JrEDFORD MATL THTBUNT5, MftOFOTJD, OT?EOONT. TT'KSDAY, APRTT, IS. 1911. PAGE THREE H GOVERNOR HIS PATRONAGE From Baker to Caltsop, on the North, and to Klamath, South, He Has Scattered Appointments Has Not Overly Favored Salem. SAM:M. Or. April IS. Willi the tip polniini'iit of Hen V. Olcott today iih m-o-rutary of state. Governor West 1ms given all parts of the statu fairer rep resentation on the stute board of control than they have ever hail before. Mr. Ol cott's financial ami personal Interests ure In Crook county. In the lclnlly of Uend anil l'rlneville. It Is the first rep resentation of the state's affairs. All ol CJovernor West's appointments have been made with theidea of kIvIiir every part of tho stato representation on adminis trative boards and commissions, nn a list of them shows. Only a few ap pointments of Marlon county men have been made, unions them belnn Dr. Hoy Hyrd of Salem, physician at the peni tentiary, a position that Is not sufficient ly remunerative to allow the appoint ment of any other except a Marlon coun ty man; Dr. V. K. Smith, superintendent of the school for the feeble minded; C A Harks, reappointed a member of the hoard of horticulture, and H. If. Hutch appointed a member of the state board of agriculture, to succeed W. H. Down ing of this county. Governor West's nppolntmonts follow. Agricultural board George H. War ren, Clatsop county; H. II. Hatch, Mar ton. Harbor examiners T. M. I. calm, Mult nomuh. Dental examiners II. S. Kennedy. Wasco. Medical examiners II. L. Henderson, Clatsop. I'llot commissioners l- .T. Taylor, reappointment, Caltsop; James Monks, Multnomah; John Kopp, Clatsop. Hoard of health A. C. Smith. Mult nomah; A. C. Kinney, Clatsop; (.'. J Smith, Umatilla. Hoard of higher curricula .1. II. Wil son, Multnomah. State lund agent T. A. Hlnehart, Un ion. Printing expert H. A. Harris, l'olk. Penitentiary physlcla Hoy D. Hyrd Marlon. State board of horticulture, all reap pointments C. A. Harks, Marlon; H. Ii. Weber, Wasco; Judd Geer, Union. Superintendent of penitentiary C. W, James, linker. l'lsh and game commission W. 1. KInley, Clackamas; M. J. Kinney, Mult nomah; one to be from Umatilla, one to be from Klamath. H.inama fair commission Julius Meier, Multnomah; I.e Travis, Lane; 1-'. II. Hodlnson, Haker. State architect W. C. Knighton. Multnomah county. Dr. I'. Fitzgerald of Oervals, Marlon county, wus ulecled superintendent of the Open Air sanatorium by the board of commissioners, compohed largely of Port land physicians. W. C. Elliot of Newberg was selected by the state board of forestry Aside from those named, James H I. Inn, a Salem man. was appointed n member of the parole board, togelhei with John Minto, who was once a lesl dent of Salem, hut has been a resident of Portland for the past 25 years, hold Ing positions of chief of police and post master there. Lively Eloctlon at Oakland. OAKLAND, fill.. April IS. Tho mu nicipal primary election Is being held hero today and 09 candidates anxiously await tho result. The election Is the first under tho new charter. The campaign has boon lively and tho vote, It Is predicted, will bo tho heav iest over polled In Oakland. Chief Interest centers about tho may oralty race, for which thoro oro five candidates. These will bo narrowed down by today's primary and but two will he voted on at tho general election May 2. Mayor Frank K. Mott Is genernllv conceded to have tho advantage over his opponents. The other candidates are Dr 1 1 Jackson. Thomas Uooth, M .K Miller and II. C. Chlvors. Aihlanrt Clalmi Egg- Record. Tho Tidings of April 13 contained an account of a "new egg record" estab lished for Klamath county. Tho n ord was 25C eggs from in ordinary hens (six of which did not begin laying until after tho first week) for the month of March. O. O. Ilolman of Ashland says this may be a record for Klamath. buf it won't stand for Jackson county He tells us ho has a pen of 16 S. C. White Leghorn pullets that began laying In October. 