PAGE THREE SAVINGS DEPOSITS SHOW GREAT GAIN NEW COURTHOUSE BROWN BOOSTS BURRELL TRACT FOR JOSEPHINE, ROGUE VALLEY SELLS FOR $80,000 BALL TEAM SOON TO GRANTS PASS FOR SALE Eighty acres- of tho best land north of Hoguo river; 35 acres in pears; D acres In apples; 11 acres to oats; TO acres to potatoes; 3 1-2 acres to onions, 1 1-2 acres to beets, carrots and pnrsnlps; 2 acres to blackberries and raspberries and 9 acres to grass and ryo pasture This place has no buildings,-' but a fine building spot, with a well of good water, tho entlro place fenced with woven wire; has u deeded wa ter right which waters tho entlro place. This place is for salo for Just one month; purchaser will get tho crop, team, farm wagon, hack, ono and two-horso walking plow, ono 4-horso disc gang plow, ono threo horso sulky plow, drags, harrows, etc. Terms reasonable and price ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. Inquire at Trlbuno offlco or ddress I O. BOX XO. 08 JACKSON VILLE, OHKCSOX. Those Subject to Check Decline Slightly as Compared With One Year Ago Total Deposits in Ore yon Banks Over $100,000,000. VV. B. Sherman Offers to Give Site Travels Back From Denver With A. A. Schuchard of Seattle Is Heavy Local Pill Tosscrs Will Meet Team in Grants Pass Sunday Curly Wilson Will Do the Recclvinu. Act for Mcdford. and Erect $50,000 Building if the County Will Deed Him Site of the Present Frame Buililintj. Traln Load of Colonists and Docs Much Effective Work for City and Valley. Investor, Securinu Nearly 100 Acres of Noted Grove Sale Made by Ware and Olwcll. EDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, anUTFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRTL 13, 1911. SALEM, Or., April 13. Total de posits in bunks of Oregon, both state and natioiinl, on March 7, 1011, ac cording to the latest report of Hank Examiner Will Wright, were $100, (170,882. This is ah increase since March 120, 1010, of $1,780,911. Sav ings deposited equil $'i:i,:5G'2,0!)r and the increase since March, 1010, N $2,'J7!),:i4.'). Deposits subject to check amounted March 7 last to .(i0,'J71, 210, which is a decrease for the year of $322,110. The remainder of the total deposits is made tip of deposits by the state ticasnrer, equaling $038,082, and time and demand cer tificates, equalling more than $17, 000,000. Tlie total lesourccs of all Oregon banks March 7 equaled $142,0.'i J,-70-1, a gain for the period of $ti, 43."i,708. Loans and discounts March 7 last equaled $71,087,774, while on March 20, 1!)10. they equiled $00, 084.0SI. Overdrafts on March 7 equaled $728,107, while a year ago they were $9(iO,(t."S. There was on March 7, $.'i,443,4.'i3 surplus and $2, 14.r),31(i in undivided profits. During the year the number of banks increased from 218 to 238. Of this increase 15 were state, private or foreign banks and five were na tional banks. IS PLEASED WITH CITY Gerald Becbe, a well known busi ness man of Portland, was in Med ford Wednesday on behalf of the hardwaro firm of Deeuo Bros. Hotb .Mr. Bccbo and his wife, who accom panied him, were delighted with the rustling activity and clean appear anco of the town. They wero espec ially Impressed with the great num ber of modern business blocks Just completed or under construction. Mr. Heche said that Medford was noted la Portland for its lively busi ness men, and up-to-date methods of doing business. Ho stated that the stable business men of Portland had no sympathy with the real estate men's knocking of Medford's prop erty values. TOM L JOHNSON IS NEW YOHK, April 13. The body of Tom L. Johnson, former mayor of Cleveland, was burled today In Green wood cemetery, Hrooklyn. William J. Hryan, Henry George. Jr., Lincoln Steffens and Senator Atlee Pomerene of Ohio were among the prominent men, who met the funeral party at tho station. COORT? QUI 'NEW- &&?K New Cases. Hoar Creek Motor Car company vs. Horry Trest; action on account. Smith & Deckwith, attorneys for plaintiff. Margarot Drown vs. Almlra Wil son; action for money. Lincoln Mc Cormack, attorney for plaintiff. CHANTS