MED3T0RD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY. APRTL 19. 1911. PAGE FIVE -K u BRIDGE OVER ROGUE III K Locomotive for First Time Crosses Span of New Railroad Being Built Out of Grants Pass Toward Applcgate. At 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon the CO-ton locomotive of the Grans Pass & Rogue River rnllroiul. crowded with clt Inens und offlcluls of GrantH Pass, iii-'.U ItH flrnt trip across the long brtlpi Just completed over Rogue river. It was ,ui onthushihtlc party tlmt crowded tho pi lot and all over the engine, mid when tlm locomotive reached the south end tho engineer guve three triumphant lilnxts of the whistle, everyhody guve three cheers, the stationary engine on tho south hank answered with threv hlasls of Its lively whistle und the (Jrants I'uss & Hoguo Ulver rnllroad bridge across the fnr-fnmed stream was declared ready for huslness. Construction work to the south will now move rapidly as a result of the opening for trains by the long brldgf. Which measures 73.r feet. Doctors Discuss Pellagra. ROME, On. April 19. lVlliiBra, the dread disease which has caused such a tremendous los of life in the .south, will lie tlie principal subject of discussion ut , tlm annual meetliiB of the Medical Asso ciation of OeorBla, opened here today Dr. Stewart Itobinson of Atlanta is on tlm program for a paper on "Reasons for Doubling the Corn Theory of Pellagra." Dr. L. It. Hryson will read n paper on "Pellagra an Actual Sase with Prog ress and Treatment.' Other Leading doctors will take part In the discus sion. The association will also consider the establishment of an official medical Journal. The sessions wll continue three days. Maiden, Mass., April 19. Nearly GOOD total abstainers are represented in the convention opened here this mornliiB by the Arclidlocesan Catholic Total Abstaln eliee society Utisklns for Health. Medford -Horse Shoeing Shop- IliH South Ilnrctlctt Street. Pacific Phono 1831 Home Ii11)-It. C. L. Allen, Prop. GIVK US A TKIAL FOR SALE BY OWNER Splendid 10-atn'o orchard and garden truck land, halt' mile, of growing city, lias about 7 acres best varieties of pears, 1 to 0 years old; deep, free soil. Best bargain in valley. Liberal terms. Fine building site. No brokers. Applv MAIL TRIBUNE. WOOD FOR SALE : BLOCK WOOD : : $1.50 IKK LOAD : 'littuo Main 2381 or leave orders at MEDFORD HARDWARE COMPANY TALENT Real Estate FOR SALE Good business opportunities and lo cations, all paying. TEDDY'S DAMSITE Isn't In It with our LAND3ITE. For Instauco, a 1000-acro tract containing over 200 acres of tho fa mous Dear creek bottom land, in al falfa, and extending to the higher land, which Is sot to orchards In part, all the land belug good fruit land. Sonio of the land is now in bear ing treos and may be purchased at reasonable figures, tho alfalfa land with a good stand of alfalfa for $2 70 to $350 per acre; young orchards, good stand, $250 per acre, and grain land at $175 per acre. This is an "idoal" tract for a col ony, ns It would cut up into small or largo places to' an advantage, or may bo purchased In 10, 12, 20, 40, 50 and C0-acro or any size tricts. Ettsy torms given at low interest. Located three miles from Ashland and one mile from Talent, Or. A 74-acre tract 2 rallos West Tal ont, good 8-room house and largo barn; 8 acros under ditch and in al falfa and garden land; 34 acres un dar plow, and trees; 20 acres of or chard, of which 5 acres are in bear iug; telephone and It. P. D-I half cash, balance good terms and easy payments. For plenty of other bargains call or address G. A. Gardner TALENT, OIIKGO.V. Best Ear of Corn Form 3 World' Beit Ear of Com for 1910 11. A. James, of Charleston, 111., has the proud distinction of having grown the best ear of corn In nil the 3,1115,713 600 hushels of lust year's bumper crop. At the National Corn Show Just held ut Columhus, Ohio, this gentleman was awarded tho W. IC. Kellogg Notional Corn Trophy. Thousands of eurs of corn from all parts of the country nnd or nil varieties were entered In the competition. The FOR SALE Five-room, strictly modern house, 'nicely furnished; will sell furniture separately; for cash only. See EARL C. SABIN at BIG- PINES LUMBER CO. TAKE UP A CLAIM Every citizen, man or woman baa a timber and stono right of 1C0 acres, prlco to tho government $2.50 per acre. No cultivation, residence or Improvement required. I liavo about twenty-five claims to locate, seo me and have a talk, this land Is worth $20.00 per acre. Call or write. A. II. SAIil.NG, lloom ill Jackson Comity Hank Hiiililiug. 