1910, and novo continued to lay through the entlro winter. The nre still nt It. Their record for March was 371 oggs. There was no record kept until December. In that month they laid 205 oggs, In Januory 116. and In February 301. Governor Vetoes Racing' QUI. DHNVKH. Col., April IS. Taking the stand that the bill Is In violation of the constitution and moral law, Governor Shafroth has vetoed the racing and box ing bill pased by the legislature last week. An Appeal to Wlvei. No more terrible affliction can come to any home than the excessive use of Intoxicants by hunband or son Think of the money wasted In drink whlih Is or tne money wnaini in miu num. ". n4lel In the home to purchase fn..,i and clothing. If you hae a drlnkjngl husband or son. give him Orrtne W l ar ho sure that Orrlne will do what l claimed for It. that If after a trial no, benefit are derived from It, we will refund tti money. OltHINK la prepared In two forum No 1. iecret treatment, a powder, abnolutelj taste! and odorleaa, Riven aetrttly In food or drlnK. ORRINB No .', In pill form. U for those who desire to take voluntary treatment. ORRINE u only J 1.00 a box. Write for Free Orrlm Uooklet (mailed In plain aealed r...i ope) to ORIUNR CO. (3 Orrlne Buildn.t: Washington. D. C. OURINE l r mended and Is for aale In thin lt ! Leon H Raskins. :it Kant M.nri v Medford. Or. Raskins for Health. Our Correspondents EAGLE POINT EAGLETS. (Hy A C Howlett ) Mr John Llddell of Wenatchec, Wash , has bought u business lot here and or dered the material for ii store building for n hardware store, lie expects to bring his family here to live. Smith and Wnmsby, the contractors, have commenced to build the town hull and calaboose for tho town of I'agle Point. Mrs. Howlett hns had nil nddltlon put to her parlor, thus making more room for her guests. James Hlnger Is doing the painting and repaperlng the lower rooms of the Sunnyslde. Pete Hainuburg and wife were out last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis Mrs. Chancy Florey was also out lsltlng her parents Mr and Mrs. Lewes and Chnncey Florey came out from his home on Jack sonville to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Florey. Carl Hlchardson nnd wife neo Mao Ditsworth were guests at the Sunnyslde last week. Ctrl had been to take a load of household goods up to Peyton for his father who Is moving from Medford to his home In that section. Mr. II. II Vuughn and Alfred Goi den spent the night hero last Thursday. Mr Vaughn lives nenr Peyton nnd Mr. Gor don makes his home In Medford, al though he was going up to Peyton with Mr. Vaughn. Mrs. M. 13. Wilson of Dudley accom panied by C. W. Austin, nlso of Dudley, came out last week. Mrs. M. 13. Wilson has engaged n room at the Sunnysldo and expects to remain for some time ns the high altitude of her mountain houn seems to be too much for her weakened condition. She has greatly Improved since she came out hc-ie, and Is rnpldly Improvlng. Miss Peel, n daughter of one of the forest rangers, spent the night here last week and the next morning took the 13agle Point and Prospect stage for her nomu on I-3ll creek F. M. Wood of the Medford Grocery Store, and 13. L. Hufoid of the Lisle Salt Hlf company, were guests Inst week Mr. Ilurford sold ntc quantity of Salt to our merchants Geoige West, Mr. Koontz and 13. J. I'errln stopped here for dinner on their way to Piospect to go to woik on the l-3aglo Point and Crater Lake road Peter Young and Sam Coy have lent ed two tracts of land of the S It. com pany lying along the wagon road from hem to Antelope creel; nnd have fenced tho same so as to keep tho cows out of our town as they will naturally follow loads of hay Into the coiporatlon. The Ladies aid had their apt on sale anil dinner last Friday nnd realized Just $."0, and that was all profit, as the dinner and aprons wero donated by the ladles of tho town. As I was on the grunt list I did not nttend, but those who wero there repot t Inning had a fine dinner and n good time. Mr. MeClure has bought nnother tract of laud this time lying along the Pa cific Ad3nstern rallioad track on the south side of the track and has fenced It In so as to save the