Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 16, 1911, SECOND SECTION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 10

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ajauiw?itr? v
Short Sketch of Ben Olcott Who Will
Succeed Frank B. Benson Ex
temlflri Experience in Banking and
. mmm
HAKKM, Aplll IT. Hen Oluntt, who
will on Mondny lie appointed nerretm
of HtHto by Oovemor Went, Ih well iputl
lfled for the pnHltlon. lie Ih an expert
accountant, iiml a muster of office detail
and syHtetn. Iln Ih h member of tho
Htnto coimnlHHlon of lmnkerH, anil hIiuhIm
IiIkIi In tli enteein of banking men. Tor
tho last few yearn lie Iiiih elnlniod Hend,
Or. an IiIh home Id' Iiiih ii ranch in
Crook county, of which that little town
Ih the metropollH, and he Iiiih been en
KitKed In puttliiK It under lirlKiillon He
ban miule a wt inly of Irrlk'iitlcin, anil
will be a valuable member on the des
ert laml boaril anil other boarilH of which
the Hpcrelary of Mate Ih u ineinber, by
virtue of IiIh position.
Short Sketch or Life.
Hen Olcott Ih a young inaii behiK the
name mk aH (lovernor WchI 37 lie
wiih born In ICultliNhuiK. HI., anil there
received bin education u biiHlneHH edu
cation. He came to Kule.m fiom Kcltlm
burn In IS'JO, and wiib Klven employment
by William lltown & Co, dealeth In hopH
and wool. AfterwijidH he aeuepled em
ployment In the bankliiK Iioiiho of I. add
& HiihIi.
IlecomliiK attracted by the gold ex
citement In MrlllHh Cohimbla, ho sev
ered IiIh connection with the bank. Af
ter proHpectliiK and mlnliiK for awhile In
the IcIiik'h iloiulnlon, lie returned to IiIh
home at KeltlmhurK and enterud the
bankliiK bUHlnemi with bin father. The
ventiitn wuh a HUCceHsful one, but bin
father In a few yearH becatiHo of ad-
uncoil HBo, iIohImmI to vetlie from active
hilHtni-HH, and 'be liiHtltutlon wiih Hold
noturna to tlio Went.
Olcott returned to the wi'Ht, and UiIh
time It wiih the Hold fleldH In Ahihku
that lured Iilin, and he entered the Her
vlce of Captain Harnett, who founded
the town of PalrlmnkH Captain llainett
Htarled w lint wiih known uh the I'alr-
baiikH company, and Olcott looked after!
IiIh bunking and mlnliiK IntereHlH
After two yenm In AbiHka, he re
lunied to Hnlcm and piircbiiHed n fat ill
In Crook county, near the town of llend,
and liu Iiiih claimed that place iih IiIh
Inline. Hboitly Hfter puirbiiHliiK the
farm. J. Tlioi liurti Konh. preHldeut or
the Title Guaranty - TiiihI Co, or I'oit
laml, WUH Indicted for HlenlliiK the Hlate'H
Hcbool inonej', and (Jovernor Chamber-
it I ii appointed Olcott iih the account
ant to reprenent the Hlate III HettlillK
the affalrH of IheliiHlltutlou.
After HeltlliiK the affaliH of the liiHtl
tutlon with the Mtate. the Mirety eom
pany which went on Him' bund denlred
blH Hervlee In HettlillK Uh affalrM with1
Hie bHllk, and Iih euleietl ltn Mervlces, j
and upon the completion or IiIh wink he
accepted a pimltlon with l.aild A: Tllton
He wiih offend a permanent pimltlon In
thin Institution, but declined It i
Mixna&ea Wait's Conipnltrn. I
He eontlnueil to do expert account Iiik
and to look Hfter the affHliH or IiIh
lunch Tor 30 yeHrw or mine he Iiiih
been a WHim' perHonal rrlend of Onv-i
ernor Went, und when be lecelved IiIh
linuilliiltlon for KOVeilior thoilKh a iepub-
lli'HIl III pnllllCH. he Milllliteeieil IiIh Her-,
Mceti to him iIiiiIiik blH eampiilKU and
became IiIh itmiiHKcr He eoniliieleil a
uhtilHlnd eumpiilKii I'or the iiowiiior,
With the leHllIt that be WUH elected
llonili Arc Likely to rail.
