WWWWWCTrtlMii' . -v PXGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRTTUNI3, MEDFORD, 01? Ml OX, FUI DAY, APKFL 11, 1911. WASTES MILLION vv .Ci-ir II . , To Attend Conference fiJrfcIffwiiiMJJwgJMatfJryJMnmnrjf fl T O t -ip r F"1T A T 1III6 r yjKJ i ON ROAD BUILDING If .wii h,iy been n user of thli f.imoiis baid h"at flour ou will not i.ii u.tsle time with m v.- binniR This flour lias w sold in Med fnt (I and vicinity for yiars .".ml luindrods of the best fami lies know that it 1b almost perfe't for all kinds of baking. They know It i:: s-olil tit a reasonable price and every sack guaranteed or inoney back. If yott ttro. disuntlsfled with your flntir. try "I'uro WUlo," a flour tlitit most all old residents know ly expeiutice to bo fifpl-das1?. If you don't like it you don't lo?e a eent. Report of Good Roads Commission in lllnois Creates Stir Says Lo o cal Authorities Do Mot Know How to Better Hiflhways. . that wears Every Pair Is Right lii-lij in style; right iis io Ioathfi; riht jis to toos "incl IjocIs; right as to price. You will he a ssitiafiod custouicr of this store from the lime you buy your fii'st pair of shoes hero. InBHff Hn ifisBK' 'W : 'IBS II It Ham itetfL , -ma ..ZlAtxM: Hi r ' SlMlINGriKt.D. 111., April 1 I Aa mirllni; tliitt more lliim ?10,000,l)00 la wanted Hiiiuiully In Illinois by town nhlp load ooinmlmloiiem and IntliiiiU- Inif Hint pelt' Kraft hiiiI politics play nn Important rolp In tho allotted whsUi fill expenditures, the report (if the Goad Ko.uIh commlaalon created by lliu IiomI loRlnluture, Is before the hotiwe Tor uu tlnn today. Tht- teport fwyii In part: "So Ion an tin- prcMont system of ImivltiK the '" anil exclusive control of the lilgliwuy to lncnl communities wild tlirlr town hlilp or roftil dlHlrlct commissioners con tinues, Hit? preaeiit system of potty Krnft on tlio prt of those onininlas'Uin era ami tlii'lr nntelllten will continue. Tlio roiniiilHilon ucoiumciids state control. GEI.8 TAB 01 SPEED OF SMALL MOLE CULES CIIR'ACIO, HI, Aim II II. follow Iiik lliu Important dlHcovury of n hh)1 Io ineiisutu tlio speed of molecules which compose all mutuiiiil MuhstuuccM, It A MlllaUcu of tlio University of CIiIcuko Mild today Unit Iki expected noon to In utile to IIIIIIOIIIICO till! HpBllll Of IlinlcCllh H 111 pructlonlly all common substances, such oh Iron, wood and Klssa. In un nounuliiK his tllscovoiy Mlllakcn wild that lie laid iiNCortalnud thai tlio Kan molecules a ro In tnpld motion con stantly. Mlllukou'H discovery Ih tlio second lin portant ono to be inado by members of tlio physio department of tlio university: tlio other Iiulnir u method of mcssurliiK tllO Speed Of llKllt llllldo llV 1'rofoHMOI MIcIiiii'Ihoii, for which lie wan awarded lliu Nolie! pil.e CELBERATES BIRTHDAY BY GIVING COIN AWAY CHICAGO, III, April H -1) K leai sons today celebrated hlfc-jjHt blrtlidny by KlvlllK $IUO.U0O to the American board of foreign uilwateits: $ltfl).G0O i Helen college III Koiituuliy; $26,000 to Doulio 0(dlee In Nebraska anil JTft.OHti In smaller glfta With the gifts todMy I'aninon'H dona- HoiiH to colleges and other Institution reached the total of IU.900.08U Aft. i niikliiK publlo IiIm Klfla today, the niuM lilllloiuilli' and plilliinthropll iinnoiiiu'i .1 that lie would null;.' no furtlnr ilmiu IIoiih SB .M'OS .ssfflwt $$0pf3- is EC rrtmMWii &&8MM&&nmp " N MMmMMMMMmim mm V 9 1 liM lllll ! 