MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY. APRTL 20, 1911. PAGE SEVEN to i PORTLAND STORE SCENE OFROBBERY Crown Jewelry Store Proprietor Held Up and Much Loot is Taken Dar iiifi Robbery on Main Street in Portland. PORTLAND, April 20. A special de tail of three detectives wore put. on the trail today of two robber who held up It. A. Cum li, one of the proprietors of tho Crown Jewelry store, In the store on Washington street, Portland's prin cipal thoioughftire, last night and secur ed diamonds valued at $1600, $13 uash nnd sixteen gold watches. Cowlo today estimated the total value of the loot at nppioxlmntely $1SG0. Cowle was tending a newspaper near the safe when n tall and short man en teied. The tall follow pulled back his , coat fur enough to show a bit,' revolver, lie rooly Instructed the Jeweler to place his bands o nthe counter. Meanwhile the shorter man walked be hind tho counter, deliberately reached Into a display window and while two women watched him, he chose the dia monds that met his fancy. The safe was I If led next. While the short innn went tluough It, the tall rob ber compelled Cowle to hand him a tray of sixteen watches which the fellow pocketed. After cautioning the Jeweler not to follow them, they walked out and merg ed with the crowgds on the sidewalk. The police believe they nro the same men who bold up and robbed a United c'lgur store on fourth street when the same methods was pursued. Falls 200 Feet Over Cliff. LAMAR, Col.. April 20. Lost in tho daikness, Munroo High, 22 years old, son of u wealthy huslncs man of Clinton, K. fell 200 feet over a precipice to his death, according to Information received bete. The accident occurred near Two lluttes, 45 miles southwest of here, whore High, with bis cousin, L. W. Jack son, hail camped for the night. The two men were making an overland trip from Oklahoma to l.aiuar. Tho body will be sent to Clinton, Ky., for burial TRUTH CENTER. 132 North Ivy street, .Medford, Or. A pi Imary course of twelve lessons in Truth will be Riven by Annie Spraguo Smith every Thursday afternoon nt 3 p. m. Teaching and divlno healing by appointment. Metaphysical library, literature for sale. Subscriptions taken for Uenlty Power, Nautilus and other publications. Enquiries received by mail will receive pinmpt attention. All are wolcome. Lovo offerings. llnsklns for Health. Medford Horse Shoeing Shop- 128 South llnivtlt'tt Street. l'lulflc J'liono 1831 Home C. L. Allen, Prop. cm: IS A TRIAL FOR SALE BY OWNER Splendid 10-jtevd orchard and garden truck land, halt' mile of growing oily. lias about 7 acres best varieties of pears, 1 to " years old; deep, free soil. Best bargain in valley. Liberal terms. Fine building site. No brokers. Apply MAIL TRIBUNE." TALENT Real Estate FOR SALE Good business opportunities and lo cations, all paying. TEDDY'S DAMSITE Isn't In It with our LANDSITE. For instance, a 1000-acro tract contnlnlns over 200 acres of the fa mous Dear creek bottom land, In al falfa, and extending to the higher land, which Is sot to orchards In part, all tho land being good fruit land. Some of tho land la now In bear ing trees and may bo purchased at reasonable figures, tho alfalfa land with a good stand of alfalfa for $270 to $3&0 per acre; young orchards, good stand, $250 per acre, and grain land at $175 per aero. This Is an "Idoal" tract for a col ony, as It would cut up Into small or largo places to an advantage, or may bo purchased In 10, 12, 20, 40, 50 and CO-acre or any size trlcts. Easy terms given at low Interest. Located threo miles from Ashland and one mil from Talent, Or. A 74-acro tract 2', mllos West Tal ent, good 8-room house and largo barn; 8 acres undor ditch and In al falfa and garden land; 34 acres un der plow, and trees; 20 acres of or-1 chard, of which 5 acres are In bear- lug: telephone and R. F. D.; half cash, balance good terms and easy payments. i For plenty of other bargains call or address G, A. Gardner TALENT, OREGON. . ' CITY NOTICES. Up It Resolved, by the City Coiincll of tho City of Medford, Oregen: Whereas there has been filed with the city council of the city of Medford. a petition signed by more than one-fifth of the qualified electors of said city as shown b the votes cast at tho last municipal election held In said city, petitioning that the boundaries of said city of Medford be altered and new ter ritory included therein as hereinafter