Km ,' "H 4 PAGE SIX lyfEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE, arRDFOllD, OREO OX. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 12. 1911. AYS PORTLAND S n p t Chnirman of Publicity Committee of the Portland Commercial Club is Visitinn Mcclfortl Is Stronti for Rojjiic Valley. ATTEMPTS TO S13 EGGS LAID BY If VALLEY ROB A DRUNK1 35 HENS; 31 DAYS CAR GRADERS PLANNED AT IT A6AIN That tlio Portland Coiiitiiorclal club feeln vury frfemlly toward this city anil that Medfonl Is get ting an ovon break at the liandR of that club Is the olHteinenl of G. F. Johnson, general manager of Slioriiinn, Clay & Co. and i linlrnian of the publicity committee i tlio Portland Commercial club, who is visiting Medford for a few duyn ((king after lli Inlereata of hl coin 1 1; i v In llila fluid and Inuldontally looking into tlio rojiorta that Mudford i . not getting a HMjiuro deal In Port laud. Ji "Wo fool vory friendly toward Medford, ' Hlatos Mr. Johnson, "and ,ill reports to the contrary aro falao. Mfdford gets ovcry nilvantago that the club oxtcndH to any othor suction of i ho state. The Portland Coininer dub has been advertising tho en tire Htate, and I feol that tho accusa tion that Medford la IioIiik dlscrlm inatid agatuut Is most unfair. Of couie, oilier sections aro after the colonists, but that Is their affair. We haw not taken an active Interest In the disposition of the colonists after the reach Portland." Such is Charge Placed Against' Local Fancier Has Chicks Which Go Plans on Foot to Put Big Auto in Field to Take Sightseers About the Valley to Various Points of Inter est at Reasonable Charge. Roomer at Seattle Lodging House Is Thrown Into Jail to Await Action. The Kenltlu rooming house on South Front .street was ilia scene of a mild soiiMition WedneMluy wliuu an alleged attempt of one roomer lo pick Hie pockclH of another was made Some in the Egg Laying Line Rogue River Leads the World as Usual. Nine Hundred and thirteen eggs from ;ij pullets in .'!1 days. That's A "seeing the Koguc Klvcr valley" auto stage will he placed In operation Big Machine on Jackson Street Re sumes Work After Short Delay Owing to Weather Conditions Curb and Gutters Soon to Be Laid. lie imoHi rccuni in the egg lino injlllls 8Iimmur ,f Ul(i ,,,,, of ,, s he Ifogue river valley, am! was iimelo,SWtfnlltril of tho 1ncIfle Molor coin. by liens owned hy S. . Neall on lliul ,,.. ,lf ,,,,.. ...... I . -t iii J fill il I 11 II i t i"n "i iuo uji m; nut ftw unuu,. h iijiJi4ir unit uiuuirB j iiiii, uiu uiu jiuruy pjiu.'U u, UUML till 111 COMMITTEE PLACES F0R0REG0N MEN WASHINGTON, April I2.Oi rc siuan La forty hccurcd jilnees on tlie irrigation and mileage committees, mill Ilawley on the agricultural mid lnhirr committees in the election f committees today. .Senator Cltaiuherlaiu was notified lod.iy hy Hie eliief of eiigiiicers, (Icn- nil llixby, that Hie hydraulie dredge Oregon, would be sent to the ('oiiiillo ncr Juno 10, to remove the shoal lie tuccti Haudoii and Prosper, The treasury department has ae-ci-pli'd the joint offer of I). . Sluim lui'ol; mid J. A. Newland for a fed eral building site on the corner of Stephen mid Cass direct, ltcmeliinvr, lor -f Ki.OlK), for a new federal build in .. vieiim, nail neon staying mere lor a few days and that Alike Cayne, the oilier man in the ease, often eamo lo see him. This morning both went lo Hall's room and appeared to have been drinking, Hall especially being under the influence of liquor. 