PXGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OK K( IOX. TI I URKDA Y, AVJUL 13, 191.1. I 1 I PAGE SIX Says portI IS OUR ' ' j$.. Chairman of Publicity the Portlnntl Comm ' " Visitinn McilfonlI no(iic Valley. 1 Thai the Portland O feolB very friendly to and tlmt Medford !b u break at the hand of statement of G. K. .To niariiiKer of Sherman, hiiirinnn of tho puhl' i.r tin Portland folium is lsltliiK Mcdford f l.iokliiK ufter the Inlor i:inv iii llila fluid a luidvlnx Into tho roiior i not getting a sipiat l.ind. Wo fool vary frl Mcdford, ' Htntua Mr. iill reports to tho col Mcdfoid Kt8 ovory tho club oxtondw to ui of the Htnto. Tho Po ci.il dub ha been ad tire utaie. and I feol tlon Unit Medford la Inati'l nKulnut I ci.uno, othur auction colonlntH. hut that Ih haw- not taken an n the dlhioltlon of th Uhv reach Portland COMMITTEE PLAC FOR WASHINGTON, re limn Iiiit'orty m the irrigation nnd inF. ami Ilawley on llio l..lnr coinmittuoa in oniniiltcoH today. Senator Chainlior! loil.iv liy lli" ohicl' " i nil llixliy, Hint Hid Oregon, wonM lie ha ricr .June, 10, lo rim lwcn llnudon und The (reiiHiiry le cepted the joint oll'i luooL mid .1. A. Nc cr.il liuililintr hito ( S-lt. plit-ii- and Ciihh lor -10,000, for u i V. 1 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Tho regular annual meeting of the congregation of the First Prosbyte rlun church of Mcdford will bo held Friday, April 1 1. Lunch for all will bo served in tho reading room nt 0:30 p. in. A pood soclnl tlino for everybody. HuhIuphu meeting at 8 o'clock, when reports will bo heaid nnd officers elected. All members of tho church and all inoinbcrs of tho oliurch and all members of tho con gieKiUlon and all Interested In our church are reiiuested to be present. From the session of the church. Two and one-half acres In airalfa ono tullo south of Washington school, easy terms. A. W. II. Kvorhard, 21'J Fruitgrowers' Hank bldg. If A. C. Mooro and wife of Los An geles arrived yesterday for a visit In Alodfottl. Tho Cartwrlght company i endured n choice program before a largo au dience at tho Methodist Kpiscopal church Tuesday evening. Ventura people stand ready to declare It ono of the finest organizations of first class entertalneis In existence. Dally Free Press, Ventura, Cal., Feb. 1, ! 1 1 . Hear them. Natatorluin, April 11), 1 1)1 1. Harry L. (ilbson. abend or Arn old's shows, was In Medford today trying to book the attract Ion. Tho most favored people on the coast are tho Medford people. They have tho Medford .lobbing company to look after all of their little odd jobs, repair tholr electrical appliances and clean their walls and ceilings. Medford Jobbing Co., offlco Medford MiihIq Shop, St. Mark's block. Phono Main C501. 3 30 Mrs. Worrall or fhlco, Cal., Is vis iting with friends In Medford. 1, allies, phono 0371 and have vacuum cleaner come and clean your rugs. ,. W. I). Van Ho Vanlor of Seattle is In Medford on business today. Alfinoy to loan. Spraguu Bros., !!H Farmers He Fruitgrowers Hank lildg. 337 II. Van Ilalvlnhiirg of Sains Valley was an over-night visitor with .Med ford friends. Spring Is here. It Is hoiisecleaulng time. Have those walls and ceilings cleaned by tho Medford Jobbing Co.'s now Parisian process. Nothing like It. Office Medford .Music Shop, St Mark's block. 330 Flue watch repairing and engrav ing at II. T. Van He Car's, Phlpps building. 