Medford Mail Tribune SECOND SECTION FORTY-FIRST YEAR. MEDFORD, OK HO ON, SUNDAY, APRIL 16, 1911. No. 21.. Easter Sunday Services at the Medford Churches society Kxultnnt songs of praise and triumph will atlse In RlorloiiH accord Hosier morning In nil of the Medford churches, In celebration of the resurrection. Hvery church hns planned an elaborate pro gram. rirt Baptist Church. The large chorus choir, augmented by an orchestra, will render appropriate music nt both the regular church serv ices Sunday. At the eenlng service the last scenes connected with Christ's life on enith will bo depleted In song. The choir will bo under the direction of For lest ndtneades, Mrs. Hverett Marsh, nc ccompanlst. Mr. Whotsel will also as sist. Thu order of evening service at S p in. will bo ns follews: Voluntaiy, oichestra; Invocation, Hev. Holmes, fiuurtot, "'TIs Midnight"; burltone rec itation, "Now Trom the Sixth Hour", iiaitet, "I-'oiglvo Them"; baritone reclt, "Tlie Death of Jesus; prner, Hev. Holmes; quaitct, "Oh Sacrod Head, Now Wounded"; duet, "Mary at thu Tomb"; chorus, "Christ Is Hlsen"; offertory, sopiano solo, Miss Menrs; chorus, "Awake Up, My Glory": tenor solo, "Ho sannn." Mr. Whetsol; chorus, "Hat It, Ten Thousand Harps", nlto solo, hymn, "Christ the Lord Is Hlsen"; baritone reclt., "The Abcensloii"; chorus, "Un fold Vo Portals", hymn, "Golden Harps Ale Sounding", benediction, postlude, or chestra. Christian Science, usual services will be held at The WEEK'S HAPPENINGS The past week has been unusuall quiet, on account of It being holy Week, hut with the passing of Lent and the coming of Raster society will tuko on new life. Notwithstanding the Inclement weath er a huge numbur of the ladles' Aid society of tho M. R. chinch met Wednes day In the basement of the church. Rul ing the temporary absence of the piesl dent, .Mis. Steep, the flist vlce-piesldent, pieslded. Much business wns transact ed and It was decided to continue tho Satin clay market, as n neat sum Is real ized each week fiom these sales, which helps to swell tho building fund. It Is hoped tlmt each member will rally to the aid of this work, ns the help of each one is needed, nnd "In union tliero Is strength," and this Is the critical time, when so much depends upon each one doing her utmost for this worthy cause. A full attendance Is deslied at the next meeting, Apill 19, In the basement of the chinch. The Rastetn Star held a most suc cessful "social session" Wednesday About 100 people weie pieseut and it splendid musical piogiam was given and after whloli a geneially good time was enjoyed by all present Delicious rc lioshmcnls were served during the even ing. The committee In chat go vv en Mrs M L. Alfoid, chaliman. Mesdames Woodfonl, Risenhnrt, Sluing, Isaacs, Nye, Green and Miss Agnes Isaacs. Messis M L. Alford, Shield, Kentnrr, White, Gieen and Nye. A11-.S Mary Deuel entertained at her home on South Oakdale, Thursday evening, Mrs. A. A. Holmes spent the week In Kugono attending tho convention held there. The Monday Afternoon dlil not meet last week Hrldgo club Mr Rdgur Hnfer spent the week in! Portland I Mr ami Mrs Cluwles Ilnzelilgg expect How Uncle Sam WASHINGTON. April 15 Almost over since there has been a national tltsssury, them has been ut least one "watch dog" guarding It 1'HUally the "watchdog" bus hen a member of the lower house of emigre. who Mppmprtuted tho Job and gave evi dence of his vigilance by knocking tiom tlie appropriation bills all Items iuoi easing the demand on the treasury Officially, theae guardians are not iec ogiiUed