h-mmamimam .-.- PAGE FOUR MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, AfEPffORD, 0 RISC ON, SUNDAY, APRIL 1G, 1011. FIRST FREIGHT UNIONISTS HOLD FROM BIG BUTTE GRFJPARADE Car of Slab Wood Consigned to the Thirty Thousand Join in Celebration Nash Hotel Company is Received1 of an Eight Hour Law for Working COURIERS SAY BATTLE IS ON FUNERAL F E Society Girls Take a Fly BE HELD TUESDAY PEACE SCHEME El Paso Chamber of Commerce Wires Three Fraternal Orders of Which He Taft's Proposal Meets With Great Taft to Order Protection to Ameri can Life mill Property on the Bor dcr. Was a Member Will Attend Fur.-, oral In Body Interment at Rosc-j Favor Militarism Becoming Great Burden to Nation Eager to Abol ish War. I Women in California-All Unions are Represented. Over, the Pacific & Eastern Lines on Friday. hur(j West to Attend. V . ' 1 BENSON 1C FAVORS ti :1 i' i' I r hi ! I' KU I'ASO. TuXHK, April 15. Courier HtrlvliiK hi-re ut iiimjii toitHy roportuil t tint II iHtttltl VVIIM 111 lirOKrt'HHlHIl nt UnMCllL', rirt--n inlp nouth of JUHres-, Iutvvern loo frili-ml cHVHlry and Lli'iiU-nunt An- Kplo JIiiiIiipk hihI h force of InmtrrectuH wlilcli Is lii-llcvi'it to bo the Ciidvniicu ruhuI of MiiiU-io'h hi my. llnuclin In on tlm Mi-xlcnn Norlli Wes tern IlHtlnmd towurd Chwu- Urwiili-H. win- Ht iHHt nceountH .Mlllll'ro'H fOICOH wi-io limoBcd for the HiHnnce on Juarez. Scouti Driven Hack. The first news of the lebel nilv'iint'n vwih leeelved lien HCoUtB relioited lo (JiiuthI Navurio that they had eticonnt ered Iiihiii-k'i'IiIh to the Hiillth and had lieen ilrHen back by rifle flro No ln foiinallon Iiiih Jet been leeelved UH to the HlreiiKtb of the force opposing C!en ernl .llnilllex' comtlmtiil but t ho Iinpres Hlon Is stroiiK that .Mmlero nt lust Is really coiuImk, and that the battlo of tlio eainpHiKii to date will talco placu before Juarez this af lei noon J Satisfied that the ImpendltiK attack will miiteriallre, the VA I'aso uhainber of commerce lodny w ii rut tin appeal to President Taft to order protection for life and properly on the American fron tier heie and to prevent n lepetitlon of the shootliiK that cost lives at Aptta 1'lletu. Wants Military Patrol. To avoid, so far as Is possible under existing conditions any toss of life iiiiioiik Americans heie. It was decided toduv that a military patrol will bo es tablished thtoiiKh the center of 101 I'm ho lion the fiKhtlUK beKins in and about .llliuez. This piitiol will keep all hIkIiI seeis 1h4cIc from the border and ulll pie vent any claims of contributory iii-kII-tn nee by the Mexican Kovernment In case of any casualties on the American Hide One bundled Infantry and fifty cav alry left Juarez this afternoon to lelli force .llmliiex. l.leutenant Colonel I'uii belela was In command of the detach ment, which was Instructed to oppose the iels-1 advance to the last ditch There was a small ciiKiiueincnt this mornliiK opposite Vsleta, the outcome of which Is unknown. Troop 3ohw. In addition to the Aiiieilcan command now here, a ttoop of tlm Fourth United States ChvhIiv has been unlet ed heie from Now Mexico to pioteet the Uvi-m and iiropeity of Auiei leans iiIoiik the burder iieiir HI I'aso In Jimrcx excitement has Increased Many of the Inhabitants lme left anil tin re is Kncially a tepetltlou of the e- cltliiK wceiies wlilrh nttended the Oroico inn neu vets I'ollou Iiik out the demands o flbe Aineileun of fleers, the feilemlM In .In U4 x toduv Hre iiIhiiiiIiik to meet tin -i t In outside the city ami tempoiaix In enstvi oiks are beliiK tliioun up In the (Villi ti-iy Hon til of .limii'X for the IiihIuI billon of inortarti. lnillUMtlon of the fei-lliiK In .lumen was kIwii toilsy when (leneral Navano lellest(Ml that the pioiullHMlt