pet forth, it is therefore resolved that tlie following question be submitted to tho electors of said rlty and also to tho electors residing in tho territory herein after set ferth: Shall tho boundaries of tho city of Medford be altered by Including therein the following described territory, to wlt: Beginning at a point on the south boundary lino of the city of Medford, which Is 39C feet of the southwest corner of donation land claim number it. In township 37, range 1 west of tho Willamette meridian, thence east along the center of the county road to tho east line of tho county road which Is n continuance of South Riversldo ave nue in the city of Medford, thence north westerly alorig the enst line of said coun ty road to a point which bears north 72 degrees 30 minutes east from the southeast corner of lot 7. of block 1, of Davis' First addition to the city or Mod ford; thence north 72 degrees 30 min utes oast to a point front which the northeast corner of donation land claim number 44, In township 37, range 1 west. Rock Spring Coal On band all tho tlrao. Phono 1C02. BURBIDGE THE COAL MAN. WOOD FOR SALE : I1LOCK WOOD : : $ l'Klt LOAD : Meno Main 2581 or leave orders nt MEDFORD HARDWARE COMPANY FOR SALE Five-room, strictly modern house, nicely furnished; will sell iurniture separately; lor i ' cash only. See EARL C. SABIN at BIG PINES LUMBER CO. TAKE UP A CLAIM Every citizen, man or woman has a timber and stono right of 160 acres, prlco to tho government $2.50 per aero. No cultivation, residence or Improvement required. I have about twenty-five claims to locate, seo mo and have a talk, this land Is worth $20.00 per acre. Call or write. A. D. SALIXO, Room 81 Jackson County Hank Riillillng. 318 City Property i acres all platted, well Inside limits, $6,')00, good terms. Kenwood lots $350 and $100. tf0 will handlo modern now bungalow. well located. 5 ucres all platted, close to school, abov grade, sewer and water, take Medford residence In trade. 2 lots, new 5 room bungalow, modern $2150, good terms. 2 flno l.os Angelos lots, trado for lots here. Pour fine Kenwood lots, quick salo $1300; good terms. I'lve-rooin bungalow, now, all furnlshet $1100; terms. RANCHES Fine homestead, C miles from Medford, $1000. 1C0 acres, fine alfalfa and stock ranch, ample water. $75 per acre. 20 acres fruit IU,U alfalfa; nlco home, trado for Medford proporty or acre age. 30 acres,- 2-3 young pears, all cultivated good Improvements, pumping plant close jo town, oasy terms, price low. 28 acres, 7 acres orchard, balance In al falfa. prlco and terms right. 20 hcres," 16 acres pears, balance alfalfa bul'dings, less than $100 pur acre. 40 acres, part In orchard, good build ings, C miles from Medford, $125 per acre. , 25 acres, good house, barn, 8 acros or chard, grapes, berries, rich soil close to Medford, $2500 will handle this. WANTED Traet of well located unimproved land; we can exchange for income property paying 10 per cant on $80,000. Alfalfa ranch for business property li Seattle, Olrls for general housework. city and ranch property to list. Man and wife on ranch. . F. L BUMS Room 206. Phlpps Bulldlni CITY NOTICES. bears south 72 degrees 30 minutes east 2619 feet and north 153S feet; thence north 20 degrees 18 minutes west '400 feet: thence south 72 degrees 30 min utes west to the northerly southeast corner of South Sea addition to the city of Medfoid, thence northwesterly along the easterly line of said South Sea ad dition and said line extended to the present boundary line of tho city of Medferd: thence In a general southwest erly direction following tho present boundary line or said city to tho plAco ot beginning, all in Jackson county, Ore gon. Unsolved further, thnt said question be submitted to said electors of the city of Medford and to srlld electors of said above described territory at a special election to be called for that purpose, said election to be held on the 9th day Of May. 1911. Hesolved further, that u special elec tion In and for the city qf Medford and In and for the territory hereinbefore scribed by hold on tho 9th day of May. 1911, between the hours of 9 a. in, and 5 p. ni., Is hereby called for tliu purpose ot submitting at said election said quos tldn above set forth. The following are designated as the places In said city at winch tho polls will be open within said city: Clrst ward Over llasklus' drug store. Second wtlhl