Hut there U an "official watchdog" He In appointed by I'ncle Sum to keep an eye on the expenditure of the gov ernment, everywhere, day and night, whether oongrese Is In session or not. Unlike the others, this guardian la su preme No one lias ever been known to yet a tdngle ienny out of thetrtsuhirry In the face of his dltutppioval ThU iKTfcon, who. veto may not Ue reversed even by the president of the United States. Is to 1m found from 9 un til 1:10 o'clock In a modest little room on the aecond floor of the treasury de partment His name U I. O Trace- well, and hl official title Is "Comptrol ler of the Treasury " i Trttewell waa once a county lawy--r For year he emulated Demosthenes before county magistrates, and at times before circuit Judget Then he was tent to congress, and in the oourae of events, flnaJly became a "hunt duck" That' was in UT The same year. President MelCinley cast his eye over the country' looking for a new occupant of the eomp-j iroller'a office, which had been over hauled and completely reorganised short time before He offe-red ti - post t Tide. , II wlo lCO pi. I It .Mill liuS I- n n 1 1 j I t . i . it f - i i i I . , i i, I n,i t . t ' the Christian Science church. North Oak dale. William Isaacs will sing "The Crucifix" (Fuure), Mrs. Isaacs Accompanying. At St. Mary's Church, South Oakdal. Hev. Father Van Clarenbeck. Mass will he held at 10-30 a. tn. Hofewlg's mass will bo sung, nlso Gounod's "Snnc tus." The special music will bo n solo by Miss Katherlnn Murphy, "Ring Out Vo Hells"; n quartet, "Heglna Colli," by Miss Martha Hear. Mis. Krause, Mr Wrillam Miller and Mr. Heaullenu; vio lin solo, by Miss Irene Sullivan. Miss Sullivan will accompany In the mass. Tho church will be elaborate!) decorated. A cordial lnvltntlon Is ex tended to everyone. Henedlctus will be given In the evening. Christian Church, Sixth and Ivy Streets. Hev. Matlock, pastor, will have spe cial music at both morning and uvenlng services. Morning servlce: Hymn, "Jo to the World"; prayer; communion; an them by choir, "Jesus Chtlst Is Hlsen Today"; offertory; piano solo. Mis Jones; duet, "Hark. Hark, My Soul," Mrs. Qulsenberry nnd Mrs. Frank Httr gess; reading of tho lesson; anthem by choir, "How Down Thlno Har"; sermon, anthem by choir, "1.1ft Your Glad Voices." Evening service: Hymn by congrega tion; prayer; anthem by choir, "Now Let the Gnte of Zlon Ring';: offertory, quartet by Mr. nnd Mrs. Dave Day and Mr and .Mrs. Fred Day; solo, Miss Maud Jones, sermon; anthem by choir, "Wo Shall Sleop but Not Forever." to leave Medford In tho near future. Mr Haelrlgg leturned Inst week fiom San Francisco, where he hns completed ni langements for an IS weeks' vaudeville tour for Mrs. Haelrlgg, Mr. Guuson nnd himself Mr. A. C. Hingess will Hinting" the Medford theater dining the absence ot Mr. Hnzelrlgg. William T. Llndley and Miss Dela May Cleer weie man led Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Marsh on Not tb Centinl avenue. Hev. A. A Holmes of the First Raptlst church offi ciated. Mr. and Mrs. Llndley niu spend ing their honeymoon In California and will return to Medford In a fow weeks. Mr. and Mis. M. M. Taylor of Oregon stieet entertained lit "500" Tuesday night. Their guests were: Mr. nnd Mrs Louis I'lrlcli, Mr. and Mrs. Hany Luy. Mr. and Mis. Renjamln Collins, Mr. and .Mrs. Kiaune, Misses Collins, Isabelle Collins, and Palmer, Messrs. Wilson, I'ei cy Wells and Frank Shnw. The Women's Missionary society of the Presbvtery of southern Otegon will hold their annual meeting Wednesday. Api 11 111 at