trees. II. II. Whelkliy and Tim Tlce were doing business here Friday, with out business men taking dinner at tho Sun nyslde. William N. McNealy and Frank A Grlses of Medford were pleasant call ers. Mr McNealy was leaving some of the Columbia refolds with families who have a phonograph to try with the un derstanding that they can purchase or not ns they like when he returns 13. Gibson and wife of Los Angeles, Cal., came out Satmday evening and spent the night and Sunday with us ie turning to Medford on the Pacific i Fastern Sunday evening. T I! Hlgcn botham, his daughter, Mrs. Chatreau of Derby, and ono of her sons come out Monday mninlng to consult with Dr Holt with regard to Mr. Illgenbotlinin's health us he Is troubled with the asth ma to some extent. They aro stopping at the Sunnyslde. Last Saturday night the city dads met and electi d Frank Hrown as one of tin AJdiimtn in plate of William Knighton, ti Higm d lit skins, for Health. lliKiste sur&xjQL !!s!!i:'4-J,i'iM:V cest? jtt&rBmati. ayvd '"' ii"Ki"K hC'Ilb IU1 box. there California ft rinenccl, ntmost skill and care, it i j the mobt Sunkist Onncs cm thin skinnul Tberless se llcss. J .ey fa rvi,t t tn to ni'iuti. Inerc Is tn litib- v..sf.- In itervlnBundentingthetntu .tt.'ievare truly ICi cheapest orauge y.u ti ti Svtry Sunkist Orange coiac in a fun afcAvLiytar "'ffczxL on rZ? lf e&vtzz m2? V&ii&V Ask for "Sunkist" Lemons vA. l.a u cutrn Roger Orange Spoon BtnUli i k.ntOrHnceit r vrptrk t.ui . 1. 1 ii. tit v k i L..r." i - lmj.it i tou th uitiuw.t hofci nil tttl 40-i.u kti'l t k' ' '"" ' ttvift- It Jt.u .It. r n ' rn V rspir. b I Uk ' r t k I. v In reajittintr I ! - ' It lkt III ' ? , no eipr c-rittj c r t..i.k ' n to n-l II nnMt I ' CAUFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS' M t,l JtKl WIIWIU"! iu. CV'g- Alter you PV"i Lr X Jot ttir "- . iV? 1 X-V.-,f 1 ATOs. FREE3mWA -L'Xi Jlu. iM.H- Wt .M" fcoy, k tl.hl. tint- M-tiJ ti bUbAUt r' V " V K. I . tt I ki .) I. $J - ."k. iiu. i-ntUi , . i i ii ttiB ktnount . SOJ D JX MKDFOKI) AT KKSHT PRICKS 13V ALLIN & ALLIN OLMSTEAD & HIBBARD ALLEN GROCERY CO. WARNER, WORTMAN & GORE CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. Mrs Helle Pleasants returned from North Yamhill ami Portland the last of the week. She Is having a sale of house hold goods and w 111 leave soon for Not th Yamhill to make her fuluie home. Hev. Hazelton of the Methodist 13pls eopal chinch here, has sent In his res ignation us pastor, to lake effect not later than the 1st of June. It Is m mored that he has accepted the position as secretary at the Commons mission In Portland. , Itev. Dunlap, presiding elder of this district, was in Central Point Sunday. II. J. Gardner left for Yoncalla Mon day morning to reside on his ranch. Wes Ingram returned to his Evans creek home Monday morning. Mrs. Lizzie Heal of Ashland, was vis iting friends here Sunday and returned to 'her home Monday morning. George Heale of this city Is visiting In llut'te Falls. W. D. Low-Is mndo a business trip north and south Monday. Miss Huclah Culdwell entertained jtshluud ft lends Saturday. Miss l-3sther Pankcy, spent Easter In Grants Pass. William Trube of tho Modoc orchard spent Sunday with home folks. Miss Dentin! of Griffin cieek spent Faster with friends here. KANES CREEK ITEMS. Miss Mae Householder surprised her many friends by quietly getting married on ICuster Sunday to a Mr. Foibes of and best wishes. Medfoid. We extend congratulations and best wishes. Quite a number from this place at tended the dance on Galls creek Satur day night and lepoit a fine time. Mr. and Mis. Lewis spent a day re cently the guest of John Slsty nnd wife of near Central Point. Peail Heun anil family, accompanied by Grandpa Gautz, spent Faster as the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Hrown. Mis. Kate Dugall of Hlackurll was the guest over 13aster Sunday of Fled Stiutih and wife. Mrs. Swindell nnd daughter left on Sunday's train for Medfoid to be gone soveial days. Mrs John Hrown was visiting friends and lelatlves on upper Kanes Creek one day iccently. Mrs. Stlneburg