Neffs Clater Luke's will Journey to Jnc-ksonvlllp Suiiduj ami expect to tnke the scalp of the hull toners from tho county Mat Mers. formerly of the Ohio Central l,enKiio ami Hill Court Mails old catcher will form the b.ittety Colonel I'rank Hay Is In town, coiiiIiik for t,lp CrnU'r Lukes. from Gold Hay for an oer Sunday visit. Does Roltl hrlliB happiness' Witness CSaspuril, next Mouiluy imtl Tuesday nlKhts G 1'retl HurKriive of Winnipeg, Canada, Is vIsltliiK at the home of his brother, Dr. HurKriive Mis. Louis t'liluh. of Jacksonville, was a Metlfortl shopper Thursthij. C. II. Given, of Spokane, trnn saotliiK business In Medford today. Cnrkln & Taylor (John II. Carkln, uienn u. jayior), ntorneys-at-Iavv, over Jackson County Itank Hldp, Medford. Miss Jessie Wootl, of HIimliiKhnm. Alabama, who has been visiting with Miss Cthclvvyti Drown for some time, hns leturnetl to her home. Where, In the Chimes of Norniantly, ntu the Metlfortl theatre 26 Frank Hooper, of Wlllnms, Califor nia, Is visiting with fi lends In this cttv. Philip ,11 Lyon of the Chance &. Ljon Motor Supply company was In the city Thursday anil expicssod his opinion that Metlfortl Is the "llvest" town between Portland ami San Pianclsco. Spring Is here. It Is liousecleanlnK time. Hnt thoso walls nntl ccIIIiiks cleaned by the Metlfortl Jobbing Co.'s new I'MIkIiui process. Nothing Ilka It. Office. Metlfortl Music Shop, St. Mark's block. . 33C Frank Kohl, nntl wife of Talent, weio Metlfortl visitors Thursilav Frank Shaip, of Pasadena. Cullfoi ilia, was In Metlfortl Thursday. Laughter and song at Metlfortl thea tre next Monthly and Tuesday nights 26 I)r George Newtown of Santa Fe, N. M, was tiansactlng business In Medford today H A. Maya of Oregon City Is stopping with Metlfortl friends Do you want It lots 60H5 each for J2500 on easy torms? C. W. H. Uver hartl, 212 Fruitgrowers Hank bldg. Mrs. Fionk McKee. of Seen Oaks, was a Medfoid shopper Thursday. Oood voices, good acting, good mu sic, fine costuming at Metlfortl theatre, April 21 ami 25 2C Casper Olstutl of Iteddlng, Cal , Is vis iting with f i lends In this city. John Swanson of Trail was n Med foid visitor Thursday. Printing of all kinds at Portland prices. Mall Tribune office. It. C. Donas of Salem, was a busi ness visitor In Metlfortl Thursday. A. Lockman and wife of Kansas City are visiting with Metlfortl friends Is your house wired? One cigar less n day would pny for a hundred per cent Increase In comfort. Start living tho electrlo life. Walter Hunt, was nn Ashland visitor Thursday. If. Van Honiiburg of Sains alley was a liuslncss lsllor In .Metlfortl Thins- day. J U. IVarco of Trull wns on Medford Thursday. Medford local socialist pary meets every Sunday night at 7:30 at Smith's hall on North Grape street. Fvciybody Invited. J. S Vilas, was a passengei Tliuih- tl.iv evening for Portland, wheie he stops for n week. Do you want 5 ncres In alfalfa, one mile south of Main street, cheap? C. W. II. Kverlmnl, 212 Fruitgrowers Hank bldg. Miss Alfretl.i Garrettson Is visiting with friends in Central Point. House for sale Less than cost. Lot for sale, $400 tinder regular price. Lot II, earn Mall Tribune office. Moreover, It Is given for the benefit of the