318 City Property ") ii' ns all platted, well Inside limits, $.,.r,o. good terms. Kenwood lots J3r.0 and $100. J In" will bundle modern new bungalow, w 1 1 lointed. ", arres all platted, close to school, nbov grade, aower und wutor, take Medford residence In trudo. 2 lots, new 5 room bungalow, modern $J1M). good terms. 2 fine I.os Angeles lots, trade for lots li.-re. I'niir fine Kenwood lots, quick sale $1300; good terms. Fie-room bungalow, new, all furnished 1100; terms. RANCHES Fine homeMtead, C miles from Medford. J10U0. I fio ucres, fine alfalfa and stock ranch, ample water. J7ft per acr. 20 aonB fruit and alfalfa; nlco home; trade for Medford property or acre age. 30 acre. 2-3 young pears, all cultivated good Improvements, pumping plant clow to town, uasy terms, pric low. 2i acres. 7 acres orchard, balance In ul fulfil, prlco and terms right. 2S aerrs, K acres poors, buluncc alfalfa, bul'dliign. less than $100 per acre. 10 acre, part In orchard, good build ings. C miles from Medford, $125 per acre. 2." ucreg. good house, barn, 8 acres or chard, grapes, berries, rich soil close to Medford; J2100 will bundle this. WANTED Tract of well located unimproved land; we ran exchange for Income property paying II Jr cent on $80,000. Alfalfa ranch for business property Ii Seattle. Oirls for general housework. Pity and ranch property to list. Man and wife on ranch- E. F. L BITMR Room 206. Phlpps Building selection o fthe firnnd champion Sweep stakes nnd the award, of the Kellogg trophy were made on general points of superiority. The ear of corn grown by Mr. James has 20 rows of kernels, 6 to the Inch In the row, average 6-S of nn Inch In depth, and 6-16 of nn Inch In width. It Is Indeed ti very correct typo of yel low dent corn. CITY NOTICES. Ho It nesolved, by tho City Council of the City of Medford. Oregen: Whrrcns thnro hns been filed with the city council of the city of Medford. o petition signed by more Minn ono-flfth of the qualified electors of said city as shown by tho votes cast at the last municipal election held In said city, petitioning that the boundaries of snld city or Medford be altered nnd new ter ritory Included therein as hereinafter set rorth. It Is therefore resolved that tun following question bo submitted to Mia doctors or sajd city and also to the electors residing In the territory herein after set ferth: , , Shall the boundaries of tho city of Medronl be nltered by Including therein the following described territory, to- Beginning nt a point on the south boundary line of the city of Medrord, which Is 396 feet of the southwest corner of donation land, claim number 4i In township 3". range 1 west of tho Willamette meridian; thence east along the center of the county road to tho east lino of tho county rood which is n continuance or Moutn iiiversiuo ave nue In tho city of Medford; thenco north westerly along the east lino of said comi ty ronu to a point which bears north 72 degrees 30 minutes cast from tho southeast corner of lot 7, of block 1, of Davis' First addition to the city of Med ford. theneo north 72 degree 30, min utes east to a point from which the northeast coiner of donation land claim number 44. In township 37, range 1 west, Bears south 72 degrees 30 minutes east 2640 fuet nnd north 153S feet; thenco north 20 degrees IS minutes west 400 feet; thcucu south 72 degrees 30 min utes west to the northerly southeast corner of South 8ea addition to the city bf Medrord; thence northwesterly along the easterly line of said South Sea ad dition und said lino extended to the present boundary lino of tho city of Med ford; thence In a. genoral southwest erly direction following tho present boundary line of said city to tho place of beginning, all in Jackson county, Ore gon. Uesolvod further, that snld question he submitted to said electors of tho city of Medford and to snld electors of said ahovo described territory at n special election to bo called for tlmt purpose, said election to bo held on tho 9th day or