MEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OR MOX, SUNDAY, APRIL 16, 1911. PAGE FIVE V X ANDREWS TALKS WITH Fill BUYER Kenneth Day States That There Will Be No Over Production and Has Words of Praise for Rogue River Fruit. fHv VA Andrews 1 While In 1'ciitlHtiil lecently 1 lmil n lonir tnlk with Kenneth I Jay of the firm of SKohel Hay, fiult eoinmlsslon ilenl ors of New York eltv This firm lius hoilKht fruit on the Pacific const for yenr. anil Mr. Pay Is prolmhly one of the hest jiosted men on the fruit situa tion In the United Stnte. Said Mr. Dav 111 stiwtkltlK of ovei-piodurtlon "We Iictird tht cr In lugnttl to wheat when the Pakotan and the northwest teirl tclrlcH weie IipJiik opened up, and wheat was sellhiK at that time at GU cents per liUHhel. The market will be overstocked, Jtnlil the croakeis, and wheat will Ko to II pi lee below uheie It enn be piodliced at a profit. What Is the i exult? The Vast teriltoiv m much feared Is now one Krent wheat field, and wheat In at a higher pi Ice than It has been Hlncc the nKtles, and the woild's visible mipply Is now ticiirl one billion bunhels short, and ho It will be with fruit. In the tlrst place, inanv olstilcts that ate belni; ex ploited as 1 1 tilt piodueeiH will be unluaul of when the spi ulatlw- peilod has pass ed. The w oi Id's maikct foi npiiles Mich us nie nilsvil In the notthwest In Increas ing much' fiiHtei than the Hti))pl. At piesent jotMmvo only two districts In Oievon, nainelj, Howue Itlver and Hood Klvei, tliat are known In the eastern uiaikets. Washington has two or three .such districts, anil C'oloiado one" Haiti I: "Mi. Hay, how do our apples compute with those mined In otMer pi ov en districts "You'ie easily first In New towns." said he, "hut In the Spltzenherj,'. Hood Kher Is better known In the New Yoik inaiket. Wenatchue and Yakima nie mlsliiK a Wlnesap that Is piovltu,' a fltst-clasB luepir and kIIiik the best of mtlsfnctlon While you can raise ap ples, It Is not the tipple that Is destined to make the ItOKile Uler lanious above ntlier dlstilcts. It Is our peats, the eipial of which nie not mised anywhete In the wotld. which will iiuiy our fame to all pints of the ciIHeil world. The Conilee, Muse and d'AnJott vatletles that weto fltst propagated In southern Tianco and the Cornice especially, the pilde of the fanciest rietteh maikets, aie not Kiowu of a iiuallty in their natlvo home eipial to those ptoduied In the Hokup Klver alley. I ltno seen your pears side by side 111 l'atls with those of the satno vatletles grown In southern Ktance and een the Trench connoisseurs had to admit that the flavot of tho Hague Ulir p"ats was supetlot to that of their own. When the Panama canal Is finish ed, on can put even our IJnitlett peats, hit means of tefilgeiator boats, oa the Kuinpeati maikets. Talk about over pi oiluctlon, If llie Kogun Hler alley W'ete omi. vast pear orchnul, as I look iot It to be some day, the frult-eatlng world will futiilsh a teady mntket at high pi Ices for eiety pear ou can t.iisc. I know of no sitter Investment for a man than to plant and propeth cate for a pear on haul In the Kogue Hher valley." RESULTS TELL, Tlioro Can Be Ko Doubt About the Re sults iu Medford. HeHlllts tell the tale All doubt Is tetnoNed TJie tcstiiuoiiN of a Medforil cltlen Can be eutdly lueHtlgiltPil What bettei jiioof can bo had? Mm. J II. lhtussum, Centtnl inenue, Medl'oid, Or, siijk: "I wa so nail with kidney tumble that 1 could not do my hoimewotk My liack was weak and puinftil and In the morning when I got up, 1 WUM latlle