Woodvllle. A full attend ance of memhcis is desired The ladles lire requested to take the 8 o'clock train and spend the dav there. Mis. Scott Davis. Mis. McGowan, Mis Houck, Mrs. Tiowbildgo ami Miss Weeks entertained the fi00 club at the home of Mis. Davis Filday night. A delightful leunlon wns held nt the home of S. C. Collins In Sams Valley last week, when nil members of the Collins family, numbeilug 32, weio pres ent. Dr. nnd Mrs. Trneey are the guests of thulr daughter, Mrs. If. C. Kentnor. Mr Clnrence Met leer from Rugene leturned Friday The Oreatei Medford club will give an Informal reception and musical, in the club looms at the Nat," Widmsday af ternoon. April lUth All of the ludl. s Keeps Raiders dlvldiials those who have tried nnd fulled to get inonev awa from the gov ernment who will decline that Comp troller Tiaccwell seems to think quit as much or n nickel that belongs to I'ncle Sum as he does or his right eve Tiacewell consilium this ciltlclsm a compliment Personally there Is little about tin man to suggest the fact that his cimf official! occupation Is squashing can fully preisireil plans to wheedle dollais out of tho tteasuiy vaults. Hi looks ulmost "easy" n leallty, he Is unv thing else Occasionally he has ! n known official occupation Is squashing SI lit to ieerse one of his own decisions l's ually, however, when hn bus signed bis. name to one of his official Judgments that is the end of it fur all time And the only way to get around that declscion Is to have congress imss a tqieclul appropriation which to say the least Is rather difficult. Sometimes the comptroller has to deal with questions Involving hundreds of thousands of dollars. Again the sum may total only u few cents. In either Instance the procedure la the same. i Tracewell consults scores of volumln-1 lug for work since the day of her ai oua law hooks. Then he shuts himself j rival. living unable to aecure employ- up In his ot floe for several minutes, or I ment and worrying over the matter Isi been torn up for . mains and the load hours, as the case may be, of deep study. thought to be the cause of her fainting! way la full of ihuck holes which villi Finally he calls a stenograpner and be- this morning j require work with u pickand ahovel to gina to dictate. The lady has several children but la fill them up He bites out hie words, and once start- unable to bring them heie aa she la In ed, there Is rarely any pause until the i very poor elrimusianct s i First Ohurgh of Christ, Scientist. declaian hae been finished. I'aually. too the decision covers many pa am of typewriting, every phaae of the law be ing explained In detail Invariably the final eeiiit-nte reads either "the clatm Will I" .llleiMld ' or , I the llano lei II W Is difc- k t .1 i ' " " ' -'m. The members Of the Chilstian church choir ale Sopinnos Mis Qulscuhui) Mis Fied Dn Misses Ueitha l'leice Hester Cnd.v, Stella Schiller, I.ulu Duf- fee, IMIth Ilaker, Mrs. F. I, Hurgess; nltos, Mesdames D W Ia, Hankei, Haker, Mlscbler, Miss Wilson, tennis, John Day. Fred !a Chit euro. Pierce and Roswell bass I) W Jn Mischler C, 1J. Fierce ami I.eonaid Robinson Mis Jones, pianist In Medford .lie invited to attend, wheth er they aie membt rs of the club or not And if tiny aie not meiiibets they un invited to be so An unusually good musical program will hi given Piano duett. Miss Loraliu Hilton and .Miss Ag nes Isaacs, vocal solo. Miss Phot be Hance, recitation, Miss Ruth Iloyd of New York, tenor solo, Fletcher Fish solo, Mis. Chns Ilneltlgg. piano solo, Piof Tnlllandler sopiano, Mis