Hotel Nush sample room. . ., , Third wantCity hull. Tho following Is hereby designated as tho place In tho territory heiolnbofore described at which tho polls will be epen: Residence of N. Brophy. Tho following aio hereby appointed and. designated as Judges and clerks of said electien: First ward in said city J. W. Ling, Judge; L. I.. Damon, Judge nnd clerk, . T. Lawton, JUdgo and clerk, Second ward In said city J. 11. Bel llnger, Indue: Win. Ulrlch, Judge and elerk: Charles Talent, Judge and clerk. Third ward In said city 1. W. Chol greil, Judge; J. T. Summervllle, Judge and clerk; II. II. Lorlmer, Judge und clerk. In tho territory hqrclnbuforo describ ed S. L. Dennett, Win. Holmes, N. llro phy. The electors of said city of Medford and the electors of the territory horoln befoio described nro horoby invited to vote upon said proposition by placing upon tnclr ballots "For Annexation" or 'Against Annexation' or words equiv alent thereto. Hesolved further, that notice of all the mattets herein sot forth bo given by publishing this resolution for four weeks prior td said election In tho Med ford Mall Tribune, n newspaper of gen eral circulation In said cjty of Medfdrd And In tho territory above described, and also by posting four copies of this resolution In four public places in the territory above described for four weeks prior to said election. The foregoing resolution was passed on tho 4th day of April, lull, by the city council of the city of .Medford, by tho following vete: Merrick aye, Watt aye, Wortman aye. Emerlck aye, Elfert aye, nnd Millar aye Approved April fith, 1911, W. II. CANON, Mayor. Attest: RdBT. W. TELFER. Recorder. He It Resolved, by the City Council of tho City of Medford. Oregen: Whereas, there has been filed with the city council o fthn city of Medford a petition signed by more than one-fifth of the qualified electors of said city as shown by tho vote cast ot tho last mu nicipal election held in said city, peti tioning that the boundaries of said city of Medford be altered and now territory Included therein as hereinafter set forth, It Is theroforo resolved, that tho fol lowing question bo submitted to the electors of said city and also to tho elec tors residing In tho territory herein after set ferth: Shall the boundaries of tho city of Medford bo altered by including therein tho following described territory, to wit: Regaining at the northwest corner of . Kenwood addition to mo city of Med- ford as shown by the recorded plat tncieor, said point being on tho westorly boundary lino of tho city of Medford, thence west to tho northwest corner of said Kenwood addition, thence south along tho west line of said addition to tho southwest corner of block .1 of said addition; thence west to tho northwest corner of Creston addition to the city of Medford, as shown on the recorded plat theieof; thence south to tho east and west quarter lino of section 26, town ship 27 south of range 2 west of the Willamette meridian, being tho nortli line of tho county road which Is an ex- H 'Union of West Main street In said city, loiu'it west to a point duo notth of the northwest corner of West Walnut Pmk addition to the. city of .Medford. as showi by tho recorded plat theieof, thence south across the county load and along tho west boundary of said West Wnl- tllit addition to tho southwest corner of saio audition; tueuce east along the south lino of said West Walnut addi tion to the city of Medford, as shown by tho recorded plat thereof, to tho pres ent corporate Hue of said city; thence nortli along tho present boundary line of said cltv to tho nlaco of beulnnlnL- all In Jackson county. Oregon. uesoiveu runner, mat saiii question bo submitted to said electors of tho cltv of Medford and to said electors of said itbove duscrlbed teirltnry at a special election to lie called for that purpoMo. sum election 10 no neiu on inn lOlli uay of May. 1911. ReHolved tiirther, that a special elec tion in and for tho city of Medford and In and for tho territory hereinbefore described bo held on the 10th day of May, 1911, between the hours of 9 a. m. anil C p. in.. Is hereby called for the purpose of submitting at said election sold question abovo set forth. Tio following nro deMgnated as tho places In said city at which the polls will bo open within said city; First ward Over Hasklns' drug store. Second ward Nash hotel sample room Third ward City hall. The following Is hereby designated as tun place. In tho teirltory heielnbefore described ut which the polls will be epen: The following are hereby appointed tliil designated as Judges und clerks of said electien: First ward In said city J. W. Ling, ludgoj I.. I.. Damon, Judge and clerk; I). T. Lawton, Judgo and clerk. Second ward In Raid pity J. II. Del linger, Judge. Wm. ririch, judge and clerk: Chas. Talent, Judge and clerk. Third ward in said city 1'. W. Choi Srun, Judge: J. T, Suinnlervllle, Judge and clerk; II. II. Lorlmer, Judge and clerk. .In tho territory hereinbefore, describ ed Ti K. Murruy. J I. ft. Strentor, E. !'