wi&. jMZd. "MBS! WUWBH .' .,-, - 1 '4? ' : f i : I I W 1 ' f 1 ! s ( 1 i i l i PA'GE TWO LOCAL AND PERSONAL I L ' i Curl 1'hcljin, formerly of Colli Itlll nml Aslilnntl. wlio Ims boon In Hlaklyott roiinty( Cnllfornln, for aomi- time past. Jin Iiccoiiip n ronltlput of Metlfonl Ho nrrlvwl Tliurmlay, nrcompnnlod by IiIh wife. Trank 15. HvIipp, tile woll luinwn Htotk ralnor, spoilt Thurmlny In Mnlforil. Dr. J. IC Sliohror wna In .Inrltionvlll.' Friday on profoinlonnl ImimIiichh. Mra. Call Cofor of Klunmtli I'nlla, who litis been VialtliiK rclatlvrs living Hi Jnckaon county, le the Kiieat of Mm. Hormnn KIiik, bor nlntor. Two rtiltl onc-linlf ncrcH In aUalfn, one mllo south of WnililiiKtnn nohool; cntHy tonus. A. It. Kvpilmul, 212 Kritlt- Krourra Hank bltljf V AV. Cnlnalliui, Hiipoilntondont of the coppor tnlne known hh tho niiif- I.i'drtl1, wlio Ims beon ntoppliiK In Medford, ne uotnprinloil by bin wife, rotunied to that district during tho wook (loot-Re A. KltKKlbhnn of l'ortland Ih nmoiiK hi iniineroua oustomorH In the vnlloy nKiiln. Thu Cnrttvrlglit rompany rondcrcd n olinlcd priiKrnm before n larRo fttiillonoo nt tint Mothodlst Kplsoopiil church Tues day I'VonliiR. Ventura people stanil tondy to .ImSlnro It one nr the flneit orcanlrn tlons or first-class omortnlnor In ux-lHtoneb.J-Unlly Free Prdss. Venttmry, Cnl.. Pdlirliary 1. 1911. Hoar thoni. Nat ntorlum. Apill 1!. 1811. Mr. (Iroftr of Nnpn. ('ill., teprosetit Int: the owners of tlm Vanrn Mining eompany. Irt lit tholr placer minim In Kotosl Cteok dlHtrlct A successful run was made there duiliiK tho pasl soaaoli. Thd tnrist favored peopio on the const arc the Modrord people They lulve the JlodTord JobbliiK company to look after nil of their little odd Jubs, repair tholr electrical npplllinoen and Meitn their walls anil cellnk's. Ml'ilfoul Jobhlnp Co . office Medford Music Shop, St. Miuk'a block, l'hone Mrtln tinni 33I1 Jolm A. Maxtor, president of the Mold Hill rtaUroad and (..itnliiT company, who has heCn at Walla Witlhi, WiihII., his lionnv fnr'soino tliuo past; Is In this section nfraln. He Is eloslnc the affalrH of that corporation, whoso Interests will bo taken over by the l'ortland Commit company. l-ndlcs, phono (.37. Mini have viicutim oloaner como nnd clean your rliKS. 1). II. 1 Mi roll of Joe liar dlstilct has returni d finni Vreka', Cnl. Ills nilnlilK uliilmn weio Jumped by coitaln pilrtlcH herenbotits nnd he went to the Hlsklyou county seat to see whom ho Is fit. ' HprltiK Ih here. It Is liourteclennlnK time.' Ilavo those wnlls ami eellliiKS oleuneil liv the Medfoid Johblnt? Co 'h new Parisian process. NolhliiK like It. offlco Modrord Music Shop, Ht. Mink's block. :i3 Ira Kline, one of tho piotfiesslve resi dents of Cliirron Creek illstrlct. spent Wednesday In JHedford. Do you want II lols r.Oxl If. each roi JSr.OO on easy terms? C. W. II. Hvoi haril, 21S CiultK'toweis llnnk IiMk. 1''. M. Wade, a prominent cltlxi'ii of Taconui, who Is Intel erftod In tho iuIiiom or HlK ApiileKMle dlstilct. Is the KUeHt tit Mr. mid Mis H. II llimle of Mul foid. l'llutltiK