May. 1911. , , , Hesolved further, that a special elec tion In nnd for tho city of Medford and In and ror the territory hereinbefore escribed by held on tho 9th day of May, 1911, between the hours or 9 a. m. anil r p. in., Is hereby called for the purpose of submitting nt said election said ques tion above set forth. The following aro designated an the places In said city nt which the polls will be open within said, city; First ward Over Hasklhs drug store. Second ward Hotel Nash sample room. Third ward Cltv hall. Tho following Is hereby designated as the place In the -territory hereinbefore described at which tho polls will be epen: Hosldenco of N, nrophy. Tho following are hereby appointed and designated as judges and clerks of said election; First ward In said city J. W. Ling, Judge; I L. Damon, Judge nnd clerk; i. T. Iiftwton, Judge and clerk. Second ward In said city J. H. Bel II ii pro r, judge; Win, Ulrica, Judge nnd clerk; Charles Talent, Judge and clerk. Third ward In said city 1'. W, Chel gren, Judgo; J. T. Summervlllo. Judge and clerk; H. II. l.orlmer, Judgo and clerk. In tho territory hereinbefore describ ed 8. L. Hennett, Win. Jlollnes, N. Bro phy. Tie electors of said city of Medford nnd tho electors of the territory herein before described are hereby Invited to vote upon said proposition by nlueng Upon their bnllots "For Annexation" or "Against Anne.Mitlon" or words equiv alent thereto. Hesolved further, that notlco of nil the matters herein set forth bo given by . publishing this resolution for four weeks prior to saltl election In tho Mod ford Mull Tribune, u newspaper of gen eral circulation In snld eity-of Medford and In tho territory above described, ami nlso by posting four copies of this resolution In four public places in the territory above described for four weeks prior to said election. The foregoing resolution wns passed on tho 4th day of April, 1911. by the city council of the city of Medrord, by the following vete: Merrick aye, Watt nye. Wormian nye, Kmorlck aye, Eirert aye. and Millar nye. Approved April, 1911. W. II. CANON. Mayor. Attest: HOIIT. W. TELFER. Ilocorder. He It Hesolved, by the City Council of tho City of Medford, Oregen: Whereas, there has been filed with the cltv council o fthe city of Medrord a petition signed by more than one-rifth or tlm quaimcd electors or sum city us shown by the vote east ut tlm last mu nicipal election held hi said city, peti tioning that the boundaries of Hit til city of Medrotd be altered nnd new territory included therein us herelnarter Hut forth, It Is therefore resolved, that tho fol lowing question bo submitted to the electors of said city nnd nlfio to the elec tors residing In the territory herein after set ferth: Shall tho boundaries of the city of Medrord be altered by Including therein the following described territory, to wit: Beginning at the northwest corner or Kenwood addition to the city or .Med rord as shown by tho recorded plat thereof, suld point being on tho westerly hnundury Hue of the city of Medford, thence west to the northwest corner of said Kenwood addition; tlinue South along the west Hue of said addition to tho southwest corner of block 3 or said ulilltlmii thence west to the northwest comer of Creston addition to the city or Medrord, as shown on the recorded plat tliereor; thence south to the east und west quarter lino of section 26, town ship 27 south of range 2 west of the Willamette meridian, being the north line of the county road which Is an ex tension of West Main street In said city; thence west to a point duo north of tfie northwest comer or West Walnut l'ark addition to the city of Medrord, iih shown by the recorded plat tliereor; thence tfouth across the county road and along Mm west boundary or snld West Wal nut addition to the southwest corner or vii Id addition, thenco east along the south lino or Bald West Walnut nihil lion to the city or Medford ns shown by the recorded plat thereof, to tho pres ent corporate line or snld city, thence north along tho present boundary line or suld city to the place or beginning, ill In Juckson county, Oregon. Hesolved further, that tahl question be submitted to snld ('lectors or the city or Medrord nnd to said electors" or mild -thove described territory nt n