1!) Do you want It lots nnxi-lR each, for $2fi00 on easy terms? C. W. II Kvorhurd, 21-' Fruitgrowers Hank bldg. Flue crystal steel blue diamond, weighing 2 1-10 K(.. at $2.20 a ICI. 11. T. Van Do far. Phlpps bldg. Ill Printing of all kinds at Portland prices. Mall Tribune office. The regular iiuuunl meeting of the First Presbyterian church will be bold at the church Frlda evening. Dinner aorveil hI 0:30 p, m. In chapel. Ilus lucss meet lug begins at S p. in. All members of congiegatlon and sym IwlhUors of the church work are In vited to attend Friday ,oenln. April J I. Aladv In Medford, any style loose loaf or blank hook, at Mull Tribune fflco. II. I). Chink 111 of the Dupoiil Pow der rotnpnny, who conducted the demonstration Wednesday on the lands of the Hogue lUver Valley Ca nal company, left this morning for his home In 8nn Francisco. Is your liotiso wired? One cigar loss a dn v,ould ia for a hundred lier cent lacreusw In comfort. Start living the electric life. M f. Whlttiikcr or Portland is In Medford looking over the Intul sit nation, Ashland 8tcni l.nundry, Medford office, phone No. 1201. .1. A Peiiii of Kurekn stopped In this city for a few hours this morn ing. Medford local Socialist party niowts oery RuinUy night at 7: SO st Hm! Ih'o hall on North UmH street. lCveryhody ItiMted tf. M f WhiKler ir Klani.ilh K.tll-. Iniiih.ii led liiiwliieHN In Medford to day Weeks & McGowan Co. ITNDKUTAK10RS I In j Phone '2H71 Night Phones Weeks 1071. . K. Orr. iNIPil. l.l)V SSISI.ST. H. II. Fenm of Frankl'n, Pa., was an arrival at the Nash today. The prize shooting contest nt the Natatorluin rifle rniigo is getting In teresting and finite a number will have to shoot off the Ho for first place. If you could buy a tioine nlready furnished ready to move into with nil imodern conveniences nnd In a good locality for $1000 loss than you could possibly build and furnsh for, would you bo Interested? Address Box 190, this city. The Alarkliains, who have been playing nt the Pgo theater for some time, left this morning for Chlco, Cal. Miss (lladys Mlddleton Is the new vaudeville attraction. Special embroidery sale at dray & Moo's Friday and Saturday. Miss F.tliol furry' has returned to her duties of cashier at Hutchison's iV- I.uinsden's store. To all cement werkers: Take no tice. The charter for tho Cement Workers' Union of this city and vi cinity will be closed on nnd after May 7th. Better join while you enn do so as a charter member. C. W. Davis, secretary. 19 , P. minor, president or the Ashland commercial college, spent a few hours In .Medford Wednesday evening. Big values in embroideries at Gray & Men's Friday and Satuiday. Arthur Drown returned Wednes day from Denver, where he has been ror the last ten days at the bedside of his father, who is seriously 111. House for sale Less than cost. Lot for sale, $400 under regular price. Lot for sale, $fi0 cash, and terms. Address II. Carr, AInll Tribune office. A. II. Fisher and O. W. King of Phoenix were business Isltois In Medford Wednesday. Free Thursday, Friday and Sat urday. A ladles' handkerchief with each oiinco of perfume purchased at the Uaglo Pharinncy and West Side Pharmacy. 2 1 J. A. Caldwell left yesterday for Siinnyslile, Wash. Mrs. J. A. Field, a daughter or that place, Is seriously 111 and an operation Is necessary. Free $3.00 lace handkerchief. Watch the windows. Fagle Pharmacy. West SIdo Pharmacy. 21 F. f. Hlllott Is unable to attend to business at the Paiilorlum today, be ing confined to his homo by a alight illness. Say, luivo you seen those nifty handkerchiefs? Ask the Roxall man. 21 "A word to the wise" Free hand kerchiefs at The Hexall Stores. 21 Big values In enibiolderles at (J ray H Aloe's Friday and Satuiday. Late niagnrdnoH, periodicals and pa pom at the free reading room In chap el back of the Presbytorlan church. Open evenings from 7:00 to 10 p. in. All nion nnd hoys nro Invited. tf John !!. Carkln, attorney nt law, over Jackson County hank. See It. A. Holmes, The Insurance Man, over Jnckson County bank. Do you want ,r acies in alfalfa. ne miles south of Main street, cheap? C. W. II. i:erhard, 212 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg. Special eiiilnoldery sale at (Jrav Aloe's Frlda and Satunlav. si y e NEW BURGLARS ENTER BfTULiTMIC FOR WEEKS&M'GM'S; fiORTH YAKIMA HIGH POWER LI Force Entrance Throujjh Rear Doors Extensive Street Improvements pro- Harry E.' Foster With Party of Ten ami Attempt to Open Safe Little vltletl for In Two of the City's Best 1 Men Locating Route for Line to Districts Warren Construction