Fiank Hay or New Yoik This will be the last appeal. nice in public of Mrs Chns Ilaelilgg lie tore she leaves on the vaud-t-vllle tour of Honolulu nnd Austialln. Medford audiences has had the plonsuie of hearing Mrs. L'tupk Hay sing sev eral times, and she has kindly con sented to favor the Women's club nt this time Miss Ruth lloyd, hei daugh ter, Is unusually talented and has lute ability Tho others of the piogiam who have generally offered their services are all well known to the public and aie gieat favorites Wednesday nftei noon ut tho "Nat " Admission iri ctiits The Raster sale bv the Indies of the Piesbtorlun church wns a gn-ut success, notwithstanding the inclement wenthei. At the dinner the ladles Imd as many ns they could posslhlv attend to, and ns usual served a splendid one. The Wednesdnv Study club will hold Its annual meeting April Sfi nt tho home of .Mrs. J. M. Root on King's Highway. This will be the last meeting of thu vein. Mr Vornon Vawter Hrilvcd In Mod- fonl Friday and will reiiiHin during Raster vn oh 1 1 on. He haw us a guest Air Run Chandler. Mth. Klrby honor of .Mis. day evening. Miller will enierluln in Stalker of Duluth, Sun- Mis. R. M. LiimHdPii letuineil to Med fold last week Dr and Mis J M Keene hnvo turned from a trip to Portland If" Mr I'nd Covvlts n turned fmin Pott- on His Treasury comptroller encounters all sorts anil v i rletles of claims, some of which seem to be ptrfeetlj fair, but whlth neveltbt It SS inn be re je te el Hteeutlv foi Instance the ollt t tor of tin pott of f'li.irli st-iu . (' Intel i man to ni.ik- gr ins gr w on th. I t -f land Htiiroindirg the istnn.H h m- In WOMAN SEIZED WITH SUDDEN FAINTING SPELLi Mrs Hiinna Sinner .m ill rlv ludi. recently unrved In Wis si Ue d with u falntiiig u..- II nhocii lu .ft mlmli 1'rlduy morning vvhil- at the Inter mi -tion of Muln and Centiul streets ami to be carried Into the Jucason county Uiny where Dr Uceley was calletl to alt tend her Mrs Springer arrived in Medford auuui a nionm ago ana nas ixrn searcu- lier place of residence could not be aVrvlce Hundav morning at II Hub learned jcl of lessun-se riiion "I Jot trine of i Atonement.' Muiidav at hool at lo WeJ- TO cube A COLD in ONE day, nesday eV filing meeting at . All are Take I.AXAT1VK HHOMn Qnireinf Tal h tn IM. ei 1'ruKK'xts It f ' 'el Hie I If It r el's it , HI! re II VV e,J.e, I. , INTERIOR 0"F T THOMAy CMLJl?v EASTER DECORATIONS At the Methodist Episcopal Church, Vourth and Uirtlott. Rev llilknnp. pastor. Sunday school will have charge of the l.ustei morning services, follow lug Is thoptogram In- sti omental pi elude, hjmn bv chnli pin or by pnstot . anthem collection and offeitoiv class song, Itutteicups and Daisies", class song, "Wake t'p. Ito.vs nnd Girls" leeltatlon, I.mietla Unto - man, rtcltntlon, Wllmn Cutes song bj IN MEDFORD SOCIAL CIRCLES land Filduv and Is receiving congratu lations upon the uillval of u little daughter, bnin Moudav Apill 10, In Poit land Mis Cowles and babv aie both doing very well There will be a practice of the choi us of the "Chimes of Noiinand" Morulas night, and on account of tljeRlKs bull IL will begin at 7:30 o'clock sTrnip All members of the company ate earnestly requested to he present ' The Ladles Aid of tho Piesbyterhin church will meet Tuesday afternoon in tho club looms Tho annual election of offlcern will take phico tlnu'ii mid all members mo requested to attend. The I" I L of tho Pie.sbteilan chinch will meet in the chinch pallors Tiiesdnv evening Miss Rider, Mr llin I Ison and Mis Campbell will be In charge- of the- entertainment. Mr. niul Mrs. Madden had ns dinner guesta last Sunday Mr. and Mis. Olwoll, .Mr. .Sterling anil Mr. Ilceho of Chicago. Mis. Helen Hasklns spoilt the week at New pott opening her cottage prepara tory to spending the summer theie. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson of Sheridan, Or., have i etui nod to their home after visit ing their daughter, .Mis. Seeley. Hev. ami Mix. Matlock attended the Sunday school coiivtantlou which was hold In ISugi-uo iRNl week. Mrs. It. A. Ililehnnun of Piiitlanil I the guest of bur son. Mi W. S, Hit-chnnnn. Mrs. If K Ankcjiy of Kugene, who ham been .visiting relatives In Medfonl left Thuisday for California. Mr and Mi Wuller Brown of I 'em bio Oichuid, have uh guoets Mis While hull and iron of Chlcuicto The t lieitiHitlM for tho f'hliiioN of Noiiuand," which Is to be put on Apill J I and 21, are going on very ivtdl, and at Bay jZ? his letter explaining Ida action he stated tlmt the ground uhh sandy and uiiallglil ly and that he himself bad tiled foi w-ekM to Improve its appear him e but In v ill) Tlef n In sale) i person name ! Wlg vms hid t'ein l ip en. I giiaiantieil to II lk' griH-- M iW ill II Itl Weeks If In FIXING STREETS ; ON EAST SIDE The olty atn-t e himiui .hi-.i - i s ,n. busy leveling the Hint is on tie i .1-1 side of Hear en k and tlmt pui t of tin city Is lapidly ussiniiiiia a ihou pit us ant aspect Continuous traffic over the unpaved streets during the rainy season has left them In a very rough oundl- Uon Wld th worh nuW golllf 0 w, du a world of good eVeverul of th- si nets have recently Well oin. A frit n.ntliig room Is open lo tl,t - I I plehllt fl lilt lllllll I VI e p N Ml I i 1 1. .R Si nil n si hool leiltatlou, Chailes Wl lev i ei Itatlon, Kitheiluo IMtlch, song iv ttu school, Summer ltilght Suni inei' . recitation, Waller Seainore; male iuiiiti't. iieltatiou, David I'rauty; iecl tatliui ami song b.v class, "Gently, Oont Iv l'u lis the Hutu", song by school, "llapiiv I'astet Time", class leeltatlon, 'I astei Mi'sseiiKeis . solo, hrs Van I Smvoi talk bv the p.istoi , song by tho J school biiHltctlou with the cast si-leeted the pel foi malices will hi iinusuiillv good The opera is until r the uusptccH of the Greater- Med find club and the Commeiclal club and Hie pioceeds Will be divided between the two A new club has been organized by the "out-of-town" woman, so that they may have a place to go while In town The cjub looms will In- In the (linnet I- Corey building and will be u giciit con venience to tho ladles. Mis. Illlike has been chosen piosldcnt of the club. Rlahoiate preparations ale being made for the Rlk dunce on RusUT'Mniiilay, at the "Nat" The committee In charge aie. T R Daniels, M. J Roddy, A. C. Hingess, , Thiol olf. J Wilkinson and If. A. Miss Alethn Rmeilek aiilved fiom Ru gene Ki May to spe-ud the Muster vaca tion with her paieuts. MInw Wilcox of Portland is visiting her. The Wednesday Study club met at the n-Hhlenee of Mis. Mollis last week, when Thntkeiuy wiih tho subject of tho lifter ncion. Mr. Jack Mori HI had as house guests Tuesday night Mi. and Mis. John D. Olwell ut his country home nt Gold Mill. The moHtlng of the Monday Night fino club wns postponed last week nnd will meet thlM week nt Mm Luinsdun's. Mm. PnrMoii entettulued Informally for Mm Htockei of Duluth, Thursday evening. The ThumilHy Afternoon Hrldgo club met with .MInm Madge Itlelelell Inst week. A duiiHbter wuh bom to Mr. nnd Mis. Wlllard It AiIhiiin on Apill II. f'cloiti I Frank Hoy spent last vvook In Kan Plant inco. .Mm W II. Canon