M;lB.''-a'-v y ' PAGE EIGHT MTCDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MT3DFORD, OR EG ON", FRIT)AY. APRTL 1 1, 1911. UOLE CLUB TO UUILDJT ONCE Directors of New Club Hold Meeting at Which Development Plans Arc Discussed at Some Length Work to Start Soon. ELEVATOR FALLS VERY NUMEROUS IS HURT Housewives Arc Bciiifj Troubled' Hotel Mctlford Scene of Another Ac Mrs. Carey Sells to Dubuque, Iowa Clothes and Food is Being Asked Arc Unfavorably Inclined Toward Jobs. cident Second Man Is Badly Bruised hut is Not Seriously Injured. Men Tract is Planted to Pears and Apples Fifty Acres Alreaay in Ocarina. imi ! Risk Lives Daily In Fight With the Plague I-1B0 ACRES ARE ii, nl SOLD: 860,000 S A NOW V MN ,. JS& V wC "0 f fe HmiHcwIvi'N In vatluiiH pnrin of llic oily are beliiK troulilwl coiiHldprably ilur- fill,' till' IHJt Wl'fk Uj' llllllDL'H who come to tlio Imck iloor nml Iok for clotlioH. TIioho men iiro not content to iiok for food oh In tliu UHiinI ciihch but alwnyn link fur hiiooh, InitH mid oilier artlok'H of wenrliifj nppnrcl. Tlioy nhvtiyn want Homrtlilnr bettor limn tlioy bavo on anil alwayn bavc a Job rcnily for them If tlioy can iniilui u liroHcntablo uppoaranco. riaxiT IS EXPECTED ON STATES' ADMISSION An fli'Milor containing two mon anil a loud of tirlelc foil at llio Hut. I Med ford thin tnornlni; from tbo flint floor to tbo liuHi'iriont Ono man, .lolm Uoarborn who tlvi'is at tbo corner of fourth anil Ivy HtrootH liml tin; lionon broken In IiIh left fool. Thto olhor man wan Hevercly brulHoil but no HorlotiHly Injured I Dr. Porter wiih caloil and nltended Denrborn. I lo HtutoH that tlio Injury Is painful Iiuh no complicated foaturcH WASHINGTON, D. 0., April H. A Wk flKht ovor the ndmlsHlon of Arizona mil New Mexico to Htntoliood Ih expect oil. Chairman Flood of tho hounn com mittee on territory named today a Hub emumltteo to iIIhciihh their ndtnlRHlon. 1'roHldent Tnft nt onco notified Klood that ho wnH iimwIIIImk to foroKo the prlv Hoko of paHHliiK on the coiiNtltutlotiH of tho new KtnteH, anil thero In every prob dblllty that n Imttln betwenn tho demo trulH and tho president will bo tho outcome. Banco la Planned. Tim local iiiiihIcIhiih union are plan iiIiik for a ilanco to be rIvi-ii In the larKe ball loom of tho Nutatorlutn Wailncn day vvunliiK, April 20. A 20-plcco nrchcMm, the larKOHt ever heard In Mod ford, will furnlwli the lun ula Tho proceodH aro for the bonefll of tho union and a Konoral Invitation Ih extended to tho public. nninE attempts are CIIABOED IN NEW YORK N'i:V YOUIC, April II. When tho Hlate li'KlHlature le-conveneH hero next1 .Monday thero Ih every probability of an InvcHtiKiitlon Into allowed attemptH to bribe li'BlHlatorH to vole for William V Kheohun, Muring the deadlock which end ed with tbo election of JuiIko O'Clortnan n United HtnteH wnutor. AHHomhlyman ArtemiiK Ward, who dernanilH a probe of the Honatorlal con tent, declared that two aHHvmhlymon of fered to pay $10,000 for each Ubeohan voto that could bo Hocured. LIIIIIIIBislsifcraxBlfflr'jt umtmcpcm atfa&MS-n,: .ms&v&$BaKm &mmmiaG&mKmLm,WHgmt illlllllllHilKllllllllllllVr' BHUHHHlllW "UllWillllllllllllVilllllllllllr fc VHIIKHX. nP JslwlililllHrHfilllllllWflilllBftflllllllllllllVB aHHHHHAilllllllV FUAGOEi B'lGHTE.RS AT HAT 'I TABOLOrNY-JS fr IN CC'rKJl?. , "ETC