Company Given Contract. Damanc Is Done hy Marauders Keys Are Missing. JOHNSON'S GIFT OF GAB SHORTENS HIS SENTENCE S.N KUAXflSCO, Cal.. April Hi Jack JoIiimou'n gift of mih ioin cut down hi '." iln.i ,iui xfiitcucc lor aiilouiohile scorching. When the piiKel'igliter was hroimhl up in Judge Trcuilwcir court lo he rc--eiileiiced iinl lined lllll for a former offense, he iiiiule a long m,a ;,v ilu.r(.N, "I think 1 had enough ol tlu juil, Mill liouonli; I ilonu like it nohow," Johnson pleaded. "I miess I'm ciircil 1 dou'l maud pujiiitf this $100 if you nll only fiit down iny term. I dou'l like to stav in jail over Hauler, fiui'l uu see yoii wn.v clear, judge, to Mini me loose f" Ami the judge .I'M'eed lo, Hasklus for Health. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY f .4...4.4 llllillt'll !'l I, HI.I.-IU ,' NlliH Kl'l Hl'lllllll I ills m. ik. sum t'U-ctliu taforu 1 llnll'o l ) III BUllI 4 mr-t. JOHN A. PERL I'ndi'i taker mid rinlmlmcr s Buccesaoi i ilu- tin, lei taking de j partnient of Medfoid Furiiltuie l'o JOfflie Willi Mcdronl 1.'iiiiiUiiih Co. j I (K KKN'T ,'vmotn bouse and liain "ii N. liiM'i-idc. PhouuT-ll. Telephones l)a. Hell 8& I. ? John A Pei I, lesldeme, Hell Mil, J ;iioiu 17HL X V W foakllu 3001. j. u. Hut-i ;ler 3571. 5 Htll.V(i: KHKVIflB I'oK S.M.K I'keil piano in i'irnl .l,i- t-otuliiioii at the cottage. 001 W. nnli t. i9 WTKI) To exchange Cor iroHr u 111 1.11s Angele. Sauls An or Sun Diego, fal.. a ivsidencf prop en m Ahlanil. Or., near bnmes 1 nler .ilue J'.'tIO; equity iMUOll Ad.lref, 1. Hos 113, Ahtand( Or- ejfun, 21 A suspect, who rfifusos to give his iiuine, with lacerated hands, Is lodged In the city jail today following the attempted burglarizing of Humph rey's gun store Monday night and tho entering of Weeks & McGowan's fur niture establishment. Tho attempt On IIuniphroyH was frustrated by threo young men who hnppened to ho In the rear of tho ntoro at tho time and who took a shot at tho midnight marauders, without hitting them, however. . - About U: lo Tuesday night, Irwin White, who Is employed by Mr. Hum phrey, and two friends, Paul Schiller and Frederick Heath, were sitting In a small room In the rear of the store when they heard someone talking In tho alley. White has boon In tho habit of sleeping In it nmall bedroom behind the salesroom, and lip and his companions had Just come from a game of billiards when they hoard the disturbance. Tho lights were quickly turned out and all kopt unlet and awaited devel opments. ,, Kroni the conversation of the rob bers, there were Judged to be three In tho party, and noon the roar door was subject to tholr attention. One of the party tried to Insert a skeleton key, but the regular door key was In the keyhole and he was unable to do so. After shaking the door and evidently confident Hint they were unobserved, one of their number was boosted to the window sill und preparations made to break the glass. Tho shadowy form of the Intruder could be seen feeling over tho wln doNv glass and White, who by this time had secured a revolver, niado up his mind that matters had gone far enough, and took a pot shot at him. Hie bullet striking the window ledge but a few Inches from whero tho burglar was standing. As the bullet was fired from a sharp angle, an Inch further to the right would in all probability have brought the man down. Dropping iroin the sill, the man and his companions made a wild dash through tho alley and escaped. railing over laddeis ami boxes in their night, and making a great racket. Night Officer flncado was imme diately notified and after some s 'arch noticed a suspicious looking character skulking about town and after stalking It 1 111 for some tlmo inan aged to land him In a cell at tho city hall. .Mori- complications were added to the case this morning when Mr. Mor dortf of I ho Wolff &. Mordorfr Kur il Hiiro company discovered that the rear doors of the Weeks . Mcf.ow 1111 furniture store had been broken In. fining to the