Is visiting friends In Rugi-ne JZ? siit-i i ed, d lie wuh i jj, t m per day for his work K In failed he wus not to be l-alel nil) thing )n tin hi- terms he was put to Work II- sue e t e,e ( The col li e tor tin ii idi'l him J i pei iluv for Ins work nut .it Ins own pen ket. Slid then fell Ulltle e) lie bill til the treUMUrj to'leptlOll I 'till Well pleimptl) ie- OREGON TEAM OFF FOR CALIFORNIA MEET iSHHim (Jl OKI leiiN Hugene Apill 1. '1 In llilwi 1 1 V eif On goll tl.ei k Lain vthl'h I iN left foi Ijerkt le to eillij,. e in Hit ull c uast lllfi'l will train foi a whole wet k In Callfoi nla. Trainer Hay ward exited to get his men acclimated and In good ahape by the Ki'd Twelve men, liuludlng the manager, will muke the trip, and the atudenta at the university aie confident thai Oregon will at least take third place In the meet. Five colleges will be represented In this meet I'nlveisltlos of Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada and Rtan ford unlveislty Iasl year Washington won the meet, hut thla yeai It la expected that either Mlunfoid or I'allfomlu will capture first plate, and Oiegon possibly third place. The men making the trip are Trainer lUvvtaiil Manager I ten hour. Captain HawkliigH ,iK J I no h Hogs Hitllv M i iin Meii - e ,., Ntil an I ( . II I There will bo a special song sen lco In the evening. The Episcopal Church, West Main Street Hev William I.ueas, pastor, will have communion soivlco lit 8 o'clock, Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Morning ptnver and communion service will bb at 11 o clock, when there will bo special mil hie "Hallelujah" (l.oiiil); "Chi 1st Our I'nssover" (Hiuler); "Te Deiitn" nnd "Ju bilate." (Heade); soprano solo, "Hear Ye, Isiael." fiom "Ulljnli" (Mendelssohn), Mrs 1M Andiews. Those In tho choir, which hns lately been leoignnlzud under tho dlrectoishlp i of Mr. Tatllandler, are Mrs. Charles j Ha.elrlgg. Mis. JM Andttivvs. Mis. Ug I poll, Miss IMna Klfeit, Messrs. Fletcher Pish, Watson, Klltlam and Johnson. The evening seivlce, which will bo at 7 o'clock, will be given by tho Sunday school and will bo composed of cuiols and recitations by the children. Tho mlsslouaiy boxes will bo piesenteil dur ing tho evening. M. E. Church, South. At tho 11 o'clock service tho pnstor will pieneh on "Resurrection." Special music will be tendered b.v a trio com posed of Mis. Fehienbach, Mlttlested ami Mrs. Dlek. They will sing "Tho Falnis." The evening servlco nt 8 p, m. will bo In charge of the children, Voluntaiy, Mis. Dick; opening hymn, "Christ Is King"; piayer by pastor, recitation, "Ring Yo Raster Rolls," by Ralph Riaudon, recitation, "Raster," by Rose Hillings, recitation, "Springtime Mrs. Mears gave a paper on "Tliuck eia.v, Man and Leader" Mrs. Mundy lead a levlovv of "Henry Rsinond. "So ciety manner h and customs as teflected In 'Henry I'smond,-' " Mrs, C. M. Rng llsh "Tho Wholesome Influence of Thaekeiaj's Wiltlugs," Mrs. Louis Wakeinini, Headings from Thackeray, Mrs. Hrackenreed anil Mrs. Deuel, Two plane selections wero it-ndeied by by Mis. Stocker of Duluth. The next meeting will be the last of tho j ear. Tho annual election will be held. Mis. Rdgnr I Infer eutei taltiod delight fully nt mi Informal hildgo luncheon last week for the pleasure of Miss Olton and Miss Collins. The living room was piettlly decoiated In led carnations ami a pink and white color sahemo wiih use. I In the dining loom. After luncheon the afternoon was spout ut bridge, when Mrs Stokes won the piUe, n liundsome sliver folk Tlie guests weie Miss Olton and Miss