PAGE SIX MEDFCRD MAIL TRIBUNE, arflDFORD, ORECJOX, THURSDAY. APRTL 20, 1911. y : V? 4ff( jr - f Our Correspondents c CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. EDEN PRECINCT ITEMS. i .uS4)JM,U Ii Clmrli't A. Orr loft for I.oh AiikpU's Mr. nnil Mrn C'haH. Tunned of Moil Tuomluy rVPliiliK wIiito I"' lift" ncci-iit- ford vlHitf-il Mi-h Ihbiich mollicr, .Mm cd a luciutlvi- poHltlon. IlfH family will stniullff of I'lioinlx Humlay. tdnmtti li'-rc for tlif prcni-iii I ,Mr. Allwcnl of North Talent trmli-il MIb Uwtle Klncalil anil MIhh r.ottptn jMl.,ifor,) TiiPHilny. llowanl of Meilfonl wero lirre this wok Wni uc'ItunlHlv. piiocnlx tnoruliurit VlHltliiR MIsh KIiiorIiI'm Imithur, JuiiieH Klncalil, wlio In critically 111. Slr. John Hnnna anil chllilron who have ent tlio winter hern left for hor homo at l'orllanil Tiicmlay cveiilnK. Mr. anil Jlrn Henry Knriiuin spout TtioHilay nlKlit In OrantH I'hhh. Mm. .1. W. Myor. Mr. J. W. Mc,rrIU ,,,. HlmInJ, went to Aledfonl aftor u load of iner ohatidlHo TtieHilny. Mm. .Iimhiui I'atterwin of N'oitlt TmI flit wiim In Att'ilford .Saturday after noon. Hherlff Joiipm and Ml JIaildc New litiry vlHlted Mrn. Jiiiich hImIct, ,Mih..Jou and Mrn. A. W. Ileelie H-nt Wcilnumluy In OrantH Pawn. Mr. W. .1. Kreeman, Mrs. I. Hatfield, MrH 1). JlcKfllop, MrH. Tompkins, Mrs. Unburn! nnd Mrs. Htrohmeler attended the iniTtliiK or tho rreHliyterlan lioards of southern OrcRon at Woodvlllo WeiliiCMlny. V Cat try of rimonlx was vIhUIiik with old tlmo frlpiiils hen- Wednesday. Sir. and Airs. Frank o.iimun ctiiih down to C. Careys, Htfnday evening to neo nlmiit IiIh tomato plants, Mr. Oat man will plant two thousand and will raise tomatoes for the cniuiry. W. S. Htanellff and l.loytl Cijlver weie Medford visitors Monday. Hev. and Mrs. Clyilo of Ashland weie nt Phoenix for Master sei vices. Mi. and Mrs. II. It. t'allioiisn of Med Prospects at Central ol'lnt tiro veryifonI VHll(l, r,,(,II(iH phoenix last Hun- bright now for now uepoi imnicui titoly The ciltv council will meol tonight (Thursday) In special session to "l'njHn()iy Sealed Dins lur mi) consii uuinm m m sewer system. Horn, to Mr. and .Mrs. Krneht Heotl, a Iltlli son. Mars. Hcott's sister or Ap pleRiite Is vIsltlliK at tho Krott homo. Mr Wurrent Mee and ranilly of Apple Kate were the (,'ilests of his sisters, Miss Mary Mee and Mrs Kinma Huff and other relatives the week end. day. Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Alford and Ills son from Medford eiuno out to Talent TABLE ROCK ITEMS. Mr. and Mrs. H, IC. Adams were shop ping In Central Point and Medrord Hat unlay and spent Hunter with tho HIs sctla on North Central avenue. llert Chiipuuin Is limiting luiulier fiom Cential Point for nioio Improvements on the Wyeknff taneh. Mr and Mis. Canl'leld and iliuighler l.llllan and Will hydlatd or Meiiroid spent ICaster with .1. II. I.ydlaril and family. Mr. anil Mrs. John McNrldn and daiiKhter Tholnia left for Itetlillng, Cali fornia Hunday, having received a tele gram that Mil. McllrlduH sister wns of Mr. 1'ilek of the (.'. I Howell ranch was In Ninth Talent Sunday buying cab Imgn plants at C. Caieys. Mr. and Mrs. Murk Forns of Korn's Valley wero In Medford Saturday. (It-orge Drnk, and Ills sister l.lzzle, and a young lady f I lend wero In Phoenix .Saturday from Ninth I'hoonlx district. lames McDonald of North Talent was In Talent Katunlay. James Is to sell his flno ton aero trncl of alfalfa west of Talent. The Kaster Hasenar Klvon by tho Lad Ion' Aid of tho I'resbyteilun chuich of I'hoenlx, was n Rreat sueeess. Or. MolliiKrcn or Phoenix was III Ninth Talent, on professional business Humlay. 