of nil kinds at I'oillaud jirloos. Mall Tillmiio, office .loseph Oeppeit of HIk Hullo was n lucunt IiumIuohk visitor In Meilfoul. Is your house wlied? One el;nr I mm n. day would my for a huuiliod per dent itiiiimisn In comfoil. Htart IIvIiik the olectrlc life. Dr. nnd Mis. J. SI. Kiiine. whh have boon vlsltliiK In I'oi tlnnd, an- nt home nKnln, Medford local soelallHt (uiity un'etM every Suniluy niKht at 7 an at Smith's hall on Ninth drape stieet. ICvoiyboil Invited. Mrs. ICvu Allen has none to fliautM I'mhm locautly to icMtile for the ptcont lloime for HHln I.esK than con! Lot for wile, $lun under iokiiIhi piIch l.nt II, OBie MmII 'Pllbillie office. W. I'. Kntiop Iiiim retuiueil from h uhort bimlneaN Ult at (lobl Mill. ThWh your liHWter iIIiiiihi Ht The l.iei Vl. MumIc by I'rofeHsoi C. (1. Ileucli's uiflliMtni r KtiM'o. l ISltiluutt HeeHOii whm down fiom Talent iIhiIiik the week. AhlMlill HtMiu IMiltiili '. .Meilfoul of fice., plume No KOI 'A. Cainmon, who trailed pminrty lo on tod Ht I'HlolltOWtl roi H IVUlllOIICM III Mmlfntil, mi lieeume h periiinnent clt Ichii of our clt. Ills vWfo. whii haw IhMU neiloiuly 111, U couvHlcttcliiK. Take your famll to the Umvie ChIo for ISaater illnner. orclii-Ntrn iiiumIc. 't M I'. Ilnnley of ltkc Creek ha been ltwktliK after liualm mm iimltcia In Med fliMl. W. M. CfHxIiilKht and J A Mtioud of oaliiatid. Cat, arrived Thuraday for a hnrl Mlay In thla oily A. . l'urry waa ainnna thoaa down frum lhoenlx Thuraday. Ills valuva In enibiolderlea at Oih X Tilue'a today and Matuiit. Weimtor von der llellen of W'ellon la iliaklnK lledford Ilia uauat vlalt. Iate maaaalnaa, prrloillcaU and pnpora n( the flie read In a room In chuu,l Iwck tf the lraabvlarlati cliurch Open eve nlns from T uu to in p in All nun ami ltoya Invited Itobeit l 1" ibpnlN Hlieiilf li-ri fill I'llllfcll III, I I hills I 1 1 I I IIOi.ll Oil offli lal IiuhIih r-f Si i- II lliilllli h I'lil 1 1 . ii tin i M, iii Jlli knon I'.miIiIn lutik Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS liny I'liono 'JU7I Nielli IMmiiii's !'. V. WicKs 1I7I. A. U. Orr, JHHJ'J. LAIIV ASSISTANT. JOHN A. PERL I'lidct Ijikii' nml i:nilmliii(r Succosaor to Die undci taking ile- $ imitiuoiit of Mwlfoitl I'uinltuto Co ? Offlco with .M fill oui I'liniliiiio Co. : Toloiilinium Iu. Hall 351; i I John A. Porl, realiUur Hell -till. j ! Ilninn 170L ii C. W. Con kiln 3601 J. H Hut ; ' lor 3&XJ, ;; A.Miioia.voic sicuvicu J. M. Sweonv or Detroit, Mich , presi dent of Oleti rtoRuo Orchnids company, which N developing a bl proposition a few miles south of Jm ksonvllle, has limtiKurnt'il extensive liiiprovementa there. A Inrjfe force of men will bo employed clearing and ptantltiK the laud In the tiohr future nnd the onteiprlpe piomlses to he one of the most linpoi lant ot plaiini'd lit southern Orenon. .John II. Catkin, attorney at law, oer Jackson County IwiiH. H i. Tlinm or Soattlu is roKlstered at the Nash W M Hunter of Spokane was a busl-iii-sm visitor In Medfoid Satuiiln) ' .1 Anderaoii Is In from the Apple- Kate n-Klon lie Is eiitbtislastlc over