Collins, Mesdamos Charles Ilrowii. Riinlop, Count rieio nnd John Toiiillu. Mr. Y, W. Ilurmon leturned from San Fiaiitisco hist week, wheio he accompa nied Mrs Harmon, who stood tho tiip very well. .Mis. Harmon will lemiilu with her mother until thoiougbly iccov ill ed Mrs. Chailes Hi own was a charming hostess nt a pretty dance given Tuesday night ut tho Nut for her guests, Misses Oiton mid Collins During the ovenlng n billfet supper wns solved. Mrs C C Hutchinson who has spent several rtajs In Medfonl. the guest of liei daughter. Mrs l-'n-il N CuiiiintiigH, left for her home In Portland, Friday, accoinpiiiilnl by Mis Cuiiunliigs Mr. Jack Mini III entei tallied at dlnnei Thiiisday night. Those present won-. Mm Flunk Kay, Misses Rtliel and Ruth lloyd and Sprague Holgal. A most enjoyable union meeting of the Christian Uncle-oven societies of the Piesloteihin, Baptist iiuod Chilstian Has Now an Official "Watch Dog" idled that "It was not a pi ope r function of a collectors offii ci to mnko giuss glow, and that the claim waa dlaallow d." Had the collet tin flist asked permis sion to hire Wiggins, nil might have been well Hut he didn't He ntted on his own Initiative and It cost him U3 Another tlalm which the comptroller recently passed on was made by an nhl.hlie out huuos for tho trip. Klnally a man living In I.eipslg, Austria, fiom man agreed to let tho orflchu huve two whom the government had purchased animals, piovlded he wus paid llud seveiul hooka Tor the llbrnry or the I apiece for the aulinuls If anything hap- f lilted States fish commission. When I peuetl to them. be shipped the books the old tlei man, In' The observation Imd to be made, nnd order to make Mine that they would be the ofriclal consented. He got his In- hllveied surely, had thuin "Insured" at strumenta to the mountain top, but thu a tost or (2 11. adding that amount to muiiiu day both the burrors roll off ,i the pun-huse price, which was u tilfle narrow ledge and were killed, ov"r " In utconlance with his ngreemunt, the I he ctimpti oiler refused to pay for the, official i-ald the owner of tho animals Inauiance. unci the old man sent In a J300 and sent In a claim for that healed protest He dedal ed that the amount The claim was flatly refuse!, amount of uie Inauiance waa more than "The government." ruled tho comptiol the pioflt he made on the sale He had lei. "Is not In the Inaurunuo btiHlnesa." Insured the books not ror his own aatla- Theae are claims that havo meroly fBLtlon. he said, but for thu cake of this been "disallowed," Sometimes, however, government He thought it was moat the tomptroller does not stop merely unfair tlmt he should lie foned actually at rejecting a claim. Not Infroquontly to lose money meiel) because he had , the person trying tn get money from been "thoughtful" lne i,eM-ry H informed that tho shoo The protest concluded with a plea is on the other foot, and that tho ttena tbal the matter be reopened, and the jury wants mone from him. tomptroller compiled, but though his, second decision Imd a suggestion of syin-!Bo, when a civil war veteran living In nathy mailing between the lines. It was Tenneaee sent a claim for "hack pay virtually the same as the first. He was mid allowances" totaling a little more forced, he tlei lured, to rule that the, than $100. complainant had exceeded bis authority' The comptroller had his clerks eani lu uudei taking lo hire someone to guat-iiie musty war records. It developed antee safe dellvuy of the books. The (that the claimant not only had no inon gov.rnin.iit he said, was more than ,y ...ming lo him, but that he hud bdull to h.ok out f.ii its own proptity ,.wrpuld i; .' Trocevvell ordeieil him win. .nt ti. aid of un insurant c torn to s. ml that amount to tho treasury 1m 1 " mu-diuU'l). Is Here," I.eo Holley, solo, "Spring Song." Hunleo Hrundoii; recitation, "Sweeter Than I.lly," M,usy Llndley; solo, "I'uradlse," Mrs. Fohrcnbach; rec itation, "My Master," Hthel Murray; leeltatlon, "Silent Tomb," Hazel Kirk; chorus, "Haater Rolls"; exorcise, "Won derful Raster Mght"; Raster talks by the pastor; duet, "Mnko Svveotest Strain" l.oln Klik and Golda Taylor. The Presbyterian church, West Main stieet, Rev. Shields, pnMor, will hnvo fine music this year, ilium will ho spo clal music by tho choir nt the morning strvlces and tho Sunday school will con duct tho evening services. Morning service: Organ voluntary, "Raster Hymn" (Qulllant); anthem, choir, "As It Regan to Dawn" (Chaf fee), soprano solo. Miss Phoebo Hance, "The Dawn of Raster Duy;" anthem, choir, "Saviour, When Night Knvolves the Sky" (Shelly)); offertory solo, "Tho awakening" (Schnnbel); postlude, "Pro cession" (Stalner). t In addition to tho regular service Mrs. Frank Ray of New York will sing "Tho Ninety and Nine" (Campion-) and "God Shall Wlpo Away All Tears" (Marker). Tho members of the choir are, Miss Phoebe Hance, Mrs. C. M. RngllBh, Mrs. V. N Warner, Miss Alice Rider, Miss Flora Gray, Messrs, Fish, Frank Ray, Charles Weaver, Fonger, K. 13. Goro. Organist, Mrs. R. 13. Gore. Leader, Mr. R. R. Gore. Y. P. S. C. E. of the Presbyterian Church. Prayer meeting Sunday evening nt 7.00 Topic "Tho Resurrection." Itoni. 6 1-14. Rverybody welcome. churches was held Monday evening In the chapel of the Presbyterian church. Qulti- u musical program was given, after which icfreshineiits wero served. Those on the program weie: Miss Rdiin Men 111, vocal solo; MIsh Cady, vocal solo, Miss Hroadley, piano solo; Normal Men III, vocal solo; Miss lone Flynn, violin solo, Charles Hoover, vocal solo. Misses Ortou and Collins, who hnvo been tin- guests of their cousin, Mrs. Chailes Hrovvn, left Thursday afternoon ufter being quite extensively entertain ed. ' Woiil-liim been received' from Dr, nnd. Mrs J. F. Reddy tlint. they will rutin n about the middle of May. They will spend Raster In Home. The Wednesday Hrldgo club was en tei tallied bv Mis. Scott Davis last week. .Mis. Hainebuig wenis tho club pin for tills week. .Miss Ruth Merrick returned from Ru gene last week for the Raster holidays, accompnnvlng hci Is Miss Uonnell of Portland. Mrs. Stella Pi luce Stalker of Duluth, who has been visiting friends hotc, will leave .Monthly for California. Mrs. Mealey and her dnughter nro tho guests of Mrs. P. J. Neff. .Mrs. Mealey Is Mis. Noff's mothor. Mis Albeit Ore left for Klamath Falls last week, whine she will remiiln for two months. Mr H L Dodge of New York Is tho guest of his In other. Mr. Ira Dodge. 0 0 Gerald Heebo nnd wife or Portland weie Medford vlsltois last week. C F. Heilmonel of Portland Is tho guest or Di. nnd Mis. Guide. Senator Is III. WASHINGTON, D c. April IS Sen nlor Gllbett N Hitchcock of Nebraska was sir liken with vertigo today in tho pension office heio. ' Another tase relating to Insurance concerned n government scientist sent to the fat west to make observations fiom the top or an exceedingly high mountain The only way tho ofriclal could get his Insti uiucnts to the moun tain lop was by packing them thine on the backs or bin ids. ami the trull was so tlHhKeinus that no one was willing to Such an Instanie aioso onlv a fw dava 'A v I i