10 H. Oatuiail, or Medforil visited his brother P. II. Oatiuaii of North Talent, Sunday, and together they Inspected several oiehiuils to sen how badly the f i ult was tlauuiKcil by fiost. .Mr. and Mis. Prank Oatiuan or Tal ent furnishes your concspoiidoiit with tho following Item: Iluvlnft lead in a recent Issue of the Mall Tilhuno of one Harry Culou or Klamath Falls, tclllnx Ills fifteen hens having layed 2r,C, OURT? .OUS MlEWt New Caaea. Hlati of Orettnri s M M Martlnas and (1 N J'oiots Criminal action Tiansirlpt from Justice Court Marrlapo licenses. HuKh Cnmhest and .Marie Haleemah Johnston. P. A. Palmer and Ceelle Smith. Jaineg Forbes and May Householder Probato. Kstnte Harry I. Maker, order to show cause for an order to sell renl estate Instate Kiln H. Deane. Ordered that Ortemas W. Deane bo appointed admlnls tiator. Ilstnte J-'. P. I-onK. Aihnlnlstiator bond flb-il and approved. Hstatr John (J Piuslow. Will probated and A. R Kheplieid nppnlnteil executor and W. J. Moore. J. W. McCoy and Jack Motrin appraisers. not expected to live. e)(s, or an averaKo of 17 per ben In Mrs. 11. H, I.yillard of Knn Jose, Call- dim month. Mis. Oatmati counted up ferula Is vIsltlliK hero with her sister the number of settliiKH sold fnmi her Mrs. J. II. hyillaid. Mrs. I.ydliuil Is pen ol' IS late pullets of Ithodc Island vor much plfHMcd with this pail of the Hnls, anil found that from Maich II to ItiiKUc Hlvor Valley. April II thev had layed ;il(i ckks, or an Mr Mlnier Keuse who has heotl em- nvciaKc of IS. Iiloytil at tho Collins llancli for some , . time has moved his family to Meilford. Ilasltlns for Health. rrayoa for Her Victim. KOI IT WOKTII. Texas, Apill Jll Woineii nolKhhois and filendH testified that Mrs. l.l..lo Hiooks, who Is on tilal for KIIIIiik' Mrs. Mary llliifonl on Ja'u uiirv IC, had prayed every day for two ciiiH that the woman she killed mlKht 'iifono" nnd xot a iolllou In some utlii r city. Friendship of Mrs. Hlufonl rot the hiiMlinjiil or the slayer Is mild to have i.iusttd the shootlllM". A ilcHconi'NH ti stifled tlwt the woman hud piayed for Mrs llluford. SAt On Red Hot Btovo. TOI.KDO, Ohio, April 20. HiieadlllK rails caused the engine, bnKKHRo car and dav coach of the southbound Cin cinnati, Hamilton ami Pity ton I Vic "Hielte fiver to Jump the track nt Waltz, a small station near Cailoton, Mlih The iHiKKitwmuu was sIlHhtly lu iiinl bv it flyliiK 1 1 link, and the cook, licliiK knocked off IiIh foet, sat on a l d hot stovo In tho iIIiiIiik ear, but ui not si rloiiMly burned. The elKbt.v pan t mi,i ii on the train ueie badly hakeii lip Jler rifth Pair of Twlna. PHKi:ilHHPHO. V. Vm.. Apill 20 Mis lli-njauilu Mmilett of Pennsboio, ' lilt bir County, nave birth this week lot h r fifth pair of twins Tluee sets uiej llMIH. All weie li within il pellod if f V I II MMIH W01tI.D'B TAMOUB DYSPEPBIV PRCSORIPTIUN. It Drlvox Away Btomnoli Dlitrcn In a 'cw rillnutcB, Stops Heartburn anil Belching. If you havi- an.NllMMK' the matter with oiir stomach you ihikIU to know rlKlit now that MI-o-NA stoinaoh tablets uie KUarauteed by I'lnis SliaiiK to cute ludl Kesllon or Hiiy ulckness csused by hull KCHtlnu, hiich iih the follow Iiik, or inoney bsck. Hick headache, biliousness, tllmlncss, iiervouNiieMH, Hour Mtoiiuich, fermetiin lion of food, Ih'Ii'IiIiik of khs, hunvy feelliiK at pit of Mtotiiiuti, voiiiUIiik of