and sole The kidney neeretlons weie uiiiintural and tn heal I It Rlcadll.N tun down until 1 was hardly ubtr to get about While Hus king 'Utllg Stole I felt bettel ftotn the time 1 commenced theli use and it was not Iuiik befoio I was cured I ant In it pohltlon to ti commend Doan's Kldnev Pill hlghl) to anyone arfllcted witlt hldiiej complaint " (Htatemunt given ffptetltber H, 1907) A Permanent Cure, When Mis HausHiuu was Interviewed on October 2rt, laou. hIii nlil: "My fot imr iiidoiKi'iuent of Doan's Kidney Pills Willi holds good. Klnce this leilKdy I'Ufd nie I hut j- had no further uttiuks of klilmy coinplulnt ami I huve i-njoid Reed health I do nut hesitute to sa that luaji'n Kidney Pills are exctlh nt i for all difflcultlnj caused by weak kid-m-y " Koj Mule liy all denleis Prlco 50 cents Kuater-.MIlliuin Co, Buffalo. New Yoik awle ag ntM for tin I'nltud Plaits Henwinbei uu. nantt Uottn's and take no other COURT? uas MEwa Marriage ilcensei. O n Hlacklngton and Christiana Hull. lesse L Morgan and Hazel nisle. Hags dale Herbert M lliird and Vlrgle lay Gat w Inkel. Thomas Mndley and Bella May Greer. Mod I. Crocker and Mary A. York John U Palmer and Florence A. Holt. lTL'!) New Caaei. Margaret Hrown s Almlna Wilson, action to icciver monev i: 1). Thompson nnd G W. Wilcox vi O C. Odeu, suit for Injunction. Northern Hrewetv s Hotel Nush nnd .7 1 Uulcly, action to recover money. Probate. Hstulo of Jacob Thompson, Inventory ami appialsemcnt filed. Kstate of Ametica i: Thompson, In ventory and appraisement filed i:stnte of William Owlngs, order to sell teal estate llstate of W W Norman, order sot ting time lor final hearing Kstate of I Hilda Colver, order ills cluiiglug executor. 10 GOO 100 10 Real Estate Trauiforc. Kiln II Stanley to J S. .Stanley, power of attorney Chatles 1) Colby to M J Kmerlck. propel ty In Hoss addition to Med fot il $ IMIth rishet. guatdlan to David II Palmer, land In section 31, town ship 311, range 1 east Adeline Kchoenfehl to 1). II. Palmer 120 acres In section 31, township 30, lange 1 east I'lmer W Smith to Partners' & Pi ultgi oners' bank, 1GS fi3 acres in township 3S, range '1 east lfiSC 30 A I Ihnerson to D K Wood, lots 3 and fi, block 1, Oak Park ad dition, Medfoid 725 Nathan J. Garrett to Judson G Goble, lots 7 and S, block !), Med foid I Judson G Gohlc to Joseph Taylor i t al, lots 7 and S, block 9, Med ford 1 Uogue Itlver Valley ds Co to .1. T Cletiio, land In township ".S, tatige 1 east; agteement Judson G Goble to Lou V Jones, ptopetty in Medford 1 Nathan G Garrett to .ludsoti G Goble et nl, propettv In Medford 1 AV A Cowley to Henry Itllcv, ptop (tly In Cential Plat ,1 K Howard to Medford Puinltuie and Haidwate Co, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, block 21, Medford AV II Dawson to W. D Hodgson, land In township 3G, lango west Clarence V. Denning et u to Julia T Matin, north lialf of southiast tiaiter of uoithwest (punter sec tion 25, township 35, i tinge 2 west Clins D Colby to M. .1. Ihnetick. half of lots 1 and 2, block tl, Itoss addition, Medford 1! P Ilargtave et u to James Hansen, laud In township 38 south, range 1 west James Hansen to H. P, bond for deed. P II Walto to City of Ashland, stuet detd Ashland Mauiifactiiilng Co, to City of Ashland, laud In Ashland O C It It Co to G C Culy, right of way in section 15, township .'111 south, tatige 1 east . . Hleunor Maule to Hairy II Tuttle lot 1. block 1, Tuttlo addition to Medford Y 1. McClum to Fred J Holt, un divided oiie-thltd In southwest Minuter of section 32, township 3.1 south, tnnge 3 west iiall Lumber, Co to Went7, lot 2 block 0, G II Carter et al to J lot 22, block 3, Sabln's S com! ad dltlon to Woodvlrte . . .. 