the proapecta of that illstrlct Rlndlalr Coclilll of Wallace, Tilfiltti. Is In fliciirord looking ovor the orchard conditions Do you want fi ncres In nlfalfn, onn mile south of Main street, cheap? C. W II i:erhard, 212 I'mltgiowcrs Hank lildK. Mis C. C Hutchison who has boon vls KIiik with her daughter, Mrs l'rtil N CiiinmlnK, left Friday ovenltiK or Portland Mrs CuiiiiiiIiiks iiccompnnlod her H O. Nash anil wife of Manitowoc, Wis, nre vlsltliiK at the home of Mr nnd Mrs .1 S Vilas, northeast or Medford Watch those columns for program of the dedication exercises of tho new I. O (J P. temple. Apt II 2(1. 21 I" II Cowles tnturncd Trldny from n weeks visit In Portland, f .1 Tliidlay of Portland was a business visitor In Meilfoul Saturday II K Hortou of Snn Krnnclsco stopped In Medford Sattinlny for a few houls visit with friends In tfilH city Oh the 2l!tll Inst, will ocfur the dedi cation exetelses at the new temple of the I J) O F 21 (1 A. Perk of Sams valley spent I'rl ilii and Siltuulay In Meilfoul N W. Violet le of Now York city Is a KUest nt the Moore P W Pry or Trull was a business Mis .1 II. Lydlaid or Table Itoek and Mis II II I.ydhird of San Jose, Oil , tteio Kalulday shoppciri In Modfonl W S Hoyloss of Portland transact ed mislnesh In tills eltv Situtday W O I.ei' of I.os AiiReles was n busi ness visitor In Medford Sntiiiitny .1 W Scully or Poitland Is a Kiicst at the Modtc C A. Movv'iy or l.nrsnn, Idaho, arrived 1'ildiiy rm it shoit visit In this city Leslie Alban or Oak Hill. Ohio, Is ri'K Isteied itt the Nlisll The annual annlvoisnry or tho Inde penilolil Older or Odd Pellows will be hold at the Natatoiltiln, April 2th, nt 2 HO p. m Hvery Odd Follow should make it a point to attend and assist In innklUK tills nftalr the most enjoyable and oun Ioiik to bo teiucmhcreil by the cltlxons of Meilfoul These exelclscs will be public and all ale (oullally Invit ed to attend i IIhM'h I'luno House disposed of five fine pianos iluilni; Hie week Just past Allien P While of Alameihi, Cat, was a Pllilav at rli al In Meiirold W It Chilli or Kaenillienln was a business visitor In Mcdliinl Saturday ,1 M Cikiupboll and wife of Stock ton, Cnl, 'me vlsltliiK vv 1 1 h .Meilfoul fi Ion. a Hlnii r A Hicks, KliueMil iniiiuik'er of tin- Oii-koii Ciiunito coinpanv, left Sat iilihiv for Siiciaiuento whero he Will see Ills father. J V Hicks, of Sail IDoko, Cm!, fur the flrat time In Id yeais. Mr Hicks will ret in ii .Monday. W P Wood ami wife or I&ikIo Point me vlsltina with Meilfoul fi lends. Miss Minnie Jackson. daiu:htor of l. It JnekMon, letlirned Saturday iiioiuIiik floiu ISuKeue, whole she has been nt teiulliiK sehool. The flist outer to own tholr own home 111 Medfntd Is the 1. O l). .1'' Their now temple on Sixth stieet. between Oinpe and Holly streets, Is the pride of the or der and would he a ciedlt to a much In I Her eltv than Medfoid The meiiibeiM of Meiironl IoiIko, No S, have vvoikeil liiuil and Miareil neither time or expense In mnkliiK thla one or the most eomiuo illoiis lodae looms In aoutliein OieKiii, and well nmj the