prcKiiuucy, slcknesa cauMed by over In dullteuce the ulKlll hefotti. If your meals don't iliKcit but He like a lump of lend III your MtouiHOh; It' mi have foul bieath and lims of appetite, Ihe chances Hie that n few MI-O-NA tab lets will put your stomach In flno shape In Ml i 1 1 older It ou or aiiv of ;our faiullv surfei riniii Hloiuach tioiible of an kind koI a Till cent bu of Ml il Nl slomaeh tiihletn at once DiiiKKlsts cerywhi'te and I 'bus HttaiiK sell .MI-O-NA on money back pluli PANSY PLANTS Oniitinunlal slitulii Hoinly to lilooiii. I lUIll kllllllu tl'CUH, .1. T. ItltOAIH.IiV .V CO. (irctMilmiiMi near city lv-orxoir Sluro Conu'r Sutli niul (V'llral. Pliimis filHl, I I'll. "Hny at ht'iui' ami lulp Mi'dto't!." payinji for them! $1.50 a week nnd the Roal retato Transfer. O ft C II It Co to John Henry Ti usty SO acres In section 27 township .12 1 Kcast -'0 O C It It Co to John H Trusty 10 ncios lu section T.l township .11! 1 Knst Handy J Hhikelv to Wm Hartlsan 2 acres In section 22 township 30 I West Ooiilon Voorhles to A A .Schuchiiid iiTi.TiSI acies 111 die If. township IIS 1 West Sylvester P.ittotHon to Owen Oun lap lanil In section 7 township 38 1 Hnst Joshua Patterson to Owen Dunlup land In seotlon 7 township US 1 Hast 11S0 Oi chard Tract Co to John ft police land In township 37 1 West I Chillies Heldel to Cold Cies Fruit Co. Land In section 3:1 township 3fi 3 West 12000 P C Piikc to John Oreb. Lots 17 IS -ami 10 Ala Vista Oichatd. .2700 Until ICel7.ur to Mil Oiner Walden, land In dhc fil township 37 2 West 107r. Jaiuos I) Cblldeis to II Ii McMahan "Wondci" Innrtr. claim In Foots County MIiiIiik dlstilct 1 F W MeFuddim to Win II Hnrstlne, lot fi. block 2 CottnKO Home add Meilfonl 2300 P S to C .t O Laud Co, laud In si e I Inn I, township IC I "nst Pat Mil win i: MclClnney to W II (iolten IH1.2U acies In tow'nshlp II, 3 West 10 Isaac M Thomas to Franklin 15. Mar tin, lot P.), block 2, Whitman I'm It 2 Bo I'' IC .Mill tin to Joel llnetley, land In Mludwiiy tiact 1 Chai h'H A Powell to James 1'' Molklc, pioperty In Ashland .... 10 Chimin Piederlc Duty to James F Molklo. laud In dhc 3U township 3M. 1 ICast 1" Aiuill'illltlie .Mye to Utile A Floiev 120 acres In section HI, township V, 2 Hast 1 Phlbe M Dekillil In Cllkia 10 Aiulel snii, lots I and t, block II, le kiims Amuinled add, Cold IIIH . I A. I). Iliilmau to John II. Lucy. 17 acres In township 3S 1 West .... fithi Wm. J. HeurdHle yto Then J. Malm Kien. 20 acres In section 111, town ship 3S 1 West 10 P U FlUwater to Flout It. Mm Mi land, lots 17 ami IS, block 1. II L Whites add, Ashland lo Jennie ( Jones to Prances Hutlei, 10 acies In township 3!'. 1 Unst lo Caiolluo Poole to Heujninlii Clink, lot f. blink I. Iliitte Fulls I James HowIIiik to Lui' L Luthlll. piopcity In Kendall add Midlmd to Hawkins for Health v wNwwAX mm limmm w vliJ a8 I' JPjZn(lS&jSisth' . i JmmMMMmmmmi' f 1 U 1 . VzA rnSJFtSL . WW&MAl&ZM&i-'X&3k & m a v-, rs: ss wmymiMffi&i8&&BBk ty-ftt .r B RAN D W m iiams or iSacon Mm for brealcfant not only Afford a most delicious nnil ap- Hl aif petixing inoal it is u intiscio builder as vroll it fttn ono lft, mm look , for tho successful start of a day of Btrentions Wfc V or YVt (n,t',, In Columbia Brand Hains and llacon Wk If. '. you have the ideal breakfast treat. Eucb ham H rf la;Vcalea. j or &ldo of bacon is U. y. Government liiNpect- l anarasseal oil. nasscd and stauincd. You linvo every Mm wlL V yy axHiirunce that Columbia Brand trndo mark am uLm v. r' on Hams uud Tlacou