JABOLOWiT. .SE;COMD ON 1?, RIGHT., I5R. WU L,LE;ir-Vt:H , I Another larRo real ehtalo deal wa.i consummated Thursday when C. C 'THelilrKl and 1J. l'. Alio of I)ubiiiUe, la., became the owners of the famous Cury orelinrd. The now owner." expect to take possession at once. I The tract Is located about five nrtd one-half miles northeast of .Medford and 'consists of 100 acres of fine black sticky soil The entire tract Is planted to np- 'pies and pears, two y,ars of hko and up, with about CO acton In full bearing. The orchard immediately adjoins the fam ous 401 ranch. The purchase price was JC0.000 nuil the new owners are more than pleased with their bargain. Tho l.lnooln-ltarnoburK-lIoke company mado the deal. The directum of the Country ?lub, which owns a larpe tiact of land cast of the city, met Thursday afternoon for the purpose of ' adopting development plans. It was decided to stnrt work at once on the erection of n country club house and proparltiK KOlf links and ten nis grounds. UHUATEK MEDrORD CLUB TO OIVE A MUSIOAX.E Tho UtdloH of the Greater Medforil club on next Wednesday, April 1!), will Klvo a musleale at the Natatorluiu. All aro Invited. Admission 'U coots. OhnrM-ed With rraud. IMOKIN', April 12. "The only i-cr-tiiin tliiiiioslicinii in (his dihcitc i doatli," remarked mi I'liiiiienl plisi- ciitii who lins been in the midst of the fight on tlio pln'iio in the north. lie meant that in niaiiv crimes tho idi.vsieiaiis liavc been in doubt whelh- I er n man jindor obeiMition bad or had not the plague up to (he nioincnt j that death proved that lie had. Tliis uncertainty is probably rc 1 sponsible for the lack of that specific i information concerning symptoms de j sired by tlio medical world. Dr. Wu Lien-Teh is the chief jf ' the Chinese organization. FIRST ALASKA COPPER COLORADO TO KEEP ;ELKS TO GIVE BIG IS NOW IN SEATTLE TAB ON CONSUMPTION. DANCE Dnll Plixyer Dad. CM:Vl-:iANP, Ohio, April It. The fu noral of Addle Josh, star pitcher of the Cleveland Americans, who died early today will be held here Monday. Until late last nlKht thero wan no Indication that IiIh lllnoHH would prove fatal. ' IIuudredH of teloKrnms of condolence from players, imiKtmtcH and baseball faiiH have been reeolvod by Mrs. Josh. , A 1 111 H Whalen Injured. TACOMA, WiihIi.. April II. Jimmy AVIinlen, one or the Tluers' pitchers, will bo out of tho Kiitiio for n week or IntiKnr nis a lesult of Injuries sustained In yes teulay's prnetlee kiiiiio. Whalen severely wreiinhed his left let" while sllillni; Into homo jilutp. It was at first thoiiKht his lei; had been broken, but examina tion proved the Injury not an hoi Ions. HIIATTI.U, Wash.. April 1 1. V Colder, 7lfi West Washington street. boon arrested by United Htates Maishnl Anderson and chai'Kod with Inline as sociated with J. A. Kettelwoll or the Hremerton navy yaid pay office In a conspliacy to dofraud the Kovornmeut by iiiIsIiik bids on supplies. 