moiiilivra point with iilde to their new home. On the 'Jilth mat. thla mHKUlflceut temple will be dedicated with appmpi lat aervleea anil everv Odd Follow anil Itebeknll far illiil mill Ih in Med to be pioMclit oil thla Oi- hmIoii 21 Mra J. A HauilskN or Untie Putla waa a Meiltoul ahoppei SHtiiiilay. Mlaa Itiwe Clieeviu of Central Point, who haa been vlsltina .Meilforil filenda the wal week. letuuiiNl to hoi home Hai ti Ida Miss Jerome left Pi May for a vlalt with filenda In (limits Paaa. o. J, Tracy waa a hualiieaa vlalun In Uia'tita Paaa Pi Ida v Hauey l.lna or the firm of Allen . I. Ina. electrical cuntractuta, waa In Cen tral Point Prldav making an eatlnmle on the elect Heal flttlllea tit ! Iiiatalltsl In the new V. M. C. A buihllnv at that pluOe Huv ' All K of P know Ina thcmaclvea imlehled to the lodge will con f el a tavot mi the IA of I'' bv iiiiiIIIiik a check nr IiiiiuIIiim; him the coin The liHlae nHia ib. money J P lliitclmmm, K H 8. M or P Tin Women's ChiiMllau Tenierrtnce union Villi hold a oitiilily lliatltuto In Xhliland Apitl ti and 2 llab'M Piano llouae aolU a fine .Meii li ImhoIui piano to the niMinheia of the M K i hutch. Moulh 11 Mlukc and Hlfe of iltimeapoIlM Minn are xlalllna altll filenda In Mod font A (I ilaaera of Malem arrived gatur- lav Im a abort vlalt In Mislford Charlea H. Cul of Im AntUa arilved' Siituula) for an over Holiday vlalt In Medfoid II K I'eevy of Ogden, I'tah. la atop- Hi. at Hi Naah M.ssra. Prank Kraaer, Jeff Heanl, I urn h llarker. Mitaa Uarkdull and Rob- it HoMt b'ft Saturday evening natenal tdv lor.fhlco. Cal. but II la rumored Hal the Great While Way In Prison ili 1 latin their attention, before thev II turn. P W Anderaon of Hut ton la itfla t ted at Hie Naah. V K Dueilell of Man Dleio. Cut , waa a bimlneia vlaltor In Medfoni Malurday Mi anil Mra tl (1 Mhtrley have re. turned from an 1 Mended trip through not thorn parta of the atata, n.e Medford Jtoaliy A.ilatloa will, m.ve into their nw ufficaa In tha Mail. T, ibune bla on Mo4., D tl. PMw. f an Pranelaeo. Is aiHi.icj mi tin Hume MEDFORDMATL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OR Ml ON, SrNDAV, AIM? 11, Hi. mil. who has been vlsltini; the past wck In Mcdford returned to her homo Snttnd.i. II O Warren or Now Orelenns arriv ed lit Medford Suturdny for an ovir Sunday visit I: IJ Claspo of Spirit Lake, Iowa, was a Saturday arrival in Modrord. A Ittlble or this eltv has been award ed prl.o or $10 by the Portland Com meiclal club ror an article published In the HskrldKo, Kan.. Star, which Is ilevot Pil to Modrord. The nrtlcle wns Silo words In length. Cnnatnhlu SliiRler arrested M. M, Mar tlnBM and J. N. Pnroto, two Mevlcans, on Saturday and took them tii the county Jail. They are charged with soiling In tDJHcitdiiK liquors to minors Arthur Drown drew the high priro In a hnndkerclilef contest conducted during the past week by the Haglo Pharmacy. Standing room was crowded at tie1 Isis last nlKbt. You should (oui'- this Week sure to everv i hange of perfoim ance The vauilevllle will bo exception allv good. The