moain highest quality. Mm 1)00 k. Best Dealers, Hotels and Cafe &&r 9. Union Heat Company, Portlanri, Ore. 4MmWr mBQ PloBftr f ackirt ot lb f&clflo nsmr 10 Ajpr 10 100 'I MEDFORD THEATRE sk?mt Tlmrsday April LEW 20 LAUGH GENIUS DOCKSTADER America's Greatest Burnt Cork Comedian AND HIS 20TH CENTURY MINSTRELS A splendid company of Singers, Dancers and Comedians ftpfore llic vjprfcriiianep a big street parade. Pr'ces o0i'.1.00, $1.50. Seats on sale Monday, April j'7. i r'.' &44r4 S044" i Ti J $2.50 ill rash menus $10 in Coltimliia records! Play (hem while you arc VOl It IIOMi: COMTOUTS. Wo can li your v use or do ri" pair work ', tin biiio sou now linvo, anil will sii nu innni'y on tliu work. Promptness and H.iilHfar tlott arn two otliHi' onaentlolu that you'll always ni't lioro MOTOIl UICP.lltI.r- 1'IiAT lltOXS FANS, FIXTl ItlCS. Crater Lake Wiring Co. NO. 117 NOHT1I UMtn.KTI ST. Removal i Notice i L. ,V. .II'IM) Iihm reiiinfd to Main Htroot, opposltu Tulcnt Uoifl Now 1b your tliuu ti) come uiul ptinhum- a good ulfalfa or trull larui or com mercial orchard mid secure fin homo. Ho has truoU of i, 10, 15, 80. 4 0, 80, 1C0 umJ 280 nen of land for huIo. improvotl and iiiiiue uuliu jirovod. 'lioBldoti olty roaldfiin-n Apill 11. 1011. J N. JVVV, TAtBNT, OUUOON TALK. 'p could talk lo oii for a (liousaiul years and not t'onviiic'c you .that our I'-LOTh iuid COFI'-KI': were the 1MCST unless we sucecedpd in jfcttiu; you to Tl V our flour and cof fee, (live us a trial order. We'll do the rest. OLMSTEAD & HIBBARD WEST STDE GROCERS A HOME FOR YOU, AND INCOME TOO !) acres; kooiI fiat'lcti soil, level Intnl. 5'4 acres In l-jcar-olil pear trees In c(itlnnt cemlltlim: lialanco In i hcrtlcs anil sonic pcaclics, all In liear ln and piodtii'lnrr booiI liicomo; so'iie small fruits, two wells; u wlndinlll nnil ii reservoir for IrrlKntltiK; fine larwo 7-ioom house, Uarti, slieil, tools, etc l'llco J7CII0; $2,100 will handle, this, Kod teims mi balance. 33 acres alfalfa ranch; riparian ilKhts on creek running tlirmiKh tho tiact. Also peipetnal water iIkIUi from another creek for IrrlKntlon. Level lainls anil all can lie IrrlKntoil Would pay 10 per cent on $100 jier nuio If nil In nlfnlfa Only ono inllo from Ashland city limits on best loail. $10,500. Cooil terms. 10 nctus level Intnl. fi acres In finlt trees, about one half lu licarlnK, 1 acie KrnpeM and small finlt, (i-rooin I..iumc. barn and oiillnilMliiKx, balance In Kraln. well for IrrlK.UIitK. otic in U fiumilty limits on main ttavoled toad. $.1.-.oo. H. L. WHITE & COMPANY 343 East Main St. Ashland, Ore. FOR. SALE Eighty acres or tho best land north of Rogue river; 35 acres In peara; 5 acres In apples; 11 acres to oats; 10 acres to potatoes; 3 1-2 acres to onions, 1 1-2 acres to beets, carrots and parsnips; 2 acres to blackbenles and raspberries and 9 acres to grass and ryo pasture. This place has no buildings, but a fine building spot, with a well ot good water, the entire place fenced with woven wire; has .1 deeded wa ter right which waters tho entlro place. This place Is for sale for just ono month; purchaser will get tho crop, team, farm wagon, hack, ono and two-horse walking plow, ono -1-horso disc gang plow, ono three horse sulky plow, drags, harrows, etc. Terms reasonable and price ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. Inqulro at Tribune office or ddresa V. O. ItOX XO. 08 JACKSOX-VIIiL-K, OHEGOX. For vSale or Rent An 8-room strictly modern house on West Second street that has been newly remodeled and finished in side. South front and on a good, big lot. Let us show you this either for sale or rent. CORNITITJS-GARNER REALTY CO. 133 West Main Street. 