10 3000 1600 ioo W Highland P Neuf. 311 Notice, .Cotlco Is heteby given that the tin- ilerslgneil will apply at the next i.gulai meeting of tho city council or tin iltv of Medford, Oregon, on Atull 18. Pill for a license, to soil spirituous, vinous uml malt liquors In iiiiuitltliH less limn a gaiton tor a period of six months, nt bis place of business nt No 22 North I'l'uiit street. In snld cltj D itid Aptll 7 1911 JOHN IIWtHINGToN Hasklns for Health. OREGON SENATORS AGAIN OPPOSE MR. COLWELL, AVASIHNGTON. n C. April 15 The Oregon aenatorn' Joint proteat against tht appointment bj Prealdent Tuft of Co! well na matertal of Oregon, has again been made in the senate. Kverjone eiiiecu thu nt Judlclarv commilte to repoi t adversely again on Colwella nomination and that tho s. n ate will vole for the rejection of the nomination, aa before If this Is done th Oregon Muatura vuii not rpat their eourteay to th White House by pennlttlng CoUull'a iminu to l withdrawn, PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL to hi: hi;m) in Portland, Oregon, June 5 to 10, 1911 wim, hi; a most urilmant I BIG INCREASE fARM VALUES Oregon Agricultural Property Total in Value Nearly Half Billion Dol larsFarms Growing Smaller in Acreage but Larger in Value. !bfc fPLUMBINGi STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable 2 COFFEEN . PRICE I 23 IIOWAKI) IH.OCIC, EXTUAXCE ON flth STIlUIi. PHONE 303 2 i-M:s;&&ir&&te FOR SALE Eighty acrcB of tlio best land north of Roguo rlvor; 35 acres In pears; 5 ncics In apples; 14 acres to oats; 10 acres to potatoes; 3 1-2 acres to onions, 1 1-2 acres to boots, carrots nnd parsnips; 2 ncres to blarkberrles and raspbeirlcs nnd 9 acres to grass and ryo pasture. This place lias no buildings, but a fine building spot, with n well oC good water, tho entlro place fenced with woven wire; has u. deeded wa ter right which waters the entlro plnce. This placo Is for salo for Just one month; purchnser will get tho crop, team, farm wngon, hack, ono nnd two-horso walking plow, ono 4-horso disc gang plow, ono three horso sulky plow, drnga, harrows, etc. Terms reasonable nnd prlco ABSOLLTELY RIGHT. Inquire at Tribune offlco or ddrcss P. O. 1JOX XO. OH JACKSON VllililC, OHEGON. WASHINGTON, V C, April 13 Ore gon farm laud and buildings total in value nearlv half a billion dollars tins, 57 1,000. Ten years ugo they were worth J13:.33S,000. The lncreuho Nlnce liiOO him been $32l,'.'33,000, or Jt3 per cent. The average value per aero of farm landH and building is $39 01. In 1900 It was $13 It, an lneteane of 197 pif cent These figures are. financial In their significance, and show what wonderful glow tit has taken placo In Oregon slnu 1900 They are taken from a statement IsMUed b) Director Ouranrt of the cen sus bureau, ami will be followed by a statement of the crop nnd nnlmul pro duction which will he Issued later The one Item In the statement, how ever, that carries more economic signifi cance than any other, Is this: The avetago ncres per fat tit repotted In 1910 was 258, while In 1900 the aver age was 2S1 The decrease In 10 ears hns been 2 acres, or S per cent ' Small Farm Good Sign. The smaller nvetage farm Is generally accepted 'tis a good sign of Improving fat mlng conditions It has been con ceded that whenever the largo farm Idea has taken hold In a given region, mil ileal social nnd economic conditions have pre vailed. Throughout tho cast higher