. A. Dlttner. The electors of said cl(y of Met! ford and tho electors of, the territory herein- neroro iiescriooii aro nercny invited to vo-fo upon said proposition by placing iiun wiuir Damns i'or Annexation oi "Against Annexation" or words equiva lent thereto. Resolved further, that notice of all the matters herein set forth be given by publishing tills resolution for four weeks prior to said election in the Med rord Mail Tribune, n newspaper of gen eral circulation In said cty of Medford and In the territory abovo denerlbod and also by posting- four copies of this reso lution In rour public places in said city and In four public placoa in the terri tory abovo described for four weeks prior to said election. Tho foregoing resolution was passed on the Rh day of April. 1911. by the clt,y council .(if tho city of .Medford by the following vote: Mprrlek aye. Watt ayp. Wortman aye, Klfert aye, Millar ayq. Approved April n. 131 1. W. II. CANON, Mayor. Attest: IIODT. W. TUI.KKR. Heeonlor. LOST. LOST Aberdeen Scotch terrier; small, with long black hair, answering nam Klrrle. Information regarding Idea tion, pleaae phone O. II. Carpenter, 7J51 Suburban, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. I HiailCUQJ'T residence sites aro ties lined to dudble and treble, in value. 1 Olt SAMI- Plaza cafe at n sacrifice on a .niit of pi'.r lie, tor i: K Mam st '(!i if proprb FOR EXCHANGE. ltal Sitate KOK EXCHANCH3 Medford and subur ban property, rancl'les, timber lands, for other property. Address Dox t99, caro Mail Tribune, TO EXCHANGE Colorado and Neuron ka lands. Improved and unimproved, to exchange for Dogue river properties. Tho Dost-Kullor Healty Co., drants Pass Or. KOll EXCHANGE A very flno orchard In Rogue river valley within corporate limits of Ashland, paid 10 per cent net on $32,000 lii 190J. with present pros pects will pay more this year. Will trado for Los Angeles property of equal value. Prlco $12,r00. H. T. Lewis, 571 Chestnut street, Ashland, Or. 27 FOR TRADE IdO ncres good timber for automobile, also city lots nnd acreage. Lots talk business. Cornetlus Garner Realty Co.. 133 W. Main st. FOR SALE OR RENT Buclncsi Property I'OR SALE OR RENT Good opening for genernl merchandise storo In now town with $1G,000 monthly payroll, on railroad, 12 miles from Medford. Gold Ray Realty Co., 20C W. Main. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Would like to exchange good modern 6-room cottage In Los Angeles, bath, toilet, lawn, gas electricity, on fine street, block, of two car lines; exchange equi ty of $1SOO for small, farm In south ern Oiegon If suited, llalauco of $650 payable as you wish. Grant Fergu son, 32 1 U Emmet si., Los Angeles, Oil. 27 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A heavy team of horses, harness and wagon, bouse and lot; cash values considered. 90S 8. Newtown. 29 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FlVb pas senger -l-cyllnder touring automobile. Address Dox 200, caro Mall Tribune office. FOR RENT Board and Rooins FOR RENT Room anil board; meals served family style. 900 E. Main Street. 28 FOR RENT Room with private board, at 510 N. Riverside. rurhlkhod Kooms FOR RENT SUiiliy double room; lnrge closet, hot ill id cold water and sleeping poich. Gcntlciuch. Tho Cumberland, 70C S. OakdiUe, 30 FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room adjoining bath. Call In fnre noim, C21 W. 2nd St. 26 FOR RENT Pleasant attractive rooins by the day or week nt 12S S. Holly, near city park. 25 FOR RENT Cheap, nicely furnished rooms, gentlemen only, 607 South Cen tral st. 25 I'OR RENT At tho Cottage, modorn furnished rooms." Rooms equipped with private telephone service, hot and cold running watyr, sleeping porches, bath, accoiiiinodntlons anil heat If de sired. 