Greater Metlfortl club 2G Mrs. Harnlsh, and tlaughtei, or Lagle Point, wtru Mttlfoitl lsltois Thurs day. Ashland Steam Laundry. Medford of fice, phono No. 1201. Mr. anil Mis G W Hodgson, of Ash land, ami guests of Mr nnd Mis. Olson, were In Metlfortl Thurstlny. Late magazines, periodicals nnd papers nt the frco reading loom In chapel bock of the Presbyterian church. Open eve nings from 7.00 to 10 p in. All men and boys Invited, Mr. and Mrs.2 Tioiiillnot Conner of Table Itock were Thuisday vlsltois In Medfoid See U. A, Holmes, The Insurance Man, over Jackson County bank. Gus Guith. accompanied bj Ills broth- r, Imvo returnetl from an extended trip through Collfornla Whj not the best It costs no more Summon Hie Uaiber Shop, opposite post, office Miss iMna Merrll left Thursday for Los Angeles, whole she will studv music IJ C, Sahln bookkeeper of the His Pines Lumber Compan will leave with his fumllj for Champalppgn Illinois ! II G. Kiirnes and son of Ilulto Falls were In Medford today. J W. Cuthbert, who has been In Cal ifornia for some months Is expected to return this evening. Frank Odell of Indlnnapolls, Indiana, arilved In Medford today for a short visit with friends. The most ravi.rctt pcopic on tho coast are the Metlfortl people. They have tho Metlfortl Jobbing company to look after all of their llttlo odd Jub.s, repair their electrical appliances and clean their walls anil cellngs. Medford Jobbing Co., office Medford Music Shop, St. Mark's block. Phone Main 6001. 336 Hon, real estate, preferred. Address L care Mall Tribune. 27 Sunday. K. G. Perlmni of Maishfleld was a business visitor In Medford today. A. II. nrant of Seattle was In Metl fortl today. The weather conditions were such Thuisdav night ns to make firing or smudging unnecessary. Tho tempera tuie hung above fit) tlegiees until mid night and 36 tlegrees wns the lowest reeoitlod. A clear sky prevailed through the night. O. F Knox of Josephine county made his daughter, Mrs. J. W Hrown of Steillng n short visit tho fore part of the week The Claik-Honoiv Company, on Thurs day shipped machiuery to the Opp mine to manufacture rock tlust for pav ing purposes from discarded tailings. Mi Went., the Insurance agent, made a business trip to tho county scat Thurs tiny. O. C. Hoggs anil W. F. Phlpps, the Inwyeis, were professionally engaged at Jacksonville one tiny this week, Mrs C. J. Kuroh wns In Jacksonville Thursday, on business, with the county clerk. It II Parsons of tho Hlllciest or chards has purchased a new Detroit electric automobile. A H White Is hero fiom Seattle Instructing him how to inn It. A. D and Amos MvKoo of nig Ap plegate did business here about Wednesday. Mis. S. n Simmons spent Thursilav In Jacksonville, visiting i datives nntl f i lends. It. II. Dow, deputy sheriff, has re turned from n trip to California. Dr. J. W. Itobluson og Jacksonville nntl his family, who have been spending the pnst seven months In New York, started for home Thursday. Miss Dor land, who exhibits much talent ns nn artist, took lessons from noted mnsteis timing her nhsence Sirs. It. H. Dow nntl Mrs. Wilson, of Jneksonvllle were among tho many who came down from the county seat dur ing tho week. Mrs. F. M. Smith of