Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 16, 1911, FIRST SECTION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Dances Forty-four Stories on Toes VtfORK ON CRATER
Cowallis to Send Men to Rogue River
Government to Dispose of 50,000,000
Feet Seattle Timber Firm Wants
to Begin Logging Operations in Im
mediate Future.
Many Arc After Secretaryship of
Forest Oficials Send Crew to Com
pleto Road Started Last Fall Will
Be a Shorter Route Will Be of
Much Benefit.
Newspapers Are a Unit in Urging
United States to Take a Hand in
Mexico British Foreign Office Ex
cited. Valley to Carry on Experiments in
the Pollination Field With Apples
and Pears.
Commercial Club to Succeed Char
les A. Malboeuf, Resigned Ed
Root Says He is Too Busy.
CORVALLIS, Or.. April 1C Tlic de
iwirtment of horticulture at the Oregon
agricultural college Is doing pollination
work on un extensive scale In apple
and pear orchards this year near Med
ford and Hood Hlver. Four men 11. W.
Reese, assisted by J. M. Spldel of Ed
mund. Okla.; Ray Roberts of Lebanon,
Linn county, and C. C. Thompson of
Hood River have been at Medford ex
perimenting on crossing, In the rochards
there, nntl studying various problems
concerning the setting of pears and ap
ples. A corps of college men will shortly bo
to Hood River to take Up the study of
some special problems thpre. For three
years work has been done on problems
as to sterility and fertility of apples
there, and the mutual affinity of all the
leading varieties up there. This year
speclul difficulties in handling Spltzen
bergers will be taken up. Trees of vary
ing vigour will be studied to learn what
Influences such conditions as their fertil
ity or sterility.
For the first tlmo work will bo con
ducted at Freewater and In tho Milton
district and a part of the Walla Walla
valley. The problems will be In connec
tion with tho special fruits grown there
In that region, to determine whether the
climatic conditions there cause any va
cations from data already collected In
other regions. .Special studies are to be
made of the Jnoathan, Rome Beauty and
Wlncsap apples.
At the home station at the college K.
J. Krause, assisted by others of the hor
ticultural department, Is going to con
duct elaborate series of studies and ex
periments. Their work Is to be more
along the lino of bud study ns to the
development and differentiation of apple
Professor V. R. Gardner has started a
sorles of studies of the blossoms of the
prune and cherry, along the lino of pre
liminary studies of breeding work he
hopes to tako up this coming year with
theso fruits. Wo shall first determine
tho fertility or sterility of the. leading
varieties of cherries and prunes. From
Tapestry 9x12, regular price $13.50, special price $10.00
Seamless " " " " $17.50, u " $14.00
" $22.50, " " $18.25
Body Brussels " " " $35.50, " " $25.00
" $30.00, " " $22.00
Axminister " " " $30.00, " " $20.00
Milton " " " $45.00, " " $30.00
Next toPostoffice
6th and Central
Application for fifty million feet of
timber In tho vicinity of Three Mile
Creek, trlbltuary to Klamath Lake has
been received by a Seattle lumberman,
who wants to begin logging operations
as eurly as weather conditions will per
mit. A party of ten rangers under the
direction of Forest Assistant Foster were
Immediately summoned from their work
In their respective districts and sent to
make un estimate of the timber, and map
the topography. Two of them crossed
tho Cascades Mountains on snoeshoes,
four travelled by rail via Klamath Falls,
and four, already In the Klamath region
are assembling at the main camp on
Three Mile Creek. The estimate, map
und report will be ready In a week and
after tho required thirty days advertis
ing the timber will bo sold to the ap
plicant If he proves to be the highest
The minimum stumpage price for the
timber In this locality Is $3.25 per thous
and feet, board measure for pine, and
$1.00 for Douglas and white fir. The cut
ting period extends for five years.
When this sale Is consumated there
will have been sold ISO million feet of
timber from the Crater National Forests
since last November.
To Jackson County theso sales mean
an nsset of $70,000 for road building and
public schools which Is the proportion It
will receive throughout a period of five
years, In accordance with the Act of
congress, February fi. 190S, granting to
counties In which National Forests are
located 2fi per cent of tho receipts ob
tained from all revenue from tho Nation
al Forests.
tho studies obtained we hope to get a
certain percentage of seedlings which
Indicate the stability and unit chniac
ters of theso varieties.
J. 1). C.rlffln of Astoria, Clatsop coun
ty, a Junior student, will assist Mr.
At a late hour last night there w.ii
said to be one mote candidate fur tin
secretaryship of the Medfoid Commercial
club than there were directors, of whlih
there are 21. As each of the candidates
for the position Is said to claim a major
Ity of the board, it will probably de j
velop that each of tho several candi
dates will suffer u severe headache
Tuesday morning and agree with thati
legendary political candidate who flistl
said, following election, that "all men
are liars."
As new candidates are attaching them
selves to the list hourly, It Is Impossible
to offer n complete roster. Among those
In the field nt present are 1;M Andrews,
Hal Conrad, Ira J. Hodge,' Cleorgo K.
Roose, Illalne Klum, II. O. Frohbnt h,
of Ashland, M. A. Under. A. K. Ware.
M. H. Worrell, Charles Meserve and
I'd Root has also "been approached,"
but says his manifold business Interests
will not permit of his acceptance of the
Aged Hulo Kick Bard.
CICNTRAL1A, Wash., Apill 1C Ben
jamin ("J. Turner, a pioneer who lives
four miles north of Centralis, came to
grief yesterday trying to shoe a mule
He succeeded in getting one of the shoes
on a fore foot of the animal after a
fashion, nnd wns encouraged to extend
his operations to the. other hoofs, when
his efforts on one of the hind feet were
attended with disastrous results.