pictures can't be Impiov oil on. TBOOPS nusnKD TO dokdeii. Continued from Page 1.) oil States troops Captain Onujot said that he meant to Intervene If a single bullet whistled over Douglas, and ho wired to Port Hunchuea for reinforce ments. Ontljot said that he will meet tin- fodeial forces now nppro.uhlng Agun I'rleta and deliver n similar warning. Amazon In Onme. Six hundred rebels, hendeil by Madame Talnmantos, widow or the rebel colonel who with his tluee sons was executed by Colonel Chiapas at Sallunrtapa. arriv ed nt Agua Pi Iota last night. The up peiiranco of the determined Amazon with her loyal fmeos was the occasion for a wild demonstration. For more than an hour the soldiers of "lied" hope, cheei od her every appoarunco on tho stioots of Agun Pi Iota. Honflics weio hunted until 11 o'clock, when "taps" were sounded. The rebel roreoH now numliet 1100. The fedoials fiom the south of Caiianea number 1200. They uio ex pected to nrrlvu at noon. WASHINGTON, !. C. April If.. Piesldeiit Titft today ordered four tionps of oavnlry sent to Douglas fiom the iiortrost station. The oavnlry Is to rolnfoico Captain lltuijot's foiee and was onlered to pin feed In the quickest possible time. The order was Issued In anticipation of an other battle at Aglia I'rleta, which In formation In Hie president's hands led it'tt t" believe wns Imminent. Tart hns been Informed that the rebel foico there In inoo, A large federal force Is approaching Agua I'rleta, according to Infoi mutlon received here. The icbels aie equipped with nincliliio guns Dining the morn ing they dug trenches. The Aiueilean Hoops Tiave been In structed to carry out to tho letter the ot del to prevent filing across the bonier, even at the cost of Invading .Mexico. At noon a statement fiom the war di pnttinent said that no more troops would be oideied to Douglas Oipluln Cliiuim lias been llisttiicted to cure ror the r.o .Mexican federals who Hiiiieiiileied to him Thuisdiiv. and the suite ilopaitmeut will . asked to deter mine their exact status. Tho state depiirltiieut today asset tod that the question of demanding ilamiiKes fiom Mexico for the killing ami wound ing of Amei leans In the battle of Thuis ila had not been eonsldeied. although Ptesldent wlaz has been Infiii mt'd or the facts In the case TALENTED MUSICIAN IS VISITINfJ IN THIS CITY .Mis Stella Piinee Miocker of Dqluth liah linn visiting iIiiiIiik tbu week with a elide or fi lends In the city and vallov Mis Sleeker Is a musician of iaie at tainments, having piiisued her studies In Hie Pilnelpal cities of Germany and Fiance, HH well hh this count! v She Is Hie authi.i of many pieaalng uiiislunl sketches ami seveial successful openit ttia She la also well known In the ,m1h lor her leeluie lecltali. on the classic op.'lHs. her lepotolre iucliidiliK "NebluilK en Itlna." "Parsiral." "I.ohe.iKil,.." Ill)( Die MclaleiHiiiHer." If the Wanner opeins, un.l "Pelllus and Mellmuule " (Ma.leillnek-hebusM.l Mra 8tocker la cliarined will, ti. ,M,, ,, ,,,. HV nienils hop,, to weleoni,. Ut ukhIii next veai. when ,e la pl.innlna a western tour Mm Stacker aave a set lea of lec tures In Seattle whll. ..n hoi wMV hole an.l so dellahted h.