cltlxeilR of Jumex to volunteer fur the defense of th oily, .lust two respondi-il The leiuaiiider left Ht once fur 121 I'aso YoutiK men RPIiemlly sie ili-tM-t Hiik .Iuii rex to escMpu set v Ice HMHlnst the lu illl nolo. KoHi:nrua or, Aptii is. The run- PAHIS. April 15 I'lesldent Tuffs eral of Traiils V. ncilson will b held , peace Boheme hua inmle u tremendous t.i,.i..v ..r HiIm wnek. Tim nrrntive- I hlt " I'Vanw This country earns for ttiiotH unre eiiiimteted totlsv after an I exellntiKe of teb'Krulns ltetweett the lep- resentatlves or vat lolls fhiteinal orKHit Ixitlllmh Willi which Ucimnn was affll Inted and liutvvi-i-ii Governor Vst and br. HU'lner. Iletisou's body, nccompaniil by Pi riteltmr mill Mrs lleiison. loft I.os An- KoIpm tonlL'lit nild will leach Hosebui i, ' .Monday iiIkIiE. The bodv will be ion-' vied to the lllks" temple wllele the fun-' eial services will be held nutlet the aim-1 plees of the Odd Fellow, and Woodmen of the World lodges, of which he was a meiuhei These oi KnnUiitloiiM will Join In escortlnjr tho body to the cemeterj. flovernor West and Adjutant Oenorn) Klns-er will bo nuioiiK those In the pio. cession. It was Intended to limy the Koveinor's staff present, but Stidner tel L'Kniphed thnt the family iirefeired that the uillltaty fenturoH be eliminated llus InesH will be suspended ilm ItiK the fun eral. tin day whn she can throw down her burden of arms anil let her youiiK men, now In the armv, no back lo work Klunco cannot veiy well take tho lend' but she will follow the leader mighty! cioseiy die seejis ut men to inc. icuiiii ' i n i i i ,"' WASHINGTON. P. r . Apill 13. iirlnctniially on account of Gernmny uihI-MIm t.aurn .Menimn's heroine nsplia- once Geiitiany senilis a few of bor tlons do not end with fllKhts In m ro drpudnuuglits and teduces her htandliiK ,lrlB. .Mi,,M M,ri, , r..r ,. trtn tliifiliKh the air with Antom Jminus, who also can led Miss Dorothy Williams at the same. time. Now thnt Miss Mciriaiu Wi.SHtNqTON GIEIyS EEJADV 1VD rV. iefi , MISS XAURV l'iE.TZS.JAl-ij Rigfit, MISS iSOROTHy' WIIIAMS, AtfroiW OAXHUS, AVlArraF . Photo by MUlcr- a nurse Her dei lmntlon has set a num- army of neatly COO.001) units to 100, 000 or thereuboiits, I'Vance will be glad enough to do the same So if Germany and KtiKlaud K'et toftether on n peucu plan, 1'iaiice ami Get many will likoly has had a Hasklns for Heitltli. enoiiKh do likewise. Tho truth Is, ",p " '"K'1 flr',1K.r,1P. ,lecl'lr,'H J!'nt i( thliiK since her niiny and navy aru u tienieridoiiH weiKht for her to carry. I Icr i people, sli cmly hlKhly overtaxed, re-' Kind with awe the IiuIIiIIiik of new war-' shlpN nnd the buyliiK or new war ma teiluls And too, accoiilliiK to statis tics, In less than 10 years Trance's m t n mil ii k nini, ulreiuly oer 60,000 men sinalct thun that of her worst enemy, Germany, will have a loss of 30,000 more soldb is lo tack on, the small birth there Is wnr with Mexico sho will un dei take a more sober task and enlist as her of other Klrls to thinking, and If the artn In Texas Rets wold of It there can no longer be any doubt that war will immediately be deilaiert Miss Meriinm Is one of the bade is of tile ynutiKer set nt the capital and Is the daiiKliter of W. II. Merrlnm. formail Btiveriwr of Minnesota. She Is a. diirliiw cross countiy rider and has little feat of anything, because, sliu declares, she Is a fatalist. late beliiK lespoiislblc foi this On the SHANGHAI, Apill 15 Pitiful stories oilier hand Geimanys poiilllatlon Is In- f sufforltiK In the famlne-strlcken mens cicasiiiK about seven per cent a enr . , . , ., , ,A ... .,, .' . , , , . .. ,, ,., , 'of China roach this city dally. Sixty and In 10 yeitis Germany will hne a much IiIbrit standing at my than