1'. If. Wheeler, a salesman, and 13. R Meyer, a nnvnl pay clerk, aro nlmi beliiK lielil today anil other aricstH may follow, It Ih said, Tho specific charKo iiKalnst Conler, who Ih liead of tho W. A. Confer !3n KlneerH Hupply eomiiauy, Ih raising a bid from J108 to J UK and pocketliif,' tho dlf feienco with ICetlolwell. CENTJIAI. rOINT ITEMS. Endoraa Direct Eleotlou. MOKTON, Mass., April 1 1. My a vote of 10(1 to .1.1 the Massachusetts (Ileal and Oonoial court In the state house of representatives today endorsed reso tlll.ons faxorliiK the direct election of t'nltml Htates senatois. The seuato Iiuh not yet acted. At the last mission the Iioiiho (xissed tho measure, which was later defeated In tho seuato. Bun Qitlntln Captured. HAN UIKfiO, Cul.. April 1 1. Captain Vivian of tho llrltlsh Kuuboat Khoarwa tor, which ai rived this mninitiK, leports the enptiiro of Kan Quliitlu by tho Mex ican InsuiKnnts day berore yestenlay. Tim two miMtoms offlchilH at San Qmni t tit. Atchote I'Hlaehle nml It. II. (aUa. elalmiHl piolootlou under the llrltlsh fins' and went on hoard tho Hhearwalor for IlnHiinaila. Captain Vivian says the robelH bail an unlimited number of horses and had evi dently tallied the mnehes on their maieh to Halt Qulutln. Tim KtiiilsKit nailed after the arrival of the Insurieetos. HtnpptiiK at Kiisou ada, the Khnarwntnr landed the two Mex ican officials and continued on her way to Han UIoko. Twenty-four or more of the Ashland council of the ICiiIkIiIh nnd Ladles of Kecurlty vIhIIoiI the Central Point coun cil on Wednesday evenlnif. Ily re itiest of the Central Point council the visitors took ohm ko of tho IoiIko room for tho evenhiK. AmoiiK the Ashlauit people ireseut were Mrs. HrlKKs and Miss ItrlKKH. Mr. and Mih (llllette. Mis Whitney correspondent uas unable to ko) the names of (he lost of the Ashland vis itors, aecoiupanyluK tho Ashland party were Mrs. WIiir. Mih l'ny and Mr. I.autou of Medforil. Mr and Mrs. Huffum ami iIihikIiIit or .MiMirniil ueie MsltliiK friends here Wednesday Mis l.uey Williams. Miss Mlldiod llllntt. Mr and Mih C C. Hall and MIsm Campbell wiiii Modfonl IhIIoi-h TIiiiim ilny uiorului; Mr and Mis .1. Ktanley of Colorado stopped off heio Wednesday oven In k and spout the nliilit with old time friends, Mr. and Mis ,1 l. Parker, and Clarence Whaiton They loft for Poit hind Thtnsdiiy uioinlnK. Henry Head and wife spout Thurs day In (irauts Pass II II IIiiiiIm of Gold Mill was hcic on business Thin sday l( 13 l.edford and his mother, Mim Coop spent Thui sday In .Medford HKATTU3, Wash. April II Copp, i Ih III iik In .Seattle toila Amid the flashliiKs of seriiclillKhts, the linrMliik' of reilal bombs and the soundliiK of whtritlos Ioiik the water flout, the sloamor Knrtbwostoiu, of tbo Alaska tKoamshlp company. Captain O'llrlou, last nlKht euteied the haibor with her oarKu of 110 tons of copper ore, the first shipment In tho smelter The oie, valued at approximately J 'J 10,0110 Is about TO per cent copper, the t lohost ever taken out of an Alaska copper mine tl wiih mined in tho llo 111111711 mine at Kcnnccnti, Alaska, tho toimlnuh of the Copper Ither - North western milt nail The steamer brought "I cabin and II HtccniKo passeuKols lleslilos tho ore Hhlpment tho vessel had a Iiiiko ship ment of fresh fish MKNVi'lt cul Apnl II Tubercular t path nls coiinni; lo I'ener after toda I litti i-ct ie)nrl to the state health au- thoHllos as a result of tho Hasty hill suffer-passed "TADI.E nOCK TTEHS.' Iliisslns for Health. Last Saturday nlKht Mr and Mrs. Corlleso nave a party In honor of their noil, I.oyd's 17th birthday, a niimbi r from Modfonl and Auate besides the yoiiMK people fiom (IiIh vicinity Wele proHout. (Jiuiiet, slid ibiucliiK