-i audience that plans .tie now beliiK mnde f,.r u more extended couiae on her letuiii I.. Ih,. .,m-t ItoiolutloiiM of I'rotcMt. TAI.ICNT. Urc. A put a. i,, Wherea, II uaa the aelf Inter, Mt ,,.,,1 Mr.ed f ,e nwalir clnaa undei cIihII, I lHveiy. In Itlll Ulll.lt... II... l.i ..-....,.,. m,K Blllw ,, ,.,ur,, Him l wla taak. which l.rani,t about one of the moal I.I.hmIv atruiciclea In the worlds IiLUid , wiu.ie.iM In that day he pioductloii . hand labor teunlrtMl he conllMuoua labor of . Blae ,, his muater mmhi live i uri ,,,. th. i. for.. foIMl it expedient to lue the pollc,' for his puipoaca an.l whoreua the tnachine Pisaluctlo,, r ,e comtnmlltie. r life, no loi,ar require the ramihuuu. 1 '",'. "r .""' HHt, '". '" alt Horpllnn by n,e itwMw ,.,aa of ,hP natural reamirc. of Id,. ,.,., ,, , iimchHierv niiHlurilon has eieaied a class or luhoiera who ...,. con,,,.-!!..,, , Blfc for einpln, ,,., fl, ,,.,. , , .tlen tlmek wiihout ll. nienna of ln i h.'lf tM..aw.l nnd wi.ereas the muater ''i""?" u""'nK """ Pleaaant tool. Una nolle) in drlvin iH. ,.w ... have robbed of their blrlhrlk-ht There, 'ore Ih- It reaolv.nl l,.v lWli T,U f .... -tuni iwriv thHt we proiet iKHinai ihe p.lce of 1 ,. ni'-a of Jack. Ibta puiuueti "."" .( "l"u' u"'" "' ' Ana w eall I..L. " "' " II Itlll.k.ll, Ml.... . .:.;..:: ' ",Mn ,o u,,,u in tw. i u Hwaat. aeeretarv l.vral Talent Hoiaierit Dautrhtori War. Washington, d r ,phi n-iv 'tar,, ,, ih0 n,.-lltalw.. ,,, h tmlei aie liiac to mibveri the aa.red const Hun.,,,, mtai.tieli an 'ollirarch) Ihioiiie ri.edom and trample llbart'y bj-neath ihe Kre.,,h-he..led feet of mtrht 11181' m the HailUhtera of the .r. u-.ii Hevoiutuvn eatabllahed head- "' 'r" itare t.Hla to beln the cum tiet . nun 11 in cuiminata waeiia' national ...nventlon in Mta. William Cum m I nfa Hiory la the u nil i.1.1 a.. .u .. . 1 . a 1 ". r ... '"' ,",ap"' "ni . LotiiiZ aTT- L M !T mM,th.' hr "u" "'? "' ? "-' Mf fcott. Hie preaanl Head .U tha national I emaiiliillf.n u Im '!a t.if re REBELS GOT THE 'GOAT' OF VEGA Gatliiifi Guns arc Stationed in Streets, of Enscnacla and Town is in Terror1 of Imminent Attack formed By Telephone. Vena SAN DIHOO. Oil. April i: Una, the r l.els at Alatnn "got tin- aoat" of flov crnor Salso Vega or Lower CallforiliH was a tale In might today to Tin .tilalia dlrectl) f i om Kiiscnada, where Kiitlliijc guns ate In the streets and the town la Interor of Imminent attack. It lit n Into of the telephone SfVenil lime within the last 24 hours the rebels Chiefs at Alainu oui led up Governor Vega by telephone, kindly In forming lilni that tiny were coming to take him prisoner and to sack hls.aapl uil At first Vega was alarmed; then he rcull7cd that In Addition to being thioatonod he was being htughed at, and. furious, he ordered tin- wires cut. Attack May Wait. The hist message received before the wile was out ordered Vega to send pio vislnns to the labels at Alamo at once This concession, tin- icbels