nnd children weie do ing .shopping In Medford last Satunlay und visiting f i lends. Grave fears aio entertained about tho fruit crop throughout this section, as tho freeze of Inst Wednesday was quite a severe one. The Hi mien mill Is running night and day with quite a forco of men, tho mill ing oi e being of high grade quality and quite plentiful. Hasklns for Health. FOR SALE BY OWNER Splendid 10-acre orchard and pardon truck land, half mile of growing city. lias about 7 acres best varieties of pears, 1 to .1 years old; deep, free soil. Best bargain in valley. Liberal terms. Fine building site. No brokers. Apply MAIL TRIBUNE. WOOD FOR SALE : HLOCIC WOOD : : $1.50 PICK LOAD : liono Main U581 or leave orders' nt MEDFORD HARDWARE COMPANY - rahges l Zl'ffi3''''' -"" ' !'",: ' ' iirormas- the breakfast table in the sick room siuuuj, pnuuni mm uium uua il UUU Ul-lWUCJl IllUiUS, 111 IUU JUHLl is no fruit enual to the famoui "Sunkist" Orance. Beinrj trco sound-nicked, packed and shinned with tht healthful and luscious of all fruits ki.t Wrapper. Thousands of famlliei wtHhavt, none but Sunkist Oranges Afte yuu have tried tbcm onto tbev will vrli you. Please mako the trial today. You, dealer sells thun And don't forget U save the "bunkitt" Wrappers. .'lunklkt Oraoces. y '4 vf'l AvlJ VJTl to Kit- x tr i jc arc nunviu i.'-r l-r, rjiT y.too ..re ttt. naikt fruit ullhvii kit I a!k it '' -n .rio, marred der.iye-t thKk- iSh i rn- J or r-lay .Syrtt Ii in ,r ,. pvL UiS to. tin pyljLi- r'i i Ok v,'i h SvjWk5?lWi y-jfi?- njk them n Jit n m- oK.VM4. . i.i .- : c we r. u t i i - fur. II ., I t It I I W . M . I 1 B Ii ktl R iSV f imi it irini.i. H. l.i.u. r -ill Vis'" pk f . . r. ii. 1 1 - All. Mtk . X EXCHANGE .v., S - "Vs SECRETARY 10 BE No Person Now Rcslriinn Outside of State Will Be Considered by Com mercial Club Directors to Fill Va cancy Left by Mnlbocuf. Tlio iut m'CH'turv of the Mcilfutil Commercial clul) will bo an Oiokou man. In ho far us Intt-rostH ami iomIiIi-ih-k nri concorni'il, tho illit'i-tors of tho oltili nt Moiuluy nlKht'M nu't-tluK ImvliiK pa.si-il a roKoliitlon to that ffi-t. Thoro was sotni" talk of scmliiiK t-ast for a man, Imt thlH has Ik-cm liarii-il. A man In touch with tho spirit of tho present west In thought to he most uhmlilt1. Tho illreetoiM of the eluli postponeil (loflnlto action In the ehooslnir of a imw secretary Tor a week. Seven nppllnt tlons wero temlereil. all of which weto taken timler conshli-iatlon. The appli cants nto !'. O. riohaeh of Ashliitiil. Oeorj;e I J. lloose Hal ('otiiuil. Itl.iliie Klllin. 1M AntlrewH. Will f!. Steel ami Hairy II. Hicks. Iiu DoilKf, who was prniultipntly mentloiieil for tho place, did not apply, withdrawing owIiib to Ills other Intel csts. OREGON MAN Guaranteed The word has boon misused many thousand limes so often that the United States govern ment has seen fit to pass a ".Pure .Food Law" in order to protect the people. We handle only the very highest grades of "OUAItANTlSlSD'1 goods and we stato still further that our person al guarantee goes with every article sold in this store. Buy your "ICats" at this store and you may rest assured that they are pure. Allen Grocery Co 32 SOUTH CENTRAL AVE. rACC0uriT5 Farmers 6c Fruit PAYIN&'l , . rail i Ha J"W 1 V ll-..KrX'.4 J .1. B. ENYART, Presldont V F. E. MEKKICK, Vlco-I'rpsltl-nt W. B. JACKSON, Asa't Cashier. The Medford Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 SAFE DEPOSIT IIOXMS FOR RENT. A OKNERAL RANKINO t IJFSINESS TRANSACTED. Wo SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. '44f4ll444l4f4f44(4t44t4f4(444f4l4t4-m4t , WC'ARIll Medford Bakery TODD .V- CO. HOME MADE PIES AND PASTRY Medford Iron Works E. Q. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Orogon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE it CO. WANS NEUTRAL ZOHEJJN LINE Diaz Will Soon Advise the rnitei. States of a Deflnito Restrictive Policy on the Border Want a Broad Neutral Zone. WASHINllTON. 