23 California Irrigated Lands IX SLMJDIVISIOXS, 20 ACItKS AXI) UPWAItDS EASY' PAY.MEXTS THE HOME OF ALFALFA, IDEAL CONDITIONS FOR ORANGES AND LEMONS. Write us for Particulars. Dixon Alfalfa Land Co. DIXOX, CALIKOKXIA. 9---0- r-N r,r4s'-'-''-' Hone Va ties on ''honest val- )ods we mves- We have built this business ups." If we bought a line of tigated thoroughly and when satisfied that we were getting the best we bought. We have always tried to give a little more qualify, full weight, ami something we personally know to be good. If our prices were highpr than others, it was because we were getting an hon est profit not selling one article for less and making it up on something else. If you want honest values in Groceries and Meats cSnl Warner, Worlman 6 Gore purchase is complete! We are today i,.toiwlinjr In ewry in. in who nun-, a Ciilumliiit (iniplio phone (or a Victor talking machine) i spi-cial piiii'huxc privilege which liu.-, iicer liefotu ht'i'ii open. For .f'J.f0 ui will place uloiifcMilc that talking machine of yours a $10.00 outfit of t'oliiinliia Double-Disc ltocord.t of votir own Kolcctioii. A ,,, I illlt,lll,l ill llullllr lll. ill tl.l- ,,1, I. .", ' ... iinnin I', II aiici we will Hgi'im to HiM'opt the prie 4 in five additional MiyuieiU of ll.i'iO' enoh. i J Tins i intuol.v a convenient means,? of M'liurinir vour reeonU in series J liroiul euotiiili to make Mil interesting1 .issoi'tiiuMil -without im.vnii: nut the money before you havo any enjoy-1 ini'iil of the uuiMc. Tlii' here Grocery Phone 286 HOHK VVY T 110MK Market Phone 281 rnoNE 3oi M) HKLP MKDKOUM)." Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, j CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS ; 1 1 Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches i ! J and fruit land. j 1 1 PH0NE323I. 320 GARNETT-COREY BL06. j I Medford Jobbing Co, The only evclusive JoIiIiImk company In Medforil vvliero you can ? get all of your little odd jobs done at once ly expert workmen. 4 I Our Specialties I'leauitiKi Kalslniined or paperetl walls and ceilings. f sFsv('jrirkjKjr. 9 'I excu B M Falls -oi'iiiM- the hetter! Tiuluv i f$ j: RSi'ONj and Return j IA X MA, KU'CTltlCAIA API'LIANCMS IMIPAIIUM). We will tnko charge of any Job yen may have, call us up anil talk It over. VK (JUAUAXTKH SATISFACTION' IN WOUK AND PKICKS. PHON'i: MAIN' 0301. Office: Medford Music Shop ST. MAIWS ltl.OCK. ?44,r-tf'a4'lis-vf Pacific Eastern K.R. I Medford Music Shop j 23rd ESTRAY NOTICE l'roin my ViAruyanl Buuday ulfUt, out bay hor nUout 10 yoir old, on bruwu unto nbout 6 yoan old. If eon iUmi tak them up nnd ihon to Jauie CiUiniliell, M.itu 3112, Med f. r.l Or'"! Sunday, April Round Trip Only $2 l.K.VVINU Mi:i)l-)KM) :ll A. M. KKTriJMXd, K'KAi'lllNii MTDFOKM) AT 7 WM. Sir tlu- Wjuitiful x-i'iitiv n lMiitt'. 'I'lir fall ami pit nif trouiuU at Hut tr-Kails aiv worth tlu trip. Vou will i'ii,jo a ilt'liuhttul ila s utmnij. GOOD HOTEL ACCOMODATIONS 9 BANK NOTICE THE JACKSON COUNTY BANK Medford, Oregon Capital $100,000.00. Surplus $65,000.00. Founded in lSS and fur 2' cars under inic nian ncnu'iit. OflVis to iiroptrtivi hoincsirkiTs most thorough and discriminating int'ornmtion as to liogiu Kivi'i valley and its reourirs. Call or write, W. I. VAWTER, President o. w. Mcdonald, cashier G. R. LINDLEY, Vice President. p i m ir 1 ' - - y