ptosperltj has come to all regions which have adopted Intensive farming of smal ler tracts In place of looser fat tiling of lniger tracts Percentage of Increase of smaller ttacts of less than 100 ncies Is vety large Although farms of 1000 actcs or more Increased In number niatei hilly, thelncrease In number of those of less than 100 acres may be regarded compla cently by all who mulct stand that the big farm habit Is not good for tiny state. The increase of the number of the less than 20 acie fauns has been almost 100 per cent, although the Inctease In the number of farms of all kinds In the state lias been only 2fi per cent, from 35,837 111 1900 to I5.12S in 1900. or 9291. Make a Selection of our small cakes nnd specialties nud you'll have a collection of ns tempting nud toothsome dnintics as were ever set beforo a khiR. Don't bo too Into coming for yours, how ever. Wo can nover seem to bnke enough no hiniter how many oxtra wo bako fresh daily. Medford Bakery (SL Delicatessen Tonn & co. south ckntkal avenue HOME-MADE PIES AND PASTRY LADY COOK IN CHARGE. FREE! FREE! WATCH THE REXALL STORES ONE WIStiK .BEFORE EASTER MONDAY, MARCH 10, TO SATURDAY, MARCH 15 Hotel Ashland. The Hotel Ashland will serve n flnn dinner on Haster .Sunday beginning nt noon The dining loom will be beauti fully decorated; the menu will bu In keeping with the day The manage ment will be pleased to see as many or tho Medford people. nH will find it convenient to visit Ashland on Haster .Sunday. N D IIAHUY, 21 Ptoprletor IMPLEMENTS that are satisfactory Hardy Power and Myer's Hand-Sprayers. Gas Engines, Farm Pumps. Mitchell and Studebaker Wagons and Buggies. All kinds Farm Machinery and Planet, Jr. Garden Tools Just Received a New Line of LAWN MOWERS, GARDEN and SPRAY HOSE. Come and See Our Line Before You Buy MEDFORD IMPLEMENT CO. 28-36 N.Bartlett St. Lawton Bldg. Medford Concrete Construction Co. Manufacturers of GLAZED CEMENT SEWER PIPE Corn Cultivators A fine lino including the latest; improved styles in riding, walk--- ing and tonguelessv cultivators, evei'v one !? built along stronger lines; wheels much Stronger than other makes. The Illustration shows the latest im proved horselii't cul tivator. Our prices and values are right. Call and inspect our line. asj Msmrttt. l i L g&.. Wl XitiJRifil. ,. .atTI'W '.XJS. M 2mag,sr HUBBARD svk a j. m JitN. -.-tvi&ZS' I. V . BROS. ' 7 Main and Riverside Ave. MEDFORD, OREGON 4T Mdonl. Ore., Feb 6. 1811. This 1 to certify that about November 1 mv (Uuyhter waa taken with a aevero t. tuck uf rltfumatlam which rentier d In r left arm uat-ieaa. in fact it u go near paralysed that ahe waa not able to move her ftRtera. but knowing of some of Dr. Chow Young's marveloua cures of long standing eases of rheumatUm. w Yielded to consult him. in nhlch I am pleased to say made no mistake, aa his remedies acted as he claimed they would and after the third treatment the r( u nwilc twin entirely left her and she has not had any ytnptoms of rheumatism "Inc. . besides h r general health is much prut mi and 1 do not heaitatu in saying I lieve those afflicted with rheums or paralysis will do well to eon- uu Or Chow Young, whose house is .rn. i "f Third and FVont trtt Med t I '! v '. a r w i - - FLORAL FIESTA! & CIVIC JUBILEE I'nrtlar'l ' Tl e Hi ci ' w 11 1). a s m c ( s I i l r rtntir of v i . I vv, ' I -t f r f ' v' k Reduced Fares to Portland i Fit )M AJ.1t POINTS OH TUB ' Southern PaGlIlG-Lines In Oregon T kes"p erfei tly pot.l on all Impor tant matters relating' tu thin i.