woio In iIuIkoiI In lifter which lofioshmoutH weio solved All leport IihnIiik an enjoyable time. Colonel Washhitiu, .1 C Pemlh'ton nml .1 H. I.ydhiid unie In .Mtdfoid on busi ness this wofli. Simdav the Collins brollieiH and fam ilies weio out fiom .laeksonvllle vlsll llik' with H C Colllim and Incidentally eolohratliiK blrthdajs , Tho Table Hock ublle school Is phinuliiK n plenle lYldn Mih It. C WaHhlnnn ontei lulnod a numhor of 1'rleniU Tuosda. afieiiiuiiii Mr and Mm Clmpinun of Amiuoii and Mis muiI Mm .lobn Vlneoni d ,laeksnullle were Table Itoek Msllois Sunday l'3ail, Miij and llodnoy ulson wite in .Medforil tho flrnl of tills week IuivImk' dental work done , 1h'i VIiii out eanio up from Marsh flebl it few iliiyn sgo and Is MhIIIiik with bin pHlolltH bote llnvkliiH for Health for the roKUlatlou of pcrsonH ho; with tiihetculosls which final redlni; In the house. Tho measure calls for physicians to topoil all tubercular patlontH to the health authorities and landlords must leport all tubercular tenants. Health officers mo kIvoii sweeping powers re UinclliiK the illslnfectlou of premises oc cupied by tubercular persons. Notice. Itoall.InK how utteily Imposlblo It would be to loach each one personally I am desirous of optcssliiK (bo heart foil thanks and Kiatltudo of myself and my little family to all our friends for their evpioHslon of sympathy and lo-Ki-et at our terrible loss. Truly the heai t of Modfonl Is lurKo. 1!0 AHT13MA.S W. I13.Ni:. The local order of Klkn have Issued Invitations for a Kinnd ball to bo held In tho larKO hall at tho Natatorluiu on the ovciiIiik of faster Monday. Ovor COO Invitations havo been issued and n lame attendance is expected. All vlsltlm; I3II(H will bo admitted on their cards. Although n larKO number of Invitations have been scut out. It is feared some of the 11. P. O. 13. havo boon missed and all aio lven to under stand that a Keneral Invitation Ih ox tended to all members of the order, and their piosenco Is cotdlnlly Invited. The I31ks have prepared for ono of thu largest ilanciui; parties of tho season, and UiiKelilKK'H oichestra of ten pieces Iiuh boon ciiKiiKod to furnish tho music. Kntieo will bo at S..10 o'clock. Hnsklns for Health. Hotel Ashland. Tho Hotel Ashland will servo a flnn dinner on liaster Sunday liPKlnnlnR at noon. The dinlnK room will bo beauti fully decorated; tho menu will bo In koepliiK with the day. The inannKe ment will be pleased to see hh Mutiny of the Medfoid people as 'will find It convenient to visit Ashland on ICaster Sunday N. D. IIAHDY, 21 Proprietor. LITTLE BALD SPOT DuVo Near Dentil. l.ONIKIN, April .1,1 I'enr that th" class ul the Duke of ConnauKht are numboroil Is Konoral here today follow -Iiik the announcement that KlnK (iooi'ko's uncle Is In a Herlous condition through a bioncblal affection similar to that which killed KIiik Kdwaid. The I )uke of CoiiiuhikIiI'h advancing years. It is foaied. almost precludes tho pos sibility of his locovory Hilfklns foi Health If You Want Ono Don't Ask Chni. Strang About Parisian Dago. If P.ulslau SaKo won't stop that little bald spot from spreading nothing' In this world will. Kahluoss, thin hair and falling hair aro caused bv dandruff Kerms. If you have dandruff kill the koiiiis at onre. Paiislan Saue Is Kuarauteod by Chns. StiniiK to kill dandruff nnd