Sterling was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. I. Flnley of Metlfortl during tho week. Sho return etl homo Wednesday. Fd Saltiiiaish of Applegate has been In the vulle several times recently, buy ing cattle for A. S Klclnhuniiiicr. Heiijamln M Collins, cashier og tne (tank of Jacksonville, spent a few hours In Medford one tluy this week. Miss Minnie Stout of West Medford visited with lelutlves anil friends living in Jacksonville Thursday. Mr .nntl Mrs Clifton Smith of Win ner tllstilct hnvo been on a visit to Metlfortl anil Sterling Mi nntl Mis Lewis Flilch of Jacfc. sonvllle weie In Medfonl Thursday, hav ing como down to meet friends who weie on their way to San Francisco from Portland. Clins. Mlckell nntl F. M. Smith were over fiom Sterling a few days since Thev report Hint section moving along nlcelv. Mrs C. Renter of Jacksonville nnd her daughter, Miss LU7I0, worn Med foid visitors Thursday afternoon John A Haxter of Walla Walla, were In Metlfortl and Jacksonville Wctlnes tiny .lffetson Pturce of Trail today filed 11 t'lu 1 111 proof with Major Canon todaj John Swanson and John Matthews were witnesses as to his compliance with the govei nment icfiulroiiiciits Mis It F Gueren of Los Angeles ar rived In Metlfortl Thuisday evening for a wetk's visit with her brother, Mr. Van DtCar Mi and Mis F K Dun I left todnv for an over Sunday visit at thtlr lanch at Itock Point. OFF FOR EAST Local Boy Goes to Hal Chase in Nev York Is Known About San Fran cisco as Leading Amateur Playci Played Here. Fthlle Wilkinson of this city known throughout Southern Oregon ns one of the clnsslest ball tossers who ever don nod n Medfoid iiutfoim Is on his wuv enst to Join Hal Chase's New Yoik team And 1 local fans arc pinning their faith to htm. In legal d to his depaittnc tho San Francisco Chronicle suvs: "The PhocnK basehall team of St Mary's College, winners of the state In tercolleglate baseball championship, formallv disbanded last night at n fare well banquet given nt an Oakland cafe In honor of Flist Baseman IMdlc Wilk inson who left lost night for New York Wllkeison will go to Hal Chase's New York team. Wllkerson has been a mouther of the Phoenix team for the last tluee veins lie played second base on the Phoenix team of tin co jeais ago, but was Intel shifted to the Initial stntlon, whore he has phi) oil 11 heady game for two yeais Ho Is a partlculaily handy man with the stick. c ,; , . ., .- M.!, nt PACIFIC & EASTERN RAILWAY TIME TABLE EFFECTIVE APRIL 1st, 1911, 12:01 A. M. Wc'htllfUllltl. Edstlimuul. No. :t 1 No. 1 I J iU) p.m. 2 ,.'10 p.m. I 'J till) p.m. i J 'I,') p.m. I Williams Funeral. The funeral of the lute Alfred Trov ers Williams was held f I mil the liomt of his daughter, Mis Albeit Cluck, f.lir S Oaktlale avenue, at 3:30 o'clock tlili uftciuoon The funeral sirvlces. wore delivered Jointly by Itev nntl Itev Hamilton Quite u number of floral of ferlngs weie tendered The lenialns will be shipped to Port land this evening for Interment In that city ' - TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY - HIGIICItOFi' rosldenco sites are selling dally; make your selection bofor cholco lots aro sold. FOIt HUNT Modern Furnished roonih suitable for housekeeping; bath, no squall children SI3 S Holly 21.) FOU UF.NT Light furnished house keeping looms 23 lloosevelt. Phom 3KI1 37 I Oil SALF A south front lot In tin Westmoreland addition for 32.". 