The mule gave lilin a light kick that
tumbled the old man over on tho ground,
and, ns he was picking himself up, he
received a staggering kick that sent him
flying ngalnst the wnll of tho barn with
such force that two of bis ribs were
The mule Is 20 years old.
Department to Deslile.
SALKM, Or., April lf. That Govern
or West will make no recommendation
to the war department ns to who shall
act as Instructor for the Oregon national
guard, but will leave that entirely In
mU M Z7 jrA
NHW YORK, April 1.. All altitude
distance and cudui.uuu records mo far
us toe (lancing is concerned weie wreck
ed by Miss Mnzlct King, who too dunces
In "The Ilcn-l'ccks." Miss King coveied
the regular coursu from the top of the
Metropolitan tower to tho street level,
tho hands of the depaitmeut, was the
statement made by him today. Probably
some first lieutenant will be chosen.
Tho department has signified that It
would prefer to make Its own selection,
lather than to bo guided by the recom
mendation of the executive, so the gov
ernor will merely make, a formal appli
cation that such an Instructor be named.
Klamath Itoails Aro Improved.
KLAMATH FALLS. April If.. "flood
II stories, In just 10 minutes, without
once testing upon the flat of her foot
or allowing her heels to touch anything,
It meant something like ISO I) steps, about
two-thirds of which went on tho stairs
and the remainder through tho cordl-
uors of lliu floors.
roads" has become tho slogan of the
county court and the citizens In general
In this county and mote woik along this
lino Is to bo done this season than ever
before In ouo year. For some time teams
and men have been working along the
county road leading south from heio and
yesterday four eais of gravel arrived
fiom the Southern Pacific's gravid jilts
near Hruy, in Hlsklyou county, Califor
nia, to be spread oir the roads leading
I'linn lieie to Merrill, Midland and Bonanza,
Milton 10Gxl3, regular price $65.00, special price $45.00
ll3xl5, regular price $75.00, special price $50.00
Bigelow, Hartford, Sweet and Sanford make standard goods
highest quality, names and labels on each rug. Compare these
values with any you have seen.
Mondny, April II, work resumes on
the Crater Lake road within tho bounda
ries of the national forest. A full crew
of men have already been received and
Forest Rangers lleorge West and Henry
Kooutz wero sent up Friday to establish
camp and arrarrge everything Irr shape
for Immediate woik, as soon as the men
arrive Monday. The camp Is located nt
tho Mill creek ranch, one mile Inside
the boundary of tiro forest. No snow
except In Isolated patches In the dense
woods exists at Mill creek at this time.
Last season, ten miles of the road
were completed, covering the distance
lidin the national paik boundary to
I'nlorr eieek, which leaves merely the
easiest portion of the road from Union
creek to forest boundary a distance of
seven miles, to be finished this spring.
It Is expected that all work on this pro
ject will be completed by June 30.
Improvement of the Crater Lake high
way within tho Crater national forest
was first undertaken last full and for
this work a special appropriation of
$5000 was authorized. From the satis
factory showing obtained last year, It Is
posslblo to complete tiro full dlstanco of
17 miles within tho forest, Including the
((instruction of two nrrd one-half miles
of entirely new road, tho construction of
a bridge across Whisky creek, widening
the road ten feet oir each side, grubbing
out the stumps and brush and blasting
out tho rock.
Many Hangs Cattle Die.
firmation of the story that a largo nuin
berof cattle have tiled on the Klamnttr
Indian reservation wns made hero today
by Reuben White, one of tho cattle own
ers who lives on thn Klamath Marsh,
some 40 miles sorrth of here.
Mr. White says that more cattle have
died this winter than before for years
In tile sairre length of time and that ut
least teir per cent of these have perish
ed In bis section. He says the farmers
In his section have been feeding since
early In November.
We Sell
For Less
LONDON, April 1C Declaring that
only American administration of Mexi
can affairs can prevent a reign of nn
archy nnd clmos there, tho newspapers!
of London today are practically a unit In
urging that United Status troops cross
the. Rio Grande, nnd military experts
are quoted at length In the opinion that
President Toft will be forced by events
to order the Invasion,
The British foreign office Is plainly
excited by the Mexican situation. It
professes Ignorance of the reported land
ing of British bluejackets with a Maxim
from the gunboat Shearwater at Hair
Qulntln, Mex but In the absence of con
firmation or absolute denial, none of tho
officials will be quoted.
Military experts generally aro discuss
ing the Mexican situation with great In
terest, and little else Is spoken of In the
army and navy clubs. Tho consensus of
opinion Is that tho Mexican rebels want
intervention ns tho American patrol on
the border Is believed to havo already
cut off their supplies.
Referring to President Taft'n warning
to President Dlax and the rebel chief
tains, the Mall says teday:
"President Toft was Justified. If
America Intervenes It In because tho
Mexican government makes tho action
necessary- If Dlaa cannot establish
pence he has no reason to complain If tho
United States steps In to spcure Amer
ican rights."
The Globe says:
"America must police tho South and
Central American republics or other gov
ernments will bo compelled to Interfero
to protect their own subjects and prop
erty, regardless of the Monroe doctrine.
There Ih no reason to suppose, that
America contemplates the annexation of
Mexico or anything but tho restoration
of order. President Taft realizes that
hesitation might entail for-reaclilnjr con
sequences, as unquestionably Gormnny
looks with longing eyes on more than
oire of the South American republics and
would be glad to possess them. In view
of these possibilities,
The House That Made it Possible to Buy House Furnishings in Medford
at Right Prices