'Some loud talking ensued and Williams, the proprietor nail J. Uoud, a rooui"r, went to investigate, arriving in time lo see Coyne going through the other man's pockets. Hall was stupid from drinking and could make no re sistance. Williams ran for a policeman and according to Mr. Dotid, Cayne re placed some of the money and left the place. Chief Hitlsou answered the call mid found Cuyue in a saloon under the roouiiu ghoitse and placed him under arrest. Some resistance was offered hy Cayne mid the chief was compelled lo use force. A warm ul charging Cayne with larceny has been issued and lie will he sent over to Jacksonville for street. Tuesday the .Mail Tribune pub lished an egg story from Klamath Falls, mid the local fancier thought thai country should be shown up, n in came the following letter: To the Hdiler: I see by ut even ing's paper that you seem well pout ed in regard to what Klmnatli Falls can do with chickens. Hut you prob ably do not know what .Medford, the itlwiil spot for chickens, is doing; nor can you tell what she will do in the Aside from making tours of the valley with persons who wish to view the orchards, the big car will make reg ular trips four times a day to Jack sonville. Mr. Steenstrup states that he be lieves that a largo mi tuber of people will tulco advaatago of a trip about tho valley, especially those who seek future investments, but who do not care to be Influenced by real estate men while viewing It. The car he has in mind Is a huge 20-passenger machine. The trips to Jacksonville The graders for the Clnrlc-Henery Construction company ' recommenced work this morning on Jackson boule vard after being delayed for a day by stormy weather. Much progress is being made and the curb and gutter gangs aro expected to start work on that street in the near future. Meanwhile the plant on South Cen Itral avenue Is being thoroughly over hauled and all of Its bearings and 'machinery put in running order so that when the season opens properly there will be no delay in getting the "hot stuff out. Two large mixers for the concrete baso are ready to start and as soon as the curbs and gutters are laid work will start fin ishing Jackson streot. if the weather clears and there nro no more delays on account of soft streets the work will be done rapidly from this time forward. Raps Suffrage. GKEEXWICH. Conn., April 12. In a letter today to the woman suf frage committee of the Connecticut assembly, Mrs. McDonald Thompson takes a rap at the woman suffrage followers. "Woman suffragists divide natur ally into two classes," bhrIcI I Thompson. "Those who have troble with their husbands and th who aro looking for trouble." . r-rri Isms Break Love. WASHINGTON, 1). C, April 12 In a difference of religious beliefs found the explanation hero toddy the formal breaking of tho engai ment of Miss Cecilia May and Kolx Huron. Junior son of the Amerlc ambassador to France. The Mays are Roman Catholics a the Paeons objected to any agreeme that children of the marriage shou be broimht un In that faith. A wet ago It was announced thnt tho nut rlage would be postponed, but tho ei gagement was really terminated thei It! s reported that young Bacon ' planning a European trip. Hnsklns for Health. Inline .astlie posibililies-nre so great w, ,. for thc. 1)Ilr,oti(. ()f taking care inai neappie, iiiepcnran.l tliegrapcjof lllc, )M1Hiess ni0 wi, nru ! will have to divide honors with the IlWaltIng transportation before mak cliicken. Let me tell you just oucK tJl(ll. ll0IU , tat BCl.tion nml mmg nooui my pni.ei: i;iirmg llie ,i0n,, business In Medford. Speechless for Thanks. Menu, Ark. "I find Cardul to bo all you represent," writes Mrs. II. 11. York of this city. "I suffered from womanly ailments for nearly' two years before I tried Cardul. I have been so relieved since taking It, I cannot say enough In Its praise. It has done me a world of good, and I recommend Cardui to all women." Cardul Is over 50 years old, and the demand Is greater today than over. Cardul Is the standard, tonic medi cine for women of every age. Would you like to be well and strong? Then take Cardul. Its record uhows that It will help you. lleglu today. Why Waif ? mouth of iMareh I received I) III eggs from :i" working pullets." Of course there are others who are doing oven better than this, in fact I expect to do better myself as I am only a begin ner. IJut figures, in this cne. eggs, talk. As to iiiality, these eggs weigh 21 ounces