back of his store about 7 o'clock this morula, ho no ticed the glass In the doors of Weeks .McCiownn to be broken, and upon linestlgation found threo suitcases, one In the alley and two hidden In a ilrv uoods how Wilbur AIIIIIkhii. who Is In (ho em ploy of Weeks & McHowan. notified the proprietors over the telephone. Hpou iinostiKUtinn the dial of the wife was found to be spattered with blood and blood hIiiIiih were found on tho broken glass doors. One of tho burglars evidently had secured a loveio wish In breaking the glass Outside of the three suitcases noth ing was touched. Mr. Weeks was In the store at 10 o'clock and noticed nothing unusual. and Mr McUowau peered Into the into shortly after mldulxht, but could see no signs of disturbance. l'he seem to think that the store 1 was broken Into early this morning. ' but Mr. Humphrey U lucllnod to) ihluk that the deed occurred befoiel 1 o'clock and that the thieves iu-' tended to fill the suitcases with guns' and Niiiiuiiultlon from hU store. ' A close eamlntlon of the man1 hi rested Ism night dlarloioc the fact that both his hands are badly lscer nted tlirouuli con tret with some Jag ged wdgo. suc: is a luoheii door 01 window glass l'nou being questioned, he told two different tales at to how his Injurie. wr receheU. fnou his arrest last' niilht he stated that he had had .t fight AHh a Southern Pacific con ductor on a train at Hnrnbrook Cal bin when questioned by Chief Hltson this morning said that he had been thrown off a train several miles thin Id of Hornbrook. II could offei no explanation of h he Hat In Med- NOItTH YAKIMA, Wash., April HI. Carry Juice from Prospect to Gold Ray. I lurry K. Foster in efuinje- ol 11 By unnnlnions vote tho council last p,,,.. ul- 0 R, Parted today lo sin- vey llie route for the new Juj;h powei line which is lo he constructed lrom Gold Kay to Prospect for the inirpoc of transmit lin-' the power to lie gjn- eruled hy the new plnnt lo he con structed at Prospect this summer h the Kog-uu licr Klcclrie company ol which Colonel Frank Hay is the con t rolling owner. Mr. Foster will locale 11 line from Hold Hay to Prospect ocr the short est loul most udvutitiigeous mule. night awarded the contract to the Warien Construction company of Portland, Or., for the laying of bltu llthlc pavement and the construction of concrete sidewalks, curbs and gut ters In the WcbI Yakima Improve ment district and the Pleasant ave nue Improvement district. The War ren Construction wnt, the lowest bid der on both Jobs and the totnl cost will bo close to Siri.ooo. Tho adoption of bltullthlc pave ment in North Yakima was the result of cnreful Investigation by tho coun oll In various cities of the northwest wlieto bltullthlc bus been laid from ope to eight yeais. Hast year North Yakima laid some brick jukI asphalt pavements, neither ot which canio up to expectations. Active work on the now improve ments will begin at once. Mrs. Dcano's Funeral. CURTIS GUILD NAMED AMBASSADOR TO RUSSIA WASHINGTON'. D. C. April l.f. President Tnfl twlnv sent to the scu ttle the tinines of Curtis Guild, jr., former governor of Massachusetts to he nmhiis-tjulnr to lusin. and ot William W. Hockhill, at present nm hiissador to Hussiii, to he amhassa doV to Turkey. Tho fttnernl of Mrs. Artemiis Donne was hold at 1 o'clock Wednesda ynft ernoon from Perl's undertaking par-' lors, and many of her former friends were In attendance. Main beautiful floral offerings were In evidence, one beautiful piece being ordered by Mrs. Hemic s moth er from Philadelphia, sho being un able to attend. Hev. Lucas delivered the last rites and Interment was In .Jacksonville cemetery. Free lee teres Professor Knox president of Men al Science Col ege, Seattle, will jive four lectures .t Angle opera aoiise this week. April 1 I, 15, 10. n5fnralirKSr The pallbearers were: N. O Mc- MSwftaCW't? l''ldny night Howell, W. II. Keardon, II. L. Neal, "How to Cure II. N. Mow, S. C. Hdiueades and WM'ovcrU " Siuirdin night, "Educa A. Koblns. tiou of the C liild. .Sunday, I! p. 111 I' freed, m of Women '. 