'nWMi III 1 i'f HiBliI llMI d 0 " U UtX12fl ' ". 9 rTin-i-gfiriTKMgrai.miiiiiffrinaiiMt,,! i,i,ii,mim - i i ,Vif Iff w mnrrl . AtAiiLvm IW , niTTriLiwui..., i. ..7JrTi.L7Fr' y- i' T vrzvhV:i ' 'Hiv.- imiP3 DMmefide4cBi Mmsssa ELLD David 7 FooTjrjR, DnvJit J. 1'oiitor of Vermont, Charles I. .icou of ICanocs and Victor It. Oliuotod, statlatlclnn of tho ilopurtmoul of agriculture, liavo boon soloctoa by Frcsldcnt aft to norvo on a flolosratlou to nttond on the part of thu Unltod Htatos tlio lntornatlonul ntfrlcultural couforeuco nt Home, which bocliis r.Iay 14. 4- -f -t- f e- -f -f -f COMMUNICATIONS. - Ht f To tho IMItoi I uaM lathei aniUBod wlieii In lMt nlKht'H Tribune 1 lead the Interview Mr. HtHPimtrup lind with a lepieHt'iilatlvi' of the evenlliK paper. Ah a pioKiftKMlvo eltlxuii ot .Med fold I love my lioine town and would ilo any thlliK In my power to fuitlintr Mm pniK ii'hm and nutlvll). Together with nil patriotic and pi-okiohm IovIiik i'ltl'X'iiH of Aledford, wo ball the now ear wlili h Mr. SteeiiHtrilp plilliM to inn between thlH (It) ami JackMouvllle dm h dletlnct Haln to oui t'ominunlty. The i canon kI en foi the putting on of the new ear. hoeer, doen Hot reflect muill cmmIII upon the piojoetor of tho enteipilMe The tilpM to .iHokeouvllle will be for th puiioHe of "tuklnif euro of the UlielneBS men u ho mo only nwnltliiK trnimpoi tn tlou before umkiug their lioinen In that eetloil Mild ilotlltr bilHlueMH In Medfoid' .Mr. Kteenairup lift-nt lj' IhIIvpii In mnkliiK III h money here mid mpoiiiIIiik It Oldeullere. ami would hile othi'IM Lelle c In It If po-o'lble. My friend. I think J on are iiiIhiiIk'!mk tl HterlliiK itunlltleM Hiul (biiiiutii of our people unit we an uilliitK to forKHe voil rh you uio ipilte new In thoHc jinrtN. Medford'tt eltlene nre too pntilotlc and too loyal to their town to bo Kullty of the outiuh'o of makliiK their money hero and spending It clHewhete. If Medfoid la Kood ciioukIi to do bundled lu It Hlioilld iiImo bo Kood iinoilKh to llvu In. 1 do not bolk'Ve lu bojcottH or any mucIi violent methods, but If J did 1 would ndvocate them n a menus to brltiK those to their Menwe who believe lu "mukliiK their lioiueB In thai Mectlon nlld iIoIiik hueliieWH In Med ford." K. 11. VAN CI.A1UCNHCK. MEANS MERIT tu !;-, iiu r... 5iWX ilK "Ullloll VTJIU SIIUWb J-3i5,1y T,'' w,mnn wll() l'W3 wlitifs what "T. ' "MWiiW Ll I ,..1 .. 