-at v. nt call on local aentn for InularH anl printed matter, or write tu , WM. McMUHKAY Oen. ral rasneti(fi vi r t I'. 1.1 J. M nil) trttr r 2 DO YOl KNOW? That NOW is tho time to roiilncc vour old if ro witli n new one. That it will improve tho appcar anco of your properly fully FIFTY PER OI-A'T if tho fenco ia imhl ami propcily coustruotetl. That The Page Wire Fence is hest fiititcd for tho purposo, as it iB inntlo up of the hunt Hijjlt Cn rhoii Stool Wiio that is found in fencing ; in addition to thin, it is the only Ium'u which Iiuh Uiu I'AdK KNOT, and continuoiiH ororfH wire to weave it together, hence it Is The Best Fence that money can liny or modorn Roience pnilut'e. Owinf; to each lino wiro Imiiisr ooiled hoforo tho fence is woven, Vane Fenco is easily elected over hill and through dalew, without the nueoHHity of cutting and spliciuK. It is MADE at Adrinn, Mioh., nnd shipped hv im in rarloutl lots, direct fiom tho FACTORV TO TUB CON SU.MKH, thus inburint; tho Kientewt alue at tho lowest possible prieo. Let us hhow you why you should uc I'.ijjp Fence in prcfcicnco to any othor. Wo furnish, without charge, estimates on cost of iewiri: trar-ts, and contract to build fences complete. Wo will figure with you on .my amount nt lent mi:, trom ono rod to a carload. Jf you aro wantini; Fonce, Gates, or either wv or tclir po-ts, ldt tu iiure with jou. Wo furnish man and tools nnd assist in tho erec'ion of I'.ipe I i o without etr.t cost. GADDIS & DIXON "Tin: I'AOi: n.M u m " piionk subi. Difctnbulors for .outhcni Ou'koii ,ii tl Nuitliern ralifornia. MAIN OFFICE, 134 NORTH RIVERSIDE AVENUE, MEDFORD, ORE. :: I '. p :: 'i :: :; 'i ' ' 'i ' I '. 'p ! ' '. P ' 'I 'I :: :: ' i: i: ', I 'i 'i :: 1 :: :: '. '. CRUSHED ROCK SCREENED CRAVED Delivered to any pari of city. Office: VrtiltKroncrH' Hank llldg. Phono M. 052. Plant North Riverside Phone M. 6091 C. J. SEMON, Mgr. WAqfTPn for Concrete YAttn&U for rck Work SAND tor lMnHterlng Summit Addition THE CHOICE RESIDENCE DISTRICT. All improvements in. Street paved. Cement side walks. Sewer and city water to the lot line. Building restrictions. Only four blocks to the new .Jackson school. East front lots $850 West front lots , $725 Easy Terms. W. T. York & Company Selling Agents. J. B. ENYART, Presidout J. A. PERRY, Vice-President F. E. MERRICK, Vlco-President JOHN S. ORTII, Cdshler ' W. D, JACKSON, ABB't Cashier. The Medford National Bank Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 SAFI3 DKI'OSIT IIOXKS FOR RENT, A GENERAL HANKING DUBININS TRANSACTED. Wo SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. HARRY I,UY I1ENJ. M. COLLINS County Seat Real Estate Office Wo wish to announce to prospective purclintiors that wo still havo Im realns In farm and city propery to offer you, nlso timber and wood lands. Lant, hut not least, n few of tho REST STOCK AND ALKALKA RANCHES In Southern Oregon at prices and torma that will please you. Tlioao ranchos havo an abuntlnnco of wator for IrrlKntlon, good hulldltiRH nnd somo stock. Lot us "show you." Offlco In Rank of Jacksonville llldn., Jiiiksonv llie, Oregon. LUY (SI COLLINS Campbell & Baumbach . lUKTlAUr; liUAJNS, UUUJNT1 WAKiCAHTH, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches j and fruit land. PH0NE323I. 320 GARNETT-COREY BLOti. i-'--rf 44 AMOUREUX" Royal Belgian Stallion will he at the AVKST SI 1)10 STABLES alternating weeks during the season. FIRST WEEK BEGINS APRIL 1, 1911. Second week at Brownshoro; third week at West Side Stable. "AM0RISAUX" carries three sets of papers and breeders will do well to call and see him. t