I' j m.- mPFORD AfATL TttTHPXTC, MftOFORT), ORIWOX, THURSDAY. APRIL 20, 1011. EMMS TO RAILR'BAD PARK ARMORY SITf MEET TOIORROI WILL BE BEAUTY IS SEIECTE PAGfE THREE Three Days Program Has Been Ar- Work of Puttinn Park Near New Ds- Adjutant General Flnzcr, Commander rnnged for Convention Which Will Open Tomorrow Afternoon at Pres byterian Church in This City. I not in Shape is Progressing Rapid ly Will be Real Beauty Spot Whsn It Is Finished. of the Oregon National Guard, and Governor West Choose Site in Ashland. Landscape Contractor ! Wo do tlio grniluiK for lawus and tennis grounds, set-dins and planting or shrubory In fact do everything to niako your homo a beauty spot. H. M. WILSON. Phone Pacific 3 J II. Home. 5. tXZBSStSOESS h Tin- Christian lCntleiivor society of Tin work of beautifying tin- grounds Goumor Oswald West iH-i'imip.iul southern Oregon will upon their annual along the Southern Pacific tracks from u Adiuiuut General V. IS. Klnaer, oom couvonllon In this city Friday afternoon tin- U -sit to Main street 1m progressing rounder of tho Oregon aXtlomil Guard, ill the Presbyterian cliurcli. Forty tlplo- rapidly and the appearance of this Bee- spcnl YVidrtvsday la Med ford. Asm...,.' Kates from all sections of southern Or- tio:i of the city U much improved, Hun- nnd touring 'the orchard district of th I'gon Wll be in Httendnnce. A lengthy ' dreds of loads of rich noil, have been P.ngm river valley. At Ashland t ii. program has been arranged: ! up read over tho grounds and larfe flower i selected a lot H Ox loo, on B. street ! The district officers of tho assooia-1 beds are alreudy prepared for planting it. ev,u ak anil I'lrat an the Bite I'm Un lion are: I shrubbery, etc. Blue gram) seed wan -lew armorv th'ut 1b to be built Jointu President, C. A. envoi, Medford; first scattered over the soil this morning and by city, county and Btate, paying $ltn"i n.-oo U: 15. 3:30. 1:00. 1:20. S:00. S:30. S: 15. 4:00. 1:15. 4:30 vice ptesltleiit, Miss Christiana McLoon, ' Willi proper care a green sod will soon Oralis Pass: second vice president, Will! greet the eje of those passing through 11 Moor, AHlilnnd: thlld vice president, , the city. Victor Mil's, Ashland; secretary, Miss Stella Sehulcr, Medford; treasurer, Louts Tulle, Klailiath Falls The ptogrnm follews: Friday Afternoon, April 21. Address of Welcome Uev. V. V. Shields, Medford. Besponse Bev. YV. If. Jones Unite Falls. Devotional .Service, Topic "On wanl ami Upward " Lender Miss M. Busscll, Ashland. Song service. Scripture Beading and l'rayor. Special Prayer for Convention. "Our Individual Besponslblllty Mrs. Then. Matlock. General Discussion, rrlday evening:, April 21. Devotional Service, Topic "World "Wide Fellowship?' Leader, Mr. Harvey if. DeAv- niontl. Song Horvleo Scripture Beading nnd Prayer. Talk on Subject by Loader. Sentence Prayers. Song. "Christian Endeavors' 1 tola t Ion to Mlslonury Work." ltev. AV. F. Shields, Medfont, General Ulseusslon. Saturday Morning', April 22, J 0:00. Devotional Service, Topic "Help ing Our Pastors." Leader, C A. Weaver, Medford Song Service. Scripture Beading nnd Prayer. Talk by Lender. General Discussion. Prnyerit. . Appointment of Committees. Beports of various societies. 'Wlint Our Committees .Should Do." -ltev. W. A. Schwluiley, Ashlnud. General discussion. Saturday Aftcrifoon, April 22 3:00. Devotional Service. Led by Pres byterian Junior Christian Kn-tlcavor. Talk on Junior Work by Miss .Mary Coe, Grants Pass 'Giving to the Loitl" Bev. AV. H '.loin s, Biltto J's for the sniue. The silo Is a block eu, of the Oregon hotel and was picked out from the four offered uo being the mosi '. .al und beat located. The buildlim . nd site will cost 130,000 "There la no reason why Medr.nt' should i'ot have u mlliilii compau. i two," stated General Finger. "The olt Is the most enterprising of nil Oregon Offutt Rornes Auto Co. i, Automobiles 10:1 r. 11:10, ll:lt". :s :io. Oil Operator Xutti.tcd. MUSKOUEIS, Okla., April 2V. A new sensation was sprung liereto'.'.ay In con nection with the dynamiting of the home of Zeb Mackay nt Taft, Okla , by tho arrest of John Coombs, a wrlathy oil op- towns, nnd might Just as well as not erutor at Bartlesyille, Okla. 