itchlnc Moalp, or money back. It Is a dainty hair diessluic that will mako tho hair bright ami insclnatlni;. LarKO bottle SO cents. Sold In every town lu Amoiicn. The Klrl with tho Auburn hair on every carton. Geo. W. McMillan's Life In surance Policy in Oregon Life On -March 31, 1911, Mr. Geo. W. McMillan, President of the McMillan Grain Company, was examined for life insurance b' Oregon Life, lie passed a first-class exam ination. , In settlement of the first .year's premium the soliciting agent accepted a note payable in thirty days. In due course of business the policy was issued and sent bv registered mail to Mr. McMillan on Friday, April 7, 19.11, at 6:15 P. M. On Friday, April 7, at G:10 P. M., Mr. McMillan was accidentally .killed by being run over by a freight train, a short distance from his place of business. On Sunday, April 9, funeral services over the remains of Mr. McMillan were held. On Monday, April 10, a check for 5000.00, the full amount of his policy in Oregon Life, was paid to the widow. Mr. McMillan carried insurance in six other companies, and they will undoubtedly in course of time pay the respec tive amounts due on their policies, but Oregon Life Insur ance Company, as always, was first to pay. gr If our agents do not reach you, write, phone or call. Home Office, Corbett Bldg., 5th and Morrison. Portland A. B. CORNELL A. L. Mills, L. Samuel, District Manager President. General Manager. Medford. My skillful fitting and adjusting will satisfv the most critical. DR. RICKERT Eyosight Specialist. Over Kentnor's. b PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed IMcob Reasonablo COFFEEN & PRICE 'Jo HOWAHI) IJI.OCK, IiXTRAXCK OX fltli STUUKT. PHONE 30.1 &4 t--- i -- ----.- -i . Men's and Ladies' Silk Hosiery 35c a pair, 3 pair for $1.00 SILK FINISH LISLE HOSIERY 25c A PAIR Men's and Ladies lOcjiial to any :15c Nose in the city. All sizes to select from and several weights. Also in ladies' out sizes. LADIES' SUMMER UNDERWEAR l-'mc ,lii'M' rihbnl Vests, 25c EACH. KVgulnr and nwtsizes. Ladies' I'liion Suits, 35c TO $1.00. The price may be the same but you will see iuite a differ enee in our qualities. HOSIERY Two pairs for 25c--Ladies' or misses'; any size; colors black and art brown; a quality you can depend on. l Wo will put on sale hero tomorrow, for this one day only, our lino of men's and ladies' fino gauze silk Hose, with hea'vy linen heol and too, and a fine mercerized garter top, making them extra strong whero tho wear is hardest. Mon's or ladies' in all sizes, colors black or tan; usually i 75c quality. Remember, their in for tomorrow only, 35c a pair, 3 pairs for $1.00. NOT OVER THREE PAIRS TO ANY ONE PERSON. rlUSSJEY S EASTER CARDS, EASTER NOVELTIES. BUT YOU MUST HURRY. FANCY COMBS HAIR BARRETTES HAIR ROLLS HAIR NETS BUST RUFFLES HOSE SUPPORTERS FANCY TOILET PINS RIBBONS OF QUALITY Our qualities, like our pricrs, a iv always right. BOYS' MISSES' INFANTS' 25c HOSIERY AVc arc not satisfied in giving just as good; we want to give you the best 25c Hose to be had in .Medford, and most of tho.M' who have tried our ho siery toll us they are the best -5 hose in town. A MAN.S HOSE Thar will wear equal to any 2.V hose in the city; all sizes from 9o to 111.,; oolors black ami tan; 15c pair, two for 25c .. n r-Sft s. .- -''""" "" ' -- i