PASS, Or., April 13. Tho county court; now In session, Is taking up the matter of building a now courthouse. The present court house Ib too smnll for the needs of the county and as the country is rap idly settling up, a new courthouse Is thought to be an absolute necessity. W. H. Sherman, the original booster of Grants Hans, appeared before the court and agreed to furnish a site and build a ?50,000 courthouse It the county would give him the site of the present building, located just at the edge of the business district, occupy ing a .most sightly block. It is quite likely that a special election will be called to voto upon the question of a new building. The city of Grants Pass Is also conteinplatlug the build ing of a new city hall. HOME TELEPHONE EXTENDING LINES The south side of Hast Main street between Cottage and Hoosevelt ave nues is being excavated preparatory to the laying of a cable by the Home Telephone company. A trench is be ing dug just back of the curb line and the pavement has been tapped at tho crossings to allow for excava tion. Quite a force of men is being employed and tho work is rapidly assuming businesslike aspects. This Is only the beginning of an extensive system to bo installed on the East Side by the company. STRAP HANGER HAS RIGHT TO SWEAR INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., April l.",. -Police J ud go Collins made a unique ruling today when ho refused to fine a man arrested for swearing on a crowded street car. Tho prisoner ex plained that he was a "strap-hang- Traveling from the cast in a colo nist train and doing effective boost ing work for the Uogue river valley, Arthur Hrown, publisher of tho Hoguo Magazine, has returned from a brief trip to Denver, Colo., where ho was called by the serious illness of his father. Mr. Hrown states that he induced a number of the hoineseek ers to come to .southern Oregon and that he was never so chagrined in his life as when be reached the statu and in tiie Willamette found snow cover ing the ground. This, he asserts, comes as u retribution on his should ers for so glowingly speaking of the climate of western and southern Or egon. "In tho railroad offices of Denver," slates Mr. Hrown, "I was told that fully 00 per cent of the colonists were unming to Oregon in preference to other states in tho west. Oregon has been wonderfully advertised and all I bad to do was say Oregon and then the questions piled up on me." Ilnsklns for nenlth. Another large tract of the famous Burrcll orchard has been sold, A. A. Schuchard of Seattle being the pur chaser. The deal was consummated some time last week but was not gen erally known until the new owner arrived Wednesday to take posses sion. The tract is said to contain a little less than 100 acres. Twenty-three acres are planted to Spitzcnburg ap ples, and the rest is in pears. The 23 acres has set a record for large production the last few years. The consideration is said to be $80, 000. Tho portion purchased is the south east portion of what remained unsold, several tracts having previously been sold of what was originally an en tire section or 010 acres. Mr. Schuchard was in Mcdford last winter and thinks he has one of the best orchards in the valley. John D. Olwcll of this city and .1. II. Ware of Seattle were prominent in the promotion of the transaction. four I Hull's bunch of pill-lossers and slab artists will journey to Grants Pass Sunday and cross bats with the team .from that place. The lineup will bo the same as in the previous irames except that "Curly" Wilson will do the receiving instead of Hill, who has severed his connec tion with the team. The boys are out for blood and expect to add an other victory to their list. Manager Hull has just refused an offer of a week's series with the Port land team, ns he thinks the city is not large enough to hold public in terest for that length of time. IMIiKS CURED IX O TO II DAYS. PA.O OINTMENT Is guaranteed to euro any of itching, blind, bleeding or protruding plica In C to 14 d.'