Medford Mail m BUNE THIRD SECTION CLASSIFIED $ FORTY-FIRST YEAR. MEDFORD, OR1SGON, SUNDAY, APRIL 1(5, 191 1. No. 21. BLUE ADD GOLD BALL GAME AT THE PASS TODAY Smart Horse With False Tail Thackeray's Daughter Still Lives ERSOH TO TRAILED IN DUS1 1 i I ir.iX,r.iii?SLvtjKiJia?Kft.v wriJoo, . . . f- ,- v. KL-ifc I fc .U " I i -a Stanford Wins Both Races From Cali fornia at Annual Regatta Fresh men Easily Row Away From Cali fornia "Baby" Team. OAKI.AN'D, Cat.. April IB. The Cur illnal triumphed over the blue unit golil In the intor-colleglut regottn hehl this morning between the I'ntviTHlty of Call fiirnla unil Stiinfonl University frohhmon anil varsity crews. The fri'Mliimin victory was tho most lint'i'cHHlvo, the Stanforil youngster winning by two lengths, while tho var sity, after boating the starting gun by a 1-1 of a length were hunt put to win by half u length at the finish. The freshmen covered the throe mile course In sixteen minutes flat, while the ar Mty finished In H:00 1-C. It was tin Ideal duy for tho bit; race, the water being us smooth as glass und tliousaiiils of spectators lined the ImnkH of the estuary and the Webster Street brlilge, where the races started. Tim freshmen took the water at fl 17 a. tit. .Stanford Immediately forced to the front, swinging along at u 44 stroke, while the California crew was going at a 10 oil p The Cardinal shell was half u length to the KOuri at the Webster Street bridge, and after going u mile Increused the lend to two lengths. With this advantage the Stanford boys let up n little and rowed ut a 30 gait while tho Callfoinlu crew liialnt. lin ed the same stroke. The blue and gold sprinted ut the finish and Increased their stroke to 41!, but Stanford came right back with a to stroke and maintained the lead to the end, winning by two lengths. When tho kuii was fired for tho var sity nice the fraction of a second which It required for the sound to carry to tho California crow enabled Stanford to get off In the lead. California started with a 12 stroke, against tho Cardinals 10, but the Stanford crew Increased Its stroke after going a short distance and were pulling along at a 40 clip after covering u mllo while the California stroke had dropped to 3C. Stanford was a length to the good nt tho mile pole and both shells were going smoothly. After going two miles the Stanford crew was a length ami a half ahead, both crews pulling !tG. California made a determined effort to got the lead a quarter mile from tho Prizes i For the For biggest steelhead caught with one of our special flies $50 Rod For biggest cutthroat trout our special flies, $10.00 Rod or Reel For biggest salmon caught spoons, $15 Fishing Outfit RULES GOVERNING CONTEST Fih must be drew-d and lni.iiyht into our store and weighed, catcher making o.-ith that fish the Medford Hardware Company headquarters for fishing upj.ln nf all kinds, and t,ikle, made and guarautcid i - i iallv for the MEDFORD HARDWARE -' 1 . - ' l H ' THE SMART HORSE Uucephalus, one of tho beautiful Aia blan stallions In Orrln Davenport's col lection of equities now porformliiK nt Madison Squaie Garden In New Yoik, met with a peculiar nccldcnt last winter which robbed him of the Kreater part of his riowlntf tall. Whether from vanity of appearance or real Inconvenience tho animal then showed u decided disinclin ation to take tho usual lntorest in his' woi k. After much consultation It was decided that If a woman could have a switch finish and Increased Its stroke to 46 while Stanford was koIiik alonK at a 12 cllp The Callfoinlu crew was K.ilnlnt,'1 for Catching biggest Steelhead caught with one o with one of our k-0 We&xm I WITH A FALSE TAIL made to take the place of natural hatir, why not a hoist's tall So u Parisian hair worker was found who was con fident of his ublllty to make n switch tall .which would In every way answer the requirements of nature, and at the same time bo an ntloi anient. Now the stallion has just ns fine a, tall as any other horse la the Itanium 5- Italley collection, and lie doesn't liavo to worry ubout how he lies down or switches the files from his back, for the new tall Is put on In such n scientific mnniier that It will not come off. on the Cardinal ut the finish but the npurt came too lute and the laurels rest- ',l' with Stanford by half a boat's length River in trout caught on Fly! For the biggest t"kUV.- "-Sftl. V -x2w TS?rj joressBi Court Hall's Invincihlcs Will Cross Bats With Team in Neighboring City Many Plan Automobile Trip to Northern City. Com I Mall's reuulafs will ( ross b'Ui' today with the (iriuits Pass team In the bitter's homo town. The icitul.ii'H will make the trip In automobiles. Iea Ihk .Medford at O'.