sho,KllM WC,B offered for sale at one small has tiidav unless some suit of disarm- town without u purchase!, because the anient tr,at can lie til ranged between food the slaes eat was more wiluable tho- bicker pbweiH. I tuan their lives. The first car of merchantable) ftclKlit w.is milled by the local yards or the PiMiric fc .Hastei n niday from JJutte Pulls, when a ear of slab wood consign ed to the Nash Hotel comimny was re eehed. The Ciater Lake fuel company was the conslRnor. Chief UiiKlneer GeriK of the Pacific & i:astern stntes that from this time forwnrd business will pick up and that this summir will see much fulKht ship ped from IJiltte Falls to Medford. MAIL TIIAIIT MAKES NEW WORLD'li RECOED HPFPAI.O, Apill 1" KiiKlneer Henry Chllds of Sjrneuse, dtlxliiK No 13, the New Vdrk Central fast mall fiom New Voik, cairjlliK seven nll-stci I mall cms tnd two l'lillmnns Into Uuffnlo this aft ernoon, did tlnee miles between Helle vlew mid Lancaster In 1 minute and (11 seconds. The first mile was made in 3S seconds, the second in 37 and the third In 30 seconds. These are claimed to be the fastest ever driven on a steam railroad In the woild. I I.OS ANGKUIS. Cnl, April IB Thltly thousand unionists Joined tonlKlit In u unbiue celebration to tomniemoralo the passage of the bill pioUdlnK an eight hour law for working women. Front 7:30 o'clock until after 10 they paraded through the pilnclpal stlcots. Men, wo men and children alike, each under the standard of the union to which they be long Almost eery tliule was lepic sented A feature was the newsboys' .section In which nearly 1,000 youngsteis f l oin babyhood up Joined. The "newsies" bine no union but wein assigned a place at the mil or the fourth division in which the allied pi luting tindes council matched. , 1'nlons fiom Hakersfleld, Fresno, S.in Diego, San Heinardlno and other South ern California cities vveie represented. Presbyterian Church. Faster sen Ice Sunday morning at 11 o'clock Faster seininn, Faster music. The Sunday schoot gives the Faster ser vice nt S p m Good music. All are In vlted to these si i vices. Hasklns for Health. THAT LITTI.B HOME You Aro ciolnir to nulla? I'o not cliotwe tin' Hlti imwlsl Tint) ill. e.i Ulii pi. -ii iiulMili h Which the wise man iiIhiijm oIisiims You ran paint the utlhM) ovi'l if uu liuike a lillstuKe In colorit. but miii cannot eon eel a bad locution. When a man hulldx his home be sou Id take beaut) of locution mmiiI lal) features, convenience to the i-It . ik ml vnvurunineiit, xhade mid ventlla tioii. prevalliiiR mttuli and itreiile out look Into eoimldiTHllon Of all thexi, aunltuiy cumlltlon ! uf the most vital linportaiirt. The dralnne inuxt he ir feel Moderu idea demand u baseine'il Avoid u dump butieiiii'iil us )tni would the pluKUi luint baaeinenta hIwuvn u itu it when the i-er aMiem is fuuliv, or when Hie atorm wulr ciin i Is. in to I be baaeliu'iil through the Newer oui let Here Is W lure NOll llil.t. AUDI TION ta pie-eminent Tin afer avs trill of that difttlll-t la Hie beat In Mid foul Of coume )ou I nt end anmedav to secure a home In the XOK Hit. I. 1UH TIUCT. Kventiially you will aeeur a home tin re Why not talta time by the Ion lurk and bu one thele now. bi fore III. prlrea for (lie beat lota are advanced There la nolblna like Noll HII. I. In the Medford an-ttun Tlie w. r mid m w vater main will be In wliltin the n. xi thirty ! and then then will In something "at In liia" in Nnu nil, I. ad dition Walk up loria) and buik It v ar Then makt tracks for St 11. Ninth Central Avenue, ami hu Un lot thai Ulta you beat flu mtlie owners Hi If more convenient cuikult an iiul tat" dealer In iledford and tin will five you (he ownei'a pi Irea foi an bit In lite addillun. Make it Jour i-apt-cial