special election to be called ror tlmt purpose, said election to be held on the 10th day ..f May. 1311. Hesolved further, that n speelal elec tion In and for the city of .Medford und In nnd ror the territory hereinbefore 'lescrlhed be held on the 10th day 'of May, 1911, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 5 p. in . is hereby called ror the purpose or submitting ut suld election fcilii question above set rorth. The following are designated as the plaren In said cltv at which the polls will be open within said city. First ward Over Hasklns' drug store. Second WHid Nash hotel sample room. Third ward City hall. The following Is hereby designated as th place In the territory hereinbefore lenrrlbed at which the polls will be epen: The following are hereby appointed Hid designated as Judges nnd clerks of aid electien: First ward In said city J. W. I.lng. Judge. 1. I.. Damon. Judge and olerk; l. T Itwtou, judge and clerk. second ward In said city J. II. H(j-Mng-r, judge: Win. I'lrlch. Judge und ink, ('has. Talent. Judge and rlrk. Third ward In said . Ity I'. W. Chel ."eii. luilge: J T Buinmervllle, Judge i 'id 'ink. H. II. l.orlmer, Judge und Ui-rk. CITY NOTICES. In the territory hereinbefore describ ed T. K. Murray. II. fc. Streator. 13. F. A. Illttner. The electors of said city of Medford nnd the electors of the territory herein beforo described nre hereby Invited to vote upon said proposition by placing Upon their ballots "For Annexation" or "Against Annexation" or words equiva lent thereto. Hesolved further. Mint notice of all the matters herein set forth bo given by publishing this resolution for four weeks prior to said election In the Med ford Mall Tribune, a newspaper of gen eral circulation In said city of Medfor.d and In tho territory nbovo described and nlso by posting rour copies of this reso lution In four public places In said city and In four public places In the terri tory nbovc described for four weeks prior to said election. The roregolng resolution wns passed on tho 4th day of April, 1911, by the city council of the city of Medford by the following vpte: Merrick nye, Watt aye. Worttnnn' nye. Klfert nye, Millar aye. i Approved April R. 1911. W. H. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ItOBT. W. TELFER. Recorder. LOST. LOST Aberdeen Scotch terrier; small, with long black hair, answering nnmn Klrrle. Inrornintton regnrdlng loca tion, plensn phone O. II. Carpenter, 7351 Suburban, LOST Kaglo watch fob and charm lost on Main street. Heturn same to Horseshoe Club saloon, und rccotvo re ward. 24 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. 1IIOIICHOFT residence sites nro des tined to double und troblo In value. I'Olt SAMS Plazu cafe at a sacrifice on account of poor health of proprie tor. 128 K. Main st. FOR EXCHANGE. Seal Sstate FOH 13XCIIANOK Medford und subur ban property, ranches, timber lands, for other property. Address Hox 199, caro Mall Tribune. TO EXCHANOK Colorado and Nebrns Ica lauds, Improved and unimproved, to exchange for Ilogtin river properties. Tho Host-Fuller Healty Cd.v Grants Pass Or. FOH EXCHANGE A very flno orchard )n Hoguo river vnlloy within corporate limits of Ashland, paid 10 per cent net nn $32,000 In 1909, with present pros pects will pay more this year. Will trade for Los Angeles property of equal value. Prlco $12,n0O. 13. T. Lewis, C71 Chestnut street, Ashland, Or. 27 FOH THADE 160 acres good timber for automobile, nlso city lots nnd ucrcuge. Lets talk business. Cornelius Ourner Healty Co., 133 W. Main st. ' FOR SALE OR RENT Business Property FOH SALE OH HENT Good opening for Kcnernl merchandise storo In now town with $1G,000 monthly payroll, nn railroad, 12 miles from Medford. Golil liny Healty Co,, 20G W. Main. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOH SALE OH EXCHANGE Five, pus songer 4-cyllhder touring nutomobllo. Address Uox 200, cure Mai) Tribune office. FOR RENT Board and Booms FOH HENT Itooni und board; meals served family style. 90fi E. Main street. US FOirTlENTTCooiii with private" board". ut 610 N. Hlverslde. rurnlihed Booms FOH HENT Pleasant attractive rooms by the day or week at 128 3. Holly, near city park. 25 FOH KENT Cheap, nicely furnished rooms, gentlemen only. COT South Cen tral st. 25 FOR HENT Nicely furnished front bedroom. Apply 319 S. Ivy st. Phono Main 3871. 