2ri down, $1 25 a week Cornelius-Gar nor Itealty Co, 133 W Main st 27 FOIt SALF A gootl piece of warehouse property located three blocks south of Maine street, on a paved Htreet foi $3500 good tonus Cornetlus-Gainei Itealty Co, 133 W Maine st 27 lOIt SALF A 7-room strictly modern house four blocks from tenter of town, lot 5010fi, at $3250, gootl terms CoinetliiH-Garner Itealty Co, 133 W Main st 27 (30 dOMTA3NrDE.R. C1.ELAND XIAV1&. CVXCUTrVT: OKFICRR. - --- f To contemplates ntlvortlFliiK won't lirhiK 4 f biifilnoss. Start now nntl yon will hrromo 4 -f convinced that It pays to nilvortlso nil this 4 time. 4 4 4444444444444-f4-f-f4444-f4 4-f-444444 MADAM- ARE YYOU TAKING TUB MABINKC X.0 rACXAX. MASSAGE? ir NOT, BE GIN AT ONCE Don't Put It Off Tho llnoi aro growing tlcopor on your fnco. Would you grow old tiofore your time Surely not. Mnko appointment for treatment nt the Marinello Shop ::,ji p. in, .1:0(1 p.m 7:00 n.m. 7:15 n.m. 7:50 n.m. 8:40 n.m. 8:50 n.m. 0:10n.m. 0 :'0 n.m. 0 i'2 a.m. 0:10 n.m. 0:l. n.m. !:."r n.m, 10.00 n.m. ADm.II leave arrive! 0 :i 9.5 17 IS. 5 21 A i 21 Lvi 21 2(i 27 j :w I :i:i Aril Hulle Falls l'Msails Dotliy School Housu Gap Mount View Enj-le Point Eiifjlo Point Akiio Talilc Rock Davis Hoar Creek .lis. MEDI-'ORI) No. No. 4 Lv At- (! : 15 p.m. 0:25 p.m. :50 p.m. 1 :50 p.m. 1:15 p.m. 4 :!15 p.m. 4 :25 p.m. 4:lG).m. 1:10 p.m. 1 :00 p.m. :i ::i8 p.m 1 1 :10 n.m. 11:00 n.m. 10 :55 a.m. 10:15 n.m. 10 :.'KI n.m. hv : : 15 p.m.llO.-.'IOn.m. war. GER10, Gcnernl Jfiinajjor. SEHING RESUMED SATURDAY DELAYED CARS NOW HERE This Our Opening Opportunity Piano Sale Means the Greatest Money Saving Possibilities in the Way of Piano Pur chasing Ever Heretofore Offered in Jacking County Mr. P M. KcimI, Oenernl Sales Mnna ger IIIleiH MuhIc llouae, while In l'oit laml jieiMonally nelet'teil 3(1 of the flu ent of high graile planoH, out of a ooh hIIiIh Htoelc of ovei 2,000 planoH, tho now l'.Ml HtylcM hail JunI uiilveil fiom east ern factoileH, ho Metlfortl can ho ab solutely sure of. lecelvlng tho vuiy first of the new styles, nntl crentlous, known to the piano makers attlstle Ideas. Our prices for high graile pianos nro always lower than the lowest; 10 tllf feient mattes to solect fiom. Mouoy Back If We mil to Suit You Kuvtitnl fine secoiitl liniiil pianos, Chlckeilng HroH, I.litlwlg, Voso ami Son, Jewett, mill seveinl otliiirs, theio aro nil llko now, anil wero taken In ex change on an auto player piano, the pi Ices will bo light on there, an wo only want tmlctly high guide, pianos on our Metlfortl vvaieioom floors. Watch for aro new ntitomobllo tlc llvery truck, this will bo the gi eater advertising Metlfortl could have, as It will bo lettered up bearing our name, headquarters Metlfortl, It will bo run between Kugeue, Oie., and California points, Kl.tmnth Falls and tho coast. OVER KENTNKKB- -PHONE 111- rtrrr4rrrrtr Open Evenings Nexc Medford Mail Tribune ' 9---- ---4 Mn. Mycra Buried. Tin funtral of the luto Mrs Angellne MytrH was lit Id tills afternoon at 2 o'clock, from