declined, would postpone the attack foi several d.iv Vega i of used to send the I chela so much nh a beuli They aie 't.illl to be sutreilng from hunger. Few slept Inst night In HmmiihIii nftoi Vega cut thu wlies An attack Is Im minent Vega has refused the American Con sul an escort to go to Alnnio to ascer tain the conditions of Amot'lcan women nnd chlldien theie, declaring he needed all his nun In the capital nebcin 200 Strong. - The revolutionists at Alainao are now said to be iOO strong and nil Itching for a fight One or two prominent Americans have reached Tin .liiunit fmin Kusoimdii The) say the lebels will mm till on tho city within IS houis Noontime advices fiom I'nseuada wine that the Mexicans have taken pioloc tlon under the Aiueilean flag The icsl dence or ltin,.(i States Consul (loot go Sohinuckor Is surioundod by Me.xlcun (loops with their field guns In such posi tion that flic lebels will flio upon ihe Ameilcnn flag If they attack the town Amorlcnn Fine" Uacd. All the stores In I'nsonnda have jnla Ml American flags and hnve tlio'eni lllein itlspluyed upon the eounlois as tul illtlonal piotoellon Appateittl) Ihete Is n feeling of hopelessness In the besieged eltv Twelve mounted Mexican soldlets wete captuied by the Insuicclos last night Ituimei.s niilvlng at Hnsenmla todiiv n poited that the Insiiigent fotees had lot) mountiMl men camped on the hills close to the city. Theie Is also a chine gun in- The Mexicans have about .'(in soldleis lo ili-rond the eliv. as well as an un known ntimbef.r M.xlyan mailiios fnnn tin oiulsor Geneial Gueiirin TheeitilH- r Is cleat .'.I for actlpn DASE BALI.. Pacific Coast Xenguc. At Sacramento I.os Angeles Saciamento y 13 At I.os Angeles San Francisco Vol nun It 10 , s At Shu Francisco PortlamJ Oakland . . , Amorlcnn Ieatrue. At Detroit Chicago Dettolt .,' At Washington Hoaton WaalmiKloii At Philadelphia.. New Vork PhlladelphlH At St Loula Cleveland St I.oula I! II 11 15 I! (I II i: 7 .1 .-. 0 It II 0 11 1' 3 It II 7 l.t 1 It) It II T I" National League. At Clnclnnaii . Pittabuiu Clnoliinatl , I! II I A I Hoaton Phlladolphia Hoaton . ,,.,,... At New York - liltmklv 11 N n ork .. . . It II I I II x I II It I At Ch lei gn Ml l.ouis I'llU'llUo . TWO MlkMON QUARTS OT MIT.K USED DAILY NKW MlUK. Apill II N w V , , eltv uaoti J 111.11 iiqo ,uaits of i k u is aecuietl rn.ni I5.0i.il tanus Ktaleii, a. it. tiling ( flumrs ' s I I t me iniernatlonal Pme Milk 1. ,K 1, . Health Coiumiaaiuuer Ued. 11. in 1 leport of the health deptuum iv,f,,,t to Inaurc pure milk the ...1 mi, aaya! "Whlla we maintain aa fui as ..sMi 1 an Inapeitioii of the our es ,.t mmi. adisiuale provlaion la ImpoxNiM. n, w have com.. 1,1 he citncliiHion tl it M Iftirltatlon of Hll milk aold Is the .... nay. No uniwMteurlied milk Kin.ui.i b. Iirouaht Into the city unlwua H Ih 1- , , tlfleil aa havluir baen prodin.d nm auih itmdllli.ua aa to pimlu.b th. n sltv of iaM( nrliatlon The must in 1 latit lUaa ( milk la that us. d t,u u laitt fe. dina We therclVie jmi.h v . Ilf Mlijl Iwil.iea milk, and at a. I 'ik .ia itllte.l as h, iiik fiom tn 1 v t f d tn 1 111 in i paaleui lied i 1.1 k s milk is now L.t!, t lb 11 .if am , (h,. , i in lb it -f-f-ff-f t ff -f f TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY f . .H HUHICItDPr lealilence aites ... .1 . Iv make v.nir -.. 