24 FOH HENT At tho Cottage, modern furnished rooms. Hooms equipped with private telephone service, hot and cold running water, sleeping porches. bath, accommodations und hent If de sired. 001 W. Tenth st. Phone call private exenango 141, FOH HEN'l Furnished sleeping room; overy thing new nnd clean; reasonable price; easy walk from Main st. Only men need apply. Olesou and W. Ham ilton sis. Phone Main 4474. FOH HENT Elegantly furnished rooms, steam heat, hot und cold water, butliH. electric lights, newly furnished, sin gle rooms or en suite, by the day, Week or month. Inquire room 103 Electric hldg SM8 W. Main st. FOH HENT Furnished rooms for truns' lents. No. 10 N. Orupo st., next to Far iner's & Fruit growers' bunk. I 'OH HENT Nice big newly furnished bedroom. Cell for Hutch, at this pf- rice. FOH HENT-Modern rooms, 3 blocks from Main street. Call phono CB51, 27 Unfurnished Booms. FOH HENT Suite of three unfurnished rooms with water und lights) close In Huntley Healty Co., 15 N. Central live. 2B I'Olt HUNT Two or tnreo pleasant un furnished rooms, suitable ror house keeping, water und electric light. 211 Stark street, East Medford, phone 5232. 27 I'Olt HENT Throe, unrurnlshed rooms new bungalow, hot und cold witter, toilet, bath; private entrunce, $14 u month. 48 Quince st 24 Housekeeping Booms FOH HUNT Housekeeping rooms, mod ern; no children; $25. No. C West Jackson st. 24 Houies FOH HKNT Five rooms, moilorn. two blocks from postofrice; paved street; $25. Address A. C, Tribune office. TO HUNT A furnished house. Inquire ut the Allen Orouery. 85 I'Olt HUNT Two housekeeping rooms furnished. 325 8. Ivy st Mrs. M J Powell. 21 FOR RENT Houses FOH ItHNT 5-room bouse nnd barn on N. Hlverslde. Phone 744. KOIt HKNT To a small family, a strict ly modern B-room bungalow with batb( on W. 2d St., $20 per month, Address It. I). M., care Mall Tribune office. 27 Buitntu Booms FOH HKNT Two business rooms In tho now Odd Fellows building on W. Sixth st. Inquire Jackson County bank, cash ier. FOH HKNT Huslness room on W. Main St., 24x140, sUItnblo for restaurant or billiard room or other business, steam hent. Oold Hay Healty Co., 210 V. Main st. Offices for Sent FOH HUNT Ovor tho postoffico with heat and light. Sou A. A. Davis. FOH HENT Ofrico rooms In Electric bldg., modern equipment, steam heat, electric light, baths, toilet, hot nnd cold water. Gold Hay Healty Co., 216 W. Main st. Miscellaneous. FOH LEASE Fishing, boating nnd hunt ing resort on easy terms. Uox 32, Mall Tribune. FOH HENT Gnrden land In tracts of from one acre upwards, with wuter for Irrigation. Owner will furnish tenm and Implements ror cul tivating and Bced for slinro or crop. Inquire or Iluffum, Hoguo Hlver Elec tric Co., 210 W. Main st. GOOD PASTUHE 450 acres volunteor, Horses $150 per month; old Hlchard son place. Sams valley, l'W particu lars address Talent It. F. D. 128. 26 rnrms FOH HENT Farms from 40 ncres lo 400 ncres, alfalfa land, fruit ranches, garden laud, general farming ranches, Gold Hay Healty Co., 21C W. Main. FOR SALE Acreage FOH HALE 5 und 10 ncre trncls Just within and adjoining city limits, ut u bargain, on Ii annual payments. Ad drcsS Condor Water & Power Co. Business Property FOH SALE Chtrlco business property ut n burgnln, on long time; easy terms. Address Condor Wuter & Power Co. FOH SALE Storo building, lot and grocery stock Is one of tho best sub urban location In the city. Host of reasons for selling. A snap If taken ut once. Torms on part. Cllno & Co.. 720 N. Pine street. 20 FOR HALE Flno south front lot on W. Tenth street on pavement with water and sower paid. See owner nt 015 W. 11th st. 3S FOR SALE A. 11. Ruling' bus 100 good lots for sale. In the east side. All cash diiil. lAos. 1HGHCHOFT residence sites havo tho most superb view of tho city, va)loy und mountains. FOH SALE Two lots, close In on Third and Atiiilo streets! cabt front. C. E Kirk, Uox 286. 39 KOIt SALE $1000 lot to go for $600. Call Up' Main 4474, or Cull nt 203 Ole son st. Houaoi. FOH SALE A six-room eutlroly mod ern houso on 10th street near Oak ilalu; paving, sewer, wuter, paid In full; large lot; eas ytorms If desired. H, H. Tumy. 201 Garnett-Coroy bldr. 24f FOR 8AL13 2 good modorn houses, olpse In, on paved streets, inquire of own er, 50t S. Holly. 