601 W. Tenth at. Phono call private exenange 111, I'OR RENT Hlentllm- renm: everything new und clean; reasonable price; easy walk from Main st. Only men need apply. Oleson and W. Ham ilton sts. Phone Main 4174, I'OR RENT Elegantly fiirnlshed rdonlH, steam heat, hot and cold water, baths, electric lights, newly furnished, sln glo rooms or en suite, by tho day, week or month Inquire room 103 Electric bldg. 218 W. Main st. ' FOR RENT Furnished rooms for trans ients. No. 10 N Orapo st., next to Far mer's &. Fruitgrowers' bank, FOR RENT Nice big newly furnished bedroom. Call fdr Hutch, nt this of fice. FOR RENT Modern rooins, 3 blocks from .Main street. Call phono 6891. 27 Unfurnished lloomt. FOR RENT Suite of three unfurnished rooms with water and lights; close in. Huntley Realty Co., 15 N. Control avo. 26 FOR RENT Two or three pleasnnt tin furnished rooms, suitable for house keeping, water and electric light. 211 Hturk htreut, Hast Mvdford, phone 6232, 27 Housekeeping Rooms I'OR RENT Rooms, housiikeoplng and Sleeping, bath, telbphone; ono block from Main stmt 405 S. Oakdale. Mrs. A. Little. H FOR RENT Newly furnished house keeping rooms, gaft; bath; hot watbr. 234 ia Ninth. 30 nouses TO HUNT. A furnished house. Inqnlic at tho Allen On-eery. 25 FOR RENT 6-rootn Iioumo and barn on N. Riverside. Phono 711. FOli RENT To a sttinll family, a strict ly modern 5-roum bungalow with bath, on W. 2d st. $20 per month. Addross R. 1). M , care Mull Tribune office. 27 FOR RENT New modern bungalow, 6 rooms antl bath, lurgo screuu porch. 516 Liberty stre. t 30 Business Booms FOR RENT Two business rooms In the new Odd Fellows building on W. Sixth st Inquire Jackson County bank, oash ler. FOR RENT Dullness room on W. Main st , 24x140, suitable for restaurant or billiard room or other buklneHs, steam heat. Gold Ray Realty Co, 216 W. Main at. Offices for Bent I'OR RENT Over tile postofflon with heat and light Hog A. A- Duvls. FOR RENT Offue rooins in Eledtrlc bldg, modwrn equipment, steam httat, electric light, buths. toilet, lint and cold water Gold Ray Realty Co, 216 W Mali. Ht. FOR RENT Mlscelliineou. FOR LEASE Fishing, boating and hunt ing resort oil easy terms. Dox 32, Mall Tribune. FOR RENT Garden land In tracts of from one aero upwards, with water for irrigation. Owner will furnish team and Implements for cul tivating nnd seed for share of crop. Inquire bf Duttum, Rogue Itlver Elec tric Co., 216 W. Main st. GOOD PASTURE 150 acres volunteer, Horses $150 per month; old Rtchnrd son place. Sanis valley. For portfeu lars address Talent R. F. U. 128. 2? Farms FOR RENT Karma from 40 acres lo 400 ncres, alfalfa land, fruit ranches, garden land, general farming ranches. Gold Ray Realty Co., 21C W. Main. FOR SALE Acreage FOR SALE 5 and 10 acre tracts Just within and adjoining city limits, at n bargain, on f nnnual payments. Ad dress Condor Water & Powor Co. Business Property FOR SALE Choice business property nt a bargain, on long time; easy term. Address Condor Water & Power Co. FOR SALE Store building, lot and grocery stock Is one of the best sub urban location In tho city. Dost of reasons for selling. A snap if takeil at once. Terms on part. Cllno & Co., 720 N. Pine street. 26 FOR SALE Fiho south frrint lot on W. Tentlv street on pavement With witter and sower paid. Sco owner at BIB W. 11th st. 33 FOR SALE A. D. Sallng has 100 good lots for sale. In tho cant side. All cash deal. LtOB. HIOHCROFT resltlenco Sites have the moHt superb view of tho city, valloy and mountains. FOR SALE Two lots, close in on Third and Apple streets; east front. C. E. Kirk, Dox 285. 39 FOR SALE $1000 lot to go for $600. Call up Main 4 $7-1. or Call at 203 Ol it son st. FOR SALE One or two of the finest vneriht lots on Ross Court, laying two feet above slilcWnlk: sower and water connection made anil extended to In side line of sidewalk. Address A. V. Carlson, Route 1, Dox A-72, Central P6lnt, 60 Home. FOR SALE A four room house; 3 blocks off East Main on a C0x285 foot lot for $1500. Just $800 cash and $10 per month. E. S. Tinny, 201 Garnott- I Corey bldg. 20 FOR SALE 2 good modern houses, close in, on paved streets. Inquire of own er, 504 S. Holly. 26 I'OR SALE Oood 4-room house, good shed, lot 60x112, city water, largo gar den, only $950.00. 737 W. llth St., 7 blocks south Washington school. 