the Weeks & McOowan heapel Itev I V Ilelkliap delivered the last rites Interment was held In tin I O O P cemetery I'Olt HALi; A .'mom plasteretl houst on a lot 200x101!, furiiifihetl through out, within one block of pa veil stietd Anyone wanting plenty of room fin g.ilden and to lalst chickens will tit well to look this property up Tor i shoi't time we have this property for IL'SOO on easy terniH Cornltlus-tSainei Itealty Co., 133 W Main st 27 I'Olt SAM: A good big lot 100280 with 3J fruit trtot, centrally located with sidewalks In at IKiOO J.'i'lil cash ami balance easv Cornltiiis-darnei Itealtj Co, Yii W Main st 27 I Oil KAMI A ilioom strletlv modern house, 1 blocks fiom this office, nt 11 ISO, $r,0 cash, balance easy Cornl-tlus-Garmr Healtj Co, 13.1 W Main street 27 I'Olt HAI.i: A fi-rooni thoroughly mod ern bungalow, lot lOOxlHR with II fruit trets A dandy place for a homo or an Income proper!) . located on W 10th St.; I3B00, on good terms CornltlUH-Oariior Itealty Co, 133 W Main st 27 I'Olt HAI.i: A 4-iicio tract, mile and half from town, 3 acres of which Ik In fruit nail will be In Inuring next vear. On this propoity there Ik a 10-' loom house, barn, i chicken paiks, a gas engine, water ami SO chit kens The owner will take up to $J00(i In Income proptity In m around Med ford Koine of )otl people who want to get out and have a suburban home will do well to liuiutl o about this Cornitlus-Ciumor Itealty Co. 133 W Main bt 27 Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS I)y l'hono 2271 NlRht Phones K. W. Weeks 2071. A. i:. Orr, 3002. LADY ASSISTANT. PILES CUBED IN 6 TO 14 SAYS l'AZO OINTMENT Ik guarantied, to cure nn) case of Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding pile In 6 to 11 dujs or money refunded. 00c. . , u 'i u 'I 'I I 1 'I I Successor to tha nnHrrtaklnt dfl. ! I partment of Medford Ftirnlturo Co i I i Office with .Medford I-hinilturts Co. i; Tolephones: Day, Bell JOHN A. PERL Undertaker nntl Kmhalmer 351: X John A. Perl, resldenpp. HpII 4111.'! " " . tiome 173U ;; C. V Conklln 3601. J. H. But-:! Jler 3571. a.miui.axci: sKHvinn Notice. Notln Is hereby given that the nn ilerslgnul will apply at the next regular meeting of the city council of the city f Metlfortl, Oregon, on May 2, 1911, for h license to null spirituous, vinous ami malt liquors In quantities Inhs than a gallon, at their plaot of buslnuss at 32 1'ront s In hultl city, for a porlotl of six months M & K J ADAMS Dated April 21. 1911, Notice. Tin re will be u Kwastlka dance at til Murks' hall, on Thursday evening. APi'H Tlikets 1 00 for gentleman and Iftdy Kxtru ladles 10c Th Dutch sup jkt has birr n toetpontNl I'Olt HAI.K A C-rooui luodtin house on .South Orange between W Main and W th, for J2000. Think of the loca tion and then see us CtunltliiH Oai ntir Itealty Co, 133 W Main st 27 All Spring Suits and Coats Must Go Visit the Great Reduction Sale Now Going on at i X s I LONG GLOVES- Women' gloves, in t'ind tfivy, sale price, a pair 10 button lisle black, white, tan 50c MANN'S CENTRAL AVE. NEAR P. O. WAISTS- .")