20 FOR SALE. Good 4-room house, good shed, lot 50x112, city wuter, large gar den, only $950.00. 737 W. lltli St., 7 blocks south Wushlngton school. 48 FOR HALE A lovely homo of 4 acres. 2 miles south qf Talent, among fool hills. All under cultivation; superior alfalfa anil fruit land, having an or chard of pour, peach, cherry, uppb;, plum, uprlcot nnd necturlno trees; also strawberries, logim and raspberries, A fine creek runs through tho place. An Ideal poultry ranch with rino new poultry house. Good house, burn uud other outbuildings. Fine spring water piped up Into kitchen. Every root or this plueo can be cultivated. Price $1800 cash. Sou L. N. Judd, Talent, Or. FOR HALE At $2660, ono or the hand somest hungulmYS on the east side, $1000 will handle; balance like rent, strictly modorn throughout. Will pay you lo Investigate. Address M. M , cure Mall Tribune. 27 FOR QUICK HALE I orfer a furnished 5-room house 4 blocks of center of business district, at $2760. Rents ror $30. Within u year you will be count ed in the wholesale business district. Address C. A. M., euro Mull Tribune office. 27 FOR HALE A 6-room strictly modorn bungulow, less than 90 days old, on u street to be paved this summer, about seven blocks from Him heart of the city. This property wll pay 15 per cent on your Investment, and Is u duiidy place- for a home. The prion Is $1800, uud can be bundled on eusy terms If desired. Cornetlus-Ournur Reulty Co., 133 W. Main st. FOR HALE A 3-room plastered house on nn east front corner lot, close .In This properly oan he bought right, ami Is just the right sloe for u sulull family. You peoplo wlui aro paving rent will do well to look this up. Prloe Is $1250, on very attractive terms. Cor-netlus-Ouruer Reulty Co., 133 W. Muln street. FOR HALE A 6-room house on South Newtown between W. Muln und W 10th sts , lot 60x100 for $1800. Cull you beat It. Now renting for $2. Coriietlus-Ournur Realty Co., 113 W Muln st. FOR HA Ml A 2-HMim new houss on un east front lot ut $676; $100 down and $l& per month. lie quick Cornetlus (lurner Reulty Co, 133 W Muln st FOR SALE. Real Catate. FOH SALE to acres, ljair mllo from Eagle Point, about 40 acres under cul tivation; sticky s.oll; very easy terms; per ncre, $63.7fi. W. T. York & Co. FOH SALE SH acres fruit and poultry ranch. 200 head of poultry, team and tools go with place If desired; west of S. Onkdale avc. Seo owner on place. Hobert Duttln. FOH SALE Homestead relinquishment; 160 acres, 19 miles from Central Point; tcr; a snap. Call on or write C. A. Sanderson, Centrnl Point, Or. 300 Point. Or. 30 1IIGI1CHOFT rosldenco sites nro des tlned to doublo nnd trcblo tn value FOH SALE Jucksoii county lands In Hoguo river valley, Oregon, by the Jackson County Healty company, II. M. Co sr, manager. Ofrico In Gnrnott Corey building, room 217. Farm lands, garden lands, fruit lunds, stock ranches, largo and small tracts of Im proved and unimproved lands. Oflco phonu C6DI; residence 141, HIOHCHOFT residence sites nro offered at present prlco for a short time only. FOH SAt.E Any amount from 5 to 50 ncres of land now In alfalfa and young fruit; just 2 miles from city limits on gentlo Slope; good, deep soil; tho prlco Is right. E. S. Tumi'. 201 Garnetl Corey bldg. 26 Miscellaneous FOH SALE Flno seed corn. Isaacs' ranch, Eagle Point rond. 25 FOH SALE Ono runabout automobile; now tires, engine just overhauled; everything In first class condition. Can bo bought almost for prlco of tires. Inquire of Powel Auto Co. FOH SALE A flno single comb White Orpington from ono of tho best strulns. Can flit a few more orders for day old chicks from my trnpnested Orpingtons nnd Leghorns Tor May delivery. Mrs, E. II Oman, Jacksonville, Or. 29 FOH SALE Corn for sulo nl VIlAs ranch, 33 FOR HALE Steel and wood oil burrcls Valley Auto Co. FOH HALECow. 1.106 North Central avenue. 