42 FOR SALE A lovoly iomo of 4 acres, 'iVi miles south of Talent, among foot hills. All under cultivation; superior alfalfa and fruit land, having an or chard of pear, pencil, cherry, apple, plum, apricot and nectarine trees; also strawberries, lnguu ami raspberries. A fine creek runs through tho place. An Ideal poultry ranch with flue new noultrv house. Good house, barn and otiier outbuildings. Kino spring water piped up Into kitchen. Every foot of this place can bo cultivated. Price $1800 cash. Sco L. N, Jtidd, Talent, Or. FOR SALE At $2650, ono of the hand soniest bungalows on tlm enst side, $1000 will bundle; balance like rent; stilctly modern throughout. Will nay you to Investigate. Address M. M., caro Mall Tribune. 27 FOR QUICK SALE I offer n furnished 5-ioum house 4 blocks of center of btiHlness district, nt $2760. Roots for $30. Within u year you will bo. count ed in tho wholesale business district. Address C. A. M., euro Mall Tribune office. 27 KOK SALE A B-room strictly modern bungalow, less than 90 days old, on a street to be payed this summer, about seven blocks from tho heart of the city. This property wll pay 16 per cent on your investment, and Is a dandy place for a home. Tho prlco Is $1800, and can bo handled on eusy terms If desired. Cornotlus-Onriier Realty Co., 133 W. Main st. FOR SALE A 3-room plastered house on an cast front corner lot, close in. Tills propel ty tail be bought tight, and is Just the right size for a small family You peojdo who aro paving rent will do well to look this up. Prior Is $12B0, on very attractive terlns. Cor- notlus. Garner Realty Co, 133 W. Main Htreet. FOR SALE A 6-room house on South Newtown between W. Main und W 10th sts.; lot COxlOO for $1800 Can you bent li. Now renting for $2t. Cornetlus-Gurncr Realty Co., 133 W. Main st. FOR SALIC A 2.1'oom new liouso on nn east front lot at $675; $100 down and $15 per month. Do quick. Cornelius Oarnor Realty Co., 133 W Main st. Houses FOR HALE Will soli 20 or 40 noros of unimproved deep soil laud, Just ! 3-4 iiiIIoa from Central Point for $100 per acre which In $6m below market prlco. Surrounded by orchards. E. S. Tinny, 201 Garnett-Corey bldg. 27 FOR HAL!! 80 acres, hair ntllo from Eagle Point, about 10 uares under cul tivation; sticky Mil!; very easy terms', per acre, $63.78. W. T. York & Co FOR SALR SVi sores fruit ami poultry ranch. S00 head of poultry, tam and tools go with place If doslred; west of s. Oakdals hv. See owner on place. Robert Duttlu. FOR 8ALB HoineattMtd relinquishment; ICO aeroM, 19 mlls from Central Point, tor, a snap. Call on or write C. A HiiiidHrHon, Central Point, Or. 3in Point, or. 30 FOR SALE. Real Estate. FUR SALE Jackson county lands In lingua river valloy, Oregon, by tho Jackson County Realty company, II. M. CpijM, ltiri linger. Oftlqo In Gardett Corey building, room 217. Farm lnndi, garden iaiuls, .fruit lands, atock lafiches, large and small tracts of Im proved and unimproved lands. Oflco phone CC91; resltlenco 141. IHGHCltOFT resldenco sites aro offered at present prlco for a short time only. FOR SALE Any amount from IS to 66 ncres of land now In alfalfa and young fruit; Just 2 miles from city limits on gentle nlopo; good, dceplioll; tho prlco Is right. R S. Tinny, 201 Gainett Corey bldg. 26 FOR HALE A block of 15 ncres or 20 year old Spltzenbergr, Nowtowns and Itartletts, with a modern four room bungalow Just 3-1 of a mllo from city limits for $16,000 on terms. E. S. Tinny, iOl Garnett-Corey. 27 Mikoellaueouo HIGHCROFT residence sites nro des tined to double nnd treble In value. FOR SALE Flno seed corn. Isaacs' ranch, Eagle l'olnt road, 25 FOR SALE Ono runabout autoinebllo: new tires, engine just overhauled; ovbrytlilng irt first class condition. Can bo bought almost for prlco or tires. InliUIro of Powel Auto Co. FOR SALE A flno slnglo comb White Orpington from one of tho best stratus. Out fill a few more orders for day old chlcka from my trnpnested Orpingtons and Leghorns for May delivery, Mrs. E. E. Oman, Jacksonville, Or. 29 FOR SALE Corn for salo at, Vilas ranch. 33 FOR SALE Steel and wooa oil barrels. Valloy Auto CO. FOR SALE Cow. 1306 Nortli Central avenue. 20 FOR SALE 81 Hamilton smudgo pots, never been used; nlsn 3 barrels oil; prlco $45. E. T. Lewis, 571 Chestnut St., Ashland, Or. . 