()0 woniens' lingo re peter- pan, and tailored waists, all new styles, on sale Saturday, each $1.19 All Spring Suits Must Go All Spring Coats Must Go "LAVOGUE" STYLES ARE THE BEST 2." woinens' now spring suits made of all wool mater nils up to date in sh Jo. well tailored come in black and navy blue, sale price 27) Woniens' high class tailored suits, nicel trimmed, come in tan, grey, black and nav blue, on sale Saturda Woniens' $120.00 Suits Induced to $16.98 II VVOlll 111(1 I ci - cel trimmed, $13.98 AVoniens' ir.l.OO Suits deduced Woiiidis' $aO.OO Suits Jcduced to to lo $21.50 $24.50 "LAVOGUE" STYLES ARE THE BEST 10 woniens black broadcloth coats, three-(uarter length, worth $10.00, on sale Saturday Women's full length sorgo coats, in all colors and black, well worth $l'2.fi0, on sale Saturday $6.50 $9.48 All $18.00 Coats Ifoduced to All $20.00 Coats U'educod to All $2o.00 Coats Reduced to All $:',0.00 Coats IvYdueed to $15.00 $17.50 $21.50 $24.50 roil HAIjK A 9-room brand nt w hoime on a paved titreut, within i block of thin office t hut 1m moth-Hi In ivi-i) detail. Ih on an tuHt front lot and an ttleal place for a fit Ht olatw hoiiit m ft paying rooming lioime prlot low for tUlck aotlon Itealty Co, 133 W CornttluH-lSariiur Main mi 27 I'Olt HAI.i: A gooil lot 71x300 on the iMt Hide In a nightly location, onl) $700 one-half ouah anil ImIuuc( eaHj CornltliiH-Gurner Ittwlty Co 133 W Main nt 27 A, r. A. M Atttntlon, Work In third rigr tbU eveolflg at Mukonlc hull Kv.ryont) urged to nidi, WIM, MOI.UBK. Semlmry I'Olt KAMI More l i Hub 1-rooin hoiiHu on a lot 50x121 at only IIS0 J 1 73 ruth and balance (10 a month Cornltluh-Oarner Itwilty Co 133 W Main nt 27 FOIt BALK A KOteS bunln. h lot cIohc In on S Central, thre bkx kn from Mklne Ht . U'UOO iiiitr-bulf cimh and twlance eny CornltlUM-Otirntir Itl t) Co. Its W Muln Ht J7 See Our Line of Linen Dusters at $2.98, $3.98, $4.98, $5.98, $6.98 and $7.98 HOK SAI.B A nwu 1-room houiH with HcrBned porhtti that lo noklttd and rmpwed, oh lot 50x106 with city witter let is htt to tr arid hrubtx-ry ' I'rlM In 11310, ftat auh and umIhji- In Iwn t'tmri rninllliiMi' IIaaIii SATURDAY .9ALE GOOD HAIR NETS In all colors, special Sat- urda ) tor 2.1c 5c BELTS Woniens fine wash belts with poiiil buckle, j Cp special, i ach Luj CORSETS "Wo me us' Coutil corsets with twi hose suppor ters, special Saturday, pair )"C SHOE LACES st i j i i i i loud niDiuar sikk- laces all, very special. - imh '"V 5c 5c sics, 8c OF NOTIONS COTTON TAPE In all widths in. black and while, special Satui;da, for BUTTONS I'eai'l buttons, all ver special Saturtlav, card NECKWEAR Stock collars, .Jabots A: Dutch collars, 2oc allies special ' 4C0 2 tor Hoc Ul JEWELRY I hit jtins, bolero iins, belt jins and collar sup ports, special Sat- 9 lid. i . ca h SATURDAY 5ALE OF DOMESTICS PRINTS Dost quality dross prints special, C yard " MUSLIN Heavy lib' inch muslin, 6c specia vard INDIA LINON Fine qunlitv India linon, special ivd 10c SHEETS 72f)() sheets, bleached, special Satur- 4C dav, each tOL GINGHAM (lood aj)ron gingham, on sale Saturday, Za yard , Jv BED SPREADS Largo size bed spreads, good ouality, QO special UOXj DRESS GINGHAM Fine quality dress gin gham, last colors, special, yard PILLOW SLIPS '12 and If) inch blenched pillow slips, special Sat urday, Jf each JLv 10c 7 m If Marking for Health. Co 113 W Main h( j? te