26 FOH SALE 81 Ilnmllton. smudgo pots, never been used! also .1 barrolB oil; prlco $45. E. T. Lewis, 571 Chestnut st Ashland, Or. 25 FOH SALE Hay. lliiive grain nnd nl. faUu bulod. Seo A. A. Uavls. FOR BALE Enrjy cabtmgo plants now ready. Hy mull 60 for 30 cents, 100 ror 50 cents. From tho best seed we can buy and handled by un expert. Ilugley ranch, Talent, Or. 24 FOIt SALE Hhodo Island Red Eggs. $1 per sotting or 15 eggs. C. N. Lnnmr, 210 Court st. 30 FOR SALE Corn. Inquire Dr. Clancy's office, Phlpps bldg., or phono Main 601. FOR HALE Seed corn. Connor Land Co., Lower Tablo Hock. FOR SALE !V wo pool tables und ono billiard tablo. Luy & Koegan, Jack sonville, Or. 29 FOR HALE Our pullets from trap nested Block lay nt flvo months old. How much nro thoy worth more than common stock that commence laying at ten months? White Leghorn baby chicks $2.00 per dozen. White Orp ington baby chicks $11,00 per dozen. Also Cycln hatcher fur sale. Mrs. E. E. Oman, Jacksonville, Or. 38 FOR SALE Good surroy. Hoo L. R Warner ut Warner, Worttnnn & Gorn's. 34 FOR SALE HIOHCHOFT rushlentiq sites have de lighted overyono who has seen the property. WANTED. Miscellaneous WANTED Laco curtains to launder. 215 W. Juckson st. 36 WANTED Orders taken at Wilson's second hand store for hauling sand nnd gravel. Phono Roll T. 3161; Home 265 L. 43 WANTED A gooil single driving horse, harness and buggy, Address C. II, C, enro Mail Tribune office. 25 SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED Work oh ranch by mail nnd wife; good cook, has team suitable for orchard Work; references, Address J T., enre Mall Tribune office 25 WANTED Work by day or contract for brick, stono und tile work; satisfac tion guaranteed; worked on Duel, A Eloro, Dr. Fitch, Wuro uud Glalze bldgs. Address Charles Kuzley, Med ford. Or, Gen. Del. 20 WANTED I do housekeeping by tho day or hour or week Phono M 3361. 227 S. Ivy st. Jupnnesii M. Harry. 42 HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Male WANTED .Salesmen In every locality or the northwest; money udvaueed week ly; many muke over $1000 menth: choice or territory. Yakima Vulloy Nursery Co., Topenlsh, Wush. Help Wanted Female WANTED Young ludy for gonora! housework. Rest wages. Inquire Iluf fum. Rogue River Electric Co., 216 W. Muln st. MISCELLANEOUS HiUHCHOPT residence sites Will be known us the reul "Nob Hill" of Med ford BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountant!. D. R. WOOD General accountant. Your books audited und kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Office Philips bldg., room 209. Phono 3122. Architects. JOHNS & TURNER. Architects and HullderM. Office 7-8, 326 Main; phone Muln 3171. Rosldunae phone 711. aTp. "GODWIN, Architect, office $46, corner Front uud Third. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Asssyer nnd Analyst. EAHL V. 1NGELB, B. S.Hest equipped nssny oflco In Oregon; food products, soils, fertilizers, spray products, wator etc., analyzed. Grants Past,. Attorneys. COLVIO A ftEAMES W. M. Colvlg. C. L. Heames. Lawyers. Ofrico Medford National Hank building, second floor. POHTEH J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY Attorneys-at-law. Nos. 1 nnd 2 Post offico building. A. E. HEAMES Lawyer. Gnrnott-Corey building. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers. Palm building. U. F. MULKEY Lnwyer. Hoom 30 Jnck son Co.. Hank hldg. Billiard Parlors. S. T. HHOWN & CO. Hllllards. Cigars and Hon Drinks. Up stairs, Young & Hall building. A nice, cool plnco lo spend tho hot afternoons BUI Posters. VERNE T. CANON Hill poster and Dis tributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29. Juckson County Hank build ing, Medford, Oregon. Cigars and Tobacco. IRELAND & ANTLE. Smokehouse Dealers In tobacco, cigars, nnd smok ers' supplies. Exclusive agent of Lewis Single Hinder, El Merlto und El Pnlen cla. 212 West Main street. Civil Engineers. ASTBUHY & TEE. CIVIL ENGINEERS, surveyors. Specialty; Pluttlng. sub dividing nnd municipal engineering. Phono 4081. Room 408 Gdrnott-Corey bldg., Medrord. Oregon. Contractors and Builders. SPHAOUE UHOS. Contractors nnd builders; let us help to finance tho building or your home. 214 Frultgrow crs' Hank hldg. Purnlture. II. F. WILSON & CO., dealers In now nnd second-hand furntturo and hard ware. Agents ror Household stoves nnd rnnges. 16 South Fir street. Phono Main 3161. Home 205-L. MISSION FtJnNlTUREV"oTtKl4Cor ner 8th nnd Holly streets, Medrord, Mission furniture mndu to order. Cab inet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MOHDOFF & WOLFF Cooltstoves and ranges. New and Second hand rurnl ture, Eads' old stand. 