1 ., .!.. . u' in i it- -in urn fiiit-ui nun pi I'Hurviii iuii of 1 ot bounty Is tlio unman wlio docs nul oxiiPi'IniPiit with lii-r hair or com lih'xlon hhc knows tliut at MARINELLO SHOPS ilio will iccclvo the export and hrlentific troatnpn s that Imvo made the naino Miti'lnello so fainoiiH.. Sln knows Unit ."Mniinello costnutlcH are made of the purest materials by skilled Chemists. Appointments may be made by Telephoning 1 1 1 OK CAMM ING AT ROOM 5. OVER KKNTNIOH'S. CORA E. UTLEY ORAIHWTW MAIiMXIOLLO OPERATOR. r $ a f B-Aani IlPiilljIrl A mi QwJasP JU&v Tie ninny good qualities pi oven for this coffee lias n a host of sat M ted it lends. ft I I 00 I II :i RUTH CIATIIU, AVIAIK. FPCKCSa-PAJ ----.w' -:.. i .t n 4BXTT71 'I- k VJXVJOUlPkAltft.- S 5""zStf. VJf"i . .-'- A Mcdford BaRery TODD Al CO. HOME-MADR PIRS AXD PASTRY Make a Selection of ottr stniill eakes tud spucinltios niid you'll Imvo ti collodion of ns toniptin mid toothsome tltiiulics as wcro ever set before a ltin. I) "i'i I)e too Into eomitig for yours, lmw -ever. We etui nuvor seem to b ln enough n matter how many c.ti i wo bake fresh daily. (EL Delicatessen SOI Til CL'XTUAL AVHNUl.' LDY COOIC IX CHARGE. va m mrao UM&AJZtinmmmamnuzriLirrmrj?Mir &wiRVNctn imkbajji itrm v---- 4- -f - NOTICE 4- f f t t f --- -f TO PltOPEllTV OWH-EltU. All pailicH dcHiilllK )il Kale diheaH an hMl iiolilied to pei-MomilU il. ii e ibelr applica tion with the. city engineer at loud! two iI:ivh befoie the cuibH are to bo built lu front of their propel ty. TIiIh Ih enn-utlul foi after Hie curb men gut by It will be tix. Into. ou:n AitN'si'inicit. City Kiixlueer fIHHHt -frf Medford Iron Works K. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engine?, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon 'for . FAI21BANK8, HOSSS & CO. BUILDING SPECIALTIhS COMPANY :s:; xoijtii ii.i:ri,i:rr st. lull line of Mixed Paints, Leads, 'id. and Y.irnishes,. Complete stock ol Cilidth' Crcos'ite Shingle Stains, Won I Til's, Dry Paints and Kalso- III I It '8. ('.ill ut 4 ho Sign of the Sun and get our prices. .'!:: XOHTH MARTLinT ST. MARTIAL LAW IS MI'SCATINIJ. Iohh. April II -Willi tin urrlwil here lixlitx of two eoiiipnui, -of inllltlH from Hiivenpoit and W'rtuh liiKtoH. Iohh, iimrtlal law turn cliiliii.l lu Mllhi'Mtlno. ltlnttllK "HN Ifenei'iil hen durlliK th lilKhl and inuny peimum Vteu liijllied Hiul niueh daniiiK" mm don. lb" outbrcukit of the Mttiklnii button miikcm INDIOTMIJNT AOAINHT BANKint IB UISMISSIM) HolrtK. Ida, Apt II U - The Indict In. hi uifitlUKt William Ketlenbueli. foi mil plieldeiil of the l.eWtMlon Null, in i bulk, who ui ('liitiued jointly wl'l I i itnk Ketletibiuih with uliHttm lint. funilH front the tuiiik m dUiulKNed to duy on ittotloit of Ihe counnel for tin t:"vernitient Theliidlrtmenl wiin dlHiiiUHed follnMlm a rullntr l l-Vtlerul lude Hunch lb i the KOVerilinent rotlbl not legully Indl.'l lvettenbuch on uccount of the tlllltllte of limitation Wlllluui lCutleiiluirb ulreiuty etand ennlcti'd of fulelfyintl reit to tin iumpli oiler of the current') ami m tin tier Hontenor of five erH liupi laoiimcui In l.oveiitoilh frderul prUou Tile ruling of tin- couit itocn not nf feet