per dozen, two ounces trial. ! heavier than rcmiired bv (he eastern Hlaiidard. These pullets and their complete record can be seen by walk ing out lo the old Harvey jilace on West Main street. S. V. NKAI.L. FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY Homes any part of city Lots wholesale and retail MOOR-EHNI CO. 212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg V . i "The Popular Drug Store" Med ford Pharmacy Phone Main 101, Day or Night. Call Near Post Office Before Cutting. TAKE UP A CLAIM G. A. R. Meets. FItlOSNO. Cal., April 12. With more than 1000 delegates and mem bers of affiliated orders present, tho (!. A. It. encampment of tho depart ment of California and Nevada has aero. No cultivation, opened here. Three thousand other I Improvement required visitors aro on hand to help the vet erans celobrate. Department Commander Hawk call ed the convention to order at 1 1 o'clock today. Every citizen, man or woman has a timber and stono right of 1G0 acres, prlco to tho government $2. CO per resldeuco or I have about twon,ty-flvo claims to locate, see me and have a talk, this laud Is worth $20.00 per acre. Call or write. A. It. HALING, Itoom ill Jackson County I tunic Itiillillng. .118 Hawkes Cut Glass After Cutting. rfttllillrf No piece with out this Trade (St Mark on it la genuine. HAWKES to make the EASTER TABLE LOOK BEAUTIFUL. The largest and finest as rtnient of the latest designs and latest cutting ever shown in Medford. MARTIN J. REDDY, the Jeweler. Near P. 0., Medford, Ore. s s s s s s s s s s s s I s s s s s s s s s s s s s s ? t- Ihis hing to Interested Piano Buyer? A SAVING OF DOLLARS AND CENTS WILL ALWAYS APPEAL TO ANY KEEN, SKREWD BUSINESS MAN OR WOMAN. WHEN VE RELATE TO THE ABOVE WE HAVE BUT THIS TO SAY, WE ARE THE ONLY DIRECT FACTOR-TO-HOME DISTRIBUTORS OF THE WORLD'S BEST PIANOS AND PLAYER PIANOS AT THE LEAST POSSIBLE EXPENSE TO EACH INDIVIDUAL PURCHASER, IN SOUTHERN OREGON. - .,'.4--4rs 4 -04 4 r ss We Have the Cleanest Line of Pianos That lias Ever Been Shown in Southern Oreg'on to $125.00 on a PIANO or any other city in the world, and aw ihallt'itgc a comparison when it comes to iiinlit and price and fairness of doing InMiiess with the general public. We do lint believe in conducting these get-rich-1 1 in- k schemes, that tit all times claim to lie nixing something for nothing as a bail In the inexperienced piano buyers. J Listen pi me, citizens of the Koguc L'iv ir Valley and vicinity: We have lixed right here in your midst for the last si; we have spent thousands of dollars toward the upbuilding of this glorious spot, the finest on earth. Isn't it to xottr interest when UfcS-jfc You Can Save From $100.00 44 4 4 of the same quality to spend your money where you aro guaranteed fair treatment and no schemes proposed .? J We will honestlv give vou more for vour dollars and cents when it comes to real piano quality, and we are game enough to challenge every piano concern on the face of the earth to disprove our claims. We have just received a carload of most beautiful unstained quality Sterling Pi anos that over adorned a salesroom, and we cordially invite you to inspect them before you make a selection elsewhere, and if you don't do this you just take away from your bank account $100.00 and give it to the other fellow. Our celebrated lino consists of tho following fino Pianos and Player Pianes: Chickoring Bros., Apollo, Sterling, Laffarguo Player Pianos. j Wo soil Pianos, Wo Time Pianos, Wo Rent Pir nave no rents to contona witn, ana tins is wny wo save you muuuy uu uiai x-iaiio. Ivor Pianos, 4-4-4-44 s & Pond, A M MePhail, Sterling, Laffargue, Huntington, Mendelssohn' m iuwu u viw mi, puuM uiwiuuss 01 buuLiiem uregon. Kemember that we Our Wholesale and Retail Ware rooms are located at corner 10th and Oakdale Avenues Three blocks south from the Washington School. on We Save You $100.00 any Piano you wish to buy. & JP t V wn nnTiirnT " rrimniriiii 1 1 t . W MMMMIMM