5 p. 111., "Law Ilnsklns for Health. WMarHMnBunmuMi of Mental Healing MARINELLO Jllilik WSrfflJ MEANS MERIT The Woman Who Knows 1 hi wni'iaii who knows what's what in the enliaui eineni and puservutiou of her beant is the woman who does not e.xpiriuient with her hair or com p'i I011 she knows that at MARINELLO SHOPS she will lecehe the expert and scientific treatments that have made Hie name Mariuello so famous . She Miows that .Muriucllo cosmetics are made ot the purest materials by skilled Chemists. Appointments maj bo made by Telephoning 111 Oil CALL ING AT 1100M '.. OVUU KLWTNIJIt'S. CORA E. UTLEY (IKWIH'ATIO MAKIXKLLO OI'KIfATOU. Medford Iron WorKs E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. Horse Shoeing and General Blacksmithing HV lirfill IMXIOTT, the noted horse sdiocr.. I carry the largest .stock aiid keep nothing but toe best mechanics and guarantee till work. Wv Make 11 specialty of sholng driving horses. Comer ltlverside and Kighth streets, l'lioue Home ill). Pacific tit 01. Pure Flour If oii hao been n user of this famous hard wheat flour you win not cue to wfsto time with new brnnds. This flour hns been sold In Medford and vicinity for yeais nnd hundreds of the best fami lies kii"w that it is almost perfect for all kinds of baking. The know It Is sold at 11 reasonable price and every sack guaranteed or money back. If you are dissatisfied with your flour, try "Pun White." a Hour that most all old residents know by experience to )0 first-Mafes. If you iloit't like It you don't lost1 a cent. 01 The ilium' good qualities proven for this cofree has won a b..a siiMmimI frirnds. Grocery wxe i'2 HOl'TII CHNTHAIj AVKiNTK. Make a Selection of our small cakes nnd specialties and you'll have u collection of as tempting and toollisomo' dainties us were ever set before n kin-. Don't bo too late coming for yours, liow ovcr. Vo can never seem to bake enough no mutter how many extra wo bnke fresh daily. Medford Bakery (Si. Delicatessen TOI)I) CO. SOUTH CHNTKAIj avilntt HOMI2-MADE PIRS AND PASTRY LADY COOK IN CHARGE. BUILDING SPECIALTIES COMPANY sum xwm?tX'&AfSs r.n XOUTII II.XHTLKTT ST. A full line of Mixed Paints. Leads. Oils and Varnishes. Complete stock or Cabot s" Creosote Shingle Stains. Wood Tints, Dry Paints and Kai-u-nilnes. Call ut tho Sign of tho Sun and get our prices. :j:: north iiartlutt sr. California Irrigated Lands IN SriHMVISlOXS, 'M ACRKK AND L'PWARDS KASY PAY.MKNTS TIIK 1IOMIJ OF ALFALFA. IHHAL CONDITIONS FOR ORANGES AND LEMONS. Write us for Particulars. Dixon Alfalfa Land Go. DIXON, CALIFORNIA. s jtt:.ts. '... .J FORD 1911 TORPEDO ROADSTER, $875.00 Willy equipped, J, o. b. Mcdford Fonr-c Under, shaft drive, 100-iiioli wheel-b-ise, in.it,' nelo ol course. hot us show you." Ashlapd Motor Car Co. m:j mill stupf.t, ashlaxd, oi;e gox. Walter W. Richardson, Medford Representative. Phone 2551. ff444tfCW4..tfCtf4.Wtff.r.tf,tf V i ; v ford at tho time of hit arrest. Nictdy furnished front HI .HU S. Ivy t lt)TI('l TO URAL USTATIJ MEN, TOR UK NT bed lootu. I'hoi Main ;ihl. -1 l'u ItKST Two i - i..Tl wuhiis -inlilble t'nr ' ' Ii ii LNDilii: V v , V V V 52 Years in Rogue River Valley H. L. White & Co. Main st. Ashland, Ore. REAL ESTATE Ask any Bank in' Ashland -jxprp-rr,r.Aj;vriffifrJi,r,r,,, ' Medford Jobbing Co. ! The only inclusive Jobl.l,,- coni1Miny l Mcilfonl nliero you can get all of your little oild Jobs done nt onco by expert nnrkmen. i t V A J it f i v v t Our Specialties Cleaning KaMmliii.,1 or pai.ercd wills and ruiUns. ALL KLi:CTlUCALs APPLIANCES ItlilMlltKI). We uill tko charge of any Job yr.u may i,vi., call us up and talk It over. VVI5 mUUAXTISR SATISFACTION IX WOIHv AND Villi VS. I'HO.VB 31AIX (1501. 2 Office: Medford Music Shop ST. MlltKS IH.OCIC. 4 Take n.v propit off jour list. llaiklus for HwHltb. i modem. Ii.uli; no cliiklren. ft 13 S. H.. x ji V " to ii. 4 44444l444t411l4-444Mf44,l4t44