18 Fir street. Smith. Phono 91. Hume 283-K. Med ford. Granite Works. OOLD HAY GRANITE CO., 216 West Main street, manufacturers and deal ers In monumental und building gran ite, crushed granite, common brick and pressed brick, courso und rine washed river snnd. MEDFORD UHICK CO. Geo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Nagle, Geo. T. O'Hrlen Contrac tors and mauuracturers or brick; deal, ers In pressed brick and lime, Orrico In Gumett-Corey block, room 209. 2d floor. Phono No. 3181. landscape Oardener. JOHN F. BELT.. Landscapo Gardener. Between Rlversldo avenue nnd Beatty street, Medford, Or. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call Main 3812. Wotary Public NOTARY PUBLIC Room 267 Phlpps building. Tents and Awnings. .MEDFORD TENT AND AWNINO CO.. mokers of now, repnlrers of old. Both phones 105 H. Onkdulc. nurseries. MEDFORD OREEN HOUSE Cut flow ers, potted plants, shrubbery bulbs. 923 E. Mnln. Phono 3741, WUAKER NURSERIES our trees nro budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not Irrigated. Wo guarantee everything put out. Wo aro not in tho trust. IC. B, Patterson, offlco removed to 110 E. Mnln st. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of high grndo nur sory stock. Office 25 W. Main. Tolc phono 1201. Physicians and Surgeons. Oil. H. A. LOCKWOOD- . Physician and Surcnbn. Offlco 216 E. Muln st, over Has klns' drug storo. Phono Mnln 1001. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physicians and surgeons. Taylor nnd Phlpps bldg. rooms 210-211-212. Ofrico phono 601, residence phono 612. Offlco hours 9 a. in. to 8 p. in. DR. F. G. CAHLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteoputhlo physicians. Moved to rooms 416 und 417 Gurnett Corey bldg. Phono Main 6351. fiR. E. If. POTYteU Diseases of "wo" men n specialty. Rooms 5, 0, 7, 8, St. Mark's bldg., Medford, Oregon; phones, OTflco 4061, rosldenco 4951. DTt. XliTEMAVTW. DEXNE Dentist Offlco In Hlulto bldg., 123 E. Main, Qus administered for extraction of teeth , Telephone Main 681. Night Phono 4432. DR. W. W. WICK Homeopathic physl clan; resldencu 203 Olson St., phone Main 4171; office, rooms 3 und 4, St. Mnclv'u til.nn.t t.,l.. 1C. ..., .j.wv,., f,i,,,,, ion DR, STEARNS Physician and surgeon, Office Garnett-Coroy bldg., rooms 211-212, phono 5601. Residence 113 Laurel St., phono 2092. DR. MYRTLE S, LOCKWOOD Prnotlco limited to dlsoases of women. Office Husklns bldg. Phone Mnln 1001 Dr. W. M, Vun "Scoydc! " Dr. C. C. Van Scoyoc. Dentists. Gnrnott-Corey bldg., suite 318, Medford, Oregon. Hoth Phones, DR. LlfltOY M. GORllON Chlropra tto splnologlst; over Medford Hardware t.u,, .m Ki. .Mmn si, jienrorii. uregon DR. J. J. E.MMENS Practice limited to dlsonBO or the eye. ear, noso und throat Offlco 216 E. Main street DRS. SAUNDERS AND GREEN Prac tice limited to eye, ear, nose nnd throat, errice: Suite 318 aarnett' Corey building. Both phones. Chinese Medicines. CHOW YOUNG'S ChIuesG"inedlcineswlll cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, goit ers, throat nnd lung trouble, deafness, parnlysls, private diseases and nil kinds of chronic und nervous ailments. .Stomach trouble, constipation. Indiges tion, womb nnd bladder troubles. See tin? at 841 S. Front st , Medrord. Ore. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO.. has tho host equipped job orrice In Southern Ore gon; book binding; looso leaf systoms; cut paper, etc.. etc., Portlund prlcos. 27 North Fir street. Stenographers. ELLA ST OUAN YAW Palm Block. Stenographlo work done quickly und well. I iTTfLICSTrTNOOHAPUltlt. 462 flnritV. Corey bldg, .Medrord. Ore. Miss I J. Hlugstoii, Telephone Home 95. MISS FRANCES FULFS. Public Stenog rnpher Huntley - Kramer's orrice. Phone Main 3191. 15 N. Central nvo nue. Medford, Or . 36 S I gn s V A L L EY SIGN ADV ERTIS1NO CO.'S SIGNS will help build up your busi ness. Phono 802. IS Rlversldo avenue. Steam Heating. PONTINO & REN. Steam and hot wn twr heating, dry kiln and power work. Satisfaction guurunteod. Estimates given. Phones: Pacific 4601, Home 121-L, residence PuelNo 4442 Hox 431, 37 South Central avenue, Medford, Oregon. Siwlntr Machines, SEWING MACHINES OAVW DUNCAN, looul representative for "Singer" and "Wheeler & Wilson" sowing uinehims. Phono 6043. Machines for sulo or rent Repairing.