25 FOIt SALE Hay. lliavo grain and ah falfa baled. Seo A. A. Davis. FOR SALE Rhode Island RImI Eggs. $1 per sbttlug of 15 eggs. C N. Lamar, 210 Court st. 30 FOR SALE Corn. Inquire Dr. Clancy's Office, Phlpps bldg,, or phono Main 601. FOR SALE Seed corn. Connor Laiid t'o., Lowor Table Rock. FOR SALE Two pool tables uiiit tine blllhtrd tnble. Luy & Keegdn, Jack sonville, Or. 20 FOR SALE Our pullets from trap nested Btock lay nt flvo mouths old. How much aro they worth iporo than common stock that commence laying at ten months? White Leghorn baby chicks $2.00 per dozen. Whito Orp ington bnby chicks $11.00 per doion. Also Cyclo hatcher for sale. Mrs. E. E. Oman, Jacksonville, Or. 38 FOR SALE One span black horses, C anil 7 years old, 1 100 lbs. each. W. P. Dodge, 610 S. Oakdale. 30 I'OR SALE Good surrey. Seo L. R. Warder fl,t Warner, Wortman & Goro's. 34 FOR SALE Young cow, kind and gen tie, giving milk; price, $50. For fur ther piirtioiihtiH address C. R. Pldgoun Jacksonville, Or. 39 KOll SALE Jersey cow. Address Dox 735, postofflce. '.'6 FOR SALE HIOHCROFT residence sltftH have de lighted everyono who has seen the property, WANTED. Miscellaneous WANTED Lacu curtains to latittder. 215 W. Jackson nt. 36 WANTED Orders taken at Wilson's second hand store for hauling sand and gravel. Phono Dell T, 3101; Home 266 L. 43 WANTED A good slnglo driving horse, harness and buggy. Address C. II. O, caro Mall Tribune offlco. 25 SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED Work on ranch by man and wife; good cook, has team suitable for orchard work, leferencos. Address J T., care Mull Tribune office. 2G WANTED Work by day or ootUract for brick, stone ami tlln work; satisfac tion guaranteed; worked on Duel, A Klero, Dr. Fitch, Ware and Glalze bldgs. Address Charles Kazley, Med ford, Or., Gen. Del. 26 WANTED I do housekeeping by the day or hour or week. Phono M 3301. 227 S Ivy st. Japanese M. Harry, 42 WANTED Position on ranch by man and wife Willi three children, 2 large enough to work. Address J. G, earo Mall Tlihuiio. 25 HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Mate WANTED--Salesmen In every looallty of tho nerthwest: money advanced week ly; many make over $1000 month; oliolco of territory Yakima Valley Nursery Co., TopeulHh, Wash. Help Wanted Pemnle W A N T ED You n g Judy for general housework. Rest wages, Inqulie luf- fuiil. Rogue River Electrlo Co., 216 W Main st MISCELLANEOUS lliuHCROFT residence sites will be known us the teal "Nob Hill" of Med ford. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants, D R WOOD General aceouptant. Your bookh umllted and kept for a reasoiuilue figure, your IiiisIiiomh solicited Office Phlpps bldg, room 209. Phono 3133. Architects. JOHNS & TURNER. Architects nnd Builders Office 7-3, 325 Main; phone .Main 3171 Resldenco phoiu 74i. A P GODWIN Architect, offlco 346, conifer From and Third. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Astayer and Analyst, EARL V. INGELS. D. S. Dcst equipped assay oflce In Oregon; food products, soils, fertilizers, spray products, water etc., analyzed. Grants Pass. Attorneys. COLVIO & REAMES W. M, Colvlg. C. L. Realties. Lawyers Office Medford National Dank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF, WM P. MEALEY--Attorileys-nt-law, Nos. 1 and 2 Post bfflco building. A. K. REAMES Lwyor. Darnott-Corey building. WITHINGTON & KELLY I'll 1 m building. Lawyers. D. K. MULKEY Lawyer. Room 30 JUck aon Co., Dank bldg. Billiard r.irlurB. . T. RROWN& c"aniTlinr'tlH, Cigars and "Hoft prinks. Up stairs. Young & Hall building. A nice, cool place to spend tho hot afternoons. mil Potters. VEiiNE T. CANON Hill poster and Dls trlbutor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29, Jackson County Dank build ing, .Medford, Oregon. Cigars and Tobacco. IRELANP & ANTLE. Smokehouse Dealers In tobacco, cigars, nnd smok ers' supplies. Exclusive agent of Lewis Slilglo Hinder, ICI Merlto antl El Palen cla. 212 West Main street Civil Engineers. ASTDURY & TEE. C1V.IL ENGINEERS, surveyors. Specialty; Pluttlng. sub dividing nnd munlclpat engineering. Phono 1081. Rooni 108 aarnott-Corcy bldg.., Medford. Oregon. Contractors nntViinllders. SPRAGtTE IntOS.--" Contractors an"d bu lilers; let us help to flnnnco tho building of your home. 214 Krultgrow era' Hank bldg. , rurnltnrc. II. K. WILSON & CO., dealeis In now and second-hand furniture nnd hard ware Agents for Household stoves mid ranges. 16 South Fir street Phono Main 3161. Home 266-L. MISSION FURNITURE WRKS-Cor-tier 8th nnd Holly streets. Medford. Mission furniture made to order. Cab inet work of ull klntls. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF A WOLFF Cookstovos ami ranges. New and second hand furni ture. Ends' old stand, 18 Fir street. South. Phono 91. Home 283-1C Med ford. Orahlta Works. CIOLI) RAY GRANITE CO., 210 West Main street, mniiurncturors und deal ers In monumental antl building gran ite, crushed granite, common brick nnd pressed brick, coarse nnd flno washed river sand. .MEJJFORD U1MUK CO. -Geo. W. Priddy. O. D. Nagle, Geo. T. O'Drlen Contrac tors und manufacturers of brlok; deal ers in pressed brick and lime. Orflco In Garnett-Corey block, room 209. 2d floor. J'liono No. 3181. Xiandscapo Gardener. JOHN F. RELTZ, Landscape- Gardener. Between Riverside avenue antl Dently street. Medford, Or. Satisfaction guaranteed, Call Main 3812. Notary Pnbllc. NOTARY PUBLIC Room 257 l'hlpps building. Tents and Awnings. MEDFORO TENTA"ND AWNING CO.. makers of new, repairers of old. Doth phones 405 S. Oakdale. Nurseries. MEDFORD GREEN It6lT.SE Cut flow ers, potted plants, shrubbery bulbs. 92.1 E. Alain. Phone 3741. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not irrigated. Wo guarantee everything put out. Wo nre not in the trust. II. B. Patterson, office removed to 11G E. .mii i n sr. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of high grade nttr aory stock. Office 2G W. Main. Tole phono 1201. Physicians and Surgeons. (Tit. S. A. "LOOKWOOD- Phvslellin anil Hiirirnnn. Office 2IU E. Main At, over Has klns' drug store. Phone .Main 1001. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physicians and surgeons, Taylor and Phlpps bldg. rooms 210-211-212. Offlco phono 601, residence phono 612. Office houro 9 n. m lo 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAWS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moveil lo rooms 410 and 417 Garnett Coreybldg.PhonoAlaln 63J51. DR. "E. H. PORTER Discuses-of"wo"-ineu a specialty Rooms 5, 6. 7, 8, St. Mark's bldg, Medford, Oregon; phones, Offlco 4901, resilience 4961. DR. ARTEMAS" W DEANE" DenllsT Offlco In Rlulto, bldg, 123 E. Main. Gas administered fur extraction of teeth . Telephone, Muln6Sl. Night I'lioim iij; DR. W. W. WICK Homeopathic physi cian; residence 203 Olson St.. phono Main 4474; office, rooms S and 4. St. Mark's block, phono Main 1871 DR STEARNS - Physician and surgeon. Office Garnett-Corey bldg., rounia 2H-2I2, phono 5501. Resltlenco 113 Laurel at., phono 2092. DR MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOlPnictleo limited to diseases of women Offlco linsklns bldg. Phono Main lOQl Dr. W. " M. Vim "Scoyoo. " Dr. C. C. Van Scoyoc. Dentists. Gnrnntt-Coroy bldg, suite 318, Medford Oregon, JIoth Phones. DR. LEilOY M GORDON ChlFoprnctto splnoiogist; over Medford Hardware -u .i .. mi., jitimiirii, wregon DR J. J. KM MENS Practice limited to dlsoaso of tho eye. ear, pqso and throat Offlco 216 E. Muln "trtot. DRS. SAUNDERS AND GREEN Poli tico limited to eye, ear, nose and throat Office: Suite 318 Garnett Corey building Doth phones. Chlncso Medicines. CHOVYOUNO'S Chinese meillem"esulll cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, goit ers, throat ami lung trouble, deafness, iiaialyslH, private illsoases and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomuoll trouble, constipation. Indiges tion, womb and bladder troubles. Sett mo at 2M S. Front st Medford. Ory. Printers and Publishers, MEDFORD PRINTING CO.. has tho Uest equipped Job office In Sou thorn Qru gun; book binding; loose leaf syhtwins; cut paper, etc., etc, Portland prlaou. 27 North Fir street Stenographers. ELLA M. flUANYAW Palm DIubTT. Stenographic work done quickly and well. PUflLlCSTENOORAl'tlriR. 4(32 Gaf7."lT. Corey bldg, Medford, Ore. Miss L. J. HltigHton, Telephone Home 95. MISS FRANCES KULFS. Publlo SUiinr rnplier Huntley-Kramer's office. Phone Muln 3191. 18 N. Central uvu nue, Medford, Or. , 3C Signs. valley sroN AiuRTiSiN'o crj.-'s. SIGNS will help build up your busl news. Phono 802. IS Riverside nvuiuio. Steam Heating. PONTINO & RENZ Steam .and hot wu ter heating, dry kiln and power woik. SutUfaotlnii guaranteed. Estimates given Phones; Pacific 46"1. Home lti-L. residence Pacific I lilt Box III, 37 South Central avenue, Medfoid, Oregon. Sowing Machines. SEWING MACHINE CAVM DUNCAN, looal representative for "Sinner" and "Wheeler & Wilson" sewing; inucliln. . Phone 60(3 Muchlnea for aale or rout. Repairing. k "V 'l K '