misalon today to Inaut-rt tlieae tola Tin n help to make Medford the i'llv it. uuliful by bulldlna a Melford-t a- liunvalow (Hi the jireltical lot In the addition J-AUMKItS WAR ON BQUIHltrL l'KBTS 1'hAXA, Waah . April IS Tlu fann nra In the vtrlnltv of I'laaa are making a niilii.l ,f fin I lii eiernitiiute the auuir- iwl uat A decreaae In the nuiuU I ut IMiHlrreU la noticed itlriady and ho is Mturt-aiH-d that In a few tear tin t. si vvljl 1m a thina- or in paai Suine faimeia uae alxchnliic In the Krai n and otbera via- plioavwrua Thoi. vvho ua hi i vc Inline rlalm II la lea dun Heroua to M.xk Ibiiu phoaBliorua, i thouk'h it i- .-ni-rally punctlMl that pliuaphoiuK ir ii mure tfeaiily to aqulr fol. A f u ' ' " formers are aulas ulml trai This IIIUVi lit lit Waw the ouli-ome of V (a)iiuH0litutlvi Milbi'a iffoit lo niaii n law nikln! " n fiiai l buii-i tin- peal nil " i s s X nrrt Is Your Interest in the Rogue River Valley? Pianos of Quality Must Come From a Quality Store Would you tfo to a clienj nmdi- store to liny a first -class suit I Would on expect to find costly laces in a racket store Would you take chances Innini;- hiuh-rade rurniturcat a second hand store? No! Of course you wouldn't neither would you no to any hut a Piano House o' known integrity when you want to invest your money in an instrument ou have a riht to expect will last Tor years to come. When you buy a Piano of Hales Piano House you get a guarantee that it will last for years and that guarantee will be good because the house back of it will always be good Temporary piano stores will sell nii most any kind of a music box because when it jjocs wronij the chances are that they will not be in business. We Positively Will Not Sell an Instrument We Cannot Conscientiously Recommend BUY YOUR PIANO OF A HOME DEALER When vou bu an instrument in which hundreds are imcstcd ou should in justice to vourself know where to find the dealer il" ou want him. If you buy of a responsible dealer you can always be assured that he will protect tui in any defective instrument. His own interests will compel him to do this. The foreign dealer simply has but one aim "to sell." Let us show you our instruments, hear them, net our prices and terms and then be your ow u jiuUi-. .4fesf;4j4?F: w. Mr: v . mBmMiiSpisri I' IK-f . Sr i If You Want to Save from $100 to $123 on a Piano injumnmrnauanv. i of the sanu' tiialit to spend your money where you are guaranteed fair treatment and no scheme proposed We will honestly gjvo you more for your dollars ami -cnts when it comes to real piano quality, and we are gauio enough to challenge every piano concern on the face of the earth to disprove our claims. We have just received a carload of mt beautiful unstained quality Sterling Pianos that ever adorned a sales- room, and we cordially invite you to inspect them before on make a selection elsewhere, and if you don't do this ou just take awav from our bank account $100.00 anil give it to the other fellow. M. Our celebrated line consists of the following fine Pianos and Player Pianes: Chickering Bros., I vers & Pond, A. ens, ' M. McPhail, Sterling, Laffargue, Huntington, Mendelssohn, Apollo, Sterling, Laffargue Player Pianos. We sell Pianos, We Tune Pianos, We Rent Pianos, in fact we do the piano business of southern Oregon. " Remember that we have no rents to contend with, and this is why we save you money on that Piano. Our Wholesale and Retail Warcrooms are located at corner 10th and Oakdale Aves Three blocks south from the Washington School WE Save You $100.00 on any Piano you wish to buy s s s s s s s s s l s s X s s s s s s s V s s s s s s s s s s X s s s s -V s s s l s s s s V t& -4 JInaliliiH for II..IMI. J I .-tff.fr-f --t-f intt v 4 ,,,.