1. 1 i .1 s. II CALiromuA wins ANNUAL TIEI.D MEET nKt.,Nl. Oil. Apill in California win (In' animnl fl Id i'ny from fnnTord tod. iv bv a score or 6' points to 18 Rccordr nrolcen. noils of California broke the mllo 1 1 Mid riinnliiK the distance In 1.31 Put : , M , whin! n;,:";.::::., Slmltuck of CuIlfotnlH. threw the ham SseSS ilvL3 m-". WE ARE PROUD PROUD to announce that our Spring and Summer CiOthing awaits your inspec tion. Proud to urge you to come and see' it, to examine it, to try on a suit or an overcoat. For we KNOW that whatever the test to which you may subject them, ' "OUR CLOTHES will make GOOD FOR US and make DOUBLE GOOD FOR YOU. Our confidence is based on experience with these clothes, the experience of many years and the satisfaction of many customers. So we say to yeu: "Gome and see for yourself what we are offering. Come now, while the lines are complete and the assortment large." Our R(is' Knt'c Pauls Suil department is now complete, showing even tiling new in fabric, color and stle from ." to IT'yeurs. Prices iintnii;- from $4.00 to $15.00. Our yiiarautee oes with every garment. You take no chances. Von are jn.st a welcome to a look as a pun-base at this store, for a look means the same to us. Exclusive Agents Knojf Hats MEDrOJH? TSSUSXTA 1 HAS REVIVED THE INDUSTRY OF FRUIT RAISING Rogue River Valley Canal -Co, FEED N. 0UMMIN6S, Manager. 0'licis. Third floor Medium Nalmnal Hank Slllg. Offices 3d floor Medford National Bank BIdg- ' Irrigated Orchard Tracts ORCHARD TRACTS ARE SOLD IN 5, 10, 2t) OR 40 ACRES' PLOWFD FENCED, LEVELED AND PLANTED TO A STAND AD VARIETY OF TREES. UNDEVELOPED TRACTS FOR SALE, WITH IRRIGATION ORCHARDS PLANTED AND CARED FOR BY 0RCHARE EXPERT c cSntrIc?sD F FIVE YEARS on orcrard ivetloVS R0GUELANDS INC. FRED N. GUMMINGS, Manager. ,i,i i , t.. i i In tie- I no vnisl dasti AVood, C-Hllfr nil won Time Ii) l-r. sis'irnds DO vard fli-Ti ior am. l.ll. of Starffard. te.1 for flist. Tin. lio vard dash Tj.vlor and teaman p. . . r. Shot 1'ut -'-Itlce, Mlnnfitrd wctfi: dls. t nice S.1 r. t 1-2 tnch. Tin- sCor. nl t.i" p ni was: - i and .in.. tin i II .m md vv-i. tin nod avva "M?dr?'rGarcijff Ccsrjraci Glothisra VJk T'Vwanw. : nBaf- " .MT iE?SESZZuiK& l-sasmi OAjf.H?.hsswraua7ws. RIG AX T ,. i ili i w ill l l.tbl" . " vlir.nl lit ,1 whii. Woods (Cnliloinlni stconil. IE.it li l.oiie iC.iUforilln) thltd 9.M. breaking Ht'Uiftiril-dillfornla. ; .V, , r1 ,,rde-n. .son (Cnllfo.nl,,. - v mi n r ' ..n Vnollso fCallfornln) Hm. r..i (Cnhfoililal thlld. Time 2. Si eollds flat, bie.ikH coast record. ii ill Allle -IWWd (CallfornliO wen KrannT t Stanford) second. Smith (C.li ,,r a,.,,, "- Jwcoid , " Exclusive 'i With Us Vilson Bros. Shirts OPECOW ION 7 S a J It' n t ti ummmMmn&mimimteimamnTMtmMmmm r wwfflwetaaKr3i 'Bjosiaaatssita VI. I. I . Ii'k' t