.ya or money refunded. DOc. FREE! FREE! WATCH THE REXALL STORES n onw wisisiv biwork ioastior MONDAY, MARCH 10, TO SATURDAY, MARCH 15 Medford Concrete Construction Co. Manuf act urers of GLAZED CEMENT SEWER PIPE Notice. There will not be any practice of the Ittithhoue Sisters tonight. Please take notice. 10 "If it's good to eat you'll find it here" WARNER, WORTMAN 6 GORE Grocery Phone 286 Market Phone 281 r4444-4 4 9 s s" rNT 4 Marriage Licenses. O. E. Ulackington and Christina Hall. Josse L. Morgan and Hazol Elsie Hagsdale. Horbort M. Hardy and Vlrglo May Gattwlnkol. William Thomas Llndley and Zella May Geer. Lloyd L. Crocker and Mary A. York. John B. Palmer and Florence A. Bolt. Married. MOnGAN-RAGSUALE In Jack sonville. April S, 1911. by Heury Dox, J. P.. Jomo L. Morgan and Ha zel Elsie Hagsdale. I'roliato Court. Kbtnte John C. Parilow; order ad mitting will to probnto ud appoint ing A. IS. Shepnrd o.x9cutor. I5tato lluldsh Colver; final ac count filed and approved. Ha-.kin& for Health. Open Evenings Don't Delay They Are Going Fast MUSIC CRUSHED ROCK SCREENED GRAVEL Delivered to any part of city. Office: Fruitgrowers' Hank llltl Phone M. O.VJ. Plant North Riverside Phone M. 6091 C. J. SEMON, Mgr. XU A QWP-n for Co,,cre, WAonj!iiJ for nrlck Work SAND for Plastering Summit Addition THE CHOICE RESIDENCE DISTRICT. Great Piano Buying' Opportunity In comparison to values offered at this Opportunity Piano and Organ Sale by the Eilers Music House a First National Bank would have to pay you almost two dollars for every one dollar you have on deposit in order to give you like values for your money. Note Prices. HOW COULD YOU LOSE? fj Think of being able to purchase such high grade pianos as Chickering and Sons, Kimball, ITallet and Davis, Lestei Smith and Barnes, J Tnd doriT, Auto Player Pianos, in fact we have the cream of the market to offer you. J This, "the biggest occasion in (he way of little prices," WHICH IIAVR 13RKX SLAUGHTER ED WITHOUT .MERCY, and littlest payments, for really fine, warranted, high-grade Pianos, ever witnessed in Jackson county. REMEMBER . that tho EILERS MUSIC HOUSE is the only house agreeing to refund your money if we fail to suit you with a piano. One hundred dollars in gold to charily if the outstanding manufac turing cash award cheeks are not worth their face value at this sale, or if we raise our regular printed established prices one penny. All improvements in. Street paved. Cement side walks. Sewer and city water to the lot line. Building restrictions. Only i'our blocks to the new Jackson school. East front lots $850 West front lots . $725 Easy Terms. W. T. York & Company Selling Agents. PJHHh!0 J. B. ENYART, Prealdont J. A. PERIIY, Vlco-rresident V. 13. MERRICK, Vlco-Prcnldant JOHN S. ORTH. Cuuhlor W. B. JACKSON, ABs't Cashlor. I The Medford National Bank Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL HANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Wo SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. 4f4f ftWKlMMM HARRY LUY BENJ. M. COLLINS County Seat Real Estate Office Wo wish to luiuotinco to prospective purchasers that wo still havo bargains In farm and city propory to offer you, also ttmbor and wood lands. LaHt, but not least, n fow of tho BEST STOCK AND ALFALFA RANCHES In Southern Orogon at prices and torms that will plcnso you. Thoso ranches havo an abundanco of water for Irrigation, good buildings andsomo stoclc. Lot us "show you." Offlco In Bank of Jacksonville Bldg., Jacksonville, Oregon. LUY (El COLLINS I Campbell & Baumbach :; MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, HTTV AWTl KflTTOnT. "RIYNmn Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranched and fruit land. i PHONE323I. 320 GARNETT-COREY BLDtf. -44 HOUSE Next Medford Mail Tribune Bldg. "AMOUREUX 99 Royal Belgian Stallion will be at the WEST SIDE STABLES alternating weeks during the season. FIRST WEEK BEGINS APRIL 1, 1911. Second week at Brownsboro; third week at West Side Stable. "AA10KEAUX" carries threo sots of papers and breeders will do well (o eall and seo him. m rj-a.T 1