'have a $50,000 armory You have the Coombs Is h"ld on on Indictment necessary population 'to draw from and clmrglng murder. The true bill recites I Medford should go after things of thN thut he paid $2000 to another man to ! kind as vvlell as her enlghborlng towns blow up the Markny home. Mnckay's It Is a dlstlntc udvunttigc to haea po-t two children were killed in the expios here, loa. ' j "There are at present too region ! (in the Oregon National Guard, though neither are full. AVe are In good condi tion and have tho only artillery In un of the coast states. There Is a mai'ki d revival of interest In military mutters' at present, and we hope before long to' add a third regiment. "This is the first time I have hi n through the orchard district of the val ley. 1 came down from prater Lake with General Maus last fall, but did not have time to see much. I am delighted with what I have seen and greatly Im pressed wllh both Medford, Ashland pud the valley and Its possibilities." ' General Kluxer was the guest of Colo- imtric Butter laker 3:00. General discussion. "Our Xallon Tomorrow, What AVe Make It" Bev. J. K. Bailie, Phoenix. General discussion. Satutduy evening, reception to delegates. Sunday Mornljajr. Begular Sunday school and church service at the various churches. Sunday Afternoon. De volition 1 Service, Topic "Helping Others" Leader, Miss Christiana McLean, Grants! el Tou Velle in Medford. anil tho latter AV. Q. Woods. Representing- AVAUPAI. ELEC TRIC COMPANY, is demenstrating: theio but ter machine which taker; one pound of butter and ono pint of milk and In CO oooonds (riven two pounds of button Mr. Voods is also dis poning of tlio county's rights and can bo found AT HOTEL MOORE. QENKKAL OVERHAULING 4. MACHINE KBPAIRIKO. First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed. PHONE MAIN iwni. Comer Contral Ave. and 8t ttt Medford, Or. IIAHHY LUY BBNJ. f. .COLLINS County Seat Real Estate Office Wo wish to nnnounco to proapoctlvo purchnsora that wo still havo bargftilis in fnrm nnd city propory to offer you, also tlmbor and wood lands. Last, but not least, a few of the BEST STOCK AND ALFALFA RANCHES In Southern Oregon at prices and termB tha will plenso you. Tlioso ranches havo an abundance of water for lrrlgntlon, good buildings nndsomo stock. Lot us "show you." Office in Bank of Jacksonville IlUlej., Jacksonville, Oregon. LUY (Si COLLIN 9 j dition w m a. h SALE i m THE CHOICE RESIDENCE DISTRICT. All improvements in. Street paved. Cement side walks. Hewer and city water to the lot line. Building restrictions. Only four blocks to the new Jackson school. East front lots $850 West front lots $725 Easy Terms. . W. T. York, & Company Selling Agents. IHt9U2iWlMMmVr.3B3JBXBKBmFkli Fniiey registered Poland China and Herkshiro Swine. Orders taken for sprine- delivery. Prize stock. GREEN FIELD FARM, i Klamath Falls. Qrcnon. winning 3:no. 3:15. 4:00. 1:20. 7:00. :0. Pass. Song Service. Scripture Beiid'ng and Prayer. Talk on Subject by Leader. Open Dbicusslnu. Co-operation of Hocletles In T.ocal Communities; Bev. II. At llolmetf. General Discussion. "The Qutot Hour" Bev. Tim. Matlock. General Discussion. Sunday livening, April 23. Union Meeting In Presbyterian Church. Devotional Topic "Sabbath Ben efits" Lender, Miss Stella Schiller. I'l.lon Met ting In Medford OperA house. Convention address by Bev. A. !J Murphy, Bed Bluff, Cal was Importuned to take cluirge of tho organlstii t Ion of a company here. NOTICE. The night train going south will be held until J1 n" Tuesday night to ac 'oniiiiodate those fioin shlnnd. Talent, Phoenix. vho attend "The Chimej of N'oi iiuiuiIn." Seal s:ile opens Krlilny mtii-nlug at llaslin-, Dnig Sloie ;.i: Van Dyke Realty Go. (MTV PBOJ'KKTV KAKJIS, ritlMT UAXCHKS Ili;i i:. MAIN STKKKT. ITishlns for irealth. FOR A M Manicure . Hair Dress Massage GO TO THE arixie llo Shoo Cora E. Utley Room 5, Over Kentner's Phone 111 uaranteed 'Hie word has been misused many thousand times so often (hat the United States govern ment has seen fit to pass a "Pure Food Law" in order ro protect the people. AVe handle only the very highest grades of "GUARANTEED"" goods and we state still further that: our' person al guarantee goes with every article sold in this store. Buy your "Eals" at this store and you may rest assured that they lire pure. Allen Grocery Co 32 SOUTH CENTRAL AVE. rv rKrr 8 A A fA fl 8 I i A & (S WAl &rt& h &w cs.rr z-WS. -J J wi w " l3 r m J Proposition Wmeii We Know to fie toe of (he Bes t ' Beys in the Valley WELL LOCATED, BEST OF SOIL 9 Under Ditch and in Fine Condition We do not hesitate, to recommend this for a home and permanent investment, for planting, for a small syndicate, also as a speculative proposition, There are about 168 acres in the tract, located one mile from Eagle Point There are about 40 acres in pears and the same acreage in Newtown and Spitzenberg -apples, all in their fifth year, and about 60 acres, mostly in pears from one to four years old. Balance of the tract nearly all good fruit land. There is a good house and barn, bunk house, drilled well, etc., The stock and machinery, consisting of seven horses, harness, wagons, plows, cultivators, clod crusher, all tools, cow, chickens, etc., go with the place :::;::: WE CAN MARE ATTRACTIVE TERMS Call or Writ,e and JLet Us Tell You About This jL G COIPANY i ffifi0HHftfitmt4,tfnttit , fftti,titrt,, tttf tt , i 4 tt t ft' f I I