the (lute mhuIiimI I'mnk Kettuiilueli dMUDQC TOTS DBIVE ritOHT AWAY (Continued from l'e 1 ) of the valley na low aa 23 deree. the Ixtttle with the froat Hint mm meat MUOCM None of tho nrrharda of tin valley report loaaea today. The cold apelt atarled In the rath bourn befoie dawn and continued until C o'chwk. MinudgliiK waa general TJle coltb'at weather wa experlenred neKr Central 1'olnt. where tl waa torn n otl. AUoui Medford and In the vallev toward Aahland It wne about SI Hinudje tota were fired at an nii hour and were kept burning until aft.i HlllirlBe. TemperHlutcH In the oribuid" WQro raised from five to eight degieia rjgtlio eiiiiutulug may be needed to nlBlit. Watili for wainlnga. ljP-PWVrjJfJ'ril.l'P'i a. kJP nCiL iL Si jl JL JL y jf m SHEET MUSIC f A COPY iHt ATTH Hi ft ffl if 1 1 Jm 2f ST flood Would Suaenfranchtiie Nirroa, N'jSlM'nTtN O c April It Tin (lliifnindlilHeiiieiii ot i be negro la the oi. ilfl of u bill lotiod in I In the hoime to J&tft Hmdwlek of tluV bj" HupieHentati ClUotpUJ. IlurdwIOk'H mejBi - i ropoae that the following utneiidm i aubmltted to the Htnto lgglHlalui ' rat I float Ion "Tliut tho Hth u nt to Ihe Con- Htlttltloll Of tllO IJllit"! Htetea be ami ll hereby- Is repouled." UaaUliiB for llc-allli t V V V V V V y v V V V V V V V V y t V V V V V V w CHOICE OF HUNDREDS OP THE VERY LATEST MUSICAL AND SONG- HITS BY "WILL ROSSITER." YOU WILL WANT A NUMBER OF THESE COPIES, SO BE HERE EARLY TOMORROW. See the Window reds of Other Special Bargains ---AT THE 130 East Main St. Medford, Oregon , 4 6, , . 6 A i ft A & i, A, t, 4 t 6, ft 4 ft 4 t, t , I ft 4 . 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 t i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 J 4 A 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 t I 4 4 California Irrigated Lands IX SiniHVISlOVS, UO AliSKS AXI) I'PWAUD.S KSV PAYMKNTS TIII'J HOMi: OP ALFALFA, 1HKL ('t)XIDITIONS FOU ORANOKS axo l.n.Moxa. Write us for P.iilii nlars. Dixon Alfalfa Land Co. DIXOX, CALIKORXIA. ' gggMnteiu iipPr 1SHr' 9 , V -J " "" ' --r.- 1911 OPEN ROADSTER, $825.00 Full;, equipped, i". o. h. Medford Four cvrmder, sh.-il'i tlrive, 100-inch heel-h;isc, mag neto ol" course. "1 et us show ou." Ashland 'Motor Car Co. 115 MILL STIUIX ASH I, AXI), ORIS OX. Walter W. Richardson, Medford Representative. Phone 2551. r'l.J'J'.lJJ'.JPJJ..&.JJ!..ttVU-. 7 . . . . . - r rjrv--fl.T-r 4 & -4x-f J I Medford Jobbing- Co. Tin- only exrliiHivo Julltlna- i-oinimnv in Mcilfnni l.t ,.., '"' " ttl h ... ... .- ..... v Sei nu in jour nun' nun jons auiii' ut onto by ommtI uo.u,o ? V V Our Specialties 4 4 4 4 4 4 a, v Clcaiiiiitf, KnMuilned or iwit-rril unll noil calltiitts. 4 I 5 .IX KLKCTRICAIA AWMAXCHS ItliP.MItl.U. V H, ,a,-0 V 4 V thiiritf of Mty tub leu nuiv liato. .ail ,, .... . ...... .. - - . nun i ta it over, n ui.iiM.MH.KSViiaKACriOX IX W'UKK AXU IMtlCKS. 4 2 IMIllXK MAIX 0501. v V V V V 5 M M1.K 111 OCR, V Office: Medford Music Shop I 4 4 444444tr4444!44444. 'S-S4t4m