Olcutt'H appolntiueut will doiibtleHH
iniHM a Krent HiHiiy cIimmhih In the Mlule
bonne The Hccretiiiv of Hlate Ih ciih
toillau of tin- HlMte holme and Kluund
He employ u gleal deal or lii'lp Whelli
er thele will be nny ellHIiKeH III tile
benilM or any of the IllKtltlltloiiN It U
too earlv to pieilll't, but Hume Hie fieeH
(Hiked or tudiiv At any rnte mntetlul
clmliged In the dlreetlon or nffiiliH at
Sub m are boiinil to leHiilt HiIimikIi Ml
lit iihuii'm ill u til
lliirklim fur Health
vtSV tWI"1" X
Suit Cases
('nil and sec our line before von hnv.
Suit Cases $3.00 AND UP TO $14.00
Solid weathered oak. Prices only $6.00
to $30.00.
This year we have decided on a new policy one that will he welcomed by
every home-maker in this citv. Pach month we will announce a week to be de
voted to home furnishings and home supplies. hi preparation for that week
we shall draw upon our entire stock for appealing and attractive values as well
as include special new purchases for these occasions. No housekeeper can af
ford to miss one of these Homcmaker weeks. They will he so replete with labor
saving, comfort inducing, and home beautifying items of merchandise that
you will not want to be without them. It will be much to your interest to
vei'y carefully read these advertisements. Note particularly the descriptions
and high value and the vvvy reasonable prices. Then make this store a per
sonal visit where you can verify every statement we have made here.
Our first Homemakers week begins April 17 and will end Saturday, April 22.
Don't miss this big opportupnity.
size, golden oak I'iii-
Uissel's modern fu!
ish, rubber tired wheels, braid surrounds
ase to prevent marring furniture, nickel
Plated. Prices $3.00 to $4.50.
Height H inches, top V2 inches, in pol
ished golden oak. Price . $1.25
Two styles of this always popular addi
tion to the household.
Prom a footstool to a full bedcham
ber suite our stock of bedroom furni
ture will supply you with goods of
tasteful quality and price. Special
values all through Homemakers week.
Food tastes better and the house
looks better for tho addition of our
handsome dining furniture. Pull
suites or single pieces at very attrac
tive, prices.
It is the well chosen
vuv; that brightens and
cheers the whole room
and makes life m o r e
worth living. Let us help
ou to this result during
Homemakers V e e k .
Pine selection and verv
reasonable prices.
Sizes i)x'2 Ax mi li
sters, $20.00 to $30.00.
Tapestries, $15.00 and
P.odv P.russels $30.00
to $35',00.
Pvery woman loves
pretty draperies and ev
ery home looks the bel
ter for them. We have
them here in new season
designs in good to better
qualities. An early visit
means a better choice.
From 50c to
$8.00 per pair
Linoleum is easily
man's best gift to wom
an in the labor saving
line. Easily cleaned, al
ways sanitary. Wears
for vears. You should
not be without this
house help. Mrs. Home
maker, ask to see the
From 60c a yard to
the best inlaid at $1.50.
West Main
i ip i ' j
Agents for
r ""''""'"'"
Here Is a waHhliiK
machine that cverj
woman will bo
JlenbCd with; well
made, easy to oper
ate, Ktioiip, duia
blo; a time, pa
tience and labor
SavliiK mnchluc.
Favorite, eight arms, each 2S inches
long; cuts show drier folded and elevated,
clothes elevated or lowered; made of hard
maple; will not get out of order. Price,
each $1.20
Ideal folding and sleeve board, adjust-
able, strongly made, non-warping board,
IS inches. Prices $2.25 to $3.00.
Agts. for
.tfH&rs-Vfl Z r9
"From Pillar to Post"
teateg - A
ou nm go looking lor a concern who tan turn out better
or more artistic null work than we can, but ou will be
certain ol failure. W'c arc at home in even detail of the
business, and our designs and I hushed work arc regarded
ms models b, competent ardnU its and builders. Ml kinds
of turned woodwork done to specification at verv reason
able prices.
A Good Easter Job
of remodeling or improving your house will be insured
if ou ciuplo.N our paneling, wainscot ings. grill work and v-
other mill work. They will gie our house a finish far
.superior to any but the most cxpenshe handwork from
which it takes an expert to tell the diflerence.
''Kiwi iWk '? tt3
!ij. Vi W J 1 I I I 'Ml
Medford Sash & Door Co.
Corner 11th and South Fir Streets.
Medford, Oregon
, tmt