1. O., April 18 In formnl notice wiih tecolveil nt the White House today that Mexico will soon nd lse the I'nltoil States of "definite 10 stilctlve policy on tho binder." An of Iiclal unto W opectcd this afternoon. It Is believed President Dlnx will siik Kest tlint tho I'iiUiM States iireo to a neutral one ten miles wido on the bor der where there shall ho no hostilities. Tho Insurgents probably will bo con sulted as to tho proposal. HllliltleB Emit Smoko. SANTA .MONICA. Cal, April IS In seven or eight places the hillside 111 l.os I'tllKaM eunvon Is emitting smoke wlillo heat emanates from the ground for a wUu ana In that vicinity The odor of sulphur is stronger than ever In the gulch and the field of tho fire sceins to bo widening. ASK THE BOOKKEEPER at the KAIvMKKtt& KIUUT (JKOWNKK J A NIC if ho handles many accounts of a size your affairs would yield. He will. toll you that the pro portion of small accounts is much larger than the num ber of big ones. So do not, hesitate to start one because your business is not large. It will grow and so will tho ac count. Growers Bank J. A. PERRY, Vlce-ProHldont JOHN S. ORTII. Cashier National Bank Make a Selection : i 1 1 of our Hinnll cakes and hpuciulticH ' nnd you'll have 11 collection of nh . templing and tootliHouio ilaiutics afii wero ever Bet lioforo a king. Don't bo too latu ooininj; for jour.s, how over. Wo can never beein to hake' enough no matter how many extra f wo hake fresh daily. (i Delicatessen SOI Til CENTRAL AVENUK LADY COOK IN CHARGB. . r MEDFORD ONE NIGHT LEW DOCKSTADER America Greatest Burnt Cork Comedian AND HIS 20TH CENTURY MINSTRELS A splendid company of Singers, Dancers and Comedians "Before, the uerformanee a big street parade. lru.cs-.Vv; ' 1.00, $1.50. Seats on sale Monday, April ?. FOR SALE KlRlity news of tlio beat land north of Hoguo river; 35 acres in peara; li acres In million; It acres to oatR; 10 acres to potatoea; 3 1-2 acres: to onions, 1 1-12 acres to beets, carrots and parsnips; 2 acres to blackberries and raspberries and 9 acres to grass and ryo pasture. This place haB no buildings, but n fino building spot, with a well of good wnter, tho ontlro place fenced with woven wire; has u. deeded wa ter right which waters tho ontlro place. This placo is for salo for just ono month; purchaser will get tho crop, tenm, farm wagon, hack, ono and two-horao walking plow, ono 4-horse disc gnng plow, ono threo horso sulky plow, drngs, linrrowa, etc. Terms reasonable and prlco ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. Inqulro at Trlbuno offlco or ddresa I. O. II0X NO. 08 JACKSON VlliLH, ORKGOX. For v$ale or Rent An 8-room strictly modern house on 'West Second street that has been newly remodeled and finished in side. South front and on a good, big lot. Let us show you this either for sale or rent. CORNITIUS-GARNER REALTY CO. 133 West Main Street. 23 California Irrigated Lands IN SUBDIVISIONS, 20 ACRKS AND UPWARDS KASY RAY.MNNTH TUB IIOMJ3 OP ALKALFA, IDKAL CONDITIONS FOR ORANGES AND LEMONS. Write us for l'arllculnrs. Dixon Alfalfa Land Co. DIXON, CALIFORNIA. tSNNN Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times and fruit land. PHONE323I. -.j. ... -k-'''.---J-.. ' j Medford Jobbing Co. Tlio only exclusive Jobbing company in Medford ulicro you enn get nil of your little odd Jobs done at onco by expert workmen. 4 Our Specialties Z 2 y (.'leunliiK, KnlNlnilned or puncm) ualln mid tellings. 7 ALL I:LI:CTRI0AL APPLIANI'ES RICPAIRED. Wo will t4iko J liare of tiny J0I1 you limy have, call us up and talk it over. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION IN WORK AND PRICES. PHONE MAIN (inoi. Office: Medford Music Shop ST. MARKS BANK NOTICE THE JACKSON COUNTY BANK Medford, Oregon Capital $100,000.00. Surplus $65,000.00. Founded in 1KSS and for years under same man agement. Oriel's to prospective homuseekers most thorough and discriminating information as to Rogue River valley and its resources. Call or write, W. I. VAWTER, President C. W. McDONALD, Cashier G. R. LINDLEY, Vice-President. rr THEATRE Thursday April 20 LAUGH GENIUS to loan on improved ranchtm if 320 GARNETT-C0REY BL&tf. .-.. r.r-r-r-rrrrr-r rrrr re rremrr r rrc RLOCK. T-4----