-IO a in. Ten uiitom Idles loaded with fans will accompany 'the team and will do some good routing1 1 for the boys. The lirants Pass team Is an unknown , quantity up to date, hut from reports .Manager Itoper has succeeded III KcttltlK a Kood team toKcthcr, and mav posslhh 1 slip one over on the .Meilfonl bunch. Pur thi Kood of baseball it Is to be hoped that the two teams will be exonly mutch- i I i il Then the southern Oregon fans will see smile food baseball tills season A (loseh contested Kume Is ul wins later- i estliiK to the fans, and n few such names is sure to largely fuetease the attend ance The lineup ttnltiv and probably batting order, will be: .Miles. :lb; Crews ss, lloitou Jb. Wil kinson lli, Wilson i Isaacs of, Antle If. i Hopkins. Under, rf, Huress, llrtiKlaw p j I .MamiKor Hall will start the Knnie with miiiiik llui'Kess 111 the bo, with a pos sibllit of worklliK HiliKilaw the two last InnliiKS. Manv fans mill some ball pluors won- i 1 r what youiiK IlurKess has on the bull to win Ills KiiinoH In such easy fash ion, und predict that tho first time ho Koes up UKulust u bunch of heay hlt teis that he will be batted out of the box. .Mnnnuer Unit says ynmiK IturKess will fool soiuo of the skeptical onus before tho season Is over. It Is a noted fnet that the heavy bat ters do not hit IlurKess and the only uneasiness ever felt by .Milliliter Hull Is occusloiiul wilduess of Kiiikoss. The ball players cannot undeistund why they do not hit IlurKess more. The most hits any one team not last season in u Kiimo was six, Curly Wilson will bo on tho rooolvliiK oiul for Mcdfonl nndiwill bo a lot of strength to tbe In Mint tuiultlmi Curly Is credited with IioIiik the best catcher lu southern Oregon. With his the Biggest Fish in Cut-throat trout LADY RITCHIE. CMJGHTER OP THACKERAY. William MaLopenco Tliackorny wan born on July 10, mil, anil In July of this year tunny a glncn will bo rnlsod t o the inomory of tlio author of "Vanity rnlr." Ui daughter, Anno Iiabolla Tlinclicrny, who married her cousin, Mr. Richard Tlinckoray Kltcblo, in 1077, nn t Is now known ns Lndy nttclilo, Is ono of tho raost distinguished of living' woman writers, nor "Village on tho Cliff" and "Old Housing-ton" are oxeep tionnl novels, nnd sho Is nlso known as u critic mul biographer. speed and heavy bitting, ho Is sure to bo a great favorite with tho fans. Crews was appointed captain of the regulars by unanimous consent. Ho n a haul worker, good coaehcr ami bus tho expeiieni e. It Is certain n pleiisuio to watch the .Medford In action. Thoy cover 09- 1911 For the biggest caught on Fly! moio Kiounil und execute difficult plays ranter than tiny team .Medford ovur had. Knpor will probably. pitch yilcov ti- dny. Wilcox bus been steadily gutting in conilltlou tho past two weeks and no doubt will do good work In the box. lloitou hAH been bitting tho ball so haul that ho will bo put third on the Salmon caught with 'or second largest i of our special flies, $10 Rod or Reel For second largest cutthroat trout naught with one of our special flies, $5.00 Rod, Reel or Line 'For gpeoutl largcat salmon caught with ono of our spoons, $5.00 Rod, Reel or was caught on flies or spoons purchased from Ifouiic river and its tributaries. COMPANY PLAYJASEBALL Garry Hermann Rules That Star Pitcher of Pacific Coast League Will Be Allowed to Play With Port land Team. SAN FltANCISCO, April IB. Ilenny Henderson, star pitcher or tho Pacific Const le;i;ue, is to bo permitted to piny with Portland. Killing of Otrry Horr maii of tho national commission to thin iffott was received by President ara" hntn of the Pacific lenKiio today. The messngo from Hermann said that nn order hnil tieen Issued to Secretary Kiu-rcll of the National Association nt Professional Kaseball clubs that Ilemler son must bo placed In tho xiiinu category with Tommy Sheehnti and other players who Jumped thu stnto tenguu and that Henderson must bo permitted to play In tho Pacific Const league until his term of "Ineligibility" shall hnvo expired. This menus that Henderson Is ellglblo to play with Portland, from which team ho Jumped. His term of "Ineligibility" will expire with this season. Swopos to Pron Case. KANSAS CITY, Mo., April in. Tho Swopo family, It became known today, will employ special counsel to assist tho state In the second trial of Dr. It. C. Hyde, charged with the murder of Thom as It, Swopo. I'nlted States Senator A. Keed ntul his law partner, Thomas A. J, Mastln, who assisted tho state In tho first trial, will at t lu the same capacity lu tho second trial. MoVonffh Wants Report. WASHINGTON, I). C. April 15. Sec- ii'tury of tho Treasury McVongh wired today a peremptory order to Collector of Customs O'Keefo ut Douglas, Ariz., or dering that official to o.xplaln nt onco why ho had closed tho United States customs house theic. batting list. Ho Is nlreudy a great fa voilto with tho fans. A return gamo will bo played with OruntH Puss it week from today on tho .Medford grounds. As this gamo will bo practically tho opening of tho ball sea son, grent preparations will bo mado for tho game. Rogue Spoon! steelhead caught with one Line c r